Directed by Pluchek and Vasiliev. Tatyana Vasilyeva: Young lovers cause me maternal instinct


Valentin Pluchek was born on August 22 (September 4), 1909 in Moscow, into a Jewish family. Valentin Pluchek's cousin - Peter Brook - was born in London. The childhood of Valentin Pluchek was difficult and he did not dream of the theater. He lost his father early, and could not find a common language with his stepfather, whose last name he bore. He left the house, got in touch with homeless children and soon ended up in an orphanage.

Since childhood, Valentin Pluchek has been noted for his ability in fine arts. After graduating from a seven-year school, Valentin entered VKhUTEMAS and already in the 1st year he painted a picture, which ended up at the graduation annual exhibition of art engineering.

Valentin Pluchek's idols were Mayakovsky and Meyerhold. Together with other students of VKhUTEMAS, he attended the poet's debates, read "Left March" with rapture.

In 1926, Valentin Pluchek entered the acting department of the State Theater Experimental Workshop under the direction of V. E. Meyerhold. In 1929, Pluchek entered the directing department of the same workshop, at the same time starting to work as an actor at the Theater. Meyerhold.

In 1932, Valentin Pluchek organized TRAM electricians.

In 1939, after the closure of TIM (Meyrhold Theater), just before the war, together with A. N. Arbuzov, he organized the Moscow Theater Studio, where among the students were: I. K. Kuznetsov, V. E. Bagritsky, A. A. Galich , Zinovy ​​Gerdt, Maxim Grekov. The studios jointly composed a play, the basis of which was set by Arbuzov, and staged a performance based on it - “The City at Dawn”. The premiere took place on February 5, 1941. During the war, part of the studio worked as a front-line theater.

In 1957, Valentin Pluchek became the chief director of MATS. In the same year, the premiere of his famous and scandalous performance “Was Ivan Ivanovich?” Nazima Hikmet (starring B. M. Tenin and Anatoly Papanov). In the same 1957, his play Mystery Buff by Mayakovsky was released. In 1959, he staged Nazym Hikmet's Sword of Damocles, the performance became one of the most notable phenomena of theatrical Moscow. Another of his famous and also scandalous performances Pluchek will release in 1966 - “Terkin in the Other World” by A. T. Tvardovsky with Anatoly Papanov in the title role (music by R. K. Shchedrin). The play was a resounding success.

In 1969, the premiere of the play "The Marriage of Figaro" by P. Beaumarchais with A. A. Mironov in the title role took place. The performance was sold out until 1987, while the lead actor was alive. A new generation of viewers knows and loves this performance on the television version of Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro.

In 1970, Pluchek released the play Captured by Time by A.P. Stein with Andrei Mironov and T.G. Vasilyeva in the lead roles. For the first time on the Soviet stage, the hero asked to return the past. The revolutionary plot of the performance protected him from the attacks of party censorship. In 1975, the premiere of one of the most interesting plays by M. M. Roshchin "Repair" took place.

In 1980, the theater showed one of the best recent plays by V. S. Rozov, The Capercaillie's Nest, starring Anatoly Papanov.

In 1982, Pluchek staged The Suicide by N. R. Erdman. The play, written many years ago, turned out to be modern and topical, the authorities quickly remove the play from the theater's repertoire.

In 1986, with the beginning of Perestroika, the director restored The Suicide, but this will be a different performance. In 1984, on the Small Stage, he released The Cherry Orchard by A.P. Chekhov, offering a completely new interpretation of the play. The performance rethought the previous productions and made Lopakhin (A. Mironov) the main character of the play, which corresponded to the author's own intention.

The theater actors Anatoly Papanov, Georgy Menglet, Mikhail Derzhavin, Olga Aroseva played their best roles in the performance.

At the age of 80, Pluchek staged "Tribunal" by V. N. Voinovich.

In 1991 he released "An Ideal Husband" by O. Wilde, in 1992 - A. N. Ostrovsky's comedy "Hot Heart", in 1994 - "The Taming of the Shrew" by Shakespeare - a performance highly appreciated by critics. In 1996, the premiere of "The Threepenny Opera" by B. Brecht took place, and in 1998 - "The Inspector General" by N.V. Gogol - a play with which his life in the theater began.

In 2002, Pluchek worked on the comedy "Servant of Two Masters" by Carlo Goldoni.

Awards and titles

  • People's Artist of the USSR (1974)
  • State Prize of the RSFSR named after K. S. Stanislavsky (1977) - for staging the play "Foam" by S. V. Mikhalkov
  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree (1999)
  • Order of the Patriotic War II degree
  • Order of the Red Banner of Labor
  • Order of Friendship of Peoples
  • Medal "For the Defense of the Soviet Arctic"


theater director

  • "City at dawn" A. N. Arbuzov
  • "A long time ago" G. I. Gladkov
  • "Officer of the Fleet" A. A. Kron
  • "White Nights" by Yu. P. German
  • 1952 - "Spilled Cup" Wang Shi-fu
  • 1952 - "The Lost Letter" by J. L. Caragiale
  • 1953 - “Pages of the Past” (included “Players” by N. V. Gogol and “Breakfast at the Leader” by I. S. Turgenev)
  • 1953 - "Bath" V. V. Mayakovsky
  • 1955 - "The Bedbug" by V. V. Mayakovsky
  • 1956 - "Georges de Valera" J.-P. Sartre
  • 1957 - "Mystery Buff" by V. V. Mayakovsky
  • 1959 - "Nude with Violin" Coward
  • 1959 - “Monument to myself” by S. V. Mikhalkov
  • 1959 - "Sword of Damocles" Nazim Hikmet
  • 1962 - "House where hearts break" B. Shaw

Film director

  • 1959 - Nude with a violin
  • 1962 - Apple of discord
  • 1974 - Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro
  • 1975 - Little Comedies of the Big House
  • 1982 - Auditor

Actress Tatyana Vasilyeva always amazes me. And not only unconditional talent. In conversation, she sometimes shocks with her directness and lack of any diplomacy. But her colossal charm, it seems to me, eliminates any possible conflicts. Vasilyeva is timeless, that's for sure. And she will tell about her Makropulos remedy now herself

Photo: Aslan Akhmadov/DR

So, a cafe in the center of Moscow. "Are you cold?" - Tatyana turns to me with sincere surprise when she sees me throwing a coat over my shoulders. She herself is in jeans and a thin T-shirt, although summer is still far away. She has such a strong energy, such a powerful life drive, that I am sure that such a woman never gets cold.

Tatyana, I remember how we did the first photo shoot with you. It was more than twenty years ago in the apartment of your friend, actress Tatyana Rogozina. We arrived with a photographer, and you were completely unprepared to shoot. But only ten minutes passed, and Vasilyeva was incredibly transformed.

You, Vadim, have an amazing memory. Only it took not ten minutes, but fifteen. That is what happens today. Lock me in a dark room, let me out in fifteen minutes - I'll be fine. I don’t even need a mirror, just give me a cosmetic bag.

At one time you cut your hair very short, almost bald. What for?

I wanted to get rid of the negative energy accumulated over the years. And there were a lot of her. For example, only after my departure from the Theater of Satire did I find out what was happening there behind my back. You probably know Tatyana Egorova's book "Andrei Mironov and Me"?

Of course. The former actress of the Theater of Satire Yegorova wrote a scandalous book about her relationship with Andrei Mironov and the backstage life of this theater.

I have not read the book, but I was told its contents. I was horrified! I didn’t know that I was so disliked in the theater. I felt like I had a great relationship with everyone. It turns out nothing of the kind.

What was it about loving you? A very young actress appeared in the theater, whom the famous director Valentin Pluchek immediately made prima.

So it didn't just happen! I did not steal this place from someone, they entrusted it to me, they believed in me.

All the more interesting, why did you leave Satire at the time? After you, the place of a real prima is still vacant there.

I married Georgy Martirosyan and at some point asked him to be taken to the theater troupe - he played quite a lot of roles there, but was not on a salary. We then actually lived on one of my salaries - it seems that I received sixty rubles. I am the main artist, so I asked for my husband. And they told me that they would not take him into the troupe. "Okay," I say, "then we'll both leave." I wrote a statement, I thought they would bring it back to me, ask me to stay, but no, no one began to detain me.

Did you later regret such an emotional act?

No, I didn't regret a single second. I had very proud parents - apparently, I inherited this trait from them. I will never ask a second time, I can still do it for my children, but never for myself.

Wait, but you asked another famous director, Andrei Goncharov, to hire you at the Mayakovsky Theater.

