Story theme is my favorite group. "People trust us with their mood": Three contemporary DJs on commercial music, earnings and improvisation


Cool! 5

When I first heard Vysotsky's song about a friend, I liked it. I liked the way the author performed it. But with each subsequent time, I realized that the song is not just beautiful, it has a meaning.

The lyrics of the song say how important it is to have a friend. But how do you know it's real? Vysotsky sings that a friend needs to be taken to the mountains, and then it will become clear what kind of person he is and how he treats me. So I thought about what if there are no mountains nearby? And who will let me go to the mountains alone with a friend? Of course, whoever coined these words had something else in mind. I became curious and asked my grandfather.

Grandpa said that he likes this song very much. And that at one time he also pondered the meaning of words for a long time. He understood these lines about the mountains as if you recognize a person only after some kind of test. But you do not need to arrange this check yourself. Then a friend, even if he is real, may be offended. Grandfather said that sooner or later, but the time will come to test friendship. Joy or sorrow will force us to respond and be together with a comrade. And how sincerely we are happy for a friend, or wholeheartedly want to help him, will depend on how real friends we are.

Vysotsky has many songs. And they are all interesting. Some are funny and some are serious. But I love the one where the real price of friendship is shown. After all, there cannot be 100 or 200 friends. These are all acquaintances. People we just met and learned a little about. There are no friends and 10 or 20. These are comrades about whom we know a little more than about acquaintances. We communicate with comrades, help them if we can. But there are 1-2 friends. These people will help and support even if they can’t, if it’s hard for them. They will always be there under any circumstances.

Composition: My favorite song

There are a lot of songs now. A variety of genres. New and not so much. My relatives always sang songs at all holidays. The songs were sung in a variety of ways.

Every day and every hour on the radio, TV, the Internet, in the player, we hear a lot of very different music and songs, without them it is difficult to imagine modern life.

Songs can be simple and not very, funny and sad. Most often I choose a song according to my mood. But I have one favorite song. I am a 5th grade student and I love girly TV shows. And my favorite song from Charmed is "How Soon Is Now" by Love Spit Love. In general, I love rock as much as TV shows. But as I heard this song at the beginning of one of the series, I fell in love with it immediately. It would seem nothing special. But something about the song grabbed me. Probably the series also influenced, because I always listened to it at the beginning of each series, I tried not to miss it. Then I found the full version, downloaded it, and continue to listen even now, when the series is over. The music in the song is quite calm for this genre, especially for the one I listen to. But I like her more and more. I am delighted with this song. In translation, it is called this: “When will you live in the present?” And it really captures the essence of the series. It sings about the son and heirs. This is a rather unobtrusive and calm music, albeit from the rock genre. She is special. This song is as mesmerizing as the show, maybe that's why I love it so much. I guess I'm not the only one who likes her. And this is not surprising, the music in it is really good, and the performance is cool.

This is the coolest song I have ever listened to and heard. It doesn't exist anymore and probably never will. The performers really did their best. The song "How Soon Is Now" creates a positive mood, gives only a good mood. And when I'm sad, I listen to this song. The mood is getting better.

Akezhan Kuliev (DJ AKI)

I have been listening to hip-hop all my conscious life - it was instilled in me by my father, sister and friends from early childhood. During my high school years, I went to a music school, where I stayed for three years, and even wrote music for a friend of mine who planned to become a successful rapper. .

When I got a little older, I went into dancing in the direction of hip-hop, which I live to this day. So I began to discover hip-hop culture from a new angle, being in a constant search for a variety of music.

To become a DJ, you need desire, hard work, love and a little bit of talent.

I learned DJing by myself, experimenting and trying to combine different genres of music. I feel most comfortable in hip-hop, funk and house direction. DJing is not difficult to learn on your own, but I think it would be useful to have someone who would guide and show the basics of this art.

At first, I surfed the Internet in search of music, but over time I developed my own system for finding the right tunes. Sometimes I purposefully collect sets (DJ's performance, consisting of a sequence of compositions - ed.) at home, so that I don’t sweat at the performance, and sometimes I come to the place and only there I understand that I want to play.

People trust me with their mood, and I take this issue more than seriously.

In Kazakhstan, there are DJs with good musical taste and developed skills who could easily play on the international stage. However, we have so much commercial music that the really talented guys get lost in the crowd.

I like modern Kazakh performers - each of them is individual and has a special musical style. Of the modern musicians, I single out Raihana Mukhlis - having abruptly burst onto the Kazakhstani stage, she surprised everyone with her extraordinary sound. And thanks to Galymzhan Moldanazarau, I began to love songs in the Kazakh language and treat Kazakh music without stereotypes.

Listen to Rayhana Mukhlis
and Galymzhan Moldanazar

In addition to DJing, I also teach dance and work in show ballet. I am still very young, and my income is enough for me to live in abundance. When you earn on your favorite business, you don’t even think about how much you get for this work.

Nikolay Shkoda (DJ Shkoda)

I went through the standard “musical career” of a guy from the provinces: at the age of 11 I began to learn Tsoi’s songs on an acoustic guitar, and at 13 I recorded rap tracks from a friend in a makeshift studio.

In November 2016, I accidentally got to the Vzlyotnoy party, where I first heard underground techno, and was pleasantly surprised. After 2 weeks, he began to study DJing at the electronic music school at Vzlyotnaya.

DJing for me is an opportunity to share emotions through music in a way that I like and receive emotions from the audience in return.

People come to raves (electronic music parties - ed.) to get emotions from the music. The DJ's job is to convey them, to immerse the audience in a certain atmosphere. However, no matter how technical the DJ may be, he will not be able to convey these emotions if he himself does not experience them during the performance.

In DJing, the main thing is to be sincere, love the music you play and not try to please the audience at the expense of your musical taste. People immediately feel it, and the mood changes.

I come to a performance with a folder of several dozen tracks, I try to feel the atmosphere of the hall, I listen to my mood. An understanding comes to me with which track I want to start the performance. And then - I catch a wave and improvise. I mainly play minimal techno, IDM, deep techno and acid house genres. Sometimes I like to fool around with Gorillaz, Chemical Brothers or Depeche Mode techno remixes.

It would be cunning to say that my entire performance is an absolute improvisation. Of course, I have thoughts in my head about what kind of tracks I want to play. But in most cases these plans are amorphous and only half fulfilled. I never played a lot of the tracks I brought in because I thought they were cool at home and when I was performing I thought they were out of place.

DJing requires musical taste. If a person, hearing music for the first time, cannot immediately determine whether it is good or not, then it will be very difficult for him.

The demand for quality techno music in Kazakhstan is very low, but I think it's only a matter of time. In post-Soviet Ukraine and Georgia, people also did not understand what it was, but now it is difficult to imagine the world's techno culture without these countries.

There are not very many good musicians in Kazakhstan. Among Kazakhstani performers, I can single out Scryptonite - he knows how to go beyond rap music, while remaining a purely genre performer. As a result, he gets a unique style, and not a hodgepodge of different directions.

Listen to Scriptonite

I treat DJing as a hobby. The question of money has never been in the first place for me - I do it because I like it and have no illusions that I will be paid 40,000 euros per set. I have a main job that brings me a stable income.

Alikhan Asanov (DJ Ali Jazz)

There is a moment from childhood that is firmly imprinted in my memory - I am 4 years old and our house is full of CDs with the music of Louis Armstrong. It was a warm August evening, my father turned on one of the discs, and the song “Let my people go” began to play. The sunset was creeping through the window, and this moment filled the whole house. We were two. I looked at my father - he listened to the music with his eyes closed, shaking his head to the beat.

After some time, the older brother became interested in break dancing and began to bring home cassettes with music. Since we lived together, I had no choice - I had to wake up in kindergarten to rap (Laughs).

On one of the battles (dance competition - ed. note) in which my brother participated, I stood next to the DJ. He turned on the track before the dancers' final exit, filling the dance floor with powerful energy. I was there and experienced indescribable pleasure. Since then, I started to get involved in DJing, and at the age of 18, my parents gave me a couple of turntables.

DJing is one of the forms of presence of music in my life.

A DJ's job is to find material - we call this "digging". I try to find an exclusive, so that only I have this material. It is important for me to have my own sound - this is one of the main commandments that modern DJs have forgotten.

Sometimes I play on the radio - I turn on all my favorite tracks. At parties, you need to see the situation on the dance floor, see the mood, understand the energy of people. At home, I only prepare the technical moments of the set.

There are guys who sit on toys at a laptop and switch the songs of Kairat Nurtas. Calling them DJs is disrespectful to those who actually work on mixing, material and other details.

