Raikin Higher School of Theater Arts. Konstantin Raikin Higher School of Performing Arts - what applicants need to know


“I want us to be able to infect you with theater, so that it becomes not just a profession, but a way of life, a way of being, a way of knowing reality. To make it not just a service, but a service, faith is akin to religion. Konstantin Raikin

The Raikin Theater School is a relatively new, promising non-state university that trains specialists in all areas of performing arts. If you have not yet decided which institution to apply to, be sure to consider this option.

The Konstantin Raikin Higher School of Performing Arts accepts applicants for training in three main areas:

  1. Acting department. Prepares theater and film actors. The basis of training are disciplines: acting skills, stage speech, history and theater studies, dance, vocals.
  2. Management. Everything related to management and organization in the theater and concert field.
  3. Technics and techology. Sound engineering, general artistic design of performances, the use of modern technologies.

The university also offers a wide program of additional education - professional retraining in the following areas:

  • acting skills;
  • directing and organizing performances;
  • sound and light engineering;
  • management;
  • scenography;
  • retraining of teachers.

Official advanced training in the following areas:

  • makeup;
  • oratory;
  • scenario and director's organization of events;
  • pedagogy.

Acting department

At the acting department, two main directions are available to the applicant: acting, specialty "Drama Theater and Cinema Artist" and directing, specialty "Drama Director". In addition to specialized subjects, students study in many humanitarian areas, such as foreign languages, history, philosophy, cultural history and others.

Practical classes are held in the areas of stage movement, stage combat, choreography, vocals, acting, plastic education. For students at the school there is a special Educational Theater. In addition, close cooperation has been established with the Satyricon Theater, part of the practice takes place on its stage.

Admission to the acting department of the Higher School of Konstantin Raikin involves, in addition to the exam, passing a creative exam, an interview colloquium. The exam program is formed by the applicant arbitrarily, but should include:

  • song;
  • dance;
  • fable;
  • poem;
  • monologue;
  • excerpt from prose;
  • acting sketch.

Faculty of Management

This faculty trains management specialists, organizers, producers and managers of large projects in the theater and entertainment industry. The theater school of Konstantin Raikin prepares not just future businessmen and high-level leaders, but also cultural figures, successors of the rich traditions of Russian theater art, people with an active civic position, a reverent attitude to creativity.

Master classes, creative meetings with leaders of other theaters are held for students. Already at the training stage, there is an opportunity to make acquaintances, to observe the work of practicing organizers from the inside.

Training programs:

  • theater management and production;
  • performing arts management.

Faculty of Theater Technique and Technology

“The main task of our department in the preparation of future stage specialists is to teach our student to see the elegance of building structures in the spatial solution of the stage volumes of the performance, the optimality of its technological methods” Konstantin Raikin

The task of the Faculty of Theatrical Technique and Technology is to train a wide range of technical specialists: graphic designers, directors of light, sound, organizers of theatrical business, decorators. The training covers all the technical aspects necessary for the functioning of a modern theater, plus a broad humanitarian program, since even a theater technologist must love the art of the stage and understand it well. The training of the lighting designer of the performance includes 19 different disciplines. At the end of their studies at the institution, students are waiting for employment at the Satyricon Theater under the direction of Konstantin Raikin or offers from leading theaters in Moscow.

According to official information, the faculty has two educational laboratories:

  • educational laboratory of stage equipment and technologies;
  • educational laboratory of artistic and lighting design of the performance.

It is also noteworthy that the acting course will help you learn how to resolve conflict situations, maintain composure in a stressful atmosphere, get rid of many complexes associated with communication and public speaking, you will become more liberated and will be able to become the soul of the company.

A private Higher School of Performing Arts opens in Moscow, its other name is Konstantin Raikin's Theater School. The acting department will be the first to open, where the only tuition fee will be the talent of the applicant. Then the rest (already paid) will catch up - the faculty of management, sound engineering and lighting engineering. Such a set of specialties is not offered today by any theatrical university in the country. In addition, departments of professional retraining and additional education will open at the Higher School of Economics, where they teach a variety of theatrical specialties - from a make-up artist to a director of show programs.

Konstantin Raikin told Theater. about the goals and objectives of the new school:

“The idea of ​​creating my own school came to me a long time ago, although for a long time it seemed unlikely. I have been teaching for many years, but one day there is some kind of milestone, after which I want more independence. It seems to me that a developed drama theater generally tends to have a school with it: the Vakhtangov Theater or the Moscow Art Theater in their maturity felt the need to create their own school. Now the "Satyricon" has also acquired its own style, its own image, and it needs appropriate personnel. This does not mean at all that I will no longer watch graduation performances of other masters and accept their graduates into the troupe.

