character prototype. Literary heroes and their prototypes The structure of the explanatory note


Gorky believed that a writer is obliged to conjecture and typify a real person, turning him into a hero of a novel, and the search for prototypes of Dostoevsky's characters would lead to philosophical volumes, touching on real people only in passing.

Nevertheless, as it turned out, quite specific types of characters are most often and most strongly associated with their prototypes - adventurers of all kinds and stripes, or fairy-tale heroes. It is not a fact that everything was exactly like this in reality due to the prescription of years or the absence of the main persons, but at least these assumptions are very interesting

Let's remember some:

Sherlock Holmes

Joseph Bell (Sherlock Holmes)

The relationship of the image of Sherlock Holmes with the doctor Joseph Bell, Conan Doyle's teacher, was recognized by the author himself. In his autobiography, he wrote: “I was thinking about my old teacher Joe Bell, his aquiline profile, his inquisitive mind and incredible ability to guess all the details.

If he were a detective, he would definitely turn this amazing but disorganized case into something more like an exact science. “Use the power of deduction,” Bell often repeated, and confirmed his words in practice, being able to understand the patient’s biography, tendencies, and often the diagnosis from the appearance of the patient.

Later, after the release of the Sherlock Holmes novels, Conan Doyle wrote to his teacher that the unique skills of his hero are not fiction, but just how Bell's skills would logically develop if the circumstances were for it. Bell answered him: "You yourself are Sherlock Holmes, and you know it very well!"

Ostap Bender

The prototype of Ostap Bender, by the age of 80, became a quiet conductor of the Moscow-Tashkent train. In life, his name was Osip (Ostap) Shor, he was born in Odessa and, as expected, he discovered a penchant for adventures in his student years.

Returning from Petrograd, where he studied for a year at the Technological Institute, Shor, having neither money nor a profession, presented himself either as a chess grandmaster, or as a contemporary artist, or as a hiding member of the anti-Soviet party. Thanks to these skills, he got to his native Odessa, where he served in the criminal investigation department and fought against local banditry, hence the respectful attitude of Ostap Bender to the Criminal Code

Professor Preobrazhensky

With the prototype of Professor Preobrazhensky from Bulgakov's Heart of a Dog, things are much more dramatic. He was a French surgeon of Russian origin Samuil Abramovich Voronov, who in the first quarter of the twentieth century created a real sensation in European medicine.

He completely legally transplanted monkey glands to humans to rejuvenate the body. Moreover, the hype was justified - the first operations had the desired effect. As the newspapers wrote, children with mental disabilities gained mental alertness, and even in one song of those times called Monkey-Doodle-Doo there were the words "If you are old for dancing, get yourself a monkey gland."

As the results of treatment, Voronov himself called the improvement of memory and vision, good spirits, ease of movement and the resumption of sexual activity. Thousands of people underwent treatment according to the Voronov system, and the doctor himself, to simplify practice, opened his own monkey nursery on the French Riviera.

However, after some time, patients began to feel a deterioration in the state of the body, rumors appeared that the result of treatment was nothing more than self-hypnosis, Voronov was branded as a charlatan and disappeared from European science until the 90s, when his work began to be discussed again

But the protagonist of The Picture of Dorian Gray has seriously spoiled the reputation of his life original. John Gray, in his youth a friend and protege of Oscar Wilde, was famous for his penchant for the beautiful and the vicious, as well as the appearance of a fifteen-year-old boy.

Wilde did not hide the similarity of his character with John, and the latter sometimes even called himself Dorian. The happy union ended at the moment when the newspapers began to write about it: John appeared there as the beloved of Oscar Wilde, even more languid and apathetic than everyone before him.

Enraged, Gray sued and got an apology from the editors, but his friendship with the famous author slowly faded away. Soon Gray met his life partner, the poet and native of Russia Andre Raffalovich, together they converted to Catholicism, then Gray became a priest at St. Patrick's Church in Edinburgh.

Michael Davis (Peter Pan)

Acquaintance with the family of Sylvia and Arthur Davis gave James Matthew Barry, at that time already a well-known playwright, his main character, Peter Pan, who was based on Michael, one of the Davis sons.

Peter Pan became the same age as Michael and received from him both some character traits and nightmares. It was from Michael that the portrait of Peter Pan was molded for sculpture in Kensington Gardens.

The tale itself was dedicated to Barry's older brother, David, who died the day before his fourteenth birthday while skating and remained in the memory of his loved ones forever young.

The story of Alice in Wonderland began on the day Lewis Carroll walked with the daughters of the rector of Oxford University, Henry Lidell, among whom was Alice Lidell. Carroll came up with a story on the go at the request of the children, but the next time he did not forget about it, but began to compose a sequel.

