It's good for a film director to be quiet. The film "It's good to be quiet": actors, roles, plot


The film "It's good to be quiet" was released in 2012. The film was so successful that it was awarded the Independent Spirit Award and was also included in the top ten films of 2012.

In the film "It's good to be quiet" the actors became one of the factors that gave the film the love and recognition of the audience. The film stars Laurent Lerman, Emma Watson and Ezra Miller.

Plot of the film

The action takes place in 1991 and 1992. In the film It's Good to Be Quiet, the plot revolves around Charlie, a teenager who has only recently suffered the death of two people. The hero is depressed and unable to cope with the loss of his beloved aunt and best friend.

Charlie's life begins to change when he accidentally hears about a guy who is great at listening and understanding other people's problems. Charlie decides to take a desperate step and writes a letter to an unknown person, in which he shares all his experiences.

Soon Charlie meets Patrick and Sam, who bring bright colors to the teenager's life.

The film "It's good to be quiet": actors and roles

The performers of the main and secondary roles in the film "It's good to be quiet" perfectly managed to convey the atmosphere of the past decade. The heroes of the film turned out to be identical to those that Stephen Chbosky wrote in his novel.

Charlie Kelmekis

In the film "It's good to be quiet" actor Logan Lerman played the main role. His hero Charlie Kelmekis has only recently lost two loved ones. One after another, the best friend and aunt of a teenager passed away.

Charlie has serious problems communicating with other people. Because of this, he hides his grief in himself. It is difficult for him to open up even to his parents. But Charlie finds his salvation in a mysterious man to whom he can write letters. The stranger will listen and not judge. Only to him Charlie confesses that he thought about suicide.

Soon after the first letter, the main character meets new acquaintances. At a football match, a teenager meets Sam. A beautiful and smart girl immediately attracts Charlie's attention. He tries to befriend her. And Charlie succeeds.

The girl quickly becomes Charlie's friend. She and her half-brother Patrick introduce Kelmekis to their company. For months, Charlie feels alive again. But, like the young man, his new friends have dozens of their own problems.

In the film "It's good to be quiet," the actors and roles were distributed in such a way that the viewer has no doubts about the experiences of adolescents. It is easy to believe that the hero Lerman has suicidal tendencies, that it is difficult for him to find a common language with other people.


Starred in the film "It's good to be quiet" and world-class actors. The role of Sam was played by Emma Watson. Her character meets Charlie at a football match. Teenagers quickly find a common language.

After some time, Charlie confesses his feelings to Sam. But the girl is already dating Craig, so she invites the guy to remain friends. Charlie agrees, and so a strong friendship develops between him, Sam, and Patrick.

Charlie later learns that Sam and Patrick are half-siblings. The girl's mother remarried Patrick's father. Teenagers were able to make friends, and now they are each other's most faithful allies. Sam brings Charlie to various parties, introduces people. Including Mary Elizabeth.

At the end of the school year, Sam has a falling out with Craig. The couple breaks up. And in the fall, Sam and Patrick leave for another city to continue their college education.


In the movie It's Good to Be Quiet, actor Ezra Miller played the role of Patrick, Charlie's new best friend. He met the main character at the labor lessons that teenagers attend together. Soon, Patrick's half-sister, Sam, joins their company. Together, the trinity walks, has fun, discusses eternal topics. Sam and Patrick take Charlie out into the world: they introduce girls, arrange dates, support at school.

Patrick confesses to Charlie that he is gay. Later it becomes known that the young man is dating Brad, the star of the school. But when Brad's father finds out about this, he beats his son. Brad turns away from Patrick.

One day at a party after a night spent with Mary Elizabeth, Charlie cannot contain his feelings and kisses Sam in front of everyone. Classmates do not accept the act of a young man. Condemnation and contempt pour out on Charlie. All his friends turn away from him. And the teenager himself decides to stop communicating with Sam and Patrick.

The friendship is rebuilt when Charlie stands up for Patrick, who is being beaten up in the school cafeteria for having an affair with Brad. The trinity again walks around the city together and reflects on the future.

Mr. Anderson

In the movie It's Good to Be Quiet, actor Paul Rudd played one of the supporting roles. In the picture, he tried on the image of a teacher of English literature. Mr. Anderson could not only understand the student. In a few months, he managed to become a friend for a troubled teenager.

