Behavioral disorders in children. The main types of behavioral disorders in children Socialized conduct disorder


Hyperactive behavior (due, as already mentioned, mainly to neurodynamic personality traits). Perhaps, the hyperactive behavior of children, like no other, causes complaints and complaints from parents, educators, and teachers.

These children have an increased need for movement. When this need is blocked by the rules of behavior, the norms of the school routine (i.e., in situations in which it is necessary to control, arbitrarily regulate their motor activity), the child develops muscle tension, attention deteriorates, performance decreases, and fatigue sets in. The emotional discharge that follows this is a protective physiological reaction of the body to excessive overstrain and is expressed by uncontrolled motor restlessness, disinhibition, qualified as disciplinary offenses.

The main signs of a hyperactive child are physical activity, impulsivity, distractibility, and inattention. The child makes restless movements with the hands and feet; sitting on a chair, writhing, wriggling; easily distracted by extraneous stimuli; hardly waits for his turn during games, classes, in other situations; often answers questions without hesitation, without listening to the end; has difficulty maintaining attention when performing tasks or during games; often jumps from one unfinished action to another; cannot play quietly, often interfere with the games and activities of other children.

demonstrative behavior.

With demonstrative behavior, there is a deliberate and conscious violation of accepted norms, rules of conduct. Internally and externally, this behavior is addressed to adults.

One of the options for demonstrative behavior is childish antics, which has the following features:

  • the child makes faces only in the presence of adults and only when they pay attention to him;
  • when adults show the child that they do not approve of his behavior, the antics not only do not decrease, but even increase.

What prompts the child to use demonstrative behavior?

Often this is a way to attract the attention of adults. Children make such a choice in those cases when parents communicate with them little or formally (the child does not receive the love, affection, warmth that he needs in the process of communication), and also if they communicate exclusively in situations where the child behaves badly and he should be scolded , punish. Having no acceptable forms of contact with adults, the child uses a paradoxical, but the only form available to him - a demonstrative trick, which is immediately followed by punishment. That. "communication" took place. But there are also cases of antics in families where parents communicate with children quite a lot. In this case, the antics, the very blackening of the child “I am bad” is a way to get out of the power of adults, not to obey their norms and not give them the opportunity to condemn (since condemnation - self-condemnation - has already taken place). Such demonstrative behavior is predominantly common in families (groups, classes) with an authoritarian style of educator, authoritarian parents, educator, teacher, where children are constantly condemned.

One of the options for demonstrative behavior is whims - crying for no particular reason, unreasonable masterful antics in order to assert themselves, to attract attention to "take over" adults. Whims are accompanied by motor excitement, rolling on the floor, scattering toys and things. Occasionally, whims can occur as a result of overwork, overexcitation of the child's nervous system by strong and varied impressions, and also as a sign or consequence of an onset of the disease.

From episodic whims, it is necessary to distinguish entrenched whims that have turned into a habitual form of behavior. The main reason for such whims is improper upbringing (spoiltness or excessive severity on the part of adults).

Protest behavior:

Forms of protest behavior of children - negativism, obstinacy, stubbornness.

Negativism is the behavior of a child when he does not want to do something just because he was asked about it; this is the reaction of the child not to the content of the action, but to the proposal itself, which comes from adults.

Typical manifestations of children's negativism are causeless tears, rudeness, insolence or isolation, alienation, touchiness.

"Passive" negativism is expressed in a tacit refusal to carry out instructions, demands from adults. With “active” negativism, children perform actions opposite to those required, strive to insist on their own at all costs. In both cases, children become uncontrollable: neither threats nor requests have any effect on them. They steadfastly refuse to do what until recently they performed unquestioningly. The reason for this behavior often lies in the fact that the child accumulates an emotionally negative attitude towards the demands of adults, which impede the satisfaction of the child's need for independence. Thus, negativism is often the result of improper upbringing, a consequence of the child's protest against the violence committed against him. “Stubbornness is such a reaction of a child when he insists on something, not because he really wants it, but because he demanded it ... the motive of stubbornness is that the child is bound by his original decision” (L.S. Vygotsky)

The reasons for stubbornness are varied:

  • it may be a consequence of an irresolvable conflict between adults;
  • stubbornness may be due to general overexcitability, when the child cannot be consistent in perceiving an excessively large number of advice and restrictions from adults;
  • and the cause of stubbornness may be a long emotional conflict, stress that cannot be resolved by the child on his own.

Obstinacy differs from negativism and stubbornness in that it is impersonal, i.e. directed not so much against a specific leading adult, but against the norms of upbringing, against the way of life imposed on the child.

Aggressive behavior is purposeful destructive behavior, the child contradicts the norms and rules of people's life in society, harms the “objects of attack” (animation and inanimateness), causes physical damage to people and causes them psychological discomfort (negative experiences, a state of mental tension, depression, fear). Aggressive actions of the child can act as:

  • means of achieving a significant goal for him;
  • as a way of psychological relaxation;
  • replacement of a blocked, unmet need;
  • as an end in itself, satisfying the need for self-realization and self-affirmation.

The reasons for aggressive behavior are varied:

  • a dramatic event or need for the attention of adults, other children,
  • an unsatisfied need to feel strong, or a desire to make up for one's own grievances,
  • problems that appear in children as a result of learning,
  • a decrease in emotional sensitivity to violence and an increase in the likelihood of the formation of hostility, suspicion, envy, anxiety - feelings that provoke aggressive behavior due to exposure to the media (systematic viewing of films with scenes of cruelty);
  • authoritarian parenting style;
  • deformation of the value system in family relations;
  • disharmonious relationships between parents, aggressive behavior of parents towards other people.

infantile behaviour.

Infantile behavior is said to be in the case when the child's behavior retains features inherent in an earlier age.

