Psychological characteristics for a preschooler for a PMPK example. Sample characteristics for pmpk



Characteristics per student ? class

Full Name student

Institution name

Year of birth, residing at:

Before entering school, he attended a preschool. 09/01/2011 enrolled in the first class institution name at the age of 6 years 10 months and is studying under the program "?" . The basis for the medical and pedagogical commission: "The skills and abilities necessary for mastering the educational material of the general education program are not sufficiently formed."

The child's family consists of four people.

Mother - ?, father - ?, there is a younger sister. The family lives in their own house, social and living conditions and financial situation are satisfactory. The daily routine of the student is mostly observed. The student attends an extended day group. In the second half of the year, absenteeism for unexcused reasons became more frequent. Little time is devoted to the upbringing and development of the child in the family.

The appearance of the student is neat, well-groomed. He is uncommunicative with peers, prefers to be alone or with children who do not offend him. Little contact with adults. The general motivation is social, based on an understanding of the social need for learning, “external”, in relation to learning, - submission to the requirements of adults, educational and cognitive motivation is not developed enough. Moderately worries about his actions, behavior; does not react to critical remarks and does not show any outward alarms.

The fine motor skills of the hands are poorly developed, the precise and subtle movements of the muscles of the hand and fingers are not yet perfect. Leading hand right. Motor skills associated with self-service are well developed.

The student does not have a complete amount of knowledge and ideas about the world around him. Learning activities at a low level. The student knows information about himself, understands family ties. The skills of spatial orientation are incompletely formed, poorly oriented in the basic concepts of time, it is difficult to establish cause-and-effect relationships between the phenomena of reality. Experiencing difficulties in mastering the program material, reveals insufficiently formed basic educational skills, low academic performance in the Russian language, mathematics, and reading.

The student is dominated by visual-figurative thinking, and verbal-logical thinking is not yet fully developed. The child experiences difficulties in differentiating between the common and the different, carrying out mental operations of comparison, generalization, and classification. When naming the fourth extra object, the student cannot correctly determine the sign of generalization (for example, “The extra horse in the picture, because the rest is all a locomotive, fighter, ship”), thinks for a long time. Danil has a slow perception and comprehension of new educational material, especially in the Russian language, reading, and mathematics. He needs constant organizing help from the teacher in the form of leading questions, tips, and reliance on visual material. Danil independently establishes cause-and-effect relationships in a series of plot paintings with a clear meaning of the plot, but does not cope with the definition of logical relationships when working with a series of paintings with a hidden meaning and an unfinished end of the action. The child does not understand the meaning of riddles. For example, “Winter and summer in one color. What is it?" - "Snow"; “A pear is hanging, you can’t eat it. What is it?" - "Pear, no chandelier."

Cognitive interests in the educational sphere are not fully formed. The boy does not take an active part in the lesson, as he is unsure of the correctness of his answers.

There is a low activity of attention, its volume is somewhat different from the age norm; increased fatigue affects the decrease in concentration at the end of the school day. The student has difficulty switching from written forms of work to oral assignments. There is a relatively small stability of attention. Involuntary attention prevails.

Reproduction of educational information (rules, texts, content of tasks) is often incomplete, inaccurate. Cannot apply the learned material in class on their own. The amount of operative and long-term memory does not fully meet the age norms. Involuntary memorization dominates.

The overall pace of activity is slow. The prevailing type of mood is calm, balanced. The ability to volitional effort is somewhat reduced, as it often does not bring the work begun to the end.

The level of speech development of the child does not correspond to the age norm. The student has a lag in the development of phonemic perception: the student finds it difficult to distinguish between oppositional phonemes, cannot analyze the sound, syllabic composition of the word, allowing a gap. Danil understands the meaning of individual words of everyday meaning, simple instructions consisting of one link, and complex speech instructions with the help, after repetition and clarification. The student answers the questions in monosyllables according to the text he has listened to or does not answer at all. The presence of a poor and poorly differentiated vocabulary, which is activated with difficulty, the use of many words in an approximate meaning (for example, a mug - “cup”) is noted. Danil knows such generalizing (categorical) concepts as "birds", "animals", "furniture", "vegetables", "fruits", "dishes", "flowers", and the sequence of the seasons, the order of the days of the week is called only with the help of . The passive vocabulary prevails over the active one. There are few adverbs, complex prepositions, definitions, additions in speech. The student makes simple non-common sentences with a given word or a picture, but finds it difficult to complicate the structure of the original sentence on questions, add a few words to an unfinished sentence. Experiencing difficulties in word formation and inflection, that is, in the formation of a diminutive form of a noun from a given word, rarely in the formation of a plural from nouns in the singular. Danil hardly names the studied letters of the alphabet. Reading is not of interest to the student, because the alphabet has not been fully studied. The teacher's help is not readily accepted.

