The story "Forest Paths" from Pleshakov's book "The Giant in the Glade".


The Giant in the Clearing or the First Lessons of Ecological Ethics
Our planet Earth is very large in comparison with each person, and he is so small in comparison with it! But the same person walking through a forest clearing, edge, meadow, turns into a huge giant. Firstly, because creatures that are much smaller than a person live in glades and forest edges: beetles and ants, caterpillars and butterflies, bees and bumblebees, spiders and snails, and many, many others. Secondly, because even large inhabitants of the Earth, for example, centuries-old trees, not to mention small creatures, are most often defenseless in front of a person. Moreover, not only an adult, but also a child can be a powerful Giant in a clearing. It's good if this giant is kind. He will not deliberately step on an anthill hidden in the grass, will not offend a clumsy caterpillar sitting on a leaf, will not pick a flower in vain, will not leave garbage behind ... And how sad if the giant turns out to be unkind, indifferent, and even cruel to what surrounds him.
We will tell you how best to behave in nature, what can and cannot be done in it and why. After all, nature suffers not only from the smoke of factories and factories, from dirty waste that constantly pours into rivers and seas, from deforestation ... Nature is also bad because many people, picking mushrooms, fishing, just walking and relaxing, often harm her, sometimes without even noticing it. After all, many adults, when they were small, were almost not taught to protect nature at all. And many children have not yet had time to learn this.
The book is called The Giant in the Clearing. But it can also be called differently: "The first lessons of environmental ethics."
What does this mean?
Ethics is the science of the spiritual qualities of a person (such as kindness, honesty, responsiveness), about how to and how not to act in various life situations, about what is good and what is bad.
And ecology is the science of our natural home.
So it turns out that ecological ethics teaches how to treat nature, how to behave in it.
But we wrote: "The first lessons of environmental ethics." What does first lesson mean? Of course, we do not mean ordinary school lessons at all. The book contains only stories, but we hope that they can teach something. And very important and even the most important in relation to nature. In addition, we wrote this book so that it would help you not only in everyday life, but also in school lessons too. If you study according to textbooks that say "Green House", then this book will definitely come in handy for you.
Guys live and work on the pages of our book (the same as you, or younger or older than you), their parents, teachers and scientists, tourists and mushroom pickers. Most of the stories told are not fictional, but taken from life.
Animals and plants, stones and soil, water and air - this is all nature. Man is part of it. And if a person is handsome, kind, smart, then this is exactly how - beautiful, kind, smart - his behavior in nature should be.

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Allowance for students of educational institutions



Our planet Earth is very large in comparison with each person, and he is so small in comparison with it! But the same person walking through a forest clearing, edge, meadow, turns into a huge giant. Firstly, because creatures that are much smaller than a person live in glades and forest edges: beetles and ants, caterpillars and butterflies, bees and bumblebees, spiders and snails, and many, many others. Secondly, because even large inhabitants of the Earth, for example, centuries-old trees, not to mention small creatures, are most often defenseless in front of a person. Moreover, not only an adult, but also a child can be a powerful Giant in a clearing. It's good if this giant is kind. He will not deliberately step on an anthill hidden in the grass, will not offend a clumsy caterpillar sitting on a leaf, will not pick a flower in vain, will not leave garbage behind ... And how sad if the giant turns out to be unkind, indifferent, and even cruel to what surrounds him.

We will tell you how best to behave in nature, what can and cannot be done in it and why. After all, nature suffers not only from the smoke of factories and factories, from dirty waste that constantly pours into rivers and seas, from deforestation ... Nature is also bad because many people, picking mushrooms, fishing, just walking and relaxing, often harm her, sometimes without even noticing it. After all, many adults, when they were small, were almost not taught to protect nature at all. And many children have not yet had time to learn this.

The book is called The Giant in the Clearing. But it can also be called differently: "The first lessons of environmental ethics."

What does this mean?

Ethics is the science of the spiritual qualities of a person (such as kindness, honesty, responsiveness), about how to and how not to act in various life situations, about what is good and what is bad.

And ecology is the science of our natural home.

So it turns out that ecological ethics teaches how to treat nature, how to behave in it.