Often, during a lesson, such a child, disconnecting from the educational process, imperceptibly begins to play (rolls a typewriter around the map, launches airplanes). Such a child is unable to make a decision on his own, to perform some action, feels a sense of insecurity, requires increased attention to his own person and the constant care of others about himself; He has low self-criticism.

Conformal behavior - such behavior is completely subordinate to external conditions, the requirements of other people. These are super-disciplined children deprived of freedom of choice, independence, initiative, creative skills (because they have to act on the instructions of an adult, because adults always do everything for the child), acquire negative personality traits. In particular, they have a tendency to change their self-esteem and value orientations, their interests, motives under the influence of another person or group they are included in, significant to them. The psychological basis of conformity is high suggestibility, involuntary imitation, "infection". Conformal behavior is largely due to incorrect, in particular authoritarian or hyper-protective, parenting style.

symptomatic behavior.

A symptom is a sign of a disease, some painful (destructible, negative, disturbing) phenomenon. As a rule, the child's symptomatic behavior is a sign of trouble in his family, at school, it is a kind of alarm signal that warns that the current situation is further unbearable for the child. For example, a 7-year-old girl came from school, scattered books and notebooks around the room, after a while she collected them and sat down for lessons. Or, vomiting - as a rejection of an unpleasant, painful situation at school, or a temperature on the day when the test should take place.

If adults make mistakes in interpreting children's behavior, remain indifferent to the child's experiences, then the child's conflicts are driven deeper. And the child unconsciously begins to cultivate a disease in himself, as it gives him the right to demand increased attention to himself. Making such a “flight into illness”, the child, as a rule, “chooses” exactly that illness, that behavior (sometimes both at the same time) that will cause the most extreme, most acute reaction from adults.

There are the following types of behavioral disorders:





Aggressive behavior. As you know, destructiveness (destructiveness) is closely related to such a basic human characteristic as aggression. In psychology aggression is understood as a tendency (desire) manifested in real behavior or fantasizing, with the aim of subjugating others or dominating them. This trend is universal, and the term "aggression" as a whole has a neutral meaning. In fact, aggression can be both positive, serving vital interests and survival, and negative, focused on satisfying the aggressive drive itself.

The usual manifestations of aggression are conflict, slander, pressure, coercion, negative assessment, threats or the use of physical force. Hidden forms of aggression are expressed in avoiding contact, inaction with the aim of harming someone, harming oneself and suicide.

Aggressive attraction can manifest itself through various aggressive affects, such as (in order of increasing intensity and depth), irritation, envy, disgust, anger, intolerance, negativism, rage, rage and hatred, the intensity of aggressive affects correlates with their psychological function 2 .

From the foregoing, we can conclude that aggressive behavior can have different (in terms of severity) forms: situational aggressive reactions (in the form of a short-term reaction to a specific situation); passive aggressive behavior (in the form of inaction or refusal to do something); active aggressive behavior (in the form of destructive or violent actions). The leading signs of aggressive behavior can be considered such manifestations as:

Expressed desire to dominate people and use them for their own purposes;

The tendency to destruction;

Focus on causing harm to others;

Tendency to violence (inflicting pain) 1.

Delinquent behavior. The problem of delinquent (illegal, antisocial) behavior is central to the study of most social sciences, since public order plays an important role in the development of both the state as a whole and each citizen individually.

This term refers to the unlawful behavior of a person - actions of a particular person that deviate from the laws established in a given society and at a given time, threaten the well-being of other people or the social order and are criminalized in their extreme manifestations. A person who exhibits illegal behavior qualifies as a delinquent person (delinquent), and the actions themselves are delicts.

criminal behavior is an exaggerated form of delinquent behavior in general. In general, delinquent behavior is directly directed against the existing norms of state life, clearly expressed in the rules (laws) of society 1.

dependent behavior. Dependent behavior of a person is a serious social problem, since in a pronounced form it can have such negative consequences as loss of working capacity, conflicts with others, and the commission of crimes.

Dependent behavior, thus, turns out to be closely connected both with the abuse of something or someone by the individual, and with violations of his needs. In the specialized literature, another name for the reality under consideration is used - addictive behavior. In other words, this is a person who is in a deep slavish dependence on some irresistible power.

Dependent (addictive) behavior, as a type of deviant behavior of a person, in turn, has many subspecies, differentiated mainly by the object of addiction. Theoretically (under certain conditions) it can be any object or form of activity - a chemical, money, work, games, exercise or sex.

In accordance with the listed objects, the following forms of dependent behavior are distinguished:

Chemical dependence (smoking, substance abuse, drug addiction, drug addiction, alcohol addiction);

Eating disorders (overeating, starvation, refusal to eat);

Gambling - gambling addiction (computer addiction, gambling);

Sexual addictions (bestiality, fetishism, pygmalionism, transvestism, exhibitionism, voyeurism, necrophilia, sadomasochism (see glossary));

Religious destructive behavior (religious fanaticism, involvement in a sect).

As people's lives change, new forms of addictive behavior appear, for example, computer addiction is spreading extremely rapidly today.

Various forms of addictive behavior tend to combine or pass into each other, which proves the commonality of the mechanisms of their functioning, for example, a smoker with many years of experience, having given up cigarettes, may experience a constant desire to eat. A heroin addict often tries to maintain remission by using softer drugs or alcohol 1.

Suicidal behavior. Suicidal behavior is currently a global public problem. According to the World Health Organization, about 400-500 thousand people commit suicide in the world every year, and the number of attempts is ten times more. The number of suicides in European countries is about three times higher than the number of murders.

Suicide, suicide(lat. “to kill oneself”) is the deliberate deprivation of one's life. Situations where death is caused by a person who cannot be aware of his actions or manage them, as well as as a result of the negligence of the subject, are not classified as suicides, but as accidents.

