Stage space. Zoya Sanina, Anninsky school, Lomonosov district, Leningrad region Spatial scene with outdoor area


The stage space of delusions was accompanied by a willingness to minimize decoration - in the middle of the century this became almost an optional requirement, in any case, a sign of good taste. The most radical (as always and in everything) was the position of Vs. Meyerhold: he replaced the scenery with "construction" and costumes with "overalls". As N. Volkov writes, “... Meyerhold said that the theater should dissociate itself from the painter and the musician, only the author, director and actor can merge. The fourth basis of the theater is the spectator... If we depict these relationships graphically, we get the so-called "direct theater", where the author-director-actor form one chain, towards which the viewer's attention rushes" (31).

Such an attitude to the decorative design of the performance, albeit not in such extreme forms, has not been outlived to this day. Its supporters explain their rejection of a coherent design of the stage by the desire for "theatricality". Many objected to this. directing masters; in particular, A.D. Popov noticed that $ ... the return of the actor to the background of the canvas scenes and his release from any game details does not yet signify the victory of romanticism and theatricality on the stage ”(32). That is, from the discovery that the assistant arts are not the main ones on the stage, it does not at all follow that they are not needed at all. And attempts to rid the theater of scenery are echoes of the former exaggerated reverence for stage design, only “upside down”: they reflect the idea of ​​independence and independence of scenography.

In our time, this question has become completely clear: art

stage design plays a secondary role in relation to

to the art of acting. This position is by no means

"denies, but, on the contrary, assumes a certain influence, which

4 can and should have the design of the performance on the stage

| action. The measure and direction of this influence is determined by

|: the rage of action, in which the paramount, op-

the decisive role of the latter. The relationship between plastic

". The composition of the performance and its decorative design are very

; visible: the point of their closest contact is misan-

review. After all, mise-en-scene is nothing but a plastic form

“an action taken at any stage of its development in time and in

y. stage space. And if we accept the definition of directing as

art of plastic composition, then you can’t think of anything

better than the winged formula O.Ya. Remez, who said: "The mise-en-scene

The director's language" and to prove this definition, write

who put down a whole book.

The possibility of moving the actor in the stage space

| depends on how this space is organized by the stage

|! count. The width, length and height of the machines are naturally determined

I ut the duration and scale of movements, the breadth and depth of mi-

t zanscene and the speed of their turnover. Tilt angle of the stage

| ny makes its own demands on acting plasticity. Besides that-

First, the actor must take into account the perspective of the pictorial

1 and the texture of fake parts, so that the loss of the necessary

distances do not destroy the illusion, do not expose before the audience

lem authentic proportions and true material of constructions and

hand-drawn decorations. For the director, the size and shape of the machines

and sites are “suggested circumstances” for creating a plan

stic composition. Thus it becomes obvious

direct connection between the architectural and constructive side of de-

corative design and plastic composition of the performance.

Influence on the plastic composition of the pictorial and color

the decisions of scenery and costumes are manifested more subtly. Gamma

colors chosen by the artist affects the atmosphere of the action

wiya; moreover, it is one of the means of creating the necessary atmosphere

spheres. The atmosphere, in turn, cannot but influence the selection

plastic means. Even the color ratio itself

costumes, scenery, stage clothes can have on the viewer

a certain emotional impact, which should be taken

swearing into account when arranging figures in mise-en-scenes.

The connection between the plastic composition of the spec-

takla with the furnishings of the stage - furniture, props

that and all other objects that actors use in

stage action. Their weight, their dimensions, material,

what they are made of, their authenticity or conventionality, all

this dictates the nature of the handling of these items. Wherein

requirements can be directly opposite: sometimes you need

overcome some qualities of the subject, hide them, and sometimes,

against, expose these qualities, emphasize them.

Even more obvious is the dependence of the physical behavior of a person

press on suits, the cut of which can fetter, limit

vat or, conversely, release the actor's plasticity.

Thus, the multifaceted relationship between the decorative

the design and plastic composition of the performance are not subject to

lives in doubt. HELL. Popov wrote: “The mise-en-scene of the body, supposedly

guiding the plastic composition of the figure of an individual actor, building

is in complete interdependence on the neighboring, associated with it

figures. And if there is none, there is only one actor on the stage, then in this

case, this one figure should "respond" to nearby

volumes, whether it be a window, a door, a column, a tree or a staircase. In ru-

like a director who thinks plastically, the figure of an individual actor

tera is inevitably linked compositionally and rhythmically with ok-

environment, with architectural structures and

space” (33).

Scenography can provide the director and actors with invaluable

I need help in building the form of the performance, and maybe interfere

the formation of a holistic work, depending on whether

the extent to which the artist's intention is consonant with the director's intention. AND

since in the relationship between stage action and decoration

tive design assigns a subordinate role to the second, then

it is obvious that in the creative community of the director and artist

ka the latter should direct the work of his imagination

for the overall purpose of the play. And yet the position

the artist in the theater cannot be called disenfranchised. Formation

style and genre of the performance does not follow the path of suppression, depersonalization

of the creative individualities of its creators, but along the way

their summation. This is a rather complicated process even when

when it comes to bringing the works of two artists into harmony,

operating with the same expressive means. In dan-

In the same case, a harmonic combination of two different

arts, two different types of creative thinking, two

different expressive means; therefore, here the question of their mutual

ny correspondence, which should as a result lead to the creation

giving the style and genre integrity of the work, especially

complex and cannot be exhausted by a simple statement of pre-

property rights of one and subordination of another. direct,

elementary subordination of the scenography of the performance to the utilitarian

the needs of stage action may not give the desired

result. By definition, A.D. Popova "... the design of the spec-

takla is an artistic image of the place

actions and at the same time a platform, pre-

providing rich opportunities for

implementation on it stage deist-

in and I” (34). Therefore, it would be more correct to say that subordination

action design should arise as a result

addition of creative handwriting, as a result of the joint work of

powerful creative individuals. Consequently,

you can only talk about the soil that is most favorable

clear for this cooperation, about those common positions that

give a single direction to the development of the creative thought of each of

the creators of the show. Building your plan on this common ground,

the stage designer can use many features of expressive

ny means of their art, without violating the genre and style

unity of the whole production.

1. denouement of the action in the study

The denouement of the action is the final part of the plot, following after the climax. In the denouement of the action, it is usually found out how the relations between the warring parties have changed, what consequences the conflict had.

Often, in order to break the stereotype of what readers expect (“wedding” or “funeral”), writers generally omit the denouement of the action. For example, the lack of a denouement in the plot of the eighth chapter of "Eugene Onegin" makes the finale of the novel "open". Pushkin, as it were, invites readers to reflect on how Onegin's fate could have turned out, without prejudging the possible development of events. In addition, the character of the protagonist also remains "unfinished", capable of further development.

Sometimes the denouement of an action is the subsequent story of one or more characters. This is a narrative device that is used to communicate how the characters' lives have turned out after the completion of the main action. A brief "following history" of the heroes of "The Captain's Daughter" by A.S. Pushkin can be found in the afterword written by the "publisher". This technique was quite often used by Russian novelists of the second half of the 19th century, in particular I.A. Goncharov in the novel Oblomov and I.S. Turgenev in the novel Fathers and Sons.

2. The place of the musical-noise rhythm in the etude.

The sound score is a guiding document that tells the sound engineer those moments in the course of the program when to turn on and turn off the phonogram. It is necessary for understanding the general musical accompaniment of the project and is a "draft" of the main musical theme, sound logo, etc.

The director begins to practically embody his idea of ​​​​musical and noise design during the rehearsal period of work on the program. At the final stage of the rehearsal work, when all the musical and noise numbers are determined, that is, the replicas are set to turn on and off, sound plans and the sound level for each sound fragment, the sound engineer makes the final version of the sound score of the event.

The score is a document, following which the sound accompaniment of the project is carried out. She checks with the director's copy of the script, agrees with the head of the musical part and is approved by the director. After that, all changes and corrections to the score are made only with the permission of the director.

Genuine skill, the ability to master the expressive means of performing arts, along with other factors, depends on the level of musical culture. After all, music is one of the most important elements of the theatrical performance of almost any genre.