Rudd's hero - Mr. Anderson - notices the teenager's craving for books. He often advises him to read works that can help him understand the people around him. Anderson is one of the few who notices Charlie's inner turmoil. When Charlie has a nervous breakdown after Sam and Patrick leave, he sincerely worries about the state of the teenager.

Aunt Helen

The film features a non-chronological narrative. Charlie throughout the picture remembers his aunt. She played the role of Helen in the film "It's good to be quiet."

At first it seems that Helen was a ray of light in the life of a nephew. From the memories it becomes clear that the woman always supported the teenager, helped him cope with difficulties.

But after a nervous breakdown, the boy turns to psychologists for help. During the sessions, it becomes clear that Helen was seducing her underage nephew.

The film "It's good to be quiet" was a real breakthrough. The heroes of the film turned out to be bright and memorable. The picture shows how important the support of loved ones is in difficult periods of life.

, more Composer Michael Brook Editing Mary Jo Marks Cameraman Andrew Dunn Translators Maria Junger , Alexander Novikov Dubbing directors Yaroslava Turyleva , Alexander Novikov Script writer Steven Chbosky Artists Inbal Weinberg , Gregory A. Weimerskirch, David S. Robinson , more

Do you know that

  • The film is based on the 1999 novel The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. Also, the author of the novel acted as a screenwriter and director of the film.
  • In an interview, Emma Watson said that she agreed to star in this film, as director Stephen Chbosky told her that this would not only be one of the main roles in her life, but in addition to this, she would spend the summer of her life, and also meet with some of her best friends. Watson also said that this statement turned out to be true.
  • Steve Chbosky decided that Emma Watson would be perfect for his film when he saw her performance in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009), in the scene where Ron breaks her heart and Harry consoles her.
  • Emma Watson has admitted to refusing to watch her kiss scene and The Ricky Horror Picture Show.
  • Ezra Miller auditioned via Skype. At the same time, he was so charismatic that five hours after the audition, he was given the role.
  • In the book, Patrick and Mary were smokers, while Charlie himself smoked for a while. This action was removed from the film in order to receive a PG-13 rating.
  • Although it is given little attention in the movie, Charlie is not that different in age from Sam and Patrick, which may be the reason why they get along so well. This is only mentioned in the book, but Charlie was held back due to emotional issues, so they must only be one year older than him.
  • The novel takes place in 1991-1992. The film does not specify a specific year, but it can be seen that none of the characters use cell phones or the Internet.
  • During filming, a scene was also filmed in which Charlie's sister Candace informs him that she is pregnant, after which he drives her to have an abortion, which she then performs. However, this scene did not make it into the final cut to avoid the adult rating.
  • In the DVD and Blu-ray commentary for the film, director Stephen Chbosky mentions that Dead Poets Society (1989) and The Breakfast Club (1985) were two of his favorite films that had a strong influence on him growing up.
  • At the time of filming, Ezra Miller was 17 and about the same age as his character. Logal Lerman turned 18 and was almost two years older than his character. Emma Watson, on the other hand, turned 21 during filming, so she was much older than her character, as well as the eldest of the trio.
  • Emma Watson's first major role since Harry Potter.

"And in that moment, I swear, we were endless."

"It's Good to Be Quiet" Stephen Chbosky

I found out about this book when it was released. And, of course, I didn't watch the movie without reading the book. To say that I do not regret reading this book is an understatement! As soon as I started reading the book, I completely engrossed myself. 4 hours flew by reading unnoticed! I was worried about the hero, I felt his emotions ... In general, the book impressed me very much.

Summary: the book is written in the form of letters from a boy, Charlie, to an anonymous friend. It describes the life of a teenager, as it is. Drugs, alcohol, sex, love... The main character is Charlie, an emotional teenager who is having a hard time with the death of two of his close people: Aunt Helen and best friend Michael. He moves on to high school and meets his half-siblings, Patrick and Sam. Patrick is openly gay and Sam is a pretty girl he falls in love with, but she is dating another guy - Craig. They introduce him to their party, and he slowly joins a new circle of acquaintances. All this time, he worries about Sam, who does not want to date him because of Charlie's age. She is a graduate, and he is only a ninth grader. At this time, he begins dating Sam's girlfriend, Mary Elizabeth, but during another party, playing Truth or Dare, Patrick told Charlie to kiss the most beautiful girl in the room, and he kisses Sam. Because of such an act, Patrick advised Charlie to "lay low until everything settles down", which meant not communicating with anyone from the party yet. Charlie is very hard going through separation from friends, and only Patrick stays with him, because. he himself needs the help of a friend. Over time, the situation clears up and everything goes back to normal. Mary Elizabeth forgives him, and Sam is again kind and gentle with him. The end of the school year is approaching and all his friends have to leave for colleges. Graduation passes, Sam breaks up with Craig and the day before her departure, she confesses to Charlie that she was not against the fact that he would invite her somewhere, so that he would show more perseverance, but it's too late. She allows herself to be kissed and business comes almost to sex, but Charlie stops her and says he's not ready. Sam is understanding and doesn't laugh at him. After Sam left, Charlie ends up in a psychiatric clinic for two months. He is constantly visited by Patrick, his family and friends, and Sam sends letters. Everything ends well and positively.

