Recommendations for preparing and conducting a drawing lesson in the senior group on the topic “A girl in a smart dress. Learn to draw cute and airy girls step by step Drawing of a woman in a dress


Drawing in kindergarten is a very special kind of creative activity that accompanies the study of most topics of the educational component of the educational process. It is in connection with the fact that so much time is devoted to this form of fine art that the task of the educator is to prepare classes as efficiently and interestingly as possible. Consider the process of working on the outline of a drawing lesson in the senior group on the topic “Girl in a smart dress”.

Stage of preparation in the senior group

The stage of developing a lesson plan, the formulation of goals and objectives - many methodologists consider these positions to be even more significant than the drawing process itself. Since the success of the latter depends precisely on compliance with all the requirements for preparation.


In the older group, the main goal of drawing classes is to teach kids to place the image on the entire sheet, that is, to scale the image. Therefore, it is more convenient to use

  • pencils (for drawing the contour, filling the background, coloring);
  • paints - watercolor or gouache (for coloring);
  • wax crayons (to fill the background).

Separately, it is worth dwelling on the use of felt-tip pens. In the older group, their use is usually limited to outlining the contour after painting. But to fill the entire picture, you should not take felt-tip pens, since children cannot fully convey the elements of the shadow and shades of the picture.

It is interesting. To complete the drawing “Girl in a smart dress”, felt-tip pens can also be used to draw individual details of the outfit to show their brightness.

As a basis, drawing paper, that is, plain paper for a printer, is usually used. If we are talking about making a postcard, for example, for the holiday of March 8, then you can take thin cardboard. But it is better to use the standard format - A4, if we are talking about the task of drawing an illustration for a fairy tale, etc., or half of A4, if the children are tasked with drawing a postcard. For collective drawings, it is also possible to arrange ready-made pictures on the A1 format (but on the condition that the general background is made by an adult, and the children only supplement the substrate with their work) or A3 (if the task involves working in pairs).

It is interesting. If the dress involves the presence of a large number of frills, an intricate pattern, then it will be convenient to draw on a sheet in a box.

drawing techniques

Modern children's educational institutions, in order to increase children's interest in visual activity, are actively introducing the practice of drawing in non-traditional techniques. Thus, in working with 5-6-year-old children, the blotography technique deserved special attention: drawing a contour on randomly applied blots of paint. This, of course, has its positive aspects (for example, imaginative thinking develops), but we must not forget that it is traditional drawing that helps to develop fine motor skills correctly, train the hand for writing, instill a sense of proportion in the image and measure in the creative process. For drawing in traditional technique, the following techniques are used:

  • coloring black and white pictures;
  • adding details to the drawing (for example, a dress for a girl);
  • redrawing (usually from illustrations for fairy tales);
  • drawing from life (a drawing of a doll that came to visit the guys for a lesson);
  • circling the stencils and supplementing them with the necessary details (for example, the guys can circle the stencil of a girl in a dress, and then supplement it with drawing facial features, a pattern on the outfit, shoes, etc.).

Thus, to create a picture “Girl in a smart dress”, you can use all the drawing techniques that the guys in the older group are familiar with.

Photo gallery of drawings in non-traditional techniques

The girl’s body and outfit are made using a handprint The nesting doll outfit is painted with cotton buds dipped in paints of different colors The drawing is done with wide brush strokes without first drawing the contour


As already noted, in the older group, children learn to distribute composition elements over the entire sheet, so the following drawing techniques will be most suitable:

  • painting (in this case it would be nice to introduce elements of shadows);
  • drawing lines of different widths - thin, wide in different directions (straight, perpendicular, left and right);
  • hold the brush vertically for thin lines and tilted for thick lines;
  • mixing the primary colors of the palette to obtain the desired shades (red and yellow for orange, yellow and green for light green, etc.);
  • painting with pencils in different directions to obtain a continuous or inhomogeneous filling of the substrate.

For the theme “Girl in a smart dress”, the teacher selects those techniques that will most fully help the children to realize the task of the lesson.

Additional types of visual activity

The theme "Girl in a smart dress" in one form or another is quite common in calendar and thematic planning. The educator faces the task: how to make the task different from the previous one. And additional types of visual activity come to the rescue, in particular

  • application (for example, a dress, shoes can be made of colored or corrugated paper);
  • modeling (details of a girl's outfit, for example, a handbag, can be made from salt dough or plasticine);
  • design (for example, decoration can be made in the form of voluminous paper rings - as for a garland).

