Feng Shui desktop. Rules for arranging office furniture, expert advice


"If you want to succeed, your heart must be in your business and your business must be in your heart"

Thomas J. Watson, former president of IBM

A cozy atmosphere in the office or the language of the Labor Code "working conditions" affect the productivity of office staff. This fact has been confirmed for more than a year by global corporations, which take into account how a new employee will feel at his workplace.

The Feng Shui environment encourages employees to be active during their work. The ancient Chinese science of the proper organization of space, of interaction with the vital energy qi - feng shui - is increasingly attracting attention. The basis of Feng Shui is the principle of five elements: wood, metal, water, fire and earth must interact and harmoniously influence a person. The first four elements correspond to the cardinal points, magical animals, colors, materials and forms. Positive thinking of employees brings financial stability to the company. How to arrange furniture in the office according to Feng Shui?

arrangementoffice furniture

Five basic rules

1. Reception or reception - the most influential room. As the client is met, he will remain of such an opinion about the company as a whole. Depending on the room, the reception area can be rectangular (large area), have rounded corners (medium area) or be round (small area). Comfortable chairs and a sufficient number of them play an important role. There must be enough space for visitors. These can be chairs for visitors Chairman 279v fabric JP or sofas .

Arrange furniture so that the secretary does not pass through the waiting area. Fresh flowers will help to revive the atmosphere and relieve tension, the chosen interior color - green or blue - has a calming effect on the psyche.

It is advisable not to clutter up the table with unnecessary documents; company booklets, business cards of managers, pens and paper for notes should be freely available.

2. Workplace safety. The most uncomfortable workplace is when you have to sit with your back to the front door or aisle. In order to concentrate as much as possible during activities, it is important for the employee to see the front door.

If, due to architectural features, you cannot sit facing the door, place a mirror so that you can see the person who has entered or hang a bell. If there is a passage behind you, fence off your back with a niche or a large flower to feel protected in the rear. Otherwise, during work, walking behind your back will distract and annoy you. Key workers or specialists for whom a high concentration of attention is important are best placed in separate areas or rooms. For top specialists, use respectable chairs - Chairman 750.

If there is a window behind your back, be sure to curtain it, otherwise you can lose the support of influential people and fail in business.

It is best if there is a wall behind your back, and your table is located diagonally to the front door, which will allow the beneficial chi energy to flow smoothly.

3. The place of the chief. The higher the position of the head of the company, the farther his workplace should be from the front door. Otherwise, your subordinates will control you or sabotage your orders.

To strengthen your reputation in the office, use the symbolism of fire, which is associated with reputation, fame, red and the south. The red chair Chairman 750 in the southern part of the room will look harmoniously in an office where the main activity is women's activity - beauty services, or just a woman leader.

4 . Organization of the working space in the office. When arranging furniture, consider the convenience of each employee. Unnecessary things, waste papers, objects blocking the aisles, not only interfere with work, but also impede the free flow of qi energy that brings success to your business. If the office provides for open work areas (open space), then it is desirable to separate them with partitions. Thus, employees will have the opportunity to focus on their work. Working materials that are in constant use should be nearby - at arm's length. Chairs on rollers in such cases - an excellent option chair Chairman 795.

5. Where to orient the table? By orienting the table to the east, you attract the energy of the sun, the growth and rise of your business. The northwest direction is favorable for leadership. The western direction promotes stability. Avoid heading south: it is too overloading and stressful.

If the desktops are in rows, then in accordance with Feng Shui, employees should be seated so that during work their gaze is directed in one direction, and at the same time the direction coincides with the desktop of the head of the organization. In this case, subconsciously, all employees will work harmoniously, as one team, and this will certainly attract the success of the company.

6. Symbolism that brings success. Install an aquarium with goldfish in the northern part of the office. This element will not only attract cash flow and promote career growth, but also allow employees to rest their eyes.

The colors of the north are blue and black. Use the color scheme of the chairs to enhance the impact of financial success.

In the tree zone, in the southeast, namely this sector is responsible for wealth, it is very handy to place a plant but not the cactus. A small tree like dracaena is best. Wooden furniture will symbolize wood. Use as an option, the wooden trim of the Chairman 417 chair.;

The colors of the southeast zone are green and purple. Here you can use furniture with appropriate furniture upholstery. For example, use Chairman 289 green chairs, or make office walls light green.