Two years later, the author presented Alice with a manuscript consisting of four chapters, to which was attached a photograph of Alice herself at the age of seven. It was titled "Christmas gift for a dear girl in memory of a summer day"

While working on Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov, according to his biographer Brian Boyd, often skimmed the forensic section of newspapers for stories of accidents, murders, and violence. The story of Sally Horner and Frank Lasalle, which happened in 1948, clearly attracted his attention.

It was reported that a middle-aged man, breaking all the rules of morality, kidnapped twelve-year-old Sally Horner from New Jersey and kept her for almost two years until she was found in a Southern California motel.

Lasalle, just like Nabokov's hero, passed off Sally as his daughter all the time. Nabokov even casually mentions this incident in the book in the words of Humbert: "Did I do to Dolly what Frank LaSalle, a fifty-year-old mechanic, did to eleven-year-old Sally Horner in '48?"


Aleksey Tolstoy, as you know, although he only sought to rewrite Pinocchio by Carlo Collodio in Russian, published a completely independent story in which analogies with contemporary cultural figures are clearly read.

Tolstoy was not a fan of Meyerhold's theater and its biomechanics, so he got the role of the antagonist - Karabas-Barabas. The parody is read even in the name: Karabas is the Marquis of Carabas from Perro's fairy tale, and Barabas is from the Italian word for swindler - baraba. Meyerhold's assistant, who worked under the pseudonym Voldemar Luscinius, got the no less eloquent role of Duremar

By the way, somehow we had a controversial story about either. But actually

Perhaps the most incredible and mythologized story of the image is the story of the creation of Carlson. Its possible prototype is Hermann Göring. Relatives of Astrid Lindgren, of course, refute this version, but it still exists and is actively discussed.

The acquaintance of Astrid Lindgren and Goering happened in the 20s, when the latter arranged an air show in Sweden. At that time, Goering was fully "in the prime of life", as Carlson liked to repeat about himself. After the First World War, he became a famous ace pilot, who had a certain charisma and, according to legend, a good appetite.

Carlson's motor behind his back is often interpreted as an allusion to Goering's flying practice. A possible confirmation of this analogy is the fact that for some time Astrid Lindgren supported the ideas of the National Socialist Party of Sweden.

The book about Carlson was published already in the post-war period in 1955, so it would be crazy to advocate a direct analogy of these heroes, however, it is quite possible that the vivid image of the young Goering remained in her memory and somehow influenced the appearance of the charming Carlson

And a little more about our Soviet cartoon:

In total, there were two series about Carlson: "Kid and Carlson" (1968) and "Carlson returned" (1970). Soyuzmultfilm was going to make a third one, but this idea was never realized. The studio's archives still contain a film that was planned to be used for filming a cartoon based on the third part of the trilogy about Malysh and Carlson - "Carlson is playing pranks again."

Carlson, Malysh, Freken Bock and all other characters were created by the artist Anatoly Savchenko. He also suggested calling Faina Ranevskaya to voice the “housekeeper”. Before her, a huge number of actresses auditioned for this role, and no one came up, and Ranevskaya fit perfectly. She had another "minus" - a difficult character. She called the director "baby" and categorically rejected all his remarks. And when she first saw her heroine, she was frightened, and then she was very offended by Savchenko. "Am I that scary?" the actress kept asking. Explanations that this is not her portrait, but just an image, Ranevskaya did not console. She remained the same.

Carlson also did not have a “voice” for a long time, Livanov found himself, by accident. The actor every day went to the creators of the cartoon for a game of chess, and once at the game, director Boris Stepantsev complained to him that he could not find a person for the role of Carlson. Vasily Livanov immediately went to the studio, tried, and was approved. Later, the actor admitted that, while working in the image of Carlson, he diligently parodied the famous director Grigory Roshal

One of the versions explains that the teddy bear with sawdust in its head got its name from the nickname of the favorite toy of Milne's son Christopher Robin. Just like the rest of the characters in the book.

However, in fact, Winnie the Pooh was named after a real-life she-bear who lived in the London Zoo. Her name was Winnipeg, and she entertained the inhabitants of the British capital from 1915 to 1934. The bear had many admirers. Among them was Christopher Robin.

One-legged John Silver

In Treasure Island, Robert Louis Stevenson portrayed his friend, the poet and critic Williams Hansley, as a good villain. As a child, William suffered tuberculosis and one of his legs, doctors, for some unknown reason, decided to amputate to the knee.

After the announcement of the book, the writer wrote to a friend: “I have to make a confession. Evil in appearance, but kind at heart, John Silver was written off from you. You're not offended, are you?"

A sophisticated man with a princely title, married to a Dutch princess and prone to dubious adventures - this is how the prototype of James Bond, Prince Bernard van Lippe-Biesterfeld, really looked.

