Psychological drawing tests to finish drawings. Interesting psychological pictures for self-knowledge


Quiz: draw a man and find out what kind of character you are

A very simple and very interesting psychological test, for which a sheet of paper and a pencil is enough.

The task is elementary - any child can do it. You take a standard A4 sheet and draw a conventional person on it. With the help of three types of geometric shapes: triangles, circles and squares. You can use these elements in any combinations, sizes and proportions, but in total there should be exactly ten of them in your drawing. Ready for a masterpiece? Now read the key and decipher the hidden meaning - and then take a couple more leaves - and go on researching your neighbors!

Reference. Psychogeometry was created by American specialists led by Susan Dellinger, and the psychographic test “Constructive drawing of a person from geometric shapes” was developed by domestic psychologists Libina. And they offer detailed interpretations - for a whole book! Pics, on the other hand, offers the simplest, shortest and most understandable version of the test.

To begin with, let's evaluate which figures you got more among the “organs” of a little man.

What does triangle mean

As many as three horns - this is not a sparrow sneezed for you! A sharp and purposeful figure in all respects. And she declares to us (in a loud and confident commanding voice) about perseverance and energy. If a lover of triangles aims with his corner at some boundary and tramples on it, only an avalanche will stop him. In some places such a comrade himself is like that avalanche: “Hey, follow me!” - and everyone is already running. And he shines on them. The triangle is always right. If you think he is wrong, try to compete with him. Gore!

What does circle mean

This figurine is the most feminine in character. Not in the sense that if a gentleman preferred it, then he has a problem with traditionalism. It’s just that a round-loving person will always prefer to negotiate, rather than swinging a pitchfork and throwing excrement. She sincerely pities Mumu, wishes peace in the world, can talk heart to heart without creaking or meditate on the lawn. Krugi know how to listen and understand people better than others. The classic representative of the round party is Leopold with his mantra about “let's live together”.

What does square mean

This design stands on the ground firmly and steadily. As is her fan. His logic is impenetrable, his persuasiveness is like that of the textbooks "Native Speech" and "Arithmetic" combined, willpower is measured in horsepower, endurance - the rocks will envy. Speaking of horses: he usually plows appropriately too. He has everything on the shelves - both in his head and on the shelves themselves. To unsettle him, you need ... well, except to burst into tears. Emotionality is not his part, it is for the round ones.

Having examined the work, count how many in your “portrait”: 1) triangles, 2) circles, 3) squares. Write in the form of numbers: for example, two triangles, two circles and six squares - 226. And what does this formula say about you? Yes, a lot!

1 type: organizer (811, 712, 721, 613, 622, 631)

At school and institute, you were probably the headman - well, or at least, you collected contributions from everyone for Sabantu. At work, you are the one who takes responsibility at a critical moment and in the end rakes it to the fullest. In the family - mommy or daddy, and not only in relation to children. Everyone - from a kitten to a grandmother - asks you what they should do. And if someone does not ask, unreasonable, then it is worse for him!

Type 2: performer (514, 523, 532, 541)

A person who knows how to do his job - with love, understanding and most often on time. You have no worse sense of responsibility than the organizer, but you prefer to answer not for everyone, but for yourself. Well, you doubt it, it happens: is it true that everything here is already perfect, but is it possible to improve it in some other way?

Type 3: dreamer (433, 343, 334)

The very talented who is talented in everything. And you can draw, and dance, if necessary, and compose a project. By the way, your writing is the best. Sometimes, however, the result is not fully applicable to reality - but what to do if the reality around you is so imperfect?

Type 4: Sympathetic (181, 271, 172, 361, 262, 163)

On your Facebook wall, all the stray dogs of the planet are looking for salvation, and your vest is ready to accept all the humiliated and insulted. It's called "developed empathy": you just don't understand what "not taking it to heart" means. And please don't show you "White Bim" or "Titanic"!

Type 5: subtle nature (451, 352, 154, 253, 154)

Sensitive and fragile soul, it is better not to turn over. Even if they don’t seriously run into you, you still worry: what if they didn’t think right? And suddenly in the depths of your soul you were offended? Yes, and you yourself know how to be offended, get excited and get upset - but they, callous people, will not even notice. However, your moods are changeable, you generally do not like monotony.

6th type: independent (442, 424, 244)

But they would not climb to you with their attitudes and prejudices. You are an artist, you see! What kind of artist is he? That's right, free! You always have a couple of brilliant ideas in your head, your own point of view and your own rules of life. It is not recommended to criticize you - unless, of course, who cares about life and reason. Because there is nothing!

Type 7: sociable (415, 325, 235, 415)

It is easier for you to say in words than to write in a report. Reach out to a stranger? Yes please, no problem. Call on the phone and get the information you need? At least twice. You are a genius of communication and immediacy itself. Sometimes being outgoing takes you to places you never expected to be. Nothing, the language will not only bring, but also bring back!