Suicidal behavior - conscious actions guided by ideas about taking one's own life. In the structure of the considered behavior, there are:

Actually suicidal actions;

Suicidal manifestations (thoughts, intentions, feelings, statements, hints).

Thus, suicidal behavior is realized simultaneously in the internal and external plans.

Suicidal actions include attempted suicide and completed suicide. Suicidal attempt-- this is a purposeful operation of the means of depriving oneself of life, not ending in death. An attempt can be reversible and irreversible, aimed at depriving oneself of life or for other purposes. Completed suicide- actions resulting in death.

Suicidal manifestations include suicidal thoughts, ideas, experiences, as well as suicidal tendencies, among which one can single out plans and intentions. Passive suicidal thoughts are characterized by ideas, fantasies about one's death (but not about taking one's own life as a spontaneous action), for example: "it would be nice to die", "to fall asleep and not wake up."

Suicides are divided into three main groups: true, demonstrative and hidden. True suicide driven by the desire to die, is not spontaneous, although sometimes it looks rather unexpected. Such a suicide is always preceded by a depressed mood, a depressive state, or simply thoughts of passing away. Moreover, people around such a state of a person may not notice. Another feature of true suicide is reflections, feelings about the meaning of life.

Demonstrative suicide is not associated with the desire to die, but is a way to pay attention to your problems, call for help, conduct a dialogue. It could also be some form of blackmail. The fatal outcome in this case is a consequence of a fatal accident.

Hidden suicide (indirect suicide) - a type of suicidal behavior that does not meet its signs in the strict sense, but has the same direction and result. These are actions that are accompanied by a high probability of death. To a greater extent, this behavior is aimed at risk, at playing with death, than at leaving life 1.

- syndromes characterized by a persistent inability to plan and control behavior, to build it in accordance with social norms and rules. It is manifested by unsociableness, aggressiveness, disobedience, indiscipline, pugnacity, cruelty, severe damage to property, theft, deceit, running away from home. The diagnosis is made by the clinical method, the data are supplemented by the results of psychodiagnostics. Treatment consists of sessions of behavioral, group, family psychotherapy, medication.

General information

The term "conduct disorder" (BD) is used to refer to repetitive behavior patterns that persist for more than 6 months and do not conform to social norms. RP is the most common diagnosis in child psychiatry. Epidemiology among children is about 5%. There is a gender dependence - boys are more prone to behavioral disorders. In children, the ratio is 4:1, in adolescents - 2.5:1. The decrease in the difference as they grow older is explained by the late debut in girls - 12-13 years old. In boys, the peak incidence occurs at 8-9 years of age.

Causes of conduct disorder in children

The development of behavioral disorders is determined by the realization of biological inclinations and the influence of the environment. Studies confirm that the leading role belongs to education, and heredity, psychophysiological characteristics are risk factors. Among the causes of behavioral disorders in children can be identified:

  • Physiological processes. An imbalance of hormones, excitation-inhibition processes, metabolic disorders contribute to the development of RP. Epilepsy, cerebral palsy are associated with an increased risk of disobedience, irritability.
  • Psychological features. The formation of RP is facilitated by emotional instability, low self-esteem, depressed mood, a distorted perception of causal relationships, manifested by a tendency to blame events, other people for their own failures.
  • Family relationships. Behavioral syndromes in a child are formed with pathological styles of education, frequent conflicts between parents. These reasons are most relevant for families where one or both parents suffer from mental illness, lead an immoral lifestyle, are involved in criminal activities, and have pathological addictions (drugs, alcohol). Intra-family relations are characterized by hostility, coldness, severe discipline or its complete absence, lack of love, participation.
  • Social interactions. The prevalence of behavioral disorders is higher in kindergartens, schools with poor organization of the educational process, low moral principles of teachers, high staff turnover, hostile relations between classmates (classmates). The broader influences of society are relations in the territory of residence. In areas with national, ethnic, political fragmentation, there is a high probability of behavioral deviations.


The physiological prerequisites for the formation of behavioral disorders in children are changes in the activity of neurotransmitters, an excess of testosterone, and metabolic changes. As a result, the purposefulness of nerve transmission is disrupted, an imbalance in the processes of inhibition and excitation develops. The child is excited for a long time after frustration or is unable to activate volitional functions (directed attention, memorization, thinking). With proper upbringing, a benevolent environment, physiological characteristics are leveled. Frequent conflicts, lack of close trusting relationships, stress become triggers for the realization of biological characteristics and the development of RP.


In the International Classification of Diseases 10 (ICD-10), conduct disorders are a separate heading. It includes:

  • RP limited to the family. It is characterized by dissocial, aggressive behavior, realized within the home, relationships with mother, father, household members. In the yard, kindergarten, school, deviations are extremely rare or absent.
  • Unsocialized conduct disorder. Manifested by aggressive actions, actions towards other children (classmates, classmates).
  • Socialized conduct disorder. Aggressive, antisocial acts are committed as part of a group. There are no difficulties in intragroup adaptation. Includes group offenses, truancy, stealing with other children.
  • Defiant oppositional disorder. It is typical for young children, manifested by pronounced disobedience, the desire to break off relations. Aggressive, dissocial acts, offenses are absent.

Symptoms of conduct disorder in children

Behavioral disorders have three main manifestations: unwillingness to obey adults, aggressiveness, antisocial orientation - activity that violates the rights of others, causing harm to property and personality. It is important to consider that these manifestations are possible as a variant of the norm, disobedience is determined in most children, characteristic of crisis stages of development. The disorder is evidenced by a persistent (from six months) and excessive manifestation of symptoms.

