The glorification of the military feat in the poem by A.T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin" (chapter "Duel") - Essays, Abstracts, Reports


Municipal basic educational institution "Platovskaya OOSh"

Research work on literature

Topic: "The image of Vasily Terkin in the work of Tvardovsky"

Checked: teacher

Platovka 2011


The poem "Vasily Terkin" is evidence of history. The writer himself was a war correspondent, military life was close to him. The work shows the clarity of what is happening, figurativeness, accuracy, which makes us truly believe the poem.
The protagonist of the work, Vasily Terkin, is a simple Russian soldier. His very name speaks of the generality of his image. He was close to the soldiers, he was one of them. Many even, reading the poem, said that they had the real Terkin in their company, that he was fighting with them. The image of Terkin also has folk, folklore roots. In one of the chapters, Tvardovsky compares him with a soldier from the famous fairy tale "Porridge from an ax." The author presents Terkin as a resourceful soldier who knows how to find a way out of any situation, to show intelligence and ingenuity. In other chapters, the hero appears to us as a mighty hero from ancient epics, strong and fearless.
What can be said about the qualities of Terkin? All of them are certainly worthy of respect. It is easy to say about Vasily Terkin: “he does not sink in water and does not burn in fire,” and this will be pure truth. The hero shows such qualities as courage, courage, courage, and the proof of this is such chapters as "Crossing" and "Death and the Warrior". He never loses heart, he jokes (for example, in the chapters "Terkin-Terkin", "In the bathhouse"). He shows his love for life in Death and the Warrior. He is not given into the hands of death, resists it and survives. And, of course, in Terkin there are such qualities as great patriotism, humanism and a sense of military duty.
Vasily Terkin was very close to the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War, he reminded them of themselves. Terkin inspired the soldiers to exploits, helped them during the war years, and maybe even, to some extent, the war was won thanks to him.

- a soldier (then an officer) from the Smolensk peasants: "... the guy himself He is ordinary."
Terkin embodies the best features of the Russian soldier and the Russian people. Terkin has been fighting since the very beginning of the war, he was surrounded three times, was wounded. Terkin's motto: "Cheer up", no matter what the difficulties. So, the hero, in order to restore contact with the soldiers on the other side of the river, crosses it twice in icy water. Or, in order to hold a telephone line during the battle, Terkin alone occupies a German dugout, in which he comes under fire. Once Terkin enters into hand-to-hand combat with a German and, with great difficulty, but still takes the enemy prisoner. The hero perceives all these feats as ordinary actions in the war. He does not brag about them, does not demand a reward for them. And only jokingly says that for representativeness he simply needs a medal. Even in the harsh conditions of the war, Terkin retains all human qualities. The hero has a great sense of humor, which helps T. himself and everyone around him to survive. So, he jokes encourages fighters leading a difficult battle. Terkin is presented with the accordion of a murdered commander, and he plays it, brightening up the soldiers' moments of rest. On the way to the front, the hero helps the old peasants with their household chores, convincing them of an imminent victory. Having met a peasant woman stolen into captivity, T. gives her all the trophies. Terkin does not have a girl who would write letters to him and wait from the war. But he does not lose heart, fighting for all Russian girls. Over time, Terkin becomes an officer. He vacates his native places and, looking at them, cries. Terkin's name becomes a household name. In the chapter "In the bath" a soldier with a huge number of awards is compared with the hero of the poem. Describing his hero, the author in the chapter "From the Author" calls Terkin "a holy and sinful Russian miracle man."

Terkin from a rifle unexpectedly shoots down a German attack aircraft; Sergeant T., who is envious of him, reassures him: “Don’t worry, the German has this / Not the last plane.” In the chapter "General" T. is summoned to the general, who awards him an order and a week's leave, but it turns out that the hero cannot use him, since his native village is still occupied by the Germans. In the chapter “Fight in the swamp”, T. jokes with the fighters who are fighting a hard fight for a place called “the settlement of Borki”, from which “one black place” remains. In the chapter "On Love" it turns out that the hero does not have a girl who would accompany him to the war and write him letters to the front; the author jokingly calls: "Pay a gentle look, / Girls, to the infantry." In the chapter "Terkin's Rest", normal living conditions are presented to the hero as "paradise"; unaccustomed to sleeping in bed, he cannot sleep until he is advised to put a hat on his head to mimic field conditions. In the chapter "On the offensive" T., when the platoon commander is killed, takes command and breaks into the village first; however, the hero is again seriously wounded. In the chapter “Death and the Warrior”, T., lying wounded in a field, talks with Death, who persuades him not to cling to life; he is eventually discovered by members of the funeral crew. The chapter “Terkin writes” is a letter from T. from the hospital to fellow soldiers: he promises to return to them without fail. In the chapter "Terkin - Terkin" the hero meets a namesake - Ivan Terkin; they argue which of them is the "true" Terkin (this name has already become legendary), but they cannot determine, because they are very similar to each other. The dispute is resolved by the foreman, who explains that "According to the charter, each company / Terkin will be given his own." Further, in the chapter "From the author", the process of "mythologization" of the character is depicted; T. is called "the holy and sinful Russian miracle man." The chapter "Grandfather and Woman" again deals with the old peasants from the chapter "Two Soldiers"; having spent two years in occupation, they await the advance of the Red Army; in one of the scouts, the old man recognizes T., who became an officer. In the chapter "On the Dnieper" it is said that T., together with the advancing army, is getting closer to his native places; troops cross the Dnieper, and, looking at the liberated land, the hero cries. In the chapter "On the Road to Berlin" T. meets a peasant woman who was once driven away to Germany - she returns home on foot; together with the soldiers, T. gives her trophies: a horse with a team, a cow, a sheep, household utensils and a bicycle. In the chapter “In the bathhouse” of a soldier, on whose tunic “Orders, medals in a row / Burn with a hot flame”, admiring fighters are compared with T. : the name of the hero has already become a household name.

