Rihanna no longer hides her unconventional orientation. Photos of Rihanna's tattoos and their meaning


Rihanna's name, what does it mean? Does the name Rihanna influence the fate of the bearer, or does it all depend on parental upbringing? The answers to these questions vary, sometimes even contradictory. And yet, almost every one of us at least once in his life met a person whose name does not suit him: "Well, she's Rihanna of pure water!"

Have you ever called people you barely know by the "wrong" name? And this is absolutely natural, since each of us subconsciously identifies the image of a person with the well-known and significant signs of a particular name.

And in order to understand who is who, we tried to collect the most complete information about the names - their origin, meaning, name days, talismans, platnets-patrons of the name and the signs of the zodiac inherent in them on the site you know.Ru.

About the name Rihanna: Meaning, origin

  • The meaning of the name Rihanna is soul from God
  • Origin of the name Rihanna: Arabic

The name Rihanna has several versions of origin. The most likely version is the origin of the name from the name Marianne. Unlike wealthy citizens, whose name was pronounced in full, in poor neighborhoods a shorter appeal to this girl took root, so the translation of the name is identical to the meaning of the name Marianna. Someone believes that the name Rihanna means "soul from God", according to another version, the translation of the name Rihanna is "pleasure", "pleasure", "bliss".

It may well be that Rihanna is just one of the options for pronunciation and spelling of the name Riana.

Rihanna is an attentive and cautious girl. She is guided more by direct and authoritarian principles, feels like a leader and strives to prove it to everyone. Rihanna has a strong will, she is able to achieve her goal for a very long time, with great efforts. Not afraid of work. The owner of this name is disciplined, brave and many trust her. On the other hand, Rihanna tends to be overly ambitious and not devoid of self-centeredness.

Rihanna is charming, looks sophisticated and elegant, she is very attentive to her appearance. He likes to smile, to show his gentleness, although this is not always the case in reality.

As a child, Rihanna does not cause trouble for her parents. Very obedient, disciplined, responsible. All relatives will not praise her. At school, she is among the best students, but she herself will not take the initiative if this activity or event is not included in her personal circle of interests.

Adult Rihanna represents order, precision, stability, and security. They hate what is not natural or healthy. The owner of this name appreciates harmony in home and family life, is very attached to traditions and moral values. Rihanna has well-developed organizational and managerial skills. It can be improved indefinitely.

Rihanna is modest in communication, will not start a conversation first. She will be very pleased if the interlocutor will communicate with her on a romantic wave - give flowers, make compliments. This will help Rihanna to relax, stop being a strong-willed woman and become just a real woman, very elegant and attractive in every way.

Rihanna does not like criticism, any remark hurts her, hits her self-esteem. She can become arrogant, assertive and very angry. But, in general, this girl knows how to manage her emotions and ambitions, therefore, most often, they live in peace and harmony.

Rihanna is a sophisticated woman in the field of aesthetics, comfort, home and real estate, so she also chooses the corresponding professions of a fashion designer, real estate agent, beauty consultant, actress, singer. Rihanna also chooses a job related to accuracy, order and sequence of actions (manager, accountant).

Numerology Of The Name Rihanna

  • Name number: 6
  • Heart number: 3
  • Number of personality: 3
  • Happiness number: 6
  • Rihanna lucky numbers: 6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60, 69, 78, 87, 96, 105, 114
  • Lucky days of the month: 6, 15, 24

The meaning of the letters of the name Rihanna

The letters of the name play an important role in shaping the character of a person. For example, the first letter of the name indicates the first task that its owner needs to solve in life and is associated with a certain element.

In contrast to the first letter, there is the last letter of the name. The last letter of the name shows our weakest point, reveals the place of our greatest vulnerability in life. This is our Achilles' heel, which must be covered and protected.

  • p - constant tension, emotionality, self-confidence, dogmatism
  • and - impressionability, realism, subtle spirituality, peacefulness
  • a - strength and power
  • n - energy and creative ambitions, interest in health, sharp mind
  • a - strength and power

Rihanna mascots

  • Lucky season: Summer
  • Lucky days of the week: Wednesday
  • Unlucky days of the week: Thursday and Friday
  • Lucky Color: Blue
  • Mascot Plant: Violet
  • Rihanna's mascot stones: Amethyst, Mercury, Flint, Jasper, Agate, Onyx, Carnelian, Sardonyx, Lapis Lazuli, Citrine, Pearl, Peridot
  • Spirit animal: Brown Bear
  • Tree nut

Rihanna Astrology

According to astrology, a correspondence was revealed between the planet - the ruler of the name and a certain quality of character.

For the name Rihanna, the ruler is the planet Mercury, which gives the name a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits that Mercury gives: Methodical, accurate, precise, pedantic, sense of proportion, mind turned inward, striving for the beginning

Disadvantages that Mercury gives the name: Excessive criticality, pettiness, vanity, poor memory, uncontrollable nervousness

  • Astrological Name Color: Pink
  • Cardinal direction: South
  • Astrological stone: Spinel, Selenite
  • Representing Animal: Spider, Rooster, Hedgehog, Cheetah, Lynx

In addition, each letter of your name also corresponds to a particular planet, which in turn have a direct impact on the fate of a person. Therefore, if the name has repeated letters, then the influence of the planet that corresponds to this letter is greatly enhanced. Such planets are called dominant and one should pay attention to its position (strong or weak, in which sign of the Zodiac it is located).

Dominant planet for Rihanna: Sun

And an important role belongs to the planet that controls the last letter of the name - the final one. The final planet in some cases affects the duration of life and the nature of death.

Last planet named: Sun

Planetary number and meaning of the name Rihanna

For the name Rihanna, the planetary number is - 9 and governs this name Neptune.

Nine is the most mysterious number that combines diametrically opposite characteristics. On the one hand, this is the number of struggle, like a three in a square, and on the other hand, this is the number of purification and transformation, as compensation for the battle won. Nine is the final number in the names Alexander, Vsevolod, Irina, Veronica, Vasilina, etc. The key planet of these names is Neptune, which sets the task of overcoming all doubts, illusions and winning the battle for one's own soul.

Zodiac and sacred number of the name Rihanna

For the name Rihanna Zodiac number - 6 Virgo.

Virgos involve in the mystery of selfless service and care for others, create a field of work, duty and rationalism.

Sacred number for the name Rihanna - 12 , which corresponds to the zodiac sign - Fish

Names - Pisces are associated with the mysteries of mercy, spirituality, the search for beauty and ideal love. They create a field of secrets, mysteries, love and harmony around a person.

The famous R&B and pop singer Rihanna, in addition to shocking antics, scandals and music, is also fond of decorating her body with tattoos. Rihanna's tattoos, photos of which she provides for wide publicity on social networks, are unpretentious, but deeply symbolic for the singer herself. She got her first tattoo on her 18th birthday. At the moment, there are 19 tattoos on her body, one of them overlapped the one made earlier, and one was successfully reduced ..


Rihanna's Pisces Zodiac Tattoo

Rihanna got her first tattoo, as mentioned above, at the age of 18. It was in China. As you know, in the East, all feelings about the subtle worlds and astrology are aggravated, perhaps for this reason the singer left China with the image of a fish symbol behind her right ear. Since then, Rihanna has not stopped.

Note, treble clef and falcon

Rihanna's treble clef and sheet music tattoo

The next tattoo was a small treble clef and a note above it. The mini-composition was located on the inside of the right leg in the foot area. This tattoo speaks for itself, no one was surprised that a person living in music adorned his body with a treble clef. A few years later, the pop singer covered this tattoo with another - the image of a falcon. The bird, made in monochrome, with the addition of a silver tint, is really very beautiful.

Rihanna's shhh... tattoo

Star on the ear

On the cartilage of Rihanna's right ear, there is a small star. By this time, the singer's stellar life was overgrown with new scandals, intrigues and a couple of new albums.


On the body of the star of the pop scene there are several inscriptions made at different periods of life.

  1. Sanskrit inscription. After the symbolic drawings, the diva decided to move on to the inscriptions. Her first inscription tattoo was a saying taken by Rihanna from a wise source. The Old Indian language on the right side of the singer should have said something like “goodbye, be truthful, control yourself”, but Old Indian experts say that there is a gross error in the inscription.
  2. Arabic inscription. On the side, on the left side, Rihanna has a new tattoo - a phrase in Arabic with a religious orientation. An approximate translation of this phrase is freedom in God.
  3. Shhh... A strange word can be seen on the inside of the index finger of the singer's right hand. It looks like "Shhh...". It is like the hiss of a snake or a call for silence. Everything can be, but the singer's behavior did not become calmer.
  4. Girlfriend's date of birth. On the left shoulder of the beauty, you can see an even stripe of Roman numerals. This is nothing more than the date of birth of the best friend of the singer - Melissa Ford. As it turned out, Melissa also has a tattoo with her friend's date of birth. They got these tattoos together because of mutual sisterly love for each other.
  5. love. On the middle finger of the left hand there is a small neat inscription Love. In translation, this word, as everyone knows, means love.
  6. Mirror inscription. In the same year, 2009, a new inscription appeared on the body of the singer. It is located under the right clavicle, mirror. So that standing in front of a mirror, the inscription can be read. The translation of this inscription says that any mistake is never a mistake, but always a lesson.
  7. Rebellious flower. The next tattoo was another inscription, only in French. Its location is on the neck on the left. The inscription "rebelle fleur" is French for "rebellious flower". Why, but the spirit of rebellion from Rihanna does not hold, and femininity too. So the meaning of this phrase is quite understandable.
  8. Tupac. In memory of Tupac Shakur, who died in the nineties, Rihanna got a new tattoo. The inscription "Thug Life", which means "life of a thug" was made on the outside of the fingers in white. It is known that later the singer removed this tattoo.
  9. Tibetan inscription and cross. Both tattoos were made within the same year. A small inscription in Tibetan on the left thigh, meaning the word "beloved" and a cross on the left collarbone.

Stars on the neck

Rihanna's star tattoo

In connection with a deep love relationship, Rihanna and her partner decided to get a couple tattoo on their necks - compositions of stars. Later, the singer improved her tattoo with a large number of stars on her back. Unfortunately, this did not save the relationship.

Eagle tattoo on Rihanna's leg

Skull with a bow

There is a little surprise on the ankle of the pop star's left leg for those who are not very attentive. It's a small one with a pink bow.

Maori pattern

The symbol of the power of love - the Maori pattern on Rihanna's right hand, made in New Zealand, surprised and delighted the singer's fans. The pattern is quite a voluminous tattoo compared to other tattoos on her body.

Rihanna neck tattoo


In 2009, fans could admire another new image - a small pistol on the side, under the right hand. A pistol is a relatively new invention, it symbolizes insolence, emancipation and the spirit of hooliganism. All these qualities Rihanna does not hold.

Goddess Isis

The image of the fertility goddess Isis, who was revered in ancient Greece, found its place under the chest of the R&B star. As the singer herself said, the tattoo was made in memory of her grandmother, who died of cancer.

It is not known whether the pop diva will continue to decorate herself with tattoos or not, but it is safe to say that each of them is full of symbolism. Rihanna's tattoos, whose meaning is associated with the translation of phrases, are closely intertwined with what is happening in her life. Not all fans like Rihanna's tattoos, the sketch of each of them could be more interesting, you can often hear from the lips of the common people.

Pop diva of Barbadian origin - Rihanna - burst onto the US pop scene in 2005 and almost immediately ascended to the pinnacle of success. Such a rapid rise in the musical career of a 17-year-old teenager was the reason for the close attention of the press not only to her work, but also to her appearance. In particular, any changes in the image and numerous tattoos of Rihanna are covered and discussed on the pages of magazines and on the websites of online publications. What do the drawings on the body of this pop diva mean and what caused her addiction to this way of decorating her appearance?

When did Rihanna get her first tattoo?

The first tattoo depicting the astrological zodiac "Pisces", the singer made at the age of 18 during a trip to China. It is small in size and is located behind her right ear. The appearance of Rihanna did not go unnoticed by the fans of the singer, and the rising star of the pop Olympus herself seriously thought about visiting the tattoo parlor again.

Memories of a trip to Australia

Rihanna's second tattoo, the photo of which has been repeatedly reproduced on the pages of glossy magazines, depicts a treble clef and a note. The singer made it on her right foot, which drew everyone's attention to her slender legs.

Asterisk for star decoration

A little more time passed, and Rihanna in one of the New York salons made a star tattoo on the top of her left ear. Moreover, there were journalists who wrote that she decided to hint that it was time for her to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Sanskrit tattoo

The singer's passion for oriental practices led to the fact that soon an inscription in Sanskrit appeared on her side. It was made again in New York, by one of the most famous masters in this area - Bang Bang. However, there was an embarrassment with the content of the new tattoo. The fact is that experts involved in the study of ancient languages ​​​​claim that Rihanna’s new tattoo does not mean the words “forgiveness, honesty, suppression, control” at all, as the girl ordered.

star Rain

Rihanna's sensational romance with Chris Brown caused both lovers to have the same designs on their necks, again in the form of stars. A little later, after the scandalous separation of the couple, this tattoo “found its continuation” in the form of the singer descending on the back.

Arabic script

Failure with did not make Rihanna abandon her intention to make another tattoo in the form of a phrase, now in Arabic, which in translation sounds like freedom in God.

A call to silence and a symbol of friendship

Rihanna's new tattoo on her hand was not immediately noticed by others, as it is located on the side surface of the index finger of her right hand. This is again an inscription, meaning a call to silence, apparently, the girl shared a secret with someone that no one should know about. In addition, almost immediately, the star visited the salon with her longtime girlfriend Melissa Ford, and both girls got a tattoo on their left shoulder with each other's dates of birth.

Pink bow on the head of the skull!

Rihanna is the same naughty girl at heart from the small town of St. Michael in Barbados. That is why those who have known her well for a long time were not surprised by the appearance on the singer’s leg of the sinister pirate symbol “Jolly Roger”, but with a cute pink bow. Most likely, this Rihanna tattoo symbolizes that there is always a place for humor in life.

Love and more love

An affair with Chris Brown meant a lot to Rihanna, so those around her took for granted the inscription “Love”, which she made on the middle finger of her left hand.

Maori pattern

As you know, Guyanese and Barbadian blood flows in Rihanna's veins, and ethnic tribal symbols are close to the girl, so in memory of her tour of New Zealand, she made a tattoo in this country in the form of a cinchona pattern of the Maori tribe. This intricate drawing has become the decoration of the singer's brush and stands for strength and love.

I can protect myself

During the scandal in connection with the case of "domestic violence" against Rihanna's boyfriend, it became known that during their cohabitation, the singer even bought a gun just in case. So, with Chris, the girl made a tattoo in the form of a miniature colt on her side in the chest area, hinting that she was ready to protect herself in the future.

Always a lesson

Apparently, rapper Chris offended the girl too much. How else to explain that a couple of months after the previous tattoo, she made the inscription “Never a mistake, but always a lesson” on her collarbone.

"Rebelle flower"

Already having a fairly large number of “talking images on the body”, the singer decided to get another one in New York. This is how Rihanna's tattoo appeared, the meaning of which she herself did not comment on, leaving this occupation to journalists. It is an inscription, this time in French, which translates as “rebellious flower”.

The tattoo that disappeared

For a short time, the passion for the work of rapper Tupac caused the name of his group and the most famous collection "Thug Life" to appear on the phalanges of the star's fingers. True, this tattoo of Rihanna on her arm, or rather on the hands of both hands, made in white ink, disappeared very soon.


Rihanna's first new tattoo for 2012 has now appeared on the singer's thigh. It's in Tibetan, which translates as "beloved."

replaced by a falcon

Another tattoo of Rihanna, the photo of which became a real hit, was done on the leg. It resembles images of a falcon in ancient Egyptian frescoes and is made over a treble clef. According to the singer, the falcon is a light in the darkness.


No one knows what caused the appearance on Rihanna's collarbone of a small cross, the author of which was Bang Bang.

Wings of Isis

Not a single tattoo of Rihanna, whose photos are often used in salons around the world to attract clients, has aroused such interest as the “wings of Isis”. The singer applied this rather large drawing to herself under both breasts, and it depicts the main ancient Egyptian goddess. In an interview, Rihanna commented on his appearance, saying that she made it in memory of her grandmother, who died of breast cancer.

According to psychologists, tattoo addiction is not such a rare occurrence among stars today. Obviously, Rihanna suffers from it too, so there will most likely be reports of her new tattoos very soon.

Rihanna was born to Monica Braithwaite and Ronald Fenty. Her mother was an accountant, and her father was a warehouse inspector in a clothing factory. Rihanna has two younger brothers, Rorry and Rajad. When the future singer was 14 years old, her parents divorced.

Rihanna began to take an interest in music early: at the age of seven she began to sing. While studying at the Combermere School, she formed a musical trio with her classmates. The singer never finished school, deciding to focus on her musical career.

In 2003, in Barbados, she met producer Evan Rogers, who was impressed by the singer's talent and invited her to make several demo recordings. In 2005, Rodgers sent demos to various record labels. The first label the singer met was Def Jam Recordings, one of whose stars was Jay-Z. It was he who believed in Rihanna and on the day of the audition he immediately signed a contract with her. In the same year, Rihanna moved to the United States.

In August 2005, Rihanna's debut album "Music of the Sun" was released, which sold 2 million copies worldwide. In April 2006, the singer's second studio album "A Girl like Me" was released, which took fifth place on the Billboard 200 chart. After the release of the album, Rihanna went on a concert tour with the Pussycat Dolls. In addition, in 2006, she appeared in a cameo role in Bring It On 3: All or Nothing.

In 2007, the third studio album of the singer “Good Girl Gone Bad” was released, which was radically different from what the singer has done so far. In addition, this year Rihanna radically changed her image, dyeing her hair black and making a short haircut. In the future, she often experimented with images. The album "Good Girl Gone Bad" went double platinum and is the best-selling album of the singer's career.

In November 2009, the singer's fourth studio album, Rated R, was released. The album went platinum. In subsequent years, Rihanna recorded four more albums: Loud (2010); Talk That Talk (2011); Unapologetic (2012); Anti (2016).

In 2012, Rihanna tried herself as an actress, starring in the film Battleship. In subsequent years, she starred in such films as "Home", "Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets", "Ocean's Eight" and others.

In addition, since 2015, Rihanna has been collaborating with the sports brand Puma and has repeatedly presented her collections at fashion weeks. In August 2017, the artist released a line of socks depicting her best outfits, and in September she presented her own cosmetic line.

Hobbies : Dance, charity, fashion
Personal life: In 2008, Rihanna began dating musician Chris Brown, but in 2009 they broke up with a scandal. In the evening, when Rihanna was supposed to go to the 51st Grammy Music Awards 2009, the young people had a fight and the musician beat the singer. In March 2009, Brown was charged with assault. Initially, the musician denied his guilt, but soon repented and publicly apologized to Rihanna more than once. As punishment, Chris received community service and a suspended sentence. The lovers got back together in 2012, but in the spring of 2013, Rihanna and Chris finally broke up.

The singer also dated Los Angeles Dodger player Matt Kemp, basketball player JR Smith and rapper Drake. Also, the tabloids attributed to her novels with Leonardo DiCaprio.

Currently, according to media reports, Rihanna is dating Saudi billionaire Hassan Jameel.

Scandals\interesting facts\charity

Since 2008, February 22 has been declared "Rihanna Day" in Barbados.

The singer insured her legs for $1 million.

Rihanna has over 15 tattoos, one of which is dedicated to her grandmother, who died of cancer in 2012.

Rihanna founded The Clara Lionel Foundation, a charity to help people with cancer.

Before going on stage, the singer drinks a glass of alcohol. She says it helps her relax.

As a child, Rihanna suffered from unexplained headaches for several years. Doctors suspected she had a brain tumor, but the diagnosis was not confirmed.

Quotes :

When you realize that we are all different and we are all connected to God, it becomes damn hard for people to upset you.

I’m afraid of relationships because I don’t want to take the blame: on the one hand, it’s important for me that I can rely on a person, trust him completely, and on the other hand, I myself can’t give him even ten percent of the attention that he deserves . This is the reality of my work schedule

In songs I tell my story, I want to be heard. But still there are people who pay attention only to some garbage

The story of the bright and exotic Rihanna began in the Caribbean. Her unique voice and her own style, in which R'n'B, pop and reggae harmoniously merged, are unmistakably recognizable by everyone today. And the total number of songs that were in the lead in the official charts of America could even move the pop diva Madonna. Today Rihanna is not only a famous singer, but also an actress and designer.


Rihanna, better known in her youth as Robin (Robyn Rihanna Fenty), was born where many dream to be - in the hot Barbados with the azure coast and measured reggae rhythms. She had a passion for creativity and the stage from an early age, as evidenced by participation in performances, beauty contests and music concerts. Later, the teenager, inspired by music, organized his own group, where two like-minded friends were invited. The first success in the form of a prize came to her at the song contest for Mariah Carey's composition "Hero".

At the age of 16, Rihanna smiled real luck. Mutual friends arranged for her to audition with producer Evan Rogers, who was vacationing on the coast. Evan's production career has been quite successful, as he has already worked with pop stars such as Christina Aguilera.

Robin's talent and voice impressed the producer, and he did not hesitate to invite her to try her luck in the USA. The parents of the future singer, who at that time lived separately, did not interfere with her ambitions, therefore, without graduating from school, Robin left Barbados.

The beginning of a musical career

As Rihanna herself will later say, in those years, her ambitions went off scale. With Evan's help, Rihanna's audition mini-recordings were sent to various record companies, one of which was owned by well-known up-and-coming rapper Jay Z. On the day they met, he saw a powerful potential in her and was not mistaken. Starting to work under his auspices, Rihanna remained his ward for many years.

Robin's career began in the same 2005 with the song "Pon de Replay", which introduced the still unknown singer to the whole world, full of native Caribbean flavor and Afro-Hawaiian roots. The incendiary single hit the top positions of the charts, the main of which was the American Billboard Hot 100. In the same year, Rihanna's first record "Music of the Sun" was born, successfully sold out in half a million copies. Robin was in no hurry with concerts, but to advertise her person she often performed as an opening act for the stars, and at the same time wrote music for future hits.

Rihanna - Pont de Replay

The next album was not long in coming. "A Girl Like Me", (2006) hit the top 5 in US and UK sales. The composition “SOS” that got into it sounded on all radio stations, where it occupied the first places in terms of the number of plays on the air. It was later used in ads for Nike sportswear.

career peak

In parallel with music in 2006, the singer began to participate in the filming of films. Rihanna's debut film was the comedy Bring It On, where she played a cameo. Designer Manolo Blahnik has repeatedly spoken publicly about the artistic talents of Rihanna, which, in his opinion, only a true movie star can have.

In 2007, the singer presented the album "Good Girl Gone Bad", which became her life-changing. He earned popularity not only in the states, but also in the CIS, Japan, Brazil. The main hit "Umbrella" sang the whole world, which brought the first well-deserved "Grammy" and the status of "breakthrough of the year". This was the first composition in which Rihanna revealed her vocal abilities to the maximum. The hit of the year was sung in a duet with Jay-Z, and written with Justin Timberlake, who later became the backing vocalist for Rehab. Together with the explosive album, the image of the star changed - to a bold, brutal one, corresponding to its name. Rihanna boldly experimented with short haircuts and revealing stage outfits.

Rihanna - Umbrella ft. Jay Z

After a difficult breakup between Rihanna and Chris Brown, the album "Rated R" was released in 2009 with the leader in all the charts "Russian Roulette". Fans immediately noticed the gloominess and aggressiveness of the album's songs, which were marked by the star's heartache. And a year later, the incendiary dance “Loud” was released, with the main hit “Only Girl”. In it, the world saw a completely new Ri - real, self-sufficient, bold, not imposing any images on herself.

In 2010, the singer earned another Grammy, and a year after the sixth album, Talk That Talk, she received the status of the best-selling performer in Britain.

In 2012, “Diamonds” from the new album “Unapologetic” sounded on the radio, which became the absolute leader of the world charts, and a year later it repeated “The monster” sung in a duet with Eminem. In the same year, she brought her artistry to the shooting of the fantasy film "Battleship" with Liam Neeson in one of the main roles.

Rihanna - Diamonds

With the release of the eighth album, Rihanna was in no hurry, so it was presented only in 2016 under the name "Anti". The opinion about him was ambiguous: some saw the quality of vocals and musical sound, the second - complete bad taste. However, the record was free, which was appreciated by millions of listeners.

Over the years of musical activity, successful duets have come out not only with Eminem, but also with Shakira, Kanye West, Paul McCartney. The number of prestigious awards for the singer in the music field has become quite impressive. In terms of the number of all the songs that were in the lead in America's main hit parade "Hot 100", Rihanna overtook Madonna herself. Similar successes were only with Michael Jackson.

Rihanna's personal life

Rihanna has never willingly shared details about her romances with the press, but it's hard to hide from the paparazzi. She was regularly credited with relationships with famous people, often with African-American rappers - Puff Daddy, