Tell a story about your favorite literary character. Composition on the topic "My favorite literary hero": examples


In this selection, we have combined 10 essays for all classes from 1 to 9 inclusive. All of them are dedicated to your favorite hero from a literary work. Under each heading corresponding to the class number, you will find two essays: one for a girl and one for a boy.

For girls (160 words). My favorite fairy tale character is Malvina from A. Tolstoy's book Pinocchio. She is a blue-haired doll who saves a wooden boy and teaches him. I remember her very much because she is prudent, obedient and intelligent.

Malvina plays in the theater of Karabas Barabas, but, along with other puppets, disrupts the performance when Pinocchio came to him. She is distinguished from others by wisdom, which is combined with beauty and good breeding. The kindness of the girl is also striking, because she saves Pinocchio. The brave dog Artemon removes him from the tree, and the heroine tries to teach the wooden boy good manners. She sees that he lacks education and life experience and wants to selflessly help. But Pinocchio does not appreciate this, gets into the closet and runs away. He never understood that Malvina was his devoted friend. I was disappointed that her efforts were in vain. But in the finale, the author rewards the girl with the opportunity to get into a magical land.

The heroine of the fairy tale sets a good example, so I liked her. I also want to study well and help less diligent children.

For boys (153 words). My favorite hero of the fairy tale is Ruslan from the work of A. Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila". This is a strong and courageous hero who defeated the evil wizard. For courage and valor, I remember him.

Ruslan married Lyudmila, but on the night after the wedding feast, the girl is kidnapped by Chernomor. Everyone around condemns the hero for not saving his wife. Then the hero, without further ado, goes after her. Other knights are traveling with him to recapture the beautiful princess. But he doesn't give up. His courageous character is stronger than circumstances. After going through the trials, he fought the evil wizard and chopped off his magical beard. On the way, he proved himself to be a brave, kind, courteous and intelligent warrior. These qualities were appreciated by those who met him. They helped Ruslan save his beloved.

I liked this hero, because he is not only distinguished by strength and courage, but also knows how to find an approach to people. He is kind and sympathetic, unlike other knights. That's why he wins in the final.

For grades 3-4

For girls (174 words). My favorite heroine of the fairy tale is Gerda from the work of G. H. Andersen "The Snow Queen". She is responsive, kind and courageous. These qualities helped her save Kai from the Snow Queen's captivity and melt the pieces of ice in his heart.

The heroine was friends with Kai, a neighbor's boy. But a fragment of a poisonous mirror hit him, so he began to see only the bad in the world. The Snow Queen found him on the street and took him away with her, because now his heart was as cold as hers. Having lost a friend, Gerda went to his rescue. On the way, trials awaited her, she was captured several times, but this did not break her. What I like most about her is the strength of the spirit. Thanks to her, a weak girl defeated powerful magic. She escaped from the magical garden, did not stay in a rich castle, survived among the robbers.

Everywhere people saw her kindness and openness, politeness and good breeding. Therefore, they willingly helped her find a friend. Good people always want to help, especially in a noble cause. So she got to the Snow Queen's castle and freed Kai. Her love melted the ice in his heart.

For boys (174 words). My favorite characters in fairy tales are positive characters, as a rule. However, I recently read the Russian folk tale Baba Yaga. It describes the difficult life of a stepdaughter whose stepmother was the sister of a forest witch. The girl was almost eaten by an evil witch, but her servants saved the heroine. Most of all, I liked the cat, who replaced the captive and taught her how to escape from Baba Yaga.

The cat is a very wise animal. Even in life, they find sore spots in people and lie down on them to relieve pain. This property of cats is played up in a fairy tale. The hero is smart, resourceful and cunning. But the evil mistress does not appreciate him. Because of this, he decided to support a kind girl who got to the sorceress. She gave him meat and said a kind word. To this, the witch's servant answered fairly - he helped the heroine escape. The cat gave her a magical comb that turns into a dense forest, and a towel that becomes a river when thrown. When the girl ran away, the hero began to spin instead of her and respond to Baba Yaga's questions. It was his wisdom that helped her survive.

This character sets a great example. It is necessary to accumulate useful knowledge in order to help people in difficult situations.