VASILY TERKIN - This is a realistic image of a great generalizing force, an “ordinary” hero, according to Tvardovsky, born in a special, unique atmosphere of the war years; an image-type of a Soviet soldier who organically entered the soldier's environment, close to his collective prototype in biography, way of thinking, actions and language. According to V. T, “having lost his heroic physique”, “gained a heroic soul”. This is an amazingly true understanding of the Russian national character, taken in its best features. Behind the illusion of rusticity, jokes, mischief, there is a moral sensitivity and an inherent sense of filial duty to the Motherland, the ability to accomplish a feat at any moment without phrase and pose. Behind experience and love of life - a dramatic duel with the death of a person who finds himself in a war. Developed as the poem was written and simultaneously published, the image of V. T. acquired the scale of the hero of an epic work about the fate of the Soviet soldier and his homeland. The generalized type of the Soviet soldier was identified with the image of the entire warring people, concretized in the living, psychologically rich character of V. T, in which each front-line soldier recognized himself and his comrade. V. T. became a household name, joining the same row with such heroes as Til Ulenspiegel C. de Costera and Cola Brunyon R. Rolland.

After the end of the war and the publication of the first poem about V. T., readers asked Tvardovsky to write a sequel about the life of V. T. in peacetime. Tvardovsky himself considered V. T. to belong to wartime. However, the author needed his image when writing a satirical poem about the essence of the bureaucratic world of the totalitarian system, which was called "Terkin in the next world." Personifying the viability of the Russian national character, V. T. demonstrates that “the most terrible thing for the state of the dead is a living person” (S. Lesnevsky).

After the publication of the second poem, Tvardovsky was accused of betraying his hero, who became "submissive" and "sluggish." in the second poem he continues his dispute with death, begun in the first, but according to the laws of the genre in fairy tales about a journey to the underworld, the hero is not required to actively fight, which is impossible among the dead, but the ability to go through trials and endure them. The positive beginning in satire is laughter, not the hero. Tvardovsky follows the traditions of the works of Gogol, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Dostoevsky ("Bobok"), Blok ("Dance of Death").

With triumphant success, he embodied on the stage of the Moscow Theater of Satire (director V. Pluchek).

The reader asked Tvardovsky to continue V. T. “Our Vasily,” Tvardovsky reports, “arrived in the next world, and left in this one.” The poem ends with a hint-appeal to the reader: "I have given you a task." Both V.T. and Tvardovsky remained true to themselves - the battle "for the sake of life on earth" continues.

They look into the mouth of the joker,
The word is eagerly caught.
It's good when someone is lying
Fun and challenging.
Just a guy himself
He is ordinary.
Not tall, not that small
But a hero is a hero.

I am a big hunter to live
Years to ninety.

And, at the shores of the crust
Breaking the ice
He is like him, Vasily Terkin,
I got up alive - I got by swimming.
And with a careless smile
Then the fighter says:
- Is it possible to have a pile,
Because well done?

No guys, I'm not proud.
Without thinking into the distance
So I will say: why do I need an order?
I agree to a medal.

Terkin, Terkin, good fellow...

Already in the first chapter of his poem, Tvardovsky declares that one cannot live in a war without such a person as Terkin. Why did the hero deserve the author's sympathy so much? Let's try to figure this out.

Vasily Terkin is an experienced soldier. "Not the first shoes without a repair" he has to wear. However, the hero does not lose heart. Being on a halt, he gathers a crowd of comrades around him and starts some kind of story. Most often fun.

B alaguru look in the mouth,

The word is eagerly caught.

With his jokes, Terkin raises the general mood, makes you forget about all the hardships and smile. “It's good that there is such a guy on a hike,” the author states.

The image of Terkin is typical. Tvardovsky himself says that there are always such “in every company, and in every platoon,” and their role in the great victory is enormous. After all, it is “on the spirit of the army” that the “outcome of the battle” depends, and the Terkins know how to raise this spirit.

Outwardly, the hero is unremarkable. He is an ordinary guy, not endowed with "excellent beauty", but in the war he is a "hero-hero".