Children with behavioral disorders often argue with adults, get angry, do not control emotions, tend to transfer the blame to another person, are touchy, do not obey the rules and requirements, purposefully annoy others, take revenge. Often there is a desire to destroy, damage other people's things. Possible threats, intimidation of peers, adults. Adolescents with RP provoke fights, fights with the use of weapons, enter other people's cars, apartments, set fires, show cruelty towards people, animals, wander, skip school.

Clinical symptoms include depressed, dysphoric mood, hyperactivity manifested by decreased attention, restlessness, and impulsivity. Sometimes depressive states develop, suicide attempts are made, self-harm is inflicted. Destructive behavior negatively affects academic performance, cognitive interest falls. The popularity of the child in the group is low, there are no permanent friends. Due to the problems of accepting the rules, he does not participate in games, sporting events. Social maladjustment exacerbates conduct disorder.


Complications of conduct disorders develop in adults. Young men who have not received treatment are aggressive, prone to violence, an antisocial lifestyle, often have alcohol, drug addiction, are involved in criminal groups or commit offenses on their own. In girls, aggressiveness, antisociality are replaced by emotional and personality disorders: neuroses, psychopathy. In both cases, socialization is violated: there is no education, profession, there are difficulties with employment, maintaining marital relations.


A child psychiatrist deals with the diagnosis of behavioral disorders in children. The research is based on the clinical method. To objectify the data, psychodiagnostics is additionally carried out, extracts from examinations of narrow specialists (neurologist, ophthalmologist), characteristics of educators, teachers, representatives of law enforcement agencies are collected. A comprehensive examination of a child includes the following steps:

  • clinical conversation. The psychiatrist finds out the severity, frequency and duration of aggressive, antisocial acts. Clarifies their character, focus, motivation. Talks with the parent about the emotional state of the child: the predominance of sadness, depression, euphoria, dysphoria. Asks about school performance, features of socialization.
  • observation. In parallel with the conversation, the doctor observes the behavior of the child, the peculiarities of the relationship between him and the parent. Reactions to praise, condemnation are taken into account, it is assessed how relevant behavior is adequate to the situation. The specialist draws attention to the sensitivity of the parent to the mood of the child, the tendency to exaggerate the symptoms, the emotional mood of the participants in the conversation. Taking an anamnesis, monitoring intra-family relationships makes it possible to determine the proportion of biological and social factors in the formation of the disorder.
  • Psychodiagnostics. Projective methods, questionnaires are used additionally. They make it possible to identify the state of maladjustment, emotional and personal characteristics, such as aggressiveness, hostility, a tendency to impulsive actions, depression, anger.

Differential diagnosis of behavioral disorders involves distinguishing them from adjustment disorder, hyperactivity syndrome, subcultural deviations, autism spectrum disorders, and a variant of the norm. To do this, the examination takes into account the presence of recent stress, the intentionality of deviant actions, adherence to subcultural groups, the presence of autism, and the development of cognitive functions.

Treatment of conduct disorders in children

Treatment is carried out by methods. For severe behavioral disorders that do not allow contact, medications are used. An integrated approach to the elimination of RP involves:

  • behavioral methods. Based on learning theory, conditioning principles. Techniques are aimed at eliminating unwanted forms of behavior, developing useful skills. A structured, directive approach is used: behavior is analyzed, correction stages are determined, new behavioral programs are trained. The child's compliance with the therapist's requirements is reinforced.
  • Group psychological trainings. Used after behavioral therapy. Designed to promote the socialization of the child. Conducted in a playful way, aimed at developing the skills of interpersonal interaction, problem solving.
  • Medical treatment. Preference is given to sedatives of plant origin. Concomitant emotional disorders, somatovegetative disorders are corrected with benzodiazepine tranquilizers with a vegetative-stabilizing effect. Antipsychotics (small dosages) are individually prescribed.

The child's treatment should be supplemented by family counseling and social rehabilitation measures. Work with parents is aimed at improving the family microclimate, establishing cooperative relations with a clear indication of the boundaries of what is permitted. In the form of training, the correct style of parenting is taught, which involves focusing on the desired behavior of the child, improving self-management skills, and coping in conflict situations.

Forecast and prevention

The prognosis of behavioral disorders in children is favorable with systematic psychotherapeutic assistance. It must be understood that the treatment process is unlimited in time, takes several years, and requires periodic medical supervision. Most often, a positive outcome is observed in the presence of deviant behavior according to one characteristic, for example, aggressiveness, while maintaining normal socialization and academic performance. The prognosis is unfavorable with an early onset of the disorder, a wide range of symptoms, and an unfavorable family environment.

Preventive measures - a favorable intra-family environment, respectful, friendly attitude towards the child, the creation of comfortable material and living conditions. It is necessary to timely diagnose and treat neurological, endocrine diseases, maintain physical health by organizing regular activity (sections, walks), and rational nutrition.

Causes of behavioral disorders in children

Reasons for deviations in behavior preschool children are very diverse, but they can all be divided into two main groups: biological and social.

According to many Russian scientists, the biological group of factors consists of intrauterine disorders (due to severe toxicosis of pregnancy, toxicosis, various intoxications, etc.), pathology of childbirth, infections, injuries, as well as malformations of the brain associated with damage to genetic material ( chromosomal aberrations, gene mutations, hereditary metabolic defects, etc.).

Social factors of violation of children's behavior are divided into three groups: macrofactors (space, state, planet, society, world, country); mesofactors (region, city, town, village). These factors influence both directly and indirectly through microfactors: family, peer groups, microsociety.

Kovalev V.V. notes that the greatest importance in the occurrence of behavioral difficulties belongs to pathocharacteristic development that has arisen in connection with adverse conditions of the microsocial environment, improper upbringing or psycho-traumatic situations.