But we wrote: "The first lessons of environmental ethics." What does first lesson mean? Of course, we do not mean ordinary school lessons at all. The book contains only stories, but we hope that they can teach something. And very important and even the most important in relation to nature. In addition, we wrote this book so that it would help you not only in everyday life, but also in school lessons too. If you study according to textbooks that say "Green House", then this book will definitely come in handy for you.

Guys live and work on the pages of our book (the same as you, or younger or older than you), their parents, teachers and scientists, tourists and mushroom pickers. Most of the stories told are not fictional, but taken from life.

Animals and plants, stones and soil, water and air - this is all nature. Man is part of it. And if a person is handsome, kind, smart, then this is exactly how - beautiful, kind, smart - his behavior in nature should be.



Lives next to us, meeting on the forest edges and glades, an emerald, sparkling beetle - golden bronze. If in the summer you pass along the edge of the forest and notice the flowering rosehip bushes, stop and look at what is happening on them. Perhaps you are lucky and in one of the bright, fragrant flowers you will see her, bronze. What is she doing here? Of course, it feasts on pollen, which is so abundant in rosehip flowers.

Once a mushroom picker Pyotr Petrovich was walking through the forest. However, he was not an ordinary mushroom picker. Often, without picking mushrooms, he came from the forest very pleased. Friends and neighbors said to him: “Why, Pyotr Petrovich, did you go looking for mushrooms, but the basket is almost empty?”

And he, a little embarrassed, answered that he was not a mushroom picker at all and, probably, mushrooms did not like him.

But the whole point was that in the forest he was interested not so much in mushrooms as in other living creatures inhabiting the forest. And most of all those that have six legs are insects. Encounters with interesting insects gave this kind man more joy than a found mushroom.

Pyotr Petrovich walked through the forest and carefully looked at his surroundings. He looked and listened: would a dexterous, swift-footed beetle run along the path? Will a bright bear-butterfly flash over the grass? Will a beautiful hornet, striped like a tiger, buzz somewhere among the trees?

There are many wonderful insects in the world, they are here, nearby. You just need to love them and at least know a little, and then the desired meeting will definitely happen.

Pyotr Petrovich stopped in a small forest clearing and suddenly saw a sparkling green beetle flying around him. It was she - a golden bronze. Shrinking her circles, the beauty approached the man. Then the insect lover, thinking that the beetle was looking for a place to sit down to rest, raised the index finger of his right hand and froze. And a small miracle happened: a wonderful beetle “landed” on the tip of the finger and stayed there. Resting on her finger, the bronze woman moved her antennae, and a happy smile lit up the man's face.

Moments passed, and she soared into the air, flying somewhere about her business. Why the green-winged beetle chose a human finger to rest remains a mystery. After all, there were many twigs and leaves around, on which one could sit quietly. But what if the little creature felt the kind warmth emanating from a person who loved all living things so much? And it was it, this warmth, that attracted the beetle to him? Everything is possible, because people, knowing a lot about the life of insects, do not know even more ...

Maybe you will be lucky, and someday an emerald beetle will also fly to rest on your index finger.


Two May beetles sat on a birch leaf and talked peacefully.

How good it is to live in the world, - said one and with pleasure bit off an appetizing piece from a tender leaf.

Yes, - supported the other. - Pleasant conversation, delicious food, warm day - what could be better?

Melodious songs of birds were heard from all sides, a light breeze pleasantly moved a birch twig...

And suddenly...

Help! Help! - heard the beetles.

Help! Help! - there was a minute later, very close by, and a cockchafer, just like them, flopped onto a twig.

What happened? - asked two friends in one voice.

By... By... Help! - the arrived beetle tried to catch its breath. - By ... By ... Look, are they running after me?

Who?! - exclaimed the beetles, and again with one voice.

Boys, of course, boys, - answered their new acquaintance in a frightened whisper.

Calm down, - said one of the beetles solidly. Nobody was running after you. There is no one here but us. It's very good here. Nice conversation, delicious food and all that. And who are these boys?

You are happy, - said the arrived beetle, a little

calming down. - You don't know who the boys are. But I know, alas...

And he told his story.

