Recipes for the latest salad dressings. Salad decoration: original ideas for a festive table


Any festive table, regardless of the scale of the event - be it a wedding, a half-century anniversary, International Women's Day or a modest romantic dinner in honor of the day of acquaintance - cannot be imagined without delicious and original salads.

It probably won’t be possible to count how many of them there are recipes, because each housewife has her own original salad, which she herself came up with. But that's not what we're talking about here. Any salad, whether yours is branded or proven for centuries, must be decorated and served at the table so that it becomes the center of everyone's attention. Of course, to make the salad attractive, you will need skill and experience, skill and imagination, good taste and ingenuity.

But if there is no time left to fantasize, and you urgently need a beautiful salad, we offer you to use our tips and some ideas that will help you make your dish colorful and creative, and perhaps push you to create an even more amazing masterpiece.

So, in this article there will be no salad recipes. You can take as a basis your favorite, which you cook most often, which your guests and family love. We will focus exclusively on decorating salads.

International Women's Day March 8

Salads for International Women's Day on March 8 can be made in the form of the number "8". Any non-layered salad is prepared and mixed in a separate bowl. After that, two glasses or jars of different sizes are placed on a flat festive dish, with a smaller diameter at the top, with a larger diameter at the bottom, so that together they form something similar to the number "8".

A salad is laid out around this design and after that its top and sides are further decorated. Since this is a holiday of women and spring, a decoration with canned corn in combination with dill sprigs will look good, it will look like a bouquet of mimosa. You can simply sprinkle chopped dill on top of the salad, place halves of cherry tomatoes on it like small ladybugs, and spread calla flowers made of thin cheese slices around.

A salad in the form of a small basket with violets will look very cute.

It would be nice to serve it in portions, to each guest. A small portion of the salad will need to be laid out on a flat dish, forming in the form of a barrel, put crackers on the sides with salted cookies, and on top make greens from lettuce leaves and pink violets from thinly sliced ​​radishes, you can sprinkle a little grated egg yolk in the middle of the flower.

Holy Resurrection of Christ - Easter

For the bright and great Easter holiday, we not only bake Easter cakes and paint eggs, but also cook a lot of goodies, just like on the New Year's table. The holiday is really great, and fasting is strict, you can afford to break the fast and celebrate.

Salads for this day should be decorated in the same light and clean style and spirit. No bright flashy colors, there should be solid tenderness. Put any salad in a crystal salad bowl, top with hard cheese grated on a fine grater, cut the petals from the boiled egg protein and lay out the flowers with them, place fresh parsley between them. As they say, simple but tasteful.

An ordinary herring under a fur coat can be beautifully decorated with a basket made of thin, slightly melted cheese strips. On top are flowers from boiled carrots, shredded cabbage, and fresh greens with thin strips of leeks wrapped in rings complete everything.

For strong families and all lovers

For Valentine's Day or some special family date, you can cook a puff salad and lay it out in the shape of a heart, and decorate with boiled shrimp and red caviar.

Now the feast of Saints Peter and Fevronia, which is called the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, is gaining special popularity in Russia, it is celebrated on July 8th. On this holiday or on the anniversary of marital relations, it will be very symbolic to decorate the salad with a pair of swans made from boiled egg white and many red hearts carved from sweet bell peppers.

For our beloved babies

When we celebrate the birthdays of our beloved kids and invite their friends to visit, it is very important to interest the children in original performances and decorations of the most ordinary salads.

You can put them on a dish in the form of some kind of animal and then, using multi-colored pieces of boiled or fresh vegetables, herbs, olives, cheese and sausage, canned corn and peas, attach paws, eyes, tails and ears to these animals.

The kids will also love the rubik's cube fruit salad. All you need is to carefully cut the existing fruits into identical cubes. You can also use marshmallow, Turkish delight, marmalade in this salad. So that the cubes do not fall apart, you need to coat each layer with yogurt, honey or gelatin, then let such salads stand in the refrigerator so that the whole rubik's cube is well bonded.

The main thing is to bring them to the table and put the kids on the table, and then let them do whatever they want - they eat, change cubes, choose their favorite fruits or eat only oriental sweets. These are children, and they have a holiday, sometimes we have to allow ourselves to pamper them.

birthday flower basket

For a birthday, you can come to your mother or girlfriend with an original gift - a hand-made salad in the form of a basket of flowers. It is clear that you won’t drag yourself through the whole city with such a gift, but in case you live in the neighborhood, you can be pleasantly surprised.

Prepare any delicious salad, decorate one half of it with short strips of cheese laid out like a wicker basket, sprinkle the other half with finely chopped fresh herbs and place randomly different flowers from boiled eggs and vegetables, cheese and bright bell pepper on it. The handle of the basket can also be made from cheese, melting it a little and giving it the necessary shape.

Fabulous and magical New Year and Christmas

Salads decorated in the form of Christmas wreaths will look very beautiful and symbolic at the New Year's festive feast.

Any salad must be prepared in a separate bowl and mix all the ingredients. After that, on a festive flat dish, set a shape or a jar around which the wreath will be located. Next, you need to lay out the salad in a circle, generously sprinkle it on all sides with dill (because it is very similar to fluffy spruce twigs), arbitrarily scatter pomegranate seeds and canned corn, as if New Year's toys.

Now roll up the candles from melted cheese plates, make a tongue of flame from pieces of red or yellow bell pepper, and place the candles around the wreath. Such a salad should rightfully take center stage on the table on a fabulous and magical New Year's Eve.

Shering under a fur coat, without which the New Year is not complete in any normal Russian family, we propose to arrange it in the form of a roll in an original way, decorate with fresh parsley and boiled egg white flowers.

We hope that our tips and examples of decorating salads for various events will be useful to you, and on the basis of them you will invent your own dish decorations.

How to decorate with your own hands a festive table for a children's holiday, wedding, anniversary, birthday, how to decorate a buffet table? Yes, simple! A little imagination, free time, a bit of diligence and everyone is delighted!

How to decorate salads

Let's see how you can decorate such a familiar salad as

Herring under a Fur Coat.

Patterns of mayonnaise, roses from carrots and beets will unrecognizably transform your favorite salad.

Salad Lady's hat looks very impressive, but take a closer look ...