Individual approach

Even if everyone has the same task, the drawings will be different. And this is due not only to the fact that all children have different abilities for visual activity. Differences may be more subtle: shapes, facial expressions, dress trim, color schemes may vary. The teacher must help the little ones to realize their vision of the image when performing the task assigned to everyone. First of all, this approach should be reflected in creating a situation of success for each kid in the group. In other words, a child who does not have the talents of an artist can simply finish the outfit for a template doll, or color the finished picture, adding 2-3 elements according to the plot of the composition.

“A girl in a smart dress” involves drawing a face, which is sometimes difficult even for adults. So if the baby has difficulties, the teacher should help him cope with this part of the picture. Those children who have a high level of drawing skills can draw from different angles (for example, from the side), complement the substrate (for example, with a castle, interior of a room) or draw a girl from different approximations (close-up or at a distance).

Place of employment in the plan of work

We have already mentioned that the theme "Girl in a smart dress" occurs in different interpretations throughout the school year in the senior group. Topic wording options may vary depending on the place of the lesson in the calendar-thematic planning:

  • “A girl in a smart dress” (when studying the shades of colors, obtaining them by mixing the tones of the palette of colors);
  • “Masha doll is our guest” (when studying the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear”);
  • "Cinderella" (in the process of working on the fairy tale of the same name, you can organize work in pairs, where one creates Cinderella, and the partner creates the entourage);
  • “Postcard for March 8” (when creating a drawing for the holiday);
  • “All clothes have their own use” (when considering the topic of using clothes depending on the season and situation, it can be carried out in the form of a collective visual activity, where everyone offers their own set of clothes for a certain season);
  • “My mother in childhood”, “My mother was like me” (when studying a topic related to family relationships, family ties), etc.

It is interesting. The drawing of a girl in an elegant dress can also be interpreted when studying the traditions of folk craft, for example, to create a drawing of a Dymkovo toy - a lady.

How to motivate children?

Even if the child draws well, he needs to be interested in completing the task in order to focus on completing the task throughout the lesson. And what can we say about those guys for whom visual activity is not a strong point of the educational route. To motivate both categories of kids, the educator should very carefully choose a combination of techniques to create favorable conditions for engaging in creative activities.

Fairy tales

Some topics are directly related to the study of fairy tales. As a motivational technique in this case, you can use

  • reading (retelling) excerpts of the work;
  • role-playing game based on the studied plot;
  • watching cartoons.

The following tales serve as motivational material:

  • "Masha and the Bear";
  • "Cinderella";
  • "Princess on the Pea";
  • "Snow White and 7 Dwarfs", etc.


This technique is usually used when children draw a doll. For example, a visitor to their group. In this case, poems about girls are suitable, preferably with a description of their clothes:

  • Our Masha is small, She has a scarlet fur coat, Beaver edge, Masha black-browed. Walk, Masha, along the path, Stamp Masha, with your foot.
  • So our Maya is dressed, Like a spring flower in May. Rose in red hair, Dress in flower bows.
  • Everything sparkles like Venus, Vera doll in a yellow dress. - Oh, what an outfit she's wearing, - All her friends say.

Visibility and conversation

These techniques are inextricably linked in drawing classes, since the teacher not only tells the children about what they will depict, but also shows samples, demonstrates illustrations for the topic. So, when determining the purpose of clothing in appearance, it is important that all the desired outfits are depicted not only worn in public, but also separately, for example, hanging in a closet. Depending on the topic, an adult builds a conversation with children, the purpose of which is to set up the little ones for work and check the quality of the material learned. Let's give an example of questions of a conversation on the topic "Masha's doll is our guest."

  • “From what fairy tale did Masha come to us?”
  • "How did she meet the bear?"
  • What time of year does the story take place?
  • "What clothes is Masha wearing?"

Then the teacher can invite the children to correlate the parts of the doll's body with familiar geometric shapes (for example, the head is a circle, the body is an oval, etc.).

Step-by-step outline of the lesson

At the beginning of the article, we mentioned that one of the most important points in preparing a lesson in kindergarten is the formulation of goals and objectives. For the lesson plan on the theme “Girl in a smart dress”, the goals can be indicated as follows:

  • learn to draw a human figure on paper;
  • show the importance of maintaining proportions when depicting a person;
  • continue to develop the skill of depicting a large figure;
  • develop the skill of creating a drawing with pencils and paints;
  • develop specific-figurative thinking;
  • develop speech;
  • cultivate aesthetic taste.