For grades 5-6

For girls (208 words). My favorite fairy-tale character is the heroine of the fairy tale by S. Ya. Marshak "Twelve Months". I really like the girl from the fairy tale, because she is modest, hardworking and kind. Her personal example taught the capricious queen in one day what the gray-haired professor could not teach her throughout her life.

Since the girl was well-mannered and kind, her rude relatives took advantage of her dependability. Hearing the decree about the reward for the snowdrops, they sent her to the snowy forest. The heroine almost froze to death, but she saw how they had been sitting by the fire for twelve months. They listened to the guest's story and decided to help. April gave her flowers and a ring in case of trouble. Of course, the stepmother and half-sister took all this from the stepdaughter. Having received what she wanted, the queen forced all three women to take her to a wonderful place. There, the magic ring fell, and the months decided to teach people a lesson by quickly changing the seasons. Finally, an old man approached the heroes who remained in the forest after the bad weather and rewarded everyone with the fulfillment of a wish. The girl did not ask for anything out of modesty, but she was nevertheless rewarded for her kindness with a team of horses and fur coats. It was then that the queen for the first time was forced to ask, not to order. So, the example of a noble and sympathetic girl taught her to behave well.

In my stepdaughter, I see an honest and hardworking person. We should all aspire to this proud title not in words, but in deeds.

For boys (201 words). My favorite character is Danila from P. P. Bazhov's tale "The Stone Flower". I like the hero because he is a master of his craft. He is most concerned about self-development, for the sake of it he sacrificed everything. This is the path of every creator.

Being a 12-year-old orphan, the boy was apprenticed to Prokopych. He gave him the material and was amazed, because Danila already knew how to work. He had amazing abilities. The elderly master began to teach him, but soon the student surpassed him. The master appreciated his talent and gave him the opportunity to work without ceasing. Danila's life improved, he even married Natasha. But he decided to marry only when he created a cup of unprecedented beauty. He heard about her only in legends. They said that there is a Queen of the Copper Mountain, who takes the best masters to her. He went to her, despite the danger. Finding her, he found the inspiration he was looking for. I recognized myself in his perseverance. I, too, am close to this purposefulness. In my favorite business, I would also like to achieve success, to do something that posterity would not forget about. That's why I like this character.

For grades 7-8

For girls (202 words). My favorite character is Della from O Henry's The Gift of the Magi. I am inspired by her selfless desire to make her husband happy. She is the “wisest” woman, the author himself awarded her with such an epithet.

To make her husband a worthy gift, the heroine sold her luxurious hair. The young family lived in poverty, and Jim's only treasure was a gold watch of rare beauty. Della wanted to give him a platinum chain, but there was nowhere to get money from. She was only able to save a dollar and eighty-five cents. Then she cut her hair and sold her hair, getting enough money to buy it. What the woman didn't know, however, was that her husband had pawned the watch to buy her a precious comb for her lost hair. Despite this, their Christmas turned out to be much happier than many rich people. It is such marriage unions, filled with sincerity and emotionality, and not money, that can last for many years. With a wife as loyal and kind as Della, Jim is sure to succeed.

I was impressed by the heroine that she has a very patient and really firm character. Instead of reproaching her husband who cannot earn enough money, she supported him and loved him devotedly. In addition, her act seemed to me more complicated. For the sake of her husband, she sacrificed part of herself, and not just jewelry value. She has the talent to love, and this is the most important thing that can be in life.

For boys (236 words). My favorite literary hero is Yushka from the work of the same name by A. Platonov. This inconspicuous man had wonderful qualities that people around him did not notice. But the one who was so underestimated and despised, even with his modest abilities, made this world a better place. That's why I like him.

Efim Dmitrievich suffered from consumption, so at 40 he looked older. He was frail and weak, and everyone offended him, because he could not answer anyone. His way of life seemed absurd to all the inhabitants of the city. The man did not spend the money he earned, he drank only plain water, he did not go anywhere except work. Only once a year he went somewhere, but no one knew where. So, in an atmosphere of mockery and resentment, his life flowed. At best, the townspeople treated him indifferently, at worst, they beat him. In one of these incidents, the hero found his death. In response to accusations of uselessness, Yefim answered the offender that if a person is born, then the white world already needs him. Then a passer-by beat the sick man. Only after Yushka's funeral did it become clear that all this time he had given his money to the poor orphan in order to teach her and raise her to her feet. The girl came to his city and began to treat its inhabitants, to help them disinterestedly in memory of the one who had done so much for her.