I didn't know boys before either. Until he fell into their clutches. They have terrible paws with five huge toes. You know, I will never again forget those fingers that grabbed me and stuffed me into a cramped box. The boys called it a matchbox. I barely fit in it. Oh, it was stuffy and dark in there. They put this box in a huge bag they called a pocket, and shook it all the time, which made me dizzy. From time to time they opened the box and I thought they wanted to eat me. But they only looked at me, touched me with terrible fingers and again closed this unbearable prison.

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Our planet Earth is very large in comparison with each person, and he is so small in comparison with it! But the same person walking through a forest clearing, edge, meadow, turns into a huge giant. Firstly, because creatures that are much smaller than a person live in glades and forest edges: beetles and ants, caterpillars and butterflies, bees and bumblebees, spiders and snails, and many, many others. Secondly, because even large inhabitants of the Earth, for example, centuries-old trees, not to mention small creatures, are most often defenseless in front of a person. Moreover, not only an adult, but also a child can be a powerful Giant in a clearing. It's good if this giant is kind. He will not deliberately step on an anthill hidden in the grass, he will not offend a clumsy caterpillar sitting on a leaf, he will not pick a flower in vain, he will not leave garbage behind ... And how sad if the giant turns out to be unkind, indifferent, and even cruel to the fact that his surrounds.
We will tell you how best to behave in nature, what can and cannot be done in it and why. After all, nature suffers not only from the smoke of factories and factories, from dirty waste that constantly pours into rivers and seas, from deforestation ... Nature is also bad because many people, picking mushrooms, fishing, just walking and relaxing, often harm it, sometimes without even noticing it. After all, many adults, when they were small, were almost not taught to protect nature at all. And many children have not yet had time to learn this.
The book is called The Giant in the Clearing. But it can also be called differently: "The first lessons of environmental ethics."
What does this mean?
Ethics is the science of the spiritual qualities of a person (such as kindness, honesty, responsiveness), about how to and how not to act in various life situations, about what is good and what is bad.
And ecology is the science of our natural home.
So it turns out that ecological ethics teaches how to treat nature, how to behave in it.
But we wrote: "The first lessons of environmental ethics." What does first lesson mean? Of course, we do not mean ordinary school lessons at all. The book contains only stories, but we hope that they can teach something. And very important and even the most important in relation to nature. In addition, we wrote this book so that it would help you not only in everyday life, but also in school lessons too. If you study according to textbooks that say "Green House", then this book will definitely come in handy for you.
Guys live and work on the pages of our book (the same as you, or younger or older than you), their parents, teachers and scientists, tourists and mushroom pickers. Most of the stories told are not fictional, but taken from life.
Animals and plants, stones and soil, water and air - this is all nature. Man is part of it. And if a person is handsome, kind, smart, then this is exactly how - beautiful, kind, smart - his behavior in nature should be.


Lives next to us, meeting on the forest edges and glades, an emerald, sparkling beetle - golden bronze. If in the summer you pass along the edge of the forest and notice the flowering rosehip bushes, stop and look at what is happening on them. Perhaps you are lucky and in one of the bright, fragrant flowers you will see her, bronze. What is she doing here? Of course, it feasts on pollen, which is so abundant in rosehip flowers.
Once a mushroom picker Pyotr Petrovich was walking through the forest. However, he was not an ordinary mushroom picker. Often, without picking mushrooms, he came from the forest very pleased. Friends and neighbors said to him: “Why, Pyotr Petrovich, did you go looking for mushrooms, but the basket is almost empty?”
And he, a little embarrassed, answered that he was not a mushroom picker at all and, probably, mushrooms did not like him.
But the whole point was that in the forest he was interested not so much in mushrooms as in other living creatures inhabiting the forest. And most of all those that have six legs are insects. Encounters with interesting insects gave this kind man more joy than a found mushroom.
Pyotr Petrovich walked through the forest and carefully looked at his surroundings. He looked and listened: would a dexterous, swift-footed beetle run along the path? Will a bright bear-butterfly flash over the grass? Will a beautiful hornet, striped like a tiger, buzz somewhere among the trees?
There are many wonderful insects in the world, they are here, nearby. You just need to love them and at least know a little, and then the desired meeting will definitely happen.
Pyotr Petrovich stopped in a small forest clearing and suddenly saw a sparkling green beetle flying around him. It was she - a golden bronze. Shrinking her circles, the beauty approached the man. Then the insect lover, thinking that the beetle was looking for a place to sit down to rest, raised the index finger of his right hand and froze. And a small miracle happened: a wonderful beetle “landed” on the tip of the finger and stayed there. Resting on her finger, the bronze woman moved her antennae, and a happy smile lit up the man's face.
Moments passed, and she soared into the air, flying somewhere about her business. Why the green-winged beetle chose a human finger to rest remains a mystery. After all, there were many twigs and leaves around, on which one could sit quietly. But what if the little creature felt the kind warmth emanating from a person who loved all living things so much? And it was it, this warmth, that attracted the beetle to him? Everything is possible, because people, knowing a lot about the life of insects, do not know even more ...
Maybe you will be lucky, and someday an emerald beetle will also fly to rest on your index finger.