It is worth giving the desired shape, sprinkle with grated cheese, decorate with beets and herbs and the miracle is done.

Everyone's favorite Olivier salad will become not only tasty, but also beautiful,

and all you need to do is make cucumber roses and stick a few branches of greenery

The salad is sprinkled with yolk and decorated with egg mushrooms and "shavings" of fresh cucumber.

Hats are dyed by immersing the halves of the eggs in a strong

boiling hour for 20 minutes.

green peas and mayonnaise patterns, onion flowers.

But the Monomakh's Hat salad, few people cook it, as it gives the impression of a salad, the preparation of which will take a lot of time, effort and money, but this is not at all the case! A bit of meat, potatoes, beetroot... it's not hard, but making a salad looks like a work of art!

Watermelon salad, especially when there is snow and bad weather outside, makes a strong impression on guests. Put the salad in a semicircle and arrange it with grated cheese, cucumber and chopped tomatoes, I think every housewife will be able to, but how beautiful and bright it looks on the table.

Salad Hedgehog in the fog. Preparing the salad itself is a trifling matter, putting it on a dish in the shape of a hedgehog, I think it will also not be difficult, cutting olives too, and a child can stick "needles". The children's table will be happy with such a hedgehog, and if the hero of the occasion himself helped you, then the baby will remember the holiday for a long time!

Crocus salad, truly a salad for spring mood. For decoration, you only need toothpicks, green onion feathers and small onions. You can decorate a salad in just five minutes!

Wedding Salad Swan Fidelity

Lay out a salad in the shape of a heart, overlay carrots with semicircles (who does not like carrots, you can use 1/2 slices of cucumber or lemon) and make swans from eggs (see below).

Fast, cheap, nice

Salads can be decorated with apple swans.

Cucumber, fresh and thinly sliced ​​with a peeled vegetable. Roses will look spectacular on a salad (see how to do it below) from cucumber, ribbons and leaves

Thin cucumber ribbons are laid out in figure eight, simple and very beautiful.

The original design of even a simple salad

makes a strong impression.

You can make such Christmas trees for winter salads.

And so you can decorate everyone's favorite Olivier salad

You can decorate the salad with mushrooms.

Hats are soaked for several hours in strong tea.

Salads Mimosa and Lilac Branch
to decorate salads, you only need an egg grated on a fine grater and a sprig of greens

Salads Orchid and Sunflower, salads decorated with chips.

Salad cake, salad decorated with thinly sliced ​​radishes, beautiful and simple!

Snow-white salad garnished with an egg, grated on a fine grater.

Christmas trees without needles, very edible

On the eve of the New Year holidays, as a rule, housewives are looking for new, tasty and beautiful recipes for salads, appetizers, desserts and hot dishes. They think how to decorate the table with their own hands to make the holiday bright and memorable. The specificity of the holiday dictates its own conditions. Roses, chrysanthemums, vegetable flowers are certainly a very beautiful decoration, but still the New Year ...
Try to make Christmas trees. They can decorate any salad, fruit and meat cuts or serve on the festive table as an independent dish. You can make edible Christmas trees from cucumbers (salted and fresh), bell peppers, cheese, sausages, lemons ... For cooking, you need to take half an apple, orange, grapefruit, lemon (choose the color of the twigs) ... In the center of the "stand" we stick a wooden skewer, point up (20-25 cm long) and string "spruce" branches in a circle.
Decorating the table in this way will not be difficult and will not take much time, but just imagine the surprise of the guests and the delight of the children!

See more than a hundred ideas for decorating salads in the photo album on our website.

How to make a swan from an egg

To make 2 swans, we need 4 eggs and a few toothpicks, 2 peppercorns, carrots or ketchup.
Let's get started
1. First, we cut off a layer of two eggs obliquely. Make the cut closer to the thin part of the egg so that our swans stand better on the salad
2. From the parts that we cut off, we will make tails for our birds
3. Cut the other two eggs in half and cut out the necks, put them on a toothpick and insert them into the egg

4. Cut out 4 wings, make a recess in the body with the tip of a knife and insert the wings
5. We insert the ponytails, if they don’t hold well, you can fix it with toothpicks, but it’s better to try to do without them
6. Making beaks, there are two ways
- cut out a piece of carrot and secure with a toothpick
- cut out the neck, head and beak from the egg at once. Paint the beak with ketchup or beet juice
7, Make eyes. To do this, lightly pierce the place where we insert the peppercorns with a toothpick. Fix the "eye"
The swans are ready.

Swans for salad decoration can be done like this.

Swans from an apple

We cut the apple in half. Lay it cut side down. Visually divide the half of the apple into 3 parts and stepping back from the 1 cm line, we make cuts so that they are symmetrical and form an angle. The more corners you get, the better. We repeat the same on the other side. Cut out the neck of the swan from a piece of apple and insert it by making an incision between the wings (can be strengthened with a toothpick). Move the cut corners to the sides. The swan is ready.

And you can make such swans.

Choose a salad to your liking, where chicken eggs are present. The salad should not be flaky, it will be difficult to lay out layers. In a bowl, mix all the ingredients of the salad, season with mayonnaise and put the salad in the shape of swans on a flat dish. Sprinkle with protein grated on a fine grater, from chopped protein we make wings, tails and a beak from pieces of carrot or red sweet pepper. Eyes and spouts of finely chopped olives. Do not forget to make waves from lettuce or parsley leaves under the swans. And now, what is interesting, 10 minutes of time and a little imagination, and everyone's favorite and familiar salad has changed beyond recognition.

In general, beauty is not difficult to create. Here is another option for decorating the table.