The adventures of James Bond began with a series of books written by the English spy Ian Fleming. The first of them - "Casino Royale" - was published in 1953, a few years after Fleming, on duty, was assigned to follow Prince Bernard, who had defected from German service to British intelligence.

Who does not know, I will tell you and what is the continuation of

Methods: interactive method, teacher's explanation, conversation, collective survey, testing, cooperative group work. For interactive learning, the location of the desk and students choose position No. 3, creating a cluster.

Lesson type : a lesson in “discovery” of new knowledge

During the classes

    Motivation for learning activities.

Greeting the teacher, checking absent and present students.

Guys, December is significant for many events.. What do you associate it with? (Children's answers: happy New Year, happy birthday, happy day of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Happy Independence Day, religious holidays, Christmas fast, the beginning of winter, snow, winter holidays)

By the way, N.A. Nekrasov was born on December 10, 1821. (according to the new style), bore the name of the Wonderworker (Nikola Winter - December 19), wrote a poem about the events of December 14, 1825, died on December 27, 1877. (according to the old style).

(Against the background of the song "Road")

... Again endless road, that terrible one, which the people called beaten by chains, and along it, under the cold moon, in a frozen wagon, hurries to her exiled husbandRussian woman , from luxury and bliss into cold and damnation”, - so about the poem by N.A. Nekrasov, which we will consider today, the poet of the early 20th century K.D. Balmont wrote in his article “Mountain Peaks” (1904).

What keyword did you hear? (Road)

What is the road for you? (The way to school, to life.)

Indeed, the road accompanies every person throughout his life.

II. Actualization of knowledge and fixation of difficulties in activities.

teacher's word . In Russian literature of the XIX century.road motif is basic. For Nekrasov, the road was the beginning of the knowledge of the restless people's Russia. His road is “gloomy”, “cast iron”, “iron”, “terrible”, “beaten by chains”. And he is driving along this road? .. (Russian woman).

Who, serving the great purposes of the age,

He gives his whole life

To fight for a human brother, -

Only he will survive...

Poetry N.A. Nekrasova served "the great goals of the century." This is the source of her immortality, her unfading strength. That is why we, people of another century, are close to her with her faith in the Motherland and man, her bright love of life and courage, her love for Russian nature. That is why at each meeting we rediscover Nekrasov for ourselves, and his poems awaken high and good thoughts in us, help us to know the world and ourselves, make us more generous and responsive to everything beautiful. “Go into the fire for the honor of the motherland, for conviction, for love ... " All the love and all the thoughts of the poet belong to Russia, the Russian people, the peasantry, downtrodden, trampled into the mud, but not spiritually broken.

Interview with students:

What is the main theme of creativity N. BUT. Nekrasov? (The hard life of the Russian people)

What works of the poet are familiar to you?("Uncompressed lane", "Peasant children", "Railway")

Why does an ordinary peasant woman arouse the poet's admiration?(Hard work, patience, the ability to love, the ability not to get confused and act in a difficult situation.)

Who was a Russian woman for Nekrasov?(Nekrasov's heroine is a person who was not broken by trials, who managed to survive. Not without reason, even Nekrasov's Muse is the "sister" of a peasant woman).

III . Identification of the causes of the difficulty and setting the goal of the activity (setting the learning goal)

The topic of our lesson“ Poem by N.A. Nekrasov “Russian Women” Artistic images and their real historical prototypes. Plots of two poems. Heroic and lyrical beginnings in poems.

What tasks do you think we should solve in the lesson in order to learn a new topic?

1. Find out what historical events formed the basis for writing a poem .

2. How Nekrasov portrayed the heroes; to whom he expressed his likes and dislikes;

3. What is the place of the poem in modern literature?

ІІІ . Implementation of the constructed project.

The first problem we need to figure out. What historical events formed the basis for writing a poem .

For this lesson, your classmates have studied historical events and prepared material. Please come to the blackboard. Under the slide show, 4 pre-prepared students perform.

historical setting .

Let's remember our lesson rules: (you can write on the board)

    We don't interrupt!

    We answer briefly!

    We value time!

    We do not digress from the given topic.

    Ability to listen to others.

Guys, what are youlearnedabout the uprising of the Decembrists on December 14, 1825? (All presentations are accompanied by slide shows on topics)

1) Nikolaev Russia .

In November 1825 during a trip to the south of Russia, in Taganrog, Emperor Alexander 1 died unexpectedly. He had no children. His brother Constantine was supposed to inherit the throne, but even during the life of Alexander, he secretly abdicated in favor of his younger brother Nicholas. After Alexander's death, Constantine's abdication was not announced. The troops and the population were immediately sworn in to the new emperor. But he confirmed his renunciation of the throne. On December 14, 1825 appointed an oath. This day turned out to be one of the most terrible in the life of Emperor Nicholasfirst.

2 ) Decembrist revolt.