Type 8: self-sufficient (118, 127, 217, 316, 226, 136)

Unlike the previous type, open wide to everyone, you don’t particularly like to open up. You even avoid these wide open ones: you never know what comes to mind for these noisy and hectic bees. If anyone really needs it, knock on the shell and wipe your feet on the threshold. And in general, you need to take a closer look, wipe yourself off - and then already ... Sometimes, because of this feature, you have to stay and fight your problems one on one. Well, yes, you are strict with others - so, after all, with yourself too!

Do you want to receive one interesting unread article per day?

Everyone has a desire to understand themselves from time to time: it happens that something is not going well at work or in the family, there is a constant feeling of dissatisfaction inside, and, waking up in the morning, the first thing you want to do is change something. The best thing to do in this situation is to listen to the inner voice and try to find yourself.

Often psychological drawing tests help to know yourself as a better qualified specialist! The visual test you are about to take will send you straight to your own subconscious: answer quickly and get the most truthful result.

"So simple!" invites you to look at the image above and immediately answer what caught your eye first. In the meantime, we will try to look into your subconscious. Well, are you ready?

Psychological tests by drawings

  1. Man and woman
    If the first thing that catches your eye is a man and a woman in the foreground, you are the one whose energy moves forward relentlessly and whose mind acts immediately. A powerful, bright, fiery energy is seething inside you, and you are ready to plunge headlong into your favorite business. Your desires are strong and your passions are violent.

    You know perfectly well what you want, and confidently go to your goal. When you are happy, you literally shine with warmth, but remember: everything should be in moderation. To balance the energy raging inside, give yourself mental and physical rest, change your surroundings more often, enjoy soothing aromas, practice meditation and find time for walks in the fresh air.


  2. Face
    If the first thing you saw in the picture is a face, under your appearance lies an emotional, dreamy and artistic nature. Especially brightly your character traits are manifested in moments of strong emotional shock, immense happiness and love. You are characterized by a calm and harmonious lifestyle, love of love and a positive type of thinking.

    You easily make friends and quickly find a common language with people of very different nature, and your fragile nature is as easy to hurt as it is to charm. Perhaps those close to you are wondering why you are so calm and at times careless, when everyone around you does not find a place for yourself, but you were simply lucky to be born with such an enviable character.


  3. figure in the foreground
    We are sure that you are a focused, intelligent and extremely curious person, because you were the first to see a barely noticeable figure in the foreground of the picture. You are often thoughtful and silent, but at the same time you have a special love for all kinds of disputes and debates, because you are one hundred percent sure that you are right. Asking questions and just as quickly finding answers to them is something you can do endlessly.

    Your bright head keeps a lot of outstanding ideas that you happily share with others. In general, you are an excellent organizer and purposeful leader, but your stubbornness and overconfidence can cause a lot of trouble. To keep the energy in a healthy balance, associate only with friendly people, learn to control your temper and avoid aggressive situations.


Of course, only a certified psychologist can conduct professional personality tests and interpret their results, and our home subconscious mind test- just a way to once again understand yourself without outside interference. Spend 5 minutes and look into the depths of your own consciousness - we are sure

(projective tests to help parents, teachers, interested ...)

Projective tests are used in the work of a psychologist for: a) diagnosing the internal emotional state of the child and b) pulling out problems that are deeply seated in the subconscious of an adult.

One of the most common projective drawing tests is DDCH test- "House. Wood. Human". He works with archetypes and therefore very accurately diagnoses problems from our subconscious.

But the same can be said about adults! Clever reasoning of an adult about himself and his affairs does not clarify, but more often only confuses the situation even more. After all "language is used to hide the truth"...

For a more detailed acquaintance with this elementary position of psychoanalysis, I refer you to the article.

And we are moving on to the first part of the DCF test - in fact, to the drawing Human.

I remind you that the drawing test should be created easily and naturally, without thinking that "You can't draw." If you can draw, create a naive drawing.

Nevertheless - to draw "tyap-blunder", hastily - also nobody should.

When creating a drawing, you need to try, you need to try to put all your momentary mood into it, you need to take your time, but also not worry about not drawing, like a real Artist from the Academy.

1. Take a sheet of A4 paper.
2. Take a simple pencil.
3. Draw, slowly, your little man.

And now, if you have finished drawing, carefully study

Key to the test.

The first thing we will do is pay attention to


Weak pressure diagnoses

  • a) either general physical lethargy
  • b) either emotional depression,

Strong pressure diagnoses

  • a) the strong emotional tension of the moment, or
  • b) impetuous, impulsive character in general.


unshaded drawing(white background) means immaturity, infantilism, unwillingness to be responsible for one's actions.

A shaded drawing can be shaded in different ways:

Heavily "shaded" drawing (when the shading is simply striking) diagnoses:

Preoccupation with a particular problem, fixation on it;
- increased anxiety as a character trait.

cross hatching issues

Or hypercontrol (a person constantly controls himself, plays a role, does not take off his mask, does not trust anyone);
- or constant obsessive thoughts and an attempt to deal with them.

Erasing and correcting lines- trying to control one's anxiety and behavior

Lines not completed
- clinical asthenia, exhaustion of the body.

Lines that don't hit the right spot- hyperactivity in children, impulsivity in adults.

Neatness of lines- perception of one's environment as a threat.


big figure- anxiety and stress "here and now",

giant figure- desire for expansion (filling the whole world with oneself), inability to build boundaries (“Everything is yours is mine”), impulsiveness

small figure depression, low self-esteem, chronic anxiety


Picture above- a high self-evaluation

Picture below- low self-esteem

Drawing in the corner- feelings of guilt, depression

Drawing goes off the sheet- fear (or impulsiveness)


Many different details in the picture- demonstrativeness or creative imagination (often one and the other are closely intertwined)

Lots of similar details in the drawing. is either:

  • a) rigidity (stubbornness, standing “on your own”, lack of interest in innovations),
  • b) anxiety "here and now",
  • c) striving for perfectionism.

The drawing is schematic- completely different options are possible (attention!):

- the same impulsiveness,
- low emotionality
- isolation as a character trait,
- depression "here and now"


The figure stands with its back- negativism, conflict,
Figure in profile- negativism
Three-quarter figure does not mean anything, it means only the ability of the Author to draw,
figure face- means nothing.


rich/poor- fixation on the topic of money,
Military- aggressiveness (healthy or not - other details will show),
King, princess- very high self-esteem
Robots and Aliens- they are drawn by people who experience loneliness in a group, who do not fit into the team, introverts,
Clown, jester- low self-esteem,
Cartoon image of a man- demonstrativeness, negativism, the desire to "get away from the conversation."


If (other than the genitals) any parts of the human body are missing in the figure, are omitted - this always means one thing: a person denies the function of this part of the body. For example, "forgetting" to draw ears, a person shows that he does not want to hear someone or something. This is often interpreted as being open to criticism. However, this may also mean that a person is simply tired of criticism of a very specific person, and not of criticism in general as such.

Enlargement of any part of the body
- always means an increased interest in its function,

Distortions on the right side of the picture- non-observance of social norms and conflicts with people who control these social norms.

Too big body- dissatisfaction of needs,

Too short body- low self-esteem.

Too elongated figure
can talk about:
- asthenia,
- or about the nature of an introvert.


Long hands- Passion for hoarding

Short arms:
- the nature of an introvert,
- a tendency to not go all the way, to "retreat"

Hands pressed to the body- strong internal tension,

Hands clenched into fists- an attempt to openly protest,

Palms missing- lack of communication or inability to communicate,

Very large palms- very high dissatisfaction with the need for communication,

Shaded (blackened) hands and fingers
- conflict,


Long legs- desire for autonomy from other people, family members (desire to run away),

Short legs
- depression,

Widely spaced legs:
- either the character of an extrovert,
- or the need for support

Tightly knitted legs
- the nature of an introvert,

Small or not traced feet:
- impracticality, poor orientation in everyday matters,
- passivity
- sometimes - dependence on other people.
- clearly traced legs - self-confidence.

Don't want to or don't know how to draw? No problem! This exercise can be done withpsychological maps !

Exercise 1 on the cards "1000 Roads": "Allegedly body parts."

The need for this exercise is its high environmental friendliness, accuracy and novelty!

So, you remember the “golden basics” of this test: even when drawing a “little man” clumsily, the experimenter must not forget to draw everything for the little man, except perhaps the genitals, which, out of modesty and fear of seeming “preoccupied”, usually no one draws and no one sane a psychologist, by the way, does not require this :)

But! If something “ordinary and decent” is still missing, it means one thing: you deny the function of this part of the body! There are no ears in the picture - it means that in life I don’t want to listen to someone ...

And let's trust the Unconscious in Jungian style and do the same, but with the help of the cards "1000 Roads!"

It's even better - no need to draw and shame on the fact that you can't draw ridiculously.

This, by the way, (natural shame and irritation from the inability to draw - although psychologists deny this) is one of the reasons for the "nervous pressure of lines", "evil shading" and the general poor quality of the drawing, including grotesque and satire in the depiction of figures.

It’s not the client who is “neurotic and psychopathic”, it’s just that he, an adult, is naturally enraged right here and now that he was not taken to draw as a child, but now they are making a fool of him and making him demonstrate his ineptitude in some kind of practice, like running in bags or catching an apple on a string with your mouth.

Wouldn’t the psychologist’s request to “skate” or “sing about Lensky’s aria” if you don’t know how, wouldn’t infuriate you? A psychologist should not turn into an animator at a wedding and remember - you need to work with a client in an environmentally friendly way and try not to humiliate him with your creative requests to “imagine something” and other jokes.

That's why we will work with the cards "1000 Roads", thus "drawing" the body parts of our little man!

In our exercise "Body as a whole, Silhouette" there are only the following concepts-Positions:


    hands and hands,

    Legs and feet

    "Right" and "left" part of the picture.