Yushka is a phenomenally kind person, his image inspires readers to become more merciful and patient. I also began to notice in myself that I also want to calmly react to the stupidity of others and also modestly do a good deed, not expecting praise.

For grade 9

For girls (250 words). My favorite heroine is Tatyana from A. Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin". This is a smart, moral and modest girl, whose example will help many women make the right choice. It is interesting that the author himself called her "sweet ideal".

Tatyana is a representative of the petty nobility. She was brought up by a nanny who instilled in her a love for folk tales and traditions. From an early age, the girl fell in love with reading. She drew wisdom from him. The mind shining in her eyes made her look individual. But there was a downside: the girl was shy of outsiders, did not like to be in society, did not know how to impress. However, Onegin immediately noticed her originality, although he could not appreciate all the merits at once. His refusal hurt Tatyana painfully, but did not break her character. The girl did not stop loving him all her life, despite the fact that she saw all the unsightly sides of his nature. Eugene flirted with her sister, then killed Olga's fiancé in a duel and completely fled from those places. However, the constancy of feelings is one of those virtues of the heroine, which she carried through her whole life. Added to this was also the permanence of beliefs, which is not so often found in people who are faced with temptations. Many years later, Onegin confessed his love to Tatyana, but she rejected him because she was already married and could not change her spouse. Her virtue staunchly guarded the bonds of marriage, even from belated love.

Thus, Tatyana Larina is a “cute ideal” not only for Pushkin, but also for many modern readers. By her own example, she proves an indisputable truth: a woman needs not so much beauty as wisdom and virtue. Only then will she fulfill her destiny, becoming a faithful wife and far-sighted mother.

For boys (246 words). My favorite character is Mtsyri from Lermontov's poem of the same name. This young man all his life strove for freedom and his father's home, his ideals are pure and moral. His escape expresses the strength and determination of his character. In a skirmish with a leopard, it is clear that he is endowed with both endurance and courage. In a word, this is the type of person who is able to do something.

Unlike the short-sighted Kalashnikov and the infantile Pechorin, this hero commands respect. Leaving the prison walls of the monastery, where he was forcibly taken from his native village, he began to learn about life as it is. Mtsyri did not accept the fate imposed on him, he went against it. The craving for freedom and determination led him to the world of wildlife, where he tried his hand. He went to look for a way to his native home in order to reunite with his people, but he did not find it. But he wandered through the expanses of beautiful valleys, competed with a leopard, saw a beautiful stranger. During the three days of his escape, he lived a lifetime filled with adventure and emotion. He experienced the rage and ardor of the fight, love and attraction, knew the beauty of nature and free existence. Despite the tragic ending, his fate was filled with meaning, but if he had stayed and taken the dignity, he would have lost himself completely. There was no place for him in a foreign land, there was no destination, therefore it is quite natural that he died. But he died after seeing something, becoming someone, and not betraying his ideals.

This hero inspires the reader to fight against an unjust fate and rebel against its tyranny. In his image are hidden such virtues as fortitude, love of freedom and courage. That's why I like this character.

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I would like to tell you about my favorite hero in the work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. And explain why I like it so much.

Of all the works of Pushkin, with which we managed to get acquainted during the five years of study, it is impossible to single out the best. Also with the hero. So I had to think to choose one of them. I think that I liked the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" the most.

The main characters are brave and strong, they are not afraid to stand up for what they believe in. I especially liked the main character - Lyudmila. Dear, according to Pushkin's description, an incredibly beautiful girl. When I first began to read the poem, Lyudmila did not arouse much sympathy in me. It seemed to me that she was too weak and defenseless. But, as the author introduced Lyudmila to us, I realized that this is not so. Her strength is in her devotion.

