Relaxation and relaxation of muscles is a unique technique. Muscle relaxation techniques


“All illnesses are from nerves” - there is a lot of truth in this joke, doctors say. Constant stress leads to a decrease in the body's defenses, and it becomes vulnerable to many diseases. It would be a mistake to think that stress is a modern problem. The life of people a hundred and a thousand years ago was full of problems. The need for relaxation was understood in antiquity: some techniques are more than a thousand years old. Obviously, knowing how to relax is useful to everyone. We bring to your attention 7 effective and simple ways to "reboot" the nervous system.

Relaxing massage is an art that needs to be specially trained and then practiced for several years in order to achieve perfection. But everyone is able to do a simple relaxing massage, moreover, you can do it yourself: with soft massaging movements, walk along each finger in turn, first one, then the other, and then along the earlobes; massage the face with the fingertips in a circular motion, and the scalp with slightly more rigid movements. It's easy and only takes a few minutes.


Water is the best, most powerful anti-stress agent. Almost all water procedures have a relaxing effect. When a person experiences a strong psycho-emotional stress, he is offered a drink; The best place to relax is by the water…

It is not always possible to go to the sea, but you can almost always take a shower while at home. For a relaxing effect, turn on warm water. If the shower is removable and equipped with a water supply mode switch, you can do a water massage - it combines the benefits of a conventional massage and water treatments. Even better is relaxing in a warm bath. If it is not possible to take a shower or bath, you should just wash your face or hold your hands in the water for a few minutes to the elbow.


We attach more importance to fragrances, we make sure that we smell good. Smells are very powerful: they can make the environment unbearable or, conversely, extremely pleasant. Do not underestimate the relaxation possibilities of aromas. But there is a nuance - the individuality of the reaction to smells. It takes some time to figure out which scents—perfumes, essential oils, flowers, and so on—help you relax.

An interesting fact: scientists have found one smell that absolutely everyone likes. It was the aroma of freshly baked bread. If you want to bring an atmosphere of soft goodwill, relaxation and comfort into your home, bake bread or, for example, a pie.


Yogis say that breathing practices are the most effective means of relaxation. Western researchers agree with the yogis. It is enough to recall the special breathing techniques that are recommended for women in labor. The simplest exercise is counting the breath. You need to count how many breathing movements you make in a minute, focusing on each movement. Another exercise is to take four short breaths, and the fifth longer one for several minutes.


Art therapy

Many familiar things, having received an unusual name, are perceived as something complex and difficult to access. This is what happened with art therapy: it is not necessarily a session with a psychologist, it is everything that relates to art (art - English “art”), but is done not with the aim of achieving a high artistic result, but with the goal of relaxing in the process. Art therapy is drawing, modeling from clay and plasticine, coloring pictures, cutting with a jigsaw, participating in amateur productions ... There is only one condition: you should like what you are doing, and what does not work should not cause irritation.

Our world is dynamic, and sometimes it even changes too often. Stress becomes a common part of everyday life. It is so familiar that we stop noticing it. But to maintain your own peace of mind, you need to give yourself the opportunity to relax, relieve stress. Below are effective ways to help you do this. Many of them are quite ordinary, while some will seem slightly unconventional to you. But use them, because you deserve a rest.

1. Keep moving

It will seem strange to you, but it works. Perhaps the only thing you want is to just lie down on the sofa and relax, but believe me, it is the movement that will energize you and give you a good mood. Take a leisurely stroll after a hard day's work and you'll feel your tiredness go away.

2. Love tea

Especially green. It is rich in L-theanine, which has been scientifically proven to help fight anger.

3. Use mental visualizations

This method helps to calm down. Just imagine yourself in your favorite place, like the beach or a quiet cafe, and you will feel peaceful.

4. Turn to nature

The green color of the leaves and grass is soothing, unlike the similar hue of the pixels on the screen.

5. Keep a diary

Well, or a blog, if this option suits you better. Spilling out your feelings and emotions on paper, you can analyze your actions and understand what to do next.

6. Don't run away from boredom

The next time you get bored, don't go online for a new movie or series. Think about the real world, your immediate material environment. What would you like to change in it? Take action! As you can see, boredom can be an impetus for creativity.

7. Make time for your interests

Do you love to cross stitch? So do it. Do you enjoy cooking? So bake a cake. Make time for activities that bring you joy.

