Raisa Gorbacheva: biography, family, causes of death. What did Raisa Kudasheva work for when she composed the lines of a future song? A Christmas tree was born in the forest


In the history of KVN, there was and is a huge number of infinitely funny teams. In addition to successful jokes, the participants of each of them are distinguished by a common style. The Raisa team (KVN) is no exception. The composition of the team, photo and biography are described below.

History of creation

The end of 2009 - during this period, the Raisa KVN team was formed. The composition at that time was somewhat different. The founders of the new team were wonderful KVN players:

  • Stanislav Agafonov, who migrated to Rais from Baikal;
  • Alexander Ivanov - head of the KVN league of the Baikal district;
  • Alexandra Chubykina - former captain of the Raisa KVN team.

The composition (names you will find below) has undergone some changes over time. But the level of the game did not suffer from this at all.

How the Raisa KVN team developed

The roster (photo below), which presented the team in 2010, has become truly significant for Rais. During this period, the team was lucky to become a member of the Asia KVN league. But they did not just participate, but "blew up" the audience and received the maximum number of points from the jury. With confident steps that season, they entered the final. In the final game "Raisy" took the second place of honor and received the proud title - vice-champions of the league. In December of the same year, "Raisy" by invitation participate in the Cup of Champions of MS KVN. Here they claimed a landslide victory, but still they were beaten again.

In 2011, the Raisa KVN team is sent to Sochi to conquer new heights. The composition of the wonderful KVN players simply breaks the audience and makes a splash in the first round of the Vocal KiViN festival. They fail to get past the second round. But participation in this project allows you to prove yourself on the good side and get an invitation to Minsk to participate in the First League.

The Raisa KVN team, whose composition is strategically changing in 2012, sets off to conquer the Vocal KiViN festival. Here, the new frontwoman of the team, Elena Khokhonenko, declares that it does not matter for them which Premier League they have to play in. By decision of Alexander Maslyakov, "Raisy" receive an invitation to the Major League. In the first game - the first place, in the quarterfinals - the second, but it also confirms that the Raisa KVN team is going to the final. The line-up with the new frontwoman of the team proved to be excellent. So already in July of this year, "Raisy" receive their first award of the festival "Voicing KiViN" - "Small KiViN in the light." In the final of the Higher League "Raisy" take the last place and get the bronze medal of the season.

KVN team "Raisa": composition and photos from performances

Speaking about the Raisa KVN team, it is necessary to name twelve beautiful girls. They are the decoration of the KVN team "Raisa". The composition of the team, photos and names are listed below:

  1. Vera Gasaranova - team captain. Born in 1986 in Buryatia.
  2. Elena Khokhonenko - frontwoman. Originally from Angarsk.
  3. Ksyusha Korneva - participant in the show "Ural dumplings". 1988 year of birth.
  4. Irina Khaltanova - originally from Ulan-Ude.
  5. Anna Beklemisheva.
  6. Anastasia Pertseva.
  7. Anastasia Zhukova - was born in 1990, July 29.
  8. Lyubov Grebenshchikova.
  9. Natalya Grishina.
  10. Lyubov Astrakhantseva - originally from Chunsky (1991).
  11. Valeria Gresko.
  12. Alexandra Chubykina - left the team in 2012.

Speaking about the Raisa team, one should not forget about one very important man - Stanislav Agafonov. It is to him that the Rais owe their creation and existence. To this day, Stanislav is the artistic director of the team.

Team Style

What is it, the Raisa KVN team? The composition is purely feminine, and her style is definitely non-standard. All performances of girls without fail include a large number of all kinds of props. Also, "Rais" do not skimp on physical tricks and at the same time limit the number of text jokes. The image of the girls consists of outfits of the forties or fifties of the last century. Such a stylistic decision perfectly emphasizes their humor. Usually girls joke about films, performers, TV shows, toys and other attributes of that era characteristic of the nineties. The team decided to take this name because of the common expression among the people about women who do not succeed - “Well, you are Raisa!”. In addition, the KVN team "Raisa" also has an appropriate composition. All images of girls are somewhat awkward and at the same time often found among the common population. The team also has an anthem, the chorus of which begins with the words: "Dance while you are young, girl of Paradise."

