Ryan gosling biography personal. Ryan Gosling's musical career


Ryan Gosling was born into a family far from the world of cinema and had no connection with the creative professions. The boy's mother, Donna, was a secretary, and his father, Thomas, worked at a paper mill. But there was almost no paternal support in Ryan's life: his parents divorced when he was a few years old. The mother single-handedly raised Gosling and his older sister Mandy and, I must say, was not soft with children. Donna was a very religious woman, a follower of Mormonism, but Ryan was the complete opposite in her disposition - the boy was restless, constantly bullying at school. Relations with classmates did not stick: Ryan often became the subject of ridicule and until the age of 14-15 he could not make friends in any way. Gosling even spent one year at home schooling, his mother gave him lessons. But this, according to Ryan, did him good: during this year he learned to be independent.

Ryan's dream of becoming an actor came about after watching the movie Dick Tracy with Warren Beatty and Al Pacino. From an early age, he often took part in public events: he sang at weddings with his sister, performed at talent contests, and at the age of 12 he got into the cast of the famous Mickey Mouse Club. In this television program, Ryan starred for two years along with Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and other future stars. After that, he returned to his native Canada and starred in local television series such as Are You Afraid of the Dark?, Goosebumps and others.

Actor career

At the age of 17, Ryan Gosling left school to devote himself entirely to acting. Gosling traveled to New Zealand to film the adventure series The Youth of Hercules. But this was the last television project that the young actor then agreed to. He wanted to try himself on the big screen and play a more serious character.

It all started with an appearance in the film Fanatic, in which Ryan got the role of a young neo-Nazi Jew. Gosling's performance was praised by critics, and the picture received one of the main awards at the American Sundance Film Festival. Nevertheless, neither this role, nor the next few - in the films "Countdown of the Kills" and "The United States of Leland" - did not bring him real success.

The public recognized him thanks to the film The Notebook, in which Ryan starred in 2004. Together with Rachel McAdams, they acted out a romantic story based on the novel of the same name by Nicholas Sparks. The picture was loved all over the world. And although she did not win serious awards, she collected more than $ 100 million at the box office alone. Ryan and Rachel received the MTV Movie Awards for Best Kiss.

The Notebook paved the way for Gosling to Hollywood. He starred in Stay with Naomi Watts and Ewan McGregor, and then in Half Nelson, which brought the actor an Oscar nomination in the Best Actor category. Fracture and Lars and the Real Girl were Gosling's last three-year hiatus.

Gosling experienced this pause hard: as the actor himself admitted, without work, he fell into depression. But Ryan's return to films brought even more success to Ryan: for example, thanks to the film Valentine, he received a Golden Globe nomination for Best Actor in a Drama. This was followed by the tapes "This - stupid - love" with Mila Kunis (also, by the way, brought Ryan a Golden Globe nomination) and "The Ides of March", filmed by George Clooney. In 2013, he made his directorial debut with How to Catch a Monster, starring Christina Hendricks.

In addition to cinema, Ryan is engaged in music. In 2008, together with his friend Zach Shields, he created the Dead Man's Bones group and released an album. In addition, Gosling is associated with the restaurant business. The actor is a co-owner of Tagine, an institution that specializes in Moroccan cuisine.

Ryan Gosling's personal life

In 2002, Ryan Gosling began dating, who played with him in the Kill Count. They stayed together for only a year, and in 2004 the star began an affair with Rachel McAdams, who played the role of his lover in The Notebook.

The actor also had relationships with Famke Janssen, Jamie Murray and Blake Lively.

Ryan Gosling is a Canadian actor and musician who, having started his career in Disney series, was able to turn into a strong dramatic artist in demand in Hollywood in a matter of years.

Gosling rarely trades for passing projects, always carefully approaching the choice of roles and directors. That is why there are not so many works in his rich filmography (a little more than 40 in almost 30 years of acting career), but almost every one of them is worth its weight in gold. These are, for example, the melodramas The Notebook and Valentine, the thrillers Stay and Drive, the political dramas The Ides of March and Big Short, the comedy Goodfellas and, of course, the musical La La Land. And this charming Canadian has more than a hundred nominations for prestigious film awards, including the Oscar in the Best Actor category (for his roles in the films Half Nelson and La La Land), and also a well-deserved Golden Globe Award.

Ryan Gosling's childhood

The boy, who was destined to become a world cinema star, was born on November 12, 1980 in London. But by no means in the British capital, but in a small Canadian city, which is located in the southwest of Ontario. His father, Toms Ray Gosling, was a traveling salesman at a local paper mill and was constantly on the job, as was his wife, Donna Gosling, who worked as a secretary. Ryan also has an older sister, Mandy.