Throughout the poem, we see how Lyudmila faithfully waits for Ruslan, despite all the difficulties and troubles. It seems to me that when Pushkin created the image of Lyudmila, he wanted to show the ideal girl in her face. Even the author himself describes this heroine with great sympathy. According to his story about her appearance and qualities, we can say that he sees her only from the good side. And even when her bad trait should have manifested, because she was going to commit suicide, she still finds the right way out. From the fact that she remembered her loved ones and gave up thoughts of suicide, one can conclude that she is able to love and worry about the feelings of others.

Pushkin notes that by nature Lyudmila is a cheerful, cheerful and naive girl, she knew how to enjoy life herself and give joy to others. But her image changes when misfortunes fall on her. From a sweet girl, she turns into a woman who is ready to stand up for herself and her loved ones. With great courage, she rebuffed the sorcerer, screaming so that he was frightened. This shows her strong character. Her strength lies in how stubbornly she resisted adversity. She, as a girl, did not need to fight and be brave, but being in captivity, she did not give up.

I liked this heroine because she is not only beautiful, like many, but also does the right thing. Pushkin calls her a "pure soul", it seems to me that this is exactly what a girl should be. Lyudmila knows how to sincerely and inconsolably suffer for her love, but she also rejoices no less sincerely. She remains tender and vulnerable, needs Ruslan's protection, but when it is necessary to face danger, she can do it. You can also note her mind.

It probably has a negative side as well. It seems to me that any person has them, and even the image that the author creates. Perhaps she is too windy and naive, but in those days a girl was supposed to be like that. In one episode, she was not afraid to tear off the hat from the villain and look into his eyes, she did not run away, her courage is already manifested in this.

Most of all, I liked the sincerity in Lyudmila. I wanted people in our world to be just as sincere.

That's why I like the heroine of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin's poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila"

Even more essays on the topic: “My favorite hero of Pushkin”:

School essay on the topic: “My favorite hero A.S. Pushkin" tells about Ruslan, the main character of Pushkin's poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila".

When someone is asked what his favorite character is in the works of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, most often you can hear stories about such characters as Vladimir Dubrovsky or Pyotr Grinev. These characters, of course, have very bright and original characters, but I liked the main character of the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" the most. The young Prince Ruslan, in my opinion, is undeservedly overlooked, talking in detail about other heroes created by the pen of Alexander Sergeevich.

For example, look at a character like the young Dubrovsky. With all the nobility and rich inner world, this person, driven by revenge and anger, in fact, is a robber. Unlike many other Pushkin characters, Prince Ruslan cannot be reproached for thoughtless revenge, envy, or reckless anger. He performs all his exploits only for the sake of love, carrying only deep sorrow and sadness in his soul.

Ruslan is a person who has a bright, open soul and is looking for a stolen wife, without violating the laws of honor and dignity. It is him, I can call the real hero, without any reservations and doubts.

Prince Ruslan had many enemies who were jealous of his strength, wealth and success in love. But the main rivals were the young warriors Rogdai, Farlaf and Ratmir, since the inconsolable Vladimir, Lyudmila's father, promised anyone who saves his daughter to marry her, despite the fact that the wedding ceremony of Ruslan and Lyudmila had already taken place. The revival of seemingly already lost hopes for marriage with the beautiful Lyudmila intoxicated the heads of the soldiers and they set off, ready for anything to achieve their goal.

Imagine how Ruslan felt at that moment! He lost his beloved, who was pulled out by unknown forces from his arms, lost the respect of Lyudmila's father and found himself alone with his grief. Having set off on a journey, he did not even suspect the insidious plans of his rivals, but each of these warriors subsequently played a certain role in his life.

The most successful was his meeting with the Khazar Khan Ratmir. This young khan found his destiny in the image of an unknown young maiden, for whose sake he forgot his feats of arms, dreams of Lyudmila and became a peaceful fisherman.

The attack by Rogdai and the insidious kidnapping of Lyudmila by Farlaf cost him much more. Ruslan was not stopped on the way to the goal, neither by the cunning of Naina, nor by the battle with the head of the hero, nor by the intrigues of Chernomor, the main enemy and kidnapper of Lyudmila.

He came out of every battle as a hero, without losing his face and self-respect. But most of all I am attracted not by Ruslan's courage, determination and composure, but by his qualities such as honesty and compassion in battle. A real hero has no idea to kill or win for the sake of glory and the number of victories. It is more important for him to restore justice and preserve prosperity for many years to come. This is exactly what the young prince is. A strong, determined, courageous warrior and at the same time a fair, honest and loving person.

