Professional drawing on paper christmas.


Christmas days are always filled with a sense of fairy tale and magic. This holiday is awaited not only by children, but also by adults. And how nice it is for parents to receive a handmade greeting card from children's hands. You can make a Christmas card with your child or on your own - it will certainly become a good gift not only for relatives, but also for friends and work colleagues.

How to draw a Christmas card?

Initially, it may seem that it is not so easy to do. However, if you dream up a little and make an effort, you can create a real masterpiece from an ordinary sheet of paper with pencils and paints. First you need to decide what size the postcard will be, what its design and composition will be. Most often, they take a simple landscape sheet, bend it in half - and the basis for the future postcard is ready. The front sheet is decorated with a pattern or crafts, and an ornament is also usually applied to the back. Inside, you can write a beautiful congratulation, paste in several decorated elements, or simply paint with drawings. Usually, angels, a decorated Christmas tree, or pictures from biblical stories are chosen for the Christmas theme. The first step is to sketch the drawing.

What to do?

How to draw a Christmas card step by step? As mentioned above, first we prepare the necessary material and the objects with which we will draw. The second step is a sketch of the drawing, which will be the main one. Let's say for the front side of the card we chose a decorated Christmas tree with gifts next to it. First, you will need to draw any Christmas cards with a pencil - this way we will avoid unnecessary spades or uneven edges (if, for example, we draw with paints right away). It is best to choose a pencil marked TM - that is, not very hard (so as not to leave furrows on the sheet), but not too soft (it will smear and stain the drawing). Do not press too hard on the stylus - if the line is wrong, it will be difficult to erase without leaving a trace. We draw the outline of the Christmas tree - three triangles of different sizes, under the bottom (largest) - a rectangle (stump). Near the stump we sketch several squares of different sizes. It is best to draw them not in a straight sequence, but a little randomly (with a slope, on top of each other), then the drawing will look much more interesting.

Stage two

So, the first and main step is made. Consider further how to draw a Christmas card in stages. Now we need to decorate each Christmas tree triangle by adding spruce paws to it. To do this, we draw small lines to the sides along the edges of the base, and sketch strokes around them. You can simply get by with rounded edges - draw a wavy line from the lower left corner of the triangle to the right corner. Repeat the same with the remaining triangles. Remember that we need to draw a Christmas card, which means transferring the spirit of Christmas to it. Therefore, we decorate our Christmas tree with everything we can: round balls, cones, iridescent garlands, gingerbread houses, sweet candies, and most importantly, a beautiful star at the very top.

By the way

By the same example, as we started working with a Christmas card, you can understand how to draw a New Year's card. The theme of the New Year is the animals near the Christmas tree, children's round dances, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden hurrying to the children, colorful fireworks in the sky, funny snowmen on sleds and much more. Just like in our example, you must first decide: what do you want to see on the postcard? Maybe it will be a whole fairy-tale scene, or maybe a simple spruce branch, decorated with one or two balls.

You can use pencils, felt-tip pens, and paints - the choice is huge, and only your imagination can tell you how to draw a New Year's card. To make it look even more elegant, you can smear several sections with transparent glue and sprinkle finely chopped rain or special sequins on top of it.

Back to the theme of Christmas

To draw a Christmas card with your own hands means to fully use your own imagination. Having decorated the Christmas tree, we move on to gifts. Here you can use not only paints and pencils, but also an application. Cut out squares from bright paper and stick them on the ones drawn with a pencil. Draw or glue an elegant bow on top of each box - the gifts are ready. The next step is coloring. If the work is done with felt-tip pens, then you should only be careful not to step over the lines of the drawing. If paints or gouache are used, you should carefully monitor that where several colors touch, the paints dry well, otherwise they will simply blur. Of course, for the postcard you need to choose bright and cheerful colors. When it is completely painted, and then it dries well, inadvertently smeared lines can be painted on with felt-tip pens. It is impossible to draw contours even on a slightly dry drawing - the tip of the felt-tip pen can tear wet paper, and the drawn line simply blurs.