Two May beetles sat on a birch leaf and talked peacefully.
- How good it is to live in the world, - said one and with pleasure bit off an appetizing piece from a tender leaf.
“Yes,” said another. - Pleasant conversation, delicious food, warm day - what could be better?
Melodious songs of birds were heard from all sides, a light breeze pleasantly moved a birch twig...
And suddenly…
- Help! Help! - heard the beetles.
- Help! Help! - there was a minute later, very close by, and a cockchafer, just like them, flopped onto a twig.
- What happened? - asked two friends in one voice.
- By ... By ... Help! - the arrived beetle tried to catch its breath. - By ... By ... Look, are they running after me?
- Who?! - exclaimed the beetles, and again with one voice.
“Boys, of course, boys,” their new acquaintance answered in a frightened whisper.
- Calm down, - said one of the beetles solidly. Nobody was running after you. There is no one here but us. It's very good here. Nice conversation, delicious food and all that. And who are these boys?
- You are happy, - the arrived beetle said, a little
calming down. - You don't know who the boys are. But I know, alas...
And he told his story.
“Before, I didn’t know boys either. Until he fell into their clutches. They have terrible paws with five huge toes. You know, I will never again forget those fingers that grabbed me and stuffed me into a cramped box. The boys called it a matchbox. I barely fit in it. Oh, it was stuffy and dark in there. They put this box in a huge bag they called a pocket, and shook it all the time, which made me dizzy. From time to time they opened the box and I thought they wanted to eat me. But they only looked at me, touched me with terrible fingers and again closed this unbearable prison.
The beetle took a breath and looked painfully at the shocked listeners.
- Yes, yes, it was all, yes, yes, - he said and continued. - And then they pulled me out and began to force me to crawl across a huge field, which they called the teacher's table. They put some kind of logs in front of me, called pencils, and forced me to climb over them. And when I refused, they pushed me from behind with all their might. How humiliating it was...
Then they took a thick rope, which they called a thread, and wanted to tie it to my feet. They wanted me to fly this line for their amusement. Oh, how I fought, how I struggled ... Fortunately, at that moment there was some kind of deafening ringing. My tormentors shouted: “Call! Call!”, and everyone ran somewhere. I took advantage of the turmoil and escaped from the clutches of the main tormentor. My wings, my wonderful, strong wings saved me. I flew out through the open window and rushed as fast as I could. I flew, not understanding the road, further and further. I was afraid that they were following me... And here I am. Please, see if everything is intact with me - legs, antennae ...
The two bugs carefully examined their exhausted fellow and hurried to assure him that everything was in order.
“Eat,” one of them suggested with a deep sigh, “there is a very tasty leaf here.
Another thoughtfully said:
- Wow, how dangerous it is to live in the world ...