Facts from the life of girls

Anna Beklimisheva's favorite pastime is to play the Sims computer game. The girl gave six years of dancing lessons. Has a certificate of graduation from a music school. He knows how to play the guitar and piano.

Ira Khaltanova has been playing KVN since the sixth grade. At one of the speeches, she was entrusted to say one word, and she forgot it. For the girl Ira, this was a big shock, and she left KVN. Resumed the game only in the first year of university, and by accident.

Lena Khokhonenko is a family girl. Works as an administrator in a nightclub.

Lyuba Grebenshchikova is a provincial. She took up swimming. She loves to read and take care of her sisters' children. Dreams of finding a job by profession.

Vera Gasaranova plays in KVN despite the discontent of her parents. Other than that, he doesn't have time to do anything else.

Nastya Zhukova plans to combine work as a railway worker and playing in KVN.

Games in which the KVN team "Raisa" participated

The composition of the girls in the Raisa team is very unique. Once you see them, you want to watch them again and again. For all the time playing in KVN, the girls took part in many projects. The last of them were:

  • 2017 - the Highest League of KVN (1/8 finals) and the international festival "Voicing KiViN";
  • 2016 - Higher League of KVN (reached the quarterfinals);
  • 2013 - Cup of the President of Azerbaijan, Cup of the Mayor of Moscow, Major League of KVN (reached the semi-finals).

The main award is "Small KiViN in Light", which the girls were awarded in 2012 in Jurmala.

Despite a very long break in the games, the Rais have not lost their former positive and characteristic sense of humor. Their jokes are still remembered and parsed into quotes. Probably, everyone remembers the famous saying "Rais" that using a gel and a pen from Vishnevsky's ointment, Vlad Stashevsky created Stashevsky's ointment. Videos of their performances from past years are gaining hundreds of thousands of views. The most popular is the performance of "Little Red Riding Hood". The tale turned out to be not quite classical, since the girls chose the style characteristic of the painting "Boomer" for its performance. In 2017, the girls again showed aerobatics on the big stage of KVN. And whether there will be.

Raisa Adamovna Kudasheva (1878-1964) - Russian and Soviet poetess, writer. The author of the words of the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."
Little is known about the life of Raisa Kudasheva. She graduated from the women's gymnasium M. B. Pussel. She served as a governess to Prince Kudashev, later she married him. According to the reviews of relatives, she had a pedagogical gift. She worked as a teacher, and in Soviet times for several decades as a librarian.
She has been writing poetry since childhood. The first essay appeared in print in 1896 (the poem "Brook" in the magazine "Baby"). Since then, Kudasheva's poems and children's tales began to appear on the pages of many children's magazines, such as "Baby", "Firefly", "Snowdrop", "Sunshine" under the pseudonyms "A. E", "A. Er", "R. TO.". “I didn’t want to be famous, but I couldn’t help but write,” she later said. In 1899, Kudasheva's story "Leri" was published in the journal "Russian Thought", which remained her only work for adults. The story tells about the adolescence and youth of a girl from a noble family, her first great love for a brilliant officer.

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,
She grew up in the forest

In winter and summer, slender, green was.

The blizzard sang a song to her:
"Sleep, Christmas tree, bye-bye!"
Frost covered with snow:
"Look, don't freeze!"
Frost wrapped in snow
"Look, don't freeze!"

Coward Bunny gray
Jumped under the tree.

Sometimes a wolf, an angry wolf, trotted.

Chu! Frequent snow in the forest
Creaks under the runner;

The hairy horse is in a hurry, running.

The horse is carrying firewood,
And in the woods a peasant,

He cut down our Christmas tree to the very root.

And here she is, dressed up,
Came to us for the holiday

And brought a lot of joy to the kids.