Roses and potatoes

French fries roses

we will need
2-3 potatoes, depending on the number of roses you want to cook
300 grams of sunflower oil

- peel potatoes
- with the help of a vegetable peeler, we cut our root crop into very thin, almost transparent plates, we will make one plate thicker and cut into cubes from it
- soak in salted water (for 1 liter of water 1 tsp of salt) all the prepared "material" for 2 hours, the plates will become more elastic and pliable. We lower toothpicks into salt water for the same time, otherwise they may burn in boiling oil
the preparatory work is over, let's get down to the fun part, collecting roses
- take a potato wedge (the middle of a rose) and tightly wrap it with one plate (petal)
- then from the opposite side we twist the other and fix it with a toothpick
- so in a circle, one by one we twist the potato plates, each subsequent petal, more loosely, it is unforgettable to turn the petals slightly outward, like a blossoming rose, we fix the bottom of our rose with toothpicks

We leave the finished roses for 5-10 minutes to dry (so that the boiling oil does not splatter)
- heat the odorless vegetable oil almost to a boil (it should not boil, but if you throw a plate of potatoes there, bubbles should appear in it)
- carefully, so as not to burn yourself, lower the rose "head" down, the oil should completely cover the "flower"
- fry until golden brown, carefully remove and spread on paper napkins to remove excess oil
- when the roses have cooled down, carefully turn the toothpicks around its axis and carefully pull them out
Beautiful golden roses are ready! They will look great on a dish with meat, sausage and cheese cuts, are perfect for decorating salads (do not forget to make parsley sprigs), and they will simply become an excellent independent, very interesting and tasty dish (you can put it on a dish lined with green leaves). salad and herbs) for small and large guests. French fries, cut into cubes far from our roses. Yes, I agree with you, you need to spend time, but look how beautiful it turns out! Potato roses can strike on the spot even the most advanced culinary experts invited by you to the holiday!

The second option for making potato roses

How to make a cucumber rose , daikon, carrots

Vegetable roses are made according to the same principle.

- first we fold the tape with a tight tube (the middle of the rose), and then more loosely, turning the tape over (for each petal), lay it out in a circle, if one tape is not enough, take the second, third, until the rose is fully formed
- fasten the bottom of the flower with a toothpick

pickle roses

Salad can be decorated with bees from olives and olives

How to make lilies from onions

Onion lily tinted with beetroot juice.

We make frequent notches on the onion, without cutting 1 cm to the end. Put the onion in cold water for a couple of hours.

The bow opens, turning into a lily, we decorate the center

grated yolk. Lily is ready!

How to make a snowman from eggs

for the holidays drawer table

Snowman from cheese balls. We put three cheese balls on a toothpick, fasten it on a toothpick,

small balls-pens, a bow scarf, eyes and buttons can be made

from pieces of olives or cloves or from peppercorns,

hat - from bread, nose - from a carrot. Snowman,

for joy children and adults, ready!

How to make hearts out of boiled eggs, very easy!

Boil the egg in a steep in salted water (so as not to crack)

Dip the egg in cold water to make the shell easier to remove. We do not cool the egg to the end, otherwise this trick will not work. The egg must be warm.

Take a small piece of cardboard and fold it in half. In the resulting fold, put a boiled egg.

Take a wooden stick (the rod from the handle), place it on top of the egg and firmly but gently press the egg with it

Take thick elastic bands and fasten the twig to the cardboard with them. We leave our "structure" for 15 minutes, so that it cools down with a notch in the middle. Then gently flatten it with your fingers along the edges.

We remove the rubber bands, remove the twig and take the egg out of the cardboard. Cut the egg in half. "Heart" is ready.

How to make lilies from eggs

How to make a mouse out of an egg

A simple mouse from an egg will greatly enliven a salad.

Mouse ears can be made from pieces of cucumber, radish, cracker or sausage.

We make eyes from peppercorns or cloves. To make the ears, eyes and nose

better kept it is necessary to make small notches with a knife.

Don't forget to make a ponytail and mustache.

And this is how quail eggs aged in beetroot juice look like.

Original, beautiful, simple!

How to do it, see the section Recipes for interesting snacks.

How to make roses from carrots

How can you make a rose out of a tomato?

How to make beetroot roses

Cucumber, daikon and carrot roses

vegetable roses are made according to one principle
- cut a long cucumber into thin strips with a vegetable cutter (do not take the middle)
- first we fold the tape with a tight tube (the middle of the rose), and then more loosely, turning the tape over (for each petal), lay it out in a circle, if one tape is not enough, take the second, third, until the rose is fully formed
- fasten the bottom of the flower with a toothpick

How to make callas from cheese

We turn the plates of soft cheese into a bag and insert

in the center a piece of boiled carrot.

How to decorate a dish with cucumber ribbons

We take a fresh long cucumber, using a vegetable cleaning

cut into thin strips and

post it on


How to make popsicles

Fruit and berry ice is very useful in hot weather, it will look great in a glass

with mineral water or juice. Ice is easy to prepare, all you need is to shape

for ice, put a few berries or pieces of fruit,

pour plain, mineral water or

clear juice.

fruit ice just

How beautifully cut and put a lemon

or lay it out like this, in the form of a Christmas tree, cutting thin slices in half, where the role

toys perform lemon pits and powder

sugar like snow

How to make tomato hearts

To make one heart, we need two small "lady's fingers" tomatoes.
- at an angle of forty-five degrees from the tomato, from the top, cut off 1/3 of the
- from two large parts we collect a heart
- fasten the halves of the tomato with a toothpick and fasten fragments of an arrow made of hard cheese on it (tip and plumage)

In the same way, you can make hearts from small sausages.

Sausage heart. An arrow made from a piece of spaghetti and cheese.

It is interesting

How to decorate a children's table?

Look in the Culinary Ideas section

Penguins from olives, carrots and suluguni

How to make olive penguins

How to put a herring?

But like this! In the form of a fish.

Or make a canape

or put in a tartlet

How to make your own salad dressing

A salad bowl can be made from a plastic water bottle.

Cut out strips from the bottle along the height of the salad and fasten

them with a stapler. Or just cut

bottle and use it

like a form.

So you can cut the tomato.

Palm trees from olives and parsley sprigs.

Lettuce pig

While everyone is preparing for the New Year 2019 and running across culinary sites in search of the best dishes, we want to show what options for preparing and decorating salads. After all, the recipe can be anything, but how to decorate it in a festive way? Look, shake ideas and do not forget to capture your works in the photo. After all, it continues. So, the options for decorating salads for the New Year, from the masterpiece to the simplest.

Each caring hostess, in anticipation of the new year, makes a festive menu and puzzles over what is so tasty and interesting to cook this time? The main character of the upcoming 2019 is Pig! Watch and repeat interesting ideas on photos and videos.