Several military units went to the Senate Square, refusing to submit to the new king. They were all noblesthat issupport of the autocracy and supporters of serfdom. The Decembrists (as they would later be called) wanted before the senators and members of the State Council took the oath to force them to sign the “Manifesto” with the demands: liquidate the existing government, abolish serfdom, proclaim freedom of speech, religion, freedom of occupation, movement, equality before the law, reduction of the term soldier service. But the plan failed. The uprising in St. Petersburg was crushed after a few hours. 579 people were involved in the investigation. Five Decembrists: poet K.F. Ryleev, P.I. Pestel, S.I. Muravyov - Apostle, M.P. Bestuzhev - Ryumin, P.G.Kakhovsky were hanged in the Peter and Paul Fortress. More than a hundred sentenced to hard labor and settlement in Siberia. Prince Sergei Trubetskoy was elected leader of the uprising, but he did not appear on the square. During the investigation, he behaved courageously, thereby earning respect among his comrades.

3) Wives of the Decembrists . Eastern Siberia.

In July 1926, convicts began to be sent in small groups to Siberia towards the unknown, towards a hard labor fate. There, behind the mountains and rivers, they will lie down in the damp earth, there, behind the mist of distances and times, their faces will melt, the memory of them will vanish. This was the intention of the king. In those days, the tsar forbade any mention of the Decembrists, and Russia wept for them, because almost every well-born noble house lost either a son, or a husband, a nephew. And how unpleasantly surprised the tsar was when he received the petitions of women - the wives of the Decembrists for permission for them to follow their husbands to Siberia. Under the mask of a liberal king, a vengeful and cruel man was hiding: everything possible and impossible was done to stop women who wanted to share, to alleviate the fate of their husbands sent to hard labor: prohibitions, threats, laws depriving them of all the rights of the state. But women, amazing Russian women, could not be stopped by any obstacles. N.A. Nekrasov created his work about the feat of these surprisingly fragile and surprisingly strong-hearted and faithful women. Eleven women, who voluntarily followed to Siberia, destroyed the intent of the king. Correspondence was forbidden to the prisoners. This duty was assumed by the wives of the Decembrists. Through the letters that they wrote to their relatives, as well as to those close to other convicts, they remembered the prisoners, sympathized with them, tried to alleviate their plight.

The return of the Decembrists from exile in 1856 caused a wide response in progressive Russian society. The Decembrists spent thirty years in hard labor and in exile. By the time of the amnesty in 1856, only nineteen of the exiled Decembrists survived. Before the return of the Decembrists and for the first time after their return, even the mention of them in the press was prohibited. Nekrasov was forced to talk with great caution about the Decembrists themselves and about the events of December 14, 1825.

- Thank you guys for studying historical events and doing a good job. Please, sit down.

2. The history of the creation of the poem . “Russian Women” is a poem about the courageous and noble feat of the wives of the first Russian revolutionaries, the Decembrists, who, despite all the difficulties and hardships, followed their husbands into exile in distant Siberia. They renounced the wealth and comforts of habitual life, from all civil rights and doomed themselves to the plight of exiles.

This selflessness of the Decembrists' wives, their spiritual strength attracted the attention of the writer, especially since it was impossible to speak directly and think about the heroic courage of the Decembrists themselves because of censorship prohibitions.

In 1869, he wrote the first of the poems of the cycle - "Grandfather" - about a Decembrist who returned as an old man from Siberian exile. The real prototype of the "grandfather" was Prince Sergei Nikolaevich Volkonsky, the husband of Maria Volkonskaya - the heroine of the poem "Russian Women". This poem, written in 1871-1872, is one of the most significant works of the poet. It combines two poems, closely related to each other by a common theme - "Princess Trubetskaya" and "Princess Volkonskaya".

Good. What is a poem? (A work of a lyrical-epic kind: a large lyrical poem in which a plot (content) can be distinguished).

- Well done.FROMMake the necessary entries in your notebooks. N.A. Nekrasov was the first of the poets of the 19th century. turned to a topic forbidden for many years - he spoke about the feat of the wives of the Decembrists. “Russian women” -dilogy poem (consists of 2 parts united by a common theme) .

Speaking of the heroines of his poems, Nekrasov exclaimed:

Captivating images! Hardly

In the history of any country

You have seen something wonderful.

Their names must not be forgotten.

The choice of topic is also connected with events deeply experienced by Nekrasov himself. Nekrasov's friend N.G. Chernyshevsky and hundreds of other people were exiled to Siberia for hard labor.

