Is it possible to make money on sports betting. Is it possible to earn money by betting on sports at bookmakers? Luck plays a big part


We bring to your attention a selection of the most successful players who have achieved impressive results in sports betting. All five professionals have become famous for their approach to the game, analytical mindset and, of course, loud skids.

Tony Bloom

Bloom rose to fame through his successful poker game. It is called the "phenomenon" of poker. Tony Bloom's longtime friend gave him the nickname "lizard", claiming that cold alligator blood flows in Bloom's veins.

His first big win comes in 2004, when Bloom won the Australian Poker Championship, earning him around $320,000. Further more. The very next year, Bloom celebrated his victory at the London No Limit Hold'em Poker tournament. Believe me, he had something to treat his friends to: the prize money amounted to 351 thousand 400 US dollars.

Also, Tony Bloom was a member of the team from the UK, which managed to win the prestigious Poker Nations Cup tournament. The amount of his total winnings by 2008 was more than one and a half million dollars.

However, Tony Bloom's activities in gambling are not limited to poker, otherwise he would not be here. Many, I think, watched the film directed by D.J. Caruso "Money for two". Tony Bloom owns the exact same company, Star Lizard, which analyzes sports events, accepts money from wealthy investors and multiplies it on sports betting.

The minimum investment for a Star Lizard client is £2 million. The company makes bets on all the leagues of the world, placing them with Asian bookmakers that accept tens of millions of dollars for one big game, unlike large British companies. Tony Bloom's company employs mathematicians who develop algorithms for predicting outcomes, specialists in statistics, analysis of football trends and those who place bets. At the same time, less than 5 people in the company see the whole picture and know how much to invest and at what rates this or that analysis is carried out.

According to rumors, the fortune of Tony Bloom is more than 1 billion British pounds. What should an Englishman who loves sports and has money do? Own a football team. If Bob Vulgaris has not yet managed to fulfill his childhood dream, then in 2009 Tony Bloom became president of the Brighton & Hove Albion football club, which now plays in the Championship.

“I have been into football and cards since I was seven or eight years old. My interest in these two sports developed in parallel,” Tony Bloom repeatedly noted in interviews with various publications.

Joe Peta

We can say that Joe Peta began to bet on sports out of desperation. He was walking to work when he was hit by an ambulance. A few weeks after he returned to work in a wheelchair, the company fired him. Peta left Wall Street, but did not give up. It was this series of personal tragedies that began the journey from stockbroker to professional baseball bettor.

According to Peta himself, betting on baseball is much easier.

“Baseball games are easier to simulate. It's just a series of single confrontations. In American football, there can be many outcomes, but in baseball it is very difficult to go against the statistics. Randy Johnson has eliminated 34% of batters regardless of name or regalia."

The Joe Peta Model predicted how a team would perform in a season based on previous player performances and buffs teams had made. To develop it, he used the sabermetric research of Bill James, the father of this science. Sabermetrics is an empirical analysis of baseball, specifically baseball statistics, that measures in-game performance.

Maybe fate began to pay his debts, because in the first year of using this model, the profit was 41%.

“It's all about research. Hard work gives you an advantage over other players, which then starts working for you.”

In 2012, Peta's profit was only 13%, and he gave up sports betting.

“Profit for 2012 was 13 percent or $260,000. I agree that this is a tidy sum, but most of it belonged to investors. My share was at best 50 thousand. 23-year-old guys may be happy with so much money in their pockets, but you must admit that for a married 40-year-old man with several children, this is not enough. I'm glad I was able to get this two year experience, but I don't belong in the world of betting anymore."

Joe Peta currently works as a Managing Director at the Novus consulting company.

Bob Vulgaris

Voulgaris' star was lit when he made a considerable fortune by taking advantage of the "holes" in the bookmakers' lines. Bookmakers at that time, determining the total points for each NBA game, simply divided it equally. Voulgaris immediately noticed this miscalculation and began to earn money, turning 80 thousand US dollars into one million in just two years.

However, the bookmakers covered up this “loophole” by starting to pay more attention to the lines.

As Voulgaris began to lose, he needed a revolutionary forecasting model that could provide unparalleled accuracy.

It took Vulgaris and his partner, the mathematician-programmer “Trickster”, about two years to do this. The model was named "Ewing" - in honor of the "Ewing theory", the author of which is considered the famous American journalist Bill Simmons.

“I don't want to brag, of course, but this program is the greatest achievement in the world of sports betting,” Voulgaris said.

In 2013, their lead over the bookmakers began to rapidly fade, and Voulgaris admitted that the winning streak could not last forever.

Now Voulgaris is fond of poker and continues to bet on NBA matches, but without the same passion. His dream is to become the general manager of an NBA team.

Bill Walters

Bill Walters is considered by many to be the biggest sports betting player in the world. He has a huge team of programmers who supply him with information, which he first analyzes and then starts betting. According to the bookmakers, he bets several hundred thousand US dollars every weekend.

Walters is also known for being the originator of the model, which used information to provide predictions for football matches. For this, by the way, he was charged with "illegal betting activities."

Of course, he did not bypass other gambling games. For example, in 1986, Bill Walters won the Amarillo Slim Poker Super Bowl. He also won $3.8 million playing roulette at a Las Vegas casino. Rumor has it that after that, the management of the gambling establishment sent the roulette to NASA so that space experts tried to find a flaw.

According to Bill Walters himself, the first time he lost a large amount of money in ten years.

“I saved up money delivering newspapers. I was ten years old. The grocery store owner in our town was a baseball fan. His name was Woody Branstedder and he was a fan of the Brooklyn Dodgers. I had about thirty dollars. I bet them all on the New York Yankees beating the Dodgers. It was a painful feeling of emptiness that appeared when I lost all the money, ”recalls Bill Walters.