The following tasks can be proposed as formulations:

  • learn to determine the purpose of clothing in appearance;
  • to teach to highlight the components of the image;
  • develop visual perception in the process of sample analysis;
  • fix the spatial orientation of the object on the sheet;
  • work on developing the ability to place an object in the center of the sheet;
  • develop the ability to compare their own product of creative activity with others;
  • cultivate accuracy in work.

The next stage of work on the abstract is the calculation of time for each stage of work.

It is interesting. A lesson in kindergarten lasts 30 minutes, of which about 5 is spent on the mandatory stages: finger gymnastics and physical education (usually in the main part of the lesson).

The lesson consists of 3 stages:

  • introductory part - 5–7 minutes (motivation of children to work);
  • the main part - 18–20 minutes (work on the drawing);
  • final stage - 3-5 minutes (drawing up an exhibition of works, evaluation of drawings by the educator, reflection - "Did you like the task? How do you evaluate your drawing? Whose drawing, in your opinion, is the most successful? Why?")

Sample compiling an outline

Cherepanova Svetlana "Technological map of organized educational activities for the senior drawing group" Girl in a smart dress "(fragments)

<…Как один мы дружно встали,
Say hello to the sun.
Everyone smiled at each other
And returned to the chairs.
There is crying behind the door
What is this noise? Who is crying at the door? I'll go and see.
I bring dolls to the group
What happened? Why are you crying?
Girl Doll: Hello, children. I am Katya doll. My brother and I were going to visit our grandmother, but we do not have beautiful and elegant clothes.
Don't cry, Katya. We will help you and your brother. Right guys?..>
<…Прежде чем приступать к рисованию одежды для Кати и её братишки, давайте вспомним, какие виды одежды мы знаем.
I make riddles
Houses for fingers
Girls and boys.
Answer: (Gloves)
He is not a tie, not a collar,
And I'm used to squeezing my neck.
But not always, but only then,
When it's cold.
Answer: (Scarf)
At little Katyusha
Sat on the crown
Not a moth, not a bird -
Holds two pigtails.
Answer: (Bow) ...>
<…Молодцы! Теперь, пожалуйста, посмотрите на образцы, лежащие у вас на столах.
I focus the attention of the children on the samples, I gradually explain the scheme for the execution of the drawing.
Before we get started, let's stretch our fingers...>
<…Приступаем к рисованию.
Independent activity of children. Help is provided to those who are struggling. I give oral advice, I provide practical assistance
Well done! You've got some really nice drawings!

Stages of work on a drawing

"Girl with a bow"

This drawing involves working out the image of a proportional figure created on the basis of geometric shapes.


  1. "Draw a circle for the head."
  2. “We make a square below the circle and connect it with two lines to the circle - this is the neck connecting the head and torso in the dress.”
  3. “We finish the sleeves with hands - we finish the triangle to the left and right of the square.”
  4. “We finish drawing a trapezoid to the square - a “skirt”.
  5. “We draw two straight lines from the bottom of the trapezoid - these are the girl’s legs.”
  6. "Down on the hands we draw small circles - palms."
  7. “On the legs we make an oval at the bottom - the feet.”
  8. “On the left on the head we draw a bow.”
  9. "We make a cutout on the dress."
  10. "We show the hair with strokes."
  11. “The dots denote the eyes, the semicircle of the nose and mouth.”
  12. "Colour as you wish."

"Princess in a fancy dress"

The peculiarity of this pattern is that it can be started not with the figure of a girl, but with a dress, since the outfit is long, covering the torso and legs.


  1. "We draw a square for the top of the dress."
  2. "We finish the long skirt."
  3. “In the middle of the top line of the square, we make two short lines - this is the girl’s neck.”
  4. “We add a circle to the neck - the head of the princess.”
  5. “We draw hands to the upper corners of the square and show the sleeves of the dress in semicircles.”
  6. "In the hand we draw an oval on the eyelet - the girl is holding a handbag."
  7. "Let's start with the face, showing the eyes, nose profile, mouth, eyebrows and blush."
  8. "We finish the hair with wavy lines."
  9. "Adding a Hat"
  10. "Coloring the drawing and finishing the sun and clouds (no outline)."