1 hour “Princess Trubetskaya” (Ekaterina Ivanovna was the first to go to her husband in Siberia) written based on the “Notes of the Decembrist” Rosen (1870), Trubetskoy-husband and son, published in 1872, with censorship distortions. Nekrasov himself welcomes her precisely because:

She paved the way for others

She led others to great deeds! (This year, as you can see, the poem is being fulfilled 143 years old )

2 hours “Princess M.N. Volkonskaya” written in 1872published in 1873 (Maria Nikolaevna went to Siberia after Prince Trubetskoy) was written based on the materials of the Notes of M.N. Volkonskaya. Nekrasov knew that Volkonskaya's son had his mother's notes, and he really wanted to read them. Having conceived the poem, Nekrasov persistently asked Volkonskaya's son to give the Notes, while referring to the fact that he had much less information about Maria Nikolaevna than about Trubetskoy, and her image could turn out to be distorted. Mikhail Sergeevich Volkonsky, after a long refusal, finally agreed to read his mother's notes to Nekrasov. For several evenings, Volkonsky read "Notes", and the poet, listening, took notes and notes. “Several times in the evening,” Volkonsky recalls, “Nekrasov jumped up and with the words: “Enough, I can’t”, ran to the fireplace, sat down to him and, clutching his head with his hands, cried like a child.

As conceived by the author, it was supposed to be 3 hours. - “Princess A.G. Muravyova” (Alexandra Grigorievna was the third Decembrist woman).Asleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin sent through her to the Decembrists his famous"MessageinSiberia", in which he expressed his ardent faith in the coming freedom. Who will tell the passage from the message?

In the depths of Siberian ores

Keep proud patience

Your mournful work will not be lost

And doom high aspiration.

2. Second project: How Nekrasov portrayed the heroes; to whom he expressed his likes and dislikes .

To clarify, let's start works at with text poems. Homework was to read a poem .

Who is the main character of the first part?(the heroine of the first part is Princess Trubetskaya)

- To whom does Princess Trubetskaya say goodbye?(she says goodbye to her family)

- How is her father seeing her off?( The old count, the father of Ekaterina Ivanovna, with tears, lays a bear's cavity in the wagon, which should forever take away his daughter from home)

- What does the heroine of the poem say to him at parting?Read the 3rd stanza (O, God knows! .. But duty another,

And higher and harder

Calling me, sorry dear!

Do not cry in vain!

Far is my way, hard is my way,

My fate is terrible

But I dressed my chest with steel ...

be proud - I am your daughter !)

Underline the two main words on which the poem is held.. Pride and duty - these are the two concepts on which the poem rests

The poet gives each part of the text in comparison, what is compared, how does he achieve this? (dreams and reality, balls, trips abroad and reality, home and prison)

Why is “the princess-daughter going somewhere that night”? What makes her leave home and family?(duty and pride)

- But in order to fulfill their duty, women have to fight with those who hinder them in this.

And who wants to stop them?(The king and the governor, carrying out his will).

What is unusual about the poem? How does it resemble drama? How is it built?(This is a dialogue, but not just a conversation between two characters. This is an argument, this is a confrontation, this is a struggle).

What is the central episode of this part of the poem?(Meeting of Princess Trubetskoy with the Governor of Irkutsk)

Why was the governor so reluctant for the princess to move on?(He received the strictest order from the king to keep her by any means and not allow her to follow her husband).

    • How does the poem about Trubetskoy end? (ends with Trubetskoy's victory over the governor)

Teacher: Nicholas the first, fearing that the noble act of the wives of the Decembrists would arouse sympathy for them in society, instructed them to interfere in every possible way in the implementation of their intentions. The wives of the Decembrists in Irkutsk had to sign a special document, to renounce all civil rights. The text of this document is given in her notes by M.N. Volkonskaya (the text is projected onto the screen)

« Here is the content of the paper I signed:

§one. A wife, following her husband, continuing her marital relationship with him, will naturally become involved in his fate and lose her former title, i.e. will already be recognized only as the wife of an exiled convict, and at the same time accepts to endure everything that such a state can be painful, for even the authorities will not be able to protect her from hourly insults from people of the most depraved, contemptuous class who will find in this, as it were, some right to consider the wife of a state criminal, who bears an equal fate with him, like themselves: these insults can even be violent. Hardened villains are not afraid of punishment.

§2. Children who take root in Siberia will go to state factory peasants.

§3. It is not allowed to take money or things of great value with you ...».

Teacher: Nekrasov did not strive for photographic accuracy, for sketching a historical portrait"Decembristaboutto".For him"Decembrists"- First of all, advanced Russian women.

Questions can be distributed in the form of cards or conduct a frontal survey.

- Who is the heroine of the second part of the poem? (the heroine of the second part of the poem is Princess Volkonskaya)

- How does he show Volkonskaya at the beginning of the poem? (he shows Volkonskaya as a young and beautiful girl« queen of the ball » ) .

- What did Maria Nikolaevna have to give up in order to go to Siberia? (refused a position in the world, from a rich fortune, from all rights and privileges, even from her son)

- Who in Moscow inspires courage and faith in Maria Volkonskaya that her feat is not in vain? Read the passage aloud.