On that warm July day, Tanya's dad brought a lot of mushrooms from the forest. Tanya looked at the various mushrooms in the basket with interest. She especially liked the big boletus. She took it and exclaimed with delight: “Mom, look what a beautiful mushroom!”
And at that moment, a small, no more than a centimeter, nimble creature jumped out of the mushroom hat and ran along the girl’s arm, and then fell to the floor and rushed under the closet.
"Oh, who is this?!" Tanya exclaimed and dropped the mushroom in fright.
Mom looked under the closet. The little creature ran out into the middle of the room and darted about, and then ran around the leg of a chair. It was some kind of insect, it seems - a beetle.
“It must be crushed immediately, otherwise it will bite,” said my mother and began to catch the beetle. And he, as if realizing that he was about to die, quickly climbed onto his father's leg and froze, as if asking for protection.
Papa sat silently and looked at the unusual beetle with curiosity. And he was really unusual. In most beetles, the abdomen is covered with hard elytra, but this one is not. While running, he raised and lowered his abdomen. Probably, this movement frightened my mother, as if the beetle wants to sting, but he doesn’t have any sting at all.
Scientists call this beetle a mushroom picker, and if it’s for sure, then a red mushroom picker. It is called so because it is found in mushrooms and is mainly colored red. However, his head and part of his abdomen are black. The head of the mushroom picker is large, and on it are long jaws, like daggers. Another name for this beetle is the red predator. It is really a predator, but it is dangerous only for small living creatures that live in mushrooms. And above all, for small "worms" - the larvae of fungal mosquitoes and flies, the very ones that cause mushrooms to be wormy.
This is how it turned out to be a beetle.
What to do with it?
Opinions were divided. Mom still wanted to crush him, and dad offered to take the beetle to the forest.
Tanya was very happy about this, because she did not want the death of the mushroom beetle at all.
Dad deftly caught the red mushroom picker and put him in a jar. Then he brought and put there some green leaves. He closed the jar with a lid with many holes so that the beetle would not suffocate. The next morning, on the way to work, dad went into the nearest small forest and released the beetle into the wild ...
Yes, adults and children love to go to the forest for mushrooms, for berries, for nuts. This is a necessary and good thing. But here's what you should not forget: along with berries, nuts, mushrooms, a variety of small animals get into our baskets, bags, jars. These are all kinds of insects: small bugs, bugs, ants, caterpillars ... These are spiders and sometimes small centipedes. These are snails with and without shells.
All of them, along with mushrooms, nuts, berries, come to our home. And here they are most often met with a sad fate. Many people will destroy them immediately by sorting mushrooms and berries. And those who manage to run away and hide somewhere in the apartment will also die. After all, they are all inhabitants of the forest and can only live there.
How to be? And here's how: when picking mushrooms, berries, nuts, be careful. Examine them and remove all living creatures and leave them in the forest. Or just wait for the animals to run away and crawl away. They do it pretty quickly for the most part. Who wants to disappear!
And still one of them will get to your house. In this case, they can be collected in a small closed box or jar, but one in which they could breathe and did not die. And then do not be lazy and take them to the nearest forest, park or square.
Here, you say, what a rigmarole. But may your reward be the joy that you have saved the lives of so many sentient beings!

How to behave better in nature, how to become a kind Giant, a friend to all living things - this is what the book on environmental ethics tells about. It is addressed to younger students and is intended for use in the lessons of the "World Around the World" program, on electives, for independent reading and reading with parents.

    Giant in the clearing 1

    Funny story with golden bronze 2

    What did the cockchafer say 2

    Mushroom beetle case 2

    Caterpillar on a forest path 3

    unhappy bbw 3

    Caterpillar showing horns 4

    Grillotalpa grillotalpa 4

    Wasp on nose and fly in house 5

    Case in the attic 5

    Let the amazing bees live in the world 6

    Ant Meadow 6

    Do not catch insects for collections 7

    Take care of crayfish 7

    Leech story 8

    Respect the life of the earthworm 8

    Why are shells needed in the river 8

    Don't hurt the spider 9

    Who is hiding under the stone? nine

    Who lives in a teremochka? 10

    About little Nadia and the frog 10

    "Studied" 11

    Tadpole story 11

    Bufo bufo 11

    Triton 12 appeared in the water of a quiet river

    Animal holes and bird nests 12

    About the wild hedgehog and domestic troubles 13

    White Fairy Palace 13

    Walking the dog 13

    Noise in the forest 14

    Forest paths 14

    No entry! fourteen

    Cuckoo's Tears 15

    How to overcome the "overcome-grass" 15

    lady's slipper 15

    A little more about rare plants 15

    Talk in the woods 16

    Have pity on the birches 16

    Big old oak 16

    Into the forest by berries 17

    If you need medicinal plants 17

    Picking mushrooms 17

    Who needs a fly agaric? eighteen

    Bonfire burning 18

    Burning grass 19

    Your trash - always with you 20

    "Bottle mail" 20

    Invisible Treasure 21

    More expensive than pearls and gold - underfoot 21

    In cave 21

    And the stone is worthy of respect 22

    golden rule 22

The Giant in the Clearing, or the First Lessons of Ecological Ethics
Allowance for students of educational institutions

