Origin and meaning of the name Vasilisa. Vasilisa does not hide her huge income


Meaning of the name

Vasilisa is an imperious and stubborn nature, who does not tolerate objections, while all her motives are always of a noble nature. Despite her leadership ambitions, her character is distinguished by softness and responsiveness, but if necessary, this woman, prone to self-sacrifice, is able to go into open conflict. The strength of Vasilisa is in her wisdom and determination. It also gives firmness to the masculine origin of the name, which does not prevent her from being affectionate and feminine, but only with the closest people who will never betray or offend.

Characteristics of the name Vasilisa

Winter Vasilisa unyielding, ruthless and conflict. Her narcissism and vanity can only be envied, while she herself considers herself an open, sincere and fair person, with which others often disagree. Excessive emotionality prevents her from building trusting relationships with people, which negatively affects her personal life in particular. And the fault is the demonstrative behavior of the winter Vasilisa, who seeks to demonstrate all her best qualities in order to please others.

Spring Vasilisa refined, cunning and inventive, which helps her in her career. Thanks to her femininity and charm, she deftly manipulates people (especially men), achieving everything she wants (to the envy of her rivals). But still, sooner or later she will have to become independent, because it is not always possible to rely on others. In her trusting and kind soul there is a place for a deep feeling of love, and for a devoted friendship. In general, this is a sympathetic and good-natured woman who tries to make the world around her a better place.

Summer Vasilisa constantly in search of his "place in the sun." She does not get tired of developing, because it is in movement that she sees the meaning of life. The altruism of this woman is respected, and in relation to herself she never requires any concessions. But do not think that the summer Vasilisa will not be able to stand up for herself or defend her interests, so it is better not to get in her way. She lives and acts according to the principle: "Do to others as you would like to be treated to you."

Autumn Vasilisa distinguished by diplomacy, tact and gentleness of character. She will not prove her case, but rather keep silent, because sooner or later time will put everything in its place and show who was right. It is not easy for her to get along with people, she is afraid of being deceived or abandoned. Loneliness burdens the autumn Vasilisa, who sincerely longs for friendship, love and participation in her destiny. The lack of real friends can lead to the development of real depression in her.

Stone - talisman

Vasilisa's mascot stones are amethyst, sard and amber.


This stone, which has powerful magical properties, protects from evil fate and neutralizes unrequited love. Although the ancient Sumerians believed that this gem could ignite such a love that makes you forget about the old feeling. For this reason, it was not recommended to be worn by married women and married men.

In ancient times, amethyst was used in the design of goblets, as it was believed that it was this stone that prevents drunkenness and protects against the effects of poison.

In the Eastern and European traditions, the clothes of priests were decorated with amethyst, not to mention church items. And all thanks to the purity of this stone and the severity of its lines. Thus, products with amethyst symbolized marriage with the church.

In Christianity, amethyst is the personification of humility, purity, devotion and modesty.

This stone was especially appreciated by sailors and ordinary travelers, whom amethyst, capable of changing its color, helped to choose the right path.

Amethyst is a stone of relaxation and harmony that helps build relationships. In addition, it frees from bad thoughts, cheers up, bestows wisdom and develops the gift of foresight.

Important! The stone helps only those who wear amethyst jewelry all the time.


Sard enhances the feeling of compassion, brings joy to life, sharpens sensuality and increases openness. This is a love talisman that kindles feelings, makes them strong and deep.

This stone symbolizes truth, faith, love, prudence and courage. It protects from the evil eye and ill will.

The inhabitants of Egypt believed that jewelry with sard could protect them from danger, evil, envy and the evil eye. The Greeks, on the other hand, believed that an amulet made of sard protects against debauchery and the fall into sin.

Muslims believe that those who wear jewelry with this stone are accompanied by prosperity and joy.

In the Christian tradition, the sard is a symbol of love, faith, sincerity and spirituality.

Sard strengthens the will, gives strength and courage, enhances creativity, brings fame and fortune, softens anger, prevents quarrels.


Amber symbolizes happiness and health, faith and optimism. This stone brings good luck, develops intuition, helps in the implementation of plans, invigorates and gives peace.

Our ancestors believed that raw amber scares away evil spirits and protects against accidents.

Amber is the talisman of historians, archaeologists, and teachers, as it helps to find out cause-and-effect relationships and establish contact with the past.





Animal - symbol

The animal-symbol of Vasilisa is considered to be a dove, personifying the unbending spirit of life, light, purity (although in some nations this bird is identified with voluptuousness), tenderness and peace.

The dove in Christianity is the Great Mother, associated with femininity and motherhood. It is a symbol of peace and rebirth.

In the East, the dove symbolizes longevity, fidelity, measured life, reverence and renewal.

The white dove is the personification of a saved soul that has undergone purification (unlike the black sinful raven).

Doves perched on a vine are a symbol of believers who have found salvation and shelter in Christ.

The pigeon couple is the personification of family happiness and true love.

In the Old Testament, this bird denotes simplicity, purity, harmlessness, as well as ingenuity.



Vasilisa's totem plants are cornflower and ash.


It is a symbol of fidelity, devotion, constancy, openness, simplicity and tenderness. This flower perfectly combines heavenly beauty and unpretentiousness.

Our ancestors considered cornflower a flower that brings joy and family happiness.

In the Christian tradition, a cornflower represents kindness, holiness, purity, reliability, ingenuity and responsiveness, so cornflower bouquets were an essential attribute of any home in which they wanted peace, prosperity and well-being.