Now it is difficult to imagine that this feeling will be repeated in him. Bill Walters owns six golf courses, which, by the way, he also enjoys, a hotel, several industrial enterprises and a lot of land.

“If you value something at ten dollars, then you need to buy it for eight and sell it for twelve. It doesn't matter if it's business or the last bet."

Vasu Shan

Vasu Shan, who was first revealed by Bleacher Report, literally lives off the money he wins from betting.

Vasu Shan spends eight hours a day working on various formulas that help him determine the rankings for football teams. If his calculations turn out to be wrong, the family suffers. Shang has a thirteen-year-old daughter, two preschool-aged sons, and a pregnant wife. Agree that it is difficult to support such a family.

Vasu Shan turned pro at 35. At the beginning of the season, he usually makes 100 bets a week, in the order of £10,000 each. As his rating for the football season gets closer to the optimal mark, the amount of bets increases to 50 thousand pounds each.

“When you make a rating, you need to pay special attention to individual players. This is greatly hindered by the transitions of the players. When Angel di Maria moved to Manchester United, I had a lot of respect for Louis van Gaal's team. However, then she drew with Burnley, and I returned them to their original place. We need to stay sober and not overestimate the chances of a team that signs good players. Professional bettors have no room for error,” says Vasu Shan.

Is it possible to make money on bets?
My experience
Your opinions

I am interested in what place bets occupy in your life, how much time do you devote to this business and do they bring you some kind of regular income? What is it for you: just entertainment, excitement or a source of passive income? In your opinion, is it possible to really make money on bets? And if so, what strategies do you follow, what is their effectiveness?

I hope that there are those who will unsubscribe in the comments below and share their thoughts and experiences. In the meantime, I'll share mine.

Betting I started seriously three and a half years ago. For the first time, I became interested in this business in my first years at the university, when during important matches of the Champions League, some of my classmates came with tickets from bookmakers for these matches and discussed those they had bet on. I was immediately interested in this business, since my specialty is of an intellectual nature, and I was always looking for sources of additional income that can be acquired simply due to my knowledge in a certain area. And additional income was really necessary, since a lot of money was spent on studies and a hostel in the capital, and my family was not wealthy. Therefore, I often asked those who are involved in this to explain to me the rules of betting, the meaning of certain designations in betting lines, but initially everything seemed like a “dark forest”. Before I decided to look into this issue seriously and independently through the Internet.

Very quickly, I began to delve into all the intricacies of the betting industry and it turned out that all the designations in the bookmaker lines are extremely simple and logical. For a long time I had the idea to really try to bet, but I did not dare, because we all know what a stereotypical vision of this kind of occupation in the countries of the post-Soviet space. In this regard, I also had doubts whether it was a scam, or a pumping out of money, because making predictions for matches without making bets, everything went so well and it seemed to me that everyone can easily win a lot of money from a bookmaker. However, if everything is so simple, then why have I never heard of many people doing this and having a permanent income from bets.

So I put it off for a long time, but one fine day I decided to put my first 100 hryvnias into the online bookmaker and place a bet with a coefficient close to two. Well, as they say, beginners are always lucky, and the first bet turned out to be winning, but it ended with a big "validol". This raised a lot of hope in me. The next couple of bets also passed, but then one by one the bets began to fall off, often in matches the teams began to present surprises. It turned out that it is easier to guess events when you do not place bets, but when you do something, something seems to go wrong on purpose. At that moment, you realize that luck is one of the key success factors in betting, and since I am not lucky in life in winning matters, the idea of ​​​​taking up this hobby began to disappear. In addition, through a series of victories and defeats, I successfully lost my first deposit.

That day I decided that it was a bad idea and I should forget about it. However, in my head I keep thinking about what went wrong, where I miscalculated and which betting option has the best chance of winning. I stopped betting, after which all my predictions for matches began to come true again, which annoyed me pretty much, because without making a bet, I was missing out on a good profit. This thought haunted me.

While I was debating whether I should try betting again, I began to devote more time to watching matches of different European clubs, since before that I was not an avid football fan. I have always had favorite teams or players in any sport, so I always watched only matches with their participation, rooting for my own, but did not pay enough attention to others, which is unacceptable in the world of betting, because when betting on a game, you need to know the level, potential , players and uniforms of the opposing team. Initially, I bet on those clubs for which I supported and knew, not on purpose, of course, I just didn’t know the possibilities of other teams. Even then, it became clear to me that this was the wrong approach, the same as betting only on your favorite teams. I have always been objective and balanced in all matters, I have never succumbed to excitement. I knew my purpose of betting and tried to find an approach that would bring positive results. For this, you had to study.

I started following all football clubs in the top Premier Leagues, and in some leagues some teams in the lower divisions as well. He also tried to delve into tennis and basketball. I read forecasts and analyzes of sports experts, began to capture the strengths and weaknesses of certain teams, get acquainted with football players with great potential, their skills and the potential of their contribution to the development of their club's game.

Watching the matches was not enough, as I understood the importance of developing my own betting strategy, so I started reading articles by well-known handicappers on the principles and discipline of betting, as well as getting acquainted with various betting strategies. I did one of the most important actions, which is the key in any lesson - I thoroughly mastered the information.

While I was doing informatization, I started betting again, trying various strategies that I managed to find out on the net. Each of them has a place to exist, each can be profitable in a certain segment. I tried completely different bets: on totals, on outcomes, with odds, special offers. Unfortunately, every strategy and style of betting at one point is overtaken by a crisis. And you, having suffered a significant series of defeats, do not see any other way how to switch to a different strategy. So I went from one to the other, to the third, fourth, and again returned to the original. Then I realized that there is no perfect strategy that would work like clockwork and really bring a constant income.