8. Take a nap

Sometimes, to calm down, you just need to sleep an hour during the day. And then you begin to look at all the problems and troubles differently, and they no longer seem so frightening.

9. Log out of the Internet

This will help you focus on what is happening here and now. And with constantly pop-up notifications about messages on social networks, peace is unlikely to be achieved.

10. Meditate

This way of achieving harmony with oneself has been known for a long time. And it just works.

11. Do yoga

Yoga is the same meditation, but only supplemented with an important physical component. And she works too.

12. Clean up

Cleanliness and order around will bring harmony and peace to your inner world. It is hardly possible to achieve peace in chaos.

13. Take a walk

A walk will give you a sunny mood, and at the same time stress will recede. Admire the city, people around you and recharge with positive.

14. Read

Imagine an evening, a soft blanket, an interesting book... Does it calm you down? Then put it into practice tonight. By the way, now you have used the visualization technique described in point 3. Have you made sure that it works?

15. Dance when no one is watching.

Sounds stupid? This is the case. But dancing helps to cope with stress, not only mental, but also physical.

16. Talk to yourself

Before you doubt the adequacy of the author of the article, just try it. You can talk to your reflection in the mirror about yourself, about the people around you, and even about how your day went. When we verbalize our own experiences and thoughts, it becomes easier to find a way out of difficult situations.

17. Hug your pet

This method will not work for you if only aquarium fish live in your house. And for owners of cats and dogs, such hugs with pets help to cope with stress. In addition, it lowers blood pressure and calms.

18. Listen to music

The melody just has to please you. In this case, the emotions from listening to it will be extremely positive.

19. Chat with friends

Man is a social being. He cannot be alone and still be happy. So invite your friends over and just chat.

20. Learn something new

Have you long wanted to learn how to shoot a bow or weave macrame? So why not do it today?

21. Say "no"

Helping people is okay. Moreover, it is noble and truly humane. But know how to refuse help if this altruism will bring negativity, first of all, to you personally. And do not do what is beyond your power.

22. Stretch!

Stretching will help not only relieve tension, but also gain flexibility. And besides, it has a beneficial effect on the health of the circulatory and lymphatic systems of the body.

23. Take a bubble bath

Warm water will help you de-stress after a long hard day. And the bubbles are soothing.

24. Buy a special ball

A simple little ball is a great exercise machine for the muscles of the hands. It also helps relieve stress.

25. Look out the window

This is a great way to let go of worries and calm down in a short period of time for those who cannot get up and leave work right now.

Popcorn, a warm blanket and a good movie are one of the best ways to unwind.

28. Eat chocolate

Scientists have proven that dark chocolate actually helps reduce stress levels. But remember the sense of proportion, relaxing in such a sweet way.

29. Smile

Try to smile more often. Look for reasons for this in everything. Stress recedes if you look at the world with a smile.

30. Go barefoot

Perhaps you will be mistaken for a hippie. But this method really works, because by feeling the soil, grass or even warm asphalt with your skin, you strengthen your own unity with nature. And this is reassuring.

31. Sing to yourself

Plug in your inner Beonce and sing along. This method is ideal when used with option 15 (“Dance when no one is watching”).

32. Treat yourself

It is not so important what it will be, a chocolate bar or a ticket to a concert of a famous rock band. Just allow yourself something that you really want for a long time.

33. Try Aromatherapy

Some scents, like jasmine or lavender, are soothing and romantic.

34. Find the reason

Knowing how to relax is very important. But sometimes you just need to find the cause of stress in order to cope with it. Take care of it, but remember: what escapes the gaze, in fact, can hide in the most visible place.

35. Chew gum

Yes Yes exactly. Chewing gum really helps to cope with stress. Just put it in your mouth, what could be easier?

36. Find your relaxation "mentor"

It can be your colleague who endures all the difficulties of the work process and personal life, or another hero from an American film who remains calm, no matter what happens around him.

37. Be spontaneous!

No, this does not mean at all that you should quit your job, home and go to live in Tibet right now. Just bring a little surprise to the usual things. For example, take a different route to work or go to a store on the other side of town for something tasty.

38. Forgive yourself

Are you again tormented by incomprehensible emotional stress? Let go of the situation, forgive others and yourself. By remaining thoughts in the past, we become "missing" in the future.