The final stage

So, we have learned how to draw a Christmas card. The front side is usually decorated a little more elegantly than the last sheet (from which, upon contact with the table, everything can simply crumble). On the paws of the Christmas tree, you can apply a snowball - strokes of white paint, simple toothpaste, or stick small lumps of cotton wool. It is worth adding glitter - as mentioned above, sprinkle rain and sparkles on the places smeared with glue.

You can also decorate the card with stars made of shiny paper or foil, because the star is the main symbol of the Christmas holiday. It is necessary to place a congratulatory text inside the postcard - it is better to write it by hand, and not paste a piece of paper printed on the printer with congratulations. The author's work must be original from beginning to end. And one more thing: it is worth remembering that Christmas stories are very diverse - you should not close yourself only on the Christmas tree. The ideal option would be to choose one of the biblical episodes - for example, the little Savior in the manger. However, such work will require more diligence and diligence, and you need to take on it with thorough preparation and tuning.

Postcard is ready

Drawing a Christmas card is not all. It still needs to be given properly. If you want to make a surprise, and not just give it to the addressee, it is better to put the card under the Christmas tree or right on the festive table.

Christmas is one of the most beloved holidays in many countries of the world, including Russia. To understand how to draw Christmas, you should familiarize yourself with the history of this wonderful celebration. It can be found in an ordinary Bible or in a nursery. You can also find out how to draw Christmas by looking at greeting cards and paintings with the appropriate plot.
Before you draw Christmas in stages, you need to prepare the following stationery:
one). Liner;
2). paper;
3). multi-colored pencils;
four). Pencil;
5). Eraser;
6). A sharpener to sharpen pencils periodically.

Now that all of the above items are ready, you can move on to learning how to draw a Christmas with pencils, and then color the finished sketch with colored pencils:
1. First, with light lines, outline the outlines of the manger in which the baby lies. And also outline the outlines of a donkey standing next to the manger;
2. Without detailing the drawing, outline the outlines of a lamb lying near the manger, as well as rabbits. Draw the outlines of the barn roof;
3. Draw the child's head and hand. Draw straw under his head and a blanket with which he is covered. Draw a manger that is knocked together from boards;
4. Start drawing the donkey;
5. Draw the donkey, not forgetting that it has long ears and a lush mane with bangs. Draw a large striped blanket on the back of the animal;
6. Draw a sheep lying near the manger;
7. Draw both rabbits;
8. On the ground, mark the places where the straw lies. On the wall, outline the outlines of individual stones. Draw the roof, as well as the beams on which it rests;
9. Now you know how to draw Christmas with a pencil step by step. In order for the drawing to look complete in the end, it is worth coloring it. To do this, circle it with a liner;
10. Using the eraser, carefully remove the extra lines;
11. Paint over the wall with silver gray and golden brown pencils;
12. Paint the roof red and the beams brown. Color the earth with a brown pencil, and the straw with yellow;
13. Color the manger brown and the straw yellow. Paint over the blanket with pink, and the halo around the baby's head with light yellow. Shade the baby's head and hand with a flesh-tone pencil;
14. Paint over the ears of the donkey with a flesh-tone pencil, and his body with gray. Shade the mane and bangs of the animal with a black tint. Color the blanket with pencils of various tones;
15. Paint over the noses and ears of the rabbits with a flesh tone. And paint over their bodies with brown pencils;
16. Shade the ears and nose of the lamb with a flesh-colored pencil. Color the hooves with brown, and lightly paint over the animal's fur with gray.
The drawing is ready! So, drawing the Nativity of Christ is not at all difficult. This image would be perfect for a Christmas card!