No book can replace the music itself. She can only guide

attention, to help understand the features of the musical form, to acquaint with the composer's intention. But without listening to music, all the knowledge acquired from the book will remain dead, scholastic. The more regularly and attentively the boat listens to music, the more he begins to hear in it. Listening and hearing are not the same thing. It happens that a piece of music at first seems difficult, inaccessible to perception. You should not rush to conclusions. With repeated listening, its figurative content will surely be revealed, and will become a source of aesthetic pleasure.

But in order to experience music emotionally, one must perceive the sound fabric itself. If a person reacts emotionally to music, but at the same time very little can distinguish, differentiate, "hear", then only an insignificant part of its expressive content will reach him.

According to the way music is used in action, it is divided into two main categories.

Subject music in a performance, depending on the conditions of its use, can carry a wide variety of functions. In some cases, it gives only an emotional or semantic characterization of a particular scene, without directly intruding into the dramaturgy. In other cases, story music can rise to be the most important dramatic factor.

Story music can:

· Describe the actors;

Indicate the place and time of action;

Create an atmosphere, mood of the stage action;

Tell about an action invisible to the viewer.

The listed functions, of course, do not exhaust all the variety of methods for using story music in dramatic performances.

It is much more difficult to introduce conditional music into a performance than story music. Its conventionality may come into conflict with the reality of life shown on the stage. Therefore, conventional music always requires a convincing inner justification. At the same time, the expressive possibilities of such music are very wide; a variety of orchestral, as well as vocal and choral means can be used for it.

Conditional music can:

Emotionally enhance dialogue and monologue,

Describe the actors

Emphasize the constructive and compositional construction of the performance,

aggravate the conflict.

For the implementation of the production, certain conditions are needed - the space of the auditorium and the stage. How these two spaces relate, how their form is determined, etc., determines the nature of the relationship between the actor and the audience, the conditions for perceiving the performance. These ratios are determined by the social and aesthetic requirements of the era, the creative characteristics of artistic trends, and other factors.

Spectator and stage spaces together make up theatrical space. At the heart of any form of theatrical space there are two principles for the location of actors and spectators in relation to each other: axial and center.

AT axial In this solution, the stage is located frontally in front of the audience, and they are, as it were, on the same axis with the performers. AT center– seats for spectators surround the stage from three or four sides.

Fundamental to all types of scenes is the way in which both spaces are combined. There can also be only two solutions here: either a clear separation of the volume of the stage and the auditorium, or their partial or complete merging into a single, undivided space. In other words, in one version, the auditorium and the stage are placed, as it were, in different rooms that are in contact with each other, in the other, both the hall and the stage are located in a single spatial volume.. These principles can be traced from the first theatrical structures in ancient Greece to modern buildings.

Classification of the main forms of the stage:

1 box stage; 2stage-arena; 3spatial scene (aopen area, bopen area with a box stage); 4ring stage (aopen, bclosed); fivesimulated scene (asingle platform, bindividual sites)

box scene- a closed stage space, bounded on all sides by walls, one of which has a wide opening facing the auditorium. Seats for spectators are located in front of the stage along its front within the normal visibility of the playing area. Refers to axial type of theater, with a sharp separation of both spaces.

arena stage- arbitrary in shape, but more often a round space around which spectator seats are located. The arena stage is a typical example center theater. The spaces of the stage and the hall are merged here.

spatial scene- this is one of the types of arena, belongs to the center type of the theater. Unlike the arena, its area is not surrounded by seats for spectators from all sides, but only partially, with a small angle of coverage. Depending on the solution, the spatial scene can be axial and center. In modern solutions, a spatial scene is often combined with a box scene. The arena and space stage are often referred to as open stages.

ring stage- a stage platform in the form of a movable or fixed ring, inside of which there are places for spectators. Most of this ring can be hidden from the audience by walls, and then the ring is used as one of the ways to mechanize the box stage. In its pure form, the ring stage is not separated from the auditorium, being in the same space with it. There are two types: closed and open, belongs to the category axial scenes.

Essence simulated scene consists in the simultaneous display of different scenes of action on one or more sites located in the auditorium. Various compositions of playgrounds and places for spectators do not allow us to attribute this scene to one or another type. In this solution of the theatrical space, the most complete fusion of the stage and spectator zones is achieved, the boundaries of which are sometimes difficult to determine.

Delusions were accompanied by a willingness to minimize
decorative design - in the middle of the century it became almost
a mandatory requirement, in any case, a sign of good
go tone. The most radical (as always and in everything) was the positive
Sun. Meyerhold: he replaced the decoration with a "construction" and
overall suits. As N. Volkov writes, “... Meyerhold
said that the theater should dissociate itself from the painter and the
Zykant, only the author, director and actor can merge. Thursday
the pivotal basis of the theater is the spectator ... If you depict graphic
ski data relationship, you get the so-called
"direct theater", where the author-director-actor form one
a chain towards which the viewer's attention rushes" (31).

A similar attitude to the decorative design of the performance
la, albeit not in such extreme forms, has not been outlived so far. Him
supporters explain their rejection of intelligible stage design
desire for theatricality. Many objected to this.

Directing masters; in particular, A.D. Popov noted that
$ ...the return of the actor to the background of the canvas scenes and the release
him from any game details does not yet mark the victory of the ro-
manticism and theatricality on stage" (32). That is, from the discovery
that the assistant arts are not the main ones on the stage, it does not follow at all
no, they are not needed at all. And attempts to rid the theater of
decorations are echoes of the former hypertrophied soil
shades to the design of the scene, only “upside down”: they reflect
the idea of ​​self-reliance and independence of the stage

In our time, this question has become completely clear: art
stage design plays a secondary role in relation to
to the art of acting. This position is by no means
"denies, but, on the contrary, assumes a certain influence, which
4 can and should have the design of the performance on the stage
| action. The measure and direction of this influence is determined by
|: the rage of action, in which the paramount, op-
the decisive role of the latter. The relationship between plastic
". The composition of the performance and its decorative design are very
; visible: the point of their closest contact is misan-
review. After all, mise-en-scene is nothing but a plastic form
“an action taken at any stage of its development in time and in
y. stage space. And if we accept the definition of directing as
art of plastic composition, then you can’t think of anything
better than the winged formula O.Ya. Remez, who said: "The mise-en-scene
- the language of the director" and to prove this definition, write
who put down a whole book.

The possibility of moving the actor in the stage space
| depends on how this space is organized by the stage
|! count. The width, length and height of the machines are naturally determined
I ut the duration and scale of movements, the breadth and depth of mi-
t zanscene and the speed of their turnover. Tilt angle of the stage
| ny makes its own demands on acting plasticity. Besides that-
First, the actor must take into account the perspective of the pictorial
1 and the texture of fake parts, so that the loss of the necessary

Distances do not destroy the illusion, do not expose before the audience
lem authentic proportions and true material of constructions and
hand-drawn decorations. For the director, the size and shape of the machines
and sites are “suggested circumstances” for creating a plan
stic composition. Thus it becomes obvious
direct connection between the architectural and constructive side of de-
corative design and plastic composition of the performance.

Influence on the plastic composition of the pictorial and color
the decisions of scenery and costumes are manifested more subtly. Gamma
colors chosen by the artist affects the atmosphere of the action
wiya; moreover, it is one of the means of creating the necessary atmosphere
spheres. The atmosphere, in turn, cannot but influence the selection
plastic means. Even the color ratio itself
costumes, scenery, stage clothes can have on the viewer
a certain emotional impact, which should be taken
swearing into account when arranging figures in mise-en-scenes.

The connection between the plastic composition of the spec-
takla with the furnishings of the stage - furniture, props
that and all other objects that actors use in
stage action. Their weight, their dimensions, material,
what they are made of, their authenticity or conventionality, all
this dictates the nature of the handling of these items. Wherein
requirements can be directly opposite: sometimes you need
overcome some qualities of the subject, hide them, and sometimes,
against, expose these qualities, emphasize them.

Even more obvious is the dependence of the physical behavior of a person
press on suits, the cut of which can fetter, limit
vat or, conversely, release the actor's plasticity.