During these one and a half or two years, I won, lost, withdrawing small winnings (as I bet insignificant amounts), which allowed me to make some additional purchases (which created a positive effect from betting); however, then he made new deposits, started all over again, and as such there was no “big win” effect. Initially, I didn’t look for it, I thought, thanks to the rates, to earn an extra hundred or two for simple daily needs. However, over time, I wanted more, but the analysis of wins and losses over the years when calculating showed that I was actually in the red. The minus was small (about 1-1.5 thousand hryvnias), which did not upset me, because, in my opinion, for acquiring any experience you will pay your price one way or another, and mine turned out to be not so big. At the same time, I understood that the final indicator is a minus in the distance, so it would not work to build passive additional income from betting. I had to accept this fact and look for other ways.

The need for passive independent income increased at the moment when I set myself a new high goal, for the achievement of which a lot of funds are needed, which no salary today (taking into account all monthly living expenses and needs) is able to provide. In this regard, I tried to look for new schemes and ways of making such an income, which in the end did not suit me, but played a role in the approach to betting and its perception.

The motivation that came from outside also played an important role in returning to betting. From everything that I read and watch, I always try to take something useful or motivating. I also get a lot of interesting thoughts from feature films, which are often based on real events, and film various options for earning income in a short time.

So, in one of the coolest movie "On the Edge" I caught the phrase of one of the characters, which sounded something like this “... I love my country for the fact that here everything that I had and lost, I can always return in double the amount ...” Something like that. And this idea just settled in my thoughts.

I immediately drew an analogy with betting. Indeed, in the line for any match there are always good bets with a coefficient of 2 or close to it. This prompted me to divide my bank into several parts and play on principle of compensation. That is, if I lose my fixed bet, then I make the next one with odds. 2, but the size of the bet must be twice as much as the amount lost. Thus, in case of winning a new bet, you return the amount that you lost, and besides, you still get a plus exactly as much as the size of the first lost bet was equal to. This strategy turned out to be pretty good, but soon I merged my entire bank when the “black streak” came (which happens always and for everyone). And so, after 4 losses in a row, I simply did not have enough money for a new bet with compensation for the lost. As a result, I had to shelve this strategy.

At the same time, it is quite wealthy and profitable, but for this you need to have a lot of funds available, then you can guarantee that you will not only not lose your invested funds, but also significantly increase them. I think this strategy is ideal for wealthy people.

Significant and most motivating for the formation of a new approach to betting for me was film "Focus" , namely the scene on the football field where the smart and prudent hero of Will Smith makes bets against an avid gambler (Chinese rich man, businessman) and loses all the time. He raises the stakes until he hits the big jackpot (winning everything he had + everything the Chinese bet). Thus, Will Smith doubled, it seems, the 1.2 million he had. And despite the fact that the last winning bet was a set-up, when asked by his companion what he would do if he didn’t win this time, he replies that he would double to win.

This moment, the thoughts and logic of the protagonist made me pay special attention to the study of the theory of probability in the field of betting. As much as you don't want to, you won't lose all the time. And if you decide what to bet on, then you need to calculate the percentage probability of a certain event in the match.

Many other films and literature on similar topics have helped shape basic principles of betting . They are: excellent awareness in a particular sport; discipline; lack of excitement; calmness and patience; development of competent bank management (which will leave only 10% chances that the bank will be merged); fixed rate; ban on All-in bets; focus on profit at a distance; calculation of the probability of entering a bet (chances) and the feasibility of its application; application of statistics.

Only by adhering to these principles do I really slowly but surely make a profit from sports betting.

Successful betting does not allow you to take into account only your own awareness in a certain sport, in a team, etc. Also taken into account need to include statistics , which works, perhaps, more often than any information on the upcoming match. In addition, you need take into account modern trends and team motivations , as well as evaluate the chances of the realization of an event . And all these elements inseparable, their must be evaluated in symbiosis , since the assessment on one parameter makes your choice vulnerable.

For example, you may know that Barcelona is one of the top teams in the world, it has star players (Messi, Neymar, Suarez, etc.), and you once followed the games of this team and thought that she has no equal, but a year later, waiting for the second leg of the Champions League between Barca and Juventus, you bet on the victory of the Catalans and at least two goals scored, at the same time wondering why the bookmaker gives such big coefficients. Based on your available information, you are missing out on statistics that indicate that the team is currently in a conversion crisis, that Barça failed to score against Juventus in the first leg, and that the opposition is in great shape and shows the best defensive play this year. By omitting statistics and current trends, you are deliberately miscalculating the chances of the team you are going to bet on.

Based on probability theory, I chose main position for your bets . I very rarely bet on team wins, and even more often on winning with a handicap (0), because I think that any game is unpredictable, the ball is round, the field is green, and you never know how the game scenario will turn: in the last seconds, the opponent can to snatch a draw, or a red card can confuse the whole mood and plans of the team for the game. In those matches where the winner is almost always clear, the odds are so small that they do not allow you to bet, and where they are high, the probability that the team will not win is high.

On bets Total Under (TM) I never bet either, because practice shows that if I bet on TM in a match, where logically and with all the analysis there should not be more than 2-3 goals (as in the Premier League), as luck would have it, they stuff a full basket.

For this reason, my choice fell on betting on goals and individual totals . I consider it the most rational bet, since the essence of a football match is that if a team wants to win and take three points, it must score. The whole point of football is to score more goals than your opponent. In connection with the above, bets on goals look the most rational.

When betting on the line, I pay attention to matches where good odds are given on the goals of the teams that are most likely in a particular confrontation. If the odds on the team's goal are too low, then I often take the "over (1)" bet, if I think that the team will definitely be able to score a goal, but is able to score more. Often, bets on such events are given when more or less equal opponents meet and the odds for winning one fluctuate around 2, and the second 3-3.40. If you have a good understanding of the team's abilities, the skill of its key players and the form at the moment, then such bets always turn out to be profitable, especially if you include several of these in an accumulator.

So, in my opinion, the bet on more than one Real Madrid goal in the Champions League final against Juventus was valuable. The coefficient was 1.70. I was sure that Real Madrid would definitely score their one goal, because the team scored in every match in a year and more than once. The deterrent was the fact that Barça could not score a goal against Juventus in two matches, however, although I support Real Madrid, I am always extremely objective in terms of betting, so I understood that the current Barça does not managed to score, because the team is lost under the constant pressure of the opponent, they do not know how to play second number, so the opposition of Juve has borne fruit and dispersed the opponent. And to be frank, in my opinion, Barcelona is a team of one great player who, with solid resistance, can only hope to win if their great player performs a miracle, bypasses all the defense and scores a goal on a “blue platter”.

Real Madrid is first and foremost a team, despite Cristiano Ronaldo's big role in it. For half of the season, he was not noticeable, for which he again fell under criticism, but his team is currently so well-coordinated and each of the players is so skilled that they calmly and confidently won without him. Sometimes playing with the reserve squad, the results of the team were even better. Thus, I had every reason to expect Real Madrid to score against Juventus. If Ronaldo had not done this, just anyone could have done it: Marcelo, and Benzema, and Modric, and Isco, and Hames, and Vazquez, and Ramos, and Asensio (which he did), and others. This is due to the high individual skill of each of the players of this club, ingenuity in attack, and most importantly, the lack of fear of playing second in the match in order to lull the opponent’s vigilance and “shoot” at a moment when no one expects.

As we all know, my assessment of this bet was more than justified.

In addition to pre-match bets on the line, I consider it very profitable live betting . They come, probably, more often than the pre-match ones. In live, you can catch bets on the goals of favorite teams that lose during the match, and the coefficient on their goal increases, or bet in the second half on another goal scored, if there are all the prerequisites for this.

All my bets start at odds of 1.50, otherwise they are simply not viable for accumulating profits. Each rate must be fixed, no more than 10% of the available Bank. No bet, no matter how hard or hard it is, is worth going all-in. As soon as you make such a bet, it does not go through in a mean way. Therefore, it must be taken into account that the correct bank management is the basic rule of any earnings.

Having formed all the basic principles and rules of my betting, I decided to apply to them the approach and attitude that I mentioned earlier.

I identified sports betting with trading on stock exchanges on which brokers successfully earn. As here, on the stock exchanges, bets are made on the increase or decrease in the value of shares, goods or currencies. In turn, exchanges seem much more complex and unpredictable, since certain global or smaller events in the world of economics, politics and corporate management can influence the fall or rise in the rate. However, none of the courses that go down at a distance does not guarantee that at one fine moment, just when your bet expires, it will not decide, for unknown reasons, to jump for a couple of seconds, and then continue its fall. In this regard, I consider betting a more predictable, predictable and expedient investment.

Next, I came across an article by one person who suggested a way to accumulate the required amount (up to a million) by monthly setting aside insignificant amounts in your savings account at interest. The analysis of his method seemed to me very good, safe and rational, but unbearably difficult and lengthy. To achieve your goal, you had to postpone for many, many years. In addition, this method did not take into account the fact that at the level of our living and salaries, at which one salary is not enough for a month, the idea of ​​​​saving will end sooner or later at the first shortage of money, difficulties, etc. However, the very idea and direction seemed right to me. Based on it, I came to check whether my bank in the BC office can function according to principle of "Deposit".

For this purpose, I have analogy with a real bank deposit.

Suppose I make a deposit to a bank account in the amount of 10, 20 or 100 thousand rubles. The amount is not important at the moment, for clarity I will take 10,000 rubles. The bank opens deposits from 10% to 25% per annum (approximately) for the amount of the deposit. Thus, if you invested 10,000 r. at 25% per annum, then in a year you will receive only 12,500 rubles, or if this is a deposit for three months, then from 3% to 7% of the deposit. Your benefit looks meager, even if you invested one hundred thousand rubles in relation to your contribution, and financially it does not bring you any income.

By the same principle, I decided to conduct an experiment and invest 10,000 rubles. to the BC account (conditional), set a goal for myself and check how long it will take me to achieve it with accurate bets according to my strategy, and whether I will succeed at all. The main rule was not to withdraw funds from the account until the end goal was reached or until the failure, similar to a bank deposit.

Bets on the principle of "Deposit".

Type of bets: line + live.
Odds: 1.5 to 2.5 (on average).
Initial bet amount: 1000 rubles (10% of the bank).
Pot size target: 100,000 rubles.
Number of bets per day: from 1 to 7.

In the first month of betting, I made bets in the amount of 1000 rubles. The average betting odds were 1.7-1.8. As a result, given that during this period there were both a series of winnings and not very successful betting days, in exactly one month my initial bank increased by 120%, I already had 22,000 rubles (with kopecks) in my account.

When the bank reached 30,000 rubles, I increased the fixed rate to 2,000 rubles, which was already less than 10%. I didn't want to raise it to 10 percent, so that there would be more chances not to drain the bank and go by age. As for me, it is better to go slowly, but without fear of burning out. As a result, somewhere at the level of 50,000 rubles in the bank, I raised the amount of the fixed rate to 3,000 rubles and set this rate to the flesh until I reached my goal - 100,000 rubles (that is, the size of the fixed rate was 4-5% of the bank.

Thus, making bets according to my clear rules and system, I managed to increase my initial bank by 1000% in 3 months and a few days. Which bank will offer you this? Yes, it takes a lot of patience and discipline, but this format can really help you save up a substantial amount in just one year. And our goals and dreams, I think, are worth putting some 10,000 rubles aside for one year.

According to my calculations for the year it is possible to reach the mark of more than 1 million.

After conducting many such experiments, I am still inclined to argue that sports betting, with the right approach and self-control, can be a full-fledged source of income. Moreover, they can become the basis of your financial independence, but for this you need to devote a couple of years to this. Although in this matter it all depends on the size of your initial bank. The bigger the pot you start with, the faster and bigger your profit will look.

Personally, I do not yet have an alternative honest way of passive income that could fulfill my goals and needs.

An ordered betting system, with rational planning and management, can actually make money bring money;)

These are MY thoughts on the subject under discussion.

I posted this article here because there are a lot of people on the Intelbet site who have much more experience in betting, and I would like to hear exactly their thoughts on whether it is really possible to make money on bets or is it just fun. If you have any examples from your own experience and life, do not be afraid to share and comment. I need to know the opinion of people who have devoted themselves to this field for many years.

Thank you all for your attention! I hope at least someone will share their thoughts.

Almost everyone who starts betting has ambitious plans to make money on sports. Deceptive lightness attracts a huge number of people, and after a series of bets, the majority remains at a loss, with a bitter taste of disappointment and hurt pride. What is the reason for the general failure of the players and is it possible to make money on bets, or at least stay in the black? Why is the bookmaker always in the black, but there are more and more players trying to get rich?

First of all, it is worth understanding the principle of the bookmaker. For a bookmaker, betting is a business and nothing more. In the previous article, I already said that the bookmaker, evaluating each event, puts his margin into the offered quotes, which, with an equivalent “load” on opposite opinions, guarantees that he will profit. As a rule, the margin is about 6-15%. That is, the player, in the long-term game, for profit needs to overcome the bookmaker's margin and be smarter than the bookmaker. at least 6-15%.

Let me give you an example to illustrate. The well-known favorite Real Madrid plays with Atlético Madrid. The bookmaker believes that the percentage chances will be 60% -25% -15%. That is, the probability of a victory for Real is 60%, draws - 25%, and for the victory of "mattress" - 15%. If we translate these odds ratios into the usual European odds, we get the following: 1.67 - 4.0 - 6.67. This is done by simply dividing one by the probability of the outcome. But in case of a proportional distribution of money for this match according to such quotes, the bookmaker will not receive anything.

Therefore, no one works with pure coefficients. This is where the notorious margin (commission) of the bookmaker is introduced into the coefficient. For example, we will have a margin of 15%. The alignment of forces in this case will be: 67.5% -30% -17.5%. Quotation language: 1.48-3.33-5.71. Of course, somewhere the bookmaker can “comb the odds”, throw, for example, on a draw up to 3.5, and on an “underdog” up to 6.5, but this is already particular, the point is to show how the quotes for the event were distorted . I must say right away that the bookmaker assumes where the main flow of bets should go and will try to balance the amount of money with his offer in the line. That's why, the odds for the favorite are deliberately underestimated, and they act with a larger margin!

What are the players who come to the world of betting more inclined to. As a rule, they play favorites, those teams that are well-known and rooted in their minds as successful. Considering that they play under conditions that are obviously unfavorable for them, their task becomes more complicated. But even this is not enough for an ordinary beginner. He believes that he understands everything, and begins to play chains of matches - express trains. This type of bet gives the opportunity to win more (the odds of each event are multiplied), but also significantly increases the risks exponentially. Staying ahead in the long run when playing accumulators is not something that is difficult, but almost impossible. But the average player wants everything at once, and therefore gets nothing.

Players, very often having superficial knowledge or insufficient information, refer to the opinion of the bookmaker based on the odds. Roughly speaking, if Real Madrid is a clear favorite, then the bookmaker thinks so, he is a professional, I will listen to him. This is not entirely true, or rather not quite so. The bookmaker does not seek to assess the chances of the teams, it is much more important for him to correctly determine where the gaming public will bet in order to properly balance the money flows. Therefore, the coefficient for the match is a mirror of public opinion, with some adjustment by the bookmaker and nothing more. Therefore, convincing oneself of choosing based on the coefficient alone is erroneous and will not lead to anything good.

I have already compared the rates with the stock exchange in the previous article, I am convinced that this comparison is the most true. Here and there you need to feel the market, assess risks, make quick and informed decisions. There is an unwritten rule on the stock exchange - never follow the crowd, because there is nothing worse than the panic of "small" people with money clenched in their fists. It is on them that both stock exchange sharks and betting sharks profit. This rule is true for the exchange and for rates, and as life shows, it works flawlessly.

Going against opinion is the key to success, but as in any business, this must be done competently and balancedly. That is, this does not mean at all that one must always play against the opinion of the majority, but each decision must be made with one's own head. I can say for sure that you need to avoid the hype, such events are usually insidious and leave the general mass in the cold. This is a dogma in betting, which for some reason is underestimated by many.

I also believe that every beginner, and not only a beginner, needs to decide - why does he bet? If the goal is to earn, then this is one thing, but very often bets are considered as entertainment, in this case, have fun and play for fun, but only for the amount of money that you can afford. I must say right away that the position of a player who considers betting as a form of leisure, a light hobby, is beneficial for the bookmaker. Such players bring them the lion's share of the profits.

There is an opinion that successful players in the world of rates are one, or rather 1-2% of the total mass. I have no idea where this figure came from, but how persistently it is being imposed tells me that these are not figures that reflect reality. I believe that successful profitable players are at least 10% of the total mass, and the impossibility of winning at the bookmaker is imposed by them, for the already more advanced mass of the gaming world. That is, at first the bookmaker gives the illusion of easy prey, and after the player has burned himself and gave the first money, he begins to collect information, trying to understand the essence of the issue. And then he is dumbfounded, by the already announced figures, in 1-2% of successful players. Most, after these numbers, stop developing in this direction and continue to bet, but already at that amateur level. Naturally, such a game will not bring success to the player, but will bring easy money to the bookmaker.

It is really possible to make money on bets. To do this, you need to seriously approach the issue, engage in analytics, study the theory of betting, analyze your own and others' mistakes, develop your own style of play. All of this takes time, effort and love. This is very important to understand if you decide to earn money by betting on sports.

Play and win, and also know how to enjoy success, even if it is intermediate

Have a good mood!

  • Where can you bet
    • What is a tote
    • Bookmaker's office
    • We place bets. Training
    • Choosing a bookmaker
    • Bookmaker fork
    • Bet on clear favorites
    • Strategy "Catch-up"
    • Express rates
  • Getting income on bets: tips for beginners
  • Conclusion
    • Watch the video: How to make money on sports betting

Everyone dreams of building their own financial pyramid, based on vital interests, but fate does not always present us with such gifts. This article describes how to make your dream come true, earn money without leaving your home. One of the many ways to make money is to generate income through betting. And it doesn’t matter what hobbies it is: sports, politics or even computer games. You can literally make money on everything. So, let's take a closer look at making money at bookmakers.

Where can you bet

Bets are made in two ways:

  • sweepstakes;
  • bookmaker's office.

The difference between a betting shop and a bookmaker

What is a tote

A totalizator is such a system that accepts bets on certain events occurring at a particular point in time. All the bets of the players form a common treasury of the cash prize, from which the amount is paid to the winners. Here, participants compete with each other, and not with a sweepstakes, which, in turn, takes interest for services.

For example: there are 14 sporting events (hockey). It is required to guess the results of the matches (success of the first team, draw, success of the second team). Winners are received by those participants who guessed at least 9 events.

How to make money betting online

Bookmaker's office

A bookmaker is a resource that accepts bets on events (for example, sports games) and pays out winnings. The player knows in advance the amount of payments in case of victory, since the office sets the coefficients that multiply the player's bet. This is the main difference between a totalizator and a bookmaker's office (the person participating in the totalizator does not know the approximate winnings).

Example: a football match between a clear favorite and an outsider. The coefficient for the favorite is 1.4, and for the outsider 8.4. If a player bets 100 rubles on the favorite and wins, then, accordingly, the amount of payments will be 140 rubles. From here you can calculate the amount of winnings, in case of success of the outsider team.

How to make an online bet on games on the Internet

First you need to choose a bookmaker or sweepstakes based on the prestige and feedback about them. Next, register and log in. Also, in order to receive winnings, the player needs to create his own online wallet. For this, such well-known systems as , or. In addition, you can place a bet via SMS-request.

An integral part is "professional betting". In order to increase the chance of winning a large amount of money, you need not only to know who is the favorite and who is the outsider, you also need to track the statistics of sports events, read analytical articles, watch matches of specific teams, and based on all that has been said, develop your betting strategies.

Earnings on bets in bookmakers

We place bets. Training

The Internet is an inexhaustible resource from which you can extract a lot of useful information. Find everything about the right sports teams or athletes. Also look for bookmakers, cooperation with which will be promising and productive.

Look for as many offices as possible and create accounts on each of them. This will allow you to play on betting surebets (the Fork strategy will be discussed below).

Information on good sports forums is very useful, since it is there that you can get a lot of useful information about players and the likelihood of them winning in one or another branch of sports.

Professional players often keep a diary. In it, they mark the places where they themselves met betting surebets, and also record the results of the games. If you study such a diary in detail, you can easily find similar game situations that can play into your hands.

Before you go big, try doing sports betting for yourself. Search for sure bets, try guessing, and then see if the person you were counting on won. Such experience will allow you to learn to analyze games more accurately, and this will only positively affect your own betting game. (See about making money on games on the Internet without investments).

Choosing a bookmaker

Most trusted bookmakers have their own websites, which clearly describe how to place bets. Therefore, even if there is a real office near you, it is better to give preference to an Internet resource anyway. It is much more convenient even because you don't have to go to the bookmaker's office to win. To withdraw funds, it will be enough just to indicate the bank account details or WebMoney wallet number.

If you are in doubt about which online bookmaker is best to use, then here are the top three for you:

  1. LeonBETS- an office with a lot of positive reviews. This is due to the fact that controversial situations are resolved in favor of the player, and not vice versa. Also, the withdrawal of funds is carried out quite quickly - within 2-3 hours. In general, this bookmaker is friendly and efficient.
  2. features a simple and accessible interface. A huge plus is the presence of a large number of matches on which you can bet. Well, the main drawback is that the withdrawal of funds takes more than a week.
  3. Olimpbet withdraws funds very quickly, but the disadvantage is that there are much fewer betting lines.

Methods and strategies for making money on bets on the Internet

There are universal sports betting strategies. These include:

  • Fork strategy;
  • bet on clear favorites;
  • strategy "Dogon";
  • Express rates

Bookmaker fork

The main essence of this betting strategy is that the player needs to find at least two successful bookmakers. Then choose a match in which the odds for the teams will be approximately equal. Next, you need to bet on the victory of the first team in one of these offices, and in the second office, bet on the victory of the second team and wait for the result.

Example of a betting surebet

Let's imagine that the match is between two teams - Brazil and Serbia. Each match has its own betting odds, and, in fact, the amount of your earnings directly depends on them.

In order to use a betting surebet, find a match where the odds for each of the teams will be greater than 2 (for example, 2.5 for Brazil and 2.7 for Serbia). By betting 100 rubles on Brazil, you will receive 250 rubles if you win, and by betting 100 rubles on Serbia, you will receive 270 rubles, respectively.

Then do the following: go to two different bookmakers from your accounts. On one site, bet 100 rubles on Brazil, and on the second - 100 rubles on Serbia. In general, you will bet 200 rubles. If Brazil wins, you will receive 250 rubles (50 rubles of net profit). If Serbia wins, then you will earn 270 rubles (70 rubles of net profit). The more you bet, the more you win. But do not forget that you need to find exactly such a match, where the odds of both teams would be higher than 2.

Pros and Cons of the Fork Betting Strategy

A bookmaker surebet is, of course, stability. But like everywhere, it has its downsides. For example, in order to earn good money, you will need a serious start-up capital, which will need to be dispersed among several bookmakers. Also, this way of earning requires you to closely monitor fluctuations in odds, which are very unstable and can change even during the game.

Surebets may appear for just a couple of minutes, and if you did not have time to make a successful bet, then alas.

In any case, success is guaranteed by 90 percent. Many will ask the question why not one hundred percent. There are situations when games are drawn. But such cases are rare, so you should not be upset.

Bet on clear favorites

Another almost win-win way is to bet on clear favorites.

Why bet on a clear favorite if the odds for it are low? The answer is simple: if you bet on several matches in which there are clear favorites, then the coefficient becomes higher accordingly. Hence the gain.

Strategy "Catch-up"

The simplest and most effective strategy is the so-called "Dogon"

The essence of this sports betting strategy is very simple. To do this, the player needs to have a certain capital in his wallet. And then you need to bet on the same result constantly, but taking into account the increase in the subsequent rate by two or more times.

You should also take into account the odds in this betting strategy. The approximate coefficient should be equal to two. Using this strategy, constant profit is guaranteed.

Express rates

The secret of this method is that you bet on the teams with the lowest odds. Only if you make these bets separately, then the earnings will be small.

For example, if you have chosen teams with odds of 1.1, 1.5, 1.7 and bet 100 rubles on each of them separately, then in the end your winnings will be: 10 + 50 + 70 = 130 rubles. If you make an express bet on 3 matches at once, then the total coefficient will be 1.1 x 1.5 x 1.7 = 2.805, and the profit from 300 rubles will be: 300 x 2.805 - 300 = 541.5 rubles.

Minus express bets - if at least one of the three bets has not played, you lose all profits.

The subtleties of making money on sports betting

For some reason, many attribute earnings on sports betting to a number of gambling, most likely the stereotype is to blame. Everyone understands that gambling will never be safe, because that's what they are gambling for.

But do not confuse games in online bookmakers with casinos. These are fundamentally different things because you cannot predict the game of roulette, but you can bet.

Luck is undoubtedly a good companion, but when making a bet, you also have the opportunity to analyze, calculate the risks and the possible outcome. With such a rational approach, the chance that your bet will play is very high.

For some specialists, earning on sports betting resembles earning on Forex.(Read also - What is it and is it possible). Maybe they are right about something, but you must admit that it is much easier to make money on sports than on multi-way currency frauds that are not clear to an ordinary person.

Undoubtedly, it will be much easier for you to earn money if you are fond of sports and understand it a little, but even without such knowledge, you can still get money if you learn to look for the so-called betting surebets.

  1. For very gambling people, earning on bets is not recommended, since the loss of invested money in this case is inevitable. Excitement is the main reason for all failures in the analysis of events.
  2. If you do not want to lose all your money at once, then never play all-in (do not bet on a large amount of money for you), otherwise there is a risk of being left with nothing. There are times when you are lucky, but sooner or later you will lose everything.
  3. To start making money on bookmakers, allocate an amount of money that will not hit your own pocket and will not affect the overall picture of your financial condition. This money should not be a pity to lose! In the beginning, bet on small money, if everything goes well in your favor, then you can increase the size of the bets.
  4. Develop your sports betting strategies. Using a long-term game strategy, since bookmakers usually give quite high odds for such events. It is also important, when choosing your strategy, to proceed from your personal financial budget. Long-term sports betting is less popular than regular betting, but it can become very profitable.

These simple but important rules must be remembered and followed by anyone who decides to start making money on bets.

Always remember that it is impossible to beat a bookmaker, as the outcome of certain events is calculated on the probability of their execution. The bookmaker has no excitement, which is extremely rare for a novice player, and works for the long term.


Due to the presence of analogues of real bookmakers on the Internet, it becomes much easier and easier to make money. Online betting is incredibly convenient, but you will never make a profit if you are guided by the likes of teams or players.

Remember that betting is a kind of investment, not a hobby, you can support your favorite team at home on the couch without losing your wallet. It is clear that an investment is a certain risk, but after reading this article, you can minimize it.

If you correctly use the above information about earning income from bets, you can forever forget about the constant torment in everyday work for pennies and creating your own budget!

A bookmaker's office is a place where you can leave as a rich person, with a smile in his mouth, as well as an extremely poor and morally depressed person. Unfortunately, referring to statistics or personal observations, we can establish that there are much more of the latter than successful players. And of those who come out happy, there are even fewer who can / try to earn a stable income and provide for themselves. So, on the one hand, everything seems to be quite simple: a cold mind, prudence, statistics, the shape of the players and business ... or let's say "money in the hat." On the other hand: this is a game and anything can happen here!

How to make money on bets

A certain percentage of players, even a small one, has a good income from bets over a long period of time. Such people (they also call themselves professional bettors) adhere to certain rules. Here is some of them:

  1. Bets must be made only on the sport in which the better understands. Without knowing the rules of the game and the rules of refereeing, it is very difficult to analyze the situation and make an informed choice.
  2. The main criterion for choosing a bookmaker is the conditions for players. It doesn’t matter how far it is from you, the main thing is that the odds are high.
  3. You need to devote a lot of time to reading analytical articles and viewing reviews of specific matches / championships, as well as studying the results of sports events (even if they are not directly related to the bets made).
  4. You should develop your own betting strategy and find a balance between betting with the minimum odds, average, but less stable and, in some cases, risky.
  5. Risk diversification and efficient bank management should come first. That is, it is highly discouraged to take more than 1-2% of the total amount of capital for one bet, especially if you are not sure of a positive outcome.
  6. Live bets, accumulators for more than four events, match bets, any kind of systems - all this is excluded, as it interferes with the success of the game at a long distance.