Tools and materials that you will need to draw Christmas:

  1. Paper;
  2. Colour pencils;
  3. Simple pencil;
  4. Eraser.

Stages of work:

With a simple pencil, we will create a general image of the future drawing. Without much clarification of the details, we outline the location of the angel, and a spruce branch will be located a little to the left. Behind the angel, on the background, place a circle, and enclose the entire drawing in a rectangle. Part of the wings and branches will go beyond the frame of the Night before Christmas picture. Drawing Christmas is not as difficult as it seems, just try and put in more effort;

We begin to draw Christmas in stages with a pencil in more detail. Let's make wavy hair, rounded features and draw wings. At the bottom of the image will be a small sketch of the landscape. Let's draw the silhouettes of houses, but do not specify too much, because fog will surround them;

We add facial features and folds on the angel's clothes. We remove the auxiliary lines with an eraser and move on to color;

Let's start with yellow. Let's draw hair, a spruce branch, a candle and a circle on the background - a beautiful Christmas drawing is already starting to turn out;

Beige is used for skin. We shade the face and hands. Next, draw brown hair. You need to try hard so that you manage to draw Christmas beautiful, neat and bright;

Let's go to the branch. For her, take two shades of green. With sharp strokes we will create spruce needles;

Let's move on to the background of the picture for Christmas. Let's make it blue. Let's sketch the inner circle and the lower part of the background. We make a slight transition from dark blue to a light shade;

For the landscape below, take purple and blue. We can add these lights a little on the contours of the wings. Maybe you decided to paint Christmas with paints or just leave it in black and white?

Christmas is one of the biggest and brightest Christian holidays. I celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ in all branches of Christianity, although the dates differ significantly:

  • Catholic Christmas is celebrated on December 25 (according to the Gregorian calendar);
  • Orthodox (in Russia and many post-Soviet countries) - January 6 (according to the Julian calendar).

Many Protestant denominations, as well as the Orthodox of some Western countries, also celebrate this great holiday before the New Year. But, regardless of beliefs and belonging to a particular denomination, all Christians on this day gather with their families in order to glorify the birth of the Savior. For those who cannot take part in a family dinner, in 2018 for Christmas you can give beautiful pictures, supplementing them with warm sincere wishes.

We have selected for you the most original Christmas cards:

In Russia, the tradition of giving beautiful Christmas pictures on Christmas Eve originated in the 90s of the 19th century. The first postcards were brought from England. And, although in Europe it has long been customary to decorate pictures with the inscription "Merry Christmas", the first copies brought to Russia, for obvious reasons, were without words. People liked the beautiful tradition and quickly took root. Already in 1898, the first postcards for Christmas were issued in Russia based on paintings by St. Petersburg artists.

Although many years have passed, but even today, in 2018, everyone is pleased to receive touching Christmas pictures depicting little Christ as a gift.

Christmas pictures with angels

An angel brought the good news to the Virgin Mary about the imminent birth of a baby. The angels also announced a significant event and indicated the location of the newborn Savior. That is why angels are one of the main symbols of Christmas. In 2018, you can present a beautiful porcelain figurine to your loved ones for Christmas or give drawings depicting an angel.

European Christmas cards

During the Christmas holidays, Russians often go on a visit, visiting friends and acquaintances. In Europe, Christmas is a purely family holiday. For a festive dinner, it is customary to gather at the table the closest relatives and friends. Hearth and decorated spruce are the invariable symbol of home comfort and solemn atmosphere of the most anticipated holiday for children. That is why such Christmas drawings are popular in Europe.

Appetizing pictures for Christmas

In all countries, it is traditional to set the Christmas table. Since the holiday is preceded by a severe fast, which ends with the appearance of the first star in the sky, the hostesses always try to surprise guests with delicious and beautifully decorated dishes.

There is even culinary tourism. Travelers are offered not only to spend Christmas in one of the European countries, but also to try traditional Christmas goodies. In major European cities and capitals, they are held, where you can buy a wide variety of themed treats.

That is why, postcards or pictures with a beautifully decorated table, presented for Christmas - this is a wish that in 2018 there would always be prosperity in the house.

This truly magical holiday is looked forward to by thousands of people every year. They decorate houses, prepare gifts and read stories related to Christmas.

Draw a Christmas Story

The scene of the birth of Jesus Christ

To draw the Nativity of Christ, you need to prepare the tools:

  • paper;
  • colored pencils (set);
  • simple pencil;
  • sharpener;
  • eraser.

However, you can use paints instead of pencils, then you need paper that is denser than regular office A4. As in children's albums, there the sheets are adapted for drawing with paints.