Life in the family was not sweet: parents often quarreled, and when Ryan was 13 years old, they divorced altogether. The boy and his sister stayed with their mother. Subsequently, the actor joked that life with two women taught him to "think like a girl."

Of course, this situation drastically influenced the character of young Ryan. In an effort to attract attention, he did not disdain to be the first to get into a fight, and because of his eccentric and quick-tempered character, he could not find friends either among classmates or among the neighbor boys. But more often than not, the antics turned against Ryan himself - he returned home in abrasions and bruises.

Once the boy watched the movie "First Blood" with Sylvester Stallone, after which he brought kitchen knives to school and began to throw them at classmates. Ryan became not only a danger to his peers, but also badly studied, and also suffered from dyslexia. Psychologists diagnosed the boy with attention deficit disorder, after which his mother transferred her son to home schooling.

From that moment on, his life was taken under strict control. True, the already difficult situation was aggravated by the fact that all members of the Ryan Gosling family were deeply believing Mormons, therefore, among the programs allowed for viewing were exclusively films based on biblical stories and documentaries about wildlife.

Fortunately, at some point, Donna Gosling guessed that the reason for her son's behavior lay not just in the desire to attract attention, but in the unrealized creative potential, which, combined with the boundless energy lurking in the boy, was looking for a way out, like lava looking for a way to the surface of the earth through the mouth of a volcano. So at the age of 13, Ryan was enrolled in the famous Mickey Mouse Club, whose graduates are also Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and Justin Timberlake. With the latter, by the way, Ryan especially became friends.

The essence of the project was that during the club's activities, the "musketeers", as the young stars were called, attracted the attention of producers who selected young talents. And although after the release from the club in 1995, Ryan failed to conquer the musical Olympus, he finally gained self-confidence, found loyal friends and learned to take responsibility for his actions.

The beginning of an acting career

Ryan Gosling began his TV career with the programs of The Mickey Mouse Club, as well as episodic roles in the series Are You Afraid of the Dark? and "Goosebumps". More serious was participation in the series "Riding the Wave of Success", which was broadcast from 1997 to 1998, and in 1998, the rising Disney star received a major role in the television series "The Youth of Hercules."

In 2001, Ryan was entrusted with a key role in the full-length drama Fanatic. His character was a Jewish skinhead who, disillusioned with Judaism, abandoned his dream of becoming a rabbi and joined a neo-Nazi organization. Those who knew the young man from The Youth of Hercules were, to put it mildly, surprised - it was a completely different Gosling, who was not afraid to try on an ambiguous image. A few years after the premiere, Ryan was associated with viewers with this controversial character, torn apart by internal conflict.

From that moment on, Ryan's filmography became dominated by complex dramatic pictures, completely far from the light-hearted Disney series. So, in 2002, Gosling played key roles in the dramas Kill Count, Law of Slaughter, United States of Leland. A young detective shocked by the bloody murder of a girl, a teenager-athlete who lost his father, a modest guy who broke the law - his heroes seemed to lift the veil on important teenage problems for the viewer, as sharp and topical as the conflicts of the "adult world".

"The Notebook" and the first nomination for "Oscar"

In 2004, Ryan decided to “move away” from the usual genres and starred in the romantic melodrama The Notebook. A touching film about love, which is stronger than any obstacles, whether it be a test of time or a forced breakup, became the undoubted success of director Nick Cassavetes, and brought world fame to Ryan and his partner Rachel McAdams.

"The Notebook". Fragment

It's funny, but while working on the film, the actors could hardly stand each other. Even the fact that they were countrymen did not help. There was no so-called “chemistry” between the partners: Ryan constantly argued with Rachel about acting methods, and once in his hearts he asked the director to change the girl for another actress. But at the end of filming, the actors suddenly declared themselves a couple. “Many compare our relationship with the love story of our heroes, but no - our story is much more romantic!” Ryan told reporters.

In 2006, the low-budget (700 thousand dollars) film “Half-Nelson” saw the light of day, which brought Gosling his first Oscar nomination. He got the main role - a drug-addicted history teacher, confused in himself and in his relationship with his students. Alas, the figurine went to Forest Whitaker, who reincarnated as the Ugandan tyrant Idi Amin in the film The Last King of Scotland.

Ryan Gosling's incendiary dances: cutting from films

Most Selected Actor

From 2010 to 2013, Ryan continued to appear in his usual thrillers, dramas and romantic melodramas, while always trying on different images. In 2011, the actor began working with independent Danish director Nicolas Winding Refn, who filmed him as a brave and risky racer in the noir crime drama Drive. Throughout the film, Gosling barely dropped a couple of sentences, demonstrating his crowning ability to sneak through acting without words. At the same time, the actor performed most of the stunts without the help of stuntmen - some scenes in the film are really breathtaking, and by no means because of the primitive action.