I would very much like to note that other wonderful works are mentioned in the book (because Charlie was very fond of reading): The Great Gatsby, The Catcher in the Rye, To Kill a Mockingbird, and many others. I can't help but mention that there are references to the musical in the work, which I love very much - Rocky Horror Night. And the main character's birthday, like mine, is December 24th ^_^ .

And, finally, I would like to answer Charlie's letters.

Dear Charlie!

I have received all your letters. You know, I was flattered that you chose me to reveal your feelings and experiences.

Honestly, you remind me of Forrest Gump. You are just as kind, shy, honest, and also live in your own world.

Receiving your letters, I looked forward to each new one.

It seems to me that as soon as you finish school, everything will work out for you and Sam. At least I really hope so. You suit each other. And the fact that she is older than you is not a hindrance.

Stephen Chbosky "It's good to be quiet"

For the first time in Russian - Stephen Chbosky's amazing bestseller, a touching coming-of-age novel.
Charlie is moving into high school. Fearing what awaits him there after a recent nervous breakdown, he begins to write letters to someone whom he has never seen in his life, but who, he is sure, should understand him well. Charlie doesn't like going to dances because he usually likes songs that you can't dance to. Each new book he read on the advice of Bill, a literature teacher, immediately becomes Charlie's favorite: To Kill a Mockingbird, Peter Pan, The Great Gatsby, Catcher in the Rye, On the Road, Naked breakfast" ... Bill advises Charlie "to be not a sponge, but a filter", and he honestly tries. Charlie is also trying not to remember the tightly forgotten childhood traumas and sort out his feelings for the high school student Sam, the sister of his friend Patrick, nicknamed No way ... (c) Annotation to the book

The events in the book develop from August 25, 1991 to June 22, 1992. Epilogue - August 23, 1992
The book touches on themes of violence, teenage sex and relationships, adolescence, drugs and suicide, focusing on the dilemma of passivity and passion.
The main character is Charlie, a shy and emotional teenager. After the death of two people close to him, Aunt Helen and best friend Michael, he is in a depressed state. Once entering the classroom, Charlie hears a conversation between classmates about one guy who knows how to listen and understand. Besides, he didn't sleep with one of them at the party, although he had the opportunity to do so. Having learned the address of this guy, Charlie began to write letters to him, expressing his experiences and thoughts, without indicating his address, and changed the names to others and similar ones.
Charlie talks about the strange suicide of his best friend Michael, a new friend in the form of an English teacher, his sister and her boyfriend, family. Later, Charlie talks about Patrick, who attends craft classes with him. Everyone called Patrick "No way."
After some time, Charlie meets Sam at the school football, he later learns that she is Patrick's half-sister. Charlie tells Sam about his feelings, but Sam has a boyfriend, Craig, and she advises to forget about her. Then Patrick tells Charlie about the relationship between boys and girls. Patrick and Sam introduce Charlie to Bob and the whole party. Charlie tries drugs against his will.
The life of the protagonist changes greatly after these acquaintances. Charlie has his first sexual experience with Mary Elizabeth, but unfortunately he cannot forget Sam. Patrick reveals that he is gay and that he is dating Brad. Their relationship later ends as Brad's father caught them together.
One day, Brad's friends trip Patrick, and he falls in front of the entire dining room. A fight ensues, which is witnessed by Charlie. He passed out, and when he came to his senses, he saw that he had saved Patrick. Charlie and Sam and Patrick's friendship is rekindled. Sam and Patrick graduate from high school and leave to study in another city. On the last evening, Sam and Charlie kiss, thereby confessing their feelings to each other. Against the backdrop of worries about the departure of friends, Charlie again remembers Aunt Helen and blames himself for her death. Charlie's psyche can't stand it, and the young man has a nervous breakdown. In the hospital, Charlie agrees to classes with a psychologist and more and more recalls his childhood.
At the end of the book, the three main characters pass under the same tunnel, which has become for them a part of themselves and a part of eternity.