During his studies in the first grade, Danil showed poor knowledge of basic academic subjects.

The student copies from the handwritten text, but cannot translate from printed to written. Does not perform independent work, refuses. The skill of self-control is poorly developed.

In mathematics lessons, he performs addition and subtraction of numbers with the help of counting sticks, fingers, ruler. Performs forward and backward counting within ten. In the classroom, inactive, indecisive.

Danil does not teach poems by heart.

The boy shows little interest in drawing lessons, technology, enjoys physical education lessons, but does not like the rhythm lesson.

Danil did not master the material in all subjects for the academic year in the main subjects.

Pedagogical characteristics

on Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich.

Date of birth: 24.10.2009 (5 years 11 months)

Ivan entered the MADOU DSKN No. 4 in Sosnovoborsk on 11/02/2012. The adaptation was easy. The compensatory group for children with speech disorders has been attending since 10/08/2014. Currently, he goes to kindergarten with a desire.

Home address: st. Party Komsomol, house 6, apt. 2.

Family information:

Mother: Ivanova Svetlana Ivanovna, born in 1980

Place of work: unemployed.

Father: Ivanov Boris Ivanovich, born in 1977

Education: secondary - special.

Place of work: IHZ, fitter.

The family is complete, lives in a two-room apartment. Material wealth is below average. Ivan has a younger brother Kostya born in 2014. Parents do not take part in the activities of the kindergarten and the group, do not interact with teachers, do not do homework on the instructions of a speech therapist, do not follow advice and recommendations. At home, the boy likes to play with cars, collect puzzles, watch cartoons. The child does not have a play area. The whole family spends leisure time together: walking, relaxing in nature.

Ivan II has a health group. General motor skills are underdeveloped. There are no chronic diseases, but the child has many absences due to illness. Leading hand is right. Fine motor skills are poorly developed. Falls asleep quickly, long sleep.

When communicating with adults and peers, Ivan uses elementary forms of politeness (he can thank, apologize, say hello, say goodbye). The boy learned social norms of behavior and rules in various activities.

He does not master the basic general educational program of a preschool institution for all types of activities. Inactive, cognitive motivation is not sufficiently formed. The proposed material is remembered only after repeated repetition, the guiding and teaching assistance of the teacher is required. Cannot explain this or that action, situation, task, using a detailed emotionally colored statement. Can concentrate on one type of activity for 30 minutes, without being distracted by extraneous objects not directly related to the actual activity. Cannot always establish causal relationships. He does not fully retain the instruction, he needs its gradual presentation.

Ivan distinguishes flat geometric figures. Knows the main colors of the spectrum and their shades. Not well enough oriented in space, on a sheet of paper. Does not own speech formulations to designate the spatial properties of objects and the relationships between them. Can count forward and backward within 10. Cannot name seasons, days of the week, parts of the day, months.

The child willingly participates in choral singing and performing musical and rhythmic movements. With a desire to take part in the holidays and entertainment held in kindergarten.

Ivan copes with the standards of this age in physical culture at a low level. Skills in the main types of movements are not formed. Experiencing difficulties in working with the ball, jumping, throwing. With desire participates in competitive games.

Vanya is uncertain about scissors, a brush and a pencil. Paints and hatches, going beyond the outline. He engages in visual activity with desire, shows creativity, his works are distinguished by accuracy. In design, the ideas are poor, monotonous.

Previously disturbed sounds were delivered to Ivan, he pronounces them correctly in isolation, but not a single sound is automated. Vocabulary is not age appropriate. The grammatical structure is not well formed. The child in the dialogue uses simple phrases. Retelling a short literary work can only be done with help; it is difficult to compose a coherent story based on a series of plot pictures. He likes to participate in dramatization games, playing his role insecurely. Language analysis and synthesis skills are insufficiently developed. The boy does not know all the letters of the Russian alphabet, he does not know how to read

Vanya is a friendly and calm boy. He makes contact with adults and children, but does not show initiative in communication. Is not a leader. Tries to avoid conflict situations. With desire participates in the games offered by other children. For a long time he can engage in one type of play activity without accompanying the game with speech statements. With interest plays board, role-playing, outdoor games.