The most important key to business success It means putting your heart and soul into the business. After all, if there is harmony in the heart of the leader, your employees, customers and partners will feel it. Feng Shui furniture arrangement in the office can have a positive effect on the atmosphere in the team. Build long-term relationships, and then your business will always be successful.

The office can be both home and work - depending on many factors. Businessmen and creative people who work 24 hours a day prefer to have a special room at home, where no one bothers them, where they can retire and do business papers or creativity. As for Feng Shui, according to this teaching, a home office differs from a work one in that it accumulates more “yang” energy, since it is very closely connected with the outside world. It is best if the office in the house or apartment is located closer to the front door. And this room should not be passing.

As for the office, according to experts, they are all inharmonious and not very suitable for productive work - that is why with the help of Feng Shui you can direct energy in the right direction and create the necessary working atmosphere.

home office

Many face the difficulty of arranging a home office. Especially if the office is located inside the living quarters, and not in a separate building. Often the owner of the office struggles with the temptation to get down to business even on holidays and weekends, and when he retires to this room, his family members break the idyll and distract him on various issues. Working from home requires self-discipline, and the person must stick to his own schedule. Feng Shui can help with this - if you follow its basic rules, you can significantly ease your working conditions.

1.Cabinet location

Ideally, the office should not be located in the southwest, as there is a very low level of energy. The northern direction has a positive effect on professional growth, the northwest affects the ability to lead, and also awakens a sense of responsibility, but the northeast improves knowledge. These parts have auspicious energy "chi" - it is important for work in the office. Be sure to take care that there are no sharp corners, as they can direct "poison arrows" at a person. You can “disguise” them either with the help of mirrors or with the help of screens. It is good if metal is present in the office - it, as related to the element of water, improves the flow of thoughts and has a positive effect on the work process. For the office, any metal decorations are suitable. Fewer plants and more water - this is the main rule of the office. Fountains and aquariums will fit perfectly into the workspace, but plants that “muffle” the water element should still be abandoned.

2.Color solution

The office should give a sense of calm, so you should carefully consider its color scheme. Refuse cold colors, shades from blue to turquoise are not acceptable. It is best to make an office in warm colors, and even better - in green, as this color is a symbol of life and carries a large amount of energy. But remember that "mixing" a blue tint with green will negate all the positive properties of this color. In general, the blue color must be handled very carefully, because it has very strong properties and can carry a negative effect.

3.Desk and chair

The desktop in the home office should be located so that you can see the front door. If several people will work in this room - for example, a husband and wife, then it is not necessary to arrange the tables in such a way that people sit face to face with each other. The table (or tables) is best placed close to the wall. As for the chair, it should be comfortable and durable, thus embodying the four protective spirits. It is worth making sure that the chair is "facing" the door, and "back" - to the wall. If you will receive visitors in your office, make sure that their chairs are lower than your chair, place their chairs with their "back" to the front door.

4.Cabinet inside

Be sure to choose auspicious places for each piece of furniture, as well as for all items on the table - you can use the ba-gua symbolism for this. Make sure that the objects do not have the opportunity to conflict with the energy of the area where they are located. For example, direct the light from a table lamp diagonally to the hand with which you will write - then there will be no extra shadow. The office can be decorated with various inspiring landscapes - this will also have a positive effect on work. It is necessary to clean the office as often as possible, do not collect garbage in this room. Make sure that all work surfaces are free from unnecessary things that have nothing to do with professional tasks. All papers must be dealt with as they come in - do not delay reading letters or reviewing business documents, do not let piles of papers accumulate. Throw out all unnecessary directories.

5.Home office environment

Access to this room should be free. On the way to it there should not be any foreign objects - no matter where the office is located, in the house or in the outbuilding. This is a prerequisite, since the clutter on the approaches to the office speaks, first of all, of the unprofessionalism of its owner. If the office shares space with some other functional part of the room, fence it off with a screen or a large piece of furniture. You can also lay another carpet that will symbolize the boundaries of the "office".


For all people, work occupies a certain, important part in life. That is why a properly organized workplace is a priority for productive work. To organize this process will help, first of all, the choice of the right direction.

There are favorable and unfavorable directions, which, in turn, are further divided into four types. If you follow it, then luck and success will accompany your business. Directions are male and female. To determine your direction, you must:

Male direction: subtract the last 2 digits of your year of birth from 100, and then divide the result by 9 - the resulting number will be considered decisive for the direction;

Women's direction: subtract 4 from the last 2 digits of your year of birth, and then divide the result by 9 - this will be the direction.