In parallel with this, Ryan worked on the romantic comedy "This Stupid Love", where the charming Emma Stone became his partner, with whom they later "played love" more than once. Some time later, in George Clooney's political drama The Ides of March, Gosling played a Republican candidate for the presidential election who challenged his Democratic rival (Clooney). At the same time, both roles of Gosling in these films were marked by nominations for the Golden Globe.

After the crime drama The Place Beyond the Pines, where Bradley Cooper, Dane DeHaan and Eva Mendes became the actor's colleagues, Gosling again starred in Refn's experimental gloomy film Only God Forgives.

In 2014, Gosling first tried on directorial duties with the fantasy film How to Catch a Monster starring Saoirse Ronan and Christina Hendricks. The mass audience accepted the film coolly, and Gosling's critics dubbed it too intimate and "secondary to the teeth gnashing." Nevertheless, it received two nominations from the jury of the Cannes Film Festival: in the categories "Directorial Debut" and "Un Certain Regard".

How to Catch a Monster - Trailer

In 2015, along with Brad Pitt, Christian Bale and Stephen Carrel, Gosling starred in the real-life drama The Big Short. Here Ryan convincingly played a financial analyst who managed to earn more than one million during the 2008 crisis. The picture received many nominations, and its screenwriters eventually took home a gold statuette for Best Adapted Screenplay.

When choosing projects, Ryan Gosling is never in a hurry, preferring thoughtful work on an interesting image to the race for profit. Therefore, with his participation, no more than one or two films a year are released, but each of them is to the delight of real movie lovers. So, in 2015, the actor starred with Rooney Mara, Michael Fassbender and Natalie Portman in the philosophical drama Song by Song by Terrence Malick, and in 2016, in the crime comedy Goodfellas with Russell Crowe and the romantic musical La La Land by Damien Chazelle with Emma Stone.

It was the last picture that became the main hit of the rental, the triumphant of various awards, and most importantly, won the hearts of many romantics and dreamers around the world. For a long time, the musical has not been able to stand on a par with strong dramas and big-budget films, pre-sharpened for commercial success.

In January 2017, Ryan Gosling received a Golden Globe for his role as Sebastian in La La Land, and his partner Emma Stone "collected" the entire set of awards of that year, including the coveted Oscar. According to the plot, he is a jazz musician, and she is an aspiring actress. Both strive to realize their creative dreams and ambitions, but this is what puts their love in jeopardy.

"La La Land" was named the main favorite "Oscar" even before the announcement of the nominees. The musical ended up receiving 14 nominations in 13 categories, equaling Titanic's record with DiCaprio. Ryan Gosling himself was expectedly nominated for the Best Actor nomination, but lost the statuette to Casey Affleck for his role as Lee Chandler in Manchester by the Sea.

Ryan Gosling's musical career

Since the days of The Mickey Mouse Club, Ryan has never ceased to be fond of music. In 2008, he was still dating Rachel McAdams, and her sister Kaylin was dating Zach Shields, a composer and actor. Once, young people got into a conversation and found out that they both like horror stories and all kinds of horror paraphernalia. In addition, both were passionate about the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating a musical group. This is how the Dead Man's Bones band was born. At the end of the same year, the guys posted their first track "In The Room Where You Sleep" on the Internet.

Dead Man's Bones (Ryan Gosling band) - Lose Your Soul

A year later, the group presented their debut album "Dead Man's Bones", which included 12 songs. The compositions, which clearly felt the continuity of such dark bands as Modest Mouse and Current 93, featured a children's choir and Red Hot Chili Peppers bassist Flea.

In 2009, the guys filmed an atmospheric video for the song "Name In Stone", and a year later the videos "Pa Pa Power" and "Dead Hearts" were released. Ryan performed under the pseudonym Baby Goose (baby Goose, Gosling - goose), and proved to be not only an excellent vocalist, but also a talented guitarist and keyboardist. Alas, due to Ryan's heavy workload on the set, the group has suspended its activities for the time being, but fans do not stop waiting for their revival.

Ryan Gosling's personal life

Elegant and charming Ryan Gosling has never suffered from a lack of female attention. Having become a Hollywood star, he started romances only with famous actresses with whom he was confronted by work or fate.

In 2002, on the set of the film "Kill Count", the actor met

He says that acting for him is an affordable way to make good money, and not the search for his creative "I", most likely he is disingenuous. His talents in Hollywood are undeniable and movie bosses send him bundles of scripts to lure him into another project. At the age of 26, Ryan Gosling was nominated for the main Academy Award for the film "Half-Nelson", in which he, by Hollywood standards, starred almost for free. Venerable celebrities and directors immediately accepted him into their circle thanks to his charisma and extraordinary view of the world around him. Gosling has achieved success in many areas of life: he is an actor, director, screenwriter, successful businessman, member of a musical group, a loving father and husband of one of the most attractive women on the planet.