This tree symbolizes fertility, adaptability, pragmatism, purity, prudence and modesty.

It is believed that it is the ash tree that is the link that connects heaven and hell, past and future, earth and heaven, therefore it is quite natural that this tree personifies not only the unity of opposites, but also the continuity of life.

Ukrainians associate ash with misfortune, tears and a broken heart.

In general, among the Slavs, ash is a revered tree that can drive away evil spirits and protect from misfortunes. An ash tree growing near the house contributes to family cohesion.

The ancient Greeks considered the ash tree a symbol of just retribution.


Tin, considered Vasilisa's metal, symbolizes flexibility, the ability to adapt to circumstances in time, sociability and the ability to find an approach to any person.

auspicious day


origin of the name Vasilisa

Name translation

From the Greek language, the name Vasilisa is translated as "queen", regal, "ruler".

Name history

The name Vasilisa is the feminine version of the male name Vasily, derived from the Greek "basileus", which translates as "king". Subsequently, the ancient Greek letter "beta" began to be pronounced as the letter "v", so the name Basilisa was transformed into Vasilisa.

The spread of Christianity on the territory of Rus' brought wide fame to the name Vasilisa.

Forms (analogues) of the name

The most common forms of the name Vasilisa are: Vasya, Vasyata, Vasyanya, Vasyunya, Vasena, Vasiliska, Vasilka, Vasilisochka, Vasyuta, Syuta, Vasilisushka, Vasyura, Syura, Vasyusha, Vaska, Vasily, Vasilina, as well as Vasily and Vasilka.

The secret of the name Vasilisa

name patrons

  • Venerable Martyr Basilissa of Egypt.
  • Martyr Basilissa of Corinth.
  • Martyr and maiden Basilissa of Nicomedia.
  • Martyr Basilissa of Rome.
  • Martyr Vasilisa.
  • Reverend Vasilisa.

Angel Day (name day)

January: 21st.

February: 18 number.

March: 23 number.

April: 4th, 28th and 29th.

July: 4 number.

September: 16 number.

The legend of the name Vasilisa

There is a legend about the holy martyr Basilissa of Nicomedia, who lived in Nicomedia during the reign of the Roman emperor Diocletian, who became famous for his intolerance towards the Christian faith and cruelty towards Christians. So, in just one month, this ruler destroyed more than 30,000 Christians.

Vasilisa was only nine years old when she was brought to trial by Diocletian's henchman, hegemon Alexander, who at that time ruled in Nicomedia. The girl so boldly confessed the commandments of Christ that those present were amazed at her prudence and fearlessness.

The ruler failed to persuade Vasilisa to paganism with caresses and persuasion, so he ordered to beat her in the face. When this did not help, Alexander ordered the girl to be whipped with rods, for which she only thanked the Lord, despite the fact that her whole body was covered with terrible ulcers. Her tormentor subjected her to many other cruel tortures, and, in the end, ordered her to be burned in an oven. Having crossed herself, the saint entered the flames, but for a long time her body remained intact and unharmed, which amazed all those present.

But Alexander did not stop there either, ordering to set two lions on the fearless girl, but this plan was not destined to come true, since the grazing of animals was blocked with the help of holy prayer. Then Alexander himself was seriously frightened, who, crouching at Vasilisa's feet, began to beg her for forgiveness. Then the martyr asked Bishop Antoninus to tell Alexander about the true faith and baptize him.

Shortly after accepting the Christian faith, Alexander died and was buried according to the appropriate customs. The martyr Vasilisa herself left the city in order to also repent to the Lord. She was buried with the participation of Bishop Antonin.

Famous people

Vasilisa Volodina - the famous Russian astrologer.

Vasilisa Frolova - Ukrainian TV presenter and face of the music channel "M1".

Vasilisa Melentyeva - the sixth wife of Ivan the Terrible, with whom he was not married.

Vasilisa Kozhina - a peasant woman who organized a partisan detachment.

The meaning of the name Vasilisa

For a child

Little Vasilisa is a shy and timid child who does not like to conflict and sort things out. It can be compared with a tender bud, which, opening up, gives others beauty and tenderness. Therefore, it is not clear how an imperious and sometimes cruel person grows out of such a sweet girl, ready to defend her point of view to the bitter end.

From an early age, this outwardly insecure and noble girl fights for justice. She does not tolerate meanness, as well as betrayal, either in relation to herself or in relation to others. In addition, she tends to perceive other people's problems no less painfully than her own.

Vasilisa is my mother's real helper, without whom neither borscht is cooked, nor the apartment is cleaned, nor clothes are repaired. Therefore, parents cannot stop admiring their obedient child.

The student from Vasilisa turns out to be diligent, and not because she likes to study, but because she values ​​the opinions of others (and she does not want to disappoint her parents either). But you cannot refuse her pedantry and perseverance. The exact sciences are better for her.

The only drawback of little Vasilisa is the excessive stubbornness that accompanies her through life.

For girl

Growing up, Vasilisa reconsiders her life guidelines and tries to adjust her character to them. And I must say that she does it well. She gains self-confidence, which can sometimes develop into some arrogance. In addition, she gets rid of her shyness and becomes intolerant of other people's mistakes, which often leads to conflicts with others. But still, the motives of this girl are always correct, it’s just that Vasilisa is not always able to competently organize an approach to solving a particular problem.

