Sharp weight loss: causes in women. When is weight loss a concern?


Remember the famous expression: "If a woman eats and does not gain weight, she is a witch"? This expression has its own history, but now about something else: why does a person lose weight without dieting? Each of us knows people who do not think about extra calories, and at the same time never gain weight. Perhaps these are the features of the body, an excellent metabolism. But there may be other reasons as well. For example, serious illnesses.

Thinness or fullness?

Man has always obtained food in order to survive. It was for this that the basics of agriculture and cattle breeding were mastered. People grew vegetables, cereals, fished and hunted animals. All this was provided by nature. The purpose of food was life.

Today, food is often the goal of life. We are so accustomed to tasty and not always healthy food that we have lost the sense of proportion. Now the majority of the world's population suffers from obesity.

The causes of obesity are known to all:

  • the use of treats by mothers as an encouragement to children;
  • large portions;
  • high calorie food;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • wrong balance between consumed and wasted energy;
  • period of pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • and very many other reasons.

And, despite people's awareness of the causes of obesity, this problem in the world is becoming more acute.

Why is the weight reduced?

  • a person spends more energy than he receives while eating;
  • goes in for sports intensively;
  • is constantly in nervous tension;
  • experiencing frequent stressful situations;
  • engaged in heavy physical labor;
  • suffering from serious illnesses.

With most of the causes, a person can easily cope on his own. To do this, it is enough to get rid of stresses, worries, balance loads, etc. But the last reason requires the intervention of doctors. Consider some of the reasons for losing weight due to illness.

The culprits of weight loss without diets

Most of the diseases that provoke rapid weight loss can be combined into several groups:

1. Diseases from which kilograms go due to lack of appetite. At the same time, the intake of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals into the body is sharply reduced. This group includes diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcerative colitis, stomach cancer, gastritis), as well as mental illness (anorexia).

3. Diseases that require additional energy for life: spastic paralysis, thyrotoxicosis and others.

If you begin to notice a rapid loss of kilograms for no apparent reason, be sure to undergo a medical examination. Early diagnosis of the disease is always in favor of a successful cure. But it often happens otherwise: a person tries not to notice a sharp weight loss, reassures himself that there are no other symptoms of the disease. This results in the loss of precious time.

Often the disease is discovered by chance. For example, a woman asks a question: why can't I get pregnant, not paying attention to rapid weight loss. And that might be the reason!

Consider some diseases that can cause significant weight loss.

Diseases that provoke weight loss:

1. Diabetes mellitus of the first type. This is a very common reason for weight loss. Please note: most patients with type 2 diabetes are overweight, obese people. The first type of this disease leads to dramatic weight loss. Moreover, patients experience increased appetite, constantly feeling hungry. This is due to the inability of glucose to flow from the blood into the cells of the body.

2. Tuberculosis of the lungs at an early stage can also cause drastic weight loss. A person suffers from a decrease in appetite, fatigue, begins to cough, sweats heavily, etc.

3. Thyrotoxicosis. This is a disease in which metabolism is disturbed, too many hormones are produced, and metabolism is accelerated. Energy is used up very quickly. There is a sleep disorder, nervous overexcitation appears. These and other problems lead to increased appetite. But even with a large consumption of food, a person continues to lose weight.

4. Oncological diseases in most cases cause weight loss. Malignant formations draw glucose from the blood, leaving it for the development of the body. In the later stages of the disease, severe exhaustion of the body is often observed.

5. Dysbacteriosis very often causes loss of appetite. In some cases, eating is accompanied by pain in the abdomen. This causes fear of pain from eating, which leads to refusal of it and weight loss.

7. Chronic psychogenic stress mobilizes all the forces of the body to solve a complex problem. A lot of energy is spent, from which the body weight decreases. Too much stress can lead to serious illnesses.

8. Alcohol abuse also leads to gradual weight loss. Alcohol affects the gastrointestinal tract, provokes loss of appetite.

We have only looked at some of the reasons. But already from them we can conclude that this sudden loss of weight can be a symptom of a very dangerous disease.

Your "nutrition" is a nightmare. If you continue at this pace, you will earn at least gynecological problems, because the body in a stressful situation of hunger first of all begins to “turn off” the reproductive function. I will tell you that I know many people who do not engage in any physical activity other than walking, while eating meat with porridge and cookies at night. Do you think they are fat? No, they don't have an overweight problem at all, let alone an hourglass. Do you know why? Because they've never been on a diet. Of course, in the fitness center you will continue to be advised to "eat less" and "pump your hips, work on the relief, dry ..." They "love sports" because you are their client and pay money.