Star dossier

Biography Moments

Ryan was born in the Canadian town of London on November 12, 1980. He was the second child in a family of members of The Church of Jesus Christ and Latter-day Saints. His mother, Donna, worked as a secretary in a small company, and his father, Thomas Gosling, spent days and nights at one of the city's paper mills to feed his family. The boy's parents divorced when Ryan and his older sister Mandy were still children. Donna Gosling took full responsibility for the upbringing of her children. Probably, it was the family drama that largely shaped the behavior of the child in elementary school.

Gosling claims that he terribly disliked childhood, he was unnerved by everything in himself - appearance, excessive thinness, and especially he did not understand why he should do what older people advise him.

Ryan's mother, with a heavy heart, accompanied her son to an educational institution, because almost not a single day passed without him getting into a fight. No wonder his peers nicknamed Gosling Trouble. The little bully was often the initiator of fights and did not always emerge victorious from them. That is why, already in the 5th grade, the mother of the future celebrity decided to homeschool her child. As a result, he never finished school, deciding to focus on his acting career.

Ryan is very close to his mother and considers her to be the person who expanded the boundaries of his abilities. Gosling's mother's catchphrase about anything: "This is a good opportunity for you, son, but it's not the only one," became a kind of guide in the life of the now famous actor.

Being a talented extraordinary child, Ryan decided to put his energy in a peaceful direction and auditioned for the TV show The Mickey Mouse Club. Among the 17 thousand applicants, a handsome boy from Canada was selected for the role of a musketeer in the Hollywood "Yeralash". And so began the creative path of one of the most successful actors of our time.

Career: start

Ryan is one of those people to whom fame came thanks to titanic performance and a bit of luck. He is talented, charismatic and successful in life. That is why the bigwigs of show business somehow immediately noticed this lanky boy with a rather ordinary appearance.

Gosling, like many Hollywood celebrities, had a serial period in his career. The most successful were the horror films "Are You Afraid of the Dark" and "Goosebumps". In 1998, the puny guy liked the creators of a serial film about the adventures of young Hercules. He was selected for the main role. The series "Youth of Hercules" became a turning point in Gosling's acting life, it was after him that Ryan thought about big cinema, with more mature and complex images. By the way, during this period the guy was left without an agent, and he himself had to cajole the movie bosses and convince them that he was a versatile actor and he could handle any reincarnations.

In 2001, Gosling was lucky, he was cast in Henry Bean's drama Fanatic. The young talent was approved for the main role. By the way, Ryan's Mormon upbringing played into the hands. Bean upvoted the Canadian precisely because he understood the issues of religion and knew about many beliefs. As a result - the absolute success of the picture and a lot of positive reviews for the main role of Gosling.

The next step in the "mature" cinema was his participation in the thriller "Countdown of murders". In the film, Ryan masterfully reincarnated as a cruel and unbalanced criminal. Another success - he became a partner of the already famous Sandra Bullock. By the way, after this film, a real-life romance began between a young actor and his more mature colleague. Murder Countdown and its creators hit Cannes. Many connoisseurs of big cinema after this film called the Canadian a "phenomenally talented" actor, but his main roles were yet to come.

The next big success in Gosling's career was the melodrama The Notebook based on the novel by Nicholas Sparks. It was she who brought the guy recognition and worldwide popularity. The love story between the young heroes was so touching that the film was included in the rating of the best melodramas of all time. According to People magazine, Ryan became one of the hottest bachelors on the planet. In fact, his heart was captured for a long time by his co-star Rachel McAdams.

Long-awaited recognition. Filmography

The box office success of The Notebook did not ensure the film was shortlisted for the Academy Film Awards. But the next project of the actor was a real breakthrough in his career. Gosling began to favor auteur independent cinema. The film "Half-Nelson", in which he reincarnated as a cocaine-addicted teacher, brought him absolute recognition not only from the audience, but also from respected Hollywood critics. For participation in the drama, Ryan received $ 1,000 a week - this is a meager fee by Hollywood standards. Filming lasted only 24 days. This fact once again refutes the words of the actor that the cinema for him is only a way to earn money. He lives each of his roles, which is why Gosling is so interesting to the viewer in any stage image.

In the thrilling detective thriller Fracture, the Canadian changed his role, and from a psychopathic killer he “retrained” into an assistant prosecutor who is trying to solve a mysterious murder. In this film, Gosling was lucky enough to work with Sir Anthony Hopkins himself. From a recognized old-timer of Hollywood, Ryan received a laudatory review: Mr. Hopkins called his young colleague one of the most talented actors from a galaxy of newcomers. By the way, Gosling received a fee of $ 1 million for participating in this picture.