The attachment of a child to an adult is a biological and innate urgent need. It is also one of the main psychological conditions for the successful development of the child. In the context of studying the causes of socio-emotional disorders affecting human behavior, numerous concepts have now appeared, such as “maternal deprivation”, “mental deprivation”, “social deprivation”, “emotional deprivation”.

Shipitsina L.M., Kazakova E.I. and others, the concept of "maternal deprivation" includes a number of different phenomena:

  1. raising a child in children's institutions;
  2. inadequate mother care for the child;
  3. temporary separation of the child from the mother associated with the disease;
  4. loss of love, attachment of the child to a certain person, acting for him in the role of a mother.
The lack of a child's trust in the outside world is considered by Russian and foreign researchers as a very severe and difficult to compensate consequence of maternal deprivation. The child develops a persistent fear, distrust of other people and himself, unwillingness to learn new things, aggressiveness, and learning.

The quality of the communication received by the child largely depends on his full development, the emotional well-being of the baby. This has a direct impact on the formation of relationships with peers and the outside world.

In an unfavorable upbringing environment, the baby develops stable negative emotional states. Negative emotional reactions and attitudes towards life and people develop. These emotional states, having become entrenched, begin to regulate the mental activity and behavior of the baby in a negative way, and at a later age lead to the formation of a negative life position.

Types of behavioral disorders in preschool children

Researchers Kumarina G.F., Weiner M.E., Vyunkova Yu.N. and others distinguish the following typical behavioral disorders: hyperactive behavior (due mainly to the neurodynamic characteristics of the child), demonstrative, protest, infantile, aggressive, conformal and symptomatic (in the occurrence of which the determining factors are the conditions of learning and development, the style of relationships with adults, the features of family education ).

Hyperactive behavior of preschool children
Children with hyperactive behavior have an increased need for constant movement. In babies, blocking this need by strict rules of behavior, muscle tension increases and attention deteriorates sharply, working capacity drops very much, and severe fatigue occurs.

Following these reactions, an emotional discharge always occurs, which is expressed in motor restlessness, uncontrollable by the child, strong disinhibition.

Demonstrative behavior

With demonstrative behavior, the child intentionally and consciously violates the accepted norms, rules of behavior. This behavior is most often addressed to adults.

Protest behavior

There are various forms of protest behavior of children - negativism, obstinacy, stubbornness.

  1. Negativism is the behavior of a child when he does not want to do something just because he was asked to do it. Manifestations of children's negativism: causeless tears, insolence, rudeness, or vice versa, isolation, resentment, alienation. Negativism that occurs in children is the result of improper upbringing.
  2. Stubbornness is the reaction of a child who insists on something, not because he really wants it, but because he demanded it from an adult.
  3. The obstinacy of the child is not directed at the adult who leads him, but against the norms of upbringing and the way of life imposed on the child.
Aggressive behavior

Aggressive behavior is called purposeful and destructive actions performed by a child. The child is contrary to the norms and rules accepted in society. It harms living and non-living objects, causes psychological discomfort to people around, and causes physical damage.

Enikolopov S.N. in his works he notes the following: the aggressive actions of the child, most often act as a means to achieve the goal. It can be a way of psychological relaxation. To replace the blocked and unsatisfied need for love, self-affirmation, self-realization.

Infantile behavior

In an infantile child, behavioral traits are preserved that are inherent in an earlier age and an earlier stage of development. The child is characterized by the immaturity of integrative personality formations, with the normal development of physical functions.

Conformal behavior

Conformal behavior of a child is completely subordinate to external conditions and requirements of other people. The basis of conformal behavior is involuntary imitation, high suggestibility, "easy infection with the idea."

Symptomatic behavior

A symptom is a sign of a disease, painful manifestations. The symptomatic behavior of the child is an alarm signal that warns in a peculiar way that the current situation is no longer bearable for the child (example: vomiting or nausea as a reflection of an unpleasant, painful situation in the family).

This behavior in a child is characterized by the following features:

  1. violations of the child's behavior occur involuntarily and cannot be controlled;
  2. Baby behavioral disorders have a strong negative psychological impact on other people.
Ways to correct the behavior of children of preschool and primary school age

Correction of flaws in the behavior of the baby always occurs in the joint activities of adults and children. In the course of it, education, upbringing, development of the personality of the child is carried out. In joint activities, the child learns not only elementary knowledge, but also norms and generally accepted rules of behavior.

In the special psychological and pedagogical literature, two main groups of methods are distinguished: specific and non-specific methods of behavior correction.

Specific methods of behavior correction include exercises and punishment. Let us dwell in more detail on the consideration of non-specific methods of behavior correction, which are widely used by psychologists and parents, as well as correctional teachers.

Non-specific correction methods are divided into three groups:

  1. Methods for changing the activities of children;
  2. Methods for changing attitudes;
  3. Methods for changing the components of educational work.
An important method is the introduction of new complementary activities.

Using art in remedial work

In medical practice, art therapy is very often used. As Shatsky S.T. notes, art, harmoniously shaping all components of the personality, is able to develop the child’s emotions and feelings, motives, reorient the wrong ideal, values, change his behavior.

Karabanova O.A. notes that interest in the results of the child's creativity on the part of others, their acceptance of creative products increases the child's self-esteem, the degree of his self-acceptance, self-worth. Creative activity develops such important qualities of a child as arbitrariness and self-regulation.

Use of music

Music therapy is an effective means of developing a child's personality and behavior. It is advisable to use a recording of the sounds of nature in music therapy.

Bekhterev V.M. believed that with the help of music it is possible to establish a balance in the activity of the child's nervous system, to stir up those who are inhibited and to moderate those who are too excited, to regulate their behavior.