How to make money betting as a beginner

Everything that was discussed above applies exclusively to professionals. It is unlikely that a beginner is able to competently analyze a sporting event (even just understanding the terminology will not be easy for him). Nevertheless, thanks to trust management, they also have the opportunity to earn consistently. The bottom line is this: you choose a professional better, to whom you will transfer your money. He takes them into circulation, makes the “correct” bets (he still has more experience than you, and he has established contacts over many years of work), after which he transfers the money won to you, of course, minus the fee for his services.

Let's also not forget about another person who can make good money on sports betting - the owner of a bookmaker's office. By definition, it is always in the black due to correctly built odds. Take, for example, tennis 1.90 and 1.90 on each side. And where did 0.10 and 0.10 go? I think you have already guessed that the bookmakers are in the pocket. Considering how many people bet, they are indifferent to any drawdowns from one side or another.


A stable income on bets is not such an unattainable goal as it seems at first glance. Each player, both a betting professional and a novice privateer, is potentially able to get good money in a bookmaker's office, not to mention the organizers of this business.

Reviews and comments

In fact, there are entire communities of people who make money on such bets. Of course, not millions, but this allows them not to work anywhere else and at the same time feel comfortable. So if you approach this question to the point, then my answer is yes, it is possible.

It is possible to earn consistently on anything. you just need to take the matter seriously and always with cold calculation. If you give vent to emotions, then you are simply doomed to failure. I know people who bet 10,000 rubles on the exact outcome of a match and won.

It is simply unrealistic to make money steadily on something that carries elements of unpredictability. Randomness can undermine any well-established system, although these accidents can be taken into account mathematically, but still, if we talk about the stability of earnings, then this is not the case.

Radik, I completely agree with you. Only a bookmaker can earn consistently - since he has an unlimited (compared to a player) cash reserve and, in the long term, due to correctly set odds for events, he will not remain at a loss in any case; or the person organizing “contractual” events shared the profit, but was guaranteed to win.

Vsevolod, well, why, there are a sufficient number of privateers for whom rates are the main type of income.

Qwer, I agree. Many live off the rates, and I would say not bad. Anyone who is well versed in sports can not only earn money by betting on events, but also sell forecasts. if the capper is good, then his predictions will be in great demand.

I want to say for those who make the right forecasts and get a good profit from it, you don’t need to bother and sell forecasts at all. And as for whether it is possible to make money on bets, I can say with confidence that it is possible, you just need to overcome the excitement in yourself and love sports.

I read the blog of one better who has been living off bets for 10 years, puts big bets only on football ordinars, opened his own nightclub in a big city. He bets only on the victory of one of the teams, without draws. In many offices, he is already forbidden to bet. But he is a professional and knows about the match he bets everything on.

I have no doubt that there are such people. I don’t know about the ban, of course, because you can easily register and bet through the network. I also want to note that a very correct game in terms of ordinals, it is not possible to win by constantly betting express trains, one event will always keep.

You don't always have to win, but it is quite possible to be in the black on express bets. Again, depending on what kind of expresses, if there are 2 events each, then it’s quite real, verified on personal experience.

Of course, it is possible to consistently make money on bets, a lot of people do it, but at the same time it is not easy. Necessary:

  • Betting experience - from a year or more
  • You need to be well versed in the sport you bet on.
  • Follow all competitions and analyze statistics
  • Hone the right psychology and attitude to wins and losses
  • Work out your winning strategy, again this requires experience

If all this is, then it is quite possible to earn stably.

As a rule, there is no strategy. How much I know so much and are looking for this win-win strategy, it all depends on how much information you have on the match and only on this. And to calculate something with the help of mathematics, it seems to me that they have been trying to do this for a hundred years, but they cannot find a solution.

Cappers earn, and we think that it is possible to earn on a beech. betting - let's play! We play and drain our money, getting excitement. But bookmaking has its own money management, it would be better to stick to it. That is: you need to properly distribute risks, placing a maximum of 5% of the total budget on a particular game. Putting all your capital on one outcome is a utopia.

It all depends on the person, if he knows everything in this form and takes into account, then I think that it is possible. For example, my friend bets only on Russian teams in which he is well versed and receives a stable income. He bought a car at a bet.

naruto4225, why does he bet on Russian teams? RFPL or 1-2 divisions? There is just a chance that your friend knows the “negotiables” (buys them on the Internet). Of course, if you take bets seriously, you can consistently earn money on this. You need to adhere to competent money management: for example, put no more than 2-3% of the capital on one outcome (bet).

Yes, there are no contracts. It's just that he very carefully follows the Russian clubs and players and draws conclusions on this where to put him. It often works. For him, it's like making extra money. As you understand, he does not bet on everything.

You can of course .. But with a cool head.

Sergey Turkin

Units earn according to their professional strategies! Betting is a risk. The office can be beaten once, well, twice or thrice, and on the fourth or fifth time you will lose!

all these strategies, tactics, cold calculations and, in principle, forecasts are complete nonsense and nonsense, eventually going into the red, only bets on a confident outcome from people whom you decide to trust, from the very beginning of the partnership, aroused confidence in me, and with the first rates provided by them, and to this day, confidence in the correctness of the path I have chosen for stable earnings on bets is only growing in me.

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