39. Breathe

This is perhaps the easiest way. Wherever you are, you can always just take a few deep breaths. And it will surely put your mind at ease.

40. Remember: everything is fine

We all make mistakes. Be that as it may, things change, and usually for the better.

Relaxation is a process that is mistakenly perceived as a way to relax. This is a powerful technique aimed at eliminating psychological clamps, phobias and complexes. Its use allows not only to restore mental strength, but also to get rid of the manifestations of gastritis, headache and hypertension. This technique has a wide range of applications. Its adherents are flexible in thinking and cope with stress more easily.

Why is relaxation needed?

Relaxation is the process of consciously relaxing the body to reduce muscle tone. For this, special techniques, exercises and preparations are used. As a result, the patient's level of mental and physical stress decreases, and working capacity increases.

For the proper functioning of all body systems, after tension, nervous or physical, relaxation must follow. Everyday life filled with stress and the modern rhythm of life deprives people of this opportunity. The psyche is in constant tension, and watching TV shows, movies or reading news on social networks only further overloads the mind. Therefore, relaxation methods are a necessary measure for maintaining health.

Any stress inhibits relaxation, resulting in muscle clamps. Over time, the consequences of its destructive influence accumulate, and there are more and more muscle clamps. They interfere with proper blood circulation, reduce concentration and overall body tone.

Mind and body are interconnected. Therefore, engaging in physical relaxation, a person simultaneously works on his mental health, and vice versa. When healing the body and spirit, it is important to observe the fundamental principle of relaxation - generalization is needed to achieve the result.

Generalization is the process of distribution and consolidation of the produced effect. Without it, the methods of relaxing the body will not have the expected effect.

Unsystematic studies will never give a lasting result. To achieve therapeutic effectiveness and get rid of nervousness, classes require organization. Relaxation is not a miracle pill.

The essence of the technique and its application in everyday life

Relaxation is not necessarily meditation and yoga. Methods of physical and mental relaxation are present in the life of every person, even if he does not consciously engage in them. For example, the classic case of an office worker. Everyday is filled with fuss and a huge amount of information, but when a person goes out into the street and is about to go home, his attention switches. A change of activity provokes a change in the direction of thought, he understands that work difficulties are left behind, and a pleasant evening and rest await him ahead. At this point, there is a slight mental and physical relaxation.

Proper use of relaxation techniques can prevent depression, restore vigor and tone of the body.

Ways to relieve stress:

  1. 1. A deep breath, despite its simplicity, can significantly change the state of consciousness. In a stressful situation that seems hopeless, it is useful to use the exercise: a deep breath is taken, the breath is held for 10 seconds, followed by a slow exhalation. A short period of time will allow you to assess the situation, understand your main advantages, saturate the cells with oxygen and calm down a bit. During such a respite, it is important to try to think positively, a critical perception of reality will spoil the result.
  2. 2. Hugs are another effective way to deal with stress. They awaken in a person a sense of security and the release of endorphins. An important condition: you need to hug only those who are pleasant. It is pointless to expect a result by touching a person who causes only negative emotions. Contact with children has the greatest positive effect. Their spontaneity and sincerity will help not only to feel better, but also to cheer you up.
  3. 3. Massage is a popular way to deal with stress. To achieve a therapeutic effect, regular procedures are recommended. But if you need to relax right now, then a short session of light massage will do. To do this, just rub your ears, stretch your neck, shoulders, forearms, hands, palms and fingers. Particular attention should be paid to the cervical region. This will improve blood flow, cause a surge of vigor and increase concentration.
  4. 4. Aromatherapy is recommended in combination with massage. But it can be used in everyday life. For this, aromatic baths with mint in the evenings and bergamot in the mornings are suitable. A few drops of mint are recommended to drip on the pillow. Orange oil is used to lift the mood and increase efficiency. An aroma lamp with it should be lit in the office or use perfumes with notes of orange. An alternative option is a basket with these citrus fruits on your desktop.
  5. 5. Music helps relieve stress, switch attention and improve mood. Listening to your favorite songs will help you stay in high spirits. Classical music is useful for creative work, and drum rhythms increase concentration. It is recommended to spend 10-15 minutes every morning dancing to drum beats. Vibrations of percussion instruments invigorate, have a beneficial effect on attention and performance.
  6. 6. Herbal teas. The correct selection of herbs and the rejection of caffeinated drinks increases concentration, overall body tone and removes toxins. Chamomile is suitable for morning tea drinking, a cup of mint or lemon balm infusion is useful at night or in the evening. During the day, ginseng, chamomile and oregano are recommended.