Young Vasilisa does not tolerate ridicule, although she herself has such a quality as self-irony, which helps her in some cases smooth out sharp corners. Despite her imperiousness, this girl is kind, sympathetic and generous. She, like any other representative of the fair sex, wants attention, support, love and understanding.

Vasilisa perfectly knows the value of herself and her talents: she is smart, assiduous, scrupulous (even pedantic), hardworking. Therefore, she tries to use every opportunity for the benefit of herself and her reputation, which she truly values.

For woman

Adult Vasilisa bears little resemblance to a modest, shy and insecure girl. On the contrary, her character acquires firmness and strength, while the male mindset contributes to quick decision-making in the most difficult life situations. As in her youth, she zealously fights for justice, not being afraid to conflict and make enemies for herself.

She is sincerely kind to people, and it doesn’t matter whether she knows a person or he is completely unfamiliar to her. Therefore, she does not understand how people can be indifferent to the misfortune of others.

Vasilisa is a creative person, and by any means she tries to emphasize her individuality and stand out among others. She is inquisitive and open, so she does not lack friends, and even more so fans. But her rapprochement with people is slow, and the reason for everything is a rather closed character and distrust.

Altruism and the desire to be always and in everything the first is truly a nuclear mixture, which not everyone is able to endure (and it is sometimes difficult for Vasilisa herself to control her difficult character). It is quite easy to soften her temper - you need to give her the opportunity to patronize and take care, since it is extremely important for Vasilisa to feel really needed (or better, completely irreplaceable).

Description of the name Vasilisa


Vasilisa is a highly moral and fair woman. She is well aware of her shortcomings, but is in no hurry to admit them. Arguing with Vasilisa is a thankless and hopeless business.


As a child, Vasilisa is characterized by soreness, but with age her body adapts, which favorably affects her general state of health. But still, she is recommended to pay attention to immunity, to strengthen which it is enough to eat right, fully relax and walk more.


The personal life of the demanding and highly moral Vasilisa is not easy, because she considers herself an ideal woman, next to whom there should be an appropriate man. But, unfortunately, finding a worthy partner that meets all her requirements is not so easy.

It is also important that men cannot always see in this imperious and pragmatic woman a fragile, vulnerable and sensual nature, ready to sacrifice a lot for the happiness and comfort of her loved one. In general, applicants for the heart of Vasilisa must be patient, tactful and good-natured. They should not be embarrassed by the fact that this woman is not characterized by sentimental manifestations of her feelings.

Despite her pragmatism, Vasilisa trusts not so much actions as beautiful words, which is why she is often disappointed in men.


Hasty and light novels are not for Vasilisa, who sees marriage as the logical conclusion of any romantic relationship. She takes the issue of starting a family seriously, but her reliability, honesty and desire for family well-being is often not enough to save a marriage. Therefore, most often the first experience of creating a family ends for her with a real failure.

In the second marriage, she takes into account the mistakes of the first marriage, namely, she becomes softer and more diplomatic. It is important for her that reliability, honesty, stability and certainty reign in her relationship. But still, one cannot exclude the option in which Vasilisa will never be able to create a real family, and therefore, in the end, she will be left alone.

Family relationships

Vasilisa is a caring and sensitive mother who knows how to regret and punish. She is calm and diplomatic. The main thing for her is family happiness, so she devotes a lot of time to making her home cozy and comfortable for all family members (and guests are always warm in her friendly company).

But her husband should not forget that he did not marry a sweet and quiet cat, but a real tigress with a warlike character, so he can’t wait for complete submission from Vasilisa. Equality is the basis on which family relations are built in this marriage, where a woman will not tolerate any pressure, especially since she herself will not re-educate her betrothed.

In order for Vasilisa's marriage to be strong and happy, she needs to become more accommodating and patient, and also learn to show her feelings, and not keep them to herself.

And one more thing: Vasilisa is a real conservative, especially in matters relating to the family, therefore she prefers to live according to strictly agreed rules.


If Vasilisa can trust a man, she will show herself as a passionate, enthusiastic and ready for sexual experiments woman who will not be bored.

Of course, authority will be inherent in the owner of this name even in intimate life, but this will only warm up the relationship and add some piquancy to them (the main thing is not to overdo it with leadership manners, because men prefer to see themselves as alpha males).

Mind (intelligence)

Vasilisa has an inquisitive mind, she is inquisitive and tends to analyze what is most often inherent in men.


It is hard to work with Vasilisa, because she does not want to be second, and therefore she goes out of her way to show all her talents, thereby creating serious competition. In addition, she is hardworking, ambitious, responsible and executive, which is important for the rapid development of a career.

It must be said that this woman, who has been gravitating towards the exact sciences from school, chooses male professions that require considerable mental expenditure and firmness of character. And men make a big mistake by underestimating its capabilities.

Vasilisa will make an excellent chemist, biologist, teacher, judge, banker, accountant, lawyer.


Vasilisa perfectly realizes herself in the field of business, and any, because she knows how to competently organize the workflow. In addition, she is diplomatic and balanced, which helps her to establish contacts with both partners and subordinates.

She may not count on great wealth, but she will definitely become a wealthy and independent woman.


Oddly enough, the serious Vasilisa's hobby is quite creative: she loves to sew, embroider, knit and cut.

Such a pastime calms her, making her forget about all the hardships of routine everyday life. Being engaged in needlework, Vasilisa plunges into the world of beauty, moreover, man-made beauty, and therefore radiating good and positive energy.