Thus, the multifaceted relationship between the decorative
the design and plastic composition of the performance are not subject to
lives in doubt. HELL. Popov wrote: “The mise-en-scene of the body, supposedly
guiding the plastic composition of the figure of an individual actor, building
is in complete interdependence on the neighboring, associated with it
figures. And if there is none, there is only one actor on the stage, then in this
case, this one figure should "respond" to nearby

Volumes, whether it be a window, a door, a column, a tree or a staircase. In ru-
like a director who thinks plastically, the figure of an individual actor
tera is inevitably linked compositionally and rhythmically with ok-
environment, with architectural structures and
space” (33).

Scenography can provide the director and actors with invaluable
I need help in building the form of the performance, and maybe interfere
the formation of a holistic work, depending on whether
the extent to which the artist's intention is consonant with the director's intention. AND
since in the relationship between stage action and decoration
tive design assigns a subordinate role to the second, then
it is obvious that in the creative community of the director and artist
ka the latter should direct the work of his imagination
for the overall purpose of the play. And yet the position
the artist in the theater cannot be called disenfranchised. Formation
style and genre of the performance does not follow the path of suppression, depersonalization
of the creative individualities of its creators, but along the way
their summation. This is a rather complicated process even when
when it comes to bringing the works of two artists into harmony,
operating with the same expressive means. In dan-
In the same case, a harmonic combination of two different
arts, two different types of creative thinking, two
different expressive means; therefore, here the question of their mutual
ny correspondence, which should as a result lead to the creation
giving the style and genre integrity of the work, especially
complex and cannot be exhausted by a simple statement of pre-
property rights of one and subordination of another. direct,
elementary subordination of the scenography of the performance to the utilitarian
the needs of stage action may not give the desired
result. By definition, A.D. Popova "... the design of the spec-
takla is an artistic image of the place
actions and at the same time a platform, pre-
providing rich opportunities for
implementation on it stage deist-
in and I" (34). Therefore, it would be more correct to say that subordination

Action design should occur as a result
addition of creative handwriting, as a result of the joint work of
powerful creative individuals. Consequently,
you can only talk about the soil that is most favorable
clear for this cooperation, about those common positions that
give a single direction to the development of the creative thought of each of
the creators of the show. Building your plan on this common ground,
the stage designer can use many features of expressive
ny means of their art, without violating the genre and style
unity of the whole production.

One of the specific features of the artist's work in the theater
is his right to a much greater conventionality of the image,
than is possible in acting. So the consequence is sub-
the position of art-assistant becomes his grafted
Legia. After all, the stage space is conditional by definition.
laziness. And if we see on the stage not a well-built, but
marked by one or two details of the Capulet crypt, we have not yet
we refuse to call the play realistic. If,
dying, Romeo and Juliet will not act authentically, but
will only designate their death with one or two details, - we immediately
Let's call the performance conditional. At the same time, we essentially follow
general: in a "conditional" crypt, actors can exist organically,
but even the most realistic scenery will not convince the viewer of sub-
the validity of the action, if the actors do not convince him of this with their performance.
Moreover, in the absence of genuine action, even real
objects brought to the stage directly from life, you
look fake. Therefore, Stanislavsky said: “In a word,
it doesn’t matter - the scenery and the whole production are conditional, stylized
they are either real; all forms of outdoor stage production
should be welcomed, since they are applied with skill and to the place
that ... It is important that the scenery and furnishings of the stage and the post itself
The novelty of the play was convincing, so that they ... affirmed faith in
the truth of feelings and helped the main goal of creativity - to create
to the life of the human spirit a...” (35).

However, this privilege of the assistant arts, their right to
a certain independence in the practical implementation of unified
performance composition principles, brings us back to the question of
the common ground on which the unity of elements arises,
putting on a show. An actor can use any, most
conditional image of an object on the stage, giving it something significant
value that it should have, but only if both he and the stage
Nographers put the same meaning into this image. But
if the actor and the artist have different points of view on
when and where the action takes place, the actor may feel
real and inappropriate the objects of the stage surrounding him
scenic environment, even if they are depicted to the utmost
realistically. Hence, the only possible ground on which
can be based on the joint creativity of the director, actor and
artist is the specificity of the proposed circumstances of the action
actions. And, therefore, the style and genre of decoration
performances are realized in the same process of selection of funds for
signs of their quality, quantity and uniformity, as well as style
vay and genre characteristics of the stage action as a whole.

Since the conventionality of stage design can
be largely offset by the actor's faith in the proposal
given circumstances and the authenticity of his actions, insofar as
creating conditions for this belief is the main goal of quantitative
and high-quality selection of means of decoration
performance. The measure of admissible conventionality is the necessary
a great deal of concrete and genuine in each subject of the stage
environment that allows the use of this item
in some definite and obvious sense. Yes, the mix-
tit against the background of cloths, meaning a wall, a conditional image
crucifixion made of thin wire is possible only in a performance, genre
whose stylistic decision presupposes a deliberate
attraction from the historical details taking place on stage
events in the name of focusing the viewer's attention on the philosophical,
the universal meaning of these events. The artist is obliged to
*; give that wireframe that obligatory share

Certainty, thanks to which the actor will be able to use it
Xia just like a crucifix, and not like a sword, an oar or a candlestick
com. In relation to the entire design of the performance as a whole, this
the compulsory share can be defined as the necessary
the stump of the concreteness of the spatial forms of the stage
novki. Any artistic convention can exist
only within certain limits. Stanislavsky
gave a precise definition of the rights and obligations of the artist in a very
simple definition: “A good decoration is one that is conveyed
there is no photographic accuracy of reality, no quarter
shooting gallery of Ivan Ivanovich, and the apartment of all people like Ivan
Ivanovich. A good decoration is one that characterizes the most
the conditions that created people like Ivan Ivanovich” (36).

The history of the theater has known many attempts to exceed in design
performance, this measure of conventionality and make the scenery speak
write the language of symbols and notation independently, in addition to
actor, who in this situation turned into one of the elemental
stage environment. Examples of such performances in practice
There is a lot of theater at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. But, as noted
J. Gassner, “... symbolists who followed in the footsteps of Meter-
link and Krag, failed to establish their drama as
the only modern form of dramaturgy or performance
to make symbolist direction the only modern
theater direction. One reason for their failure is
that the theater cannot live in an atmosphere of ghostly and
vague and thrive on the soil of vagueness - this is pro-
against the very nature of the theatre. Drama and theater are among the most
more concrete arts” (37).

Nowadays, the rejection of concreteness in decorative design
performance is usually associated with the desire to bring the
keeping the classical play to the topic of the day, to give it a modern
new sound.

For this, in one case, they completely refuse any
signs of real conditions of place and time of action, leaving

"gppm human-

Lump on the bare ground, "and force him only by the strength of their
imagination to create for oneself a picture of the proposed circumstances
evidence. As a rule, such a picture is very vague, and
and therefore not transferable to the auditorium. Imagination
the actor’s perception, not finding any identification in the objects surrounding him
ry, is able to create only a familiar picture of his own
venous everyday life or a picture inspired by theatrical
traditions. However, in such "modernity" his actions are not
there will be nothing typical - neither for the hero he plays, nor
for himself, as a man of the twentieth century. Any abstraction
not only does not make the performance more modern, but on the contrary
- his events become irregular, random for
any era, both ours and the one to which the action belongs

In another case, trying to give a modern sound
classical play, bring into a concrete historical setting
novelty of the stage and in the costumes of the characters are distinctly modern
details. There are no words, such an introduction immediately and unambiguously
makes it clear to the viewer that the authors of the performance point to similarities
into the heroes of the play with some of our contemporaries. Actor
no need to work hard to prove it with your actions:
it is enough for Khlestakov to put on jeans, and for the Governor to take
hands briefcase with zippers. But the logic of images immediately enters
in conflict with these things. If the mayor writes
parker fountain pen, then he will not look for an auditor-
incognito, whose signs are unknown to him, but will order between
city ​​conversation and find out all the details about the subject of interest
his face. The actor, however, has a way out: treat the fountain pen in such a way
as if it were a quill pen, and handle it accordingly.
But the very distinct definiteness of this subject, its historical
physical concreteness will not allow using it as a conditional
the image of a goose feather: for this, so to speak, he lacks
there are no conventions. Peter Brook writes about this: “Modern
ny suit, so often used, is a suit of very
a certain period, and the actors are not just

Some neutral creatures: Otelyao, Iago, etc., they become
fit "Hotel in a tuxedo", "Iago with a gun", etc. Dress up
actors in dressing gowns or overalls, and this only turns into more
one pictorial convention” (38). Thus, this way
to give the sound of the performance modernity does not justify itself.