Let's start with a simple and fast, but effective option. Marina Shevchenko decided to cook an original dish, a variation on the famous and loved by all Olivier salad.Guests will be pleasantly surprised by such a cold appetizer!

Salad "Pig", a variation of Olivier


  • boiled sausage - 200 g
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • pickled cucumber - 3-4 pcs.
  • egg - 2-3 pcs.
  • processed cheese - 1 pc.
  • green onions - 50 g
  • canned peas - 200 g
  • mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. l.
  • salt, pepper - to taste

for decoration:

  • olives - 2 pcs.
  • paprika - optional
  • fresh herbs

Cooking method

Boil a few small potato tubers in their uniforms in advance. Then cool it, peel it and cut into small cubes.

Choose boiled sausage from a trusted manufacturer, fresh and high-quality, then the salad will taste better. From a part of the sausage, cut out the ears, snout and stigma for the pig, and chop the rest of the sausage into a medium-sized cube.

This time I used pickled cucumbers, but they can also be replaced with salted ones, because this will not affect the taste of the salad badly. Grind the cucumbers also in cubes. Drain the brine that formed after slicing the cucumbers.

Rinse a few green onion feathers in running water, wipe dry and finely chop with a sharp knife.

Combine all previously prepared ingredients in a deep plate. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Add two tablespoons of mayonnaise. Mix.

On a beautiful large plate in which the dish will be served, put the salad in a hemisphere so that it resembles the “body” of a pig.

Boil chicken eggs in advance (about 8-10 minutes), cool and peel them. Grind on a fine grater along with melted cheese.

Mix thoroughly cheese with eggs. You should get a homogeneous paste-like mass. Cover the salad with this mass on top. Then make a mesh of mayonnaise and with clean hands spread the mayonnaise over the entire surface of the salad.

Decorate the salad with sausage ears, patch and stigma. Sprinkle paprika on top for color, and arrange fresh parsley around the salad.

It turned out incredibly beautiful and tasty New Year's dish - salad "Pig"!
Happy New Year!
You can see more options on how to arrange salads and snacks in the form of Piggy in these videos from YouTube.

Piglet with a surprise:

Similarly, you can decorate snacks and sandwiches.

Tartlets - pigs

They can be prepared both on the eve of the holiday itself, and after it, when you want to pamper your relatives with an original snack. You will get such wonderful pigs to please your loved ones and guests.

- tartlets - 6-8 pcs.;
- hard or other cheese - 50 g;
- mayonnaise - 50 g;
- garlic - 1 clove;
- chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
- sausages for decoration - 1-2 pcs.;
- salt, pepper - optional;
- lettuce, olives or peppercorns - for decoration.


Three hard-boiled chicken eggs on a fine grater, we do the same with hard cheese. We rub cheese and eggs into one container, where we will prepare the filling. For the filling, you can use any kind of cheese: hard or soft.

Squeeze a peeled garlic clove into the filling, it will give the appetizer a spicy aroma and additional taste.

Fill the filling with fat mayonnaise and mix until smooth to get a thick filling. Salt and pepper if desired.

We spread in tartlets on a teaspoon of the filling and lightly tamp, giving an even shape. From above we decorate the tartlets with a patch and ears cut from milk sausages.

We lay out the eyes of the pigs: they can be cut from an olive or use peppercorns or pieces of prunes for this.

We spread the finished tartlets on a dish and immediately serve for the festive season, decorating with lettuce leaves.
Bon appetit and happy New Year!

Snack "Glamorous Pigs":

Stuffed eggs with piglets:

Salads Christmas trees

First of all, of course, the New Year is associated with a Christmas tree. Here, the best option for decorating salads is dill.

Herringbone salad recipe with chicken and prunes

The recipe for an amazing salad for the festive table, called - "Herringbone". This is a very tasty, tender and at the same time hearty salad, with a harmonious combination of chicken and prunes, decorated in the form of a Christmas tree. Photo and description of the preparation of Marina Shevchenko.

In preparation, such a salad is not at all complicated, not expensive either in terms of products or in time, but the result is an ideal snack for the winter holidays!


  • chicken fillet - 1 pc.
  • champignons - 300 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • prunes - 10-13 pcs.
  • hard cheese - 50 g
  • boiled egg - 2 pcs.
  • mayonnaise - 80 g
  • salt, pepper - to taste

for decoration:

  • fresh dill - 1 bunch
  • pomegranate seeds
  • prunes

Cooking method

Wash mushrooms and onions, peel and cut into thin slices.

Heat up a frying pan with vegetable oil. Put the onion in the pan first, fry it lightly for 1-2 minutes, then add the mushrooms to it. Salt and pepper to taste, mix and continue to fry over medium heat for 5-7 minutes, until the mushrooms and onions become golden. After that, transfer the finished mushrooms to a plate so that they cool completely.

Boil the chicken breast in salted water for 30 minutes in advance. Then cool the meat and cut into thin pieces or disassemble it into fibers.

Put the chicken fillet on the plate with the first layer. Form a triangular shape resembling a Christmas tree. Cover meat with mayonnaise.

The next layer will be fried mushrooms with onions. Arrange them around the entire perimeter of the salad and grease with mayonnaise.

Peel and grate boiled chicken eggs, also chop hard cheese.

Now add grated eggs to the salad, cover them with mayonnaise.

Transfer the prunes to a deep plate and rinse in running water. Pour boiling water over it and leave for 20 minutes, so that the prunes are well steamed. Then separate the prunes from the stone and cut into thin slices.

Lay the prunes on top of the eggs. Cover with a mesh of mayonnaise.

The last layer in this salad is grated cheese with mayonnaise.

Now, you need to make a decor for the New Year's dish. Wash fresh dill, pat dry and finely chop. Prunes (1-2 pieces) are also finely chopped. Prepare a harvest of pomegranate seeds. Cut out a “star” from hard cheese for a Christmas tree.

Cover the salad on all sides with herbs.

Decorate the Herringbone salad with pomegranate seeds and prunes, and make a “garland” for the Christmas tree with mayonnaise.
It turned out to be a very tasty and nutritious holiday salad "Herringbone" with chicken, mushrooms and prunes!
Enjoy your meal!

With dill, you can make a salad in the form of a Christmas wreath:

Other greens are also suitable for creating a Christmas tree, for example, parsley with onions.