Types of relaxation

Modern psychology identifies a number of the most effective methods. Their implementation does not require complex skills or financial investments.

Popular relaxation methods:

Breathing exercisesBreathing techniques are the basis of yoga, Pilates and any kind of professional sports. For therapeutic purposes, you need to practice indoors with a minimum amount of lighting and without strangers. Music for meditation, the sounds of nature, are suitable as a sound accompaniment, you can completely refuse it. TV, radio and music with words will distract attention. Before starting the exercise, you need to take a comfortable position, the stomach should be relaxed and not pinched by anything. Close your eyes and concentrate on your breath. It should be measured and unhurried. It is necessary to control the flow of air into the lungs and fill not only the chest, but also the stomach. Belly breathing provides good ventilation of the lungs. Then visualization and sensations are connected to the work. You need to imagine how the air gradually penetrates through the pores and fills first one hand, then the other, then both. And so you need to work out every part of the body. Switching from one part of the body to another occurs only after complete relaxation of the limb. At the end of the exercise, it is useful to lie on your back with one hand on your stomach to control your breathing and breathe with your stomach.
Creating an imageIt is a visualization method and requires a lot of practice. Not everyone gets it right the first time. You need to sit comfortably and to the right music without words to start working. During the exercise, you need to imagine the most pleasant environment, for each person such an image is individual. It should be a place where he feels a state of bliss. For example, a sandy beach, a forest edge, a beautiful garden. An important condition: immersion in visualization must be complete. That is, a person must present all the smallest details. If it is a sandy beach, you should try to hear the sound of the surf, feel the warm rays of the sun and splashes of water on your skin, remember the feeling of touching the sand. Before you can find a good image, you need to use several options. Regular exercise will help your body develop muscle memory. This will allow in any situation and place, at will, to recreate the desired image without the slightest effort. It is important in the process of work to make the image as realistic as possible.
Autogenic trainingThis method of self-hypnosis is suitable for those who are used to independently controlling every area of ​​their lives. Before starting classes, you need to record verbal instructions to yourself for relaxation on the recorder. They should sound like this: "My right hand relaxes, I feel its warmth, each finger is filled with heaviness, the hand and wrist become heavier, my whole right hand is completely relaxed." The instruction is spoken slowly, so that there is enough time to concentrate on the sensations. The voice should sound soft and not loud. With the help of sound instructions, you need to relax the whole body. Regular training will help induce relaxation in the future with one phrase: “my body is relaxed”
Muscle tension methodThe technique is based on the physiological laws of the body. Relaxation is carried out in the process of passing through four stages. The first is concentration on the internal processes in the body. The second is progressive relaxation, which is achieved through conscious muscle tension and relaxation. The third stage is autogenic training, or self-order. Fourth, final - creating an image
Jacobson relaxationThe technique is based on alternating relaxation with tension of different muscle groups and is performed in several approaches. The exercise begins lying on your back, your arms need to be bent and strongly strained. On muscle tension, you need to concentrate all your attention. The second approach is to achieve complete relaxation by concentrating on extending and relaxing the arms. Both steps are repeated several times. The third affects the work of the biceps. It is necessary to strain the muscles as much as possible, and then relax them very slowly. After several repetitions, you need to completely relax them for 15 minutes. Relaxation must be absolute. The exercise is considered correctly performed if the weakest contractions of the biceps cease to be felt. Manipulations are repeated with each muscle group separately, the muscles of the face and larynx relax last. The next stage of the exercise is "differentiated relaxation". You need to take a sitting position and work out muscle groups that are not involved in the vertical maintenance of the body. They need to be relaxed as much as possible. That is, those muscles that are not involved at the time of the exercise are being worked out. The final step is to observe your life. You need to track which muscles tense up in stressful, anxious and frightening situations. The technique allows you to identify and prevent muscle clamps and get rid of negative emotions
combination methodYou need to sit on a chair, moving as far as possible to the edge, and cross your legs. The main support should be on the toes. The spine must be carefully straightened, not leading to overstrain. The chin is pulled towards you, hands are placed on the hips with palms up and several conscious breaths and exhalations are performed, mentally pronouncing the drawn-out “ah-o-um”. After that, you need to hold your breath for a couple of seconds and instantly imagine yourself completely healthy and vigorous. The exercise is repeated 8-10 times, and you need to complete it by vigorously rising. Then jog for a minute. For people suffering from low blood pressure, it is useful to add push-ups, squats and walking to your workout. After completion, it is recommended to lie down for a few minutes.