The price of such "modern" readings becomes half
naya loss of any style by the performance. Here the playwright's style is not
accumulated, but suppressed; in artistic design
heterogeneous in their historical affiliation coexist
sti things; the physical behavior of the actor in the role does not match
the life of her "human spirit". The same applies to genre.
spectacle, which cannot be defined unless it is
razhen in the material elements of the decorative design
nia and costumes. Unless, of course, you count the lack of style and
genre as a special kind of art form. About the creators of such
performances G. Tovstonogov said that they “... brushing aside all history
rically-specific, artificially remove the typical from the typ-
peak circumstances” (39).

Having established the connection between the plastic composition of the performance and the decor
rational design of the stage space, one cannot but
wonder when this happens. The moment when
the ideological and artistic conception of the performance by the director is already
divided and allows you to compare the design idea with it, pre-
believes the existence of such and the artist. And if the search for common
positions start only from this moment, then they resemble
trying on a ready-made dress in a store, when a person chooses from
what is offered to him, making some compromises and hoping
yas to fit and finish to your liking. At the same time, the performance
may suffer certain artistic losses - after all,
villages clearance significantly affects the process of plastic
compositions. S. Eisenstein inspired his students that the director
ser is obliged to think about the design of the stage from his own
the beginning of work on dramatic material: analyzing
the actions of the characters in each episode of the play, to imagine,
how the action will unfold in the scene space: “In

Everything that we dismantled, we had to deal with not only the case
directing, but in the potency and deeds of the decorator - staging
walls, window and furniture placement, and even details such as
the texture of the suit ... This is not a capture of the positions of an alien on purpose
sti. These are the limits within which decora-
director. The director must be able to convey to the artist
distinct skeleton, skeleton, the amount of claims addressed to

The director is still working with the scenery. He set
what he needs in terms of expressiveness, and now for the cause
Gut take the artist and designer. The color settings are
must come from the director” (40).

Of course, not every director is endowed with such a phenomenal
talent and such knowledge in various fields of art
va, which Sergei Eisenstein possessed. But then all the more,
design work should start as early as possible; a
so that the intentions of the director and the artist by the time they are compared
leniya turned out to be equally directed, they should come from
come from one general principle - the principle of concreteness
proposed circumstances. Only having met on this common
soil, the actor and the things around him on the stage can “negotiate
rush" about those further manifestations of the independence of each of
collaborating in the theater of the arts, which will not interfere, but
can them in achieving a common goal.

Returning to the question of the right of the artist of the performance to
dexterity of the image of the stage environment, it should be installed
to twist: any convention in scenography is only then not

; an obstacle for an actor when it corresponds to the general genre
vomu and stylistic decision of the performance. And for the selection of expressive
means in scenography, the same principles of the same
| relatedness, quality and quantity that form the genre and

[style of plastic composition in the art of directing.

Concepts of tempo and rhythm in art
The term "tempo-rhythm" entered the theatrical lexicon and became
designate one of the most important concepts of the theory and practice of stage
artistic art when it was recognized that expressive
action is the main means of this art. From the first to
The bottom of this term seems to be clear: action is a process,
having a certain time duration, and the tempo
is the speed of its flow, the time spent on the implementation
this process. And everything would be very simple if you could
but it was limited to the first half of the term: the pace is
the speed with which the actors play and on which the duration depends
the life of the performance. But the point is that the second half
term - rhythm - is also associated with temporal relationships, and
not everything is clear here. And although everyone knows that under the tempo
The rhythm of the performance is understood as its artistic organization during
time, the concept of rhythm still has no clear interpretation
niya. There can be only one explanation for this situation:
stage time is conditional.

To get closer to the definition of the term "rhythm"
in relation to the stage action, we will have to start with its origin

It can be assumed that this term, proposed by Sta-
Nislavsky, was perceived not as something completely new, but
just like a well-forgotten old one. This assumption is even more
fundamentally, that rhythm is a property of any movement, developed
tiya, therefore - an integral property of matter, all mat-
material existence. Art, being a reflection of natural
elements of the objectively existing material world, inevitably
reflects the forms of its organization. The construction of any artistic
of a natural work is inevitably subject to a certain
rhythm. However, the expressive means of various arts are so
are unlike one another, that the definitions of rhythm are specific
for every art form. In some species, the concept of rhythm is associated
but with the time factor - such are music, literature, all kinds of
theatrical art. Works of other types - paintings

Xi, sculptures, architectures - do not have the ability to move
movement, development in time, so the concept of rhythm in them is in no way
not related to real time, but based on space
military relations. Therefore, in the second case, it is always
only about rhythm, but not about tempo and not about tempo-rhythm; you can say
that in these arts the tempo is zero. In the arts, it is not
resonant, whose products have dynamics, g.e.
are a moving phenomenon, developing in time
I mean, tempo is always some real value. Besides,
and the concept of rhythm in them is inseparable from temporal relationships.
Stage art occupies a special position, having a special
benigns of both the first and second kind: his works
develop in time and exist in space.

Musical art, operating with means that
exist only in time and cannot exist outside of it,
has precise and unambiguous definitions of rhythm and
pace. And since a stage work is similar to a musical
ability of development in time, then to understand the concepts
stage rhythm and tempo, it is useful to correlate them with analogous
geeky concepts in music.

Tempo in music - the speed of musical performance
works, or the frequency of pulsation of metric shares. Rit-
moment in music is called an organized sequence
sounds of the same or different duration, i.e. identical
or different lengths of playing time. It is known that in music
ke adopted one specific unit for measuring time
sound, which can change its absolute value in
depending on the tempo of performance, remaining unchanged in its
the relative value of the division unit. Therefore, in
tempo time is in its absolute value, and in
the concept of rhythm - in a relative sense.

If a whole note conventionally accepted as a unit of duration
^ sounds for four seconds at an average performance tempo, then with
at a fast tempo, its sound lasts less, and at a slow tempo -
more than four seconds. However, half and a quarter in all

Three cases sound exactly "/? and Y * of the time it takes
whole note. That is, the relative values ​​of the durations of the
lurk unchanged, and therefore the rhythmic structure of each
of this product is a constant value from the point of view of
the timing of its parts.

But the music would be extremely poor if all over
throughout the work, the same organization was preserved
durations, the same combination of them would be repeated (and
the repetition of elements is one of the signs of rhythm). And act-
consequently, the literal repetition of the same combinations of
does not often; usually the combinations vary, but at the same time
there is a certain uniformity between them, thanks to which
mu preserves the proportionality of all parts in their sum. Dos-
this proportionality is drawn with the help of a meter, organized
evoking musical sounds through their accentuation.
Metric fractions (accented and non-accented equivalents)
long stretches of playing time) are almost always located
are in the correct periodic order, i.e. metric accents
you repeat through the same number of beats. Follow-
Therefore, the meter is the force that measures between
a variety of combinations of durations in the rhythmic
figure of the work, brings them to a "common denominator".
Therefore, in music, meter and rhythm do not exist separately, but
make up one complex whole - the metro-rhythm, the primary
an element of which can be considered a measure, or a piece of music
kal product, starting with a strong beat and ending
looking forward to the next downbeat. Actually, the beats and
there are those equal-sized elements, from the repetition of which
there is a rhythmic unity of a musical work. If
consider the musical notation of a passage written in
the size of the Beat, it is clear that the cycles are equal, since the sum of the lengths
sequences in each measure is equal to three quarters (seconds
conversely), although each measure may contain different
nye durations (half, eighth, sixteenth in some
that combination). Such cycles are different in structure, but are equivalent.

We are by the meter (three-part meter, size %). Therefore they can
be equated to each other as metro-rhythmic elements,
from which the passage under consideration is constructed.