Any drawing reflects some picture of what is happening. Will it be a portrait of one character or a whole scene. You can see the finished images for Christmas for an example.

Sample plot: "An angel looks down on the newborn Jesus."

Stages of work:

  1. Sharpen a pencil and sit comfortably, mentally divide the sheet into several zones. In one there will be the sky with the figure of an angel, in the second - the earth. If the angel is the central figure, you can give him more space and draw his figure more clearly.
  2. Make pencil sketches. Without clarification, outline where the angel is located, its silhouette is approximately. What is around - clouds, the Moon, the Star of Bethlehem and other symbols of the holiday.
  3. At the bottom, sketch out the trees, the outlines of the barn. It is not necessary to add silhouettes of animals. In the drawing, the emphasis is on the angel. He seems to be looking at something happening at night on earth.
  4. When the draft is ready, proceed to drawing the details. Pay attention to the location and size of the angel's wings, his appearance. Draw hair, facial features, try to convey the expression of the eyes. The whole figure of the character is directed downwards, he sits or hovering in the sky. Perhaps part of the figure is hidden by a cloud.
  5. Below, in addition to the trees and the roof of the barn, you can add the silhouettes of several houses. Just sketches without detailed clarification, because they are surrounded by night fog. Picture of Christmas night and the first messenger who saw a miracle.
  6. To find out what angel wings look like, you can view some ready-made images. The most difficult thing in the picture is he, in addition, the character is the main figure. Therefore, we need to work harder on it. Draw the folds of the clothes, the facial features, the angel's hairstyle. Use the eraser to carefully remove the extra lines.
  7. When the pencil sketch of the picture is ready, decorate it.

The scene of the gifts of the Magi

Of course, this scene is the most popular, it seems to reflect the spirit of the holiday. How to draw multiple silhouettes and character interaction? It is necessary to act in stages, clearly imagining where each figure is, what it does. Its dimensions and form of interaction.

What will be required:

  • paper;
  • set of pencils;
  • simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • sharpener.

Would you be interested in doing this craft with your child?


Stages of work:

  1. Creating a pencil drawing in stages begins with the presentation of the plot of the picture. Look at some of the finished images, read stories to get a sense of what's going on. In a small barn, the Savior was born at night and several wise men came to look. They gave gifts. What do these strangers look like? According to some sources, they were travelers in ordinary travel clothes. According to others - real kings. Whom to portray them choose for yourself.
  2. Who, besides the Magi, will be present in the picture - the Mother of God Mary, the newborn Jesus himself, perhaps several animals. The central figure uniting all the characters is Christ. And the location is the interior of the barn.
  3. Beginning of drawing. Having placed the sheet in front of you, outline the silhouettes of the characters with a pencil. Where are they located, what size. When there are several characters of people, it is important to observe their proportions so that everyone in the picture is the same. Animals can be added later. Imagine what everyone is doing. For example, a couple of Magi have already entered and are watching, the third has stopped on the threshold. The Mother of God sits next to the reclining Jesus, around the silhouettes of a pair of animals. For example, a bull and a goat.
  4. If you are not too confident in your drawing skills, you can imagine a picture from a distance, when only the dark silhouettes of the characters are visible. This makes them easier to draw. At the same time, more details of the surrounding world are visible: the burning Star of Bethlehem, the trees around, perhaps the silhouettes of houses. As if the artist is a spectator watching what is happening from afar.
  5. Sketch with a pencil. First, one character: body lines, face and hand arrangement, clothes. Then the second. Create a composition. Remember, the faces of those present are turned to the reclining Jesus, they are smiling, because a wonderful, bright event has happened. It is important to convey the mood of the characters.
  6. There is no need to bother much with clothes: the traveler has long raincoats on the road, staffs are in their hands, and the Mother of God is in a simple long dress, her hair is removed. Jesus is wrapped in cloth.
  7. When you're done with the rough sketches, color the picture. If there is a candle in the picture, it is necessary to convey its light and darkening areas. You can draw the Star of Bethlehem, as if she looked into the room and illuminated it.

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