Jacobson relaxation

Postisometric technique

Postisometric relaxation is a technique designed to prepare the muscles for subsequent manual practices. It relieves pain, spasms and stretches the muscle. Classes are based on a combination of isometric work (holding the body in a certain position) of minimal intensity with inert muscle stretching. The duration of one approach is from 5 to 10 seconds, and the number of approaches should be at least 6. The painful syndrome is eliminated due to the formation of a persistent hypotonic effect during the exercise.

Proper post-isometric work is characterized by a number of features, without which it is impossible to achieve a therapeutic effect:

  1. 1. Exercise should be of minimal intensity and short duration. Changing the parameters contributes to the opposite relaxation effect. Increasing the intervals causes fatigue in the muscles, too short - does not entail any changes.
  2. 2. Isometric work can be replaced by volitional muscle tension. It will be stronger in severity, but the effect after the procedure remains the same.
  3. 3. The combination of volitional muscle tension with the direction of gaze allows you to better work out the muscles. The human body is designed in such a way that the gaze causes the activation of a certain muscle group. For example, if you look up, your neck and back tense up, and if you look down, your torso and neck. Looking to the side activates the work of the rotator muscles.

Before starting the exercise, you need to fix the most comfortable position. Excessive effort and performance through pain prevents you from achieving the desired relaxation effect. Before tensing the muscle, you need to hold your breath, followed by a deep breath and a decrease in contraction. After a few seconds, after complete relaxation of the muscle, you can begin to stretch it for 10-15 seconds. The cycle is repeated several times.

If, after performing the technique, a relaxing effect has not been achieved, the time increases to 30 seconds. Subject to all the rules, relaxation is achieved by the third phase of the repetition cycle.

The initial stage of the training involves the supervision of an instructor, he helps to get comfortable with the technique and learn to feel your body. Not all muscle groups can be worked out with the help of a specialist. In some cases, contraction and relaxation have to be monitored independently.

We are spinning like squirrels in a wheel - so many things accumulate every day that we do not have time to redo them all. No time to take a breather.

But you still need to take a break, carve out 10 minutes for relaxation - and this will help you recover quickly! To continue to do things with tripled energy!

Surely you are thinking like this: I could relax wonderfully if I had more free time! But think about what exactly you do when you really have it. You start cleaning the house, washing, ironing, remembering what old things you didn’t have time to redo ... and then you fall into an armchair in front of the TV and start watching everything, even what you are not interested in? Do you recognize yourself?

But you need to rebuild yourself and your attitude to rest - and then you will be able to do much more! Haven't you been surprised that many people can do so many things in a day that another can't do it in a week? And all because they know how to properly allocate their time and know how to relax properly.

Therefore, it is necessary to allocate 5-10 minutes a day for yourself. To do this, find a place in the house that you do not associate with important matters - and relax there.

Also, you need to learn how to relax. Since a person quickly gets used to repetitive moments, you will even notice how your body begins to relax as soon as you enter your rest area, which you have chosen for yourself.

Be sure to ventilate your apartment - fresh air will purify not only the room, but also your thoughts. In addition, all the breathing exercises that you do will bring much more benefit.

And, what is very important, arrange with your loved ones in advance so that they do not come to you and do not disturb you when you relax.

So. Just have some tea. In the evening, about one to two hours before bedtime, have a relaxing tea. It is not difficult to prepare it: for this you need to fill a thermos with 1 teaspoon of dried flowers and leaves of St. John's wort, lemon balm or mint, lime blossom. Pour boiling water over all this and let it brew for half an hour. Drink tea slowly, in small sips, but no more than 150 ml at a time.