Character type

According to the psychotype, Vasilisa is a phlegmatic person (more details about this type of character can be found in the article "Elements, planets and numbers in a person's life").


Vasilisa loves to teach others and give them her valuable advice, while she is able to become seriously angry or offended if her instructions are not implemented. She herself is extremely rarely ready to listen to someone's instructions.

The owner of this name is not only conflicting, but also vindictive, so it’s better not to write her down in the ranks of your enemies if you don’t want to get a retaliatory blow.

At the same time, this woman is vulnerable and kind, it is very easy to offend her, although she will never show her bad mood, and even more so resentment. She knows how to understand and forgive, and she expects the same from others, but the latter do not always live up to her expectations.


Vasilisa, undoubtedly, has a very developed intuition, only she does not know how to use it and does not want to.

Horoscope named after Vasilisa

Vasilisa - Aries

Generous, energetic and active Vasilisa-Aries is not used to obeying anyone. She lives a full and independent life, which she is not ready to exchange for family relationships. At the same time, this woman is looking for ideal love without boundaries and prohibitions, and the search for such a feeling becomes a real obsession for her. Men like Vasilisa-Aries, her cheerful and easy disposition, but they are in no hurry to build a serious relationship with this eccentric girl.

Vasilisa - Taurus

This is a calm, hardworking, scrupulous and executive person who is used to doing everything not only correctly, but also perfectly. At the same time, she does not need recognition of her merits, on the contrary, she prefers to remain in the shadows, which indicates her modesty. Vasilisa-Taurus is a faithful, reliable and loving life partner who is ready to devote herself without a trace to her family. This woman does not accept the search for emotions outside the family.

Vasilisa - Gemini

This is a woman with a very changeable character, she is characterized by sudden mood swings, which can cause difficulties in communicating with people. Vasilisa Gemini is an adventurer who is not afraid to take risks. But at the same time, she can behave extremely wary and withdrawn. In love, this woman shows possessive feelings, she is jealous and demanding, so her chosen one should be distinguished not only by impeccable behavior, but also by angelic patience.

Vasilisa - Cancer

This is an extraordinary personality, whose explosive and impulsive nature is not clear to everyone. The originality of Vasilisa-Rak is manifested in everything - in the manner of behavior, in the course of thoughts, in appearance. Society is not always ready to accept her as she is, so she rarely manages to achieve harmony with the outside world. In men, as in people in general, Vasilisa-Rak understands poorly, so she is unlikely to be able to avoid disappointments in her personal life.

Vasilisa - Leo

This ambitious, ambitious and determined woman is attracted primarily by an inquisitive mind. At the same time, Vasilisa-Leo has an incredible charm and an enviable charm. She is sincere and open, so people are drawn to her. If Vasilisa-Leo falls in love, then once and for all, while she will jealously protect her territory from other people's encroachments. She is ready to dissolve in her family, but she will demand the same from her chosen one.

Vasilisa - Virgo

This is a closed and suspicious person who is looking for a dirty trick and deceit in everything. She tends to analyze and criticize everything. Such a complex attitude to life becomes the reason for the loneliness of Vasilisa-Virgo, next to which it is difficult for even the most patient people to get along. In her personal life, this woman is also unlucky, because she does not want to let anyone into her soul, preferring to live in her own world, where no one will betray.

Vasilisa - Libra

This is a mystery woman who has not only charm and femininity, but also tact. Vasilisa-Libra subtly feels the beautiful, which is expressed in her worldview, lifestyle and appearance.

Not everyone understands the mystery of this woman, which does not upset her at all, because she is firmly convinced that sooner or later she will meet her soul mate. Vasilisa-Libra is able to create a strong and harmonious family in which love will always reign.

Vasilisa - Scorpio

This woman can be attributed to the category of people who are looking for the negative side of everything and do not know how to enjoy life. Vasilisa-Scorpio is gloomy and even unsociable, she herself establishes life principles, which she strictly adheres to. Her intolerance towards people can cause a lot of trouble. With men, Vasilisa-Scorpio is cold and unapproachable, she does not show her feelings, considering this a manifestation of weakness. Not every man is able to withstand such a heavy disposition of his chosen one.

Vasilisa - Sagittarius

Impulsiveness, susceptibility to frequent mood swings, excessive emotionality - this is Vasilisa-Sagittarius, who takes on several things at the same time, but does not bring one to the end. Distrust, inconstancy and windiness prevent her from building strong and stable relationships, which will eventually lead to the formation of a real and harmonious family. Only a real feeling can change the attitude of Vasilisa-Sagittarius to family values.

Vasilisa - Capricorn

Balanced, calm and self-confident, Vasilisa-Capricorn craves Italian passions, because inside her lives an adventurous girl who has an irrepressible interest in life. Vasilisa-Capricorn never flaunts her feelings and feelings, believing that her actions will tell about everything first of all. This woman puts trust, friendship and devotion above her ambitions both in relationships with colleagues and in relationships with her loved one.

Vasilisa - Aquarius

This woman has a real gift for adapting both to her environment and to the prevailing circumstances. Therefore, Vasilisa-Aquarius can be affectionate and sympathetic, or she can be aloof and cold - it all depends on the specific life situation, but her actions are never affected by mood (in principle, she is used to keeping emotions under the strictest control). Vasilisa-Aquarius will give all her tenderness, care and warmth only to her beloved man.