(The great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin admonishes her with beautiful words)

Go, go! You are strong in spirit

You are rich in bold patience,

May your fateful path be peacefully accomplished,

Don't be put off by loss!

Believe me, such spiritual purity

This hateful world is not worth it!

Blessed is he who changes his bustle

To the feat of selfless love!...

    • How does Nekrasov draw the image of Volkonskaya in this parting word? (he draws a noble and bright image of Maria Volkonskaya herself)

      That's right, with spiritual purity and proud patience, the heroines of the poem manifest themselves throughout their difficult path.

      What pictures of the life of Russia pass in front of Trubetskoy and Volkonskaya on the road? (on the road in front of her, as in front of Trubetskoy, cruel and ugly pictures of oppression and poverty of the people pass)

      How do mothers and wives escort recruits to the soldier's service in the poem? (with bitter groans, crying, they see off the recruits)

      Compare the farewell to the sodan service in our time with tsarist times. (We escort the brothers to the army with the whole family, with a smile. We arrange an evening, gatherings, a festive dinner.)

      How many years did they serve in the tsarist army, and how long do they serve with us now? (In the tsarist army they served indefinitely, that is, all their lives, but in our time, only a year.)

      How did these road impressions affect Volkonskaya? (they filled Volkonskaya with indignation against the arbitrariness of the tsar)

      For whom did she feel sympathy and love? (She sympathized and fell in love with the Russian people).

      Did Volkonskaya fulfill her duty to her husband? (Yes, she did her duty)

      What do you think, what heroic pathos is imbued with a meeting with her husband, when she, seeing her husband in chains, kisses them? (She kissed the chains, because she realized that her husband was a patriot of his homeland, and he wears these chains for a reason).

      Make a cluster. 1. Compare the images of Volkonskaya and Trubetskoy. What are their similarities. 2. A cluster of poems.

princess Volkonskaya

Princess Trubetskaya

N.A. Nekrasov

dilogy poem

    • To summarize the second task, Nekrasov expressed his sympathies to the people, the Decembrists and Decembrists, they are the real heroes of the poem, expressed antipathy to the tsarist autocracy and serfdom.

Teacher: According to the last third project. What is the place of the poem in modern literature we can say that the poem "Russian women"- one of the most striking works of Russian classical poetry.

The uprising of the Decembrists was suppressed, but the cause to which they devoted themselves did not pass without a trace. Now on the Senate Square in St. Petersburg there is a monument to the Decembristsbecause their trace remained not only in history but also in the memory of the people. Since history is the memory of the people. (I show on the slide a modern photo of Senate Square)

І V . Summing up the lesson.

    • To sum up the lesson and check the strength of the learned material, I propose to answer the test.


1. What is main topic poems N.A. Nekrasova "Russian women"?

a) the fate of the Decembrists,

b) the greatness and fortitude of a Russian noblewoman

in) a story about the difficulties on the way of the princess to Nerchinsk

d) an attempt by the governor to prevent the princess from supporting her husband

2. Highlight idea (main idea) of the poem

a) the tragic fate of a Russian woman,

b) exposure of secular society,

in) the spiritual greatness of a Russian woman,

d) the feat of the Decembrists)

- Which problem sounds in the text?

a)The problem of choice, moral beauty, duty and honor, achievement

b) debt problem .

c) love

d) patriotic feelings

- So, we have fully disclosed the topic of the lesson “Spiritual and moral greatness of a woman in N.A. Nekrasov’s poem “Russian Women”.

Well done, you have mastered the topic and goals of today's lesson. Thank you for participating.

I give ratings.

V . Homework. Instructions for its implementation. Prepare for the analysis of the poem, complete creative tasks from pp. 124-125.

Artistic image - one of the main categories of aesthetics, which characterizes the way of displaying and transforming reality inherent only in art. An image is also called any phenomenon creatively recreated by the author in a work of art. Literary type - (type of hero) - a set of characters who are close in their social status or occupation, worldview and spiritual appearance. Such characters can be represented in various works by the same or several writers. Literary types are a reflection of the tendencies of the spiritual development of society, worldview, philosophical, moral and aesthetic views of the writers themselves.

Basic moments:

1) hyperbolicity

2) emotionality

3) typicality (uniqueness)

H.o. binomial, 2 plans intersect in it: subject and semantic (implied, hidden).

There are 2 classifications of the artistic image:

1) objective (society - man - nature) - through a portrait, characters, they are also concrete (tangible). The image of the author above them.

Nature - interior, exterior, things surrounding the hero, details: a scarf, etc.

Society - environment, people, family, world (like the Universe ...)