In 2007, the Canadian starred in the comedy Lars and the Real Girl. The protagonist's love for the rubber woman showed the actor's remarkable comedic talent and proved that he could handle any stage images.

In 2010, Gosling decided to take a short break from his profession and took up music. A talented person is talented in everything - this is exactly about our hero. Together with his friend Zach Shields, they formed the band Dead Man's Bones back in 2008. It was after the recognition in the cinema that Gosling decided to devote time to his hobby. He recorded an album, shot a video and began to travel around the country with concerts. Ryan found his fans here too. The team exists to this day. Now Gosling is preparing to release his next album.

“Music is an integral part of my life, and I dream of devoting more time to it,” Gosling says of his hobby.

In 2011, three full-length films with the participation of the actor were released. All of them were warmly received by both the public and critics. The political thriller "The Ides of March" once again confirmed that Gosling is a nugget who will leave his mark on the history of cinema. His game is soulful and exciting, it keeps the viewer in suspense until the last minute of the film. In the comedy "This Stupid Love", the Canadian turned into a dandy and a seducer of women who falls in love imperceptibly. The company on the set of the actor was Steve Carell, Emma Stone and Julianne Moore. The picture collected good box office around the world, and Gosling secured the status of a "universal" in the profession, which can be entrusted with any role. Another highlight of 2011 was the release of Nicolas Winding Refn's film Drive. The neo-noir starring Gosling and Carey Mulligan was met with a standing ovation at Cannes - a real success.

Video: Dead Man's Bones - In The Room Where You Sleep

Work in films of a new genre

After the “Drive”, the actor was increasingly invited to play the role of “tough guy”. In 2012, Mr. Gosling took part in the crime drama The Place Beyond the Pines. In his career, this work became a passage, but his personal life was radically affected. It was on the set of this drama that Ryan met the main woman of his life - Eva Mendes, but first things first.

The next year was no less successful for the actor, he played the main role in the crime action film Gangster Hunters. His co-stars were Emma Stone, Sean Penn and Josh Brolin. Despite the fact that the film was warmly received by the public, it did not break even at the box office. "Only God Forgives" is another neo-noir from Winding Refn, in which Gosling took part. If the previous joint work on "Drive" brought both the director and the actor a lot of favorable responses, then the current project turned out to be a failure. Critics issued their verdict - excessive cruelty completely spoils the whole feeling of viewing and leaves a bitter aftertaste of disappointment.

After a busy filming schedule, Ryan once again took a creative hiatus from acting and plunged into music, family life, and making his own film. In 2014, Hollywood and the audience were able to appreciate the director and screenwriter Gosling. He presented his brainchild to the public - the film "The Lost River" (or "How to Catch a Monster" - in Russian localization). Ryan touched on one of his favorite topics in the film - the afterlife. Neo-noir flopped at the box office and received mixed reviews from critics, but it was off to a good start.

In 2015, only one picture was released with the participation of the actor - a financial drama about one of the largest economic crises in the United States - "The Big Short", which was presented in as many as 5 nominations of the Academy Award, but in the end took only one statuette for the best adapted script.

This year, the actor has already managed to participate in several projects - Goodfellas and La La Land. If the first film, despite the positive reviews of critics, does not claim a golden statuette, then critics predict a rich festival life and at least several Oscars for the musical with the euphonious name "La La Land".


At 36, Ryan Gosling has not yet received the coveted Oscar, although, according to insiders, this status is indifferent to him. The actor just loves his job and does it well. Nevertheless, film critics have repeatedly showered laudatory reviews of Gosling's work.

In 2005, Ryan and his The Notebook co-star Rachel McAdams won the MTV Award for Best Kiss. The award is dubious, and, nevertheless, this kiss went down in the history of the award as the most sincere.

In 2007, Ryan was nominated for a major Academy Award for Best Male Character for his role as a drug addicted teacher in Half Nelson. For participation in this picture, he was also awarded the nomination "For the best male role" by the Actors Guild.

The actor constantly comes to Cannes to present his work to the European jury. Significant in this regard for Gosling was 2014, then Ryan came to the festival not as an actor, but as a director and screenwriter of his debut, Lost River. The picture was presented in two categories, but she did not manage to get the Palm Branch. Nevertheless, Gosling's first directorial work made a lot of noise, it was talked about in different ways. Several respected publications, such as The Guardian and The Telegraph, called the film offensive in some episodes and "formless" in general. Others have compared Gosling to David Lynch, and that's a lot. It remains only to guess whether the maestro will mature to the next work as a stage director.

Future projects

Fans of Ryan Gosling are looking forward to the release of future projects of the actor. In 2017, the release of three films with the participation of a celebrity is scheduled. This is the already sensational musical "La La Land". The premiere in Russia is planned for the beginning of the year.