"Eugene Onegin" is one of the best works of Russian literature of the nineteenth century. The image of Tatyana Larina in this novel became close to me. Sensitivity, sentimentality, her spiritual loftiness, purity, ability to empathize and understand what others do not see, attracts her. It is the subtle inner world that makes Tatyana special, unique. Pushkin does not give a clear description of the appearance of the heroine, but he reveals to us her spiritual world:

Dika, sad, silent,

Like a forest doe is timid ...

Thought, her friend

From the most lullaby days

Rural Leisure Current

Decorated her with dreams.

Tatyana's soul is closely connected with nature. Landscapes against which the events unfold are consonant with the feelings of the heroine, perfectly express what is difficult to put into words. Tatyana is a romantic person. She is passionate about novels that replace human communication for her, giving food for her mind and imagination; Tatyana's idea of ​​life is also formed under the influence of novels. For herself, she has already come up with her hero, her ideal. He is endowed with the features of Wolmar, Werther, Grandison. He (like Tatyana herself) is unique, original, noble. When the time for love came, the girl saw this ideal in Onegin.

Gradually, she recognizes his true nature. He is not a romantic hero, but a skeptic, a realist, incapable of love. But Tatyana does not need the truth - she needs love.

The duel turned the lives of all the heroes of the novel upside down. Eugene, Olga leave the village. A deep trace remains in Tatyana's soul, her character and fate are changing, but love has not faded away - she is alive, but now Tatyana understands that it is impossible to live with feelings alone, they do not always need to be shown openly.

Tatyana, at the insistence of her mother, goes to Moscow, where she is persuaded to marry a general. And Tatyana from a romantic girl turns into an impeccable, refined “legislator of the hall”. Her pride, nobility, refined taste are genuine. And inaccessibility, indifference and carelessness - this is the mask that Tatyana is forced to wear under the pressure of the harsh laws of the world. And, in spite of everything, her feelings live, fill her heart, but they are hidden, locked. And in her heart she remains the same Tanya.

Her heart is torn back: to the old house, to the fields, forests, to the world where she lived without hiding her feelings, where she did not need a mask. But even in this secular environment, she cannot completely hide her feelings for Onegin:

She doesn't pick it up.

And without taking his eyes off him,

From greedy lips does not take away

His insensitive hand...

And yet, despite the depth of her feelings, when she "clearly understands everything", when she shares Onegin's love, Tatyana refuses Onegin. She prefers duty to feeling.

Why do I like Tatyana? It has an irresistible need to feel, to love, which is now less and less common.


So, she was called Tatyana.

Nor the beauty of his sister,

Neither by the freshness of her ruddy face would she have attracted the eyes.

Tatyana is my favorite heroine of A. S. Pushkin. For the first time with the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" I met in the lesson of Russian literature in the 9th grade. This novel occupies a central place in the work of the poet. This is his largest work of art. A. S. Pushkin, in a letter to the poet Vyazemsky, notes: “Now I am writing not a novel, but a novel in verse - a diabolical difference!” "Eugene Onegin" had the strongest influence on the fate of all Russian literature.

I want to write about Tatyana Larina, one of the main characters. A. S. Pushkin writes about her like this:

Her sister's name was Tatyana.

For the first time with such a name,

Gentle pages of a novel

We will sanctify

Drawing in his novel a captivating image of a Russian girl, not very beautiful, with a village name, the author does not embellish, does not idealize, both in characterizing her mental disposition and in depicting her behavior, although he declares more than once about his deep sympathy:

Tatiana, dear Tatiana!

With you now I shed tears ...

Forgive me: I love my dear Tatyana so much!

If Pushkin says that about her, then I think she is beautiful.

Tatyana grew up in a family as a wild, unkind girl who did not like to play with her friends, mostly immersed in herself, in her experiences. Curious, inquisitive, she tries to understand everything around her and her own soul, and, not finding an answer to her requests from her elders - mother, father, nanny - she looks for them in books that she has become addicted to since childhood, which I used to believe.

She liked novels early,

They replaced everything!

