Book Reviews of the Wild Dog Dingo, or the Tale of First Love. "What captivated me" The Tale of First Love List of used literature



Filka is faithful to this friendship to the end. Moreover, he is in love with Tanya, constantly looking at her with loving eyes, perfectly understanding, sensitively guessing every desire, justifying any of her actions, even when, it would seem, if not impossible, then, in any case, incredible difficult. But for Filka, in everything that concerns Tanya, there is nothing impossible, in an effort to serve this girl, he does not consider anything, for him there are no such difficulties and obstacles that would stop or cool his ardor.

About Filka, as the hero of his future work, the author began to think, apparently, earlier than other characters. It can be assumed that it was this image that was the beginning from which the whole story grew. The writer himself, as we remember, pointed out that even during a partisan campaign in the Far Eastern taiga, he noticed him. In the article "... or the Tale of First Love," Fraerman bluntly stated: "There I found my Filka."

And is it not because of this that Filka in the story turned out to be so bright, hardly, perhaps, inferior in strength to the impression made on the reader only by the main character. Filka is remembered for his originality, integrity of character, as if hewn from one strong piece. In spiritual generosity, purity, fidelity, he is almost more generous than Tanya herself. Let's remember how he offers her his friendship, asking her to remember him, "if you need a strong hand, or a lasso with which to catch deer, or a stick, which I learned to use well, hunting for wild grouse in the taiga."

his word is strong, he will never deviate from what he has said, he will never break promises. Filka wins our sympathy with rare purity, he lives with a clear conviction that "everything good must have a good direction", and always follows this conviction. He, without hesitation, although he is able and loves to think everything over, rebels against everything bad. And this does not come from his impatient and impulsive nature, on the contrary, Filka is calm by nature, likes to act slowly, weighing everything, namely from conviction, from early maturity, spiritual maturity, from that hardening that was obtained in the harsh taiga life. It was the taiga life, full of unexpected dangers, that taught him to value friendship above all else, to be patient and fair, to do good.

Here is his conviction: “Having acquired a strange habit of thinking from time to time, Filka thought that if the ancient warriors - and not the old ones, but others whom he sees today under cloth helmets with a red star - did not help each other on a campaign, then how could they win? What if a friend only remembered the friend when he saw him and forgot about him as soon as the friend went on the road, how could he ever come back? What if the hunter, who dropped his knife on the path, could not ask about him the oncoming one, then how could he always fall asleep calmly alone, in the forest, by the fire.

That is why for him there is nothing holier than friendship, kindness and justice. All this was manifested with particular fullness and, I would say, beauty in his truly chivalrous, disinterested devotion to Tanya.

Tanya is able to think over even very complex phenomena, Kolya is serious and thoughtful, but Filka is the most mature, most mature, for all the somewhat naive immediacy of character, in the story. Even now, about him, still a schoolboy, one can say: he has a wise head. He likes to think, and most importantly, he is able to think, compare, analyze.

“If a person is left alone, he risks getting on a bad road,” thought Filka, left completely alone on a deserted street, along which he usually returned with Tanya from school. For a whole hour he waited for her, standing on the corner near the Chinese stall. Whether it was stickies made of sweet dough, lying in a pile on a tray, or whether the Chinese himself in wooden shoes distracted Filka's attention, but only now he was alone, and Tanya left alone, and it was equally bad for both. In the taiga, Filka would have known what to do. He would follow in her footsteps. But here in the city they would probably take him for a hunting dog or laugh at him.

And, thinking about this, Filka came to the bitter conclusion that he knew many things that were of no use to him in the city.

He knew, for example, how to track down a sable by powder near a stream in the forest, he knew that if by morning the bread was frozen in a cage, then he could already go on a visit on dogs - the ice would withstand the sled, and that if the wind was blowing from the Black Spit, and the moon stands round, then you should wait for a snowstorm.

Yes, Filka has a richer life experience than any of his classmates. But this cannot be explained only by the fact that Filka is a child of nature, that he is a taiga resident. Among other things, Filka has such qualities as endurance, self-control, good breeding. Devoted to self-forgetfulness to Tanya, ready at any moment to rush to serve her, he nevertheless never loses his dignity, behaves naturally, simply, sincerely and nobly.