Raisa Kudasheva is the author of the poem "Yolka", part of this poem was set to music. So the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" appeared.
In December 1903, in the New Year's issue of the Malyutka magazine, the poem "Yolka" was published, signed with the pseudonym "A. E." The poem, set to music by Leonid Beckman two years later, gained national fame, but the name of its true author remained unknown for a long time. Raisa Adamovna did not know that "Yolochka" had become a song. Only in 1921, quite by accident, when she was riding a train, she heard a girl sing her "Yolochka". The poem was again republished just before the start of the war in 1941 in the collection Yolka (M.-L.: Detizdat, 1941). The compiler of the collection, Esfir Emden, specifically sought out the author of the poem and indicated Kudasheva's name in the text.

By the river above the water
Teremok built
There with sister hen
There lived a cockerel brother.

Winter is turning silver
There was ice on the river.
"It's nice to ride" -
The Cockerel thought.

sister forbade
Ride Cockerel
And didn't even let
Walk along the coast.

Followed him closely
Scarecrow Rooster:
"There you slip down the hill,
And the river is deep.

To sister at birth
guests wanted to be
had to treat them
fry and boil.

She stands by the stove
And fries pies
And the brother rushed to the river,
Grab your skates.

As soon as he rolled
And sang: "Crow!"
As the ice suddenly broke...
Oh, woe to the Cockerel!

Can't move
Like a key, goes to the bottom.
-Oh oh! Save me sister!
Oh, chicken, I'm drowning!

Sister runs to scream
And the guests after her:
Magpie, Goose, Tit,
Bullfinch and Sparrow.

They work hard
rescued the bastard
Covered with a blanket
And they were taken in sleds.

Came to see the sick
Scientist Dr. Goose.
"There is no great harm here,
I'm going to heal."

Let him drink bitter quinine
twelve powders,
Drink tea with raspberries
And he will be healthy.

Our guests are seated
Dinner is ready
Mountain of oatmeal
And piles of pies

When he suddenly got excited
The sister's brother jumped up
He was very scared
That the guests will eat everything

Here the guests were noisy,
There was laughter all around
Like a cockerel out of bed
Fell somersault

Laughing birds trill
The goose began to cackle
And then the fun began
Can't describe with a pen."

There is a legend that the authorship of Kudasheva was revealed when she joined the Writers' Union of the USSR. According to one version, one day an elderly woman knocked on Maxim Gorky's office and said that she would like to join his organization. When Gorky asked what she wrote, the woman replied: "Only children's thin books." To this, Gorky replied that only serious authors who wrote novels and short stories were accepted into his organization. “No, it’s not like that,” the woman answered and went to the exit, and then turned around and asked: “Maybe you have heard at least one of my poems?” and read the famous lines to Gorky: “A Christmas tree was born in the forest, it grew in the forest, it was slender and green in winter and summer.” Hearing these lines, Gorky immediately accepted Kudasheva into the Writers' Union. According to another version, this story happened to Alexander Fadeev. Fadeev asked: “So you wrote this?” And he began to remember where it was printed and how he read these verses for the first time and cried, as all children cry when they reach the last lines of the poem. He summoned his employees to him and ordered that the author be immediately registered with the Writers' Union and rendered all possible assistance to her.
In total, Raisa Kudasheva published about 200 songs and stories, fairy tales and poetry books: “Sled Scooters”, “Stepka-Rash”, “Trouble Cockerel”, “Grandmother-Fun and Doggy Boom” ... Since 1948, after a long break, they began to print again collections of her works: "A Christmas tree was born in the forest ...", "Christmas tree", "Forest people", "Cockerel" and others.
Fame and recognition came to the writer only at the end of the 1950s, when she was already in her seventies.


The New Year and Christmas are coming. These days, the lines of the famous song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” involuntarily come to mind. Everyone remembers this favorite children's song, but few people know anything about the author of the words.
The author is the writer Raisa Kudasheva, a man of aristocratic origin who has lived a long, interesting life. Here is what Wikipedia says about her.