In addition, over twenty-five years of artistic leadership, I have accumulated vast experience in communicating with young people - not only with actors, but also with artists, technologists - on all fronts of theatrical activity. After all, the theater is a huge factory with many workshops, and each workshop makes me want to transfer the accumulated experience. So I plan to participate in the work of the sound engineering, lighting engineering, and management departments. Ideally, I would like to have a theater department as well - I am absolutely convinced of the need for this profession, but I want to bring some kind of lively, loving stream into it, which, it seems to me, is sorely lacking today. If I see that some student has "director's" brains, I'm ready to deal with him separately.

As for acting, I will teach in the same way as I taught at the Moscow Art Theater School, to which I am very grateful: for the instant support of my aspirations by Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov (which I did not meet, for example, at my native Shchukin Institute when I came there with a proposal to set your own course); for twelve years of joint work with people close to me in spirit and excellent attitude towards me; for the invaluable experience I gained there. But now I am going to leave the walls of the Studio School: it seems to me that if there is an opportunity to conduct an independent business, we must use it. Especially in connection with the current trend towards the reduction of creative universities, which I want to resist.

In addition, the relative independence of a private educational institution from the state makes it possible to experiment more freely, look for new ways of learning, and at the same time not report every second to people of different levels of training who control us on behalf of the state. Although the release parameters will be quite “according to GOST”.

If we talk about the education system, then, of course, I will teach according to the Stanislavsky system, as before. Although, speaking specifically about the actor's reincarnation, here the system of Mikhail Chekhov is closer to me, who believed that the image is "I" in the proposed circumstances of the role, that the image has nothing to do with the actor at all. You have to imagine this image, ask it a lot of questions, peer into it and thus get closer to it.

Litzapis - Olga Fuchs

"Lessons of Tabakov"

From April 14 to April 22, the Cultural and Educational Project-Festival "Tabakov's Lessons" was held in Saratov, conceived and implemented by the Saratov State Academic Drama Theater named after I.A. Slonova.
The theoretical part of the festival was devoted to the discussion of the main problems of education, it was attended by practicing teachers from metropolitan and provincial universities. As part of the practical part, students met with teachers from different universities, took part in master classes and experimented with elements of various stage trainings.
On one of the days of the festival, April 20, 2nd year students of the acting department of the Higher School of Performing Arts presented their class-concert “School. Underground. Dreams” (teachers-directors K.A. Raikin, S.V. Shentalinsky).
Before the performance, the master of the course, Konstantin Arkadyevich Raikin, delivered an opening speech. And after that, a discussion of the performance by the students of RATI-GITIS took place, which was led by the theater critic, chairman of the expert council of the Golden Mask festival - 2019 Alexander Vislov.
The "adult" part of the festival was attended by Associate Professor of the Department of Acting and Directing Sergey Vitalyevich Shentalinsky as a speaker of the theoretical part of "Tabakov's Lessons" and Artistic Director of the Higher School of Performing Arts, Head of the Department of Acting and Directing Konstantin Arkadyevich Raikin as the host of the master class Theater as Salvation.
A significant point on behalf of the delegation of the School was the poetic solo performance by Konstantin Raikin "Above the booth - the sky."
The sophomores expressed their impressions of participating in the festival and the city in which it was held quite poetically.

“Travel - the beauty of the road and the lively atmosphere of the train, then the city where you have never been, and the theater where you are very welcome. Touring is also part of the educational process, but it is of a completely different nature: in it you can feel like not just a student, but really an artist. Such responsibility lies with you for everything that you represent - the school and even the city, with such close attention you are looked at from the outside, even benevolently, that there is a need to comply. It makes you more mature morally and professionally. We had a wonderful audience: located, empathetic, ready for the theater, and not just waiting for the spectacle - this is a real gift and a rewarding experience. To the school, the festival, the city of Saratov - Thank you!
Yaroslav Zenin

“Theatrical energy is somehow mystically concentrated in this city - so many great artists started their activities there. It was clear in advance that local audiences would expect a lot from the capital's theater school. But we were wonderfully received, and there was even a feeling that the audience gave us a little more than we gave them. Thanks to the Saratov Festival for wonderful emotions and valuable experience!”.
Asya Voitovich

“I have never been to Saratov and did not even imagine this city. So I was ready for anything. And I want to say: this trip insanely cheered me up and pleased. We found ourselves in an amazing atmosphere. It's always exciting to go on stage, but in a strange place, the excitement triples. Standing behind the scenes, you try to imagine what kind of audience, how they are disposed, and, having heard sincere laughter and joy, you gladly take this step onto the stage. Amazing audience! How they connected, listened, watched! The meeting with the students (at the master class) was on the same wavelength. There was a feeling that you are standing in front of friends who are ready to listen to you. We have enjoyed this trip immensely. Thank you for this opportunity to participate in the Tabakov Lessons festival!”
Elizabeth Potapova