Giant in the meadow

Our planet Earth is very large in comparison with each person, and he is so small in comparison with it! But the same person walking through a forest clearing, edge, meadow, turns into a huge giant. Firstly, because creatures that are much smaller than a person live in glades and forest edges: beetles and ants, caterpillars and butterflies, bees and bumblebees, spiders and snails, and many, many others. Secondly, because even large inhabitants of the Earth, for example, centuries-old trees, not to mention small creatures, are most often defenseless in front of a person. Moreover, not only an adult, but also a child can be a powerful Giant in a clearing. It's good if this giant is kind. He will not deliberately step on an anthill hidden in the grass, will not offend a clumsy caterpillar sitting on a leaf, will not pick a flower in vain, will not leave garbage behind ... And how sad if the giant turns out to be unkind, indifferent, and even cruel to what surrounds him.

We will tell you how best to behave in nature, what can and cannot be done in it and why. After all, nature suffers not only from the smoke of factories and factories, from dirty waste that constantly pours into rivers and seas, from deforestation ... Nature is also bad because many people, picking mushrooms, fishing, just walking and relaxing, often harm her, sometimes without even noticing it. After all, many adults, when they were small, were almost not taught to protect nature at all. And many children have not yet had time to learn this.

The book is called The Giant in the Clearing. But it can be called in another way: "The first lessons of environmental ethics."

What does this mean?

Ethics is the science of the spiritual qualities of a person (such as kindness, honesty, responsiveness), about how to and how not to act in various life situations, about what is good and what is bad.

And ecology is the science of our natural home.

So it turns out that ecological ethics teaches how to treat nature, how to behave in it.

But we wrote: "The first lessons of environmental ethics." What does first lesson mean? Of course, we do not mean ordinary school lessons at all. The book contains only stories, but we hope that they can teach something. And very important and even the most important in relation to nature. In addition, we wrote this book so that it would help you not only in everyday life, but also in school lessons too. If you study according to textbooks that say "Green House", then this book will definitely come in handy for you.

Guys live and work on the pages of our book (the same as you, or younger or older than you), their parents, teachers and scientists, tourists and mushroom pickers. Most of the stories told are not fictional, but taken from life.

Animals and plants, stones and soil, water and air - this is all nature. Man is part of it. And if a person is handsome, kind, smart, then this is exactly how - beautiful, kind, smart - his behavior in nature should be.




Allowance for students of educational institutions



Our planet Earth is very large in comparison with each person, and he is so small in comparison with it! But the same person walking through a forest clearing, edge, meadow, turns into a huge giant. Firstly, because creatures that are much smaller than a person live in glades and forest edges: beetles and ants, caterpillars and butterflies, bees and bumblebees, spiders and snails, and many, many others. Secondly, because even large inhabitants of the Earth, for example, centuries-old trees, not to mention small creatures, are most often defenseless in front of a person. Moreover, not only an adult, but also a child can be a powerful Giant in a clearing. It's good if this giant is kind. He will not deliberately step on an anthill hidden in the grass, will not offend a clumsy caterpillar sitting on a leaf, will not pick a flower in vain, will not leave garbage behind ... And how sad if the giant turns out to be unkind, indifferent, and even cruel to what surrounds him.

We will tell you how best to behave in nature, what can and cannot be done in it and why. After all, nature suffers not only from the smoke of factories and factories, from dirty waste that constantly pours into rivers and seas, from deforestation ... Nature is also bad because many people, picking mushrooms, fishing, just walking and relaxing, often harm her, sometimes without even noticing it. After all, many adults, when they were small, were almost not taught to protect nature at all. And many children have not yet had time to learn this.