What should you do:

  • Stop drinking water on an empty stomach. To normalize metabolism, you need at least 2 liters of fluid per day (it doesn’t matter if it’s tea, compote, jelly or water). Ideally, of course, drink green tea or Ivan tea, and the latter is much more "ideal". Remember: water does not interfere with digestion, does not mix with anything in the stomach, does not make food "swell" and does not do any other "devilry". Therefore, you should drink: "When you want, and as much as you want" - but not less than 2 liters of liquid per day.
  • Return to the diet "fatty" milk. As well as sour cream, kefir, butter 82.5% and others like them. Why? Because the body needs fats, proteins, and carbohydrates to function properly. By "defatting" food, you drive the body into stress, it begins to store fat for use, plus get rid of unnecessary functions (for example, premature menopause may soon occur) in order to save energy for life. You wouldn't want that, would you? You removed fats from your diet, and even added strength training to finally convince the body that hungry and harsh times have come. Therefore, return normal nutrition and somewhere in a year (I did not make a reservation) the body will recover: it will understand that the threat of hunger does not shine for it. And then you can add physical activity: running or walking. By the way, walking burns fat better than strength methods: dumbbells and all sprint distances with plyometric jumps combined.
  • Get ready to gain weight. During the year of recovery, when you return good nutrition, you will inevitably gain weight. This is the natural result of all diets. And you do not be offended, but this is the principle of the "camel": eat at 15.00 and that's it, and so on until the next morning. You know, I ate like that once in my life: the day before a complex operation. And then it left a painful memory of the lack of food. But you eat like this all the time. This is not possible, you are not a "desert caravan", remember this. Therefore, mentally prepare: there will be weight gain - the body is stored for future use, taught by the bitter experience of diets. Keep eating well. When the weight "stops" in the set, then connect walking without changing the diet. And then you start to lose weight, lose weight evenly. And you won't look like an hourglass.
  • When you start walking, add algae foot wraps or massage with a roller massager. It is possible to do both. And you will succeed. Remember that you don't just need to correct something now. It is necessary to radically change the diet, and the type of physical activity, and survive the "fat". But, having gone through this difficult path, you can have a normal weight and live without looking back at kilograms and without fear of overeating.

Today, many women are trying to lose weight in order to meet the modern ideal of beauty. However, it happens that a person, unwittingly, sharply loses weight. This is what I want to talk about.

How to determine

How can you determine whether a person has a strong weight loss, or still remains within the normal range? So, for this it is enough to take into account two factors:

  1. Numerical. That is, every day you need to monitor how much a person loses. These indicators will be completely different, because they depend on the initial weight (if a person has overweight, the loss of extra pounds will occur more rapidly).
  2. Visual. You can also determine a sharp weight loss "by eye". Well, or on their own clothes.

Reason 1. Poor nutrition

What can cause sudden weight loss? The reasons for women are very different, but the most common is the wrong regimen or simply poor nutrition. This item can be safely attributed to various diets that ladies love to adhere to in the fight against excess weight. The main thing when choosing a diet is that such actions must be coordinated with a nutritionist. Otherwise, a woman can bring her body to a painful state.

Reason 2. Increasing needs

What are other reasons for losing weight? It is worth saying that in some time periods a person can increase the needs of the body. So, this can happen after long-term illnesses, if a person changes his way of life (begins to play sports), etc. In this case, the body begins to “suck out” more and more useful vitamins and minerals in order to only maintain tone. Hence, a sharp weight loss is possible.

Reason 3. Absorption disorder

Another reason why it can happen Causes in women can relate to impaired absorption of nutrients, as well as hypermetabolism. In this case, all the useful vitamins and minerals that enter the body with food are not absorbed, but simply come out naturally. As a result, the body is still trying to take these microelements from somewhere, spending its own fat reserves (everyone, even the most slender person, has and should have a fat layer).

Reason 4. Diseases

Why sometimes there is a sharp weight loss? Causes in women are also quite often correlated with the state of health of the lady. That is, everything happens as a result of certain diseases.