More often than not, residency in a club kills the DJ in the DJ. He sits on the payroll, playing what he is told. Usually this is the top 100 most popular tracks. Have you noticed that the same music plays in different places? Modern DJs have forgotten that their duty is to acquaint people with music, to educate them. I understand very well that business is part of music, but if a person respects himself, he will not listen to this slag.

Sometimes I prefer to listen to silence. But I never get tired of music - it's always an interesting journey for me.

The father of Kazakh music is Batyrkhan Shukenov - his music accompanies us all from childhood. All musicians have something to learn from him, because he was very sincere in creating his songs. His music is saturated with love, and I am inspired by this.

Batyrkhana Shukenova

To get acquainted with the musical heritage of Kazakhstan, go to.

Zakruzhnaya Ekaterina. School No. 4, Vanino, Khabarovsk Territory, Russia
Essay in English with translation. Nomination Art.

My favorite musical group

My name is Katya. I like music. My favorite musical group is "China". It consists of Grisha "Raduga", Sonya "Fink", Pasha "Skitls, Seryozha "Dzhus". I would like to tell about this group.

Grisha is twenty years old. His star sign is Libra. He goes in for extreme sports. His favorite actor is Lesli Nilssen. His favorite musical group is "Metallika". I think he is friendly and energetic. And I know that he likes dancing very much. I also like dancing.

Sonya is nineteen years old. Her star sign is Cancer. When she was young she liked dancing very much. She graduated from a drawing school. She is confident, has a sense of humour. Recently I have known that she is interested in history like me. She likes sport very much. Her favorite kind of sport is roller skates. Her favorite musical group is "Green Day".

Pasha is twenty years old. He likes playing the guitar. His star sign is Leo. He plays the guitar, the drums and the piano. He is generous.

I like this group. My favorite song is "My heart". My friends like this group too. Recently I have read that "Music is the universal language of the world". Do the children from other countries like group "China"? I think that many of them like this group.

My name is Kate. I love music. My favorite musical group is China. It consists of: Grisha "Rainbow", Sonya "Fink", Pasha "Skittles", and Seryozha "Juice". I would like to talk about this group.

Grisha is twenty years old. His zodiac sign is Libra. He is into extreme sports. His favorite actor is Leslie Nielsen. His favorite band is Metallica. I think he is a friendly and energetic person. And I also know that he loves to dance.

Sonya is nineteen years old. Her zodiac sign is Cancer. When she was little, she loved to dance very much. She graduated from art school. She is always confident in success and she has a sense of humor. Recently I found out that she is interested in history like me. She loves sports very much. She loves rollerblading. Her favorite music group is "Green Day".

Pasha is twenty years old. He loves to play the guitar. His zodiac sign is Leo. He plays guitar, drums and piano. He is noble.

I like this group. My favorite song is "My Heart". My friends also like this group very much. I recently read that "Music is the universal language of the world." Children from other countries also like this group? I think a lot of them like it.

Among these melodies there is a motive for any mood: romantic, positive or dreary, to relax and not think about anything, or, conversely, to collect your thoughts.

The Italian composer and pianist works in the direction of minimalism, often turns to ambient and skillfully combines classical music with other musical styles. He is known to a wide circle for atmospheric compositions that have become soundtracks for films. For example, you will surely recognize the music from the French tape "1 + 1" written by Einaudi.

Glass is one of the most controversial personalities in the world of modern classics, which is either praised to the skies or criticized to the nines. He has been with his Philip Glass Ensemble for half a century and has written music for over 50 films, including The Truman Show, The Illusionist, Taste of Life and The Fantastic Four. The melodies of the American minimalist composer blur the line between classical and popular music.

The author of many soundtracks, the best film composer of 2008 according to the European Film Academy and a post-minimalist. Captivated critics from the first album Memoryhouse, in which Richter's music was superimposed on poetry readings, and subsequent albums also used fictional prose. In addition to writing his own ambient compositions, he arranges classical works: Vivaldi's The Four Seasons topped the iTunes classical music charts in his arrangement.

This creator of instrumental music from Italy is not associated with sensational cinema, but is already known as a composer, virtuoso and experienced piano teacher. If you describe Marradi's music in two words, then these will be the words "sensual" and "magical". Those who love retro classics will like his creations and covers: notes of the last century are seen in the motives.