The boy is not able to choose an occupation on his own, he does not turn to adults for help. Carries out instructions from the teacher. The child is not formed self-regulation of their own actions.

Ivan is distinguished by sensitivity, impressionability. Able to distinguish the moods of other people. In affective situations, he shows negative emotions, expressing it with facial expressions and gestures. He is emotional about his failures. The pace of activity is below average.

The observance of the rules of personal hygiene of the child requires constant monitoring. Ivan comes to kindergarten in unkempt clothes, with dirty nails.

Pedagogical characteristics

for a student ... class MBOU "Secondary School ...", g. ...

.. 25.02.2002 birth,

residing at:

For health reasons refers to II medical group, is registered with a neuropathologist. The girl often complains of headache, pain in the abdomen. Even with a short load, Tanya quickly gets tired. The child has low vision, eats poorly, needs the help of a doctor, speech therapist, psychologist.

Prior to entering school, she attended a kindergarten of the usual type.

The development of thinking, memory, attention, perception, speech, emotional and volitional spheres are slowed down and noticeably lag behind the norm.

The girl slowly and with difficulty focuses her attention on the lesson, learns little from the teacher's explanations due to constant distraction. Makes many mistakes due to inattention and does not notice them when checking.

Short-term memory - it slowly remembers and quickly forgets - mainly visual, therefore it experiences special difficulties in Russian and English, mathematics. In the same subjects, he has the greatest gaps in knowledge. To memorize the material, he repeatedly mechanically repeats it, without parsing and comprehending, makes semantic errors. The student understands the material with great difficulty only after additional classes, but the next day he can no longer remember what was sorted out and studied. However, with considerable efforts of will, conscientious homework, and constant monitoring and assistance from parents, these difficulties could be overcome to a large extent.

.does not know how to concentrate and overcome difficulties in the performance of educational tasks. Involuntary attention prevails. Works slowly. Efficiency is very low - after 10-15 minutes from the beginning of the lesson, increased fatigue occurs. In a state of increased fatigue, the child's answers become thoughtless, absurd.

Fine and gross motor skills are age appropriate.. usually calm, emotional outbursts are very rare. Differs in general passivity, inactivity, lack of initiative. She does not like being criticized, is offended and withdraws. Sometimes he tells lies for his own benefit.

Almost always lethargic, apathetic in many areas of school life. The exception is the lessons of technology, on which she works with concentration and interest. And in extracurricular activities, the girl prefers to engage in arts and crafts activities: drawing, embroidery, appliqué from various materials. This work she does creatively and accurately.

Limitations of mental and cognitive abilities do not allow ... to successfully cope with educational tasks. As a rule, she does not show interest in acquiring knowledge, she does not know how to distribute her work in time, she does not know how to rationally organize and observe the daily routine, she wastes a lot of time.

Existing knowledge, skills and abilities …. do not meet the requirements of the school curriculum. Progress in basic school subjects (mathematics, Russian, English) is unsatisfactory.

The girl is hardly involved in educational activities, with great difficulty and belatedly mastered the initial skills of writing and reading, counting. It is characterized by childish spontaneity in behavior, unformed school interests, inability to concentrate when performing educational tasks.

Maths. In the 4th grade, he hardly adds and subtracts even within 10, he performs all actions only with the help of printed addition and subtraction tables. Confuses mathematical operations: addition and subtraction, multiplication and division. I haven't been able to memorize the multiplication table yet. Tasks are solved only by the simplest ones, and then extremely slowly and with help, blindly using known "templates". Abstract thinking is practically not developed. Although ... performs geometric constructions well, but tasks of geometric content are given to her with difficulty. … even with significant efforts and individual additional assistance from the teacher, she never learned to correlate units of length, mass, and time.

Reading By the end of the first grade, the girl remembered the letters with great difficulty. Despite the fact that she also studied with a speech therapist, she began to read smoothly in syllables and more or less consciously ... only in the second grade. When reading, Tanya makes mistakes in endings, stress, and distorts words. Even in the 4th grade, she has a reading rate of 40 words per minute (against the norm of 80 words per minute). With such slow reading, she hardly singles out the main idea of ​​what she read, hardly answers questions about the text. But if the text is read by adults or a well-read child, then the girl is already able to express her own opinion about the actions of the characters and answer direct questions to the text. The girl does not read the literature that is recommended by the teacher for reading in the summer.