The book is called The Giant in the Clearing. But it can also be called differently: "The first lessons of environmental ethics."

What does this mean?

Ethics is the science of the spiritual qualities of a person (such as kindness, honesty, responsiveness), about how to and how not to act in various life situations, about what is good and what is bad.

And ecology is the science of our natural home.

So it turns out that ecological ethics teaches how to treat nature, how to behave in it.

But we wrote: "The first lessons of environmental ethics." What does first lesson mean? Of course, we do not mean ordinary school lessons at all. The book contains only stories, but we hope that they can teach something. And very important and even the most important in relation to nature. In addition, we wrote this book so that it would help you not only in everyday life, but also in school lessons too. If you study according to textbooks that say "Green House", then this book will definitely come in handy for you.

Guys live and work on the pages of our book (the same as you, or younger or older than you), their parents, teachers and scientists, tourists and mushroom pickers. Most of the stories told are not fictional, but taken from life.

Animals and plants, stones and soil, water and air - this is all nature. Man is part of it. And if a person is handsome, kind, smart, then this is exactly how - beautiful, kind, smart - his behavior in nature should be.



Lives next to us, meeting on the forest edges and glades, an emerald, sparkling beetle - golden bronze. If in the summer you pass along the edge of the forest and notice the flowering rosehip bushes, stop and look at what is happening on them. Perhaps you are lucky and in one of the bright, fragrant flowers you will see her, bronze. What is she doing here? Of course, it feasts on pollen, which is so abundant in rosehip flowers.

Once a mushroom picker Pyotr Petrovich was walking through the forest. However, he was not an ordinary mushroom picker. Often, without picking mushrooms, he came from the forest very pleased. Friends and neighbors said to him: “Why, Pyotr Petrovich, did you go looking for mushrooms, but the basket is almost empty?”

And he, a little embarrassed, answered that he was not a mushroom picker at all and, probably, mushrooms did not like him.

But the whole point was that in the forest he was interested not so much in mushrooms as in other living creatures inhabiting the forest. And most of all those that have six legs are insects. Encounters with interesting insects gave this kind man more joy than a found mushroom.

Pyotr Petrovich walked through the forest and carefully looked at his surroundings. He looked and listened: would a dexterous, swift-footed beetle run along the path? Will a bright bear-butterfly flash over the grass? Will a beautiful hornet, striped like a tiger, buzz somewhere among the trees?

There are many wonderful insects in the world, they are here, nearby. You just need to love them and at least know a little, and then the desired meeting will definitely happen.

Pyotr Petrovich stopped in a small forest clearing and suddenly saw a sparkling green beetle flying around him. It was she - a golden bronze. Shrinking her circles, the beauty approached the man. Then the insect lover, thinking that the beetle was looking for a place to sit down to rest, raised the index finger of his right hand and froze. And a small miracle happened: a wonderful beetle “landed” on the tip of the finger and stayed there. Resting on her finger, the bronze woman moved her antennae, and a happy smile lit up the man's face.

Moments passed, and she soared into the air, flying somewhere about her business. Why the green-winged beetle chose a human finger to rest remains a mystery. After all, there were many twigs and leaves around, on which one could sit quietly. But what if the little creature felt the kind warmth emanating from a person who loved all living things so much? And it was it, this warmth, that attracted the beetle to him? Everything is possible, because people, knowing a lot about the life of insects, do not know even more ...

Maybe you will be lucky, and someday an emerald beetle will also fly to rest on your index finger.


Two May beetles sat on a birch leaf and talked peacefully.

How good it is to live in the world, - said one and with pleasure bit off an appetizing piece from a tender leaf.

Yes, - supported the other. - Pleasant conversation, delicious food, warm day - what could be better?

Melodious songs of birds were heard from all sides, a light breeze pleasantly moved a birch twig...

And suddenly...

Help! Help! - heard the beetles.

Help! Help! - there was a minute later, very close by, and a cockchafer, just like them, flopped onto a twig.

What happened? - asked two friends in one voice.

By... By... Help! - the arrived beetle tried to catch its breath. - By ... By ... Look, are they running after me?

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