One of the most anticipated films is Zero Gravity by Terrence Malick. The project is shrouded in a veil of secrecy and has gathered a whole string of celebrities - Natalie Portman, Boyd Holbrook, Michael Fassbender, Hayley Bennett, Christian Bale, Rooney Mara and this is just a small fraction of the celebrities who will take part in the project.

Fiction "Blade Runner 2049" is another attempt by Hollywood to take viewers into the future and look beyond the boundaries of our galaxy. The filming process is in full swing and Mr. Gosling is happy to share photos and videos from the film set with his fans.

Trailer for La La Land

The most enviable bachelor of the planet: personal life

Ryan Gosling in the past has repeatedly entered the ratings of eminent glosses as one of the most desirable men on the planet. Despite such success with the opposite sex, the actor himself is selective in choosing a soulmate. Gosling is not a ladies' man. Throughout his public life, he had several serious affairs and a couple of unconfirmed affairs.

The first love of the young Canadian actor was not just anyone, but his colleague from the set, Oscar-winning Sandra Bullock. The couple was not at all embarrassed by the age difference of 16 years. Perhaps the actress was worried about this, nevertheless, without hesitation, she fell into the arms of a little-known colleague in the shop. Ryan, on the other hand, was frank with reporters and admitted that he was delighted and fascinated by Sandra. This novel lasted exactly one year. In 2003, the couple quietly broke up. Gosling speaks of Sandra with great warmth and respect to this day.

Rachel McAdams

After several years of silence on the love front, the tabloids exploded with news of a romance between young Hollywood stars Gosling and McAdams. These two, despite the common sign of the zodiac, were absolute antipodes, and yet, once again proved to the whole world that opposites attract.

It is not known for certain when the romance of the actors began. Some media claim that during the filming of the legendary "Diary of Memory", while other sources insist that they knew each other even before the joint project. Confirmation of the second version is the fact that Gosling's friend and his colleague in the Dead Man's Bones group was in a relationship with the twin sister of the actress.

Be that as it may, the whole of America was talking about the details of the novel and “chemistry” on the set, and all because Rachel and Ryan, despite their apparent sympathy, could not stand each other’s spirit and rolled up scandals in front of their colleagues. The director of the picture said that Gosling even turned to him with a request to replace his partner, motivating this decision by the absolute absence of attraction between them. But the director knows better, he ignored the whims of the actors and insisted that they must remain professionals, showing love in the frame, which takes their breath away. It must be admitted that both of them coped masterfully with their work. The film became one of the most romantic Hollywood productions of the new millennium, and the actors received the title of "Couple of the Year" and won the nomination "Best Kiss". In general, from hatred to love ...

Tandem McAdams-Gosling at one point turned into one of the most beautiful couples in Hollywood. Their romance was quivering and passionate. The paparazzi constantly caught them walking the streets of Los Angeles, holding hands, kissing or just smiling mysteriously at each other.

A journalist from one of the foreign glossy magazines watched this couple while walking in the park. He was shocked that for three hours they just stared at each other without saying a word.

In general, romance, and nothing more. Gosling himself, despite all his dislike for journalists, frankly admitted to the media that Rachel was the love of his life, and he was grateful to God for meeting her. The actor tirelessly bombarded his girlfriend with flowers and gifts. She was all glowing with happiness, and told her friends that Ryan is the best, and she simply cannot imagine life without him. It seemed that this idyll would last forever, but, alas. The actors lived in a civil marriage for 2 years, and already in 2007, the tabloids broke out with the news of the couple's separation. Gosling and McAdams spoke reservedly about the reason for the breakup, both sputtering about schedule incompatibilities and warm feelings for each other no matter what. Nevertheless, both soon appeared in the company of other satellites, without commenting on their status.


A few months after breaking up with Rachel Gosling, he was photographed in the company of actress Famke Janssen. This tandem lasted only a few months. Ryan and Rachel were still attracted to each other and in 2008 the lovers reunited again. Perhaps they did this only to check the correctness of the previous solution. Their reconciliation was short-lived. This time, Rachel could no longer calmly talk about breaking up with her boyfriend. At one of the press conferences, she almost burst into tears and cursed journalists because of the question about Gosling and about her personal life. “How can I be interested in someone else when the media constantly terrorizes me with questions about my ex?” - shouted the actress. Apparently, Ryan put an end to the relationship, and Rachel could not come to terms with this for a long time.

Eva Mendes

While Rachel was trying to find a replacement for Gosling, he had already managed to have an affair with the British model Jamie Murray, Ryan Reynolds' future wife Blake Lively and hit on Olivia Wilde, but all these were intrigues, but Ryan "sunk" on the sexy Eva Mendes in earnest.