The image of Terkin is clearly revealed in the chapter "Re-rights". Risking his own life, he swims across the icy river, which saves his comrades. In a critical situation, Terkin does not change his sense of humor. Barely recovering from such a crossing, he jokes. The hero does not think about the fact that he has accomplished a real feat, does not boast of it.

Worthy of admiration is the behavior of Terkin, described in the chapter "Terkin is wounded." For days he alone holds the defense and almost loses his life. With the last of his strength, talking with his “friends” who arrived in time, Terkin still manages to joke. In another episode, Terkin one on one enters into a duel with a German. Their powers are not equal. But Terkin understands that "Russia, mother-old woman" he "cannot be lost in any way." The hero is ready to meet death face to face. He believes that “praying with one’s face is not good in war” and boldly knocks out a German plane from a rifle.

The hero performs his exploits "not for the sake of glory, for the sake of life on earth." He treats receiving the award with humor. She is not important to him.

I do not need, brothers of the order,

I don't need fame

And I need, my Motherland is sick,

Native side!

This is how he motivates his truly heroic deeds.

The accordion is a folk instrument, and its importance at the front can hardly be overestimated. The accordion unfolds - the Russian soul unfolds, and then the Russian man is ready for anything, ready to give his life for a piece of his native land. The accordion in Terkin's hands sings especially loudly. He is irreplaceable here. The "memorable motif" makes the fighters forget about the fierce cold and the death of many comrades, and they all unanimously rush into a dance, hot, passionate, Russian.

The author admires his hero not only at the front, but also in everyday life. Terkin has golden hands. He will easily fix any breakdown, fix the malfunction, and all this with jokes, with humor. The ability to maintain presence of mind in any situation is the most important feature of Ter-kin. He infects other fighters with his optimism and love of life when there is a fight in the swamp, and in many other episodes.

And the younger fighters

That for the first time they go like this

At this hour, everything is more expensive

Know one thing, That Terkin is here.

Terkin's love of life is amazing. He behaves confidently and boldly in a conversation with Death.

I will cry, howl in pain,

Dying in the field without a trace

But you are willing

I will never give up.

With these words, the hero defeats Death. Terkin calls himself "a great lover of life."

The image of Terkin combines those national and universal features that the Russian people needed to win. “The symbol of the victorious people,” wrote researcher Yu. Burtin ,— became in Tvardovsky's poem an ordinary man, an ordinary soldier. His life and military work, his experiences and thoughts made the poet understandable and close to us, his modest feat is glorified, he awakened a living feeling of respect, gratitude and love for him.

The poet A. Tvardovsky in 1939 was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet Army, participated in the campaign for the liberation of Western Belarus. During the war with the White Finns, he had to work as a war correspondent. During these years, Tvardovsky actively wrote essays, notes, and reviews.
The main brainchild of the poet in the harsh war years was a wonderful, sparkling with humor, kind and simple-hearted, a poem about an ordinary participant in those events - Vasily Terkin. Throughout the war, the image of a resilient, cheerful, courageous young guy, so resourceful, remained the most beloved among the soldiers of the Red Army.
Why did this hero so captivate the hearts of the soldiers? Apparently, its simplicity, accessibility, ability to maintain a sense of humor, not to lose heart, and most importantly - its similarity to other soldiers. Already giving a portrait description of his hero, Tvardovsky insistently emphasizes his mass character: “There is always one in every company, and in every platoon.”
Vasily, as they say, is the “soul of the company”: a resilient merry fellow, a joker, who always has a joke in reserve, an encouraging, breathing humorous word for his comrades. He is one of those ordinary participants in the war who endured all the hardships of a harsh front-line life on their shoulders, went through all the circles of hell under the shelling of the enemy, lay in cold trenches.
Terkin is brave, resourceful, moderately modest (“I agree to a medal”), loyal to friendship, always helping front-line comrades. It is important to note that Terkin was conceived by the poet only as a feuilleton image, designed to make the soldiers at the front laugh with jokes, inexhaustible energy, in order to raise their fighting and vital spirit.
But Tvardovsky was so carried away by the work that he decided to create a more complex image. Only at first it seems that Terkin is a joker, a merry fellow and nothing more. Yes, of course, he possesses these qualities, and he deliberately amuses the "public", he really wants to cheer up and raise the morale of his comrades.
But from chapter to chapter, the poet persistently shows that his hero is not only a witty joker, but also a resourceful, courageous, energetic person. And most importantly - a patriot, whose heroism is laconic, not replete with beautiful words about duty to the motherland. He just silently does his soldier's work - he defends Russia.
Terkin is an experienced soldier. In the chapter "Crossing" he accomplishes a feat: performing an important assignment, Terkin, under enemy fire, broke ashore with a platoon, and from there, alone, by swimming, to the other side. And under what conditions? Cold November, the threshold of mother winter, icy water. And now the body of a soldier is rubbed with alcohol - Vasily is very cold, but he does not lose his sense of humor and asks the doctor with cunning:
- Doctor, doctor, can't you
Warm up inside me
So as not to spend everything on the skin?
In the chapter "On the Offensive" the hero takes on a big responsibility: he takes command of a platoon.
In the chapter “Duel”, Terkin enters into a fight with a fascist, and in terms of his physical data he is clearly inferior to a German: well-fed, well-groomed, well-fed with food stolen in Russian villages, taken from women and children. “Fed, shaved, cared for, fed with free grain,” the poet says mockingly about the Fritz.
The hero is indignant at the treachery of the fascist, who vilely violated the rules of a fair duel - he swung at Terkin with his heavy helmet. He recalls how much grief the Germans brought with them, taking food from the peasants and at the same time distorting Russian words, demanding instead of milk - milk, instead of eggs - eggs. Terkin feels that with all his heart he hates this well-fed German - one of those who came to Rus' uninvited, tramples on Russian soil, kills civilians. This holy hatred in this case gives him strength, helps, “taking evil and pain into a fist”, to defeat the enemy:
Oh, how are you! Fight with a helmet?
Well, not a vile people?
And then something
Anger and pain taking into a fist,
unloaded grenade
Terkin German on the left - shmyak!
The German groaned - and went limp ...
Terkin is close, dear to Tvardovsky. He worries about him, calls him a friend:
Terkin, friend, don't misfire.
You'll be lost, mind you!
It is no coincidence that the poet made Vasily his countryman, a native of the Smolensk region, and directly declares to him:
I am responsible for everything around
And notice, if you haven't noticed,
Like Terkin, my hero,
Sometimes speaks for me.