Could Tanya not appreciate such a friend? She sometimes, by her own admission, forgot about it, which she sincerely regrets when parting, since it is hardly harder for her to leave Filka than to part with Kolya and her father. Knocked down, just before leaving, Tanya finds her faithful Sancho Pans on the river bank, where they loved to swim together.

“He was shirtless. And his shoulders, drenched in the sun, sparkled like stones, and on his chest, dark from sunburn, bright letters stood out, drawn very skillfully. She read: "TANYA".

Filka, embarrassed, covered this name with his hand and retreated a few steps. He would have retreated very far, he would have gone completely into the mountains, but behind him the river guarded him. And Tanya kept following him, step by step.

And there were, perhaps, only debts with the most vague future. Watching the video film "Bulgakov in Kyiv". Another creative takeoff. The purpose of the lesson. It would seem that sailing has become more spacious, but no, it is not easier. Love for someone else's wife. I walk the steep road of chivalry and despise earthly goods, but not honor! The hostess was energetic and frivolous.

"The life and work of Bulgakov" - North Caucasus. True. Themes of the novel. Mother. The image of Satan. Composition "Master and Margarita". Real drama. Life and creation. The hardest period. The novel The Master and Margarita. Bulgakov worked hard and fruitfully. Financial situation. Circle of Moscow writers. Key idea of ​​the novel. Afanasy Ivanovich died.

"Bulgakov Heart of a Dog" - Professor Preobrazhensky - Evgeny Evstigneev. Story composition. Subtle, hidden mockery; discrepancy between positive meaning and negative connotation. "Heart of a Dog" is a masterpiece of Bulgakov's satire. "Heart of a Dog" ("A Monstrous Story"). M A. Bulgakov (1891-1940). 1921 - Bulgakov came to Moscow for permanent residence.

"Brief biography of Bulgakov" - Friends and relatives. Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. Bulgakov's works. Tatyana Nikolaevna Lappa. Postage Stamp. Dead Souls. Bulgakov works as a doctor. Michael Bulgakov. Afanasy Ivanovich Bulgakov. Varvara Mikhailovna Bulgakova. House on Vozdvizhenskaya. Elena Sergeevna Bulgakova. Caucasus. Lyubov Evgenievna Belozerskaya.

"Biography of Bulgakov" - In 1936, the premiere of Bulgakov's "Molière" took place at the Moscow Art Theater. In 1930, Bulgakov's works ceased to be printed, the plays were withdrawn from the theater repertoire. In 1929, Bulgakov met Elena Sergeevna Shilovskaya, his future third wife. Bulgakov's health is rapidly deteriorating. The writer also begins work on a play about Molière ("The Cabal of Saints").

"The Master and Margarita Bulgakov" - based on the novel by M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita". "Do good" - so says the ancient wisdom. But I feel sorry for you, why would you ruin your life with the sick and the poor? Project 2. Project 1. Poet Ivan Nikolaevich Ponyrev, who writes under the pseudonym Bezdomny. The fundamental question: "How to maintain a balance between mercy and justice."

In total there are 24 presentations in the topic

The main character of the story, Tanya Sobaneeva, was left without a father when she was eight months old. The father went to another woman and adopted the boy Kolya. In the future, the father will come with a new family to the city where Tanya lives with her mother. The girl holds a grudge against her father and is always in conflict with Kolya, who also taunts Tanya. Then mutual sympathy will arise between them. The girl had a good friend, Filka, who was secretly in love with her. Because of his jealousy, he always arranged intrigues for Kolya.

The story teaches that there is only one step from hatred to love and vice versa. The earth is round, you can never promise something, everything can change in an instant.

Read Fraerman's Wild Dog Dingo Summary

The plot of the work revolves around two comrades Tanya Sabaneeva and Filka, who were in a health camp and are already on their way home. Tanya wants to receive a Dingo dog as a gift. But only the Tiger, a small puppy, and a nanny are waiting for the heroine at home, her mother is not at home, she is forced to work hard, since she alone provides for the family, Tanya's father left the family when she was not even a year old.