Or lay out a green beauty from green peas:

And even a very simple version of the Christmas tree - from cucumbers:

And even - from cauliflower, cheese or citrus fruits:

Kremlin tree 🙂

Original combination: winter Christmas tree ... from kiwi:

Spruce branches from lettuce leaves:

Christmas trees can also be vertical:

Tartlets "Christmas Trees"

We offer you to serve stuffed tartlets decorated in the form of Christmas trees in an original way. The appetizer is prepared from the most affordable products, and every housewife can repeat at home. Delicious and beautifully decorated tartlets will scatter in an instant, so we advise you to immediately prepare a double, or maybe triple portion if you expect a large number of guests.

Why tartlets are good - they are a convenient snack for 1-2 bites, so even those who follow the figure can not be afraid to overeat. Portion of tartlets is quite small, so you can please everyone. The filling can be absolutely anything to your taste. Today we propose to prepare the simplest and fastest filling of cheese, eggs and crab sticks.


- chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
- waffle or other tartlets - 8 pcs.;
- hard cheese - 70-80 g;
- mayonnaise - 80 g;
- crab sticks - 5 pcs.;
- dill - 3-4 sprigs;
- boiled carrots - 1 pc.;
- salt - to taste.


Using a fine grater, grate hard-boiled chicken eggs and hard cheese. We immediately put the filling in a bowl, where it will be convenient to mix all the ingredients.

Crab sticks are either cut into small cubes, or three on the same grater.

Add mayonnaise and a little salt to the filling. Mix and you're done.

We fill the tartlets with delicious filling and form, as it were, a Christmas tree, giving the shape of a cone. Tartlets can be waffle, sand or others.

We decorate the filling with fresh dill greens - it's like spruce branches.

At the top we set a star or a snowflake cut from boiled carrots or hard cheese. You can also use red bell peppers or tomatoes to decorate the star.

We put pieces of crab sticks on the Christmas trees, imitating Christmas toys. For decor in the form of toys, you can take canned corn and peas.
We set the tartlets on a dish and decorate with fresh herbs. Immediately after preparation, we serve to the festive New Year's table.

And how do you like such a masterpiece - a snack tree (video recipe):

Salads "Santa Claus"

With crab sticks

Don't know how to impress guests on New Year's Eve? Try to cook this delicious and appetizing salad decorated in the form of Santa Claus. Bright and elegant, such a salad will become a real decoration of a festive feast! Description of preparation and photo from Elena Petrushina.

In fact, it is very simple to prepare such beauty, you will not need special products, because we will use only those ingredients that are indicated in the composition to decorate the salad. We will make Grandfather's fur coat from the upper part of crab sticks, and the edge and face from eggs.

Crab sticks - 200 g;
Rice - 0.5 tbsp.;
Onion - 0.5 pcs.;
Corn - 0.5 cans;
Chicken egg - 4 pcs.;
Mayonnaise - 100-120 ml;
Salt - to taste;
Peppercorns - 2 pcs. (for decoration).

Cooking time - 40 minutes.
The number of servings is 4.

Step by step recipe:

Boil rice until tender in lightly salted water.

At crab sticks, carefully cut off the red sides with thin plates. Cut the rest into cubes as usual. If the crab sticks were frozen, then they must first be thawed.

Boil chicken eggs, cool and peel. We remove the whites from two eggs and one third of the yolk to the side, they will be useful to us for decoration. Cut the rest of the eggs into cubes.

Peel half of a white onion and cut into small cubes.

We combine all the prepared ingredients in one bowl and add canned corn to them.

Dress the salad with mayonnaise, add a small pinch of salt and mix everything thoroughly. It is better not to spare mayonnaise, rice will absorb most of it and the salad can learn to dry.

We spread the salad on a large flat dish, while forming the silhouette of Santa Claus. The head, collar, coat and hands should be clearly visible. We compact the salad and press it with a spoon, making the contours clearer.

Next lay out the prepared crab sticks. From them we blind a fur coat and a cap at the cap. Hands must be completely closed. In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hands, you can trim the edges with scissors to get rounded palms.

We rub the yolk on the smallest grater and sprinkle it with salad in the face area. We also rub the protein on a grater and form the edge of a fur coat, hats and a collar with it.

Using a confectionery syringe with a textured nozzle, with mayonnaise we create a beard and hair for Santa Claus. Then the turn of the face - peppercorns will be the eyes, and a small piece of crab sticks will be the nose. We also decorate the fur coat with corn buttons. Our Santa Claus is ready! Lettuce can be refrigerated before serving. Enjoy your meal!

Salad with ham

Let's prepare a nutritious salad with ham with the addition of cheese, carrots and pickled cucumbers. The processes are easy and simple, it boils down to the fact that all products are cut into cubes, but the design of the dish will take some time, so be patient, you will get a wonderful New Year's salad in the form of Santa Claus or Santa Claus.

- ham - 200 g;
- carrots - 100 g;
- eggs - 2 pcs.;
- pickled cucumber - 100 g;
- cheese - 70 g;
- sweet red pepper - 1 pc.;
- olives - for decoration;
- mayonnaise - 100-120 g;
- salt - to taste.


Grate hard cheese on a grater, you can large or small chips, no difference.

Boil chicken eggs, cool and peel. Divide into whites and yolks. One yolk will go for decoration, the other - in a salad. Squirrels will go entirely for decoration.

Send the grated cheese to the salad bowl and grate the egg yolk there.

Cut the ham into small cubes. Pickled cucumbers also cut into cubes.
Add ham and cucumbers to salad. If ham is not available, you can replace it with a delicious sausage - half-smoked or boiled.

Peel the carrots cooked in advance from a thin peel, cut into small cubes, add to the salad.

Mix everything and season with mayonnaise, if desired, you can lightly salt.

Put the finished salad on a wide and flat plate, immediately giving it the shape of Santa's head in a cap.

Grate the yolk on a fine grater in the center of the salad, also put a piece of red pepper in the center - this will be the nose.

From protein, make a beard and the edges of the cap. Cut out the eyes from the olives and place them in the center.

Finely chop the red sweet pepper and lay it out to make a hat.

Funny salad "Santa Claus" is ready, it can be served immediately to the table, it looks elegant and appetizing.
This dish will be the highlight of the New Year's feast.