  1. Diabetes. It is a myth that only obesity can cause this disease. You can also lose weight drastically. It all depends on the state of the human body. The thing is that in this case there is a failure in the metabolic process, which can lead to various consequences. Other symptoms that accompany this disease are thirst, frequent urination and constant fatigue.
  2. Disorders of the adrenal glands. It is worth saying that a disease such as adrenal insufficiency is almost always associated with problems such as anorexia (painful weight loss), irritability and nervousness, stool disorders. Other symptoms: focal pigmentation on the skin, as well as periodic bouts of nausea (regardless of food intake).
  3. Why else can there be a sharp weight loss? Causes in women can also quite often be attributed to anorexia nervosa. This problem mainly affects women between the ages of 15 and 30. In this case, there is a loss of more than 50% of the main weight. Along with this, there is also muscle atrophy, frequent constipation, hair loss, brittle nails, etc.
  4. cryptosporidiosis. This type of disease causes muscle pain, sudden weight loss, as well as abdominal cramps, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.
  5. Pulmonary tuberculosis. This is a very serious infectious disease. Accompanying symptoms: weight loss (up to anorexia), chest pain, hemoptysis, sweating, subfertile temperature.
  6. Problems in the digestive tract. In this case, the following diseases are possible that lead to sudden weight loss: Whipple's syndrome (damage to the intestinal epithelium, which leads to impaired absorption of nutrients), ulcerative colitis (leads to a decrease in appetite), gastroenteritis, etc.
  7. It is also possible a sharp weight loss with oncology. Rapidly progressive weight loss is caused, for example, by leukemia (blood cancer).

Reason 5. Taking medications

Having considered the various symptoms of diseases associated with weight loss, I would also like to say that even taking certain medications can lead to the same result. What are these medicines?

  1. Preparations for getting rid of problems with the thyroid gland.
  2. Laxatives.
  3. activity.
  4. Various chemotherapy treatments (used for cancer).

Reason 6. Physiology

If a woman has a strong weight loss, the disease will not always be the cause of this condition. Often this is just the work of the body, that is, various kinds of physiological processes. In this case, weight loss is possible:

  1. When the natural aging of the body occurs (in this case, muscle mass decreases).
  2. Loss of teeth (it is simply difficult for a person to chew food).
  3. Various kinds of psychiatric disorders (a person can simply forget to eat).
  4. Alcoholism.

Good or bad?

All doctors say: sudden weight loss is very dangerous for the body. It can lead to a variety of consequences, including huge health problems.

  1. Sudden weight loss is a huge stress for the body.
  2. This condition can lead to a disruption in the work of various, including vital organs.
  3. When a person loses weight dramatically, this can lead to lethargy, a decrease in the body's performance.
  4. With a sharp weight loss, beriberi can develop, which will also negatively affect the appearance of a person (hair loss, brittle nails, skin problems).
  5. aesthetic effect. If a person suddenly loses weight, “extra” skin can form (with gradual weight loss, it might not be there).
  6. Hormonal problems. If a girl suddenly loses weight, this can lead to such a problem as hormonal failure. In this case, the appearance of the lady will suffer greatly. Again, there will be problems with the skin, nails and hair.
  7. The occurrence of multiple health problems. The worst disease that can lead to sudden weight loss is anorexia. Only a few girls manage to cope with this disease.

When should you be concerned?

Having considered all the symptoms of diseases associated with weight loss, as well as the possible consequences, it is also worth mentioning when a lady needs to be alert. So, there are no exact numbers, they will be strictly individual for each person. However, speaking in general, the loss of 15-20% of her body weight should definitely make a woman go to the doctor for advice.

Do you exercise every day without getting out of the gym, eat only low-calorie foods, try not to eat after six, but your legs do not want to lose weight? In fact, in most cases, the problem lies not in the features of the body. Everything is much simpler - you have chosen the wrong direction and only deplete your body. In the end, you can earn neurosis, gastritis and other diseases, but never find the desired forms.

Because of what, with diets, legs practically do not lose weight?

In the first three days, carbohydrates are burned in the body of a losing weight, then water begins to leave. And only after a few weeks it comes to body fat. But the trouble is, if the obese representative of the fair sex abruptly stops eating and does not start to play sports intensively, the stretched skin will hang strongly and striae (light stretch marks) will appear.

However, if you exclude harmful foods from your diet and cook healthy foods that do not contain fats and cholesterol, as well as go to the gym, then after two or three months the hated kilograms will begin to disappear. As a result, the volume of your legs will decrease several times.