Filka tells her friend that his father bought huskies for him, he praises his dad, they have an ideal relationship. The girl does not really like this, the topic of paternity is difficult and unpleasant for her. Tanya states that her father lives on Maroseyki Island. The guys look at the map and do not find such a place, the girl gets angry and walks away.

Tanya accidentally finds a letter from her father. It turns out that the father comes with a new family to live in the same city. Tanya is upset, she is still angry with her father, because he left her and her mother, and left for another woman. Mom often talks with Tanya, and asks not to hold a grudge against her father.

Tanya knew the day when her father was to appear. She decided to meet him with a bouquet. But she never saw her father. Frustrated, the girl gave the flowers to a random stranger in a wheelchair. Later, she finds out that it was Kolya, her father's adopted child.

That difficult moment has come - the meeting of father and daughter after many years.

Kolya is enrolled in the class where Tanya is studying. He sits at the same desk with Filka. Kolya is in constant conflict with Tanya because of his father. He is a smart, diligent, purposeful guy. But Tanya is constantly mocked.

The children learn that a famous writer is coming to town soon. There is a struggle for who will give a bouquet of flowers to him. There are two main contenders for this place - Zhenya and Tanya. In the end, Tanya wins. She is extremely happy, because this is such an honor for her. While Tanya opened the box, she spilled ink on her hand. Cole noticed this. Relations between them began to improve. The boy even made an offer to Tanya - to go to the Christmas tree together.

The New Year has come. Something incomprehensible is going on in Tanya's soul. Only recently she hated her father's new wife and Kolya. And now she has the warmest feelings for him. Waiting for him, constantly thinking about him. Filka is jealous of Tanya for Kostya, because he is not indifferent to her.

Dancing. Filka deceives everyone. He tells Tanya that Kolya will go skating with Zhenya, and Kolya says that he will go with Tanya to watch a school play. The situation is heating up. Out of nowhere, a strong swirl begins. Tanya, with all her strength, goes to the skating rink to inform her friends about this. Zhenya got scared and quickly ran to her house. Kolya injured his leg during the fall, so he could not walk. Tanya goes to Filka and takes a team with dogs. She is brave and determined. At one point, the dogs became uncontrollable, then the heroine was forced to give them her puppy. It was a huge loss for her. Kolya and Tanya are fighting to the last for their lives. The blizzard is getting stronger. Tanya, risking her own life, helps Kolya. Filka told the border guards that the children were in danger. They went in search of them.

Here come the holidays. Tanya and a friend visit Kolya, who has received frostbite of body parts.

Beginning of the school year. There are bad rumors about Tanya. Everyone believes that it is she who is to blame for what happened to Kolya. Tanya is upset because she wants to be excluded from the pioneers, she cries, because it is absolutely not her fault in what happened to her friend. She was simply wrongfully accused. Everything was cleared up when Kolya tells everyone the true information.

Tanya goes home. There she talks with her mother about justice, about the meaning of life. Mom tells her that she wants to leave the city. Tanya understands that it is hard for her mother to be close to her father, as she still has feelings for him.

Tanya tells Filka that she wants to see Kolya. Filka informs Tanya's father about this.

Forest. Dawn. Meeting at Cape Koli and Tanya. Kolya confessed his feelings to the girl for the first time. Tanya tells him that soon she and her mother will leave the city. The boy is upset. Tanya admits that it was a difficult year for her. She doesn't want to hurt anyone. Kolya kisses her. The meeting is interrupted, the father and Filka come. Together they go home.

Summer. Tanya says goodbye to a friend who can hardly hold back her tears. The girl leaves.

A picture or drawing of a wild dog Dingo

The story begins with Bulgakov's reminiscences of an abandoned area where he started working as a doctor. He did everything alone, was responsible for everything, without having a quiet moment. Having moved to the city, he is happy to be able to simply read special literature.

  • Summary The Endless Book (story) Michael Ende

    After the death of his mother, the life of ten-year-old Bastian Bux turned into a continuous melancholy. At school, his peers are pestering him for slowness and strangeness, his father is busy with his experiences, and the boy's only friends are books about adventures.