Thus, the musical rhythm is formed not literally
repeated repetition of durations in a certain order; and if
look for in the product of periodic repetition of commensurable
units, then it will rather be cycles, i.e. more complex elements
metro-rhythmic structure. Therefore, the concept of musical
rhythm in the broad sense of the word, applied to
throughout the work, encompasses a system of organizing part-
those of the work in its entirety, the system of correlation of these
parts - both large and small; and the possibility of their prop-
the rational relation is provided by a consistent
multiplicity of durations and periodicity of metric
cents. Strict definition of temporal duration
in this case, sounding concerns not only real sounds, but also pauses;
breaks between the sound of notes are measured by the same values
durations as the sounds themselves.

As you know, any piece of music can be
performed at different tempos. Duration of the beats
will change, but they will remain equal between
the fight. If the performer changes the tempo from some moment, then
this new tempo will again determine the equal time for sounding
each measure of the subsequent part of the work. In theory
one can imagine such a performance when the tempo is
with every measure, but practically this does not happen, because in
in this case, the harmony of the musical work will be violated,
the melody will be distorted, the rhythm will break up into spasmodic fragments.
Therefore, the pace is a constant value, if not for the entire production
conducting as a whole, then for its significant part. Within one-
his work can be acceleration and deceleration of the tempo, pre-
intended by the author or introduced by the performer, but they
come either gradually, or during the transition to a new part of the
news, after a pause.

The musical rhythm depends on the tempo, since the real
duration changes depending on the tempo of the performance
niya. Rhythmic pattern when accelerating or slowing down the tempo,
remaining unchanged in structure, acquires a new character
t e r, if each note will sound longer (meaning more melodious,
softer) or shorter (meaning jerkier, drier). It is no coincidence that
this musical terms used to designate themes
pa, often also indicate the character, emotional connotation
the musical image offered by the composer, for example:
§gaue (hard), hundredth (calmly), "1" o (lively), etc. With another
hand, the rhythmic pattern in itself characterizes the music
image and thus predetermines the tempo. So rhythm and
tempo in music is mutually related and mutually determine, conditioned
pour each other.

In poetry, rhythm is an equally obligatory sign of artistic
noah form, as in music; perhaps this is due to their proximity
some kind of affinity coming from the ancient synthetic forms of creativity.
But the concept of tempo seems to go beyond attention, as
only it comes to poetry; And this is where it differs from music. Everybody
the poetic image is similar to the musical image in that respect,
that he also does not have a visible spatial embodiment -
for it is impossible to consider rows of lines as such an incarnation, just as
consider musical notation to be the embodiment of a musical image. Verse-
the creative image materializes in the sound of the verse, which
lasts for a certain time; i.e., and the poetic image develops-
in time. Therefore, in a poetic work
rhythm is associated with temporal, but not spatial representations
assignments. But unlike the musical, in the poetic
time cannot be taken as a unit of duration of some kind
a precise amount of time. Therefore, the similarity of music
calic and poetic rhythms are very far from identity; but
to understand the term “rhythm” itself, it is useful to compare its meaning
chenie in music and versification.

It is easiest to establish a certain analogy with music
kal construction in classical Russian versification according to

Syllabo-tonic system. The elementary unit is long-
in this system, obviously, is a spruce g. which can be
equate (very conditionally!) to a quarter in music (duration
a quarter is conventionally equal to one second). The syllable is thus
can be considered the simplest rhythmic unit. But if in mu-
language, we have a whole system for calculating durations, finding
successively in relation to each other as one to
two, from 1 to 1/128, then in syllables we can distinguish, and then not
very definitely, only two varieties - long and short
cue, and this difference is not characteristic of all languages. In Russian
the same language, the temporary difference in the length of syllables cannot
taken into account, because there is no way to change it
measurements. Therefore, Russian versification since the reform
Trediakovsky-Lomonosov proceeded not from equivalence, but from
syllable stress. The stress is similar to the accent in music,
this syllables can be compared with metric shares - accent
trimmed and unaccented. Then the foot is grouped
ka syllables, including one stressed, and the rest unstressed
nye, can be equated to a musical measure. Location-
the number of stressed and unstressed syllables in the foot determines the meter, or
the size in which the poem is written. In silla-
Bo-tonic versification adopted two disyllabic and three
trisyllabic size.

If in a foot of two syllables the stress is on the first of them.
then the dicot size of the trochee is formed:

In the haze of invisibility
The spring month has sailed,
color garden breathes
Apple, cherry.

Two-syllable foot with stress on the second syllable - iambic:
Night marshmallow
Ether flows.


(A. Pushkin)

A foot of three syllables with an accent on the first syllable calls-
Xia dactyl:

Heavenly clouds, eternal wanderers!
Steppe azure, a chain of pearls ...


Amphibrach - a three-lobed foot with an emphasis on the second
rum syllable:

Thick nettles rustle under the window.
A green willow hung like a tent.

When stressed on the third syllable, a tripartite is formed.
foot anapaest:

Do not wait for me, apparently, freedom.
And prison days are like years;
And a window high above the ground
And there is a sentry at the door.

(M. Lermontov)

Thus, the foot in versification is a unit
meter, just as the beat is the unit of meter in music.
But the difference in their construction is quite noticeable: the musical beat
always begins with a strong beat, and in the foot the stressed syllable can
be in the middle and at the end. (In the latest theory of poetry,
addition, the concept of a tacto-metric system is introduced, where this

stage space

The art of theater has its own specific language. Only the knowledge of this language provides the viewer with the possibility of artistic communication with the author and actors. An incomprehensible language is always strange (Pushkin, in his manuscripts for Eugene Onegin, spoke of “strange, new languages,” and ancient Russian scribes likened those speaking in incomprehensible languages ​​to dumb ones: “There is also a cave, that language is dumb and with a Samoyed they sit at midnight”). When Leo Tolstoy, reviewing the whole building of contemporary civilization, rejected the language of the opera as “unnatural,” the opera immediately turned into nonsense, and he rightly wrote: they express feelings that they don’t walk like that with foil halberds, in shoes, pairs anywhere except in the theater, that they never get so angry, they don’t feel touched, they don’t laugh like that, they don’t cry like that ... there can be no doubt about it. The assumption that a theatrical spectacle has some kind of conventional language of its own only if it is strange and incomprehensible to us, and exists “so simply”, without any specific language, if it seems natural and understandable to us, is naive. After all, the kabuki theater or no seems natural and understandable to the Japanese audience, while Shakespeare's theater, which for centuries of European culture was a model of naturalness, seemed artificial to Tolstoy. The language of the theater is made up of national and cultural traditions, and it is natural that a person immersed in the same cultural tradition feels its specifics to a lesser extent.

One of the foundations of the theatrical language is the specificity of the artistic space of the stage. It is she who sets the type and measure of theatrical conventionality. Struggling for a realistic theater, a theater of the truth of life, Pushkin expressed the profound idea that the naive identification scenes and lives or a simple cancellation of the specifics of the first not only will not solve the problem, but is practically impossible. In the outline of the preface to Boris Godunov, he wrote: “Both the classics and the romantics based their rules on credibility and yet it is precisely this that is excluded by the very nature of the dramatic work. Not to mention time and so on, what the hell can be plausibility 1) in a hall divided into two halves, one of which accommodates two thousand people, as if invisible to those who are on the stage; 2) language. For example, in La Harpe, Philoctetes, after listening to Pyrrhus's tirade, pronounces in the purest French: “Alas! I hear the sweet sounds of Hellenic speech," and so on. Remember the ancients: their tragic masks, their double roles - isn't all this a conditional improbability? 3) time, place, etc. and so on.

The true geniuses of tragedy never cared about verisimilitude." It is significant that Pushkin separates the “conditional improbability” of the language of the stage from the question of genuine stage truth, which he sees in the life reality of the development of characters and the veracity of speech characteristics: “The plausibility of positions and the veracity of dialogue - this is the true rule of tragedy.” He considered Shakespeare a model of such truthfulness (whom Tolstoy reproached for abusing “unnatural events and even more unnatural speeches that do not follow from the positions of persons”): “Read Shakespeare, he is never afraid to compromise his hero (by violating the conventional rules of stage “decency”. - Y. L.), he makes him speak with complete ease, as in life, for he is sure that at the right moment and under the right circumstances he will find for him a language corresponding to his character. It is noteworthy that it was the nature of the stage space (“hall”) that Pushkin put at the basis of the “conditional improbability” of the language of the stage.