I have read it at least 7 times if not more! It is said to change the reader's train of thought. Is it true!
I RECOMMEND TO EVERYONE! (+ there is a movie for the book)
And the film has Emma Watson and Logan Lerman (well, you know what I mean)

Composer Film company Duration Budget Fees A country


Language Year IMDb The release of the film "It's good to be quiet" (original title - The Perks of Being a Wallflower) K: 2012 Movies

"The perks of Being a Wallflower"(English) The Perks of Being a Wallflower ) is an American film adaptation of the epistolary novel of the same name by Stephen Chbosky, who acted as the director of the tape. It premiered at the Toronto Film Festival on September 8, 2012. Premiere in Russia - 20 September. The film won the Independent Spirit Award for Best Debut Film and was named one of the top ten films of the year by the US National Board of Film Critics.


The events in the film develop from August 25, 1991 to June 22, 1992. Epilogue - August 23, 1992.

The main character is Charlie, an introverted teenager. After the death of two people close to him, Aunt Helen and best friend Michael, he is in a depressed state. One day, going into the classroom, Charlie hears a conversation between classmates about one guy who knows how to listen and understand. Plus, he didn't sleep with either of them at the party, even though he had the chance. Having learned the address of this guy, Charlie began to write letters to him, expressing his experiences and thoughts, without indicating his address, and changed the names to others and similar ones.

Charlie talks about the strange suicide of his best friend Michael, a new friend in the form of an English teacher, his sister and her boyfriend, family. Later, Charlie talks about Patrick, who attends craft classes with him. Everyone called Patrick "No way."

After some time, Charlie meets Sam at the school football, he later finds out that she is Patrick's half-sister. Charlie tells Sam about his feelings, but Sam has a boyfriend, Craig, and she advises to forget about her. Then Patrick tells Charlie about the relationship between boys and girls. Patrick and Sam introduce Charlie to Bob and the whole party. Charlie tries drugs against his will.

The life of the protagonist changes greatly after these acquaintances. Charlie has his first sexual experience with Mary Elizabeth, but unfortunately he cannot forget Sam. Patrick reveals that he is gay and that he is dating Brad. Their relationship later ends as Brad's father caught them together.

One day, Brad's friends trip Patrick, and he falls in front of the entire dining room. A fight ensues, which is witnessed by Charlie. He passed out, and when he came to his senses, he saw that he had saved Patrick. Charlie and Sam and Patrick's friendship is rekindled.

Sam and Patrick graduate from high school and leave to study in another city. On the last evening, Sam and Charlie kiss, thereby confessing their feelings to each other. Against the backdrop of worries about the departure of friends, Charlie again remembers Aunt Helen and blames himself for her death. Charlie's psyche can't stand it, and the young man has a nervous breakdown. In the hospital, Charlie agrees to a session with a psychologist and increasingly remembers his childhood, during which he admits to a psychologist that his aunt seduced him. Later, the psychologist tells Charlie's parents about this, and they give him support.

At the end of the film, Charlie, Sam and Patrick drive under the same tunnel that has become part of themselves and part of eternity for them.


Cast Character
Logan Lerman Charlie- son of Mrs. Kelmekis and Mr. Kelmekis, brother of Chris and Candice, nephew of Aunt Helen, former best friend of Michael. Now in love with Sam and dating her.
Emma Watson Sam- Patrick's half-sister (by mother), Craig's ex-girlfriend. Meet Charlie.
Ezra Miller Patrick- half-brother Sam (by mother). Patrick is a gay ex-boyfriend of Brad.
May Whitman Mary Elizabeth- Buddhist and punk, Charlie's first girlfriend, unrequitedly in love with him, Alice's best friend.
Erin Wilhelmy Alice Mary Elizabeth's best friend. Alice is from a wealthy family. This girl loves vampires and wants to act in films.
Julia Garner Susan- Charlie's old friend, but lately they don't communicate.
Johnny Simmons Brad- gay ex-boyfriend of Patrick.
Rhys Thompson (English)Russian Craig- Sam's ex-boyfriend.
Paul Rudd Mr Anderson- teacher of English literature.
Tom Savini mr callahan- labor teacher.
Keith Walsh Mrs Kelmekis- wife of Mr. Kelmekis, mother of Chris, Charlie and Candice.
Dylan McDermott Mr Kelmekis- Husband of Mrs. Kelmekis, father of Chris, Charlie and Candice.
Melanie Lynskey Helen- Chris, Charlie and Candice's aunt.
Zane Holtz Chris- the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kelmekis, the older brother of Charlie and Candice, the nephew of Aunt Helen, a university student.
Nina Dobrev Candice- daughter of the Kelmekis, sister of Charlie and Chris, niece of Aunt Helen, Derek's girlfriend.