Russian language. … well mastered graphic writing skills. Does the job neatly and cleanly. But literacy is poor. She makes a large number of mistakes, not only when writing from dictation, but also when copying. It makes mistakes of a different nature: skipping and replacing letters, underwriting and distorting words (this also happens because of a poor vocabulary and a narrow outlook, so sometimes even the simplest words do not understand the meaning). Lots of mistakes and spelling. Even if ... and knows some rules, he does not know how to apply them practically in independent activities.

Vocabulary is very poor, speech is quiet, with hesitations. The girl often raises her hand to answer, but when you ask her, she formulates her thought with great difficulty, and sometimes she cannot express her thoughts in words even at the everyday level.

Often, when performing tasks, he asks for help, support from others (usually he simply cheats from a neighbor on his desk), does not want to make efforts. Very rarely completes his plans, even if he encounters minor difficulties.

New concepts, methods of action with minimal help from the teacher, other students do not immediately learn. It takes a very long time period of constant repetition of the same material, and individually, in silence, in order for ... to learn it at least in a general way.

The girl does not have any difficulties in communicating with classmates, although she communicates with a limited circle of children. . With adults, she is polite, mostly adequately takes into account the situation.

Social and household skills are formed according to age. … has self-service skills, is always neat and tidy. Keeps personal belongings and school supplies in proper order. Helps to put the blackboard and desks in order in the classroom.

But it is worth noting that gaps in learning and gaps in the knowledge of the child could be minimized with more careful and serious control by parents.

Mom, ..., systematically attended parent meetings, often came to individual consultations with the teacher at school, expressed concern about the academic performance of her daughter Tanya, but still, the recommendations of the teacher, the speech therapist were not properly implemented, the child's daily routine was not balanced. Parents often followed the child's emotions, allowing the girl to manipulate them.

Thus, the inability to sustain purposeful activity, the predominance of gaming interests and gaming motivation, instability and pronounced difficulties in switching and distributing attention, inability to mental effort and tension when performing serious school assignments, underdevelopment of voluntary activities and insufficient, unsystematic control and assistance from parents, caused large gaps in knowledge in basic school subjects.

All of the above problems in learning ... allowed the teacher to assume that the child needed not only the help of a teacher, but also the advice of some specialist doctors. On the advice of the teacher, parents in the 2nd grade showed the child to a neurologist. According to my mother, the doctor prescribed treatment. But the education and development of the child is still not age appropriate. Psychiatric consultation recommended.

Nadezhda Lebedeva
Psychological and pedagogical characteristics for a child of senior preschool age sent to the PMPK commission

I present to your attention an example of writing psychological and pedagogical characteristics for a child of senior preschool age.

real characteristic is given(F.I. child, Date of Birth.

Attends MBDOU "Bell" (full title preschool) since September 2014. Before entering kindergarten child brought up in a family.

The family is complete, prosperous, where parents pay attention to the development of the girl, listen to the recommendations of teachers.

Mother: FULL NAME., father: F. I. O. The relationship between family members is good. The girl is provided with all the necessary conditions for normal development. Parents did not complain about speech and behavior child.

The adjustment period was painful. Child came to kindergarten calmly, parting with relatives endured easily. Difficulties were that the girl did not make contact not with adults, not with her peers, she answered all questions with a nod of her head.

General physical development corresponds age. There are no chronic diseases, rarely suffers from colds.

The girl is neat, neat, always monitors her appearance.

The level of development of general motor skills corresponds to age movements are coordinated.

When examining fine motor skills, he performs imitative movements, there are difficulties in switching from one movement to another. Leading hand is right.

Involuntary attention is formed. The general level of development of voluntary attention is lower age norm.

Knows basic colors and plane shapes (does not name, but points with a finger). The perception of the scheme of the body, its parts is formed.

The idea of ​​the sequence of parts of the day, seasons formed (based on pictures).

Thought processes and speech were not examined, since the girl does not communicate with teachers.

The d / s masters the program in all sections, but does not respond orally. Productive activities are especially difficult. In educational activities, he behaves calmly, perceives the task; Shows no interest in class. Can be engaged in the same type of activity for a long time, brings the work begun to the end only with the help of an educator. Slowly switches from one type of activity to another, you have to additionally focus on this. He reacts calmly to the comments of the teacher, sometimes he can get upset, withdraw, refuse to complete the task, assignment.

Until recently, the girl did not play with children, she just sat nearby. Recently, the girl began to communicate and play with children. However, he prefers to play silently. Easily connects to role-playing games, brings the role to the end, follows the rules of the game. In collective games, he takes the position of a follower.