Products for weight loss or eat tasty and healthy food

  • Yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk

How to quickly satisfy your hunger at work without eating buns, pizza, sweets and other starchy, sweet and unhealthy foods. That's right, you should always choose low-calorie dishes, in which useful substances and trace elements are still preserved. For example, it can be regular yogurt with pieces of fruit or a glass of fat-free cottage cheese. The calcium contained in fermented milk drinks will help you lose excess weight in just a couple of months.

The only caveat is that the product should not be purchased, but cooked at home. To do this, you will need a sourdough starter, which is sold in pharmacies and some stores, and a yogurt maker. Such equipment is inexpensive and will be affordable for almost every inhabitant of our country. Thanks to this device, both you and your family members will consume yoghurts without dyes, preservatives, flavors and flavor enhancers.

  • Salmon or fish oil

It has long been known that when we go on a diet and begin to starve, inflammatory processes occur in the stomach, which, in the end, can lead to gastritis, ulcers and other serious diseases. Omega-3 fatty acids help to cope with this problem and promote fat burning in the body. Therefore, it is very important to either drink a vitamin course, or eat baked or boiled fish dishes at least once a week (preferably from the salmon family).

  • Green tea

When girls start drinking green tea instead of black tea, their metabolism improves, as a result of which they lose weight in their legs, hips, and waist. However, it should be drunk without sugar. The maximum that you can afford is a couple of tablespoons of natural honey (liquid or candied).

To lose weight, you should not give up food, you just need to eat less. You will be able to get enough much faster if you drink a glass of warm boiled water before lunch or dinner. By the way, during the day you need to drink at least two liters of fluid. The only thing, forget for the rest of your life about sweet and carbonated drinks, store-bought juices, as they contain a huge amount of additives and sugar.

Unfortunately, with its help we will not lose weight, but we will be able to recharge our batteries for the whole day. Drinking a cup of this drink in the morning will make you work, and not take ten-minute breaks to cheer up. As in the previous case, it should be drunk without sugar. You can add low-fat whipped cream or milk if you like.

In fact, in almost all celebrity diets, breakfasts begin with soft-boiled eggs. Of course, you should not use them every day, but it is recommended to eat them two or three times a week (instead of sandwiches and buns). True, you should take only chicken and quail, but in no case goose or duck. Firstly, they are softer and softer, and secondly, you will not get infected with salmonellosis.

  • Vegetables and fruits

Remember, in order to be healthy and not suffer from vitamin deficiency after a diet, you should eat fresh vegetables and fruits every day. They are also better for snacking at work and for dinner in the evening after six, when you want to look in the refrigerator and eat everything that is there. So, it can be an apple, grapefruit, avocado, blackberry, cabbage, cucumber, tomato, pumpkin, watermelon.

If you decide that it's time for you to lose a couple of extra pounds in the thighs and calves, then from now on oatmeal should become your favorite food. You can add pieces of fresh vegetables, dried apricots, raisins, honey to it. For a change, it is worth cooking buckwheat porridge, while oil and salt cannot be added to it.

  • liquid food

The fair sex does not lose weight in the legs, but gain weight when they stop eating soups and borscht. After all, it is not for nothing that we are all taught from childhood to the fact that for lunch there must be liquid. In extreme cases, you can take to work in a small vessel broth cooked on vegetables or chicken.

Why the legs do not lose weight or what plump girls should refuse

  • Flour and sweet

Pasta, buns, dumplings and dumplings are not the best friends of girls. In extreme cases, it is worth eating a couple of slices of black or wholemeal bread with soup (and then only with liquid dishes). Replace confectionery with dried fruits, honey, homemade jam.

  • soda

Such drinks retain fluid in the body, as a result of which the body begins to swell, there is excess weight and discomfort in the stomach. In addition, this water is almost impossible to get drunk, so after five to ten minutes your hand will again reach for soda.

  • Breakfasts for weight loss

If you are an avid fan of quick breakfasts, the next time you use a "low-calorie" mixture, read the ingredients on the package. In fact, one hundred grams of porridge contains a double or even triple serving of sugar, starch, fat and many other additives. As a result, the girls do not lose weight in the legs, but gain weight in the waist. Do not be lazy to cook regular healthy food in the morning, as it is not only healthy, but also safe.

  • sausages

Do you still naively believe that manufacturers add only natural and fresh meat to sausages? In fact, one stick of such a product contains practically no protein, but there are more than enough fats, spices, flavors, dyes and salt. Having eaten only one hundred grams of sausage for breakfast, you will receive an additional 300 kilocalories, which will immediately affect your legs.

  • Salt and spices

Of course, you are unlikely to be able to drastically exclude such a beloved salt from your diet, but you can reduce its amount to a minimum. Salt retains water in the body, which makes it difficult to lose a few extra pounds, and hot spices clog receptors, as a result of which you will not be able to understand whether your stomach is full or not.

Why exercise is not beneficial

Have you noticed that some girls who work out in the gym for a long time walk with huge pumped up muscles on their legs, which does not look very feminine. These representatives of the fair sex made one very serious mistake - they gave a load, and did not try to drive fat. There are a number of exercises developed by specialists that are aimed at combating excess volume in certain areas of the body. Legs in this case are no exception. Therefore, get a rug or soft bedding and go to yoga, shaping and similar activities for women.

  • Step aerobics

Step aerobics appeared in sports clubs relatively recently, but it immediately managed to fall in love with the inhabitants of our country. And this is not surprising, because collective classes are much more effective than single ones. Plus, doing exercises with people who have the same problems is an order of magnitude easier. In this case, the girls not only lose weight in their legs, but also lose many of the complexes that poison their lives. To achieve positive results, it is enough to go to training twice a week for three to four months.

If you decide to do step aerobics at home, then you will need a special platform. Usually you can buy it either in a sports store or by ordering it through the global Internet. At first, this device can be seen with a small stand. By the way, in order not to wonder why you are not losing weight in the future, it is still worth taking a couple of lessons from a professional. Incorrect exercise can lead to serious injuries to the tendons and knees.

First you need to understand that you will not succeed in pumping up muscles with the help of running. It is possible that in the first two or three weeks the volume of the calves will increase slightly, but after a while the legs will begin to decrease in size. And one more thing - you should decide which part of the body should lose weight in order to develop a training plan for yourself. And do not forget, in order to achieve the maximum effect in the shortest possible time, it is necessary to combine all this with more serious loads.

So, the hips and buttocks will become thinner if you jog (first step on the toe, then the weight is transferred to the heel). Sprinting technique, when the foot is pushed off the surface, is also useful for the calves. Please note that for sports, you should choose special comfortable shoes, otherwise you can damage your joints and ankles.

If you don’t have time for morning and evening runs outside, get a regular treadmill. Why is such a simulator better than street asphalt? Its distinctive feature is that you can independently control the speed of walking or running, time and number of steps. Thus, you will be able to play sports and watch TV at the same time.

The only thing to remember is the availability of a certificate and a warranty card. Do not buy sports equipment in questionable places, as if it breaks, you will have to repair it yourself. Plus, no one can guarantee your safety. And do not forget, you should also practice at home in special clothes so as not to fall during training.

We solve problems as they come

Why do slender women in an instant begin to get better? In fact, there are not so many reasons for obesity - this is not proper nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle and constant mental stress. But the fact remains - the girl has become full, it is difficult for her to pick up trousers, skirts and dresses, since the bottom is much larger than the top. And you should not complain about fate and wait for a miracle to happen, eating the fifth loaf in a day. To become the same as before and delight those around you with your beauty, you need to work hard and take care of yourself.

So, the first step is to find out why this happened, then try to eliminate the source of the problem. The second step is to go to the hospital, where you should pass all the tests. After making sure that you are completely healthy, you can begin to develop a weight loss plan. At first, it is better to keep a diary in which you need to record your daily activities. At the end of the month, summarize and indicate how much you managed to lose this time. In this way, you will be able to control yourself and your weight more strictly. A little patience - and you will become even better than you were before.

This means that a person has an excellent metabolism, a gift from nature. But do not abuse this gift, because neglecting a healthy diet can lead to serious, and even incurable diseases of the internal organs.

According to statistics, about 40% of people on our planet spend most of their lives striving for an ideal fit figure. Most of them have problems with being overweight, but there are those who cannot gain the body weight necessary for health. A person who has lost weight quickly for no apparent reason begins to worry seriously about his health. The reason for such drastic changes, and it is not always obvious. People who quickly lose kilograms of weight must definitely find the cause of such an ailment, the cause of this condition can be the cause of drastic changes in the body itself. Then you should choose the optimal diet to bring the situation back under control.

For what reasons does a person begin to have a sharp thinness?

The most common reason that causes unhealthy weight loss that causes anxiety is illness. A person goes in for sports every day, eats only healthy food, gets enough sleep and tries to avoid bad habits. And despite this, he still loses many kilograms of weight. What should he do in this situation? There is only one way out of such an unpleasant situation - to identify and begin to fight the cause of such a disorder.