Second. Do a meditation. To do this, sit back, close your eyes and imagine that you are rising above the house, above the city, and then above the Earth. You can fly so high that our planet turns into a small ball ... And think about how small your problems are from this distance. Imagine the whole universe - and feel how tiny you are in comparison.

Third. Take the pressure off. When you're nervous, you probably clench your teeth involuntarily. To relieve this tension, you need to feel for small depressions on the jaw with the tips of your index fingers at the level of the earlobes. Press these points for 5 seconds and slowly release. After that, touch the sky with the tip of your tongue and stay in this position until you feel that the muscles of the jaw have completely relaxed.

Fourth. If you are very tired and after work you feel completely exhausted and overwhelmed, then you urgently need to help yourself recover: after all, in the evening, any woman still has a lot of things to do. You can recover using Express Help. To do this, soak a terry towel in hot water, wring it out, lie down on the bed and cover your head with this towel. You will not believe, but after 10 minutes the fatigue will go away! No wonder this method was often used by our mothers when they had a headache.

Fifth. By the way, if you have a headache. Sit down, close your eyes, and massage your scalp with your fingers for five minutes. Massage the temples in a circular motion, then the back of the head, gradually make the massage easier, barely touching the scalp with your fingers.

Sixth way. As clichéd as it sounds, music is a great way to relax. It is especially good at such moments to listen to classical music or the one that you like best. It is better if she is not very energetic. CDs of nature sounds, sea waves, birdsong, etc. are great. Make your own relaxing collection of music in advance and listen to it when you need to quickly relax.

seventh. Proper breathing helps to relax. To do this, you need to master the method of abdominal breathing. Inhale the air, filling the stomach “for 5 counts”, then slowly exhale “for 10 counts”. When you exhale the air, think that you are getting rid of the bad negative energy that overwhelmed you. This technique will help you stay calm in any situation.

Eighth. Essential oils are the best helpers in relaxation. No wonder they are so often used by Eastern practices. Pour a few drops of vanilla, lavender, bergamot oil into the aroma lamp and light it for 15 minutes. During this time, your “rest area” will be filled with the aroma that you like. Breathe it in and take your mind off the day's problems.

ninth. You need to master acupressure - this is a wonderful assistant in the art of relaxation. Shiatsu massage, or acupuncture points - as it is sometimes called - is a real ambulance for pain, fatigue and stress. If you massage the points correctly for 10 minutes, you can very quickly get rid of discomfort.

  • When overtired, you need to massage the superciliary arches.
  • If your eyes are tired, for example, from a computer, then you need to carefully move your index finger several times from the inner corners of the eyes to the outer ones.
  • With stress and migraines, you need to massage the point located between the eyebrows.

And tenth. For relaxation, buy yourself a rubber ball with "thorns" - this is an excellent home massager for hands and feet. It can also be rolled during some kind of work - if, for example, you write or read something. You just need to choose a ball that is suitable in size and rigidity.

Eleventh. For relaxation, it is important to learn how to breathe correctly. If suddenly you received some kind of unpleasant news, then just inhale several times as deeply as your lungs will allow. Hold your breath and exhale the air in jerks - repeat this exercise several times. In general, intense breathing is indicated for stress. So we take the example of Hollywood heroes who begin to breathe a little into a paper bag or do breathing exercises as soon as something happens to them.