Photo gallery of finished works

The use of pencils allows you to draw all the details of the figure, making the lines more accurate. It is more difficult to create a drawing that is not based on a visual image, so usually such tasks relate to creating a drawing of a mother or sister (so that the image is well known to the baby) Creating elegant dresses without a girl’s figure allows you to work out the technique of combining different types visual activity Drawings based on your favorite fairy tales and cartoons is the most productive task for practicing the skill of creating a picture on a scale

Useful videos

Video. We draw a girl Flora with pastels

Video. How to draw a little fairy in an elegant dress with gouache

Video. How to draw a bright dress on a checkered sheet

Drawing in the senior group is designed not only to develop the aesthetic taste of children, but also to show the importance of maintaining proportions in the drawing, the ability to combine shades in the depicted composition, work with pencils, paints and combine these materials depending on the brightness of the element. In addition, children learn to create symmetrical details (for example, facial features). The theme of the lesson is so comprehensive that it can be played out at several stages of the calendar-thematic planning of educational activities in kindergarten. At the same time, the educator must carefully consider all stages of the implementation of the goals and objectives, finding new methods of motivation and ways to diversify visual activity.

To get started, you need to deal with small nuances in order to know exactly how to draw a girl. Usually they have a large head, huge eyes with long eyelashes and incredibly lush hair. The girls are dressed in bright dresses with huge bows or hearts.

Step-by-step instruction

Such a drawing is quite complicated, because all lines must be accurate, and for this you need to get the hang of making such bends. In order not to rush about in thought, you should figure out how to draw a girl in stages.

So let's start with the face. We draw an oval, which has a slight bend on top along the hairline. From this bend obliquely we draw a line dividing the curls into 2 parts. We limit the back of the head. On the left we draw a small ear and in front of it we make the second. Obliquely from the future eye, draw the middle of the bow. We dissolve trapezoidal pieces in different parts, in which we make lines of fabric bends.

The eyes should be large and round, located on the same line. In each we draw 2 circles for highlight, make the bottom moon-shaped. We paint over the middle with black, carefully bypassing the glare. On the bottom we make vertical sticks. Place 2 eyelashes on the upper eyelid.

Above the eye socket, draw arched eyebrows. We outline the line of a smiling mouth. We finish the earrings on the ears.

From the middle of the chin we draw a line of the neck, which immediately passes into the shoulders. We limit the clothing area.

We continue to draw the body, draw a bow on the belt. We form the left hand, which must be bent and placed on the belt.

Now we finish drawing the right limb, which hangs freely on the side and the bottom of the skirt.

We draw legs to the knee. On the bottom of the skirt and under the belt, add fold lines.

We decorate the lower part of the legs, putting the girl in low shoes.

We detail the shoes, make lacing.

It remains to draw a magnificent tail and decorate the girl.

Working with a pencil

How to draw a girl with a pencil can be written a thousand times, but this lesson is worth seeing in order to understand the complexity of the work.

We start with an oval, which we divide into 2 parts by a vertical. The bottom must be pulled out in the form of a triangle. This will be the chin. All movements should be light, draw with careless strokes.

Placing the end of the chin in the middle, we draw the line of the neck and lead the bend of the shoulders. We wipe additional lines in the middle part. And in the lower half we make 2 parallel bends. This is the eye line.

Under them we draw a nose button, and then a wide mouth. On the shoulders we put the t-shirts on the shoulders. For realism, add light shadows of the clavicle.

In the middle of the zone of 2 lines, draw the bridge of the nose. On the sides we make out a thin line of (torn) eye sockets.

We insert large round eyes into them, in the middle of which we draw pupils.

Select the pupil, draw eyelids and add eyelashes, eyebrows.

The bridge of the nose is highlighted more clearly. This will be the middle point. Now we plant the glass. From above, the line is straight above the eye, and below we leave a little space and make a semicircle.

We make out the upper part of the glasses with a bold line, and slightly point the bottom.

Let's move on to the hair. We start from the forehead area: draw individual hairs of different lengths and directions.

We detail and highlight individual hairs more strongly.

We take a pen with black paste and draw the most basic borders, giving the drawing volume.

Unearthly beauty

The time has come to understand the technique of designing a running person. So, how to draw a beautiful girl in order to comply with all the rules and proportions.

We make the skeleton: a circle of the head with a cross in the middle, straight lines of the vertebrae and arms. We make the hip joint in the form of a polygon, from which we need to release 2 straight lines, one of which is bent back.