I think if her parents gave her more time, then she would not be so naive. About life, about people, Tatyana is used to judging by books. In them, she was looking for an expression of her own experiences. The life around her, the environment of the village landowners, their wives and children, little satisfies her demanding soul, her inquisitive mind. In novels, she saw a different life, more wonderful, significant and eventful, other people, more interesting; she believed that such a life and such people were not invented by the authors, but actually existed, and she was sure that she, too, would one day meet such people and live such a life. Pushkin says:

She fell in love with deceptions

Both Richardson and Rousseau.

Tatyana imagined her future chosen one as unusual. She was sure of a happy fate for herself.

It is not surprising that when she saw Onegin for the first time, so strikingly different from all the young people she knew, Tatyana immediately fell in love with him, imitating the heroines of novels. And so she writes a letter to Onegin, sends it off, and then worries, waiting for an answer.

It is remarkable that Tatyana was very fond of Russian nature. I think that love for nature, the customs of the people made her special: sincere, cordial, true to her word.

Later she is taken to Moscow, but even there she is bored and yearning. Mother wants to marry Tatyana to some important general - Tatyana at first resists, but then agrees, because she, in essence, does not care - happiness is no longer possible for her.

My mother begged me with tears of spells, she later tells Onegin, -

... for poor Tanya

All the lots were equal ...

I got married…

She becomes an important society lady. Everyone treats her with deep respect. Tatyana strictly fulfills her duties as a wife and mistress of the house, but she herself does not receive satisfaction, joy from this. When the heroine meets Onegin again and sees his love for her flared up in him, she feels insulted. Tatyana still loves Yevgeny, but nevertheless resolutely refuses happiness.

The main property of Tatyana is high spiritual nobility, a highly developed sense of duty, sincerity of feelings. Tatyana has changed outwardly, but not inwardly.

I think that Tatyana is doing the right thing by refusing Onegin. If she made a promise to be faithful to an unloved person, then she is obliged to keep this word inviolably. Let her now understand that it was a mistake on her part, that she acted carelessly - she herself should suffer for this mistake.

Belinsky said about Tatyana that Tatyana is “an exceptional being, a deep, loving, passionate nature. Love for her could be either the greatest bliss or the greatest calamity of life.”

I really liked Tatyana, because she is a woman with an amazing soul, strong will, sincerity of feelings, high sense of duty.

She became for me "Tatyana, dear Tatyana!"

My favorite fairy tale character.

All people love fairy tales. Mom read them to each of us in childhood. Every person has his own favorite fairy tale and favorite fairy tale hero whom he would like to be like. I also have a favorite fairy-tale hero, this is an elephant. My favorite book is "Elephant Went to Study", D. Samoilov wrote it. This is a poetic play in 4 acts. The main character in it is the baby elephant. He really wanted to study. Mom brought him to grade 1 - to the class of mice. But since he was of great stature, everyone was afraid of him. The enemy of the mice was a cat that offended them. The brave baby elephant saved the mice from him and the mice stopped being afraid of the baby elephant. He liked to go to school, here he made many friends: a duck, a pig, a camel. The baby elephant was very fond of traveling and dreamed of becoming a tourist in the future. Once he went on a journey with a camel. On the way they got lost, a crow and a worm helped them find their way. Elephant did not remember evil. Even when the cunning cat was drowning in the river, the baby elephant saved him.

I like the fairy tale "Elephant went to study" because it is kind, I also want to help my friends when it's hard for them. Fairy tales teach people goodness and justice. Good always wins in them. I want it to be the same in life.

My favorite literary heroine is Ariel the Little Mermaid. I like her for her cheerful nature.

She is very curious. She loves to swim on sunken ships. She has a best friend, a fish called Flounder. Ariel is from the royal family. Despite this, the Little Mermaid is late for fun events. And here is one of those cases. Ariel was having fun with Flounder and was late for the concert. Despite the fact that Ariel has a kind nature, she has enemies. Ursula is the Wicked Witch of the Seas. Ursula followed the princess. And when she was late for the concert, Ursula laughed.

But Ariel and her friends defeated the evil Ursula. That's what I can say about my favorite heroine.

Altyntseva Elena, 4a

My favorite literary hero.