Self-care skills formed: can independently use toiletries, wash, dress and undress, use a spoon and fork. Sometimes refuses to eat (usually from breakfast). The girl quickly falls asleep and sleeps peacefully. Performs labor tasks and instructions of adults willingly and diligently.

Until now, the girl was not sociable, closed. At the moment, she began to communicate (for the last week, but only with children. Always calm, follows the rules of behavior at home, in kindergarten, in public places.

Passive in various activities, not proactive. He enters into relationships only with close relatives. Follows the instructions of the teacher, but does not conduct a dialogue.

Head of preschool educational institution ___

Caretaker ___

Teacher- psychologist ___

Teacher speech therapist ___

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Psychological and pedagogical characteristics for a preschool child sent to PMPK.

F. I. O. Born. G.

The child attends the senior speech therapy group MBDOU No. ....

Family composition: complete family, mother - full name, education - higher, m. work - ... ., position - ... .; eldest child - son: F.I.O., .... r., student of ... class of MBOU of secondary school No. ... of the city ....

The family is socially prosperous, the moral situation is satisfactory. The style of family education is democratic (it is built on a relationship of trust and consent, where the interests of the child are taken into account). For the successful development of the child, favorable conditions for games and activities have been created.

The boy experiences slight difficulties in speech development (pronunciation of some sounds - he pronounces all sounds correctly in isolation). The difficulties are temporary. The child has the following levels of development:

Artistic and aesthetic development (intermediate level)

formed: - skill and interest in listening to works of art (expressively reads poetry, participates in dramatizations); - visual skills, the ability to convey images of the surrounding reality in a drawing based on one's own observations; - insufficiently formed: skills in working with scissors; - does not always move rhythmically in accordance with the nature of the music.

Physical development (high level) - corresponds to the age norm. Egor participates in games - competitions and games - relay races.

Cognitive - speech development (intermediate level)

The child has a sufficient supply of vocabulary images, uses synonyms and antonyms in speech, and knows the forms of inflection. The boy composes simple sentences well and distributes them in homogeneous terms. Speech rate: moderate, speech - intonation-expressive. The sounds are formed, but the pronunciation in the game and free speech activity has not yet been fixed. Egor is familiar with letters and has developed the skill of reading syllables with passed letters; is able to compare and classify objects according to different criteria; skills were formed about the time of year, the change of parts of the day, the order of the days of the week, etc.

Social - personal development (high level)

The preschooler has well-developed communication skills, emotional responsiveness, and imitation. He is well acquainted with the rules of conduct, forms of communication, responsive, able to sympathize and care for others. With pleasure, she performs labor assignments, knows how to bring things to the end, and has self-service skills.

The boy shows the following skills in productive activities: - knows how to sculpt in different ways (he knows how to sculpt animals, birds, various objects); - creates compositions in the application technique; - can draw with different materials according to the idea and from nature. It is not always possible to depict objects and phenomena in motion, symmetrical cutting.

Reaction to failures - adequate: shows efforts to overcome difficulties. In working with a child, educators, a speech therapist use an individual, differentiated approach, as well as work with parents to overcome speech difficulties in the development of the child.

Egor knows how to manage his behavior, willingly responds to demands and comments; can ask for help, navigates the environment. The nature of the activity is stable, works with interest.

The state of cognitive processes:

Perception is age appropriate. Visual and auditory perception is not disturbed; is oriented in the perception of spatial relations; a holistic image of the object is formed - cut pictures are collected independently; well oriented in time representations.

Memory prevails: visual, auditory, motor. Arbitrary and involuntary memorization is well developed.

Verbal-logical thinking is formed and corresponds to the age. Visually-effective thinking correlates with visually-figurative.

Cognitive imagination is formed, the child builds an image by supplementing actions with various details. Creative imagination is manifested in the plot - role-playing games. Attention is steady.

Speech development: vocabulary corresponds to the norm, the grammatical structure of speech is formed, coherent speech is logical and consistent, phonemic hearing, sound and syllabic analysis correspond to the norm; sound pronunciation is formed, but not fixed.

The boy is calm, balanced, non-conflict, active, independent, kind, affectionate, neat and thrifty; in an unfamiliar environment, shyness is manifested. Relationships with peers and adults are friendly, it enters into communication easily and quickly.

Learning, program material and the child's interest in obtaining knowledge at a high and medium level. Psychological and pedagogical indicators correspond to the age.

Manager ___

Caretaker ___

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