The theatrical space is divided into two parts: the stage and the auditorium, between which relationships develop that form some of the main oppositions of theatrical semiotics. First, this opposition existence - non-existence. The being and reality of these two parts of the theater are realized, as it were, in two different dimensions. From the point of view of the viewer, from the moment the curtain rises and the play begins, the auditorium ceases to exist. Everything on this side of the ramp disappears. His true reality becomes invisible and gives way to the wholly illusory reality of stage action. In the modern European theater, this is emphasized by the immersion of the auditorium into darkness at the moment the light is turned on on the stage and vice versa. If we imagine a person so far from theatrical conventions that at the moment of dramatic action he not only with equal attention, but also with the help of the same type of vision observes at the same time the stage, the movements of the prompter in the booth, the lighting in the box, the spectators in the hall, seeing in this some unity, then it will be possible with good reason to say that the art of being a spectator is unknown to him. The border of the "invisible" is clearly felt by the viewer, although it is not always as simple as in the theater we are used to. So, in the Japanese bunraku puppet theater, the puppeteers are right there on the stage and are physically visible to the viewer. However, they are dressed in black clothes, which is a "sign of invisibility", and the public "as if" does not see them. Turned off from the artistic space of the stage, they fall out of the field theatrical vision. Interestingly, from the standpoint of Japanese bunraku theorists, the introduction of a puppeteer to the stage is estimated as improvement: “Once the puppet was driven by one person, hidden under the stage and controlling it with his hands so that the public saw only the puppet. Later, the design of the puppet was improved step by step, and in the end the puppet was controlled on stage by three people (the puppeteers are dressed in black from head to toe and are therefore called “black people”).

From the point of view of the stage, the auditorium also does not exist: according to Pushkin’s precise and subtle remark, the audience “ as if(emphasis mine. - Y. L.) are invisible to those on the stage.” However, Pushkin's "as if" is not accidental: invisibility here has a different, much more playful character. It is enough to imagine such a series:

text | lecture hall

stage action | viewer

book | reader

screen | spectator -

to make sure that only in the first case the separation of the space of the spectator from the space of the text hides the dialogic nature of their relationship. Only the theater requires the addressee, who is present at the same time, and perceives the signals coming from him (silence, signs of approval or condemnation), varying the text accordingly. It is with this - dialogic - nature of the stage text that such a feature of it as variability is associated. The concept of "canonical text" is as alien to the spectacle as it is to folklore. It is replaced by the concept of some invariant, which is realized in a number of variants.

Other significant opposition: significant - insignificant. The stage space is characterized by a high symbolic saturation - everything that enters the stage tends to be saturated with additional meanings in relation to the directly objective function of the thing. Movement becomes a gesture, a thing - a detail that carries meaning. It was this feature of the stage that Goethe had in mind when he answered Ackermann's question: "What must a work be like in order to be staged?" “It must be symbolic,” Goethe replied. - This means that each action should be full of its own significance and at the same time prepare for another, even more significant. Molière's Tartuffe is a great example in this respect." In order to understand Goethe's thought, one must keep in mind that he uses the word "symbol" in the same sense in which we would say "sign", noting that an act, a gesture and a word on the stage acquire in relation to their counterparts in everyday life. life, additional meanings are saturated with complex meanings, allowing us to say that they become expressions for a bunch of various meaningful moments.

In order to make Goethe's deep thought more clear, let us quote the following phrase from this entry following the words we have quoted: “Remember the first scene - what an exposition in it! Everything from the very beginning is full of meaning and excites the expectation of even more important events to follow. The “fullness of meanings” that Goethe speaks of is connected with the fundamental laws of the stage and constitutes an essential difference between actions and words on stage and actions and words in life. A person who makes speeches or performs actions in life has in mind the hearing and perception of his interlocutor. The scene reproduces the same behavior, but the nature of the addressee is twofold here: the speech refers to another character on the stage, but in fact it is addressed not only to him, but also to the audience. The participant in the action may not know what the content of the preceding scene was, but the audience knows it. The spectator, like the participant in the action, does not know the future course of events, but, unlike him, he knows all the previous ones. The viewer's knowledge is always higher than the character's. What the participant in the action may not pay attention to is a sign loaded with meanings for the viewer. Desdemona's handkerchief for Othello is evidence of her betrayal, for the stalls it is a symbol of Iago's deceit. In the example of Goethe, in the first act of Moliere's comedy, the mother of the protagonist, Madame Pernel, just as blinded by the deceiver Tartuffe as her son, enters into an argument with the whole house, protecting the hypocrite. Orgon is not on stage at this time. Then Orgon appears, and the scene, just seen by the audience, seems to be played a second time, but with his participation, and not with Mrs. Pernel. Only in the third act does Tartuffe himself appear on the scene. By this time, the audience has already received a complete picture of him, and his every gesture and word becomes for them symptoms of lies and hypocrisy. The scene of Tartuffe seducing Elmira is also repeated twice. Orgon does not see the first of them (the audience sees her), and refuses to believe the verbal revelations of his family. He watches the second one from under the table: Tartuffe is trying to seduce Elmira, thinking that no one sees them, but meanwhile he is under double surveillance: a hidden husband lies in wait for him inside the stage space, and an auditorium is located outside the ramp. Finally, all this complex construction receives an architectonic completion when Orgon retells to his mother what he saw with his own eyes, and she, again acting as his double, refuses to believe the words and even the eyes of Orgon and, in the spirit of farcical humor, reproaches her son for not waited for more tangible evidence of adultery. An action constructed in this way, on the one hand, acts as a chain of different episodes (syntagmatic construction), and on the other hand, as a multiple variation of some nuclear action (paradigmatic construction). This gives rise to that “fullness of meanings” about which Goethe spoke. The meaning of this nuclear action is in the clash of hypocrisy of a hypocrite, deft twists and turns representing black as white, gullible stupidity and common sense, exposing tricks. The episodes are based on the semantic mechanism of lies carefully revealed by Moliere: Tartuffe tears words from their true meaning, arbitrarily changes and twists their meaning. Molière makes him not a trivial liar and rogue, but a clever and dangerous demagogue. Moliere exposes the mechanism of his demagoguery to a comic exposure: in the play, before the eyes of the viewer, verbal signs that are conditionally related to their content and, therefore, allow not only information, but also disinformation, and reality change places; the formula "I do not believe the words, because I see with my eyes" is replaced for Orgon by the paradoxical "I do not believe my eyes, because I hear the words." The position of the spectator is even more piquant: what is reality for Orgon is a spectacle for the spectator. Two messages unfold before him: what he sees, on the one hand, and what Tartuffe says about this, on the other. At the same time, he hears the intricate words of Tartuffe and the rude, but true words of the bearers of common sense (first of all, the maid Dorina). The clash of these diverse semiotic elements creates not only a sharp comic effect, but also that richness of meaning that delighted Goethe.

The semiotic concentration of stage speech in relation to everyday speech does not depend on whether the author, by virtue of his belonging to one or another literary movement, is guided by the "language of the gods" or by the exact reproduction of a real conversation. This is the law of the stage. Chekhov's "gibberish" or remark about the heat in Africa is caused by the desire to bring stage speech closer to real, but it is quite obvious that their semantic richness infinitely exceeds that which similar statements would have in a real situation.

Signs are of various types, depending on which the degree of their conditionality changes. Signs of the "word" type quite conditionally connect a certain meaning with a certain expression (the same meaning in different languages ​​has a different expression); pictorial (“iconic”) signs connect the content with an expression that has a similarity in a certain respect: the content “tree” is connected with the drawn image of a tree. A sign over a bakery, written in some language, is a conventional sign, understandable only to those who speak this language; the wooden “bakery pretzel”, which “golden a little” above the entrance to the shop, is an iconic sign that everyone who has eaten a pretzel understands. Here the degree of conventionality is much less, but a certain semiotic skill is still necessary: ​​the visitor sees a similar form, but different colors, material, and, most importantly, function. The wooden pretzel is not for food, but for notification. Finally, the observer should be able to use semantic figures (in this case, metonymy): the pretzel should not be “read” as a message about what is being sold here only pretzels, but as evidence of the ability to buy any bakery product. However, from the point of view of the measure of convention, there is a third case. Imagine not a signboard, but a shop window (for clarity of the case, let's put an inscription on it: "Goods from the shop window are not for sale"). Before us are the real things themselves, but they do not appear in their direct objective function, but as signs of themselves. That is why the showcase so easily combines photographic and artistic images of the items being sold, verbal texts, numbers and indexes, and authentic real things - all of which act as an iconic function.