For the Ancients: Man is part of a choir

2) generalized semantic - allegory, symbol, myth, archetype (collective-unconscious)

The archetype is the oldest symbol generated by the archaic collective consciousness. It is an image passed down from generation to generation. Example: the image of the prodigal son, Cain and Abel, Faust.

1) the archetype of a wise old man;

3) road.

Internal the structure of images can arise:

1) from internal about

2) due to comparisons

3) opposition or comparison

Two ways to create images:

1) giving;

2) observation;

3) associations

I. Hud image is a purely speech phenomenon

II. Hood. image - a system of specific feelings of details that embody the content

The image is a complex interrelation of details, it is tangible, plastic, has a specific form. In x.o. something artistically new, possessing artistic capacity, is being created.

The most common definition of H.O. is a subjective reflection of the objective world.

Term (from Latin terminus - limit, border) - a word or phrase that accurately and unambiguously names a concept and its relationship with other concepts within a special sphere. Terms serve as specializing, restrictive designations characteristic of this sphere of objects, phenomena, their properties and relationships. In contrast to the words of the general vocabulary, which are often polysemantic and carry an emotional coloring, the terms within the scope of application are unambiguous and lack expression.

Terms exist within the framework of a certain terminology, that is, they are included in a specific lexical system of a language, but only through a specific terminological system. Unlike common language words, terms are not related to context. Within this system of concepts, the term should ideally be unambiguous, systematic, stylistically neutral (for example, "phoneme", "sine", "surplus value").

Time and space in fiction. The concept of a chronotope.

Spatio-temporal organization of a literary work - chronotope.

Under the chronotope of M.M. Bakhtin understands "the essential interconnection of temporal and spatial relations".

In literary works, images of time and space are separately distinguished:










Detailed (subject rich)

Really visible



In addition, both time and space single out the concrete and the abstract. If time is abstract, then space is also abstract, and vice versa.

According to Bakhtin, the chronotope is, first of all, an attribute of the novel. It has plot value. The chronotope is the structural support of the genre.

Types of private chronotopes according to Bakhtin:

The chronotope of the road is based on the motif of a chance meeting. The appearance of this motif in the text can cause a plot. Open space.

The chronotope of a private salon is not an accidental meeting. Closed space.

Chronotope of the castle (it does not exist in Russian literature). The dominance of the historical, generic past. Limited space.

The chronotope of the estate (not Bakhtin) is a concentric, unprincipled closed space.

The chronotope of a provincial town is an eventless time, a closed space, self-sufficient, living its own life. Time is cyclic, but not sacred.

Threshold chronotype (crisis consciousness, fracture). There is no biography as such, only moments.

Large chronotope:

Folklore (idyllic). Based on the law of inversion.

Modern chronotope trends:

Mythologization and symbolization


Accessing the character's memory

Reinforcing Mounting Meaning

Time itself becomes the hero of the story

Time and space are the integral coordinates of the world.

The chronotope determines the artistic unity of a literary work in its relation to reality

Organizes the space of the work, leads readers into it

Can relate to different space and time

Can build a chain of associations in the mind of the reader and, on this basis, connect works with the idea of ​​the world and expand

Artistic invention. Image and prototype. Autobiography.

Fiction - events, characters, circumstances depicted in fiction that do not actually exist. In the 4th century, Aristotle, in his treatise Poetics, argued that the main difference between literary works and historical works is that historians write about those events that happened in reality, and writers write about those that could happen. In the literature, the boundaries between HV and reliability are conventionally delineated and fluid. CW is a general category of artistic creativity, a means and form of mastering life by art (an element or part of a work that has an independent meaning).

The prototype is a real-life person, whose features the author endowed the character of the work with. Correlation between the hero and the prototype: 1. The similarity is significant, necessary to understand the meaning of the work, in this case the author himself indicates the degree of recognition of the character. 2. The author can assign the features of the prototype to the character, but at the same time the literary hero should not be perceived as a double of a real person.

Autobiography is a reflection in a literary work of events from the life of the author, closeness with the hero.

14. The form of a work of art. Components.

A work of art is not a natural phenomenon, but a cultural one, which means that it is based on a spiritual principle, which, in order to exist and be perceived, must certainly acquire some material embodiment, a way of existing in a system of material signs. Hence the naturalness of defining the boundaries of form and content in a work: the spiritual principle is the content, and its material embodiment is the form. The form of a work of art has two main functions. The first is carried out within the artistic whole, so it can be called internal: it is a function of expressing content.

The second function is found in the impact of the work on the reader, so it can be called external (in relation to the work). It consists in the fact that the form has an aesthetic impact on the reader, because the form acts as a bearer of the aesthetic qualities of a work of art. The most common classification of the elements of the artistic form of a work is composition, determined by the content. The plot is the main element of the composition: plot elements, exposition, plot, development, climax, denouement, prologue, epilogue. The main characters, their portraits, characters.


Requirements for the structural elements of the explanatory note



Preliminary design.