“The tour turned out very successful! It was a wonderful festival, with a very good program, cultural message and creative component. Theater schools came from all over the country, the city was flooded with theatrical youth, people involved in art in one way or another. An atmosphere of creativity reigned supreme. You feel proud from the feeling that you are a part of this, from the fact that you play with a full house on the big stage, you go to bow with your master. Thank you for this opportunity!
Arsen Khanjyan

Spring is conference time

Teachers of the "Higher School of Performing Arts" traditionally actively participate in scientific and practical events, the topics of which are in the field of their scientific interests.
So, on April 8-10, the lecturer of the Department of Acting and Directing Viktor Alexandrovich Nizhelskoy became a participant in the V International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Issues of Medical and Biological Support of Choreography and Sports", which took place in St. Petersburg.
Its organizers again were the Academy of Russian Ballet named after A.Ya. Vaganova and National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health named after P.F. Lesgaft.
The conference was attended by representatives of the largest educational institutions in the field of sports and choreographic art, research institutions, theaters and studios, in total more than 200 people from more than 50 organizations from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Serbia and Austria.
The Program included more than 45 reports on the following issues:
Issues of teaching disciplines of medical and biological profile in choreographic and sports educational institutions.
Medical and pedagogical control over those involved in choreography and sports.
Physiological and biomechanical foundations of motor activity and technical skills of dancers and athletes.
Development of physical qualities and abilities in choreography and sports.
History, theory and practice of pedagogical and psychological approaches in the preparation and improvement of the skills of dancers and athletes.
Viktor Alexandrovich made a report on the topic "Research of support reactions and plastic expressiveness in teaching a special course of physical culture to actors", in which he presented the materials of his research work.
As a result of the Conference, a collection of materials will be published, which will be placed in the Russian Science Citation Index system.

1. Due to technical reasons, there have been changes in the May repertoire.
1.1. The performance "Kharms", announced on May 25, 2019 and
Class-concert “School. Underground. Dreams.", announced on May 30, 2019, canceled.
1.1.1. Purchased e-tickets are non-refundable.
1.2. The performance "Dead Souls", announced for May 26, 2019, has been replaced by
class-concert “School. Underground. Dreams.
1.2.1. Purchased e-tickets are valid.
Technical support for electronic sales (purchase and return of tickets):

+7 495 215 00 00
We apologize
Administration of the Educational Theater.


According to the tradition of the Moscow International Festival of Student Performances “Your Chance”, every day ends with a discussion of the performance. So, after watching the performance “Dead Souls” on April 14, the audience and theater critics were able to ask the 4th year students of the acting department of the Konstantin Raikin Theater School and their teacher-director Roman Matyunin their questions.
And this day ended with a big surprise for the participants and spectators: the art director of the festival, Mikhail Pushkin, offered to play the graduation performance of the graduation course of the workshop of Oleg Topolyansky and Kama Ginkas on the stage of the STD RF Theater Center “On Strastnoy” again!

Photos taken from the page of the Theater Center "Na Strastnom".

Performance of the Children's School of Vocal Art on the stage of the Educational Theater


MAY 1 at 15.00 students of the Children's School of Vocal Art at the Chelyabinsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre. M. I. Glinka will present the best scenes from the family opera "Cat's House" and the musical "Look how I fly!" on the stage of the educational theater of the Higher School of Performing Arts. In addition, young actors aged 7 to 17 will perform choral works from the operas Christos Anesti and We Were Taught to Be Birds.



Dear viewers, the sale of tickets for the performances of the May repertoire of the Educational Theater has begun.
May 17 and 30 - the class-concert "SCHOOL. METRO. DREAMS" will reveal the secrets of comprehending the basics of the acting profession in observing animals and people, musical and dance parodies. Incendiary, musical, in one breath!)
May 18, 22 and 27 - the play "TWO VERONES" will present Shakespeare, love, betrayal, friendship and a sea of ​​musical openwork.
May 19 and 28 - the performance "Oh, how beautiful vaudeville!" whirl in a musical and song (in live vocal performance) whirlwind, seasoned with behind-the-scenes theatrical intrigues. Easy and humorous.
May 20 and 26 - the play "DEAD SOULS" will show a careful and respectful attitude to the work of the classic in a stylish, director's stage formulation.
May 21 and 29 - the performance "FANTASIES OF FARYATYEV" will present the amazing acting existence of young actors in several coordinate systems at once: temporal, age and sensual.
May 25 - the play "KHARMS" will draw an extravagant portrait of Daniil Kharms for the last time, tell about the life and hard fate of the writer with bold acting strokes and subtle strokes of body plasticity. LAST SHOW!
Waiting for you!
All performances start at 7:30 pm.