A. T. Tvardovsky wrote an outstanding work about the war - the poem "Vasily Terkin".

The literary hero of Tvardovsky rightfully deserved to have a monument erected to him. Indeed, along with him, millions of those who in one way or another resembled Vasily, who loved their country and did not spare their blood, who found a way out of a difficult situation and knew how to brighten up front-line difficulties with a joke, who liked to play or listen to music on a halt, receive a monument.

Who was Vasily Terkin? A simple fighter, which you can often meet in a war. Tvardovsky himself says of him:

Terkin - who is he?

Let's be frank:

Just a guy himself.

He is ordinary.

The work of Alexander Trifonovich is written in an easy, figurative, folk language. His poems are remembered by themselves. The author suggests:

In a word, a book from the middle

And let's start. And it will go there.

And he does not lose heart. Live and enjoy life. Today, this quality is so lacking for many people. Terkin cannot but rejoice with his love of life. After all, he

In the kitchen - from the place, from the place - into battle.

Smokes, eats and drinks with gusto

Any position.

He can swim across an icy river, dragging, straining, tongues. But here is a forced stop, "and the frost - neither stand nor sit down ...". And Terkin played on someone else's accordion.

And from that old harmonica,

Who was left an orphan

It suddenly got warmer

On the front road.

Terkin is the soul of a soldier's company. It is not for nothing that his comrades are so fond of listening to his playful, and sometimes very serious stories. Here they lie in the swamps, where the "wet" infantry is already dreaming even about "at least death, but dry". And Terkin grins and begins a long discussion. He says that as long as a soldier feels the elbow of a comrade, he is strong. Behind him is a battalion, regiment, division. And then the front. What is there - the whole of Russia!

He had such talent. Such a talent that comrades laughed while lying in dampness, it became easier for them.

In the chapter "Terkin - Terkin" we meet another fighter with the same surname and the same name, and he is also a hero. There were many such heroes on the roads of war.

However, the guy though where.

Guy like that

In each company there is always

Yes, and in every platoon.

Real fighters like Terkin are not afraid of death, they are not afraid of risk. They fight for their Motherland and perform feats without thinking about the reward, but "for the sake of life on earth."

Vasily Terkin has become one of the favorite literary heroes of many readers. In the image of Terkin, Tvardovsky portrays the best features of the Russian character - courage, perseverance, resourcefulness, optimism and great devotion to his native land.

Our mother earth is ours,

Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin", which also has another name - "The Book of a Fighter", is considered one of the most important and famous works written by the poet during his creative activity.

Being the pinnacle of epic Russian poetry, she received national recognition. Many lines of Tvardovsky's work "Vasily Terkin" have become an integral part of oral speech or popular aphorisms pronounced in poetic form. Moreover, the “Book about a fighter” received not only nationwide, but also nationwide recognition.

History of creation

Work on the poem "Vasily Terkin" Tvardovsky began in 1939-1940. At that time, he was a war correspondent, publishing his material in the newspaper "On Guard of the Motherland" of the Leningrad Military District. This was the period of the Finnish campaign. The image and name of the main character Tvardovsky - Vasily Terkin - became the fruit of the joint work of many members of the editorial board. Among them: S. Marshak, N. Shcherbakov, N. Tikhonov. The result was a very successful image of a good-natured, strong and at the same time simple Russian guy.

Initially, Terkin was a satirical hero of feuilletons and poems written for the newspaper. And from that time on, the readers of the district newspaper fell in love with the Russian soldier. This led Tvardovsky to the idea of ​​the prospects of this topic and the need for its development within the framework of a major work.