Project concept. (Justification of the creative decision made)

Analysis of fashion trends, colors, materials, fashion figure.

Analysis of historical and modern prototypes, analogues of creative sources.


The structure of the explanatory note

The explanatory note contains the following sections:

Text: 1p.

Text: 2-5 pages

Illustrations: 2-5 pages

Text: 2 pages

Illustrations: 2-5 pages

Text: 1p.

Sketches in the amount of 5 sheets.

6. Photoshoot.

Photos in the amount of at least 5 sheets.

At least 10 sources.

The introduction indicates the goals and objectives of the diploma design, taking into account the priorities of the development of design and fashion, the specifics of creative activity in the field of design; justifies the choice of topic, determined by its relevance; problems and a range of issues necessary for their solution are formed; objects of study are indicated.

When performing research work, the introduction indicates its relevance, the object and purpose of the study, research methods, novelty, practical significance and the possibility of implementing this proposal.

The substantiation of the theme of the graduation project is related to its relevance, i.e. the needs are determined, for the satisfaction of which the design of a new collection of costumes, photo shoots, video sequences and printed products is undertaken in accordance with the chosen topic.

- relevance

(An analysis of the situation in the field of research based on literary and other sources allows us to conclude that a number of issues have not been sufficiently studied, and the timely completion of research will eliminate these gaps. The completed development allows us to solve a demanded practical problem based on the new data obtained in the work)

- goals and objectives of the study;

(“develop”, “justification of the creative decision”, “analyze”, “identify”, etc.)

-practical and scientific significance;

(2-3 sentences about the use or practical application of the results of research and development of the project.)

- project development novelty

(Using new methods, technologies, etc.)

Description, research and analysis of historical and modern prototypes, analogues of creative sources that are directly used in the development of the project.

Any works of art, historical and contemporary events, all kinds of elements of the natural environment, various types and objects of culture, art, science, retro fashion, etc. can serve as creative sources for creating a collection of clothes. Accurate definition of creative sources allows you to clearly project the obvious visual features of the sample onto the designed elements (color, composition, plastic, decor or construction), to achieve expressiveness of the image.

An analysis of prototypes (projects similar to those being designed for some homogeneous characteristics and conditions of use) or analogues allows you to identify the advantages and disadvantages of existing projects and is carried out according to the following indicators:



Functional (methods of use)

Technological (materials and possible manufacturing methods)

3. Analysis of fashion trends: shapes, colors, materials used, patterns, decor.

Analysis of fashion trends, colors, materials, fashionable figure, which formed the basis of the graduation project.

This part of the section is designed to demonstrate a student's holistic view of history and modernity, patterns and options for the development of fashion.

Designing new clothes is impossible without an analysis of the styles and trends of modern fashion, its key trends, shaping, a palette of fashionable colors, patterns and textures of materials, and decor that dictate changes in design.

In the study of modern fashion, lengthy expositions should be avoided and the focus should be on characterizing the general trend. It is important to indicate trends that emphasize the relevance of the chosen topic of the course project.

The illustrative material of the section should clearly and specifically reflect the selected fashion trends.

4. The concept of the project.(Justification of the creative decision made)

The substantiation of the accepted creative decision, the optimality of the design task, is built taking into account psychological and social conditions, determining the purpose, expediency and functions, conditions for their operation, technological requirements, economic prerequisites. Design decision - the choice of design method, materials, colors, range of models, taking into account the choice of theme and fashion direction.

The idea of ​​the project, the image of the project, the connection with modernity, ways of processing and transforming the creative source.

Artistic design is a creative process of creating an integral system of things that reflects modern cultural trends. The task of artistic design is to search for links between the objective world as a whole and the designed products.

The results of the pre-project analysis carried out are rethought, synthesized, structured and implemented in specific methods of shaping. In the process of information processing, a creative concept is formulated - the main idea, the semantic orientation of goals, tasks and design tools, interpreted in the form of an artistic image. It is important that in the course of the synthesis of pre-project studies, own thoughts, different from analogues, are born.

The section reflects the sequence of artistic design of the collection, the search for unity of form and content, reflects the style features and range of the collection.

Prototype(from the Greek protótypon - a prototype), a real person, the idea of ​​which served as a fundamental principle for the writer when creating a literary type, the image of a person - the hero of a work

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See what "Character Prototype" is in other dictionaries:

    - (from other Greek πρῶτος the first and τύπος imprint, impression; prototype, sample), Prototype: Prototype (cognitive psychology) an abstract image that embodies many similar forms of the same object or pattern, most ... ... Wikipedia

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    prototype- a, m. prototype gr. protos first + typos imprint. 1. Who or what l., which is the predecessor or model of the next. BAS 1. For this reason, in every educated state, it is accepted as a rule or law: 1) to have and maintain ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

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