Specially selected literary works (fairy tales, stories, epics, fables) are perceived by the baby not as fiction, but as a special existing reality. In the process of reading or listening to a literary work, children involuntarily learn to understand and recognize the behavior, feelings, actions of characters. Get an idea about the various possible ways of behavior, the ability of the baby to analyze and control their behavior is enhanced.


Drawing helps the child overcome his shortcomings, learn to control his reactions and behavior. The joint creativity of a child with an adult gives a feeling of friendly participation and understanding. The fullness of emotional communication causes a number of changes in the inner life of the baby.

The game

Karabanova O.A. speaks about the importance of the game in the correction of the child's behavior. In the game, the child begins to explore the system of social relations, rules of conduct, norms, since they are presented to children in a close visual-real form in the game conditions.

In the game, the baby acquires a rich and indispensable experience of partnerships, cooperation and cooperation. The child learns appropriate ways of behavior in various situations.

The child develops the ability to arbitrarily regulate behavior, which is based on the obedience to a certain system of rules.

Equally important in correcting children's behavior are methods of changing attitudes. These include:

  1. Personal example of an adult.
  2. Ignoring the child's unwanted behavior (whims).
  3. Changing the status of the baby in the team.
  4. Adults should abandon the negative and critical assessment of the child's behavior, his unsuccessful actions. It is necessary to actively encourage the initiative, the desire to comply with the rules and norms of behavior, empathize with the failures of the baby.
All of the listed groups of methods of correctional work can be used both with normally developing children and with children who have deviations in their mental and intellectual development. If you have any questions about your child's behavior, please contact us for a free consultation. Qualified psychologists will be able to answer your questions and suggest ways to correct the shortcomings of the child's behavior.

Important! Be sure to check out this article! If after reading you still have any questions, we strongly recommend that you consult with a specialist by phone:

The location of our clinic near the territory of the park has a beneficial effect on the state of mind and promotes recovery:

Behavioral disorders can arise in connection with a wide variety of mental disorders. However, not every ailment is capable of causing serious changes in behavior, an inadequate vision of the world. A number of disorders do not develop at the psychotic level, therefore they do not cause intellectual impairment and retain the ability to serve themselves independently.

Conduct disorder in children

A distinctive feature of conduct disorder in childhood is the inability to control and plan one's own actions, as well as interact with other people in accordance with accepted norms and rules. Increased aggression, irritability, lack of discipline and desire to obey elders, pugnacity, cruelty, theft appear, often the child begins to lie.

To establish a diagnosis, specialists carry out a number of psychodiagnostic measures, as well as talk with the child, making the most competent and complete anamnesis. The development of treatment is carried out through therapeutic techniques in an individual or group manner.

Types of conduct disorder

A whole classification of behavioral disorders has been created, where each type has its own distinctive characteristics, methods of treatment, symptoms and diagnosis.

Mental and behavioral disorders

It is important to note that with the development of a mental disorder, each person will be able to establish this in connection with pronounced symptoms. The most common include: the inability to fully think and engage in intellectual activity, the emotional background is constantly changing, and deviations in behavior from generally accepted norms also often appear.

As a rule, a person begins to hear non-existent voices or see unreal objects. Often there are behavioral reactions that were previously not characteristic of him. Aggressiveness increases, the patient can lose his temper literally because of every little thing. The cognitive sphere is also affected: it becomes difficult to read, to carry out mental operations, anxiety, fear, and aggression often appear.

Mixed Conduct Disorder

It is characterized by a violation in intellectual activity, action and behavior. This diagnosis belongs to the category of mental. Their behavior is often regarded as inadequate, the occurrence of the slightest stressful situation is perceived differently. As a result, there may be more and more disagreements in professional activities or family.

A distinctive feature is the fact that a person cannot realize the occurrence of a mental disorder, therefore, treatment often begins already at an advanced stage.

The main tasks of the specialist are:

  1. Restoration of normal response to external factors
  2. Teach the patient to interact with others in accordance with societal norms
  3. Do not harm others or yourself.

The disease develops throughout life. Most often it occurs in childhood. In adolescence, the formation of personality continues, so making such a diagnosis is not always correct. With the onset of adulthood, the patient's condition begins to deteriorate rapidly and a mixed type of disorder occurs.

Organic conduct disorder

This is a type of disorder that appears as a result of a violation of brain activity, or as a result of the development of mental disorders and other diseases. When a disorder is diagnosed in the brain, a person's behavior automatically changes. This is due to the fact that the brain is responsible for the execution of thought processes, thinking.

Equally important is the determination of the age at which the organic disorder began. Adolescence and menopause are the most dangerous, since most often changes are observed in a negative direction.

Among the main causes of the disorder, the following aspects can be distinguished:

  1. Epilepsy (if its development continues for more than 10 years). A whole complex of side symptoms is diagnosed, which the patient is aware of
  2. Getting a brain injury. As a rule, an organic disorder manifests itself with severe mechanical damage. This is especially true if the integrity of the skull has been compromised. Serious abnormalities can develop when trauma occurs during adolescence
  3. Excessive consumption of alcohol, use of psychotropic substances and narcotic drugs
  4. Diseases of the autoimmune type
  5. The formation of an oncological type
  6. Diseases of the vascular system and circulatory disorders.

Depending on the complexity and development, the disease can manifest itself in completely different ways. Among the most common manifestations, the following aspects can be distinguished:

  1. The emergence of specific behavioral habits
  2. A person is not able to control his own will, behavior
  3. Increasing emotional instability
  4. Cognitive activity is declining
  5. The emergence of crazy ideas.