NameMusic Duration
1. "Could It Be Another Change?"The Samples 3:27
2. "Come On Eileen"Dexy Midnight Runners 4:12
3. TugboatGalaxy 500 3:54
4. "Temptation"new order 5:22
5. EvensongThe Innocence Mission 3:40
6. AsleepThe Smiths 4:10
7. "Low"Cracker 4:34
8. "Teen Age Riot"Sonic Youth 6:57
9. "Dear God"XTC 3:36
10. "Pearly-Dewdrops" DropsCocteau Twins 4:10
11. Charlie's Last LetterMichael Brook 1:48
12. HeroesDavid Bowie 6:08


NameMusic Duration
1. "First Day"Michael Brook 2:32
2. "Home Again"Michael Brook 1:40
3. "Charlie Speaks"Michael Brook 2:03
4. CandaceMichael Brook 1:46
5. Charlie's GiftsMichael Brook 0:55
6. "Kiss Breakdown"Michael Brook 5:12
7. AcidMichael Brook 3:12
8. Charlie's First KissMichael Brook 3:34
9. "Shard"Michael Brook 2:47


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An excerpt characterizing It's good to be quiet

In 1808, Emperor Alexander went to Erfurt for a new meeting with Emperor Napoleon, and in the highest Petersburg society they talked a lot about the greatness of this solemn meeting.
In 1809, the proximity of the two rulers of the world, as Napoleon and Alexander were called, reached such a point that when Napoleon declared war on Austria that year, the Russian corps went abroad to assist their former enemy Bonaparte against their former ally, the Austrian emperor; to the point that in high society they talked about the possibility of a marriage between Napoleon and one of the sisters of Emperor Alexander. But, in addition to external political considerations, at that time the attention of Russian society with particular vivacity was drawn to the internal transformations that were being carried out at that time in all parts of the state administration.
Meanwhile, life, the real life of people with their essential interests of health, illness, work, recreation, with their own interests of thought, science, poetry, music, love, friendship, hatred, passions, went on, as always, independently and without political closeness or enmity with Napoleon Bonaparte, and beyond all possible transformations.
Prince Andrei lived without a break for two years in the countryside. All those enterprises on estates that Pierre started at home and did not bring to any result, constantly moving from one thing to another, all these enterprises, without showing them to anyone and without noticeable labor, were carried out by Prince Andrei.
He had in the highest degree that practical tenacity that Pierre lacked, which, without scope and effort on his part, gave movement to the cause.
One of his estates of three hundred souls of peasants was listed as free cultivators (this was one of the first examples in Russia), in others corvée was replaced by dues. In Bogucharovo, a learned grandmother was issued to his account to help women in childbirth, and the priest taught the children of peasants and yards to read and write for a salary.
One half of the time Prince Andrei spent in the Bald Mountains with his father and son, who was still with the nannies; the other half of the time in the Bogucharovo monastery, as his father called his village. Despite the indifference he showed to Pierre to all the external events of the world, he diligently followed them, received many books, and to his surprise noticed when fresh people from Petersburg, from the very whirlpool of life, came to him or to his father, that these people, in knowledge of everything that happens in foreign and domestic policy, they are far behind him, who is sitting all the time in the countryside.
In addition to classes on estates, in addition to general studies in reading a wide variety of books, Prince Andrei was at that time engaged in a critical analysis of our last two unfortunate campaigns and drawing up a project to change our military regulations and decrees.
In the spring of 1809, Prince Andrei went to the Ryazan estates of his son, whom he was the guardian of.
Warmed by the spring sun, he sat in the carriage, looking at the first grass, the first leaves of the birch, and the first puffs of white spring clouds scattered across the bright blue of the sky. He did not think about anything, but looked cheerfully and senselessly around.
We passed the ferry on which he spoke with Pierre a year ago. We passed a dirty village, threshing floors, greenery, a descent, with the remaining snow near the bridge, an ascent along washed-out clay, a strip of stubble and a shrub that was greening in some places, and drove into a birch forest on both sides of the road. It was almost hot in the forest, the wind could not be heard. The birch tree, all covered with green sticky leaves, did not move, and from under last year's leaves, lifting them, the first grass and purple flowers crawled out green. Scattered in some places along the birch forest, small spruce trees with their coarse eternal greenery unpleasantly reminded of winter. The horses snorted as they rode into the woods and became more sweaty.
The footman Peter said something to the coachman, the coachman answered in the affirmative. But it was not enough for Peter to see the sympathy of the coachman: he turned on the goats to the master.
- Your Excellency, how easy! he said, smiling respectfully.
- What!
“Easy, your highness.
"What he says?" thought Prince Andrew. “Yes, it’s true about spring,” he thought, looking around. And then everything is already green ... how soon! And birch, and bird cherry, and alder is already beginning ... And the oak is not noticeable. Yes, here it is, the oak.
There was an oak at the edge of the road. Probably ten times older than the birches that made up the forest, it was ten times thicker and twice as tall as each birch. It was a huge oak tree in two girths with broken branches, which can be seen for a long time, and with broken bark, overgrown with old sores. With his huge clumsy, asymmetrically spread, clumsy hands and fingers, he stood between the smiling birches, an old, angry and contemptuous freak. Only he alone did not want to submit to the charm of spring and did not want to see either spring or the sun.
"Spring, and love, and happiness!" - this oak seemed to be saying, - “and how you don’t get tired of the same stupid and senseless deceit. Everything is the same, and everything is a lie! There is no spring, no sun, no happiness. There, look, crushed dead firs are sitting, always the same, and there I spread my broken, peeled fingers, wherever they grew - from the back, from the sides; as you have grown, so I stand, and I do not believe your hopes and deceptions.
Prince Andrei looked back at this oak tree several times as he drove through the forest, as if he was expecting something from him. There were flowers and grass under the oak, but he still, frowning, motionless, ugly and stubbornly, stood in the middle of them.
“Yes, he is right, this oak is a thousand times right,” thought Prince Andrei, let others, young ones, again succumb to this deception, and we know life, our life is over! A whole new series of thoughts, hopeless, but sadly pleasant in connection with this oak, arose in the soul of Prince Andrei. During this journey, it was as if he thought over his whole life again, and came to the same calming and hopeless conclusion that he had no need to start anything, that he should live his life without doing evil, without worrying and desiring nothing.