Raisa Adamovna Kudasheva (August 3 (15), 1878, Moscow - November 4, 1964, Moscow) - Russian and Soviet poetess, writer. The author of the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."
Born Gidroyts (rarely used variant of a surname in Russian). A descendant of the Lithuanian sovereign Grand Duke family, founded by one of the five sons of the Grand Duke Romundas (Roman) - Gedrus (~ + 1282) from the dynasty of Julian Dovshprung (~ 840 AD), who reigned in pagan Lithuania even before the house of Gediminas with the name t .n. dynasty of the Centaur according to the family coat of arms with the image of the heraldic Hippocentaur in the upper field and the Red Rose in the lower field, representatives of some branches of which moved to modern Belarus, Russia and Ukraine as early as the 14th - 16th centuries. In Russian spelling, a variant of the surname GEDROYTS was more often used (- Giedraitis, which can be translated from Lithuanian as “bright, clear.” According to another version of the translation, the surname could mean “singing horseman.” Subsequently, it was Polonized as Giedroyc).

After the last division of the Commonwealth between Russia, Austria and Prussia in 1794, representatives of some branches of the family for participating in the Napoleonic Wars and the so-called. Polish uprisings of 1831.1848, 1861-63 were deprived of the family princely title, as well as the princely and noble dignity of the Russian Empire with the confiscation of lands, property and simultaneous exile to the north of the Empire to Arkhangelsk, as well as to Siberia: Chita and Irkutsk. At the end of the exile, they were not allowed to return to their former places of residence, all the families of the former rebels were under open police supervision. Obviously, Raisa Adamovna's father was from such a family. His parents settled in Moscow. And, in all likelihood, he or his father restored the hereditary nobility, but without the princely title, which at that time required considerable funds. He was an official of the Moscow Post Office in the civil service.

Little is known about life. She graduated from the women's gymnasium M. B. Pussel. She served as a governess to Prince Kudashev, later she married him. According to the reviews of relatives, she had an undoubted pedagogical gift. She worked as a teacher, and in Soviet times - as a librarian.

Literary activity

She has been writing poetry since childhood. The first essay appeared in print in 1896 (the poem "Brook" in the magazine "Baby"). Since then, Kudasheva's poems and children's tales began to appear on the pages of many children's magazines, such as "Baby", "Firefly", "Snowdrop", "Sunshine" under the pseudonyms "A. E", "A. Er", "R. TO.". “I didn’t want to be famous, but I couldn’t help but write,” she later said. In 1899, Kudasheva's story "Leri" was published in the journal "Russian Thought", which remained her only work for adults. The story tells about the adolescence and youth of a girl from a noble family, her first great love for a brilliant officer.

Song about the Christmas tree

In December 1903, in the New Year's issue of the Malyutka magazine, the poem "Yolochka" was published, signed with the pseudonym "A. E "The poem, set two years later to the music of L. Beckman, gained national fame, but the name of its true author remained unknown for a long time. Raisa Adamovna did not know that "Yolochka" had become a song. Only in 1921, quite by accident, when she was riding a train, she heard a girl sing her "Yolochka". The poem was again republished just before the start of the war in 1941 in the collection Yolka (M.-L.: Detizdat, 1941). The compiler of the collection, E. Emden, specifically sought out the author of the poem and indicated the name of Kudasheva in the text.

There is a legend that the authorship of Kudasheva was revealed when she joined the Writers' Union of the USSR. According to one version, one day an elderly woman knocked on Maxim Gorky's office and said that she would like to join his organization. When Gorky asked what she wrote, the woman replied: "Only children's thin books." To this, Gorky replied that only serious authors who wrote novels and short stories were accepted into his organization. “No, it’s not like that,” the woman answered and went to the exit, and then turned around and asked: “Maybe you have heard at least one of my poems?” and read the famous lines to Gorky: “A Christmas tree was born in the forest, it grew in the forest, it was slender and green in winter and summer.” Hearing these lines, Gorky immediately accepted Kudasheva into the Writers' Union. According to another version, this story happened to Alexander Fadeev. Fadeev asked: "So you wrote this?" And he began to remember where it was printed and how he read these verses for the first time and wept, as all children cry when they reach the last lines of the poem: He summoned his employees to him and ordered that the author be immediately registered with the Writers' Union and provided to her all sorts of help.