  • “There are books,” M. Prilezhaeva wrote, “which, having entered a person’s heart from childhood and youth, accompany him all his life. They console him in grief, cause reflection, and rejoice.” This is exactly what became for many generations of readers the book of Ruvim Isaevich Fraerman "The Wild Dog Dingo, or The Tale of First Love". Published in 1939, it caused a heated discussion in the press; filmed in 1962 by director Y. Karasik - attracted even closer attention: the film was awarded prizes at two international film festivals; played in a radio show by famous actors, glorified by the famous song of Alexandra Pakhmutova - she soon firmly entered the school curriculum in Far Eastern literature.

    R. I. Fraerman created the story in the village of Solotcha, Ryazan Region, but the Far East, which conquered him from a young age, made the scene of his work. He confessed: "I knew and fell in love with all my heart and the majestic beauty of this region, and its poor<…>peoples. I especially fell in love with the Tungus, these cheerful, tireless hunters who, in need and disaster, managed to keep their souls clean, loved the taiga, knew its laws and the eternal laws of friendship between man and man.

    There, I saw many examples of friendship between Tungus teenage boys and Russian girls, examples of true chivalry and devotion in friendship and love. There I found my Filka."

    Filka, Tanya Sabaneeva, Kolya, their classmates and parents living in a small Far Eastern town - these are the heroes of Fraerman's work. Ordinary people. And the plot of the story is simple: the girl will meet her father, who once left the family, she will have a difficult relationship with the new family of her father, whom she loves and hates at the same time ...

    But why is this story about first love so attractive? “Harmonious, created as if in one breath,” notes E. Putilova, “like a poem in prose, the story is small in volume. But how many events, destinies it contains, how many changes occur with the characters on its pages, how many important discoveries! this one is far from serene, and the strength of Fraerman's book, its enduring charm, perhaps lies in the fact that the author, believing in his reader, boldly and openly showed how dearly love is given to a person, which sometimes turns into torment, doubts, sorrows, suffering. And at the same time, how the human soul grows in this love. " And according to Konstantin Paustovsky, Reuben Isaevich Fraerman "is not so much a prose writer as a poet. This determines a lot both in his life and in his work. The power of Fraerman's influence lies mainly in his poetic vision of the world, in the fact that life appears before us on the pages of his books in his beautiful essence.<…>prefers to write for youth rather than adults. The immediate youthful heart is closer to him than the wise heart of an adult.

    The world of a child's soul with its inexplicable impulses, dreams, admiration for life, hatred, joys and sorrows is revealed by the writer. And first of all, this applies to Tanya Sabaneeva, the main character of the story by R. I. Fraerman, whom we meet in an idyllic setting of pristine nature: the girl sits motionless on a stone, the river pours noise over her; her eyes are lowered, but “their gaze, tired of the brilliance scattered everywhere over the water, was not fixed. She often took it aside and directed it into the distance, where the round mountains, overshadowed by the forest, stood above the river itself.

    The air was still bright, and the sky, constrained by mountains, seemed like a plain among them, slightly illuminated by the sunset.<…>She slowly turned on the stone and slowly walked up the path, where a tall forest descended towards her along the gentle slope of the mountain.

    She entered him boldly.

    The sound of water running between the rows of stones remained behind her, and silence opened before her.

    At first, the author does not even name his heroine: it seems to me that he so wants to preserve the harmony in which the girl is at this moment: the name is not important here - the harmony between Man and Nature is important. But, unfortunately, there is no such harmony in the soul of a schoolgirl. Thoughts, disturbing, restless, do not give Tanya peace. She thinks all the time, dreams, tries "to imagine in her imagination those unexplored lands where and from where the river runs." She wants to see other countries, another world ("Wanderlust" took possession of her).

    But why does the girl want to run away from here so much, why is she not now attracted to this air, familiar to her from the first days of her life, not this sky, not this forest?

    She is alone. And this is her misfortune: "it was empty around<…>The girl was left alone"; "no one is waiting for me in the camp"; "Alone, so we are left with you. We are always alone<…>she alone knew how this freedom weighed on her.