Why does a person lose weight in old age?

Doctors have long proven that men lose weight much faster than the female half of the population. This may be due to the fact that the male body is designed for heavy loads during life. An accelerated metabolism produces more energy, so weight is significantly reduced. In the event that weight loss occurs suddenly, then weight loss may be associated with a serious illness that needs to be diagnosed as quickly as possible.

In old age, due to metabolic disorders, people not only lose a lot of weight. There is a danger that a person can suddenly gain weight.

If a person loses weight quickly during adolescence.

Increasingly, nutritionists are hearing the question from teenagers: “Why am I losing weight for no reason?”. You should not worry much about this if the child grows quickly, develops, eats properly, is active and has a healthy appearance.

A teenager who has lost a lot of weight is healthy, and the reason for the rapid loss of extra pounds is associated with the physiological characteristics of a developing organism. In this case, there may be a disproportionate weight loss, for example, they can lose weight and stretch their legs, and much later the face will be haggard. But people of different ages can lose weight a lot due to a number of diseases.

Diseases of a person, the signs of which are a sharp loss of body weight.

Medicine "knows" a lot of psychological disorders and diseases of the internal organs, which are the result of a sharp and rapid weight loss in patients. Many of them are very serious, so it is not possible to cure them on your own by turning to the old recipes of our ancestors for help. You need to see a doctor for help. Let's look at the most common and dangerous disorders.

Diseases in which a person abruptly loses kilograms are divided into classes:

.First grade- these are the ailments that provoke the refusal of food. As a result, the patient's body does not receive the necessary substances and vitamins. This type of disease includes pancreatitis, anorexia, ulcers, cancer of internal organs, etc.

. Third class- these are diseases that severely affect the patient's motor functions: oncology and paralysis;

. fourth grade diseases that cause dramatic weight loss associated with psychological disorders. Most often, such disorders are diagnosed in women, as they are more emotional, respectively, more prone to stress and mental exhaustion. It happens that girls ask themselves: “Why did I lose weight after I got very nervous?” The answer to this question is simple - energy is spent on solving human problems, moreover, during psychological stress, appetite disappears;

. By the fifth grade include people who have suffered severe injuries (fractures of limbs and others, after which a long recovery is ahead), as well as operations on internal organs. After surgery, as a rule, a few postoperative recovery days, the patient recovers. The body is fed only through a dropper. Naturally, in such a situation, it will be impossible not to lose weight.

Specific examples of diseases that cause sudden weight loss.

1. for what reason they lose weight in diabetes? It's all about the specifics of this disease. The patient loses weight only when diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. In this case, the disease interferes with the proper absorption of sugar. Even if a diabetic has a great appetite, he tries to follow a diet, he still feels hungry all the time.

Who is affected by this disease?

The most vulnerable to this disease are overweight people. The main cause of chronic disease is severe obesity. The latter leads to a decrease in the sensitivity of soft tissues to the substance - insulin.

Young sick people are affected by a slightly different type of diabetes, the cause of which is the destruction of cells in the pancreas. They are responsible for processing and saturating the body with insulin. The disease manifests itself as follows:
. significant weight loss;
. increase in appetite.

2. tuberculosis is the cause of weight loss. The infected person loses interest in food. This disease is characterized by constant fatigue, active sweating and a strong cough;

3. absolutely everything oncological diseases cause critical weight loss. The tumor sucks out almost all the glucose from the blood. In the final stages of the disease, a person is exhausted to a critical state;

4. dysbacteriosis in the intestine often causes a complete lack of appetite. As a result, the affected body loses weight very quickly. Such an infection appears due to disorders of the microflora in the intestine.

5. disease thyrotoxicosis causes ailments such as daily diarrhea or constipation. There is also an increase in blood pressure, the pulse noticeably quickens, dyskinesia begins. Such an ailment in a sick person causes a strong appetite, which is impossible to resist. Even if a person consumes a crazy amount of food, it will still be difficult for him to restore the weight that is typical for healthy people.

When a person who is losing weight sharply turns to the attending physician for advice, he undoubtedly does the right thing. Even if, in addition to this problem, there are no signs of illness, you can not trust folk remedies. First of all, you need to find out the cause of such an indisposition, because this can be the first call and the beginning of an intractable disease. Therefore, the sooner the specialist takes care of your health, the more likely it is to recover from the disease without harming yourself.

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