Remainder 1, 3, 4, 9 or 0 - favorable direction north, south, east or southeast.

Remainder 2, 5, 6, 7 or 8 - favorable direction west, northwest, northeast or southwest.

Now, knowing these rules, you can set up your desktop the way you want.


This is what represents success, so the table must be durable and reliable. Make sure that you have the opportunity to sit facing east, and the table was in the southeast sector. As for the shape of the table, it should correspond to what you are doing. A creative person needs a table with smooth lines and no sharp corners, but for entrepreneurs and people involved in various business areas, the table should be in the form of any geometric figure with corners. The table should stand strictly against the wall - experts say that in this case, prosperity and stability will be attracted to life. There must be order on the table - especially you should not clutter it up with various items that have nothing to do with work. Remember that each item has its own energy, the abundance of items will negatively affect the state and productivity of the process, in addition, some of them negatively affect the work, as they recreate negative dissonance.

By the way, experts say that those who have the so-called "creative mess" on the table are often haunted by headaches, their productivity is reduced.

Put a figurine on the table that will bring success in business, a turtle or a dragon is perfect for this.

3. Chair

Feng Shui claims that there are no trifles in life - everything is very important, therefore even the choice of a chair must be approached with all responsibility. It is the chair that supports the potential that allows you to succeed. The position in which you sit on a chair can help you achieve a lot. This should be your throne, and the back of the chair is one of the most important details in this subject, because the higher it is, the more reliable your rear is. In addition, it is the high back that can protect against harmful spirits. In addition, a chair that resembles a throne is perceived very solidly, so the person who occupies this place will look much more authoritative and serious - his position will be more reliable and demanding respect. Armrests are a must for the chair, as this is comparable to the control that is present in you.

4.Color and light

Good lighting will have a positive effect on work efficiency. That is why we must try to make sure that the lighting is distributed evenly throughout the office. Frosted lamps do not tire the eyes so much and do not strain the psyche. It is believed that orange and yellow colors can reduce activity at work, so bright light in the office is undesirable.

As for the color of the walls, it is best to choose a calm range for the office - it can be brown or green, gray or beige, as well as shades derived from them. But, first of all, you should pay attention to the lighting: if it is weak, then the walls should be made white, and if the room is very light, then darker tones can be used.


According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the furniture in the office should be brown, as it is this color that will enhance mental activity and focus on important matters. But black furniture is undesirable, since activities in such an office will be fruitless. There is no room for relaxing items in the office, so you need to get rid of the rocking chair or soft sofa. But leather furniture will be very useful here, as it has the energy of "yang" and activates mental activity. By the way, if your office has a computer, choose furniture without corners. All shelving must be glazed. It is best to hang blinds on the windows, and put some kind of plant on the windowsill. It’s not worth building anything over the table: racks or shelves, because if something hangs over you, it will soon lead to illness and failure.

Each of us at least once in our lives wants to rearrange furniture, objects, regardless of whether we are talking about a house or an office. After these manipulations are completed, many people notice that positive changes begin to occur in their lives - relations in the family or with colleagues, superiors have improved, things have “gone uphill”, and profits have increased.

Changes in your life can be replaced by setting your desktop according to Feng Shui. If you are planning to rearrange, you should familiarize yourself not only with what kind of practice it is, which, with the right approach, allows you to attract prosperity, luck, money, but also with how you need to put the table in order to achieve such results.

Feng Shui Key Points

About it in our latitudes learned relatively recently. Nevertheless, over the past decades, we have heard more than once about what feng shui is, but everyone has a different attitude to this technique.

Someone practices it with pleasure, and someone sees in it something supernatural, and therefore frightening. In fact, it is based on the interaction of the main elements. His person can "tune" himself in order to achieve harmony, good luck.

To be more precise, Feng Shui is the practice of location, thanks to which it is possible to attract good luck, to receive the favor of all the elements.

Many of the provisions of this practice are based not only on the interaction of the elements, but also on psychological aspects. If you do not pay attention to them, a person, without realizing it, may feel uncomfortable, which often becomes a source of trouble.

As a rule, home furnishings are arranged according to Feng Shui, but it has long been noticed that the situation on the spot in the office is no less important. The location of things, furniture plays a huge role in how rapidly a person’s career will develop, whether he can get along well with colleagues, find a common language with his superiors.

A significant role in all these issues is played by the location of the table.

Some of them will seem very simple to you, however, in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we do not always follow even simple rules.

Here is what you need to consider first of all when arranging your desk in the office:

  • Do not place it in such a way that you sit with your back to the entrance to the room. At the subconscious level, such an arrangement is perceived as potentially dangerous, and from the point of view of energy flows, such an arrangement can bring betrayal. This is especially true when the door opens inward;
  • You should not sit with your back to the window, otherwise there is a risk that it will be difficult for you to enlist not only the support of your superiors, but also your colleagues;
  • Do not ignore the symbols of Water. Do not position your desk so that they are behind you. Symbols of water, which include, for example, pictures of water, a fountain, an aquarium, etc., should be in front of you. Nothing bad will happen if these symbols are above you;
  • Pay attention to the top. There should be no overhanging structures (air conditioners, beams, columns, shelves, etc.) above your head. When arranging a desktop in an office according to Feng Shui, this should be taken into account, since such designs not only create a feeling of pressure, but also block positive energies;
  • Hide wires. Being in a conspicuous place, they are a symbol of the outflow of finance, so telephone and computer wires must be removed behind racks or panels.

A successful table arrangement is one in which a person sits facing the door, not directly opposite the entrance, but diagonally from it. At the same time, it is important that your place is clearly visible at the entrance to the room and no foreign objects block it.

Try to have a wall behind your workplace, and if this is not possible, you should hang thick curtains on the windows.

Correctly arrange the workplace in the office

Currently, in offices, places for each employee are often arranged in booths or behind partitions. Because of this, it may seem to a person that he has little space, and interior items, equipment take up too much space. This is not a very favorable Feng Shui location, therefore, in order to expand the space, make it more pleasant for perception, you can use a picture near the desktop or above it. A landscape can be depicted on it, but it is better if it is any symbol of Water (lake, sea, river, etc.).

From the feeling of fatigue and routine, the presence in the workplace of any subject that you really like will save you. Looking at him, you will experience joy, and fatigue will recede. You can post a photo of someone close to you.

It is not recommended to work between racks, shelves, cabinets, other furniture. All these office interior items limit career growth, interfere with perceiving new information and developing. If there is no other option, free all these shelves and racks as much as possible.

According to the feng shui of the workplace, a person needs protection. It can be provided by a large plant or other bright large object. This is especially true for those people who cannot afford to settle down in another place, except near a large window. Even more protection is needed for people who also work in an office located on high floors.

Another recommendation on how to put your desktop in the office according to feng shui concerns
lighting. It is desirable that, in addition to natural light, your workplace is illuminated by a lamp, which should be placed above your head or on the side opposite the working hand.

Often in offices, windows are hung with curtains or blinds, since bright sunlight can interfere with work.

You should not completely abandon natural lighting, because it is also necessary for harmony and helps to attract money. When working in a room without windows, it is necessary to place a picture in it, which depicts a natural landscape. It can be replaced by a small aquarium, flowers in a vase, a large plant on the table.

One of the main rules of this practice is that your desktop should always be clean and free of foreign objects, papers, documents.

A cluttered environment contributes to the difficulty of the circulation of positive energy. The room must be regularly ventilated, cleaned in it, preventing the accumulation of dust, and papers must be constantly sorted out and sent to the archive those that are not needed at a given period of time. All this is important for attracting good luck, money, prosperity.

feng shui table sectors

Your desktop can be divided into three parts, each of which is worth paying attention to.


This is a zone of luck, money, fame, aspirations and future accomplishments. This sector also symbolizes the successes of the past, and if you want to find an incentive for achievements in the future, you can put your awards, framed diplomas, cups, etc. in this part.

If there are none, it is better to leave the central part completely empty in order to open a free path to the future, bright prospects.

Left edge

It symbolizes prosperity, wealth. If you are striving for a good profit, it is worth putting a money tree on the far left corner of the table from you, it is better if it is alive.