Another version of this story is told in a letter from the widow of the poet Nikolai Aduev to the writer Viktor Konetsky:
During the war, writers relied on all sorts of rations. Aduev hated the monthly walking behind them. Once, in the corridor of the Writers' Union, he saw an unfamiliar old woman enter the cherished door, and heard the following conversation: "What list are you on?" - "..." - "Are you a prose writer or a poet?" - “I, in fact, wrote one poem ...” - “???” - “A Christmas tree was born in the forest ...” The impenetrable secretary of the Union jumped out into the corridor and shouted: “Do you know who this is ??? You don't understand this! You are too young!" And the old woman received everything at the highest level! So - hope for a good memory of generations!

In total, Raisa Kudasheva published about 200 songs and stories, fairy tales and poetry books: “Sled-scooter”, “Styopka-razrepka”, “Trouble cockerel”, “Grandmother-Zabavushka and dog Boom” ... Since 1948, after a long break, they again began to be printed collections of her works: “A Christmas tree was born in the forest ...”, “Christmas tree”, “Forest people”, “Cockerel”, etc.

Fame and recognition came to the writer only at the end of the 1950s, when she was already in her seventies. At that time, two interviews with the writer were published: one in Ogonyok, the other in Evening Moscow. In "Spark" - the only surviving photograph of Raisa Adamovna at a very advanced age.

Prepared by Vadim Grachev


Once, the chairman of the Union of Writers, Alexander Fadeev, was informed that some old woman had come, asking to receive her, saying that she was writing poetry. Fadeev ordered to let her in. Entering the office, the visitor sat down, put the knapsack she held in her hands on her knees, and said:

- Life is hard, Alexander Alexandrovich, help somehow.
Fadeev, not knowing what to do, said:
Do you really write poetry?
— Wrote, printed once.
“Well, all right,” he said, to end this meeting, “read me one of your poems.

She looked at him gratefully and began to read in a weak voice:

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree.
She grew up in the forest.
Slim in winter and summer
The green one was...

So you wrote this? Fadeev exclaimed in astonishment. By his order, the visitor was immediately registered with the Writers' Union and provided her with all kinds of assistance.

Raisa Adamovna Kudasheva (that was the name of the old woman) lived a long life (1878-1964). Born Princess Gidroits (Lithuanian princely family), in her youth she served as a governess to Prince Kudashev, later she married him. She worked as a teacher, and in Soviet times as a librarian. In her youth, she published mainly in children's magazines.

Kudasheva treated fame with amazing indifference and for many years she hid under various initials and pseudonyms. She explained it this way: “I didn’t want to be famous, but I couldn’t help but write.” In 1899, Kudasheva's story "Leri" was published in the journal "Russian Thought", which remained her only work for adults. The story tells about the adolescence and youth of a girl from a noble family, her first great love for a brilliant officer. In total, Raisa Kudasheva published about 200 songs and stories, fairy tales and poetry books.

In 1903, she wrote the Christmas tree poem, "Yolka":

Hairy branches bend
Down to the heads of the children;
Rich beads shine
Overflow of lights;
Ball after ball hides
And star after star
Threads of light are rolling,
Like golden rain...
play, have fun
The kids are here
And you, spruce-beauty,
They sing their song.
Everything is ringing, growing,
Voices of children's choir,
And, sparkling, swaying
Christmas trees are a magnificent decoration.

* * *
A Christmas tree was born in the forest, it grew in the forest,
In winter and summer, slender, green was!
The blizzard sang songs to her: “Sleep, Christmas tree ... bye-bye!”
Frost wrapped in snow: look, do not freeze!
The cowardly gray bunny jumped under the Christmas tree,
Sometimes the wolf himself, the angry wolf, trotted.

* * *
More cheerful and friendly
Sing, kids!
The tree will bow soon
Your branches.
Nuts shine in them
Who is not happy here
Is the spruce green?

* * *
Chu! Snow in the forest often creaks under the snake,
The hairy horse is in a hurry, running.
The horse is carrying a firewood, and a peasant is in the firewood.
He cut down our Christmas tree to the very root ...
And here you are, dressed up, you came to us for a holiday,
And brought a lot of joy to the kids.