Vasilisa - Pisces

This is the owner of a penetrating and flexible mind, well versed in people. It is not easy to deceive Vasilisa-Pisces, and if this does happen, then the liar will sincerely regret it. For this woman, such components as spiritual comfort and harmony are very important, therefore she chooses a life partner to match herself - erudite and spiritually developed. Vasilisa-Pisces is very afraid of disappointment, so her trust will have to be won.

Vasilisa name compatibility with male names

Vasilisa and Dmitry

This pair of opposites is capable of creating an ideal family, despite the fact that their views on family life can be radically opposite. If Vasilisa and Dmitry learn to listen to each other, then they will succeed.

Vasilisa and Alexander

The owners of these names feel good together, but how long will their patience last? The thing is that Vasilisa and Alexander are completely different people, therefore, if mutual understanding is not established between them, their couple will break up.

Vasilisa and Eugene

Vasilisa and Vadim

The relationship between Vasilisa and Vadim can hardly be called passionate. On the contrary, their love is calm and measured, which only strengthens their union, the well-being of which many families envy. This is really the perfect couple, which has everything for family happiness and prosperity.

Vasilisa and Pavel

Pavel is the owner of a passionate temperament and a hot temper, while Vasilisa resembles a safe harbor in which everything flows as usual. Therefore, it is doubly surprising how such different people can coexist harmoniously within the same family.

Astrologer Vasilisa Volodina is one of the most popular specialists in the CIS countries. In order to get an appointment with her, you should be patient, because the queues are formed for several months in advance. Hosting Volodina's Let's Get Married television program has built her a reputation as an expert who can give the right advice during a show or through social media. An open soul and constant help to viewers is what Vasilisa Volodina gives to people free of charge.

About how Vasilisa Volodina developed, biography, personal life of a celebrity, how old the TV presenter is now our article will tell further.

Astrologer Vasilisa Volodina is one of the most popular specialists in the CIS countries

Biography of Vasilisa Volodina: from early childhood to the present

The date of birth of Vasilisa Volodina falls on April 16, 1974. The nationality of the astrologer is Russian, the girl was born in Moscow.

The name known to all of us is a pseudonym for the media personality, which, according to her, suits her based on astrological forecasts. Vasilisa is silent about what the real name of the celebrity is, but Oksana is the most acceptable option. The maiden name of the astrologer is Naumova.

Brief summary of a celebrity.

  • Age - 42 years.
  • Zodiac sign - Aries.
  • The sign of the eastern horoscope is the Tiger.
  • Weight - 56 kg.
  • Height - 170 cm.

The girl was brought up in strict discipline: this was facilitated by her father's military education. In Vasilisa, from an early age, such qualities as diligence, diligence, and decency developed.

While studying at school, the child was engaged in musical education, visiting various circles. Thanks to her upbringing, Vasilisa achieved great success in her studies. In addition, the girl managed to help her mother with household chores.

Parents brought up the personality of Vasilisa with high moral principles, which became the basis of the hard working pace of life of the future astrologer. Passion for astrology began to appear in school years: the girl constantly watched paranormal programs, absorbing all the information she heard. As Vasilisa herself says, she could devote whole evenings to observing the stars through her father's binoculars. Even though she did not find a UFO there, she remembered the location of the stars.

An ardent passion for astrology led to the reading of the first specialized books. They influenced the young astrologer so much that the knowledge about the ability of the stars to predict the future was formed clearly and forever. She began to study palmistry as a teenager, when the girl first saw her future fame and popularity in the palm of her hand.

Graduating from school with honors led the girl to the Academy of Management. Sergo Ordzhonikidze, where she studied economics. The qualities instilled in her parents formed a diligent student in Vasilisa, but she understood that she was not on her way with a diploma in cybernetics. Therefore, in her free time, she drew knowledge of unknown astrology. The acquired information gave the student the opportunity to conduct consultations for ordinary people, and later for businessmen. The relevance of astrology in the early 90s was increased.

Vasilisa Vladimirovna came to success in astrology at the beginning of 2000

Formation of the professional activity of an astrologer

Vasilisa Vladimirovna came to success in astrology at the beginning of 2000. No matter how strange it may sound, but her naive youthful predictions began to be realized. Thanks to accurate business horoscopes compiled, the Moscow elite accepted her into their circle, which made the girl popular.

Since 2006, Vasilisa has worked with such programs on Russian television:

  • "Starry night with Vasilisa Volodina";
  • "Capital";
  • "Let's get married".

The last TV show brought Vasilisa popularity throughout the country. According to many viewers, Vasilisa is the most charming host of the program.

Acquaintance with the husband. A family

Vasilisa Volodina met her husband back in the dashing 90s. Then a friend came to an unknown astrological expert with a request to draw up a personal horoscope for his colleague. Sergei Volodin turned out to be an unknown colleague. It was then that she first learned about the incredible compatibility of their souls, but did not attach any importance to this. By the will of fate, the meeting of future lovers happened by chance at a party. Feelings flared up spontaneously and do not subside until now.

Having lived for several years in a civil marriage, the couple gave birth to their first child, Victoria. After the birth of their daughter (2001), the lovers decided to get married without the fuss and unnecessary social events. Vasilisa's official husband left his own career as a logistician for her sake, taking up his wife's business schedule.

Vasilisa decided to give birth to a second child only after a thorough study of her own horoscope, where she clearly saw the appearance of her son in her 40s. And, as expected, it was at this time that the son of Vasilisa Volodina was born. The baby's birthday fell on 01/03/2015. The choice of parents fell on the name Vyacheslav.