Yes, it's stressful guys!
It is expressed in the fact that a person focuses excessively on current problems, the perception of the world narrows, everyday issues being resolved occupy the entire “screen”. What to do? Defocus, move away, expand consciousness. How? Rest, switch, sing, dance, do gymnastics (all this is extremely unfocused), free the mind from any “obligations”.
As soon as you see that the consciousness is wedged on one subject - abruptly switch to another subject. A sharp turn of the head to the other side helps. And so 30 times. Another trick is to howl, yes, yes, howl like a wolf, only honestly, putting all the emotion that has accumulated in the soul, as if complaining. Another method is "tail waving". Have you noticed that sometimes a person's knee shakes or he nervously fiddles with a handkerchief, etc.? So, by doing this, he involuntarily channels stress. If a person had a tail, he would twirl it like a lamb and would not have psychological problems. Find your “tail” and shake it to the beat of your hysteria and it will gradually channel. Another technique. Take a long look at yourself in the mirror. Just don't look, but look! Imagine that there is a stranger in the mirror. After a while, consciousness will stop rushing around and you will calm down. Sometimes for relaxation it is advised to listen to slow calm music for relaxation, but I do not think this is correct. Slow music does not correspond to the internal hysterical state of the "patient". He just won't accept it. Moreover, unsuccessful attempts to “slow down” to the beat of the music will only increase hysteria. It is more correct to start with fast arrhythmic music with a gradual slowdown towards the end, and finish with music for relaxation. At the same time, they advise not to do anything other than listening to music. But this is contrary to the principle of defocusing. The more diverse factors act simultaneously, the better. Developing the theme of fast arrhythmic music for realxation, one can improve the traditionally recommended method of breathing with the stomach. His problem is the same, slow, calm breathing does not correspond to the hysterical state of the patient. Therefore, you need to start like this: a sharp breath, holding the breath, a sharp exhalation. At the same time, when inhaling, we collect negative energy, as it were, and when exhaling, we shake it off ourselves. As relaxation sets in, we gradually slow down the inhalation-exhalation and at the end we move on to the traditional technique: a slow inhalation, a slight delay, an even slower exhalation.

Relaxation principles:

1) Hygiene. Proper response to stressors. We solve vital issues in a timely manner and to a sufficient extent. In the case of unsolvable problems, we consciously recognize them as such, resign ourselves and step aside. We avoid routine, repetitions, diversify life, show curiosity for everything new, throw away all life's rubbish in time. We observe the regime of work and rest. Dream. We do physical education. We do not fall for semantic traps, obsessions ...

2) Sewerage. The cause of stress is the lack of a satisfactory response to external stimulation. Those. Consciousness/subconsciousness, in response to irritation, prompts the body to act, and the body is either inactive or does not act enough to obtain a result. Thus, a conflict between motivation and performance accumulates. When such a conflict persists for a long time, it turns into something self-sufficient and continues to exist even when the original causes cease to exist. Something like a loop occurs and the trap slams shut! at the level of consciousness, such a conflict is perceived as a tension of individual muscle groups and / or as a “waving” (internal discomfort, throwing consciousness, involuntary movements (trembling, twitching of the knee, pulling a handkerchief, etc.)) The principle of canalization is the satisfaction of motivation by physical action. And not by any, but in terms and tact of motivation. We have to sort of let the stress out of the cage. This method can be compared to tail wagging. If a person had a tail, he would nervously twirl it like a lamb, as a result of which he would avoid many psychological problems. Find such a “tail” in yourself (it can be an arm, a leg, a voice, facial muscles, etc.) and wave it with the degree of intensity and nervousness that corresponds to the level of your internal state of discomfort. Waving the “tail” can take on bizarre forms, you can toss and turn, make faces, perform wild dances, shake your knee, yell, howl, bite, do intensive house cleaning, etc. It is only important to do all this on emotion, so that the intensity and nervousness of such activities correspond to the internal motivation of discomfort. Sooner or later the motivation-performance conflict will be channeled in this way.

3) Switching/Wiping out. After the stress is channeled (but not before!) we proceed to the switching mechanism. Otherwise, nothing will work out, and the very efforts in this direction will lead to a cumulative increase in nervousness. We find the external cause of stress, it is quite possible that it is related to work or daily activities. We find an alternative activity completely orthogonal to the source of stress and do it in our free time. By doing this, we direct the energy that would otherwise go to maintaining stress into another neutral channel.

4) Defocusing/expansion of consciousness. As a rule, stress is associated with excessive focus on current problems. In this case, the effect of narrowing consciousness is observed. Problems, as it were, expand to the “full screen”, they seem not to be lifted. Compare your perception of life in the morning after sleep and in the evening at the end of work. In the evening, I do not want to take on cases that in the morning seemed trifling.

5) Suspension. Excessive digging in sensations is a direct path to looping and stress. The Buddhist principle of “not me” is especially useful for introverts. Stop frantically clinging to your self, dig into yourself and your feelings. You won’t find anything there anyway (remember the last time you found something useful there). Look at the world around you in a detached way, as if you are not here. At the same time, many motivations for internal anxiety will disappear. One of the tricks. Take a moment to look at yourself in the mirror. Just do not look, namely look! Imagine that there is a stranger in the mirror.


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