My favorite literary hero is Winnie the Pooh. I like his stories about all sorts of adventures. I love reading stories about him and his friends. He has many friends: Piglet, Eeyore, Rabbit, Tigger and Owl. I like how Winnie the Pooh treats his friends, how he communicates with them. Like all other cubs, Winnie the Pooh loves honey, there is a story about this in one of the stories, how Winnie the Pooh climbed a tree into a beehive for honey.

stories about Winnie the Pooh teach kindness, the ability to make friends.

My favorite fairy tale character.

I have read a wonderful and interesting book by Paul White "The Adventure of Toto and Her Friends".

Toto is a small and funny monkey who always gets into various adventures. She always wanted to stand out among her friends.

One day, Toto decided to scare her friends. She pulled on a lion skin and introduced herself as a lion. When friends saw her, they immediately realized that it was Toto.

Suddenly, a leopard growled from behind the bushes. Giraffe Twiga, a friend of the monkey, said that it was dangerous for her, but the monkey did not listen. And suddenly a leopard ran out from behind the bushes and rushed at Toto. The monkey climbed up a tree and sat on the thinnest branch. The leopard sat on the same tree, only on a thick branch.

And then a giraffe came up to Toto and she jumped on his neck. So the giraffe saved his friend the monkey Toto.

What a stupid monkey she was, because she was not born a lion, but a monkey and had to imitate this, and not imagine herself as a lion or some other animal.

My favorite literary hero.

This is about my favorite fairy tale character, Winnie the Pooh.

Winnie the Pooh is a small teddy bear that is stuffed with sawdust. He has a very cheerful character, a kind soul, so he has many friends: Piglet, Rabbit, Eeyore, a wise Owl. Medvizhenok is always ready to help friends.

One day Eeyore lost his tail on his birthday. Winnie the Pooh saw him at the Owl. The cuff hung instead of a lace on the bell. Then the medvizhenok offered the Owl to give the tail to the donkey, and he himself carried a pot of honey as a gift, but ate it on the way, because he was very fond of sweets. He gave me an empty pot. Seeing his tail among the gifts, the donkey was very happy and grateful.
Medvizhonok loved to visit and even composed such a dog:

Who visits in the morning

He acts wisely.

That's what morning is for.

Winnie the Pooh is cheerful and cheerful, and I like people like him. That's why Winnie the Pooh is my favorite character.

I thought for a long time, who do I like the most? Whose character and behavior do I like best? What kind of hero is this? It turned out to be Harry Potter, I will say more, it was with this hero that my love for magic began, and for magic in general. What does it lead to, and what follows a series of incredible events. Don't you want to dream, forget about all the problems? Therefore, there are moments when, falling asleep, I dream that one day I too will receive an invitation to the School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft. I know that it’s impossible to get there, and indeed it’s all fiction, but it was the dreams and the feeling of lightness that hooked me in it. This little boy, with green eyes, of a thin build, who looks younger than his years, with black hair forever tousled, and his round glasses, which he always adjusts so carefully, are his scar. It seems like an ordinary guy, but there is something in him, something unusual, something that attracts him.

Maybe it's the simplicity, maybe it's his hesitant voice, but I'll stick with the fact that it's his character. Harry is actually very smart, but another thing is that he is hot in the head. If someone is in trouble, he will not hesitate, but will simply run to save. This shows that Harry is clearly not selfish. The book teaches friendship, kindness, help, and life, of course. Reading Harry Potter, I realized that a true friend will be with you even when there is no chance of winning. His friends were very afraid of Voldemort, but still did not back down and did everything to ensure that their friend achieved his goal. It was thanks to his friends that Harry became just like that, because if they did not support him, would he have confidence then? Harry was unlucky in life, his parents abandoned him, so he had to live in a family in which he was always laughed at and not particularly loved.