Shall we start?


Ask the client to present (present) his Little Man with the help of (spontaneous !!!) "1000 Roads" cards.

Explain to the client that a person (like any object) has a right and left side, separated by an imaginary axis of symmetry.

Explain to the client that a living person is always asymmetrical, because his “left side” is always creative and “magic”, childish, and his right side is businesslike, adult, serious and responsible for our communications with the world (and utilities).

And now let the client pull out spontaneously (thinking well) two cards and put them side by side - to the right and left, while saying:

    this is how the “childish” part of my Little Man looks symbolically,

    and this is what his adult side of personality looks like.

    It is as if created from these two halves!

Now let's analyze the cards!

How to read "right-left"?

This question is often asked, but here everything is very simple: we always read the drawing the way we, the audience, see it! This is the easiest and most correct (but if your client wants to argue - God bless him, let him read the drawing as he “sees”).

Do you remember that: Any distortion on the right side of the picture means non-compliance with social norms and conflicts with people who control these social norms..

What card did the client's hand draw? Harmonious? Peaceful? Or aggressive, problematic? How does the client interpret this card? (It is most important!)

So what are its relations with the norms of society and with society in general? How does he resolve conflicts? How does he treat people in general? Are there people on this map at all?

Now is the time to do therapy - after all, you saw the problems with your own eyes!

Together with the client, come up with a mini-fairy tale on this card, the purpose of which is to extinguish the conflict, calm fears - help the client with this! A fairy tale on a problematic map can begin “for the rest”, but it must end “For health”!

And now we also analyze the "left" - the creative and childish-magical side of our Little Man.

What are our girls made of, what are our girls made of?..

What is the client's imagination and "spiritual thoughts", humor and "flight of consciousness"? By analogy, notice the problems of the second card (if any), listen to the client's story about the card and compose a second, healing fairy tale with him.

Is symmetry harmonious?

You should be alerted if both cards of the client are “adult”, or both are “fantastic”. In the first case, he himself blocked the channel of miracles, self-healing and growth, in the second case, he is simply unable to withstand the battle with housing and communal services, even the simplest one.

When writing fairy tales, level the balance, joyfully "ground" the card that requires healthy grounding (show the client that society is also healthy and not painful), and "elevate" the card that requires Fairy Tale and Dreams.


The first two cards are, as it were, the “coat of arms” of your Little Man. They flaunt at the top of the table as a symbol of work, like a banner on a tower.

Now ask the client fold the little man "from the cards" 1000 Roads": body, two arms and two legs.

Let the client think slowly, juicy, with taste, and say out loud: “Here are his hands (both cards are drawn at the same time), here are his legs, here is his white body ...”

And now we look at the cards and remember the basics, adapting them (essentially) to our new work.

Legs. The legs are the most important.

"What does the little man stand on?" What is its support - symbolic, philosophical? Is it good for him where he found himself (isn't it a swamp)? Is it clean, is it safe? (Ask the client how he likes it). And who is there on the map - lying with his legs up? Why doesn’t he use his legs for his intended purpose, is he tired or what? From what?

And who left traces here? And who has been standing here for three hours, shifting from foot to foot?

And who here flies on wings without legs? And who here rides in a carriage using the legs of a horse?

Legs are grounding and support, lack of fear of being, clarity and boldness, the ability to live and survive, not to fall face down in the mud.

Sometimes the weakness of the legs compensates for something else (fantastic wings, for example, or a carriage with horses - you take me).

Your task is to find out - and how well does this “other” compensate the client for the weakness of his “real legs”? .. Maybe it doesn’t compensate at all?

The client has to tell the Story on the map, and you register if he has problems on those "Legs", "Stability", "Movement Confident" and "Grounding".

How to strengthen the client's legs? Correct his Story as you see fit, using in the story the symbols and images of feet, shoes, magical potions, according to your feeling and spontaneous insight. The client must have legs. Strong. And walkers.


Hands are an attitude to money and property, to hoarding and greed. As well as the attitude to aggression, to war, to armament. And finally, to communication, to friendship, to mutual assistance.

In general, there are hands: raking, beating on the head with fists and, finally, friendly outstretched, with a tangerine in an open palm ...

And what kind of hands does your client have? What do the two "1000 Roads" cards say? What can be fixed here? For how many sessions?

Torso. Heart or Womb?...

There are people whose heart is so huge that it occupies the entire body. And there are people for whom the main thing is the belly, the womb. And best of all, if everything is equal. And if not, then we have either an unbearable hysteric or an animal, stupid and also unbearable.

Your client has drawn one card - the torso of the Little Man. What does the 1000 Roads card say? And what does the client say about it? What is there more - the heart or the belly? Balance, psychologist, balance the client's balance!

    Ask the client: "What and how do your lovers eat?" Let me answer in detail.

    Ask: “What does your billionaire dream about, what does he sometimes cry about?”

Exercise-2 We sit the Man's Head or "Types"

So, we have everything ready, it remains to put our heads on our shoulders. The head is a social thing... Therefore, we take the "1000 Lives" deck.

Let the client (after thinking and making a sacred pause) randomly pull out the head of his Little Man from the deck of "1000 Lives"! Ta-da-da-damm!!

And now the client should say a few words about his person. Pay attention to the following highlights:

    the topic "rich man / poor man" - the client is obsessed with the topic of money,

    the topic “kings, monarchs, princesses and queens” - the client has an overestimated self-esteem, is infantile,

    the topic “military” is aggressiveness, and healthy, constructive or not, you will understand

    the theme of any "fantastic fictional creatures", "cyborgs" - the client is very lonely and a strong introvert, it is difficult to talk to him, he is vulnerable,

    the theme “not a person but a caricature of a decent person, a criminal, a scoundrel and a scoundrel” is a strong negativism in general, an unwillingness to work with a psychologist.

In general, it’s better for you to look not at the diagram, but listen to what the client himself says! You can adjust the "head" of the little man in the same way as in the previous part of the work!

Do you want to know how else you can work with psychological maps? Come into ourofficial online store .

Elena Nazarenko

Each person would like to know the secrets of his character and see himself from the outside. The best way for self-knowledge is a psychological projection drawing, which will reflect all the features of your personality.

When we do something that we don’t think about, the result shows not the logical, but the emotional side of the brain. Our experiences, joy, anger and everything else can erupt unconsciously projected on paper.

You will need privacy to take the test below. No one should distract you from the process. Take piece of paper, preferably A4, handle or pencil. Divide the sheet into equal four parts and number them so that it looks something like this:

The final preparation of the sheet will look like this:

  • in the first sector, draw a dot in the middle
  • in the second sector draw a small square or rectangle
  • in the third sector there should be something similar to the "=" sign
  • the fourth sector remains empty

You should get something similar:

So, free your thoughts, there will be no difficult tasks - draw only what comes to your mind right away.

In the first three sectors, just draw what you want. Draw what you feel without thinking. You don't need to draw something complicated - spend about 10 seconds per sector. After that, move on to the last task.

In the fourth sector, draw a boat that floats on the waves. The drawing should also be primitive - also do not spend a lot of time on it.

Deciphering the drawings

Sector one

This section represents your isolation or openness. If there are round figures in this sector, then you are a closed person. The same applies, for example, to a drawn spiral leading to the center (point). If you just drew a lot of dots, then you are very sociable and open. Roughly speaking, the more elements you applied, the better. The only exception is circles. They should be as few as possible.

Sector two

This section shows your kindness and responsiveness, as well as the level selfishness. You can consider yourself a kind person if what you have drawn is somehow connected to the original rectangle. The smaller the contact area, the more selfish you are. Open people often draw a wall, which indicates their focus on the company and the team. Many draw a house, which is also very good. If your drawing does not touch the rectangle, then this indicates that you need to think - maybe you are selfish.

Sector three

This sector will show how you consider yourself successful or successful with the opposite sex - is it easy for you to communicate and flirt. There should be as few drawing elements as possible and they should not touch the equal sign (as most people call it). People who are satisfied with their relationship with the opposite sex usually draw a smiley face to make something like "=)". Worst of all, if the drawing turns out to be symmetrical and heavily piled up, this is an indicator of your self-doubt in communicating with the opposite sex.

Sector four

Everything is extremely simple here. This sector shows you what you are in love and in relations. If the sea turned out to be restless, then you prefer dynamic love that breaks your head. If the sea is calm, then love for you is calm, warm and only pleasant, ordered emotions. As for the boat itself, you should pay attention to whether it is difficult to draw, as well as what is happening around it. Any excesses like sails or people (which were not discussed), stars, living creatures, the Moon, the Sun - speak of your romance. If none of this is there, then you are strong in character, and romance is alien to you.

Thus, the simplest at first glance test can show each person his true face. Psychological personality tests of this kind are the most accurate, since the test subject does not need to think - he is driven only by the emotional part of the brain. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Let us pay special attention to some subtleties of the interpretation of the figures in the first position. The subject can turn the dot into the central semantic element of the drawing, but take a passive position in relation to it (for example, draw a person who examines it through a telescope). This type of pattern is often found in individuals with psychasthenic character traits. They carefully strive for every element of the world around them, but they are extremely indecisive and anxious, do not believe in their own strength, which leads to a detailed, but purely contemplative and passive orientation.

In another version, the subject can, as it were, “mask” the point (for example, draw a lot of snowflakes, raindrops, stars, etc. in the form of dots). Such drawings are usually found in people who seek to obtain the most complete information about the environment, exaggerating its significance. For them, there is no unnecessary information, "little things", so they collect any information about others. They carefully analyze, accumulate and use this information in social interaction.

In the second position of the test, the presence of aggressive tendencies in a person is revealed, which is very important for criminological research. In the representation of people, the crocodile is usually associated with such a trait as aggression. Therefore, his drawing is a projection of aggressive character traits, attitudes, vindictiveness, suspicion. When analyzing a drawing, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of direct symbols of aggression: an open mouth, teeth, claws, an aggressive posture (it is especially significant when a crocodile eats something or someone. The pointed elements of the drawing and the large size of the drawn crocodile will also indicate the presence of aggression "Careful drawing of a crocodile, in comparison with other drawings, also indicates the presence of actual aggression. The eyes in this drawing are informative, their drawing indicates increased susceptibility, suspicion and the search for manifestations of aggression from others. The tail symbolizes the presence of such a trait as vindictiveness The more pronounced it is in the drawing, the stronger this feature is manifested.Sometimes there are drawings in which the crocodile is, as it were, disguised (swimming in the water, hiding in the thickets, etc.), which indicates the presence of latent aggression.Usually this occurs, when, for one reason or another, it cannot be openly realized on the

This version of the drawing is also possible: the crocodile is drawn extremely aggressive (open mouth, many teeth, etc.), and in the verbal description, the subject describes him as kind, soft, lazy. This occurs in people who declare their benevolent attitude towards others, hiding the presence of aggression. This impression of another is produced by those convicted of violent crimes.

In the third position of the test, the features of a person's behavior in a social group and the extent to which he adheres to conventional norms are revealed. Undoubtedly, such information is important for predicting the behavior of a convict in an ITU. If the drawing of the elephant goes beyond the rectangle, as if breaking it, then this usually indicates a tendency to violate the norms. This is explained by the fact that the rectangle itself is a limitation, symbolizing the action of norms. Naturally, the neglect of these restrictions, despite the instruction, which is also a model of the imperative action of norms, indicates the inability or unwillingness of a person to adhere to normative prescriptions in his behavior. The study of criminals using ART suggested that this position reveals a person's tendency to violate not some specific types of norms (legal, moral, etc.), but rather the psychological tolerance of any external behavioral restrictions, formal and informal. Most often, as our studies have shown, the drawing of an elephant goes beyond the rectangle for criminals who, while in prison, are malicious and active violators of the regime.

Since most people imagine an elephant as an animal not alone, but living in a group, that is why the author of the test chose him as a stimulus material for indirectly identifying the characteristics of human behavior in a group. In addition, in our opinion, the fact that for a European an elephant is a fairly neutral concept that does not evoke personal emotions or associations associated with past experience of interaction, unlike, for example, a horse, a cow and other herd animals, is also important.

Thus, the drawing of an elephant is a direct analogue of the behavior of a person in a group. Aggressive behavior in the group is manifested in cases where the elephant's tusks are drawn, the elephant is in a threatening pose. The meaning of such a detail as ears is direct: interest in information, the significance of the opinions of others about oneself.

People who have this trait especially pronounced draw an elephant with upturned ears, as if the elephant is listening. In other details, it is determined whether the subject is taking any action to win the recognition of others. Raised trunk - the desire to attract the environment, to be in the spotlight. Eyes - interpreted in the same way as in the drawing of a crocodile. Eyelashes are a sign of the presence of hysteroid-demonstrative features (if found in men, it indicates the presence of "female" behaviors). The tail symbolizes the attitude towards oneself, towards one's own actions, self-esteem. A raised tail is a positive assessment of oneself, one's actions in a group. Lowered down - dissatisfaction with oneself, one's social actions, position in the group.

The location of the elephant in the rectangle is of great informative value. If the drawing occupies the entire rectangle, the elephant seems to be “crowded” in it, this indicates a desire for dominance in the group. Insignificant size of the picture - the absence of a tendency to dominance, an underestimation of one's social status. More often the elephant is depicted from the side, but there are other options: it is drawn from the front or from behind. The side view does not have a special informative load. The depiction of his full face is interpreted as egocentric interactions. The image at the back is a dismissive attitude towards a social group. Sometimes this can be a defensive reaction or reflect a reaction of withdrawal from social contacts.

Of particular interest are drawings when an elephant is depicted within the boundaries of a rectangle, but a picture, photograph, lithograph, etc. is made from the rectangle itself. Such drawings are more common in people who perceive the social environment (or their group) as something unchanging, frozen, familiar. During social interaction, they are passive and do not seek to change their socio-psychological position, and at the same time their behavior is stress-type, it is made up of the same forms. Quite often, such drawings are found in people who are not accepted by a social group, or they themselves usually do not quite reasonably believe that the group does not accept them. But in any case, the behavior of such persons will consist of certain social clichés, which are defensive reactions.

This behavior is most typical for schizoid individuals who seek psychological isolation from the social environment. Such behavior is also characteristic of many convicts who are poorly adapted to the ITU. Their behavior in the group is devoid of naturalness, they are closed and try to avoid any obligations and responsibilities. Criminals serving sentences in the penitentiary often draw an elephant as if behind bars, thereby reflecting in their drawings the impossibility of the desired social behavior, the problems of separation from the familiar environment, and social isolation.

The fourth position of the test is designed to identify the features of communication. People who adhere to formalized and regulated communication usually put their signature not in the center of the square. If the signature is located in the upper part of the square, then this is interpreted as a desire to emphasize one's social (and sometimes socio-psychological) status. The signature made at the bottom is found in people who strictly adhere to social-role communication. Sociable people who easily establish contacts put their signature in the middle of the square; the presence of the initial letters of the name and patronymic in the signature indicates a pronounced tendency towards self-affirmation. An over-reliance on the length of a signature compared to the number of letters that make up a family name has a similar meaning and occurs in people who suffer from a lack of social recognition. For example, in persons who committed a crime based on overcoming the distance with the reference group. The signature can also serve as a subject for graphological handwriting.

In the fifth position of the test are the features of subjective perception and assessment of reality. Since the fifth position contains a real contradiction (the moon and the sun), the drawing in it is a model of a person's subjective attitude to the ambiguity of life situations. There are several basic options for such a relationship. There are people whose perception is completely determined by polar assessments (good - bad; good - evil; light - dark, etc.), and such a division is also present in their drawings. They, for example, draw a line dividing the space of the fifth position in half according to the principle: day - night or similar.

The opposite type of assessment and attitude to the situation is found in people who seek to combine or reconcile this contradiction in their drawings. For example, they draw the state of nature, which happens in the evening or early morning, when you can see both the sun and the moon at the same time. Such people have a flexible system of assessments, do not seek to unambiguously define the situation (good - bad), they are not embarrassed by the existing contradiction, and they perceive life as it exists in reality, regardless of their subjective attitude.

In this position, there are also drawings that are in no way connected with the stimulus material, i.e. the original contradiction seems to be ignored. Such a pattern, as our research has shown, is found in people with an unformed approach to reality, passive and not striving to understand and comprehend what is happening around them.

Egocentrism, assessment and analysis of reality only from the standpoint of one's own needs and desires to find manifestation in the drawing in the form of a subjective combination of the initial stimulus material. For example: a house is drawn in which some events take place from morning to evening, or one’s own pastime is drawn (for example, “I sunbathe in the afternoon”, “I go on a date in the evening”).

When analyzing drawings in the fifth position, it is also necessary to take into account that they can project the personal problems of the subject, his desires and aspirations. In this case, the interpretation can also be the presence of a specific actual situation, its subjective significance for the subject.

The sixth position of the test is aimed at fulfilling the actual personal situation of the subject in the sphere of relations with persons of the opposite sex. It is clear that information of this kind is important for understanding sexual crimes or other violent acts that have a sexual connotation. In this position, the initial stimulus material expresses, as it were, two opposite elements: maximum stability (land, coast) and maximum instability (water, sea, river). Therefore, water symbolizes, as a rule, the emotional and sensual aspect of relationships, constantly changing in time and intensity, and the shore represents stability, certainty, limitation, which can be conditionally correlated with the stability of family relationships. As a stimulus material, a tree growing on the shore is aimed at identifying the presence of tendencies in the everyday design of relationships. These conditional values ​​are the starting points for interpreting the figures for the sixth position. But the description of the drawing by the subject is of particular importance here. As our experience has shown, in the drawings of this position, especially in their description, the problems and features of relationships with people of the opposite sex are really reflected. Below is an interpretation of the most common elements of the picture.

Sometimes the subject perceives the image of water as solid ground (field, sand, arable land). Usually this is due to the lack of emotional and sensory experience of relationships or with extreme dissatisfaction with them. The image of birds, especially those flying over the waves of seagulls, has the meaning of hope, dreams, etc. A ship, a boat, a sailboat suggest the presence of an actual problem, which is solved in one way or another, depending on the direction of the ship's movement. If the ship is moving towards the shore, then this means striving for maximum stability in relations: if away from the shore, then this has the opposite meaning. Obviously "ship" takes on such a meaning because it is the only means of transportation in such an unstable element as water. And therefore, if there is a need to change the emotional-sensual aspect of relations (in the direction of stability or, conversely, instability and instability, as well as in the case of unfulfilled aspirations in this area), then in the drawing this can be conveyed using a ship or some other vessel , since the initial stimulus material is water. In the absence of problems and difficulties in the emotional-sensory aspect of the relationship, the subject does not need to change his personal situation. The ship or any other floating vessels are not drawn, and the actual situation is fully conveyed in the description of the drawing.

Such additional details of the picture as foliage on a tree, shrubs on the shore, etc. found in people who attach great importance to the everyday design of personal relationships. The intensity of attraction in the sphere of relations with the opposite sex in men, for example, is evidenced by drawings with aggressive manifestations (an aircraft diving at a target, a pirate or warship, etc.). It is significant that such drawings are most often found in people who have been isolated from society for a long time. The drawing of a person in this position is of great informative value. When describing, the subjects often endow it with their problems, traits and desires.

The seventh position of the test reveals the characteristics of a person's behavior in an unstable conflict situation, which, like the previous data, is of great criminological and penitentiary significance. The oblique figure, which is the stimulus material here (see figure), already by virtue of its spatial position, symbolizes instability. The following behaviors can appear in drawings. People who choose an aggressive path to resolve unstable situations, leading to conflict, take the tilted figure for a Christmas tree and draw a person who cuts or cuts it. But in this case, the conflict of a person is most often limited to the sphere of domestic relations. For example, in our study, this type of drawing was found in persons who committed a violent crime on family and domestic grounds.

If a person is conflicted and aggressive both in everyday life and in social spheres, then this is manifested in the drawing as follows: several similar inclined figures are drawn, one of which is supported by a similar inclined figure. Such drawings can be interpreted as a desire to resolve the conflict by aggravating it. Drawings of faces have the opposite meaning, which in any way try to stabilize the instability of the figure. For example, they can draw a prop or a person supporting the figure, draw a root system, and so on. People who show a desire for a rational solution to an unstable situation usually draw straight figures or trees next to an inclined figure, thereby, as it were, showing an example of what should really be. Sometimes, for example, a rocket or a flock of cranes flying into the sky is made from an inclined figure, which is usually found in people who try to psychologically neutralize any unstable situation by ousting it from their consciousness. An extremely passive attitude towards an unstable situation is evidenced by drawings such as: “mushrooms grow under the tree”, “hedgehog runs away from under the tree”, “mushrooms are picked next to the tree”, etc. Sometimes such drawings are found in infantile personalities who are not capable of perceiving a situation that is unstable or conflicting for themselves.

There are also drawings when the stabilization of an inclined figure is carried out by the fact that someone puts it on his shoulders (“Santa Claus carries a Christmas tree”) or carries it in his hands or in another way. Such drawings are typical for people who, without actively trying to resolve the conflict situation, get involved in it as much as possible, hoping in this way to neutralize it (literally, “pull the conflict on their shoulders”). Sometimes paradoxical and unusual reactions to an unstable situation appear in the drawings. For example, an inclined figure turns into a Christmas tree and is decorated in every possible way, or it is set on fire, or a person is drawn collecting fruits from it.

The first version of the picture can be found in people who receive a kind of emotional satisfaction from being in an unstable conflict situation. In the second option, a person resolves conflict situations by completely getting out of them, psychologically destroying the source of the conflict. And in the latter case, the drawing symbolizes the use of a conflict situation to obtain certain emotional benefits. All these three variants of the pattern are often found in various categories of criminals, especially mercenary and mercenary-violent ones, which suggests that the so-called "selfish motive" plays a far from the main role in the genesis of this type of crime.
The initial test material in the eighth position stimulates the subject to the image of a person or only his face. The interpretation of this position is based on the fact that the subject creates his self-portrait in it or projects the most characteristic features of his personality. If a person or a person's face is drawn, it is necessary to ask the subject to characterize him as fully as possible, talk about the problems of this person, character traits, habits, inclinations, etc. The facial expression of a person is a characteristic of the personality type of the subject.

As our experience shows, drawings of animals or inanimate objects are often found in this position of the test. Such drawings are also a direct characteristic of the subject's personality and require a thorough additional questioning. For example, they can be drawn: a doll, a snowman, a fairy-tale hero. In all these cases, a properly constructed survey of the subject will lead to the fact that he endows the character he has drawn with his own features and problems. But the very nature of the depicted object can also be of great informative value. For example, a snowman in the eighth position is most often drawn by people who are distinguished by softness, passivity, and femininity. Dolls draw infantile personalities with an unstable self-image. No matter how paradoxical the picture in this position may be in terms of personality characteristics, it must be considered as an idea of ​​the subject about himself, and not necessarily a conscious one. But sometimes there are cases when the subject projects in his drawing only the most urgent personal problem, which becomes clear in the course of the conversation.

The experience of our application of the ART methodology shows that it is most expedient, due to its extremely applied nature, to use it to study a specific individual, and not social groups, in order to obtain information about him that allows revealing some of his character traits, and most importantly, personal problems and needs. having criminological and corrective labor significance.

By its nature, this test is indicative and cannot be used as the only research method, since its validity is completely determined by the experience of the researcher and his skills in interpreting drawings. Therefore, when conducting scientific research using this test, it is necessary to have additional information about the personality obtained by using other psychodiagnostic methods, studying materials, etc. The test material of this technique, as our experience has shown, has a high stimulus potential for activating projection mechanisms. The special value of methods, including in the criminological aspect, in our opinion, lies in the fact that it makes it possible to obtain sufficiently complete information about those aspects of a person’s personality and life that he usually hides from others. The technique is easy to use, belongs to the category of express methods and allows in a relatively short period of time (10-15 minutes) to get an idea of ​​the character of a person and his current life situation. The technique is quite reliable, since the instruction and the initial stimulus material do not cause any fears in the subject, reactions of "leaving". in one or another, especially in a critical situation, and also allows you to assess the general psychological state, the presence of pathological traits and drives.

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