We start with the head. Above the horizontal line in the head, draw the upper eyelid, and push the lower part of the circle down a little.

At the ends of the finished line we make out the ears. Draw the lower part of the eye and eyebrows.

Now we draw a hair zone above the head line and distribute the curls on the sides. They need to be directed in one direction, as the wind blows. Draw a bang on the forehead.

On the upper part of the body we draw a T-shirt.

Now we make out the hands and finish the fingers.

Given the shape of the polygon, draw a skirt on it. We make folds on the bottom of the fabric.

We finish drawing the legs, one should be directed back.

Making slippers.

Instruction for beginners

A running man is a drawing that is hard to make for people who have never done it. Consider an easy option on how to draw a girl for beginners.

We start with the face, not forgetting the ear and the forehead line.

We detail the face: eyes, eyebrows, nose and smiling mouth.

Limit the back of the head, draw part of the tail. Draw the neck.

Since the girl is located sideways, we draw the twists of the T-shirt, outlining the chest and the line of the abdomen.

Raise the right arm slightly up and bend at the elbows. Draw the fingers on the hands.

Now you need to make the left hand, which is raised up and also bent at the elbow. Clench your fingers into a fist.

The right side of the leg should be straight and extended forward.

We leave the left leg behind, lifting it up.

Draw shorts.

Decorate the drawing.

For little kids

The next master class will tell you how to draw a girl for children.

We start with an oblique bang line, which is divided into 2 parts. Next, draw the line of the cheek and chin.

Finish the hair on the top and sides. Draw the dress in the form of an elongated trapezoid. Place your hands on the sides. Draw a line for the sleeve.

Now let's draw the legs that need to be put on boots, directing the socks inward. Detail them with side buckles and soles.

Draw hair below the shoulders. Let's move on to the face. Draw 2 large round eyes. Draw 2 small circles in the middle. These will be highlights. We limit the lower part of the curve, which is painted over with vertical lines.

Paint over the middle with black, leaving highlights. Add 2 eyelashes, a mouth and an eyebrow on one eye.

Draw side pockets on the dress, and draw a heart in the middle.

Draw grass and dandelion.

The Almighty does not give us all the talent of an artist, but sometimes, probably, everyone wants to pick up a pencil and draw something unusual and beautiful. Often we do this at the request of our children: little dreamers can persuade anyone, even the most mediocre person, to become an artist for a minute.

Today we will look at how to draw a girl in a dress. How can this be done if there is no great artistic talent?

What is the basis of the drawing?

There are several ways to draw a girl in a dress. First, let's prepare an album, one plain and a box of colored pencils.

Turn on your imagination to the fullest. At this point, you can safely experiment, and the more you do this, the more unusual your drawing will turn out.

Draw a beautiful girl in a dress

In order to draw a beautiful girl in a dress, you must also prepare a sheet of paper, a pencil, an eraser and a compass. Now let's get to the drawing part.

That's it, the whole drawing is almost finished. Now you can add some decorations to the outfit, and your work will have a finished look.

Step by step drawing

Consider step by step how to draw a dress for a girl and the figure itself.

Drawing of a girl in a dress - video

How to start drawing with a dress?

Each drawing method differs from others in its stages. It is easier for some to start the image of a girl with the details of her figure, from the shoulders or head, and some prefer to draw the dress first. Above, we analyzed the options for how to draw a girl from the head and body, now consider the second option.

First, let's prepare everything that was listed above. Next, let's try to draw the dress itself. It is better to start with a skirt, or rather the bottom of the dress. Then we begin to finish the top of the outfit, based on the style chosen in advance. After the dress is ready, we start drawing the head, legs and arms.

Thus, we can first choose the style of the dress itself, and only then draw all the other parts of the body. So it will be easier to create the whole image of a beauty.

You can use various elements as decorations for the dress. So, for example, a small bow on a ball gown or beautiful beads on an evening dress will look great. You can also add various decorations to your hair. By drawing a beautiful hairpin or headband in the shape of a crown, you will make a queen out of this girl.

You can draw figures in various clothing options. So, many people like it when the picture shows a girl in a ball gown. You can make such an outfit so unusual and beautiful that the drawing can amaze anyone with its beauty and originality.

Try again and again!

Many options for such drawings can be made by hand. No need to attend special drawing courses, everything can be learned at home. If something doesn't work the first time, don't worry and try again. After a short period of time, you can easily draw any girl or girl in a very short time.