Add your price to the database


Choosing the location of furniture in the office according to Feng Shui


This is the compositional and semantic center of the cabinet. The development of your business depends on its shape and location in space. The ideal place to place the table is the diagonal corner farthest from the entrance. Then all visitors to the office will immediately look at you. There should be a wall behind your back - a symbol of the mountain, which will provide you with support and reliable protection. There is enough space around the table so that you can freely stand up, sit down and walk around. Since in cramped conditions the positive energy "qi" will stagnate and be reborn into "sha". The workplace should be proportional to the size of the premises and the status of the owner. It is necessary that the manager's desk be larger than the tables of other employees - this symbolizes power and position in society.

Get a stable table made of durable material, preferably a symmetrical design. That is, if the table is equipped with cabinets for papers, then the right and left cabinets must be the same in shape and size. This design will provide you with the patronage and protection of Feng Shui magical animals.

It is forbidden:

  • set the table at an acute angle to the walls: this position provokes interpersonal conflicts;
  • sit with your back to the door or window: this is how you symbolically deprive the company of a fair, reliable leader;
  • put a table under the ceiling beam: "sha" will have a negative impact on the success of the company and your personal career.


Feng Shui claims that there are no trifles in life - everything is very important, therefore even the choice of a chair must be approached with all responsibility. It is the chair that supports the potential that allows you to succeed. The position in which you sit on a chair can help you achieve a lot. This should be your throne, and the back of the chair is one of the most important details in this subject, because the higher it is, the more reliable your rear is. In addition, it is the high back that can protect against harmful spirits. In addition, a chair that resembles a throne is perceived very solidly, so the person who occupies this place will look much more authoritative and serious - his position will be more reliable and demanding respect. Armrests are a must for the chair, as this is comparable to the control that is present in you.

Other furniture

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the furniture in the office should be brown, as it is this color that will enhance mental activity and focus on important matters. But black furniture is undesirable, since activities in such an office will be fruitless. There is no room for relaxing items in the office, so you need to get rid of the rocking chair or soft sofa. But leather furniture will be very useful here, as it has the energy of "yang" and activates mental activity. By the way, if your office has a computer, choose furniture without corners. All shelving must be glazed. It is best to hang blinds on the windows, and put some kind of plant on the windowsill. It’s not worth building anything over the table: racks or shelves, because if something hangs over you, it will soon lead to illness and failure.

Let's pay attention to the actions that need to be done in order for our career to develop successfully:

  • when choosing a desktop, give preference to a large and comfortable;
  • always keep it tidy and clean, dust regularly;
  • choose a comfortable, expensive chair, always with armrests and a high back. With its appearance, it will stand out among others, and inspire respect for its happy owner;
  • the table should be in the correct, from the point of view of Feng Shui, position - diagonally from the front door; the back of the person sitting should be securely protected by a strong wall;
  • it is recommended to hang a picture of a mountain on the wall behind your back, or a portrait of a high-ranking leader, for example, the head of the company in which you work, or the president of the country;
  • there should not be any water behind your back, whether it be an aquarium or a water landscape. Otherwise, the water will, figuratively speaking, "extinguish" the energy of a person. Therefore, place water symbols only in front of you.

It is also worth paying close attention to the fact that the edges of bookshelves and cabinets should not be directed at a seated person, so it is better to arrange cabinets to the left and right of the table. They will symbolically protect a person from troubles and unnecessary anxiety.

Everything has its place

If you cannot change the situation in the office, then you can arrange feng shui on your desktop by applying the “hou tian trigram”. Victoria Khilinich spoke about them. First, determine if there are relevant positions in your environment. For example, the “desired” view from the window. If not, then you can bring any element to your table. Left-hand side. Element: Tree. Color: green, blue. Shape of objects: cylindrical, vertical rectangles. View from the window: trees, high-rise buildings, factory chimneys, columns. Materials: wood, vine, bamboo, cork. Patterns: vertical stripes. Plants: upward, tree trunks.

Place in front of you

  • Element: Fire.
  • Color: red, purple.
  • Item shape: pointed.
  • View from the window: spiers and gabled roofs.
  • Materials: leather, plastic.
  • Patterns: jagged lines, pyramid.
  • Plants: flowering, with pointed edges.

Place on the table right front and left back diagonally

  • Element: Earth.
  • Color: terracotta, yellow, brown, beige.
  • Shape of objects: flat, square.
  • View from the window: gently sloping mountains behind, diagonally flat hills or flat roofs in front and to the right.
  • Materials: ceramics, porcelain.
  • Patterns: horizontal stripe.
  • Plants: creeping.

Right side

  • Element: Metal.
  • Color: white, silver, gold.
  • Shape: round, oval, semi-circular, spherical.
  • View from the window: hilly landscapes, domes, curved buildings, arched structures.
  • Materials: metal.
  • Patterns: dots, arcs.
  • Plants: round-leaved, sheared in the form of a ball.

Place behind or directly under the arms on the table

  • Element: Water.
  • Color: blue, black.
  • Shape of objects: no sharp corners.
  • View from the window: buildings with a lot of glass.
  • Materials: glass.
  • Patterns: wavy lines.
  • Plants: asymmetrical, hanging down.

Feng Shui: symbols of success in your office

Color and light

Good lighting will have a positive effect on work efficiency. That is why we must try to make sure that the lighting is distributed evenly throughout the office. Frosted lamps do not tire the eyes so much and do not strain the psyche. It is believed that orange and yellow colors can reduce activity at work, so bright light in the office is undesirable.

As for the color of the walls, it is best to choose a calm range for the office - it can be brown or green, gray or beige, as well as shades derived from them. But, first of all, you should pay attention to the lighting: if it is weak, then the walls should be made white, and if the room is very light, then darker tones can be used.

"Good picture

With yourself, as well as on the desktop in the office, there must be accessories and objects that carry the energy of victory and good luck. You will be lucky if you hang a picture in front of your table that depicts water in one form or another (snow, sea, lake, river). At the same time, the wall on which this picture hangs should face north, east or southeast. If the wall in front of your table does not go in one of the above directions, then you should not hang the picture, because. water can have a double effect, which means that it must be used with caution.

The plot of the picture is also no less important. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the appearance of the water element against the backdrop of mountains is less favorable than without mountains. Since the mountains in this case will symbolize the obstacles on your path to success. But the image of a boat or ship on the water is considered a much more favorable sign.

Also, Feng Shui also advises using the image of your dream, symbolizing well-being: it can be a reliable house, jewelry, a yacht or a car. The more often you glance at it, the more likely it is that your dream will come true.

Vase of financial well-being

A beautiful and expensive vase made of natural metal (copper, silver or even gold), semi-precious stone (for example, crystal) or porcelain, filled with semi-precious stones (rock crystal, malachite, turquoise) and some jewelry will attract financial well-being to your office.

Such a vase of financial well-being, according to Feng Shui, should be placed depending on the material from which it is made. If it is made of stone, then it must be located in the southwestern or northeastern part of the office. If your vase is made of metal, place it in the west or northwest corner. An important rule: a vase of financial well-being should not be put on display, so hide it in a table, safe or filing cabinet and do not show it to anyone. For the same reasons, you can not put a vase of financial well-being in front of the front door.

Netsuke, crystals and other feng shui symbols

  • Two dragons and coins - a wonderful money amulet. If you place it in the wealth zone (southeast) of your office, it will bring you financial prosperity and prosperity.
  • Pagoda and six dragons - if you want to have a thriving business, then this feng shui symbol is just what you need.
  • Pagoda with a bell - helps to contain negative energy. It is perfect for the workplace of a subordinate.
  • The Dragon on Money, Peppers, Fire Peppers, Three Ingots, Five Coins and the hieroglyph Fu are symbols of material wealth.
  • Two dragons are a charm for the office, which should be located not far from the entrance.
  • A toad on money and a pagoda are a talisman of career heights and wealth. She can also be placed near the entrance, so that she sits with her back to the door, as if she just jumped in your direction.
  • The bagua, dagger and coin pendant is a business amulet to be placed in the travel and assistant area.
  • Bagua mirror - designed to reflect negative energy and attacks, the mirror should be directed towards the object.
  • Pendant with coins - in the sector of wealth will bring prosperity in business.
  • A coin with a double knot contributes to the activation of monetary energy.
  • Symbol Ganesha (half-man-half-elephant) symbolizes wisdom and will help in solving complex issues.
  • Hotei - the cheerful god of wealth, brings prosperity to the office
  • Money tree (tree, with gold coins instead of leaves) - a symbol of wealth and abundance
  • Crystals, crystal pyramids accumulate energy, direct it to achieve the desired well-being.

Aquarium and goldfish

Water in Feng Shui is a symbol of money, and fish symbolize success. Feng Shui also advises to have an aquarium with an odd number of goldfish in the office of the head in order to achieve the commercial success of the company. The ideal number is nine fish, of which eight are gold and the ninth is black. If any fish die, be sure to replace it with a new one.

If there is no desire to start fish, a small fountain or a picture of water rushing up is also suitable.

home office

Many face the difficulty of arranging a home office. Especially if the office is located inside the living quarters, and not in a separate building. Often the owner of the office struggles with the temptation to get down to business even on holidays and weekends, and when he retires to this room, his family members break the idyll and distract him on various issues. Working from home requires self-discipline, and the person must stick to his own schedule. Feng Shui can help with this - if you follow its basic rules, you can significantly ease your working conditions.

  1. Cabinet location

Ideally, the office should not be located in the southwest, as there is a very low level of energy. The northern direction has a positive effect on professional growth, the northwest affects the ability to lead, and also awakens a sense of responsibility, but the northeast improves knowledge. These parts have auspicious chi energy, which is important for office work. Be sure to take care that there are no sharp corners, as they can direct "poison arrows" at a person. You can “disguise” them either with the help of mirrors or with the help of screens. It is good if metal is present in the office - it, as related to the element of water, improves the flow of thoughts and has a positive effect on the work process. For the office, any metal decorations are suitable. Fewer plants and more water - this is the main rule of the office. Fountains and aquariums will fit perfectly into the workspace, but plants that “muffle” the water element should still be abandoned.

  1. Color solution

The office should give a sense of calm, so you should carefully consider its color scheme. Refuse cold colors, shades from blue to turquoise are not acceptable. It is best to make an office in warm colors, and even better - in green, as this color is a symbol of life and carries a large amount of energy. But remember that "mixing" a blue tint with green will negate all the positive properties of this color. In general, the blue color must be handled very carefully, because it has very strong properties and can carry a negative effect.

  1. Work table and chair

The desktop in the home office should be located so that you can see the front door. If several people will work in this room - for example, a husband and wife, then it is not necessary to arrange the tables in such a way that people sit face to face with each other. The table (or tables) is best placed close to the wall. As for the chair, it should be comfortable and durable, thus embodying the four protective spirits. It is worth making sure that the chair is "facing" the door, and "back" - to the wall. If you will receive visitors in your office, make sure that their chairs are lower than your chair, place their chairs with their "back" to the front door.

  1. Cabinet inside

Be sure to choose auspicious places for each piece of furniture, as well as for all items on the table - you can use the ba-gua symbolism for this. Make sure that the objects do not have the opportunity to conflict with the energy of the area where they are located. For example, direct the light from a table lamp diagonally to the hand with which you will write - then there will be no extra shadow. The office can be decorated with various inspiring landscapes - this will also have a positive effect on work. It is necessary to clean the office as often as possible, do not collect garbage in this room. Make sure that all work surfaces are free from unnecessary things that have nothing to do with professional tasks. All papers must be dealt with as they come in - do not delay reading letters or reviewing business documents, do not let piles of papers accumulate. Throw out all unnecessary directories.

  1. Home office environment

Access to this room should be free. On the way to it there should not be any foreign objects - no matter where the office is located, in the house or in the outbuilding. This is a prerequisite, since the clutter on the approaches to the office speaks, first of all, of the unprofessionalism of its owner. If the office shares space with some other functional part of the room, fence it off with a screen or a large piece of furniture. You can also lay another carpet that will symbolize the boundaries of the "office".

Important Notes

  • Avoid smoking in the workplace. This is not only harmful to health, but also generates stagnant negative energy.
  • Try to keep your workplace clean and tidy at all times. At the end of each working day, empty your desk of unnecessary papers that will block positive chi energy. The relatively clean surface of the table encourages you to be creative and increases the efficiency of your work. Do not forget to audit your computer as well.
  • Fresh air, cleanliness and good lighting do not allow energy to stagnate, but circulate freely, giving vigor and strength to people working in the office.
  • Care should be taken to ensure that all workplaces and equipment have free access, and that all items, all folders are constantly used, so that stagnation energy does not form, which adversely affects business development. Documents that are rarely used are best stored in a separate place - in an archive or in a warehouse.
  • The orientation of the table is of fundamental importance: the gaze of a person sitting at the table should be turned in a direction favorable for him, which is determined individually, according to the number of Gua. And this is very important not only for increasing incomes, career growth, but also for well-being, a healthy approach to work and life in general.
  • There are a few more rules that are guided by when creating feng shui office. One of them is the assignment of premises in accordance with the map of the flying stars of this building.
  • For example, a meeting room, where active discussions are held almost every day, located in a good mountain star, will bring dissent to the team and lead to the loss of friendships, and will not attract successful money projects.
  • In a mountain star, it would be more correct to place the director's office or accounting, where people work sitting and calmly. But in sectors with favorable water stars (money sectors), it can be advised to place sales managers, a secretary, and a customer service department. This state of affairs will allow you to quickly develop the business and grow the entire company.