The outbreak of war with Nazi Germany for some time not only interrupted work on the poem. It was the reason for the revision of the plan. As a result, the feuilleton Vasya Terkin turned into a Soviet fighter, in whose image the best moral aspects of the entire pre-war generation are embodied. Tvardovsky gave his hero the features of the broadest generalization, while maintaining his recognizability and concreteness.

The work of Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin" was loved by the soldiers who fought on the fields of war. It was the feeling of the necessity of the book that made the author continue to work on it.

Already at the end of 1942, readers could get acquainted with the new chapter of the work “Who shot?”, Which was included in the second part of the poem. After that, Tvardovsky continued his work and completely completed work on the book in March 1945. Let's get acquainted with the summary of "Vasily Terkin" by Tvardovsky.

From the author

In the first chapter of the work, the reader gets acquainted with the hero of the poem "Vasily Terkin". Tvardovsky, starting his story, claims that the most important thing in the war is not food at all, but a good saying and saying, as well as a joke. No less important at this time is the real truth. And even if it is bitter.

The hero of Tvardovsky, Vasily Terkin, with whom the author introduces us, plays an important role in the war. Indeed, in this difficult time, there must be a place for fun and jokes. In the first chapter of the work, the author also decided on the form of his narrative. He pointed out to the reader that the book he picked up had neither beginning nor end. The first chapter is only the middle of the story.

On a halt

Getting acquainted with the content of "Vasily Terkin" by Tvardovsky, the reader learns that the protagonist of the work was in the first infantry platoon, where he immediately became his own. All the first night after his appearance, the soldiers could not fall asleep, listening to the stories of an experienced soldier. Vasily Terkin's jokes help to survive the hardships of an unsettled military life, cold, hunger, dirt and sleep on bare roots and in wet overcoats.

Based on Tvardovsky's reasoning, Vasily Terkin is a person who can be found in every company. And let this fighter of medium height, unsightly appearance, not very handsome and has no awards. But still he fought and was able to survive in any position and under any fire.

Before the fight

Let's move on to the next chapter of "Vasily Terkin" by Tvardovsky. In it, the hero of the poem talks about how he got out of the encirclement and was a political instructor, holding a conversation with the fighters with only the words "do not be discouraged."

From this chapter of Vasily Terkin by Tvardovsky, we understand that the Soviet army is retreating. She leaves her native lands, which will soon be occupied. The soldiers feel guilty before the civilian population. On their way, the native village of the commander. The platoon goes there. The commander's wife invites the fighters to the hut and treats them. The children are happy with their father, who, as it seems to them at first, came in the evening after working in the field. However, they understand that tomorrow he will leave, and the Germans will most likely enter their house. All night the commander does not sleep and chop wood. He tries to somehow help his wife.

For a long time, the cry of children sounds in Terkin’s head, who woke up at dawn and saw how their father, along with the fighters, left the house. Vasily dreams of how, after the liberation of his native land, he will come to the hospitable hostess and bow to her for a stay.


We continue our acquaintance with a summary of the chapters of Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin". In the next of them, the reader will learn about how the soldiers of three platoons tried to cross the river in the winter. Only the soldiers of the unit where Terkin served managed to swim to the other side. After that, the Germans began shelling. By night, the one who remained alive no longer hoped to see his comrades, believing that they were all dead.

What does the chapter “Crossing” in Tvardovsky’s “Vasily Terkin” tell the reader about next? At dawn, the lookouts reported that they saw a small black dot on the river. At first, they decided that this was the body of a soldier killed during the shelling. However, the sergeant took the binoculars and saw the floating man. Someone joked that only Terkin could swim across the river in icy water. And indeed, it was him. Vasily reported to the colonel that the first platoon was intact, waiting for further instructions and asking for support with artillery fire. Terkin is dressed in dry clothes, forced to run, rubbed with alcohol and given inside to keep him warm. At night, the fighters resumed the crossing to fight for the sake of life on earth, and not at all for the sake of glory.

About war

The next chapter of Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin" contains the reasoning of the protagonist. He believes that with the advent of war, you need to forget about everything and be only responsible for the Motherland and for your people. At this time, it is necessary to be one with all people. About yourself, says Terkin, you must also forget. Each fighter must beat the German, fight selflessly and be fully prepared to fulfill the order of the command at any cost. Even if you have to give your life for it. At the same time, soldiers must believe that their descendants will be grateful to them.

Terkin wounded

Continuing our acquaintance with the chapters of A. T. Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin", we learn that its main character had to establish contact on one of the winter days. At this time, Vasily moved after the rifle company. Suddenly, a projectile hissed near him. Everyone got scared and fell to the ground. The first of all the fighters to rise was Terkin. He handed the spool to the soldiers and decided to see if the enemy was firing from a nearby cellar. But there was no one there. He himself set up an ambush in this dugout, deciding to hold the line using two grenades.

The Nazis were coming. Two steps away, Terkin noticed a German soldier. The enemy rushed at Vasily and wounded him in the shoulder. Terkin hit the German with a bayonet. At this time, the shelling of heavy artillery began.