More cheerful and friendly
Sing, kids!
The tree will bow soon
Your branches.
Choose for yourself
What will you like…
Ay thank you

These verses signed "A.E." were published in the Christmas issue of the Malyutka magazine. As you can see, they were something like a Christmas game scenario. Children are encouraged to sing "more cheerful and friendly" in order to earn gifts and goodies hanging on the Christmas tree. But the "voices of children's choir" based on her poems were heard only a few years later.

In 1905, Kudashev's "Yolka" caught the eye of the agronomist and passionate music lover Leonid Karlovich Beckman (1872-1939). He was a Baltic German, a hereditary nobleman, who had outstanding musical abilities. In the student choir of the university, he sang the part of the future outstanding singer Sobinov, when for some reason he could not perform. Shortly before the events described, in February 1903, L. Beckman married Elena Shcherbina, the adopted daughter of E.N. Shcherbina (director of the Slavianskiy Bazar Hotel), a talented pianist who graduated four years earlier with a gold medal from the Moscow Conservatory, later Honored Artist of Russia, professor at the Moscow Conservatory. Her professional skill was such that for the sake of a joke she could lie on her stomach on the lid of the instrument and play upside down.

The birth of the song took place on October 17, 1905, the day when the tsar signed the historical manifesto that transformed the state foundations of the Russian Empire.

According to the memoirs of Elena Beckman-Shcherbina, it was like this:

“On October 17, 1905, my eldest daughter Verochka turned two years old, and in the morning I gave her a living doll - my sister Olya, who was born at half past one in the night, that is, also on October 17. Verochka was delighted. While I was still lying in bed, Leonid somehow sat down at the piano, put Verik on his knees and composed a song for her based on a poem from the children's magazine "Baby" - "A Christmas tree was born in the forest, it grew in the forest ..." Verochka, who had excellent hearing , quickly learned it, and I, in order not to forget the song, wrote it down. Subsequently, we both began to compose other songs for children. This is how the collection "Verochka's Songs" appeared, which went through four editions in a short time, then - "Olenka the Singer".

Later music critics found that Beckman's music was not entirely original. The melody of "Yolka" echoes the song of the Swedish poetess and composer Emmy Köhler "Thousands of Christmas candles are lit" ("Nu tändas tusen juleljus", 1898)

and with the early 19th century German student song "Wir hatten gebauet ein stattliches Haus".

Nevertheless, Rachmaninov, Taneyev, Scriabin spoke approvingly about the "Yolka". After that, the new song began to gain more and more recognition, although Kudasheva did not even know about it for many years.

In 1933, when the New Year was officially celebrated in the USSR for the first time, designed to supplant the Christmas holidays, Kudasheva-Bekman's song again sounded under every Christmas tree. Kudasheva's text turned out to be ideologically sterile, and therefore acceptable - this Christmas song never mentions Christmas!

After her speeches about harassment, State Duma deputy Raisa Karmazina became an Internet star. The phrase “No one has harassed me. She was three hundred times more beautiful than them! And not stupider than them! I have been working for 50 years - 49 years of experience will be on July 1 - from the age of 18, no one asked! Nobody bothered! Didn't give a reason and didn't give anything! And if someone had molested, I would have slapped you! ”, - instantly went into memes. And we decided on this occasion to recall the biography of Raisa Vasilievna.

Unfortunately, no photographic evidence has been preserved about the times of 50 years ago, and it will not work to look at three hundred times more beautiful than the journalists now, Raisa Vasilievna. Personnel of that tender age, when not only “slapping”, but also a criminal term, was waiting for Karmazina, who harassed Karmazina. So you have to be content with meager biographical data.

The future people's choice was born in the Cossack Rostov-on-Don on January 9, 1951. Raisa Vasilievna still emphasizes her Cossack origin at every opportunity.

“I am a Cossack, and with us, if a girl married a guy who did not serve ... it was believed that he was worthless, unserved. I think there should also be public measures of influence - this is contempt for those who have not paid their debt, ”Raisa Karmazina said at a meeting of the State Duma.