Stage action as a unity of actors acting and performing actions, verbal texts spoken by them, scenery and props, sound and light design is a text of considerable complexity, using signs of different types and varying degrees of conventionality. However, the fact that the stage world is symbolic in nature gives it an exceptionally important feature. The sign is inherently contradictory: it is always real and always illusory. It is real because the nature of the sign is material; in order to become a sign, that is, to turn into a social fact, meaning must be realized in some material substance: value must take shape in the form of banknotes; thought - to appear as a combination of phonemes or letters, to be expressed in paint or marble; dignity - put on “signs of dignity”: orders or uniforms, etc. The illusory nature of the sign is that it is always seems, that is, it denotes something other than his appearance. To this it should be added that in the sphere of art the ambiguity of the plane of content increases sharply. The contradiction between reality and illusory forms the field of semiotic meanings in which every literary text lives. One of the features of the stage text is the variety of languages ​​it uses.

The basis of stage action is an actor playing a person enclosed in the space of the stage. Aristotle revealed the symbolic nature of stage action extremely deeply, believing that “tragedy is an imitation of action”, - not a genuine action itself, but its reproduction by means of the theater: “Imitation of action is a story (the term“ story ”is introduced by translators to convey the fundamental concept of tragedy in Aristotle : "telling with the help of actions and events"; in traditional terminology, the concept of "plot" is closest to it. Y. L .). In fact, I call a legend a combination of events. "The beginning and, as it were, the soul of tragedy is precisely the legend." However, it is precisely this basic element of stage action that receives a double semiotic illumination during the performance. A chain of events unfolds on the stage, the characters perform actions, the scenes follow each other. Inside itself, this world lives a genuine, not iconic life: each actor "believes" in the full reality of himself on stage, as well as his partner and the action in general. The viewer, on the other hand, is in the grip of aesthetic, and not real, experiences: seeing that one actor on the stage falls dead, and other actors, realizing the plot of the play, carry out actions that are natural in this situation - they rush to help, call doctors, take revenge on the killers - the viewer leads himself differently: whatever his experiences, he remains motionless in the chair. For the people on the stage, an event takes place; for the people in the hall, the event is a sign of itself. Like a product in a shop window, reality becomes a message about reality. But after all, the actor on stage conducts dialogues in two different planes: expressed communication connects him with other participants in the action, and unexpressed silent dialogue connects him with the audience. In both cases, he acts not as a passive object of observation, but as an active participant in communication. Consequently, his existence on the stage is fundamentally ambiguous: it can be read with equal justification both as an immediate reality and as a reality turned into a sign of itself. Constant fluctuation between these extremes gives vitality to the performance, and transforms the viewer from a passive recipient of a message into a participant in that collective act of consciousness that takes place in the theater. The same can be said about the verbal side of the performance, which is both real speech, oriented towards extra-theatrical, non-artistic conversation, and the reproduction of this speech by means of theatrical conventions (speech depicts speech). No matter how the artist strives in an era when the language of a literary text is fundamentally opposed to everyday life, to separate these spheres of speech activity, the influence of the second on the first turned out to be fatally inevitable. This is confirmed by the study of rhymes and vocabulary of the dramaturgy of the era of classicism. At the same time, the theater had a reverse effect on everyday speech. And on the contrary, no matter how hard the realist artist tries to transfer to the stage the unchanging element of non-artistic oral speech, this is always not a “transplantation of tissue”, but its translation into the language of the stage. An interesting post by A. Goldenweiser of the words of L. N. Tolstoy: “Once, somehow, in the dining room below, there were lively conversations of young people. L.N., who, it turns out, was lying and resting in the next room, then went out into the dining room and said to me: “I was lying there and listening to your conversations. They interested me from two sides: it was simply interesting to listen to the disputes of young people, and then from the point of view of the drama. I listened and said to myself: this is how you should write for the stage. One speaks and the other listens. This never happens. It is necessary that everyone speaks (at the same time. - Y. L.)“. It is all the more interesting that with such a creative orientation in Tolstoy's plays, the main text is built in the tradition of the stage, and Tolstoy met Chekhov's attempts to transfer the illogicality and fragmentation of oral speech to the stage negatively, opposing Shakespeare, blasphemed by him, Tolstoy, as a positive example. A parallel here may be the ratio of oral and written speech in artistic prose. The writer does not transfer oral speech into his text (although he often strives to create the illusion of such a transfer and may himself succumb to such an illusion), but translates it into the language of written speech. Even the ultra-avant-garde experiments of contemporary French prose writers, who renounce punctuation marks and deliberately destroy the correctness of the syntax of a phrase, are not an automatic copy of oral speech: oral speech put on paper, that is, devoid of intonation, facial expressions, gesture, torn from the obligatory for two interlocutors, but missing for readers of a special “common memory”, firstly, it would become completely incomprehensible, and secondly, it would not be “accurate” at all - it would not be living oral speech, but its killed and skinned corpse, more distant from the model than a talented and conscious transformation of it under the pen of an artist. Stopping being a copy and becoming a sign, stage speech is saturated with additional complex meanings drawn from the cultural memory of the stage and the audience.

The premise of the stage spectacle is the viewer's conviction that certain laws of reality in the space of the stage can become the object of playful study, that is, be subjected to deformation or cancellation. Thus, time on the stage can flow faster (and in some rare cases, for example, in Maeterlinck, more slowly) than in reality. The very equating of stage and real time in some aesthetic systems (for example, in the theater of classicism) has a secondary character. The subordination of time to the laws of the scene makes it an object of study. On the stage, as in any closed space of the ritual, the semantic coordinates of the space are emphasized. Categories such as "top - bottom", "right - left", "open - closed", etc., acquire on the stage, even in the most everyday decisions, increased importance. So, Goethe wrote in his Rules for Actors: “For the sake of a falsely understood naturalness, actors should never act as if there were no spectators in the theater. They should not play in profile, just as they should not turn their backs to the public ... The most revered persons always stand on the right side. Interestingly, in emphasizing the modeling meaning of the concept of "right - left", Goethe has in mind the point of view of the viewer. In the inner space of the stage, in his opinion, there are other laws: “If I have to give my hand, and the situation does not require that it must be the right hand, then with equal success you can give the left one, because there is neither right nor left on the stage. ".

The semiotic nature of scenery and props will become more understandable to us if we compare it with analogous moments of such art, which, it would seem, is close, but in fact is opposed to theater, like cinema. Despite the fact that both in the theater hall and in the cinema we have a spectator (the one who watches), that this spectator is throughout the entire spectacle in the same fixed position, their relation to that aesthetic category, which in structural theory art is called "point of view", profoundly different. The theatrical spectator maintains a natural point of view on the spectacle, determined by the optical relation of his eye to the stage. Throughout the performance, this position remains unchanged. Between the eye of the moviegoer and the screen image, on the contrary, there is an intermediary - the lens of the movie camera directed by the operator. The viewer, as it were, conveys his point of view to him. And the device is mobile - it can come close to the object, drive off to a long distance, look from above and below, look at the hero from the outside and look at the world through his eyes. As a result, the plan and foreshortening become active elements of film expression, realizing a mobile point of view. The difference between theater and cinema can be compared to the difference between a drama and a novel. The drama also retains a “natural” point of view, while between the reader and the event in the novel there is an author-narrator who has the ability to put the reader in any spatial, psychological and other positions in relation to the event. As a result, the functions of the scenery and things (props) in cinema and theater are different. The thing in the theater never plays an independent role, it is only an attribute of the actor's performance, while in the cinema it can be both a symbol and a metaphor, and a full-fledged character. This, in particular, is determined by the possibility of shooting it in close-up, keeping attention on it by increasing the number of frames allocated to its display, etc.