At the end of this chapter of Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin", the reader learns that the wounded soldier was found by Soviet tankmen. He was already bleeding and losing consciousness. Tankers saved his life.

About the award

In the next chapter of A. T. Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin", the reader gets acquainted with the reasoning of the protagonist that he does not need an order at all. The fighter agrees to a medal. He will need this award after the war, when, returning to his homeland, he will tell the girls about how he once went on the attack. The author regrets that now Vasily cannot get to his native land. After all, he takes part in a terrible, mortal, bloody battle for life on earth, and not for glory.


What is told in the next chapter of the poem by A. T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin"? The reader will learn that after being wounded and staying in the hospital, the fighter returns to the rifle regiment to the soldiers of his first company. On the way, he was picked up by a truck heading to the front. The marching column had to stop because of a snow jam. In the forced moments of rest, two tankers gave Terkin an accordion, which was left from the commander, who had recently died in battle.

From the sounds of a musical instrument, all fighters feel warmer at heart, and some of them start dancing. It even begins to seem to the tankers that they are already familiar with Terkin. Looking closer at him, they recognized in Vasily that wounded soldier who had been saved from death. The tankers gave Terkin the accordion of their commander. They understand that war is not the time to mourn the dead and wonder who can survive and return home.

two soldiers

What becomes known to the reader from the next chapter of A. T. Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin"? Just three miles from the front line, the protagonist of the work entered the house where two old people live. My grandfather used to be a soldier himself. Terkin helped the old man fix his watch and saw. With jokes, Vasily lured food from the old woman. Reluctantly, she took out bacon from her bins and fried the men scrambled eggs from two eggs. After having lunch and drinking alcohol from a flask, the two soldiers started talking about the everyday difficulties of the war. At the end, Vasily bowed to the hosts and promised that the German would definitely be defeated.

About loss

What will the reader learn from the next chapter of Alexander Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin"? This story says that our hero's comrade lost his pouch. This made him very upset. But Vasily calms the fighter, saying that he has already lost his native land and family. This is the main disappointment. Everything else is not to be regretted. Terkin gives his comrade his pouch, noting at the same time that they should never lose Russia, for which they are responsible.


From the plot of "Vasily Terkin" by Tvardovsky, the reader learns that the main character of the work entered into hand-to-hand combat with a fascist. The German is a strong and agile man, large and well-fed. However, our soldier does not give up and does not lose heart. The German knocked out Terkin's teeth, and Vasily knocked out his enemy's eye. Our soldier is very hard. He already barely manages his wounded right hand and is exhausted, but he does not give up. The Nazi removed his helmet from his head and began to fight with it. Terkin, on the other hand, struck down his enemy with an unloaded grenade, stunned and tied him up.

Vasily is pleased with himself. He enjoys military success and is proud that he is walking on Soviet soil and pushing him to the headquarters of the “language”, realizing that everyone who comes across him is glad that Terkin returned from intelligence alive.

Message from the author

The next chapter is a kind of respite in the "fairy tale about war" created by the author. After all, listening to it is good for someone who has already been able to defeat the enemy and returned home. Tvardovsky says that a soldier in the war would like to read a peaceful fairy tale. However, as long as the native land continues to remain in captivity, the author will talk about the war.

Who was shooting?

In this chapter, the author tells a story about how, after yesterday's battle, the soldiers are in the trenches not far from the positions of the enemy. A summer evening descends to the ground, reminding the fighters of peacetime and peasant labor. Suddenly, the sound of an approaching enemy aircraft is heard. The Nazi is circling over the positions of Soviet soldiers. Death is very near. However, no one wants to die. And here the author of the work began to talk about what time of the year is best to die in the war. As a result, he comes to the conclusion that no time is suitable for this.

But here Terkin came to the aid of his comrades. He got up, fired at the plane with his rifle and knocked it out. Vasily became a hero. For this he was awarded an order.

About the hero

In the next chapter of the poem, its main character tells about how he met, while in the hospital, a young soldier-order-bearer from near Tambov. He hinted to him that there simply could not be such daredevils like him in the Smolensk region - Terkin's homeland. Now Vasily is glad that he received the order. He does not boast of his small homeland, but at the same time he is proud of the land where he was born and raised, and also cherishes it.


This chapter tells about the second year of the war. There are battles on the Volga. Terkin is on the defensive and sleeping in a trench on the river bank. Half asleep, he hears a song that speaks of a stream that can crawl under barbed wire and reach his native village, conveying greetings and words of love to the soldier's mother. And here he was called to the general to present the order. Terkin refuses his leave, and decides to go home at the time when the army moves on to the liberation of Smolensk. The general agrees with his words, firmly shakes Vasily's hand, hugs and looks the soldier in the eyes. He behaves with him as he would behave with his son. The General warmly says goodbye to Terkin.

About myself

In this chapter, the author tells the reader how he saved his father's house in his soul, although he left it in his youth. The poet recalls the forest, not yet wounded by the war, and summer days, his native courtyard and the stitch leading to the well. He identifies himself with those Soviet people who left their families and everything that they have dear behind the front lines. Now the land of the author and Terkin, his countryman, is suffering in captivity. And for that they both must be held accountable.