This was not asked by me, but by Natasha Selezneva. It was very funny. Once in Yalta, Natasha and I were sitting on a bench, and suddenly Goncharov walked by. Natasha shouts to him: “Andrei Alexandrovich, do you need good actresses? Here Tanya is sitting, Pluchek kicked her out of the theater. He replies that they are very necessary. And then I give out: "But I'm with my husband." He: “So, we take it with my husband.” And two days later I was already an artist of the Mayakovsky Theater. She worked in the theater for ten years, already shoulder to shoulder with Martirosyan. He played big roles there, I played, but it was all down the drain. It was not my theater, and I was not an artist of Andrei Alexandrovich.

You seem to have been fired from there because you did not come to the performance?

I warned everyone that I would not be able to come. It seems to me that it was a pure setup, so they just got rid of me.

Why are you so annoying that they want to get rid of you? Too complex character?

Yes, I'm annoying. Why? I often ask myself this question too. They close the performance, good, successful, and I understand that they did it only because I played in it. I don't know why this happens. I think that I am an angel in my work, I am ready for anything, especially if a director I trust is rehearsing with me.

You obviously have the position of a loner, and this causes many problems.

You're right. I programmed myself this way - it's easier to survive the blows of fate and betrayal. When you are suddenly left alone with yourself and you urgently need to call someone ... That's what I destroyed in myself, my hand no longer reaches for the phone. The stage helps me, it takes away all the bad things. I feel that the audience loves me, I get so much kindness from the audience, so much energy, not a single vitamin, not a single doctor will give me this.

Don't you have any girlfriend?

I recently returned to my former girlfriend, Rogozina, whom you just mentioned. Together with her, we came to Moscow from St. Petersburg to enter the theater. She didn't work out. She graduated from the Leningrad Theater Institute, then for some time she worked in Moscow, at the Mayakovsky Theater, but we rarely talked. And now I realized: it's time to collect stones, and I returned her to my friend.

You say that in difficult times the hand does not reach for the phone. But what about the children? Isn't that a lifeline?

I have a crazy connection with my children - both with Philip and Lisa, but once again I don’t want to disturb them.

About ten years ago we did the program "Who is there ..." on "Culture" about you and your son Philip. Then it seemed to me that this charming young man is very dependent on you. Has anything changed since then?

Of course. Now he is a father, a great father, I did not even expect that he could be like that. He has two sons, and I think this is not the limit. We are constantly in touch with him, not a day goes by that we do not call him fifty times and talk. True, now Philip began to share information with me in a dosed manner, he tries to spare me in the evenings, otherwise we used to talk, and then I wander around half the night, I can’t sleep. But I also became smarter, learned not to pass off my point of view as the last resort. I always tell my children: they say, most likely, I'm wrong, but it seems to me that it's better to do this, and then think for yourself. Less than a minute passes, the call: "You know, you, mom, are right."

You are a real psychologist.

This is true.

What are Lisa and Philip doing now?

Lisa is looking. She is a journalist, but does not want to do it. Lisa draws beautifully, manifests herself as a designer - she made such repairs in her apartment! I was shocked. Unfortunately, no one is needed right now. The most interesting thing is that I can get anyone to work, but not my children.

Do you help them financially?

Yes. And I help them not because they are some kind of dependents, no, no. Philip is studying - he studied at three institutes, now he plans to enter again.

Live and learn. And Philip, excuse me, how old is he?

Thirty-four years. He is now entering the theater academy, but not in our country.

This time who will study?

And there everything is together: producer, director, cameraman. Already in the course of training, it will be determined what is closer to him. I was wildly lucky: at the age of fourteen I realized that I wanted to be an artist. And my son suffered from my own stupidity - he studied at the Faculty of Law. Why did I do this to him? It is so scary to make a mistake with the choice of profession, especially for a man. He already has three higher educations, will be the fourth.

Look, the kids are all grown-ups. They should be helping you, not the other way around.

Nobody owes me anything. And the kids don't owe me anything. They don't have to live the way I live. It's just a disaster. I'm afraid to get sick, for example. Not even because I'm afraid of pain, no. I'm afraid that I won't be able to work. I don't want to be a burden to anyone, I don't want someone to take care of me. Only not this! I'm used to having everything on me. I'm alone, I never could count on anyone.

You have been married several times. Did they drag all the husbands on themselves?

That is, they chose weak men?

Such is my fate, it is written in my family.

Okay, but when you got married, did you feel that the man was weaker than you?

Felt. But I fall in love too much - that's it, my big problem, from which everything stems. I can’t fall in love, I immediately begin to offer something, including my love. No one has asked me for anything yet, but I have already offered, they have not yet managed to fall in love with me, and my roof has already been blown away. Nevertheless, I got my way: they married me, I started a family, I had children. But time passed, and I took on everything: the maintenance of the family, husband, children - and very quickly got used to it. To be honest, now fear does not leave me: I'm afraid to seem untenable in some way. I don't want to be paid for, I'm always the first to open my wallet. Nothing can be done about this. I'm not a woman, I don't know who I am! Some kind of entity that lives without any rules. A woman must be a woman, she must maintain a family hearth, take care of children, and I am the woman who does everything. And most importantly, I have to earn money. Yesterday someone said that "should" is the worst word. And for me it is the most natural and normal.

Such responsibility from a young age?

Maybe yes. I started earning my first money at school and either gave it to my parents or bought something for them. Then I had a debt to them, now - to everyone else. There is always someone I owe. What to do about it?

You once told me that your biggest fear is free time.

It's true, Vadim. Free time is still a big problem for me. There are all sorts of fears: what if it will last longer than usual. Time is now unstable, artists have been forgotten so quickly, even during their lifetime.

Well, you are all right in this regard. You play a lot in entreprises, star in rating serials. "Closed School" was very successful, soon the second season of the series "Matchmakers" will start on the Domashny channel.

It wasn't always like that. After I was fired from Mayakovka, I did not work anywhere for four years. It wasn't easy. We had to rent a single room at the Peredelkino Writers' Creativity House, where we lived for some time.

With a husband and kids?

Yes, with Lisa, Philip, Martirosyan and his mother. And Martirosyan's son also came from time to time. I slept under the TV - head under it, legs outside. And so four years. We rented out our apartment, we had to live on something.

How did you endure all this? Directly resistant tin soldier.

What choice did I have? No one was interested in me, no one called me anywhere.

And when did everything change?

The era of entreprise began, the first proposal came from Leonid Trushkin - "The Cherry Orchard". I played Ranevskaya.

Well played, by the way.

In general, everything has changed, I started earning money again, offers rained down.

And if not for new circumstances, would you continue to live under the TV?

I don't know, I can't answer this question. My life does not belong to me. Everything is in the power of God, he knows everything. The main thing is not to fall into despair, not to complain, but simply to be able to wait.

So you don't know how to fight fate?

God forbid I still compete. This is the scariest thing for me. True, this does not prevent me from going to auditions, where, by the way, most often they do not approve me. I come, they say to me: "Introduce yourself, please." - "I am Vasilyeva, an actress." - "Where do you work?" And so on.

It can't be! New directors do not know Tatyana Vasilyeva?!

I am a blank slate for many new directors and producers. One such director approved me, I starred with him, and after filming I asked: “Do you even go to the theater?” It turned out he had never been to the theatre. Well, I invited him to the performance, and then he thanked me. Do you know what's important? Even such people are interesting to me. I have to work with them, I have to find a common language with them, but I cannot despise them.

At one time, you told me that in the cinema you are not offered interesting roles, and, for example, you consider the popular comedy “The Most Charming and Attractive” to be your failure. And also that you almost never like how you look on the screen.

You know, I don't care anymore. I don't watch my films. The only thing is, I have to see all this in the dubbing, and for me it's still a lot of stress.

Do you keep filming because you enjoy the process?

Of course, I really like to shoot, very much. Especially now, in Matchmakers, where I have amazing partners. We worked well with Lyusya Artemyeva, we are like clowns with her - Red and White. This is absolutely our element. There are shifts of twelve hours, or even more, the next day again on the site, but we get satisfaction from this.

An interesting fact: your heroine fights for the love of a general played by your ex-husband Georgy Martirosyan.

I get out of this position easily. Firstly, this is a comedy, and there is no need to play a serious relationship. My heroine makes the general do unthinkable things all the time. Martirosyan and I are comfortable working together - we play together not only in the series, but also in the play. We maintain a relationship, he communicates well with his daughter Lisa. There is no barrier.

You and Anatoly Vasiliev, your first husband, played in the same performance, in the comedy "Joke".

Oh no, that was completely unfortunate.

Was it your idea to go on the same stage with him?

It was the idea of ​​the producers. For them, what is important is that there be a twist, that the audience should go. But it didn't work out.

Philip communicates with his father?

It's clear. You said that you have twelve-hour shifts. What kind of stamina do you need to have to endure all this! Do you still go to the gym every day, do you lift weights?

Yes, I'm from there right now. I don't just lift weights. I go to the body pump, it's a great combination of aerobic and strength training. Then another half an hour on skis - on the simulator. I do this so that I myself would not be disgusted with myself, so that the audience would not be disgusted to look at me. I can't get fat, I can't be fat, I have to be what I used to be - slim. I don't want to offend the scene. I have always loved playing sports, ever since high school. Basketball, volleyball, rhythmic gymnastics, dancing, fencing. Then I came to the Theater of Satire, where we had biomechanics according to Meyerhold. We, young people, went to these classes with pleasure. We still had a ballet machine. An hour and a half at the barre, then a rehearsal, in the evening a performance - they practically did not leave the theater. So I have a combat hardening, I can’t do without it anymore.

We are drinking tea now. You refused to order something more substantial.

I don't eat at all. I am a cheap woman. ( Smiling.) I don't have food at home, I don't need it. Only buckwheat and milk is enough. If there is no buckwheat and milk, I start to die.

Buckwheat with milk for breakfast, buckwheat with milk for lunch...

And for dinner, yes.

Isn't this monotony boring?

What you! On tour, of course, it is more difficult, you have to order buckwheat in advance.

Apparently, you are a culinary zero.

My house should not have the smell of food. When the children were small, everything hissed, squawked - I don’t know how I survived.

What an ascetic you are! Or maybe it should be? So I look at you and understand that you are a woman without age.

You know, I look at myself in the mirror and try to find that age. I understand that sometimes I look tired, sleepy, my eyes are red. But I still can't find the age. Age - it's in the look, not in appearance. Although appearance is, of course, work. I get up in the morning, I have one mask, another mask, I drink all sorts of vitamins, at night I put so much cream on my face that I have to sleep on the back of my head - I'm all in this cream. I need this not so much for myself as for work, otherwise write wasted.

And again, it all comes down to work. You don’t even have holidays - continuous performances.

And I don’t know what to do on holidays, how to celebrate them. On December 31, I have three performances each. By half past ten in the evening I am rowing somewhere. On the eve of this year, she came to her daughter, we sat for a while, and I went to bed. Another performance the next day. Last New Year I met on the train - with his boss and foreman. Traveled from St. Petersburg to Moscow. There were no other passengers besides me.

When did you get this fighting spirit - what is called, not a day without a line?

When I accepted commodity-market relations.

Most importantly, it all keeps you in good shape.

I'm in good shape, of course. Maybe in the next life I will return in a different guise - I will be a dog or a horse. They say that seven centuries ago I was an Egyptian queen. Who knows, maybe it will happen again.

Photo: Aslan Akhmadov for the Indian Summer project / provided by the press service of the Domashny TV channel With Elena Velikanova in the movie "Pops"

Scandals of the Soviet era Razzakov Fedor

Director's failure (Valentin Pluchek)

Director's breakdown

(Valentin Pluchek)

It is known that directors are nervous people, easily excitable. On this basis, many of them became heroes of various kinds of scandals. So it is today, so it was many years ago. I have already mentioned one such directorial failure - with Ivan Pyryev in the autumn of 64. A year and a half has passed since another well-known director, but already a theatrical director, Valentin Pluchek from the Satire Theater, found himself at the epicenter of an equally loud scandal.

This story started at the end 1965 when on the stage of the Theater of Satire the premiere of Mark Zakharov's performance "Biederman and the arsonists" by M. Frisch took place. The stellar cast of Satire played in this anti-fascist play: G. Menglet (Biderman), O. Aroseva (his wife Babette), E. Kuznetsov (Schlitz), V. Rautbart (Eisenring) and others. However, the critics took this performance with hostility. January 4, 1966 N. Rumyantseva's review appeared in the newspaper "Soviet Culture" under the title "Frisch's play and the theater", in which the performance was subjected to rather severe criticism. I quote:

“Evaluation of events, facts, creative analysis of the analogies and associations inherent in the play in the play clearly do not correspond to the scale of dramaturgy. Everything that Frisch needs to express journalistic thought interferes with the theater. The “chorus” of firefighters interferes, the “collective image” of which was not found, and the ironic commentary, which is extremely important for the author’s intention (the firefighters pronounce their text in unison, in a sing-song voice, in hexameter size) is poorly audible; episodic faces interfere with the theater, an epilogue, seemingly unexpected, but absolutely necessary for the author, very accurate in a satirical address, interferes ...

The revealing power of the play is reduced almost to a minimum. The performance lacks that civic anger, civic interest that Frisch's work is imbued with.

One gets the impression that Frisch's satire, extremely modern and timely in content and brilliant in dramatic form, took the Moscow Theater of Satire by surprise.

The play “Biedermann and the Arsonists” is a creative failure…”

This review was very painfully received by the theater staff. She especially offended the chief director of Satire, Valentin Pluchek, who perceived any criticism as an attempt on his life. As a result, a scandal broke out, which the same "Soviet Culture" reported in an issue dated February 5th by publishing two letters on their pages. The first was written by the engineer of the Moscow plant named after Vladimir Ilyich K. Vustin. Here is what he reported:

“On January 30, I was at the Moscow Theater of Satire at the play by M. Frisch “Biederman and the Arsonists”. I was amazed that many of the audience left the hall after the first act and during the second. Speaking frankly, I also wanted to leave: boring, the first act is drawn out, the chorus is almost inaudible. Neither the game of actors, nor the work of the artist, nor the musical accompaniment saves the situation.

All this prompted me to go to the discussion of the performance by the audience section of the WTO. I said in advance that I would talk about the shortcomings of the performance. However, only laudatory speeches were allowed.

One of the critics mentioned your newspaper's review of this performance and complained that there was no reviewer in the hall.

- I'm here and ask you to give me the floor, - said N. Rumyantseva.

Following him, the art critic asked for the floor. Assuring that he would behave decently, he uttered no less nasty things to the reviewer in a "polite" manner.

Other speakers in their speeches only bowed to the director and actors, as did critics. The discussion ended benevolently: the dissatisfied performance was not allowed to speak. All this looked like a frank defense of the "honor of the uniform."

I wanted, I needed, I had to say it all. And not only in defense of Rumyantseva - she, perhaps, somewhat in a newspaper way (this is not in an insulting sense), not deeply, but without servility, shed light on her point of view, mostly correct. I, and not only me alone, was offended by the reviewer, ashamed of the director and art critic.”

The second letter belonged to the foreman of the same plant, Yu. Meister. Here is what he wrote:

“On January 31 of this year, I had the opportunity to attend a discussion of the performance of the Moscow Satire Theater based on the play by M. Frisch “Biederman and the Arsonists”. The discussion took place in the WTO Actor's House.

Among those who were at the discussion was Comrade. Rumyantseva is the author of a review of the performance in the newspaper "Soviet Culture".

During the discussion, the chief director of the Moscow Theater of Satire comrade. Pluchek, who, in an unacceptably harsh tone bordering on dirty, unbridled rudeness, fell upon the reviewers Comrade. Rumyantsev.

Being largely on the side of the theater, disagreeing with many of the provisions of the article in Soviet Culture, nevertheless, in protest against such methods in relation to critics, I defiantly left the room where the performance was discussed.

Of particular perplexity is the behavior of the actors of the Moscow Theater of Satire who were present at the discussion, vols. Menglet, Kuznetsov and others, who did not stop the dispersed servant of the muse.

I am not against discussions, but I am categorically against “intellectual hooliganism” and I believe that the theatrical and journalistic community will say a word, their condemning word about this.” At the end of this publication there was a commentary by the editors of the Soviet Culture itself. It stated the following: “We fully share the indignation of the authors of the letters about the unworthy behavior of V. Pluchek during the discussion of the play “Biederman and the Arsonists”. The case is really ugly. No one is allowed to violate the norms of ethics accepted in a socialist society and replace normal creative discussion with abuse.

It would seem superfluous to repeat well-known truths like those that “scoldling is not an argument”, that “politeness is an obligatory sign of decency”, that “rejection of criticism is an expression of arrogance, arrogance and selfishness”. We are sure that V. Pluchek knows these truths. And, however, it is apparently necessary to repeat them, since such facts of “uncreative” use of the creative platform have recently occurred repeatedly, in particular, in events organized by the WTO.

According to the editors, each such fact is an emergency. People, whether critics or theater workers, who seek to replace creative discussion with scandal and squabbles deserve public censure. If we seriously think and talk about the educational role of the theater, then do we not have the right to demand from the master of the theater, who is also the head of a large creative team, that he himself be a model of good breeding or at least be able to conduct a creative dispute without the use of abuse and hooting.

The editors believe that the Presidium of the All-Russian Theater Society will immediately discuss the unethical behavior of V. Pluchek, unworthy of a figure of Soviet art, at the WTO audience section and draw appropriate conclusions from this fact.

It is difficult to say whether the meeting of the WTO presidium took place, since there was no information about it in the press. It is likely that he did not exist, since V. Pluchek did not consider himself guilty in this situation and did not offer a public apology to the journalist. As for the play "Biedermann and the Arsonists", its life was short - soon Pluchek himself removed it from the repertoire.

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II. Breakdown. From Afghanistan to the Crimea “England exists as long as she owns India. There is not a single Englishman who will dispute that India must be guarded not only against actual attack, but even from the mere thought of it. India is like a little child

the author Razzakov Fedor

An unfortunate failure (Valery Kharlamov) On Thursday, February 6, 1975, a hockey match was held at the Sports Palace in Luzhniki between the capital's CSKA and the Resurrection Khimik. The match was fundamental, since both clubs at that time were in the top four

From the book Scandals of the Soviet Era the author Razzakov Fedor

What separated the director from the screenwriter (Yuri Ozerov / Oscar Kurganov) In November 1977, the well-known screenwriter Oscar Kurganov (Esterkin) was at the center of the scandal. He became known to the general public after he, together with director Yuri Ozerov, had a hand in creating

From the book Scandals of the Soviet Era the author Razzakov Fedor

How the director was hunted down (Anatoly Efros) After the Soviet authorities deprived the former head of the Taganka Theater Yuri Lyubimov of Soviet citizenship in the summer of 1984, Anatoly Efros agreed to take over the theater. What caused literally a wave of rage from the outside

From the book So who is to blame for the tragedy of 1941? author Zhytorchuk Yury Viktorovich

5. The Danzig disruption and Chamberlain's forced abandonment of the policy of appeasement Munich was not and could not be the ultimate goal of the policy of appeasement, since the transfer of the Sudetenland to Germany did not lead the Nazis to the borders of the USSR and, therefore, did not create a direct

From the book of the Special Services of the first years of the USSR. 1923–1939: Towards the Great Terror author Simbirtsev Igor

Spinning into a Tailspin of the Great Terror The main battles with the opposition at the official party level ended already by 1928, when the factions were finally defeated, many factionalists repented, and their leaders went into exile and exile. But here the power of Stalin and its special services

There will be no third millennium from the book. Russian history of playing with humanity author Pavlovsky Gleb Olegovich

149. Breakdown of the mid-1950s. Apostle Paul in the Kengir camp. Communism and the Gulag Archipelago - The disruption of the mid-fifties is the result of everyday mistakes and the incredible shock that the 20th Congress with Khrushchev's revelations became for me. You see, here is my paradox: a man

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From the book Notes of a military counterintelligence officer author Ovseenko Mikhail Yakovlevich

FAILURE OF THE BEGINNING OF THE GENEVA NEGOTIATIONS A significant activation of the bandit movement occurred in 1982, after Yu.V. Andropov spoke with Pakistani President Zia-ul-Haq. During the conversation, the Soviet leader announced the readiness of the USSR to quickly withdraw its troops from

From the book Terror after 1917. Superterror. Resistance the author Klyuchnik Roman


From the book History of the Civil War the author Rabinovich S

§ 6. Trotsky's Disruption of the Peace Negotiations While the party was fighting over the question of peace, the peace negotiations were drawing to a close. Lenin suggested to Trotsky, who was the chairman of the Soviet delegation in Brest, that the peace must be signed. The offer was not personal.

From the book The Life Path of Christian Rakovsky. Europeanism and Bolshevism: an unfinished duel author Chernyavsky Georgy Iosifovich

4. Continuation of the duel: peace talks and their disruption After the signing of the agreement, the Soviet side significantly expanded contacts with various circles of the Ukrainian public, about which Rakovsky regularly informed Lenin's government. Particularly active communication

From the book Boris Yeltsin. Afterword author Mlechin Leonid Mikhailovich

Breakdown or rebellion? In terms of his psychotype, Yeltsin differed from the rest of the members of the Politburo. He is a man of non-speech culture, he was uncomfortable among craftsmen and talkers who had long settled down in Moscow. He wanted to dominate. But Yeltsin was not at the huge table of the secretariat of the Central Committee

"... A bunch of devoted artists formed around him, to whom he promised golden mountains of roles, careers! Careers! If ...

Taking advantage of the artists, a combination of circumstances, an intriguing and prudent mind, Chek floated to the surface - he managed to lead the theater of Satire. He fell into the arms of the Power. Power began to poison him imperceptibly, like carbon monoxide. A bunch of devoted artists turned into subjects. A subject is the root of the word tribute, which means under tribute.

Now, instead of friendship, someone brought a service to the office of the chief director, someone his own body, someone a ring with an emerald, a piece of chicken, gold earrings, a cake, a herring. They took everything with their green-eyed wife Zina - beads, smelt from Leningrad, cognac, bed linen, dumplings, cuts for dresses, vases, vases, saucepans, raw smoked sausage, a kettle with a whistle, rare books (after all, he is so intelligent, well-read!), cheese roquefort, cheddar, bay leaf, pickled cucumbers, soap, mushrooms and to all this, of course, vodka. All this was brought in order to get a role for all this! Rolka! Rollish! Rollish!

The authorities destroyed the Cheka every hour, every year, as compensation came material well-being: a huge three-room apartment, carpets, antique furniture - mahogany, Karelian birch, mirrors, chandeliers - all this replaced the mind and soul leaving the door.

Chekom developed a whole system of manipulating people. The authorities corrupted him, and he was offended that he was corrupted, while the rest were not! And in order not to feel alone, he corrupted all those who were nearby. It was more comfortable that way. For each artist, their own tactics of corruption were created: each had a sore spot. Corruption with denunciations, when they crawled into his office and denounced who slept with whom, who farted, who said what. Corruption by subservience - philanthropy, when they came, they bent in bows almost to the ground, smiling from ear to ear, "licked their ass," in the words of Maria Vladimirovna. "Well, you'd better dine with us at Stendhal's." This means red and black caviar. Corruption by gifts is the recognition of him as a deity in the act of sacrifice. Corruption by fornication - to hint at the role, and the actresses, pushing with their elbows, rush to the office, to the fourth floor, unbutton their fly, they did not even have time to get to the sofa.

In the granary book of memory was entered who brought what, to whom what to give, from whom what to take away. The actress brought a tribute, and she should be given a role in the ongoing performance instead of another artist. Dal. Played. Banquet to celebrate. Break through, win! And Chek screams in "righteous anger" for everyone to hear:
- I entrusted you with the role, I did more than I could! You failed! I'm filming you!
The role was selected, the subject with "broken wings" saved up strength and money for the next occasion - next time he will certainly cope!

And now, pushing each other with their elbows, Acrobat and Galosha, the new actresses of the theater, quickly ran to the fourth floor to the artistic director's office - whoever breaks in first will open the zipper in his fly and teleb the fact that there is nothing to telebunk. And for this they will get a role! role! Oh role! - this is the most important thing in that segment of life that stretches for people from childhood to old age ... if it stretches ... "

(Tatyana Egorova "Andrey Mironov and me")


- It so happened that the fates of Papanov and Mironov, who played together on the stage and acted in films, were tragically intertwined, but Anatoly Dmitrievich's character was not easy?

- I think he was a difficult person, but a great actor. Only one phrase: "Well, hare, wait!" what is it worth?

- Did he not have jealousy for Andrei Mironov? Still, it seems to me that Pluchek, having two such wonderful actors, singled out Mironov more, he had some kind of paternal care for him ...

- Yes, it's true, but ... Once on television with Lena, Papanov's daughter, we met, and she complained: after all, you can’t compare, Andrei received as many roles as dad. I told her: “Lena, you work in the theater, and you must understand: Andrei is a hero, and your dad is a character actor, and they cannot play the same way.” She agreed: “Yes, it is!”.

- Do you think Pluchek had some kind of passion for Maria Vladimirovna Mironova at one time?

- No, what passion? Not!

And they didn't have anything?

- With Maria Vladimirovna? No, absolutely.

- People's Artist of the Soviet Union Georgy Menglet played many roles in the theater, but he avoided filming a movie that would bring him all-Union fame. Was he a strong artist?

- Awesome! Outstanding, completely unique, inhuman charm, and what a voice setting! At the end of the stage (we have a huge stage, you know) he stood by the curtain with his back to the audience ...

- ... and every word was well heard ...

- All 1200 spectators heard him, and now even on TV they sometimes say, and I don’t understand: what are they muttering there? Menglet is a school, responsibility (same as Andrey's). Here the military has the honor of a uniform, but he had the honor of talent - far from everyone has it.

- Let's move on to the current artistic director of the Theater of Satire Alexander Shirvindt ...

(show applauds).

— Bravo talent? Bravo what?

Yes, that's me, ironic.

- Alexander Anatolyevich is a master of all trades: a director, a screenwriter, and a TV presenter, but what can you say about him as an actor?

- Shura is a good entertainer - amazingly witty ... He was! For the first time I saw him at the institute - when he came, we all, opening our mouths, looked at him and thought: where does such beauty come from?

Was he a handsome man?

— Oh, extraordinary! You've read my book - remember how gorgeous I described it? A copy of Michelangelo's "David", but about the rest ... His catchy appearance spoiled - he kept looking at himself: here, there, wrinkled his forehead - he knew that he was handsome, and in every respect he used it. On the radio, on television, tyr-pyr, but what about Andryushka? Here's a nose (shows - stretched out), his eyes are blue, his wrists are wide - healthy, like his mother's. It would seem, can he compete?

Did Shirvindt have an affair with Pluchek's wife?

- Yes you! - In my opinion, the word "romance" does not fit with him at all.

— But something, nevertheless, was?

- Alexander Anatolyevich could just pinch her somewhere for business - and that’s it: for business! Well, he could caress anyone he wanted, so to speak, if the interests of the case required it. I know many people he pinched, but why are you shaking out this linen here? All are already old grandmas - why compromise their poor?

"To the music of Mozart, the black-haired Count - Scharmer(Alexander Shirvindt. —D. G.)dressed in a brocade frock coat, white stockings were tight around his thin legs, on his head was a white wig with a bow in the tail. Of course, the eyes are summed up, the cilia are smeared, the nose is powdered. He's on stage. Three hours later, at the end of the action, everyone understood: Scharmer - the Count in the play "Figaro" failed miserably.

— Failure! Failure! He's untalented! Is it possible to compare with Gaft? This is some snot on the wattle fence! shouted all those who recently, reaching the point of insanity, admired him and rubbed sideways on his blue blazer-dressed torso.

On stage, in contrast to the swift, daring, smart Gaft, he was lazy, lethargic, pronouncing the text as if he was doing someone a favor. What to compare! Art Council headed by Chek(Valentin Pluchek. —D. G.)was silent. The check rang the keys, and the decision to remove Sharmer from this role hung in the air, but if Sharmer did not look very smart on stage, he took revenge in life.

After the performance, he immediately invited the chosen ones from the theater to his high-rise Stalinist building (vampire style) on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment. He rolled a banquet, pressed Zinka (he addressed everyone as you - you see, some complexes, and the wife of the main director, green-eyed Zina, from the first minute turned into Zinka for him) in a dark corner, rolled up her skirt, holding her chest with one hand , the other began to pull off her panties. Zinka was flattered, discouraged, giggling like a fool, every now and then she lifted her panties back until someone came in and invited them to the table. Both, pleased with such a course of affairs, straightened their shorts and hairstyles, and the inspired Zina Pluchek, starting dessert, casually thought: “Why do I need this dessert? I am ready to change everything, even this dessert for Sharmer and sit right on this table in front of everyone with him in the form of a sandwich.

Her desire could immediately materialize, as temperament and hooliganism lurked in her: once, in a trolley bus full of people, while still young, she knocked over a can of sour cream, which she had just acquired, on the head of her alleged rival.

But Sharmer, unfortunately, only had to retouch his failure, and removing and lifting Zinka's underwear served him only as a means of rehabilitation. What cynical men, however!

In the evening, everyone ate themselves to the bone, heard enough of his swear words, Zinka felt desired twice more, so much so that the elastic band in her shorts burst, and the next day it sounded in the theater: “Sharmer's introduction to the role of the Count is magnificent! He is a real Count - both in life and on stage. They even gave him a cash prize.

Time passed, on stage in the role of Count Scharmer became impudent, and this impudence, combined with Michelangelo's beauty, began to be accepted by the viewer. So, with the help of Zinka's underpants and breasts, he fit into the role of the leading theater artist.

He fit in, but something strange began to happen in him, something that he did not expect. No woman has ever refused him, he has always been the first, best and most beautiful, but this is in a different theater, and here on the stage next to him he fluttered in rapture, tearing off applause at almost every phrase, not so handsome, blond, with strong peasant hands and feet, with a long nose and bulging eyes Andrei Mironov. Scharmer felt, as a woman feels, that he is not loved, not loved as much as this fair-haired Andryushka.

Poor Scharmer's chest ached due to nerves, and in the backstage of the soul, in an evening dress, in golden gloves, Envy was born and immediately declared itself. In the evening, because the parent cannot see her in the darkness and you can pretend that she is not there, but golden gloves, so that in a fit of envy, the opponent will be strangled with the color of gold, leaving no traces.

... I was again sitting in the bathroom in Andrey's room, he was doing his favorite thing - rubbing me with a washcloth, washing my hair with shampoo and wiping dry, and then we changed places - I rubbed him with a washcloth and poured shampoo on his luxurious hair. She went into the room, completely naked, for a towel - it remained on the chair - and spotted "reconnaissance": outside the window of the room, falling out of the human form and from the territory of her balcony at the same time, the face of Gherkin loomed(Mikhail Derzhavin. —D. G.). He listened intently and peered into everything that was happening in Mironov's room.

- Andryushenka! Bunin! Bunin! We must immediately read Bunin!

And we read Lika.

- What happened to you? he asked me, seeing how a cloud suddenly rolled over me. From Bunin, I was transported into my life, began to cry, then sobbed and said through tears:

"I can't forget anything!" I can't forget this story with the child... how I was lying on this table... and you... betrayed me then... I can't... and now you betrayed me...

“Tunechka, I don’t know what to think ... you yourself are always running from me ...

- Because I'm afraid, I already have the reflex of Pavlov's dog ...

“Tunechka, you left me yourself, and if we are together, you will hate me and leave me again ... I can’t suffer like this anymore ... We still love each other ... Who will take us away from us ...

The long distance phone rang. Singer(Larisa Golubkina. — D. G.).

- I do not have time! Andrey answered her sharply and rudely.

And we again dug into the book. As I left, I said:

You shouldn't talk to the woman you live with like that. call back.

The next day he came up to me and reported: "I called back." After the performances, we went to mountain restaurants, to villages, swam in the pool at Medeo at night, took a steam bath and completely disconnected from Moscow life. Sharmer(Alexander Shirvindt. —D. G.)noticed all this, sniffed out and tried to drive a wedge into our relationship. It was a typical Shvabrin from Pushkin's The Captain's Daughter.

“Tanya,” a pale Andrei once approached me, “you can’t act like that and you can’t say such a thing!”

I quickly found out what was the matter, and realized that this was the low intrigue of the envious Sharmer.

A slender woman walks along the corridor of the hotel in high heels(Lilia Sharapova. —D. G.)I take her hand and say:

"Now you're coming with me!"

- Where?

- You'll see!

We enter Sharmer's room. He lies under a white sheet. Evening. On the bedside table is a bottle of cognac and glasses. A tornado is raging inside me. I sit down next to the chair at the head. Slender - against the wall in an armchair, at the end of the bed. In the legs

“You are a dishonorable person,” I begin calmly. “Even though you put on a kind mask, the horns are showing through. Oh, you're not good! Your beloved envy, and what terrible deeds it pushes you to! You are both an asshole, Iago, and a scoundrel.

He lies under the white sheet like a wrapped dead man, and not a single vein moves in his face.

- You are not only a scoundrel - you are a moral cheater. How you hate Andrei, you envy! This is a no-brainer - you solder it, you tune it. You have a lot of ears on your head.

The slender, nervous one constantly blinks her eyes - she has a tick.

“In general, the diagnosis,” I continue, “is a gelatinous bastard!”

Sharmer doesn't move. I go to the table, take a large vase of flowers from it and throw it through the open balcony door to the street. I sit down on a chair. He doesn't react. Knock on the door. Street cleaner:

- Is it a vase that has just flown out of your room?

- Yes, what are you? I answer. We have a patient here, we visit him.

The janitor leaves. I suggest:

- Let's have a drink! For dr-r-r-r-zhbu, according to the anpeshechka! You love cognac! - And I pour us half a glass of cognac.

- Let's go crazy! He takes the glass, I continue. - When they clink glasses, you have to look into the eyes, you insignificance! And she splashed brandy in his face.

He jumped out of bed, completely naked, shouting: “I got it in my eyes! Eyes!" - and run to the bathroom to wash your eyes splashed with cognac with cold water.

A minute later, like a wounded boar, he jumped into the room, grabbed me, threw me on the bed and began to choke me. The hotel rooms are tiny, so, bending down and grabbing my neck, he involuntarily ran his bare ass over Slender's nose.

Completely unsuffocated, I lay on the bed, laughing and saying:

“You can’t choke at all!” What weak hands you have!

He, of course, tore all the trinkets hanging around my neck, I hardly collected the remnants and, leaving, casually remarked:

By the way, why did I come? I completely forgot ... I shouldn't spoil my life and do nasty things. With me it's dangerous - I have nothing to lose.

We went out. Slender leaned against the wall of the corridor, completely dumbfounded.


- What can you say about Shir-wind-ta's permanent partner, Mikhail Derzhavin?

Misha is a good actor and a nice person. Yes!

- Going through the names of your colleagues, whom the entire Soviet Union knew, it is impossible not to mention Spartak Mishulin, and why did his fate not work out in the theater?

- He (I don’t want to say so, but I reason to the best of my understanding, I may not be right) had some kind of appearance, some special type, but he played brilliantly in The Kid and Carlson. In the role of Carlson, he is simply outstanding, but everything else ... As soon as the triumph of Figaro began, Andryusha lost his voice, and Pluchek Mironov scared: “I will replace you with Mishulin!” Well, joke! I respect everyone, but I don’t understand Spartak - there is no type there, there is a person between some chairs.

Tatyana Vasilyeva (Marya Antonovna) and Andrey Mironov (Khlestakov) in the performance of the Theater of Satire "Inspector General"

- Your classmate Natalya Selezneva had a very successful film career ...

- ... yes, well, of course! ..

- ... but was it in demand in the theater?

- Also with great difficulty. Natasha is witty, enterprising: a charming creature. Despite the fact that it can also be different, like all of us ... I adore her - we rarely call each other, but when it happens, she says: "Tanyulka, I love you." - “And I love you, Natulik,” I answer.

- You spoke very interestingly about Mark Zakharov, whom you respectfully dubbed Master in your book. When he headed Lenkom, Andrei Mironov probably wanted to go to the theater to him - why didn’t Zakharov make some kind of oncoming movement? They were close friends...

- We were shocked that Mark Anatolyevich did not make an oncoming movement to anyone, he left all of us on this “battle on the ice”. We were his actors, for which Pluchek ate us later, but Andrei, when he became very ill, when Itsykovich ( maiden name Vasilyeva.Note. ed.) with its 45th size in the theater stepped on everyone ...

- Tatyana Vasilyeva, in the sense?

- Yes, Tanya Vasilyeva! No one played anything, no one could tell her anything - everyone was afraid.

- That is, the favorite, in fact, led the theater?

- Yes: everything is her, everything is her ... Pregnant at the ninth month in "Woe from Wit" played Sophia - it's generally incomprehensible to the mind, but it was, and Andrei turned to a friend with a request: "Mark, I can't take it anymore - take it me to my theater." He: "Come on!" We sat and thought: "We'll make a new play about Cromwell." Andrei immediately lit up, his eyes lit up ... He called Mark every day, and two months later Zakharov stunned him: "Calm down, I'm not taking you to the theater - everything is canceled."

"Without explaining why?"

(shakes head negatively).

- Do you yourself guess why he backed up?

- Nina, his wife, influenced him, as she always does ( Nina Lapshinova passed away in August 2014. —D. G.), she tells him what to do, what not to do, and he obeys her. And then she said: “Why do you need this? He is famous, he will have the right to download, and then you will not be in charge - you will have dual power. I think it was like that.

From the book of Tatyana Egorova "Andrey Mironov and I".

“The rehearsals of Profitable Place began - from the first day we immediately became very important and significant. master (Mark Zakharov.D. G.) prudently remembered our names and addressed everyone by their first and patronymic names: Tatyana Nikolaevna, Andrey Alexandrovich, Natalya Vladimirovna - he propped us up with the tribal strength of our fathers. For the first rehearsal, he brought a pack of drawings on whatman paper. These were sketches of mise-en-scenes for each piece of the performance. Wasting no time, from the beginning of rehearsals, he clearly defined who was standing where, in what position, where he was going and what was the meaning of the scene.

Twice he did not repeat, being late for a rehearsal was punished with strict measures. Party secretary Tatyana Ivanovna Peltzer, who played the role of Kukushkina, a people's artist, was known for her bad temper and the fact that she never came on time. On her third delay, the Master stood up and calmly said:

- Tatyana Ivanovna, you are late for the third time ... I ask you to leave the rehearsal.

No one had ever spoken to her like that before, and she slammed the door cursing and went to run into the young director with a locomotive: she immediately wrote a statement to the party committee that the Master was staging an anti-Soviet performance and that maybe he was an agent of foreign intelligence. SOS! Take action! For the sake of the Fatherland!”.

To all this mental damage, the Master calmly declared:

Everything real is given with blood!

In 10 years, Peltzer, who has already given her heart to the creator of Profitable Place, will rehearse Woe from Wit with Check (Valentin Pluchek). Check, sitting in the hall, not without sadistic considerations, will ask her to dance. She will say: "Another time, I feel bad." “Not another time, but now,” the Check will demand from the old woman with anger. On the stage, not far from Tatyana Ivanovna, there was a microphone. She went up to him, paused, and barked loudly to the whole theatre:

“Fuck you… you old debauchee!”

In the hall sat the new favorite of the libertine. The theater was radio-equipped, and in all the dressing rooms, in the accounting department, in the cafeteria, in the directorate, a powerful echo resounded: "Fuck you... you old libertine!" In two days she will call me at home, change hooliganism to pity:

Tan, what should I do? Should I go to the Master in the theater or not?

By this time, the Master already had his own theater.

- Does he take it? I will ask.

— Beret!

"Then run, don't walk!" You will save your own life!

And she left. And she lived a happy long life there. In love.

...Opposite the Theater of Satire was the building of the Sovremennik Theater. Between the theaters there is an unspoken competition, who has more viewers. In Sovremennik, Andrey and I watched a lot of performances with Oleg Tabakov, and he constantly hammered me:

- Am I no worse an artist than Tabakov? Well, tell me, tell me! - Childishly asking for a compliment.

“Well, of course, it’s better—that’s a no-brainer,” I said sincerely. “Look, for the first time in the history of the theater, we have mounted police at the Profitable Place, and they have an ordinary crowd.

Finally, the performance was over. Check (Valentin Pluchek. — D. G.) asked all the artists, without undressing and without making up, into the hall. He was shocked.

Today a brilliant director was born. master (Mark Zakharov.D. G.), run for champagne.

On this day, we could not come to our senses for a long time and until the evening we walked around the floors of the theater with glasses and bottles of champagne. Me and Ingenue (Natalia Zashchipina. — D. G.) sat in the dressing room, recalled bows at the end of the performance. They went out to bow to the fore, holding hands: in the middle is Zhorik Menglet, on the left I, on the right Ingenue and further along the chain the rest of the actors. The moment of bowing is a vivid emotional experience: there is a knocking in the temples, all the veins are filled with pathos from involvement in the great happening. Moving towards the proscenium, Zhorik (George Menglet. — D. G.) tightly clasped our hands with Ingenue and on a dazzling smile addressed to the audience, smuggled poetry to us:

Damn girls, I'm your uncle

You are my nieces.

Come, girls, to the bath

Soar my eggs!

master (Mark Zakharov.D. G.) and could not imagine at whom he had thrown an arrow with the "Profitable Place" - a white-green liquid flowed from the wound inflicted on him. He was in pain! It hurts, it hurts, it hurts! Get rid of the Magister and his damned show, or he'll get rid of me and take my place! And then Peltzer herself, unwillingly, prompted the move: an anti-Soviet performance! This statement is in the party bureau, and although she is now trembling with love for the Master, the job is done, you just need to finish it - copy the letter and send it to the authorities. The authorities love such letters, they call it informing, and the authorities were informed.

Two weeks later, in the third row, a chain of monsters headed by Furtseva, the Minister of Culture, came to the "Profitable Place": they sat with Ostrovsky's plays open and checked the text.

- Well, it can’t be that because of the textbook Ostrovsky people “hung on a chandelier”? The intrigues of the anti-Soviet: you see, they attributed something themselves, - the censors realized.

And on the stage, the artists, looking at the delegation through the cracks in the wings, recited poems:

I'm not afraid of Khrushchev

I'm marrying Furtseva.

I will feel boobs

the most Marxist!

Not finding a single superfluous word in the play, Furtseva left with Marxist boobs, completely puzzled.


- Your sensational book "Andrey Mironov and I" with a circulation of three million copies came out - a fantastic success for any, even an outstanding writer. I confess to you: when I read it, at some moments there were simply tears in my eyes - it was written so sincerely and with such literary talent that even your ill-wishers cannot but admit it ...

- Thanks.

- I quite frankly said this to Shirvindt, and Aroseva, and Selezneva, and two Vasilyevs - Vera Kuzminichna and Tatyana. Tell me, when the book was already out, did you feel joy, relief at the thought that the burden of memories had been dropped?

- Firstly, I must emphasize: these are not memoirs, they are not written like that. So you read the book - did you understand that this is not a memoir in style?

Of course, it's a work of art...

- A novel - you can call it documentary, you can call it something else ... The name "Andrey Mironov and I" is not mine - my publisher came up with it, who found me in the apartment of my friend Irina Nikolaevna Sakharova, Andrei Dmitrievich's cousin. I came to have dinner with her in the evening - we loved to communicate and, in order not to go anywhere at night, we often spent the night together. And here we are sitting quietly, suddenly the phone rings. She fits. “Egorov,” they ask, “may I? I was told that you have it” - can you imagine? How did he find me? Then in Moscow it was possible to find out from people where a person is.

It was 1997, and it just fell on me from the sky - he gave me the task to write one chapter. When it was ready, I read it, counted 300 dollars to me and said: “Go to work!”. That's all. This book, perhaps naively, I called "Rehearsal of Love" - ​​the theater after all ...

- Unsellable title...

- Yes? And the publishing house needs to make money. Farther. I gave nicknames to all the characters - the same brains can be broken in order to come up with nicknames for them, and the publisher took and deciphered them. And he did the right thing, actually - why is it necessary: ​​to guess who is who?

- Maria Vladimirovna Mironova had already passed away by that time, but how, in your opinion, would she have reacted to this book?

“I think it's amazing—I'm sure she'd be pleased. They are all happy there and help me a lot - they took my husband Seryozha and sent me here. And they sent you - everything comes from them.

How did your colleagues in the theater react to the release of the book?

- Who's like...

- Shirvindt, for example?

- He shouted: “Do not read it - it is so bad! Oh, horror! Do not read, do not read! ”, And now we greet him when we meet, he is trying to kiss me. It's fine... I'm not angry with him for anything, I'm already philosophical about it - I repeat, I'm in an ivory tower.

- Did Pluchek, 90 years old at that time, read your work?

- Yes. He was in the sanatorium "Sosny" then, so not only was the book sent to him immediately, but all the places concerning him were underlined.

- That is, someone was not lazy?

- Well, you yourself understand who - the one who wanted to become the main one. I thought, probably: maybe Pluchek would shy away something. Valentin Nikolayevich didn’t go then, but then - lo and behold! O great power of art! - they called me and said: “Pluchek read everything and came to the theater with his own feet. Without a stick ... ".

“He didn’t tell you anything about your revelations?”

- I don’t, but I told the actor with whom I rehearsed. There they had a short break, they sat down with him, and Pluchek said: “And everything that Tanya Egorova wrote is true.”

- Actors, especially actresses, discussed your bestseller among themselves? Did any waves hit you?

“Everyone doesn’t like it, because ... My God, the reason is the same: you got the role - they envy you, you play well - they envy you, you wrote a book - they envy you, you bought a fur coat - they envy you. Well, what can you do? I don't react to this.

Have you ever regretted writing this confession?

— No, I fulfilled Andrey's request. He said: "Tanya, write the whole truth - you know how," and back in the 80s I had such an idea. With my friend Valya Titova...

- ... the ex-wife of Vladimir Basov ...

- ... and cameraman Georgy Rerberg, we somehow decided to bury two bottles of champagne in the ground by the year 2000 (for some reason we thought that by this time there would be no life at all - everything would disappear, explode, and so on). And then, in the 80s, when everyone was burying ...

- ... they buried everything! ..

- No, only champagne - in general, they imagined that we would drink it and die. For some reason, we had such a gloomy mood ...

- How strange two beautiful actresses were having fun ...

— Yes, mischief-makers! - and then I thought: I need to write a book by the end of the century. The century itself asks me about it - such thoughts wandered in my head. As you can see, I wrote...

- Have you dug up the champagne?

- One bottle only - the second, apparently, has gone very far somewhere.


- Andrei Alexandrovich has a daughter, Maria Mironova, left ...

- And the second - Masha Golubkina.

- Both Masha, native and adopted, are actresses: are they, in your opinion, talented?

— Oh, you know, it's hard to say. I saw Masha Mironova at Mark Zakharov's theater, I liked her, but I need a director, and so, alone, what can an actress do?

Does she honor her father's memory?

- Another generation honors, then another, but this ... You see, there is mother’s influence: Andrey is such and such, and Maria Vladimirovna was bad - she judges by how she was treated. The daughter did not see her father much - this is also Maria Vladimirovna's fault. I told her: “Leave Masha’s dacha, because nothing has been done for her. To answer you at the Last Judgment - what do you say? “I went on stage all the time - for me it was the most important thing”?

From the book of Tatyana Egorova "Andrey Mironov and I".

“Mashka called! Granddaughter! Maria Vladimirovna says mysteriously. - He will come now.

On her impassive face there is a look of fright - she has not seen her granddaughter for several years.

Doorbell. A spectacular thin tall young lady with long white hair enters. Smiled - a copy of Andrei! In a mink swinger coat, jeans fit beautiful long legs. Immediately rolled two years old and the great-grandson of Maria Vladimirovna - Andrei Mironov. During her absence, Masha managed to give birth to a son, gave him her father's name and surname, got married, is about to graduate from the Institute of Cinematography, and will be an artist.

Undressed. Marya sits "in the books", as usual, with a net on her head, in a quilted dressing gown and all in red spots from excitement. He stares at the baby intently, like an x-ray, and he immediately rushed to her and kissed her hand. Kissed, again, and again, and again. Looking at this, I thought that Marya would really fly out into some kind of pipe. Then the baby began to run around the apartment, fell with pleasure on the carpet near the great-grandmother, began to wallow on it, and when he saw a huge mirror to the floor in the hallway, he began to lick it with his tongue. The sinuous eyebrows of Maria Vladimirovna began to resemble the Mannerheim line.

— Ah! Masha exclaimed. - I need to call.

Grandmother nodded her eyes at the telephone standing nearby, but Masha went to the locker room, took out a walkie-talkie from her fur coat pocket, and began to call.

“No, it’s demagnetized,” she said, immediately taking another phone out of another pocket, pressing and pressing buttons, uttering two or three words and putting the phone back into the pocket of her fur coat. Sat on a chair. Grandmother and great-grandmother looked at the “young unknown” generation with great amazement.

“We are currently renovating the apartment,” Masha said, not paying attention to her son, who had already licked two square meters of the mirror.

- What bathroom do you have? I asked Masha to keep up the conversation.

“I have a jacuzzi,” Masha answered.

Maria Vladimirovna shuddered. And suddenly she asked point-blank:

- Why did you come to me? Better just tell me what you need from me?

Masha relieved stress, took out a mountain of food, gifts from her bag, laid everything on the table and said:

- Grandma, I'll call and come by.

— How will you go? I asked her because I had to leave too.

- I? On the BMW, like dad!

She put on a mink swinger, and she and Andryushka fluttered out the door.

- Have you seen? - began to furiously comment on the arrival of her granddaughter Marya. — Phone in your pocket! Fuck the phone! And this one licked the whole mirror! I have never seen anything like this. Did you hear what kind of bathroom she has there?

— Jacuzzi.

- Assholes! - Marya changed it, dumbfounded by the arrival of her relatives, and thought hard.

- Tanya, to whom should I leave the dacha, the apartment? If I die, can you imagine what will happen here? Everything will go under the hammer! For rags and bags. I can't see these women! she continued furiously.

She always had invisible informants, and she, as a scout, knew everything about everyone, especially about the wives she hated.

Mermaid (Ekaterina Gradova.D. G.) I sold my mother’s apartment,” she continued. - With this money I bought myself a fur coat, married this mother - that's what she needs! - shoved into a nursing home. BUT? Good daughter! And now dyed into a praying mantis. Terrible people. Mummers. A Pevunya (Larisa Golubkina.D. G.)? Did you see her thumb on her hand? Do you know what that means?

“I saw it and I know it,” I said, and gasped inwardly. How does she, Marya, know about the thumb? It was I who went through all the books on palmistry, but she? Well partisan!

She sits all red, her blood pressure has risen, and she is at a loss: how to dispose of her property?

- So, Maria Vladimirovna, so that you do not suffer, I suggest you: leave this apartment to the museum. You already have a sign on the door. There will be memory, and this memory will be guarded. And you don’t have to give anything to anyone with “warm hands” - live out your life in peace in your house, and then they will arrange a museum there.

Her eyes sparkled: oh, how she liked this idea!

- And the dacha? she boomed. - To whom? Let me leave you.

It would be very helpful. I would sell it, because I can’t pull it out, and in my old age I would have money for all my ordeals. And I would go to Thailand, to India, to South America to the Aztecs, to Greece. I would buy myself brushes, canvases, stretch them on stretchers and begin to paint pictures! And most importantly - there are strawberries all year round! - flashed through my head, and my friend Seneca appeared on the stage of my fantasies:

- How many times do you have to tell? he got offended at me. “Life should be lived right, not long.

"Maria Vladimirovna," I began, "leave the dacha to Masha, she's Andrey's daughter." This is a family estate, and Andryusha would like that. After all, he loved her very much - I know, and he didn’t give so much, he lived in another family. She suffered so much, because her whole life passed in front of my eyes in the theater, I even saw how they carried her out of the hospital. And you need it! After all, you did nothing for her, only the theater was always important for you. Thank God, Menaker met - he gave you his life ...

— Yes, he was the main artistic director of my life. Oh, Sasha, Sasha! .. - And tears appeared in her eyes.

- What about me? I have my own cottage. I built it myself - why do I need someone else's? It just so happens that she herself is all with her hump, and the Gospel says: enter through the narrow gate, narrow. Why do you think?

Maria Vladimirovna thought for a moment and answered:

- So that no one passes with me, so that only I enter! she interpreted the gospel parable in her own way.

... In the Kremlin, President Yeltsin awarded her with the Order of Merit for the Fatherland - she cheerfully went to the podium and said:

“I divide this award into three - for myself, for my husband and for my son!”

- To whom, as a result, did Mironova leave the dacha?

- Masha, but she sold it.

- Does the daughter come to the grave of her father?

- Once I saw her there, but in general, they rarely come. Few people go there - my husband and I visit ( his husband, his wife, journalist Sergey She-le-khov, died in 2014. — Note. ed.).

- Few people go?

- People visit, but these, from among, so to speak, relatives who supposedly love and revere him ... Great friends, the best, do not appear there. Yes, listen, I have to tell the theater artists all the time what is happening at the Vagankovsky cemetery. So I was at the grave of Maria Vladimirovna on November 13, I passed Pluchek’s grave, and there was a mountain of slops, rotten flowers (the 100th anniversary was celebrated, and then it rained). It was all so terrible - and I was walking with a bucket and a rag - that, forgetting about everything, I began to put garbage in a bucket, into containers. I couldn't get past you, you know? Kornienko said: “He made a career for you - for what, you yourself know, but not for me - well, at least once a month go to the grave.”

In general, the theater should do this - some person needs to be hired, and he will look after the graves. It is very inexpensive, but no, they don’t consider it necessary, and the theater could also take care of Andryushin’s grave. Never what you! You should have seen what flowers they brought to him on the day of the 25th anniversary of his flight into another life. Ouch (laughs) don't be so sad!

- Well, I'll tell you, it's not fun ...

- But other good flowers bring, and "friends" from the theater will be responsible for this: they will pay for their actions, and I - for mine. Before, I didn’t realize that I was doing a bad deed, but the further, the more clearly I understand that I did this badly, this, that is, the process is going on, something is happening in my soul.


- You starred in 25 films, played a lot on stage, and today what are you doing?

- Now, before your arrival, I was invited to one project, and for probably 10 days I thought about it, but yesterday I refused - not mine! Well, actually, I write. I have a very beautiful house that I adore, an apartment and a dacha, all in flowers. I did everything there myself and I pray every day: “Oh, my roses! Lord, help me, just so that they don’t freeze. ”

Are you happy married?

- Yes. Rare case...

- Is your husband sympathetic to the fact that Andrei Mironov is still in your heart, is he not jealous of him, already dead?

- No - he also had some events before me, there were meetings. It is impossible to uproot, burn it out with a red-hot iron - let everyone have their own past.

- Do you have any of Andrey's things?

- Well, yes, I have his baby lock - Maria Vladimirovna gave. Somehow it comes out of the box. “Here,” he says, “Andryushin: he was so white.” I begged: "Mary Vladimirovna, give me a gift." There are his letters, a sweater, and also a constant feeling of caring for me. (wipes away a tear). Oh, then I laugh, then I cry - that's crazy!

- You have repeatedly admitted that your life is shrouded in mysticism - how is this expressed?

- Today Katya Gradova dreamed about me with some two little girls - I still don’t understand what it is, what it is for. I told her, "One looks like you, and the other looks like someone else." Mysticism is premonitions: for example, I know that I never need to break down on doors. It happens that you do something, but nothing works out, which means that I tell myself, I don’t need to go there. It will come from the other side - you need to study yourself and, so to speak, your place in this world: why am I here, what affects me and what does not, how to act.

With Andryusha, I went a long way after his death. For probably two or three years I saw him every day in a dream, and then he came to me in a shirt - pretty, clean, in a leather jacket: completely different from what he used to be. I just had the feeling that he was pulled out from somewhere, and he asked: “Did you bring me a book?” Can you imagine? Like this! - and then I think: maybe this is a book for the Last Judgment? Everyone is sitting there with the Book of Life.

- Andrei Mironov, I know, said: “God will punish me for Tanechka” - what did he mean?

You see, he was such a person. For the first time I heard from him: “Today my mother and I were taking out the shroud.” Lord, I thought, what is this? Well, neither the Bible, nor the Gospel - they knew nothing, dark people - how can you live like that? Just plant everyone, plant and plant ... Against the wall, right?

- It's sacred!

- And Maria Vladimirovna was born in 1910, and her parents were very religious, strong, wealthy. She got used to it, she grew up in such an atmosphere, and then the Civil War, the New Economic Policy, repressions, war, and so on passed. She was surrounded by different people: believers, non-believers, although what did they, brought up in atheism, know about faith? No one understood anything, and then the removal of the shroud, Good Friday ...

At Easter, they always had Easter cakes at home, they had colored eggs - even though everything here burns with a blue flame! In the year of her death, Maria Vladimirovna asked me: “Well, shall we go to church for Easter?” I ran during the day - I looked for which one was closer, because I had to choose according to the distance, and so we went. She just hung on me - I didn’t know how to keep her, and if it weren’t for my willpower ... Maria Vladimirovna met the last Easter, but I don’t know where everyone else was at that time (this is my malice).

- So many years have passed since the death of Andrei Mironov ...

Turned 28 in August.

- What do you think of him today, from the height of the past years, from such a temporary distance? What has love for him become in your life?

- You know, this was mysticism - as if some forces specifically pushed me into this theater so that Andryusha and I could meet and live some kind of enchanting, surprisingly tender life with him. For another, this might be a passing episode, but for us ... Even one word was happiness, attention, a phone call, a Charcot shower ...

— ... punch in the nose ...

And a blow to the nose too. There were a lot of things: cutlets for 17 kopecks, reading Doctor Zhivago ... I taught him to love poetry: he didn’t know them very well, but I, a poetic creature, did. I also had my own verses. Andrei said: “Tanya, read it to me,” and then he began to read. And Pushkin: “My angel, I am not worthy of love! But pretend!..”, and Pasternak dedicated all this to me.

We gathered in the house of Tanya and Igor Kvasha - there were a lot of people there, everyone was telling something, expressing themselves. Youth, interesting, but I read poetry: I was so delighted with life - as in the paintings of Chagall, I flew.

“And even now you are delighted with life - it’s not for nothing that your beautiful eyes are wide open and shining ...

- Oh, well, listen. Somehow Andryusha felt embarrassed that I was reading poetry, but he was not. By nature, he was competitive, and suddenly he sits down at the piano: "I composed a song for you, Tyunechka." He plays and sings: "... we will take our bitch and each other by the hand and go ...", and I sit and cry with happiness. I kept saying that my tears were close, and Maria Vladimirovna immediately picked up: "But I'm far away." Later I told her about this song and all lamented: “How did you not write it down?”. I usually write everything down, but here I didn’t bother - why, Lord? I know that you can’t rely on memory, you have to keep everything on a pencil, and suddenly Maria Vladimirovna says: “Tanya, Vertinsky has come out, a very good book. Run to the Kropotkinskaya metro station - buy it for me and for yourself. I come running - here next to me, she sits down to read, so do I, and suddenly I turn around ... Do you already understand?

- Yes!

- In general, my tears, like a clown, splash. She asks: “Are you crazy?”, And I: “Maria Vladimirovna, how he deceived me! He said that he wrote this song to me, and she wrote Vertinsky. Andryusha rummaged through his father's notes and stole it: he sang to me ... and never confessed.

- I will ask you the last question: do you still love Andrei Alexandrovich?

- Well, how about - where will it all go, how can you forget it? But I live happily - not like in the first years without him. Before you go to the cemetery - you are 46 years old, and back - 82 or 92 years old, your legs do not carry, but now you are already used to it. There, people gather there, some poets read poetry ... Anyway, my eyes are always wet: both Maria Vladimirovna is dear there, and Andryusha. Well, what will you do? - You need to clean up the grave. Maria Vladimirovna did it excellently - and she went to Menaker, and to Andrey, there is not the case that they buried and forgot - she had everything under control.

Thank God I'm all right. To do this, you have to live, because it's scary to think! no one will come...

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