Use different styles in drawing, you don't have to be afraid that you won't succeed. Just pick up a pencil and start drawing. In case something does not work out, there is a true friend - this is an eraser for erasing.

Dare and draw, we sometimes miss a fairy tale so much in life, and it’s easy to create such beauty on paper. Thus, you will be able to surprise and please your child if the drawing is done for him, and you yourself will get a wonderful experience in drawing, which can be useful in life.

There is nothing better than handmade work. And if everything works out for you, then you should not stop there. Experiment and leave your interesting fantasies on paper.

Already drew +13 I want to draw +13 Thank you + 114

Step 1.

We outline the outlines of a girl in a dress. We pay the most attention to the dress in this lesson, but we included it in the section where we draw people, since we decided that it was mostly people who walked in dresses, and not other creatures. We should get a fashionable outfit of the 19th century in the picture. For inspiration, we looked at fashion magazines of those years.

Step 2

Do not forget about the proportions of a person - there are eight heads in his body.

Step 3

Everyone who wants to draw a beautiful dress should be patient - there are so many frills, bows, frills and other intricate trims. You need to draw a dress carefully, and it will turn out beautiful. It is better if you draw from some postcard or from a magazine of those years. Then it will be easier for you to draw the right lighting.

Step 4

The main task is to draw the folds on the dress. The folds should be sheer. Volume is light and shadow. So decide where the light comes from and don't forget about it. Draw immediately the shadows from the folds.

Step 5

Carefully draw the folds, choose - where is the shadow, where is the light. Under the fringe (or frill, probably, it's more like a frill) there is a shadow on the dress. The shuttle itself is illuminated. Each pleated pleat on the dress is well lit. It takes a long time to draw a dress, for the most patient it looks beautiful. Most importantly, do not forget about the contrast of light and shadow, about the volume of folds. Drawing a dress is interesting, but not very easy.

Step 6

We draw a dress, and carefully follow the details. The buttons are not visible here, but the lace will be visible, they must be drawn on the dress.

Step 7

We continue to draw folds, give them volume and contrast. Without contrast, it will not be beautiful, the picture will be gray and dull. We draw a dress in a contrasting relationship of light and shadow.

Today we will talk about how to draw a girl in a dress, using as a basis He, like any other direction of painting, has its own characteristics and exceptions. Recently, many are addicted to this subculture. And many are wondering how to draw an anime girl, because from the outside the work seems very hard. We will try to open the curtain that hides the secrets of this art form. So, stop thinking about how to draw a girl in a dress, let's get down to business!

Step 1. First, we outline the basic sketch. How to draw a girl in a dress the easiest way? We take as a basis the specific position of the female silhouette: hands behind the back, and the toes of the legs look inward. We create the appropriate shape, draw the main circle for the head, while trying not to make it too big or, conversely, small. Then, in the same width, we put on paper two small circles for the shoulders and mark the bridge between them. We finish drawing the body of the figure, the skirt and stick-legs peeking out from under it.

Step 2. Determine the position of the head. Add the chin lines to the main circle, then a few curved lines crossing the future face to give the image a realistic look.

Step 3. Using guide lines, draw the outer part of the eyes, nose (although you may still have to redo it), smile. We outline the line of the mouth (it should be slightly overestimated, because the girl's mouth will be slightly ajar).

Step 4. Now we create circles of the iris of the eyes. We finish drawing a small mound to indicate the mouth and draw the tongue. We also draw two lines above the eyes.

Step 6 Now we can erase the initial and guide lines of the head. After all, a person who knows how to draw a girl in a dress is aware of the inadmissibility of "drafts" in the finished drawing.

Step 7. All main lines should be as clear as possible, so we direct them with a bright pen or soft pencil. Next, draw the sleeves of the dress, without touching the lines of the head. We start with circles for the shoulders, designate the waist line and the length of the dress.

STEP 8 Before we move on to the bottom, let's finish up the upper body. Draw a few strands of hair peeking out from behind. We put on the paper the lines of the neck and the neck of the dress. Make sure that the outfit of the heroine looks as voluminous as possible.

STEP 9. Before you start drawing the bottom of the dress, you need to know where to direct the lines of the folds. Each of them must be continuous.

Step 10. Depicting the folds is the easiest way - from the belt, just draw a pencil along the entire length of the dress, without exerting much pressure.

STEP 11 Before we finish drawing the bottom of the dress, we need to draw the legs and feet.

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