Fight in the swamp

Terkin's platoon is fighting for the village of Borki. For the third day they have been fighting in a swamp, which seems to them pointless. Around is hungry and damp. Soldiers can’t even smoke, because all the tobacco has gone sour. And at this time, Terkin manages to cheer up his comrades. He tells the fighters that they are among their own and in their native territory. In addition, the soldiers are protected by Soviet artillery. According to Vasily, everything is not so bad. And this swamp can be compared to a resort. The words spoken by Terkin amused the fighters, after which they occupied the village without much difficulty.

About love

In the next chapter of the poem, the author argues that every soldier was certainly escorted to war by a woman. Her love always encourages, glorifies, warns, and condemns. Soldiers' wives never complain in their letters about how hard it is for them to live. And these news from home do real miracles with the fighters. The author argues that love is much stronger than war, and encourages women to write to their husbands to the front more often. The poet also asks the girls to take a closer look at the hero of the poem and fall in love with him.

Terkin's rest

From the next chapter, the reader will learn that a soldier's paradise is the place where he can sleep off. The hero of Tvardovsky got into such a peaceful house. There is a warm stove and a bedroom with a bed lined with clean linen. In this "paradise" you do not need to sit in your clothes, cut bread with a bayonet and put a rifle at your feet, as well as remove a spoon from your bootleg. In such purity, Vasily becomes uncomfortable. Sometimes it even begins to seem to him that he again found himself in the hospital. The fighter keeps thinking about those who are at war, and because of this he cannot sleep. However, the Soviet army has not yet come to victory. That is why Terkin is again sent to the forefront. Until the end of the war, he will have to rest only on the way and where chance takes him.

On the offensive

The next chapter tells that the fighters are already very used to being in the harrow. However, an order came, according to which the army was required to go on the offensive. Young soldiers try to look up to Terkin. And this, despite the fact that he is also scared, lying on the ground, waiting for the next break. The lieutenant running in front of the attack was seriously wounded, and he died right on the battlefield. And then Terkin led the soldiers forward. But he, too, was badly wounded.

death and warrior

In this chapter, the author tells the reader how death came to the bleeding Terkin. She called him with her, frightened him with injury and said that the war would go on for a very long time, so there was no point in life. However, Vasily did not give up. He still wanted to see victory and, returning home, walk with living people.

The funeral team found the fighter. They put him on a stretcher and took him to the medical battalion. All this time, death was near. But when she saw that the living take good care of each other, she left.

Terkin writes

This chapter talks about the time when Vasily is in the hospital.

He writes to his fellow soldiers that he survived and that his leg is already healing. After the hospital, Terkin dreams of returning to his native part, which has become a home and family for the soldier. Vasily wants to walk with his comrades to the very border, and if this does not work out, then meet his death among fellow soldiers.


After recovery, Vasily was again in his regiment. However, now he feels like a complete stranger. And then someone asked: “Where is Terkin?” The first to answer the question was an unfamiliar red-haired fighter. Terkin the old had a grudge in his soul. He decided to find out to the end which of them was the real one. It turned out that the new soldier's name was Ivan Terkin. He has been awarded two orders. And due to the fact that Ivan knocked out one enemy car more, he is sure that the book about the fighter was written about him. The author came up with another name only for rhyme. How did the heroes of "Vasily Terkin" by A. T. Tvardovsky resolve their dispute? The foreman settled the conflict. He announced that each company would now have its own Terkin.

From the author

In this chapter, the poet refutes rumors about the death of a beloved hero. He says that Terkin is alive, and not heard about him only because he is fighting in the West.

grandfather and grandmother

The heroes whom the reader met in the chapter of Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin" - "Two Soldiers" met again during the offensive of the Soviet troops. Grandfather and woman were sitting in the cellar, hiding from the shots, when they heard the voices of scouts, among whom was our fighter. The old people accepted Vasily as their own son, feeding him with lard. Terkin assured them that the Soviet army would not back down again. He promised to bring from Berlin the watches that the Germans had taken from the old people.

On the Dnieper

Having created a collective image of Vasily Terkin, Tvardovsky argued that throughout the war his hero did not cease to feel his own guilt in front of his native land under occupation. He was ashamed that he was not among those who liberated his native village. The front continued to advance towards the Dnieper, where at dawn, at the very end of the Indian summer, a battle took place. Our troops successfully crossed the river. At the same time, they captured the Germans, who practically did not resist this.

The image of Vasily Terkin in Tvardovsky's poem for this chapter has already undergone significant changes. In this fighter, we see a completely different person - calm, experienced, who has already managed to lose many, many things.

About the orphan soldier

The Soviet army continues its offensive. The fighters who are liberating city after city are already dreaming of taking Berlin as something real. After analyzing "Vasily Terkin" by Tvardovsky, it becomes clear that the popularity of the protagonist of the poem began to decline. He was held in high esteem in those days when the army was retreating. At that time, Vasily cheered up the fighters. Now this role is assigned to the generals.