feng shui office

We all know that creative people prefer to create in a calm home environment. It is hard to imagine that, for example, inspiration comes to a composer at exactly 9 o'clock in the morning and leaves at 6 o'clock in the evening. After all, it is at this time, in accordance with job descriptions, that we are required to be at our workplace. But the desire to work can suddenly arise at night ...

In recent years, the number of people working from home has increased exponentially. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that all of them have creative professions. There are many reasons for this phenomenon: from lack of working time in the office to unwillingness to work in a team.

Those of you who have chosen one of the rooms of the house as your workplace should definitely convert it into a full-fledged office. The main efforts should be directed to replacing a cozy home environment. It does not allow you to tune in to work and knocks you out of rhythm. Today we will tell you how to properly equip an office at home. However, the Feng Shui manager's office can be equipped by following the same recommendations.

Practicality and convenience

feng shui office

A feng shui office should not only be comfortable and practical, it should reflect your character traits. Ideally, the cabinet should be in the shape of a square or rectangle, since the breaks in the room, for example, in the shape of the letter “L”, radiate Sha energy, which is difficult to correct. Extra corners interfere with the unhindered flow of Qi and create unfavorable zones in the room. You can neutralize the negative effect of Sha by placing a potted plant in front of the corners, for example, an indoor palm tree or a ficus.

It's nice to have a window next to your desktop, but sunlight can interfere with your computer. To mitigate the influence of bright daylight, a huge number of all kinds of blinds and curtains have been developed. Therefore, you can shade the windows in the middle of the day, but remember that it is daylight that brings us the positive power of Chi energy. The sun's rays are very useful for our body, they fill it with energy and significantly increase efficiency. It should be noted that artificial lighting does not have such properties.

Particular attention should be paid to the position of the desk. You should only sit facing the door. A person sitting with his back to the door may feel insecure, subconsciously afraid of getting stabbed in the back. The table should be installed as far as possible from the entrance, providing a good overview of the room. In this case, you will be able to see not only the entrance, but the entire office. If the layout of the room does not allow you to sit so that you can see the entrance to the office, then a mirror will be a good way out, which will greatly improve the view.

The desktop is oriented to the north

The desktop should be oriented to the north. It is believed that by working facing north, you attract success in business. Sitting down facing south, you feel too free, which will prevent you from concentrating on work. Placing the table to the west or east is not the best solution. In this case, you will face serious problems, such as the emergence of new creative ideas, and your productivity will decrease significantly.

If you do not have the opportunity to put the desktop in the way required by Feng Shui, then you can achieve the desired effect by changing the color of the table and the arrangement of objects on it. For example, a white tabletop will create the same effect as a north facing table.

Warehouse will negatively affect the feng shui cabinet. The archive located in it is not the best solution. An office is, first of all, a workplace; you should not make a room out of it for storing mountains of paper.

If you want to receive visitors in your account, then you must create a guest zone here. It can be formed from a comfortable sofa with rounded edges and a neat round table. The color scheme of the guest area is selected based on how you want to meet your visitors. Perhaps some of them want to feel comfortable in your office. By the way, in such an atmosphere, your negotiations will be much more effective, since it is much easier to negotiate with a calm person than with a wary or nervous one.

Cabinet in shades of green

Color schemes will help you create a sense of calm, avoid cold colors, blue or turquoise. Optimal here would be a color scheme made in warm, green tones. Green is a symbol of life. It carries a huge amount of vital energy. However, you should be aware that any shades where cold blue is mixed with warm green do not have such properties.

The blue color requires very careful handling, because it has incredibly strong properties and, depending on the person, can influence both positively and sharply negatively.

And the last thing I would like to draw your attention to separately: be sure to make sure that the door to your office is protected from the effects of poisonous Sha arrows. All objects that are directed at your door in a straight line must be neutralized. It is best to place a small mirror on the front door, which will reflect the negative energy back.

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