    What is the reason for her loneliness? The girl has a house, a mother (although she is at work in the hospital all the time), Filka's friend, a nanny, a Cossack cat with kittens, a Tiger dog, a duck, irises under the window ... The whole world. But all this will not replace her father, whom Tanya does not know at all and who lives far, far away (it's the same as in Algeria or Tunisia).

    Raising the problem of incomplete families, the author makes you think about many issues. Is it easy for children to experience parental separation? What do they feel? How to build relationships in such a family? How not to bring up hatred for a parent who has left the family? But R. I. Fraerman does not give direct answers, he does not moralize. One thing is clear to him: children in such families grow up early.

    So the heroine, Tanya Sabaneeva, seriously reflects on life beyond her years. Even the nanny remarks: "You are very thoughtful<…>you think a lot." And plunging into the analysis of the life situation, the girl convinces herself that she should not love this man, although her mother never spoke badly about him. And the news of her father's arrival, and even with Nadezhda Petrovna and Kolya, who will study with her in the same class, deprives Tanya of peace for a long time.But without wanting it, the girl is waiting for her father (she wears an elegant dress, plucked irises and locusts, which he loves so much), tries to deceive herself, explaining the reasons for her behavior in a simulated conversation with her mother And even on the pier, peering at the passers-by, she reproaches herself for having succumbed to "the involuntary desire of the heart, which now beats so much and does not know what to do: just die or knock even harder?"

    It is difficult to take the first step towards a child whom I have not seen for almost fifteen years, Colonel Sabaneev, but even more difficult is his daughter. Resentment, hatred fill her thoughts, and her heart reaches out to a loved one. The wall of alienation that has grown between them over the long years of separation cannot be destroyed so quickly, so dinners with her father on Sundays become an ordeal for Tanya: “Tanya entered the house, and the dog remained at the door. How often Tanya wanted her to stay at the door, and the dog entered the house!<…>Tanya's heart was overflowing with mistrust against her will.

    But at the same time, everything attracted her here. Even the nephew of Nadezhda Petrovna Kolya, whom Tanya thinks about more often than she would like, and who becomes the object of her gloating, aggression, anger. Their confrontation (and only Tanya goes into conflict) weighs heavily on the heart of Filka, this faithful Sancho Panza, who is ready to do everything in his power for his friend. The only thing Filka cannot do is understand Tanya and help her cope with her worries, anxieties, and emotions.

    Over time, Tanya Sabaneeva begins to realize a lot, her “eyes open”, that inner hard work (and in this she looks like the heroine of Leo Tolstoy, Natasha Rostova) is bearing fruit: the schoolgirl understands that her mother still loves her father, that no one she will not be such a true friend as Filka, that pain and suffering often coexist with happiness, that Kolya, who she saved in a snowstorm, is very dear to her - she loves him. But the main conclusion that the young heroine makes helps her overcome the sadness of parting with Filka, Kolya, her hometown, childhood: “Everything cannot pass”, just disappear, cannot be forgotten “their friendship and everything that enriched them so much life forever." And this process, so important for Tanya Sabaneeva's search for spiritual harmony, the author shows through her internal monologues, which become a kind of "dialectics of the soul" of the young heroine: "What is this," thought Tanya. “He's talking about me, after all. Is it possible that everyone, and even Filka, are so cruel that they don’t let me forget for a minute what I try with all my might not to remember!”

    Being a master of creating psychologically correct human characters, "deep poetic penetration into the spiritual world of his heroes", the author almost never describes the state of mind of the characters, does not comment on their experiences. R. Fraerman prefers to remain “behind the scenes”, seeks to leave us, the readers, alone with his conclusions, paying special attention, according to V. Nikolaev, "to an accurate description of the external manifestations of the mental state of the characters - posture, movement, gesture, facial expressions, gleam of eyes everything behind which one can see a very complex and hidden from the external view struggle of feelings, a stormy change of experiences, intense work of thought... And here the writer attaches special importance to the tonality of the narration, the musical structure of the author's speech, its syntactic correspondence to the state and appearance of the given hero, the general atmosphere of the described episode. The works of R. Fraerman, so to speak, are always excellently orchestrated. Using a variety of melodic shades, he at the same time knows how to subordinate them to the general system, he will not allow himself to violate the unity of the main motive, the dominant melody ".