In the cinema, the detail plays, in the theater - it is played out. The attitude of the viewer to the artistic space is also different. In the cinema, the illusory space of the image, as it were, draws the viewer into itself; in the theater, the viewer is invariably outside the artistic space (in this respect, paradoxically, the cinema is closer to folklore and farce spectacular performances than the modern urban non-experimental theater). Hence, the marking function, which is much more emphasized in theatrical scenery, is most clearly expressed in the pillars with inscriptions in Shakespeare's Globe. The scenery often takes on the role of a title in a movie or the author's remarks before the text of a drama. Pushkin gave the scenes in Boris Godunov titles like: “Maiden's Field. Novodevichy Convent”, “The Plain near Novgorod-Seversky (1604, December 21)” or “Tavern on the Lithuanian border”. These titles, to the same extent as the titles of chapters in the novel (for example, in The Captain's Daughter), are included in the poetic structure of the text. However, on the stage they are replaced by an isofunctional iconic adequate - a decoration that determines the place and time of the action. No less important is another function of theatrical scenery: together with the ramp, it marks the boundaries of the theatrical space. The feeling of the border, the closeness of the artistic space in the theater is much more pronounced than in the cinema. This leads to a significant increase in the modeling function. If the cinema in its “natural” function tends to be perceived as a document, an episode from reality, and special artistic efforts are required in order to give it the appearance of a model of life as such, then the theater is no less “natural” to be perceived precisely as the embodiment of reality. in an extremely generalized form and special artistic efforts are required in order to give it the appearance of documentary "scenes from life".

An interesting example of the collision of theatrical and film space as a space of "modeling" and "real" is Visconti's film "Feeling". The film takes place in the 1840s, during the anti-Austrian uprising in northern Italy. The first frames take us to the theater to the performance of Verdi's Il trovatore. The frame is constructed in such a way that the theatrical stage appears as a closed, fenced-off space, the space of a conditional costume and theatrical gesture (the figure of a prompter with a book, located outside this space). The world of film action (it is significant that the characters here are also in historical costumes and act in an environment of objects and in an interior that is sharply different from modern life) appears as real, chaotic and confusing. The theatrical performance acts as an ideal model, ordering and serving as a kind of code to this world.

The scenery in the theater defiantly retains its connection with painting, while in the cinema this connection is utterly disguised. Goethe's well-known rule - "the scene must be considered as a picture without figures, in which the latter are replaced by actors." Let us refer again to Visconti's "Feeling" - a frame depicting Franz against the background of a fresco reproducing a theater stage (the film image recreates a mural recreating a theater) depicting the conspirators. The conspicuous contrast of artistic languages ​​only emphasizes that the conditionality of the scenery acts as a key to the confusing and, for him, the most obscure state of mind of the hero.2. Scenes of party life The death of V. I. Lenin on January 23, 1924 occurred as a result of three strokes that followed on 05/25/1922, 12/16/1922 and 03/10/1993. After the third stroke, it was a living corpse, deprived of reason and speech by the gods, obviously, for crimes against the motherland. A country,

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8 min.

How video and projections help directors and artists to immerse the audience in the performance, sometimes putting them in an awkward position

The actors are the heroes of the reality show, and the performance is a peeping without judgment. In the end, the viewer's desire to look into the hidden part of another person's life is explained not only by curiosity, but also by the desire to compare their experiences with those of the characters in the play. Read about this and more in our article.

Video in theater: voyeurism, reality TV and security technology

Frank Castorf

In the 1990s, German director Frank Castorf, a rebel and provocateur, made video part of the performance, and the recordings that were broadcast to the audience were often provocative. Almost all of his productions have one or more large screens on stage. Castorf often turns to classics and turns them into reality shows. In what is happening on stage, there is outrageousness and clichés from pop culture, and the heroes of our time are recognizable in the characters.

For example, the action of the play "The Master and Margarita" based on Bulgakov's novel is transferred to a modern metropolis - with skyscrapers, cars and vibrant nightlife. Cameras follow the actors everywhere - when they go backstage, everything that happens to the hero is broadcast on the screen installed on the stage. Thus, the director provocateur makes the viewer peep - as in a real reality show. Sometimes pre-recorded recordings are displayed on the screens - what is left outside the pages of classical works.

Performance “To Moscow! To Moscow!” Directed by Frank Castorf, Volksbühne Theater (Berlin).
Source: Volksbühne, photo: Thomas Aurin

Katie Mitchell

British director Cathy Mitchell regularly uses video in her performances, working on the verge of theater and cinema. Mitchell uses the technique of displaying close-ups of characters on screen, thanks to which you can see not only a look or gesture, but even wrinkles or the smallest flaws. If we add to this the provocative nature of the theme, for example, in "The Yellow Wallpaper" (Schaubühne, Berlin), the director explores postpartum depression, we get an extremely intimate conversation between the hero and the viewer. The camera follows the characters everywhere – here the heroine is lying in bed with her husband, here she is taking a bath, here her fears are projected onto the wall with wallpaper – all this is shown on the screens in close-up. If the audience wants a reality show, they will get it, but with one condition - they will be shown the whole life of the heroine, and not a picture edited for television.

Performance "Yellow Wallpaper", directed by Cathy Mitchell, Schaubühne (Berlin).
Source: Schaubühne, photo by Stephen Cummiskey

Konstantin Bogomolov

Video and projections are frequent attributes of performances by director Konstantin Bogomolov and artist Larisa Lomakina. The authors use the possibilities of video for several purposes at once, including to demonstrate the life of the characters behind the scenes. In his Karamazovs, the appearance of the characters is preceded by their passage through a white corridor, a technique often used on television. The video also captures what is left behind the scenes of the performance - when the police come to arrest Mitya Karamazov, the screen shows how two heroes climb the stairs of a multi-storey building, ring the doorbell, and Bogomolov himself in a bathrobe opens it for them.

The play "The Karamazovs", director - Konstantin Bogomolov, Moscow Art Theater. A.P. Chekhov.
Source: Moscow Art Theatre. A.P. Chekhov, photo - Ekaterina Tsvetkova

Murad Merzuki

Despite the active use of new technologies in the theater, the possibilities of video and projections will not exhaust themselves for a long time. The theater of the future will be able to use motion sensors that will respond to the actions of the characters and give a "smart picture" or react with a projection. The French choreographer Murad Merzouki is working in this direction. Last year, the Territory festival presented his dance performance Pixel (“Pixel”). The production takes place in virtual space: the floor and wall behind the stage are a screen that displays a 3D image that allows you to create optical illusions - so, the dancers seem to float in the air.

Performance "PIXEL / Pixel", choreographer - Murad Merzouki, National Choreographic Center of Creteil and Val-de-Marne / Käfig Company (France).
Source: Territory Festival, photo: Laurent Philippe

5 Russian performances that are hard to imagine without video and projections

"Hamlet. Collage, Theater of Nations
Directed by Robert Lepage

In his first Russian performance Hamlet. Collage ”Lepage uses a cube scene that he invented in the early 90s. This cube has doors and pull-outs, but the scenery only comes to life when an image is projected onto it. It is amazing how the space, essentially consisting of three surfaces, turns either into a gloomy room of Hamlet, or into a luxurious dining room of the castle, or into a river in which Ophelia drowns.

Performance "Hamlet. Collage”, directed by Robert Lepage, Theater of Nations.
Source: Theater of Nations, photo - Sergey Petrov

"Dragon", Moscow Art Theatre. Chekhov
Directed by Konstantin Bogomolov

In The Dragon, cameras are installed on both sides of the stage that display close-ups on the screen above the stage - thus, even the audience sitting on the balcony sees the facial expressions of the characters, who often say one thing, while their facial expressions express another. In addition, the projections give light - sometimes bright white, sometimes red, sometimes pink. "Red color, fading, becomes pink" - this phrase appears on the wall after one of the scenes. The blood shed by the hero eventually fades and turns into a glamorous pink spot - again, not without the help of light projections.

The play "Dragon", director - Konstantin Bogomolov, Moscow Art Theater. A.P. Chekhov.

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