PURCHASE TICKETS ONLINE in a few clicks is possible here: http://school-raikin.com/theatre/afisha/

GSSI Konstantin Raikin: admission rules, requirements for applicants, required documents, program, tuition fees, contacts

About the Higher School of Performing Arts - Konstantin Raikin's Theater School. It is a non-state institution of higher professional education "Higher School of Performing Arts". GSSI Konstantin Raikin carried out the first enrollment of students in 2013, formed by 30 students. Now it is planned to include the Konstantin Raikin Theater School in the program under the auspices of UNESCO.
Faculties of the Higher School of Performing Arts Konstantin Raikin: acting (2013), management (2013), theater technique and technology (created in 2014)
Acting Department of the Higher School of Performing Arts Konstantin Raikin.

The Acting Department of the Higher School of Economics The Konstantin Raikin Theater School prepares students with a degree in acting and a specialization in drama theater and cinema. The term of study at the acting department of the HSSI Konstantin Raikin is 4 years with full-time or part-time education. Education at the acting department of the HSSI K. Raikin can take place on a budgetary and commercial basis, depending on the results of entrance examinations.

Rules for admission to the acting department of HSSI K. Raikin:
Admission to VTU named after Shchepkin takes place in 4 stages: a qualifying round, a practical exam on the skill of an artist, an oral colloquium and the provision of USE results in Russian and literature:

1. Selection consultations (rounds). Start from March. Applicants prepare a program for performance from a number of literary works of various genres: fable, prose, poem, monologue.

Applicants who have passed the qualifying round are admitted to the stage of entrance examinations:
2. Mastery of the artist (practical exam). Evaluated on a 100-point scale. It involves the performance by heart of several literary works: fables, poems, prose, monologue. It is desirable to include in the program small excerpts from works of classical, modern Russian and foreign literature, fables, prose, which differ from each other in content and genre.
At the practical exam on the skill of the actor of the Higher School of Performing Arts K. Raikin, the following are evaluated: the abilities of the applicant, the breadth of the creative range, the depth of the performed work, the ability to interest listeners in it.
3. Colloquium (oral). Evaluated on a 100-point scale. Reveals: knowledge of the main events of international and social life, the ability to correctly navigate the issues of modern theatrical life (theater, literature, music, fine arts, cinema and television, additional questions can be asked about the socio-political life of the country, international situation, etc. .).
At the oral colloquium of the Higher School of Economics of the Theater School of K. Raikin, the following are evaluated: the cultural level, the aesthetic views of the applicant.
4. The results of the Unified State Examination in Russian and Literature of students of the 2017-2018 graduation.
In the case of higher education, graduation from a secondary educational institution (school) before 2009, secondary vocational education in the specialty of admission or citizenship of the countries of the Near Abroad, the applicant does not need the results of the Unified State Examination. In this case, in addition to paragraphs 2 and 3, he takes general education exams at the GSOM K. Raikin: Russian language (composition) and literature (oral).
List of documents to the Admissions Committee of the HSSI Konstantin Raikin for full-time and part-time applicants of the Acting Department of the HSSI Konstantin Raikin:
Deadline for selection consultations: March-June
Pre-registration is carried out by e-mail. To the address [email protected] Applicants must send a letter stating:
Date of consultation (select 1 day from the suggested)
middle name
Place of residence on the passport
When consulting with yourself, you must have a passport and a photo 3 * 4

Acceptance of applications from applicants admitted to the competition: from June 15 to July 6, 2015 (in-person form), from July 6 to August 31, 2015 (in absentia)
1. Application addressed to the rector (according to a single form);
2. Certificates of the results of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language and literature or their copies, certified in the prescribed manner (before enrollment, they must be replaced with originals). Persons who successfully passed the entrance exams, but who, for objective reasons, did not have the opportunity to participate in the Unified State Examination during the period of the final certification, can take the Unified State Examination after the end of the entrance exams in the direction of the University, in July of this year. They will be credited after the presentation of the certificate;
3. Certificate or diploma ((original) or diploma);
4. 8 photographs 3x4 cm (photos without a headdress, on matte paper);
5. Medical certificate (form 286 or 086) dated the current year;
6. A photocopy of the passport (all completed pages);
7. Young men present a military ID or registration certificate and hand over copies of these documents.
8. Information about the applicant's individual achievements (if any, indicate information about them)

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