    For example, in the episode "On a Fishing" (Chapter 8), we observe the following picture: "Tanya was silent with gloating pleasure. But her chilled figure with an open head, thin hair curled into rings from moisture, as if saying:" Look, what a he, this Kolya, is ". The author draws a parallel between the internal state of the heroine and the state of nature: the girl is saturated with dislike for Kolya, and this morning is filled with moisture, fog and cold. After all, even elementary words of politeness flying from Kolya's mouth cause her to flare anger: "Tanya trembled with anger.

    - "Excuse me, please"! she repeated several times. - What politeness! You'd better not hold us up. We missed a bite because of you."

    And what about the beautiful description of the snowstorm, created with the help of expressive epithets, comparisons, personifications, metaphors?! This music is elemental! Wind, snow, sounds of a storm - the sound of a real orchestra: "A blizzard was already occupying the road. It was a wall, like a downpour, absorbing light and ringing like thunder between rocks.<…>High waves of snow rolled towards her [Tanya] - they blocked the way. She climbed up and down again, and went on and on, her shoulders pushing through the thick, constantly moving air, which at every step desperately clung to her clothes like thorns of creeping grasses. It was dark, full of snow, and nothing could be seen through it.<…>everything disappeared, hid in this white haze.

    How not to remember here "Buran" S.T. Aksakov or the description of a blizzard in A. S. Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter"!?

    Oddly enough, the work of Reuben Fraerman, created in the winter of 1938, when the main literary method in the country was proclaimed at the first congress of writers of socialist realism, is not like other works of this period (it is rather closer to the classics of Russian literature of the nineteenth century). The author does not make any of the characters negative, bad. And to Tanya’s tormenting question, who is to blame for what happened, her mother answers: “... people live together as long as they love each other, and when they don’t love, they don’t live together - they disperse. A person is always free. This is our law for eternity." From other works of the writer about the Far East, “Wild Dog Dingo ...” differs in that the worldview of a “natural” person, an Evenk boy, is opposed by the consciousness of Tanya Sabaneeva, confused by a number of sudden psychological problems that are associated with difficult family relationships, tormenting first love , "difficult age".


    1. Prilezhaeva M. Poetic and gentle talent. // Fraerman R.I. Wild dog dingo, or the Tale of first love. Khabarovsk, 1988. S. 5.
    2. Fraerman R. ... Or a story about first love.// Fraerman R.I. Wild dog dingo, or a story about first love. Khabarovsk, 1988, p. 127.
    3. Putilova E. Education of feelings. // Fraerman R.I. Wild dog dingo, or the Tale of first love. Kuznetsova A.A. Honest Komsomol. Tales. Irkutsk, 1987. S. 281.
    4. http.//
    5. Fraerman R.I. Dingo Wild Dog, or The Tale of First Love. Khabarovsk, 1988, pp. 10–11.
    6. There. P. 10.
    7. There. S. 11.
    8. There. S. 20.
    9. There. S. 26.
    10. There. S. 32.
    11. There. S. 43.
    12. There. S. 124.
    13. Putilova E. Education of feelings. // Fraerman R.I. Wild dog dingo, or the Tale of first love. Kuznetsova A.A. Honest Komsomol. Tales. Irkutsk, 1987. S. 284.
    14. Fraerman R.I. Dingo Wild Dog, or The Tale of First Love. Khabarovsk, 1988. S. 36.
    15. Nikolaev V.I. A traveler walking beside him: Essay on the work of R. Fraerman. M., 1974. S. 131.
    16. There.
    17. Fraerman R.I. Dingo Wild Dog, or The Tale of First Love. Khabarovsk, 1988, p. 46.
    18. There. S. 47.
    19. There. pp. 97–98.
    20. There. S. 112.