The famous film composer has created musical accompaniment for many high-grossing films and cartoons, including Gladiator, Pearl Harbor, Inception, Sherlock Holmes, Interstellar, Madagascar, The Lion King. His star flaunts on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and on his shelf are Oscar, Grammy and Golden Globe. Zimmer's music is as varied as these films, but no matter the tone, it strikes a chord.

Hisaishi is one of the most famous Japanese composers, having won four Japanese Academy Film Awards for best film score. He became famous for writing the soundtrack for Hayao Miyazaki's anime Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind. If you're a fan of Studio Ghibli or Takeshi Kitano's tapes, you're sure to admire Hisaishi's music. It is mostly light and light.

This Icelandic multi-instrumentalist is just a boy compared to the listed masters, but by his 30s he managed to become a recognized neoclassicist. He recorded accompaniment to a ballet, won a BAFTA award for the soundtrack to the British TV series "Murder on the Beach" and released 10 studio albums. Arnalds' music is reminiscent of a harsh wind on a deserted seashore.

Lee Ru Ma's most famous works are Kiss the Rain and River Flows in You. The Korean New Age composer and pianist writes popular classics that are understandable to listeners on any continent, with any musical taste and education. His light and sensual melodies for many became the beginning of love for piano music.

Dustin O'Halloran

The American composer is interesting in that he does not have a musical education, but at the same time he writes the most pleasant and quite popular music. O'Halloran's tunes have been used in Top Gear and several films. Perhaps the most successful soundtrack album was for the melodrama Like Crazy. This composer and pianist knows a lot about the art of conducting and how to create electronic music. But his main field is modern classics. Cacchapalla has recorded many albums, three of them with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. His music flows like water, it's great to relax under it.

What other modern composers are worth listening to

If you love epic, add Klaus Badelt, who worked with Zimmer on Pirates of the Caribbean, to your playlist. Also, Jan Kaczmarek, Alexandre Desplat, Howard Shore and John Williams should not be missed - you need to write a separate article to list all their works, merits and awards.

If you want more delicious neoclassicism, pay attention to Niels Fram and Sylvain Chauveau.

If you don't get enough, remember the creator of the soundtrack to "Amelie" Jan Tiersen or discover the Japanese composer Tammon: he writes airy, dreamlike melodies.

Which composers' music do you like and which don't? Who else would you add to this list?

My favorite singer

I love music and I can say that I'm fond of a lot of music styles. It depends on my mood: sometimes I need some energetic and light disco music but I can also enjoy classical, lyrical or jazz pieces of music as well. And there is one singer I can listen to at any time. Her name is Rihanna.

My love for her started several years ago. It was in 2007 when I turned on the radio and the DJ said: “Here is a new single from Rihanna.” I fell in love with that song immediately. The young girl was singing “The Umbrella”. The tune was very catchy, the voice was so soft and deep. I couldn't help dancing and singing along with her. That song became a hit at once and it was one of the best-selling singles of all time.

My favorite singer was born in 1988 in Barbados and her full name is Robyn Rihanna Fenty. Today she has released 7 studio albums so far and has already sold more than 150 million records worldwide. Rihanna has earned numerous music awards. She always gets stadiums full of her fans. I also dream of visiting her concert some day and dance to her tremendous songs in reggae, hip-hop and R'n'B styles. The lyrics in her songs are quite meaningful and romantic.

Rihanna is a very beautiful and talented person. She is not just a singer with a powerful voice, she is also an actress and a successful fashion designer.

I love music and I can say that I am fond of many musical styles. It all depends on my mood: sometimes I need energetic and light disco music, but I can also enjoy classical, lyrical or jazz compositions. And there is one singer that I can listen to at any time. Her name is Rihanna.

My love for her began a few years ago. It was 2007 when I turned on the radio and the voice of the DJ announced: "And now a new single from Rihanna." I fell in love with that song in an instant. A young girl sang "Umbrella". The melody was very catchy, the voice was so soft and deep. I couldn't help but dance and sing along with her. That song became an instant hit and was the best-selling single of all time.

My favorite singer was born in 1988 in Barbados and her full name is Robin Rihanna Fenty. To date, she has released 7 studio albums and has already sold over 150 million records worldwide. Rihanna has received numerous music awards. She always gathers stadiums full of fans. I also dream of one day attending her concert and dancing to her cool songs in reggae, hip-hop and R'n'B styles. The lyrics of her songs are quite meaningful and romantic.

Rihanna is a very beautiful and talented person. She is not only a singer with a powerful voice, but also an actress and a successful fashion designer.

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