Bon appetit and good mood!

More Santas:

Here Grandfather has a fur coat made of smoked salmon, a hat, a belt and a bag of sweet red pepper, the edge is grated cheese:

And Grandfather's mitten made of salmon or caviar. Similarly, you can make a boot (sock) for gifts.

Stuffed eggs

The upcoming 2019 will be even more fun for you if you cook delicious stuffed eggs "Santa Claus" with cheese filling. Kids will love this dish for sure.

- chicken eggs - 3-4 pcs.;
- cheese - 100 g;
- mustard - 1 tsp. l.;
- mayonnaise - 1.5 tables. l.;
- red sweet pepper - 1 pc.;
- salt - to taste;
- peppercorns - for decoration.


Hard boil chicken eggs, cool and peel. Cut into equal halves.
We take out the yolks and we will use them for the filling, and we will stuff the whites.

We rub cheese and boiled yolks on a fine grater. Salt the filling lightly. We use any kind of cheese for the filling, according to your taste and preferences.
We fill the filling with mustard and mayonnaise, mix several times to achieve a uniform consistency.
We stuff boiled proteins with cheese filling. We spread 1-1.5 teaspoons of the filling.
From red sweet pepper we cut out triangular hats and round small noses of Santa Claus.

We spread the sweet pepper on the eggs: on one side of the cap, and a little from the bottom of the spout. Hats can be glued additionally on mayonnaise.

Lay out the eyes from the peppercorns, pressing lightly into the filling. Eyes can be made from black olives, prunes and other edible products.

We will decorate ready-made Santa Clauses with mayonnaise: we will make a fluffy beard.

We serve the finished snack to the table, decorating with fresh bright greens.

Elegant and tasty "Santa Claus" will be a worthy treat on your holiday table.

Clocks and calendars

An equally important symbol of the New Year is the clock and chimes, the arrows and numbers on them are drawn with mayonnaise or laid out with chopped strips of bell pepper, carrots, sausages.

Festive salad - the first sheet of the calendar:


And what is winter without snowmen! As a rule, the white base is grated boiled egg white, cheese or mayonnaise. Nose - boiled carrots, eyes - olives. And the outfit can be made from any products.

Even the simplest salad can be dressed up in such a way that it becomes the main decoration of the festive table. In this article, we tried to pick up the simplest and most beautiful ideas for decorating salads.

Salad decorations for any occasion

salad decoration: shape, sprinkle with grated cheese. The keys are made from slices of cheese and olives. Genera from tomato and greens.

salad decoration: salted straw; fresh cucumber rings laid in the form of a chain, red fish rolled at the ends of straws, lettuce, olives, canned corn.

Decoration of salad "Bees": olives, olives and fresh cucumber for wings.

Salad decorations "Calla": Processed cheese calla flower base (in sachets), boiled carrot stamens, green onion stems and leaves.

Asters salad dressing: crab sticks are used as flower petals. Leaves, stems are made from fresh cucumber.

Decoration of salad "Basket": the basket is made of green onions, which are intertwined between salted straws.

Decoration of salad "Lukoshko": basket weaving is made from pieces of hard cheese, flowers from egg whites and boiled carrots. Green onions, cut into rings.

Salad decoration "Palms": palm trees are made from olives impaled on wooden skewers and green onions.

Salad decoration "Heart": grated cheese, green onions at the base, pomegranate seeds for edging, cherry tomatoes as berries, fresh cucumber - leaves, green onions - stalks.

Salad decoration "Bouquet": tomato tulips stuffed with salad; green onion stalks.

Salad decoration "Chamomile": egg white and yolk, thinly sliced ​​fresh cucumber.

Salad decoration "Mushroom": mushroom leg - egg white, the bottom of the cap - grated cheese or boiled potatoes, the top - Korean carrots.

Salad decorations: Green pea and cucumber grapes. The following shows ideas for original decorations for salads from simple ingredients (cucumber, egg, olives, radishes). You can make beautiful spirals from green onions: separate the feathers from the onion, cut each feather lengthwise, carefully tear into thin strips along the entire length, soak the onion strips in cold water for 0.5 hours.

Decorate the salad You can also use regular bell pepper.

Decoration of salads "Christmas": dill, pomegranate, corn, green peas.

salad decoration: in this version, the salad is simply spread out in portions on potato chips.

Decoration of salad "Boats": original fresh cucumber boats filled with salad. The sail is attached with a toothpick.

Salad decoration "Lapti": processed cheese (in bags), herbs, canned mushrooms.

Pineapple salad dressing: walnut, green onion. In the second version, chopped canned champignons and green onions are used.

Salad decoration "Mice": mice are made from boiled eggs, cheese and black pepper (peas), the surface of the salad is sprinkled with grated yolk.

Salad decoration "Slice": put the salad on a plate in the shape of a crescent. Sprinkle the top completely with grated cheese. The edge of the "watermelon slice" is grated cucumber. Next is cheese. And then a tomato without a crust. Seeds of "watermelon" from half rings of olives. In the second version, grated egg white and boiled carrots were used as decoration.

Decoration of salad "Fish": Sliced ​​sausage (different types) and cheese are laid out in the shape of a fish. The mouth is cut from a tomato, the eye is a ring (white from an egg), the pupil is a piece of tomato or olive.

Salad decoration "Roses": roses are made from a thin slice of sausage, twisted into a roll, with straightened edges.

Beetroot salad dressing.

Salad decoration "Cob": Canned corn and green onions, cut lengthwise on one side, are used for decoration.

Salad decoration "Cards": green onions, tomatoes and olives.

And thus, in a roll, you can roll up any puff salad, and then cut it. Looks original. In the photo, the roll is wrapped "".

Decoration of salad "Bags": the salad is portioned in pancakes, a pancake bag is tied with green onions.

Boiled egg swan.

Roses from tomatoes.

Ladybugs from tomatoes and olives.

Scallop of tomato and boiled egg.

Chain, fan and openwork rings from fresh cucumber.

To decorate a salad, sometimes a head of onion and a little imagination are enough.

Decoration of New Year's salad "Dog"

Such a Poodle will perfectly decorate any New Year's dish 2018. The symbol of the year. The muzzle is made from a cauliflower inflorescence, the body from an eggplant, paws and tail from a zucchini.