On guardian affairs of the Ryazan estate, Prince Andrei had to see the district marshal. The leader was Count Ilya Andreevich Rostov, and Prince Andrei went to him in mid-May.
It was already a hot spring. The forest was already all dressed up, there was dust and it was so hot that when driving past the water, I wanted to swim.
Prince Andrei, gloomy and preoccupied with thoughts about what and what he needs to ask the leader about business, drove up along the alley of the garden to the Rostovs' Otradnensky house. To the right, from behind the trees, he heard a female, cheerful cry, and saw a crowd of girls running towards the intersection of his carriage. Closer in front of the others, a dark-haired, very thin, strangely thin, black-eyed girl in a yellow cotton dress, tied with a white handkerchief, from under which strands of combed hair were knocked out, ran up to the carriage. The girl was shouting something, but recognizing the stranger, without looking at him, she ran back with a laugh.
Prince Andrei suddenly felt pain from something. The day was so good, the sun was so bright, everything around was so cheerful; but this thin and pretty girl did not know and did not want to know about his existence and was contented and happy with some kind of her own, stupid, but cheerful and happy life. “Why is she so happy? what is she thinking! Not about the military charter, not about the arrangement of the Ryazan dues. What is she thinking? And why is she happy? Prince Andrei involuntarily asked himself with curiosity.
Count Ilya Andreevich in 1809 lived in Otradnoye just as before, that is, taking over almost the entire province, with hunts, theaters, dinners and musicians. He, like any new guest, was glad to Prince Andrei, and almost forcibly left him to spend the night.
During the boring day, during which Prince Andrei was occupied by the senior hosts and the most honored of the guests, with whom the house of the old count was full on the occasion of the approaching name day, Bolkonsky looked several times at Natasha, who was laughing and having fun between the other young half of society, kept asking himself: “What is she thinking? Why is she so happy!

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