In 1977, Karmazina graduated from the Rostov Institute of National Economy and moved to Norilsk, where in 1978 she entered the service of the financial administration and the federal treasury of Norilsk in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, where, without giving a reason and without giving anything, she worked until 1998. By the way, judging by these dates, the seniority of the deputy, apparently, counts not from the beginning of work in the financial department, but from some other dates and works that are not reflected in the official biography.

In parallel, the legislative career of Larisa Vasilievna developed. Two years after starting work as a financier, she becomes a deputy of the Norilsk City Council, where she works until 1990.

The last years of the USSR became the time of a new round of Karmazina's career growth. In 1990, she became a deputy of the Regional Council of Deputies, and in 1994, after the secondary elections, she was elected to the deputies of the newly appeared legislative assembly. True, in 1995, it didn’t work out, and Karmazina, who went to the Legislative Assembly from the pro-government movement “Our Home Russia” in the Yenisei district, lost the election to the super-popular corruption fighter Nelli Zhukova at that time. The time until 1997 was the first and so far the last break in Raisa Vasilievna's parliamentary activities.

In 1997, Karmazina returned to the Legislative Assembly, where she served as chairman of the Standing Committee on Finance, Budget and Tax Policy. In 2000, the Norilsk Cossack woman transferred to the Unity party, which later became United Russia, and no longer leaves it.

By the way, the oldest photograph of Raisa Vasilievna available on the Internet belongs to this period. It is placed in the author's article of the deputy about the Congress of Deputies in 1998 and contains a photo of the same period.

Karmazin became a State Duma deputy from United Russia in 2003. Now she will win all Duma elections. In the current Duma, she occupies several important posts at once: First Deputy Head of the United Russia faction, member of the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes, member of the State Duma Commission on Deputy Ethics.

Colleagues in the thought characterize Karmazina as the soul of the company. “Raisa Karmazina knows how to insert a cheerful and even strong word. This quality is appreciated by many colleagues in the faction. Vladislav Tretiak, a famous hockey player and deputy, directly addressed the committee meeting: Raisa Vasilyevna, save the stalemate - tell a joke urgently! ”, - says the Tuvinskaya Pravda newspaper.

It cannot be said that before the story about the “home-masking”, Raisa Vasilievna behaved imperceptibly, standing out among her colleagues only with her beauty and extravagant hairstyle.

The first time Karmazina was disgraced after the adoption of a law banning the adoption of Russian children by US citizens. Officially, the law is called "Laws of Dima Yakovlev" in honor of a boy from Russia who died in a foster family, while the opposition dubbed the document the "Law of scoundrels." After its adoption, Karmazina, in an interview with the Krasnoyarsk channel Prima, stated that she supported the law, although she had not read it. The case was in 2012.

In the same 2012, Karmazina once again hit the news, this time as a victim of a robbery. Unknown people took money and jewelry out of the deputy's apartment.

Perhaps it was the damage caused by the thieves that forced Karmazina to again attract everyone's attention in 2013, demanding to raise the salaries of deputies to the ministerial level.

“When will we finally receive a salary like that of ministers?” she complained at a meeting of the budget committee of the State Duma. Karmazina noticed that in more than nine years of her deputy, salaries were indexed only twice.

Since the salary of a deputy at that time was 150 thousand rubles, the population was somewhat frapped by Karmazina's statement.

In 2017, after the release of Navalny's film about Medvedev, Karmazina once again showed that in order to form an opinion about some phenomenon, it is not necessary to get acquainted with it. I did not read this "article" she declared and added

“You never know what Navalny writes there, who is he? Prosecutor, [employee] of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation? He's just a citizen. This is his own business, of course; a person who gets into politics, who has done nothing for the country, nothing at all, zero! And I'm not going to comment on it. Let him first pull out the beam in the eye.

But the deputy from the Krasnoyarsk Territory has not yet reached the level of today's glory. So this particular week can be considered the peak in the career of Raisa Karmazina.


Prospekt Mira joins the boycott of the State Duma and members of the ethics committee, who justified the actions of their colleague, in particular, Raisa Karmazina, who represents the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the Russian parliament.

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