For a diagnosis to be made, it is important that the symptoms persist. Otherwise, one-time outbreaks do not prove the development of an organic disorder.

social conduct disorder

A category of disorders characterized by deviant behavior, excessive aggressiveness. It most often develops in childhood or adolescence. As a rule, the disorder at the emotional level is minimally manifested. Disorders do not necessarily manifest themselves in family or work activities. If the disease develops in a schoolchild, then the following aspects can be diagnosed:

  1. The disorder most often manifests itself when interacting in a group
  2. Delinquency
  3. Violations of the rights of other members of the group
  4. The child may start to steal
  5. Self-care from an educational institution, vagrancy
  6. Increased excitability.

In differential diagnosis, first of all, control and observation is established over interaction with other people, peers. In addition, the diagnosis requires the presence of persistent symptoms for at least six months.

Hyperkinetic Conduct Disorder

It consists in the appearance of complex behavioral disorders, which manifest themselves in excessive impulsivity, hyperactivity, inattention. As a rule, the first signs can appear at an early age. As a result, the child may have difficulty communicating with other schoolchildren or older children. According to statistics, 5% of the total number of children suffer from this disorder every year and most of them are male.

There is no specific reason for this disorder to appear. But it has been established that there is a genetic predisposition and experiences of strong amplitude. Other common factors include:

  1. Insufficiently balanced diet
  2. Serious poisoning from heavy chemicals
  3. Presence of a severe stressful situation
  4. Prolonged use of medications
  5. Traumatic brain injury.

With the development of the disease in childhood, there is increased activity, impulsive behavior, as well as the inability to concentrate.

Mixed Emotional and Behavioral Disorder

Manifested in childhood at an early stage. The main factor is the negative situation in the family, constant scandals, cruel punishments, insufficient manifestation of love for the child. The main manifestation is deviant behavior (hooliganism, theft, excessive aggression, rudeness, vagrancy) in young children and adolescents. As a rule, negative relationships are formed with adults who represent authority.

With regard to diagnostic measures, observation can be distinguished first of all. If a stable behavior deviating from accepted norms is formed, a diagnosis of a mixed disorder is established.

socialized conduct disorder

The development of deviant behavior that differs from established norms is called a socialized disorder. Often the first signs are observed in school or adolescence.

The disease appears in connection with the accumulation of external negative factors, among which there may be a negative situation in the house, in an educational institution. Often the child becomes an outcast, peers can scoff at him. After a certain period of time, the child is prone to hooliganism, gets into fights, is rude to adults. Often conflicts arise with government officials.

In the process of diagnostic measures, it is important to note the fact that a socialized disorder is posed only if the signs appear for a long time (at least 6 months).

Suicidal conduct disorder

It is characterized by the desire to inflict physical harm on oneself, which will lead to death. The aggression that a person directs at himself has many facets, therefore, it is studied by specialists separately.

There are several distinctive features that characterize suicidal disorder:

  1. To solve a problem, a person tries to lay hands on himself
  2. Psychological torments and painful experiences act as stimulants. Suicide in this case acts as a quick solution to the problem.
  3. A person ceases to see a way out of the current situation, shows helplessness and hopelessness
  4. The emergence of a persistent feeling to commit suicide
  5. Like avoiding a greater evil
  6. The emergence of self-hatred.

If the above signs and symptoms occur, the patient should be referred to a psychologist or psychotherapist to correct the condition. With the development of a severe depressive state, specialists may prescribe additional medications.

Deviant Conduct Disorder

A persistent opposition to social norms, as well as the desire to prove the correctness of one's own approach to life, is called deviant disorder. It is expressed most often in asocial traits of behavior.

The manifestation of deviant behavior implies the formation of inadequate moral attitudes, rules and foundations. Most often manifested in adolescence through the following attitudes and properties:

  1. Presence of an impulsive reaction
  2. Inadequate response to external manifestations of the surrounding world
  3. Behavioral reactions that occur repeatedly
  4. Manifestation of antisocial behavior in society.

It was found that the development of such symptoms is formed as a result of psychological and social factors. Among them are the distinctive features of education, hereditary predisposition, the formation of a negative microclimate in the family, the use of drugs and alcohol.

When diagnosing this disorder, consultations with a psychologist and corrective behavioral work are mandatory.

Hyperkinetic conduct disorder in children

In children, hyperkinetic disorder is most often associated with excessive parental or caregiver control. However, this is not the only factor that can lead to the persistent development of pathology. The influence is exerted by a certain situation in society (for example, in a classroom or in a family). Among the most pronounced signs it is worth noting:

  1. Excessive impulsivity
  2. increased activity
  3. The function of attention is impaired.

Regarding the last point, it is important to note that it is difficult for a child to concentrate in order to fully absorb the educational material. Often he begins to lose disorientation, unable to organize himself on his own, if he starts one thing, he cannot bring it to the end.

Toddlers, as a rule, are fussy, it is difficult to endure waiting, they are not able to independently adapt to new conditions in society.

Autistic conduct disorder

As a result of autistic disorder, there is a distortion of real events that occur in the environment. Also, a person may experience difficulties in the process of communication with other people. Diagnostic measures are carried out through observation and conversation.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, then treatment takes place through a whole range of measures: medication, work with a psychologist, and the development of special training programs.

Unsocialized conduct disorder

Among the main signs is the persistent manifestation of asocial signs of behavior. Often there is increased aggression, anger, often there is a violation in the process of communication with other people, regardless of the age category. Most often it develops in adolescence, when the child tries to show his superiority through hooliganism and fights.

Organic Personality and Behavior Disorder

It manifests itself as a result of brain injuries, which negatively affects the development of personality and behavior. A person is often diagnosed with moral and mental exhaustion, mental activity is gradually reduced. The most acute periods of the disease are the onset of menopause, adolescence.