Children in the life of an astrologer did not interfere with the development of a leading career. So, she stayed on maternity leave for a while, and reappeared on television in 2015.

According to Volodina, the desire to help and answer letters from viewers influenced the imminent return.

Media life is not Vasilisa's only area of ​​development. The leading astrological expert also publishes books and articles. Her notable publications are:

  • "Astrology of Seduction", where recommendations are given to women who want to attract the attention of men;
  • "Love astro forecast for 2015", where any sign of the zodiac can find a private forecast, learn about all the necessary astrological information.

Vasilisa Volodina tries to help all people, doing it in different forms. So, you can find her personal blog, where advice is given regarding all areas of life. The popularity of the site once again proves the sincerity and purity of the soul of the presenter. With the help of the stars, Vasilisa solves not only the problems of her family, which she openly shares with fans, but also answers the exciting questions of Russians.

We hope that the personality of Vasilisa Volodina, the biography of the TV presenter has become interesting information for you. And, if you have any questions, and you know exactly what she can help you with, why not try your luck and try to make an appointment with her.

Year of birth: 1974
Russian nationality
Education: Ordzhonikidze Academy of Management, Moscow Academy of Astrology.
family status: Married
Place of residence: Moscow
Number of children: daughter Victoria and son Vyacheslav
Parameters: weight - 56 kilograms, height - 170 centimeters.
Occupation: co-host and independent astrological expert of the Let's Get Married program, individual consultations, business consultations, astrological forecasts for the press and television, including financial forecasting, maintaining your own website.


The famous astrologer Vasilisa Vladimirovna Volodina was born in the capital of the Soviet Union in April 1974. Volodina is a surname after her husband. She does not reveal her real name, various sources call her Elizabeth, Lena, Oksana or Sveta. The pseudonym was chosen based on the horoscope.

The father, a former military man, raised the girl strictly, instilling responsibility and hard work. She successfully combined her studies with visiting various circles and sections, she graduated from a music school. From the age of seven, she led the household with her mother.

Interest in astrology emerged during his school years, when reports of UFOs began to appear on television. The girl took binoculars belonging to her father and spent the evenings on the balcony, looking at the starry sky.

Although no unidentified objects could be seen, Vasilisa began to understand the location of the stars very well. Teenage passion threatened to develop into something more.

Vasilisa took up fortune-telling on cards, began to read special literature on astrology, palmistry and fortune-telling. Then it was difficult to get something worthwhile on this topic, books were most often self-published. Later, the girl read on her palm that she would become famous.


Volodina (then - Naumova) successfully graduated from school and entered the Faculty of Economics of the State Agrarian University. S. Ordzhonikidze. But neither the dominant atheistic ideology, nor the instructions of the parents could overcome the passion. She received her second higher education, graduating from the Moscow Academy of Astrology.

The girl became interested in a topical problem - making business forecasts, starting her professional biography at the age of 20. Her predictions were infallible. Thanks to this, Vasilisa Volodina gained great popularity in the elite circles of the capital.

In 2006, the program "Starry Night with Vasilisa Volodina" was released. Two years later, she became an independent consultant for the famous TV show Let's Get Married. Vasilisa works there to this day.

Four years ago, her book "Astrology of Seduction" appeared on store shelves, which is now very popular. The book tells about how to win the heart of a man, to become the only one for him. This is a whole encyclopedia of human relations. It turns out that to seduce a representative of the opposite sex, it is enough to know the date of his birth. The lady can only act, taking the right steps, having determined what a man expects from the woman of his dreams.

Vasilisa says: “Without false modesty, there has not yet been such a book on the topic of astrology, either in content or in design.” Volodina considers herself the "grandmother of Russian astrology", because she had a chance, standing at the origins of Russian astrology, to make a significant contribution to its development.

When a son was born, Vasilisa did not have to sit at home with him for long. Viewers demanded the return of their favorite TV presenter. In April, she again came to the show "Let's get married." In the same year, readers got acquainted with a series of her books "Love astro forecast for 2015".

The site of Vasilisa Volodina is very famous, where you can order a personal horoscope, a business forecast, a compatibility card, get up-to-date advice and watch video forecasts. Her page is on Instagram.

Personal life

Vasilisa met her future husband thanks to her vocation. An old friend turned to a novice astrologer. He asked Naumova to make a personal horoscope for his friend Sergei Volodin. Analyzing the guy's star map, Vasilisa thought that they had a lot in common, and she would be happy to become his wife. After some time, the girl was invited to a party by friends. At the entrance, Vasilisa ran into a young man. It turned out that they go to the same apartment. And what a surprise it was when the girl found out that this was the same Volodin for whom she made a horoscope!

Since then, the couple has not parted. Vasilisa says that Sergey is the love of her life. In 2001, the lovers had a daughter, who was named Victoria. After that, the young people legalized the relationship, but they did not arrange weddings. Even the parents were put before the fact.

Sergey made a good career in logistics. The family lived in a small apartment, where Vasilisa Vladimirovna had to consult with clients. She and her husband decided not to have another child until they could improve their living conditions.

In 2010, having moved into a brand new apartment, the couple seriously thought about replenishing the family. Then Sergey quit his job in his specialty and became the director of his wife. He himself draws up a schedule for her work, so that she has enough time not only to communicate with her daughter and husband, but also to rest.