"Boiled Egg Roosters"

Charming decoration of the New Year's table "Cocks from boiled eggs". They can decorate any salad. Or make an independent dish by seating cockerels on greens. The photo clearly shows how easy it is to make such a rooster of their boiled egg. In a small incision from the sharp end of the egg, you need to insert a scallop with a beak, made from boiled carrots. Eyes can be made from poppy seeds by first preparing a hole with a toothpick.

"Egg White Rooster"

Shape the salad into a rooster shape and top with grated egg whites. Feathers on the tail and wings are made from half rings of olives, paws of a rooster and beak are made from French fries. Scallop and tomato beard.

"Chickens in an Egg"

Well, aren't they cuties! Boil the eggs, carefully cut off the sharp end of the egg, to the yolk. The yolk must be removed, mashed with a fork and mixed, for example, with melted cheese. Fill the egg with the filling again, cover with a “white hat”. We make chicken eyes from black pepper, beak and paws from boiled carrots.

Decoration of New Year's salads

Also, the ideas below are perfect for decorating a New Year's salad.

Christmas trees for the New Year's table

Cut the apple in half. Place the apple half cut side down on a plate. Insert a wooden skewer into the center of the apple. And put slices on it. There will be wonderful Christmas trees.

Father Frost

Salad in the form of Santa Claus can be made with unwrapped crab sticks, boiled rice, grated egg white (beard) and pieces of cheese (Santa Claus bag and face).

New Year's bell

Christmas salad decoration: grated boiled carrots on top. Ornament from grains of black caviar (caviar appetizer). From above, a sprig of spruce and a bow.

Salad decoration

Serving food is half the battle. And even if you are preparing a simple and outstanding salad, decorating it correctly, you can depict the most unusual and original dish. The main thing is to stick to the theme of the holiday or event, for example, for the New Year, you can decorate salads in the form of an animal whose year is coming, in the form of a Christmas tree or a snowman. Or, for a birthday, create unique salads by giving them the shape of a festive cap, cake or gift wrapping. For children, you can make cats, fish, and even a typewriter. On March 8, make a salad in the form of a bouquet or just a flower: a tulip, rose or lilac.

To decorate a salad, even the simplest one, let's take, for example, a vegetable salad, you can use either the same vegetables, or take an original and tasty inclusion, in our case it will be cottage cheese, garlic and herbs. The dish may consist of bell peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes, but decorations will be invented from cottage cheese mixed with chopped herbs and garlic passed through a press. We form balls and lay out around the perimeter of the plate, here you have a regular snack with a spicy touch.

A salad of pineapple and chicken, cheese and onions can be served straight in the fruit itself. Just take out the pulp, put it on the dish itself, and leave the peel - the boat as a decoration for the salad. Put the salad directly into the pineapple trough, decorate with herbs on top.

Mimosa salad is simple and familiar to most. But here's how original and new it will look if you plant a sprig of white flowers on top. Such decoration of salads is very unusual, since we will make snow-white flowers from a boiled egg, or rather, protein and yolk. Cut the yolk into circles - this will be the middle, and for the flower itself, use the tops of the egg white, making it sharp jagged corners. Put the parsley, along with the branch, and build flowers around it, putting a round yolk on a white base.

Even the usual festive "Olivier" can be beautifully transformed with a fresh apple and cucumber, eggs and Korean carrots. Here, as they say in the famous film: "Such a thing as ingenuity is also important." Therefore, all products should be combined in taste and theme with the main ingredients of the dish. We cut apples into thin half-slices, cucumbers - as into rolls. We make a circle of cucumbers, folding them in half. In the middle we will make a swan out of apples: simply fold the wings from half rings, and the neck from a separate piece of an apple, which can be obtained by cutting the fruit in half and leaving the root on it. Now we will make, as in the previous salad, flowers from eggs, only in the middle we put not the yolk, but several Korean carrots.

From cheese, you can simply and easily make callas, as a decoration for a salad, just absolutely anyone. We just cut the cheese into thin squares, then we fold the pieces like a cup for seeds, as we used to do from paper, put it on a salad, add a yellow pepper center, eggs, and lay out the stalks of green onions. The middle can also be made black - from olives, green - from olives.

You can also make flowers from a plum tomato. Excellent tulips are obtained if the fruit itself is cut from above into four parts by several centimeters, put on a salad, made from parsley or dill stems and leaves. But lilac can be depicted from processed cheese, simply grated on a large grater in the form of a bunch of these flowers, and adding a drop of food coloring.

Each hostess tries to prepare exquisite and original birthday salads, the beautiful design of which will make guests enjoy not only the amazing taste, but also admire the beautifully decorated dish. We bring to your attention a selection of beautiful decorations for holiday salads. Such beauty certainly will not leave any guest without attention and praise.

Salad “Bouquet of flowers”

An interesting option for serving salad without mayonnaise, which is undoubtedly more healthy. When cooking, you can replace the indicated ingredients in the recipe with those that you prefer.


  • 2 or 3 bunches of green lettuce;
  • a few leaves of celery;
  • 1 long cucumber;
  • 1 onion;
  • 20 pcs. cherry tomato;
  • 1 (2) radishes (large);
  • 10 slices of salami;
  • 8 slices of sliced ​​\u200b\u200bham;
  • 7 slices of sliced ​​​​cheese.

1. In this salad, nothing needs to be boiled or fried, but simply everything is tightly and neatly folded. So, rinse the lettuce bunches well and dry them with a paper towel (there should be no moisture at all). Rinse the celery leaves and dry them with a towel too. After that, take kitchen scissors and cut the last Christmas tree. Now tie the celery and lettuce into a tight bundle and place on a serving platter of a suitable size.

2. Rinse the long cucumber, cut off the ends and cut it lengthwise. Tie the cucumber slices in the middle with celery and place on a dish next to a bunch of greens. You should have a stem.

3. Rinse the tomatoes. Take toothpicks and put the tomatoes on them and insert them into the greens.

4.Wash the radishes. From it you need to cut out small flowers, which also need to be planted on skewers or toothpicks and inserted into the bouquet.

5. Make roses from sliced ​​cheese, ham and salami. Place them in the salad greens.

That's all, you have an unusual kind of salad-bouquet ready. Decorate your holiday table with them and surprise your guests. Enjoy your meal!

Salad “Hedgehog”

A wonderful salad, both in design and in taste. Surely everyone will want to try a piece. If you decide to cook such a “hedgehog” for your child’s birthday, then it’s better not to add garlic.


  • 300 grams of chicken fillet;
  • 5 pieces. eggs;
  • 200 grams of canned green peas;
  • 2 pcs. potatoes;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 100 grams of cheese;
  • 100 grams of pitted black olives;
  • mayonnaise to taste.

1. Before preparing the salad, you should boil the ingredients in advance, namely chicken fillet and jacket potatoes. Cool everything, peel the potatoes. Then cut the chicken into cubes, and grate the potatoes on a coarse grater. Put everything in a bowl for further mixing.

2. You also need to boil the eggs, cool them and peel them. Divide the eggs into proteins and yolks, the latter should be grated and put in a bowl.

3. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater and add half to the potatoes and chicken.

4. Peel the garlic and squeeze it into a bowl, then put the mayonnaise and canned green peas there (leave a few peas for decoration). Mix all ingredients well until smooth.

5. Take a beautiful dish and put the resulting mixture in the shape of a hedgehog on it.

6. Now mix the second part of the cheese and finely grated proteins in a separate bowl. Add mayonnaise, mix everything.

7. Evenly cover the hedgehog with the resulting mass.

8. Let's start decorating. Cut the olives into slices and put them on top - you get needles. Two peas will be the eyes and one more will be the nose. Now our “hedgehog” is ready! Serve and bon appetit!

Salad “Sunflower”

This is a fairly popular and original salad. It is very bright, which, of course, will decorate your holiday table.


  • 400 grams of turkey fillet;
  • 2 pcs. small onion;
  • 1 PC. large carrots;
  • 4 (5) pcs. eggs;
  • 1 can of canned corn;
  • 200 grams of champignon mushrooms;
  • olive oil;
  • yellow chips;
  • light mayonnaise;
  • salt.

1. First, boil the ingredients we need - carrots and eggs. Once they are ready, let them cool down.

2.In the meantime, peel the onions, rinse them and cut into small cubes.

3.Cut the fillet of the egg into small cubes.

4. Now heat a small amount of olive oil in a frying pan and fry the turkey pieces until lightly browned. In time it will be about ten minutes. After the meat is ready, put it in a bowl - it should cool completely.

5. Now put the onion in the same pan. It also needs to be fried until golden brown. You don't need to salt the onion. After cooking, leave the onion to cool in the pan.

6.Now the mushrooms. If you use fresh mushrooms, then fry them until fully cooked in a pan. Canned mushrooms just need to be pulled out of the jar and cut into small pieces.

7. Now we begin to lay out our sunflower in layers. Take a flat dish and put the fried meat on it in the first layer. Lightly grease with mayonnaise.

8. Now rub the carrot right over the meat. This will be the second layer. By covering the salad with carrots in this way, it will be much more airy. Also grease with a little mayonnaise.

9. The next layer will be mushrooms. Spread them with mayonnaise as desired (depending on whether they are fatty or not).

10. The fourth layer in the salad will be fried onions. Lightly grease it with mayonnaise.

11. Now comes the layer of eggs. If you want to decorate the final sunflower with yolks, leave two yolks, but if not, rub all the eggs on top at this stage. Spread everything well with mayonnaise.

12. Now lay the corn on the mayonnaise in a dense layer. It is on it that, if desired, you can rub two yolks, but you can not do this, but leave the corn grains on top.

13. Now remove what has fallen from the edge of the dish and put the salad in the refrigerator for about twenty minutes. Before serving it, very carefully insert the chips around the edge of the salad. Sprinkle green onion on top and plant a ladybug. Salad ready. Enjoy your meal!

Shrimp cocktail salad

Portioned seafood salads are quite popular for a feast. Usually they are easy to cook, all the ingredients are prepared in advance, after which they only need to be beautifully folded into glasses or bowls. A figuratively carved orange or lemon will add sophistication to the salad.


  • 1 banana;
  • 1 orange;
  • 14 (20) shrimp;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of walnuts or hazelnuts;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • a pinch of black ground pepper;
  • a pinch of nutmeg (paprika).

1. First of all, boil the shrimp in slightly salted water. They should turn pinkish in color, be careful not to overcook them. Two minutes of cooking after boiling water will be enough for them. Cool the shrimp.

2. Take bowls or wide glasses and put torn pieces of green salad on their bottom.

3. Finely chop the banana and lay it out in the next layer.

4. Lay the shrimp in the next layer.

5. Now let's prepare the dressing. In a small bowl, mix mayonnaise, juice from half an orange, nutmeg and ground black pepper. Mix the resulting liquid until smooth.

6. Now pour the salad with the resulting mixture, and put a little detailed nuts on top.

7. The salad is almost ready, it remains to decorate it. Cut out an orange slice and hang it on the rim of the glass. You can use shrimp instead of orange. Salad ready. Enjoy your meal!

Salad “Princess”

An original and refined salad, which is quite simple in design, but this is what attracts its attention. Your guests will surely appreciate this masterpiece.


  • 400 grams of lightly salted salmon, salmon or trout;
  • 200 grams of hard cheese;
  • 6 pcs. eggs;
  • 1 green apple;
  • ½ can of canned corn;
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice;
  • 1 bunch of lettuce or Beijing cabbage;
  • mayonnaise;
  • red caviar for decoration;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste.

1. First of all, before preparing the salad, you need to prepare the fish. It needs to be cleaned to get a boneless fillet. One part should be finely chopped, and the second should be left for now, it will be needed for decoration.

8. Now let's start decorating the salad. You will need a fish cut into thin pieces. Put it on top of the salad so that you get a lattice. From one strip, roll up the rose and put it up in the center. Garnish with parsley sprigs. Salad ready!

This is just one of the options for decorating this exquisite salad. You can experiment and apply your version for a beautiful design. Enjoy your meal!

As you can see, in order to surprise guests with a festive table, you just need to show some imagination and prepare original birthday salads. Beautiful design of dishes plays an important role, remember this always!!!

Birthday salads (beautiful design): video

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