Disorders of volitional behavior

Distinctive symptomatology is the violations connected with activity. Often there is a weakening or strengthening of volitional qualities that go beyond the permissible norm. When hyperbulia is detected, a person acts with unwavering determination, which is far from an objective assessment of the current situation. Abulia is a decrease in volitional qualities, since a person does not have an incentive motivation for action. Passivity, lethargy, fulfillment of the plan are often diagnosed.

Personality and behavior disorders

Depending on the type of disorder, there is not only a fundamental change in behavior, but also in the personality layer. As a result, it is difficult for the patient to interact in society, there may be constant conflicts at work and family. Most often, such disorders are not recognized by the patient.

Disorder of emotions and behavior

The main characteristic is the manifestation of aggressive behavior. Often caused as a result of a prolonged depressive state, exposure to a stressful situation, a hereditary factor. Most often, the primary symptoms occur in childhood and become more pronounced as they grow older.

Conduct disorder in adolescents

The most common cause of occurrence is stressful situations. Since in adolescence, personal development continues and is not fully formed, it is important to support him in difficult moments. Among the main features are:

  1. Obsession with one occupation, while it does not achieve positive results
  2. All old hobbies fade into the background, or are completely forgotten
  3. Sharp decline in school performance
  4. Loss of interest in any other activity.

However, it is important to look at the combination with other factors. For example, you can notice sudden mood swings, disrespect for adults, any advice from adults can cause an aggressive reaction.

Disorders of behavior and emotions in a child

They appear as the child grows up, however, when this defect appears, it can be corrected, but it is impossible to completely eliminate it. Manifestations can be in the form of phobias, irritability, aggression, deviant behavior and other negative factors. To adjust the program of work, the main diagnostic technique is observation for several months. Statement of the disease occurs only if the symptoms are constantly repeated.

Children's conduct disorders

There is a whole classification of children's behavioral disorders, according to the generally accepted nomenclature of the ICD-10. The main groups include:

  1. hyperkinetic
  2. Behavioral
  3. Anxious
  4. Phobic.

Despite the specifics of each group separately, it is important to note that most often diseases occur as a result of negative social factors, heredity or an unfavorable family situation.

Conduct Disorder Clinic in Moscow

To cope with a behavioral disorder, it is important to contact a specialized clinic in Moscow, where professionals with extensive practical experience and relevant qualifications work. As soon as diagnostic measures are taken, a comprehensive treatment program will be formed for each patient individually, which will allow to quickly establish communications in society, improve attention and concentration.

Causes of conduct disorders

It is customary to distinguish several groups of reasons in connection with which behavioral disorders can be diagnosed:

  1. Physiological (schizophrenia, epilepsy and other mental disorders)
  2. Psychological (depression, low self-esteem, shifting the blame onto other people)
  3. Social (negative experience of interacting with other people).

Before forming a comprehensive treatment program, specialists establish the reasons for which the disorder develops.

Conduct disorder diagnosis

To diagnose the disorder, as a rule, specialists use the observation method for several months. This is due to the fact that in the event of a single unreasonable aggression or irritability, this type of disorder is not posed. Additionally, the specialist collects the most detailed anamnesis from the patient, on the basis of which he forms the primary picture of the existing disease.

The Salvation Private Clinic has been providing effective treatment of various psychiatric diseases and disorders for 19 years. Psychiatry is a complex area of ​​medicine that requires doctors to have maximum knowledge and skills. Therefore, all employees of our clinic are highly professional, qualified and experienced specialists.

When to ask for help?

Have you noticed that your relative (grandmother, grandfather, mother or father) does not remember elementary things, forgets dates, names of objects or even does not recognize people? This clearly indicates some kind of mental disorder or mental illness. Self-medication in this case is not effective and even dangerous. Pills and medications taken on their own, without a doctor's prescription, at best, temporarily alleviate the patient's condition and relieve symptoms. At worst, they will cause irreparable harm to human health and lead to irreversible consequences. Alternative treatment at home is also not able to bring the desired results, not a single folk remedy will help with mental illness. By resorting to them, you will only lose precious time, which is so important when a person has a mental disorder.

If your relative has a bad memory, complete loss of memory, other signs that clearly indicate a mental disorder or a serious illness, do not hesitate, contact the Salvation Private Psychiatric Clinic.

Why choose us?

The clinic "Salvation" successfully treats fears, phobias, stress, memory disorders, psychopathy. We provide oncology care, stroke care, inpatient care for the elderly, elderly patients, and cancer treatment. We do not refuse the patient, even if he has the last stage of the disease.

Many government agencies are unwilling to take on patients over the age of 50-60. We help everyone who applies and willingly provide treatment after 50-60-70 years. For this we have everything you need:

  • pension;
  • nursing home;
  • bed hospice;
  • professional nurses;
  • sanatorium.

Old age is not a reason to let the disease take its course! Complex therapy and rehabilitation gives every chance for the restoration of basic physical and mental functions in the vast majority of patients and significantly increases life expectancy.

Our specialists use in their work modern methods of diagnostics and treatment, the most effective and safe medicines, hypnosis. If necessary, home visits are carried out, where doctors:

  • an initial inspection is carried out;
  • the causes of mental disorder are clarified;
  • a preliminary diagnosis is made;
  • an acute attack or a hangover syndrome is removed;
  • in severe cases, it is possible to force the patient to be placed in a hospital - a closed-type rehabilitation center.

Treatment in our clinic is inexpensive. The first consultation is free of charge. Prices for all services are fully open, they include the cost of all procedures in advance.

Relatives of patients often ask questions: “Tell me what a mental disorder is?”, “Advise how to help a person with a serious illness?”, “How long do they live with it and how to extend the allotted time?” You will receive a detailed consultation in the private clinic "Salvation"!

We provide real help and successfully treat any mental illness!

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