The actors met on the set of The Place Beyond the Pines in 2011. According to the scenario, passion reigned between their heroes. According to the laws of Hollywood, the romance spun in real life. This time, Gosling decided not to advertise affection for his colleague. Taught by the experience of public relations with McAdams, Ryan ignored questions about the affair between him and Eve for a long time. The couple was occasionally caught by the paparazzi walking and holding hands. In the photo, everything was perfect - he and she are inseparable. But in fact, serious passions raged between young people. They got together, then parted. Mendes turned out to be a very temperamental and jealous friend. She tracked every step of her boyfriend, and suspecting that he crossed paths or communicated with the fairer sex, she simply lost her temper.

According to eyewitnesses and friends of the couple, the relationship of lovers at a certain stage began to burden both, and the news leaked to the press that they had broken up. Indeed, in 2013, photos of Gosling and Mendes stopped appearing in the media. Actors, as usual, remained silent. And idle Hollywood gossips immediately suggested a possible reason for the gap. The person of Ryan's ex-girlfriend Rachel McAdams has surfaced again: she allegedly broke up with her boyfriend Michael Sheen and again drew attention to Gosling.

It's no secret that Ryan and Rachel remained good friends, but the temperamental Mendes did not like this state of affairs. She put her boyfriend in front of a choice - to continue friendship with all her exes or stay together with her. As it turned out, Ryan is not the kind of person who can be pressured in this way. Not having achieved the “surrender” of her boyfriend, Eva packed her things and moved out from him. Insiders said that the actors have completely different views on life: she loves glamor and going out, and Gosling is a homebody, ignoring social events and, in general, a closed guy. What of this information is true, and what is idle gossip, so no one found out.

Happy parents

In the winter of 2014, the only photo appeared that confirmed that the actors were still together: the paparazzi saw Gosling's head peeking out from behind the fence of the Mendes mansion. As a result, the situation resolved itself: the couple, as if nothing had happened, appeared together, and Eva had a noticeable rounded tummy. It turned out that the actress is already in her seventh month of pregnancy. The stars tried to keep this information as secret as possible for as long as possible, which is why Mendes practically did not leave the house and did not attend official events with her boyfriend, she refused joint trips to the shooting. In Cannes, where Ryan's directorial debut was brought, Eva also did not go. The tabloids again “divorced” the lovers, in fact, the celebrities just wanted their happiness to remain private for as long as possible.

In one of the interviews, to the question: “Do you have the criteria for an ideal woman?”, The actor replied: “This is Eva Mendes - she is my ideal. I'm not looking for anyone else."

On September 12, 2014, the news about the birth of the couple's first child was leaked to the press. Eve gave birth to her beloved daughter Esmeralda. This year, Gosling became a father for the second time. At the end of April, his chosen one gave birth to another girl, who was named Amada Lee.

family photos

Eva Mendes and Ryan Gosling got married in June 2016. The ceremony was held in the backyard of their house, among thirty invited close friends. An interesting fact is that Eva herself proposed to the father of her children. During the five years of their relationship, Ryan repeatedly proposed her hand and heart, but the actress was very skeptical about marriage and always refused.

After the death of her brother and the birth of her second child, Eve's values ​​changed. That is why she finally decided to satisfy the long-standing requests of her common-law husband, and became his official wife. The event took place in an atmosphere of strict secrecy and the public has not yet seen a single photo from the family album. According to the couple's friends, the celebrity wedding was very touching and personal. So they wrote publications in the summer. The very next day after the publication of this news, the publication People denied this message, having information from a reliable source. Already in September 2016, Just Jared magazine published information that Gosling and Mendez were not married, Eve's representative said.

The relationship between Mendes and Gosling remains a mystery to the public to this day. The only fact that is indisputable is that Ryan Goling is a wonderful father, this is evidenced by many photos of the happy actor walking with his eldest daughter Esmeralda, and Mendes has repeatedly said this in interviews. Fans of the star couple can only wish them mutual understanding and a happy family life with their children.

Celebrities are people just like everyone else, only they shine brighter. Musicians, artists, actors, singers, composers, directors, athletes - all whose achievements and creations will remain for centuries attract my interest. I am glad to share with the readers of this site the stories of ascent to the starry Olympus.

0 February 28, 2017, 13:49

Came to the film awards ceremony "" in the company of his Mandy. At first, viewers of the online broadcast were perplexed about what kind of bright blonde with a deep neckline revolves around the actor all evening, but later it turned out that Mandy was Gosling's sister, and not a competitor. By the way, another family run was seen at the event: brother Spencer accompanied the walk. Internet users immediately liked the charming Mandy, and her photos instantly scattered across social networks ..

Frequent guest on the red carpet

This is not the first time Mandy Gosling has accompanied her brother to such events: in the past, she has been with him at other film awards ceremonies and at several film premieres of films with his participation. Mandy also supported Ryan at the 2007 Oscars when he was nominated for his role in the drama Half Nelson (Half Nelson), alas, the award then went to Forest Whitaker for The Last King of Scotland (The Last King of Scotland). ).