It was really hard for him, but what did he feel when he found out about his ability? He didn't say anything to anyone. Yes, of course, they would have laughed at him, I would not be surprised if they also handed over to the doctors. What is it like to live when you do not understand people, especially those with whom you live ... He leaves for Hogwarts, in a word - paradise. Harry is not accustomed to being in a new society, but he finds friends there. Harry Potter is a "man of first impression". If someone did not like (or vice versa, liked) him at first sight, he is very reluctant to reconsider his attitude towards him. True, he always easily and even happily forgives the offender, if only he says: "I'm sorry, Harry, I was deeply wrong." It happened with Ron, it happened a year later with Seamus, it happened again with Dudley… Harry can’t get rid of his own emotions and rely only on facts like Remus Lupin, he can’t tenaciously notice details like Hermione Granger, he can’t relate to everything with humor, like the Weasley twins. But on the other hand, he is able to deeply and strongly love people, and to anticipate what cannot be explained in words. "Always follow your intuition," Lupin tells him one day, "she almost never deceives you." Find me a man who at least once did not hear his name? Who has not watched this one of the best children's films: kind, magical, teaches love and friendship. The sincerity of this boy, do you remember it? That Christmas present they gave him. He did not receive much love, he is glad for any sign of attention. I say a huge thank you to Joan, for the emotions that I experienced when I read this book. For the time when I felt free when I was there with Harry. The world of Harry Potter is fiction, but it teaches us a lot. The main characters of the book possessed such traits as courage and loyalty. They fought evil and never gave in to it. Thanks to her "Harry Potter", many people who did not like to read, love reading. If there were more such books, all the people of the planet would become fans of literature.

My favorite hero.

Every person, I think, should have a favorite literary hero, whom he constantly remembers, tries to be not like him. It is best to talk about your favorite hero when he made an unforgettable impression, left a deep mark on your memory. I believe that my favorite hero is a person who treats people with love, kindness and understanding, acts decently and honestly towards them. All these qualities have existed for a very long time, so they could not bypass my hero, because without them there is neither love, nor friendship, nor mutual understanding. So, my favorite hero is a principled, honest, open and kind person.

I consider Vladimir Ustimenko my favorite hero. I learned about it in sufficient detail from the first book of Y. Herman's trilogy, The Cause You Serve. The author showed in the novel the anxious pre-war years, spoke about the youth of the protagonist Vladimir Ustimenko, about his choice of his path. In addition, Y. Herman spoke about Volodya's older friends, who influenced the formation of this wonderful doctor and person.

My favorite hero is my ideal, a spiritual mentor who mentally supports me in various matters. Vladimir was such a person for whom medicine was in the forefront, in first place among other sciences. For him, apart from "the cause he served," nothing else existed. Without medicine, his life would be boring and meaningless.

It all started in childhood. Volodya first began to acquire knowledge of medicine. He studied biology, chemistry, collected anatomical atlases, and once tried to buy a human skeleton in a store. Rembrandt's Anatomy Lesson hung in his room.

Visiting the anatomical circle, Volodya learned all the hidden secrets and secrets of this science. Gradually accumulated knowledge, he was able to apply in one terrible situation. Volodya had to provide medical assistance to the shepherd. “He tore off his shirt and began clumsily applying a tourniquet to his stump.” This act required great courage and resourcefulness, because not every person could not be confused in this situation.

Further, the author writes that in the first year of the institute, Volodya read many books on surgery, which brought him closer and related to medicine. After graduating from the institute. Volodya worked for the ambulance. The hero was especially struck by one story that he remembered for the rest of his life. One evening, Volodya had to help the sick Belyakov. "For a second or two he peered into Belyakov's face, then ordered to give him sugar." Having made several injections, he "gave life" to an almost hopeless patient.

Volodya's professionalism manifested itself in the village of Khare. The young doctor was not looking for easy ways, an easy victory in life, and therefore agreed to a trip to the village of Kharu. Here Volodya "erected his first real hospital with an outpatient clinic and an operating room." Vladimir always sought to alleviate the suffering of the sick. He was one of the first doctors in the village who began to perform complex operations. The doctor never retreated in the face of difficulties. He also saved the hopelessly ill Touche, who later began working in this hospital. I think that this example speaks of the indifference of my hero. Volodya truly served people, devoting himself to his beloved work. Among the inhabitants of the village there was a rumor about "what an amazing doctor lives in Khara." Volodya's conscience was always clear, because he fought for every patient.

I admire in this man that he achieved everything himself, made a brilliant career that was not an end in itself. The main thing for Vladimir was people's health.

I sympathize with him as a person, I admire his high professionalism, which is why I consider Vladimir Ustimenko my favorite hero.

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