    List of used literature

    1. Fraerman R.I. Dingo Wild Dog, or The Tale of First Love. Khabarovsk: Book. publishing house, 1988.
    2. Nikolaev V.I. A traveler walking beside him: Essay on the work of R. Fraerman. M.: Det. literature. 1974, 175 p.
    3. Writers of our childhood. 100 names: Biographical dictionary in 3 hours. Ch 3. M .: Liberia, 2000. Pp. 464–468.
    4. Prilezhaeva M. Poetic and gentle talent. // Fraerman R.I. Wild dog dingo, or the Tale of first love. Khabarovsk: Book. publishing house, 1988. pp. 5–10.
    5. Putilova E. Education of feelings. // Fraerman R.I. Wild dog dingo, or the Tale of first love. Kuznetsova A.A. Honest Komsomol. Novels: Irkutsk: East Siberian Book Publishing House, 1987, pp. 279–287.
    6. Russian writers of the XX century: Biographical dictionary. – M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia. Rendezvous-A.M., 2000, pp. 719–720.
    7. Fraerman R. ... Or a story about first love.// Fraerman R.I. Wild dog dingo, or a story about first love. Khabarovsk: Book. publishing house, 1988. Pp. 125–127.
    8. Fraerman R. Connection of times: Autobiography.// Aloud to myself. M.: Det. lit., 1973. Pp. 267–275.
    9. Yakovlev Yu. Afterword. // Fraerman R.I. Wild dog dingo, or the Tale of first love. M.: Det. lit., 1973. Pp. 345–349.

    "Wild Dog Dingo, or The Tale of First Love" is the most famous work of the Soviet writer R.I. Fraerman. The main characters of the story are children, and it was written, in fact, for children, but the problems posed by the author are serious and deep.


    When the reader opens the work "Wild Dog Dingo, or the Tale of First Love", the plot captures him from the first pages. The main character, schoolgirl Tanya Sabaneeva, at first glance looks like all the girls of her age and lives the ordinary life of a Soviet pioneer. The only thing that distinguishes her from her friends is her passionate dream. Australian dingo dog - that's what the girl dreams about. Tanya is raised by her mother, her father left them when her daughter was just eight months old. Returning from the children's camp, the girl discovers a letter addressed to her mother: her father says that he intends to move to their city, but with a new family: his wife and adopted son. The girl is overwhelmed with pain, rage, resentment against her half-brother, because, in her opinion, it was he who deprived her of her father. On the day her father arrives, she goes to meet him, but does not find him in the hustle and bustle of the port and gives a bouquet of flowers to a sick boy lying on a stretcher (later Tanya will know that this is Kolya, her new relative).

    Development of events

    The story about the dingo dog continues with a description of the school team: Kolya ends up in the same class where Tanya and her friend Filka study. A kind of rivalry for the father's attention begins between the half-brother and sister, they constantly quarrel, and, as a rule, Tanya acts as the initiator of conflicts. However, gradually the girl realizes that she is in love with Kolya: she constantly thinks about him, painfully embarrassed in his presence, waiting with a sinking heart for his arrival on the New Year's holiday. Filka is very dissatisfied with this love: he treats his old girlfriend with great warmth and does not want to share her with anyone. The work "Wild Dog Dingo, or the Tale of First Love" depicts the path that every teenager goes through: first love, misunderstanding, betrayal, the need to make a difficult choice and, in the end, growing up. This statement can be attributed to all the characters in the work, but to the greatest extent - to Tanya Sabaneeva.

    The image of the main character

    Tanya - this is the "dingo dog", so they called her in the team for her isolation. Her experiences, thoughts, throwing allow the writer to emphasize the main features of the girl: self-esteem, compassion, understanding. She wholeheartedly sympathizes with her mother, who continues to love her ex-husband; she struggles to understand who is to blame for the family discord, and comes to unexpectedly grown-up, sensible conclusions. Seemingly a simple schoolgirl, Tanya differs from her peers in her ability to feel subtly, striving for beauty, truth, and justice. Her dreams of unexplored lands and the dingo dog emphasize impulsiveness, ardor, and poetic nature. Tanya's character is most clearly revealed in her love for Kolya, to whom she gives herself with all her heart, but at the same time she does not lose herself, but tries to realize, comprehend everything that happens.

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