Ryan Gosling with his sister Mandy and mother Donna at the Oscars, 2007


Mandy Gosling, like her brother, is also involved in the film industry: in the past, she produced several TV projects, including the reality show about three girls, Miss Advised. In addition, the actor's sister was listed as a casting director while working on the Happy video for the song by Pharrell Williams. Now Mandy is a producer on the Dateline NBC show.

Personal life

Mandy is in no hurry to share information about herself, but the journalists managed to find out that Gosling's sister is not yet married. The girl does not have an Instagram page, and she hid information about herself on Facebook from strangers.

Internet darling

Social media users clearly liked the charming companion of the male lead in the film "" (La La Land): on Twitter, they bombarded the girl with compliments. Despite the fact that Ryan did not win in the category "Best Actor" (the Academy gave Casey Affleck), yesterday all the attention was riveted on him, and Mandy played a significant role in this.

There was a mistake, Mandy Gosling won "Best Actress"... It's not a joke.

I love Ryan Gosling's sister's dress

Damn it, I just realized that the woman sitting next to Ryan Gosling is his sister. Well, the gene pool in this family!

What kind of hottie is sitting with Ryan Gosling? This is not his lover. Maybe a sister? Or just a random stranger?

What if Emma Stone's brother and Ryan Gosling's sister fall in love? They're sitting next to each other, it's possible.

Source US Magazine

Photo Gettyimages.ru

FULL NAME: Ryan Thomas GoslingRyan Thomas Gosling

DATE OF BIRTH: 11/12/1980 (Scorpio)

PLACE OF BIRTH: London, Canada


HAIR COLOR: fair-haired


A FAMILY: Parents: Donna Gosling, Thomas Gosling. Wife: Eva Mendes.

GROWTH: 185 cm

OCCUPATION: actor, musician


Canadian film actor, winner of the US National Council of Film Critics Award (2006) and Satellite Award (2007, 2012). His father was a traveling salesman at a local paper mill and was constantly absent from work, as was his wife, who worked as a secretary for the company. Ryan also has an older sister, Mandy. When Ryan was 13 years old, his parents divorced altogether. The boy and his sister stayed with their mother. At the same time, the boy went to the casting of the famous talent show "Mickey Mouse Club" in Canada and the USA. Having demonstrated vocal skills, Ryan becomes a member of a television program in which he has been participating for 2 years. Then he starred in films and programs on the Disney channel. Gosling's first role was the serial film in the style of children's fantasy "The Youth of Hercules". Also, the young actor played in the youth series about teenagers “School of broken hearts.” But these were small or episodic roles. Gosling thought about specialized studies that would help improve acting skills, but success found an artist without a professional education.

In 2001, he was entrusted with a key role in the full-length drama Fanatic. His character is a neo-Nazi Jew who became disillusioned with Judaism and the dream of becoming a rabbi and joined the NS organization. A few years after the premiere, Ryan was associated with viewers with a controversial character torn apart by internal conflict. From that moment, complex psychological characters with deep feelings began to prevail in his filmography. So, in 2002, Gosling played one of the key roles in the film “Countdown of Murders”, “Law of Slaughter”, “United States of Leland”. In 2004, the guy moved away from the usual genres and starred in the romantic melodrama “The Notebook”. The picture brought Ryan and his partner Rachel McDamas the world fame. thrillers, dramas and romantic melodramas.

In 2014, for the first time, he did not act as an actor, but took on the duties of a director, filming the fantasy film How to Catch a Monster. The mass audience accepted the film coolly, Gosling's film was dubbed too intimate and "secondary to the grinding of teeth." However, it was nominated for two branches of the Cannes Film Festival: one in the Directorial Debut category, the other in the Un Certain Regard category.

Since the days of The Mickey Mouse Club, Ryan has not ceased to be fond of music. In 2008, he dated Rachel McAdams and her sister Kaylin dated Zach Shields, a composer and actor. Once, young people got into a conversation and found out that they both like horror stories and all kinds of horror paraphernalia. In addition, both were passionate about the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating a musical group. Thus, the Dead Man's Bones band was born. At the end of the same year, the guys posted their first track “In The Room Where You Sleep” on the Internet. A year later, the group presented their debut album “Dead Man’s Bones”, which included 12 songs.

He dated actresses Sandra Bullock, Rachel McAdams, Famke Janssen, Jamie Murray. She has been in a relationship with Eva Mendes since September 2011. On September 12, 2014, actress Eva Mendes gave birth to a daughter from Ryan Gosling, who was named Esmeralda Amada Gosling, and on April 29, 2016, the couple had a second daughter, Amada Lee Gosling.

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