It becomes clear that the war in Tvardovsky's Vasily Terkin is nearing its end. Residents of European capitals welcome the liberators with joy. However, a simple soldier does not stop thinking about his native village.

One of the author's countrymen was orphaned. His house was burned down and his family was killed. He learned about this during the offensive near Smolensk, when he asked for leave to visit his native village of Krasny Most. The soldier silently returned to the unit and, holding a plate of cold soup in his hands, wept. The author urges the reader not to forgive the Nazis for these tears, to reach victory and avenge the grief brought by the Germans.

On the way to Berlin

The war in Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin" is getting closer and closer to the end. The Soviet army is in a foreign land, where the soldiers are unaccustomed to red tiles and foreign speech.

People are moving towards the east. These are the British, the French and the Poles, who look friendly at the Russian soldiers-liberators. Here the fighters meet a Russian woman who returns across the Dnieper to her ruined yard. Terkin gives her a horse with a harness, a sheep, a cow, and various household utensils.

In the bath

The Russian bathhouse becomes a real stepfather's home in a foreign land for soldiers. She gives them a lot of pleasure. The fighters regret only that they have to take water from other people's rivers. However, the author notes that it will be worse in the war if the soldiers begin to wash, for example, near Moscow.

In the bath, everyone undresses, and all the wounds on the body immediately become visible. They are marks of war. On the tunics, which the fighters put on after the bath, a large number of medals stand out. The soldiers joke that that's not all. After all, the last frontier lies ahead of them.

From the author

In this chapter, the author says goodbye to Terkin. After the war, he was no longer needed, as it was time for a different song. But the "Book about a fighter" created by Tvardovsky is dear to him. After all, Terkin is the pain of the poet, his joy, rest and feat. Everything written by the author should please the reader.

Analysis of the poem

"Vasily Terkin" by Tvardovsky is rightfully included in the list of the most significant works of Russian literature written in the second half of the 20th century.

The poem includes 29 chapters. Each of them can be considered as an independent work. The book contains many lyrical digressions. At the same time, its form and content are close to folk narratives.

In the poem one can find a whole fusion of genres, epic and lyrics. The poetic form of the work is rich in humor and pathos, sketches of front-line life and heroic battles, casual jokes and tragedy. There is a folk language and high oratory here. That is why the work is sometimes called not a poem at all. It can be considered a folk book. Tvardovsky invented a general genre and chose a military theme. Moreover, the author showed the war from the very beginning to the end.

From lyrical digressions, the image of the author becomes clear to us. The reader realizes that the poet loves his hero very much.

The whole plot of the work carries a high ideological thought. And the simplicity of the poetic language, which is close to the folk language, makes the poem understandable to all people. From the poems of Tvardovsky it became warm to the fighters who were on the battlefield. They give us inexhaustible spiritual energy even now, after many years.

As for the character of the protagonist, his author reveals to his reader gradually. Going from chapter to chapter, Terkin appears to us from different angles. Sometimes he shows real courage and courage. This the reader sees in the chapter "Crossing". When describing what is happening in the war, the author never ceases to emphasize that Soviet soldiers are not heroes from birth. They are simple young guys, and many of them donned military uniforms for the first time. Nevertheless, their faces are illuminated by heroism.

Tvardovsky emphasizes his idea that the feat performed by these young fighters is nothing more than a continuation of the military successes of their grandfathers and fathers who participated in the wars of past centuries.

The author covers Terkin's participation in battles using a semi-joking form. At the same time, he talks about the dreams of his hero, who wants to return home as soon as possible. Vasily does not mind receiving an award, but at the same time he shows modesty. Most of all, he wants to impress the girls with his medal.

After the cheerful scenes in which Vasily's dreams are described, the author proceeds to describe the terrible battle. By this, he seeks to emphasize that the path to happiness lies through struggle, and also points to the connection between the fate of each person and the future of the country.

In the poem, the author collected people's joy and sorrow. You can find here both harsh and mournful lines. However, most of all in the work of folk humor, which affirms a great love for life. Sometimes it seems incredible that the story of the most difficult and cruel war that has ever been in the history of peoples will sound so life-affirming. But Tvardovsky in his "Vasily Terkin" successfully coped with a similar task.

The work with amazing brightness and truthfulness paints a real picture of the life and struggle of the people in the harsh years of the war. At the same time, the author constantly draws the reader's eyes to the future. He also mentions that list of golden glory, in which the descendants will add nameless heroes who gave their lives for victory.

The epic nature of the poem, as well as its narrative nature of the presentation of the plot, coexist perfectly with the high lyrical beginning, which then literally permeates all the chapters. The reader gets acquainted with the most sincere thoughts of the author both in the descriptions of the battle, and in the story about the woman who sees off the soldier, and in the conversation that Terkin has with death. Thus, the lyrical and epic principles in the work are united and inseparable.

Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin" was reprinted more than once. There are many translations of it into various languages. And today both the older generation and the youth willingly read it.

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