Vasilisa's first pregnancy was difficult, there were health problems that had to be eliminated for a long time. Parents were not thrilled after the news of another pregnancy of their aged daughter. But the mother-in-law stood up to protect the daughter-in-law, who gave birth to a third child when she was already over forty.

According to astrologer Vasilisa Volodina, she specifically waited for her fortieth birthday, because the stars predicted that this was the most favorable time for conception and gestation.

At first they planned to give birth in France, but later, after weighing all the pros and cons, they trusted Russian medicine.

The office was converted into a children's room. To create coziness, a soft carpet was laid there. But Vasilisa did not like the children's painted wallpaper and furniture, she wanted to keep a little businesslike atmosphere in the baby's room. A happy pregnant woman told reporters: "... it seems to me that I will immediately treat him as a full-fledged person, as a person, without all these endless lisping."

In January 2015, Vasilisa gave birth to a healthy son, who was named Vyacheslav.

Veronica supports her mother in everything, and does not have a soul in her younger brother. A nanny helps them take care of Slava.

Volodins love to relax at sea, they go to the Maldives, Spain, etc.

Vasilisa reads a lot, especially literature on symbolism and psychology. Her favorite writers are Leskov, Turgenev, Tonino Benakvista (from entertaining), but, according to the woman, she reads any book to the last page, hoping to figure out for what purpose it was published.

She sees the recipe for female happiness in not being selfish and bitchy in love. If both spouses treat each other carefully, with understanding, the harmony desired by all arises, as the astrologer claims.

Vasilisa's life is an excellent example of such an idyll. She manages to combine the work of her life and family, self-education and recreation. Even the ubiquitous press cannot accuse Volodina of participating in quarrels or scandals, because she is a very decent, principled person. Analyzing her life, you begin to believe in fate and destiny.

Name: Vasilisa Volodina

Age: 43 years

Place of Birth: Moscow

Growth: 170 cm

The weight: 56 kg

Activity: astrologer and TV presenter

Family status: Married to Sergei Volodin

Vasilisa Volodina - biography

The country heard about her ten years ago, but she became a successful businesswoman much earlier. A lady whose life is completely devoted to the stars became popular and rich thanks to an unusual hobby - predicting the future. Today, the astrologer Vasilisa Volodina is known to everyone, and for some, she is not just a TV star, but also the last hope to find out how to find happiness.

Vasilisa is a woman of mystery. Only a few know her real name given by her parents at birth. According to one version, she was named Oksana, according to another - Elizabeth - now she does not admit this to anyone. And she successfully uses a creative pseudonym: she calculated it astrologically - in order to protect her from troubles.

The girl loved the stars from the very beginning of her biography, from an early age - as soon as the sun set, she grabbed her father's binoculars and admired the stars scattered across the sky. She watched them, studied their location, memorized and then sketched on paper. The binoculars helped her get closer to them, carried her somewhere up, into a world that was so far and unknown, and therefore attracted and beckoned more and more every year.

The military father raised his daughter in strictness and unquestioning obedience, but the parents did not interfere with the strange hobby.

It's great when your favorite business starts to generate income. And since in Soviet times there could be no profit from the stars, esotericism and astrology, Vasilisa did not even think about it. She decided to get a useful education and without much difficulty entered the economic institute in her native capital. At the same time, she did not abandon her hobby, and even vice versa, she only delved into the study of astrology, and at the same time she mastered palmistry and learned from the lines on her hand that she would become famous.

True, then it only made her smile. Vasilisa wondered to her friends, and soon began to notice that everything that she predicts comes true. In parallel with the economy, she began to attend classes at the Astrological Academy and, when her studies were coming to an end, she firmly decided to connect her life with astrology. What is called, got into a wave: the 90s had just begun and the new economic policy opened up great opportunities.

Vasilisa Volodina - Everything is in full view

Favorite activity suddenly began to bring money. Vasilisa had an impressive number of clients who, knowing about her talent as a fortune teller, did not spare money to ask about their fate. Things went higher and higher uphill. All and sundry then raised their business, and for advice from the stars and planets, novice bigwigs lined up to the rapidly gaining popularity of the Moscow astrologer.

Vasilisa worked hard, but also earned good money. An economic education also came in handy: with its help, she organized her business as an astrologer-consultant.

Over time, her skill as an astrologer grew, and the fees increased. The tabloid press did not lag behind the times - they printed horoscopes for every taste, and Vasilisa was also contacted for their compilation. This brought even more profit and fame.

Vasilisa Volodina - television

In 2006, Vasilisa was first invited to television. True, it was the then little-known Stolitsa TV channel: on it, the astrologer successfully hosted her own show, Starry Night with Vasilisa Volodina.

However, general fame in the biography of Vasilisa Volodina came two years later, when the program “Let's Get Married” started on the central channel. Right in the studio, the host and arranged someone's happiness - they picked up a couple even for people who had lost all hope for happiness. Vasilisa was also invited to join their team - there must be a specialist in astrological compatibility!

Larisa and Rosa acted ahead, asked tricky questions and did not hesitate to give a bright and emotional assessment to the next bride or groom. Vasilisa, unlike them, behaved with restraint and delicacy, which earned the viewer's favor. She did not criticize, did not look for pitfalls, did not “poke her face” into a person’s shortcomings, she calmly performed her functions as an adviser, analyzing in detail the horoscopes of brides and applicants for their hand.

In this composition, the program successfully lived for several years, until a joyful event occurred in Vasilisa's life - the birth of her second child. By the way, even then she raised her daughter, successfully combining her mother's career with a career on television.

Vasilisa Volodina - biography of personal life

Vasilisa found her husband, Sergei Volodin, thanks to her profession. Back in the nineties, she advised an acquaintance who, surprised by the predictions that came true, asked to make a horoscope for his friend Sergei. Vasilisa agreed. Having finished the work, she was incredibly surprised - the horoscope of this person turned out to be so similar to her own! However, it didn't matter. Only after a while they met with Sergei at a party and even then they decided not to leave. Their family is strong, which are few, because they were connected by the stars themselves!

Sergey helped Vasilisa build a business and actually became her partner. They had a daughter, and in 2014 a son appeared. For some time, Tatyana Globa replaced her on the show, and later Volodina returned, and not alone, but with her little son.

I must say, the appearance of a second child in the Vasilisa family is not an accident. She planned it for a long time and really wanted to, but, according to her calculations, in order for everything to work out well, she had to give birth to him at 40 years old and not a year earlier. And so it happened.

From the moment they met until today, not a single major quarrel has occurred between Vasilisa and her husband Sergei, which further confirms the theory that all the calculations and promises of the stars turned out to be correct.

Alone with everyone - Vasilisa Volodina

Popularity is always associated with increased attention of other people. Professional astronomer Vasilisa Volodina is no exception. Some facts of her biography are available to everyone, but the TV presenter prefers to remain silent about certain moments of her life. For example, no one knows for sure her real name. But most of all fans are interested in the question of how old Vasilisa Volodina is and how her personal life is developing.

The famous astronomer was born in 1974 in the month of April. How old is Vasilisa Volodina now, it is not difficult to calculate. This year, the charming astronomer celebrated her 40th anniversary. The TV presenter admits that she has had a passion for astrology and esotericism since childhood. Like many girls, at school she was fond of fortune-telling on cards. But unlike her peers, Vasilisa dreamed of connecting her future life with astrology. And she managed to make her dream a reality. Vasilisa graduated from high school with excellent marks and entered 2 universities at once: the Moscow Academy of Management and the Academy of Astrology. A few years later, the woman became the owner of 2 diplomas at once. Now she could work as an economist and astronomer. In 1992, astronomer Vasilisa Volodina began her professional career.

Purposeful Aries

The date of birth of Vasilisa Volodina is 04/16/1974, therefore, her zodiac symbol is Aries. As you know, Aries are inherent in purposefulness, assertiveness, energy, activity, optimism. Probably, thanks to all the qualities listed above, a talented woman was able to make a successful career in a few years, becoming a real professional in her field. In addition, astronomer Vasilisa Volodina was born in the year of the Tiger (according to the Eastern calendar). Tiger people are distinguished by perseverance, diligence, insight, and enthusiasm. It is safe to say that in Vasilisa all these properties manifested themselves in full, allowing her to reach professional heights. Purposefulness, perseverance, enthusiasm help to achieve tremendous success. Vasilisa Volodina shows this by her example. A photo of the charming astronomer is presented below.

Vasilisa does not hide her huge income

How many years did it take Vasilisa Volodina to become a highly paid astronomer? A little. A few years after receiving the diploma, Vasilisa began to make personal horoscopes, receiving a decent reward for them. Volodina began her professional career in 1992. Her 22 years of experience in the field of astrology deserves respect. The astronomer gained the greatest popularity thanks to the programs Let's Get Married and Starry Night with Vasilisa Volodina. Vasilisa admits that she receives a decent salary in the Let's Get Married TV program. But the astronomer's main income comes from personal consultations and the compilation of personal horoscopes. A consultation with Volodina costs about 1,000 euros. In addition to making personal forecasts, Vasilisa is engaged in business consulting. The astronomer admits that he takes his professional activity very seriously and does not allow negligence in his work.

Mystical story of marriage

Not only the question of how old Vasilisa Volodina is, her fans are interested. Many want to know the details of her personal life. The moment Vasilisa met her future husband can indeed be called mystical. The woman investigated the fate of her future husband "in absentia". The thing is that an acquaintance of Volodina asked to make a horoscope for his friend Sergei. Vasilisa readily agreed. And after a friend invited her to a birthday party, where the astronomer met her client. Since that day, Vasilisa and Sergey have not parted.

Vasilisa's work takes a lot of time and effort, especially shooting in the television program Let's Get Married. For this reason, the astronomer began to devote less time to the family. But Vasilisa's husband decided to support his wife. He quit his main job and became Volodina's director. Now Vasilisa and Sergey are not only loving spouses, but also successful business partners.

Faithful wife and caring mother

In life, Vasilisa is a resilient and peaceful person. Despite the distraught fame, popularity, she manages to combine the role of a wonderful mother, a good housewife, a loving wife. Repeatedly in an interview, Vasilisa admitted that she was "hopelessly married", but very happy in marriage. Now the Volodins are not only happy spouses, but also business partners. The astronomer's husband works in his wife's company, manages her finances, and Vasilisa herself takes part in television programs, makes forecasts and conducts personal consultations. At home, the spouses also support each other. Vasilisa admits that only she is engaged in culinary affairs, and her husband and daughter help in cleaning the house. The name of Vasilisa Volodin has turned into a kind of brand and brand of property. The contribution of a professional astronomer to the field of esotericism is very significant.

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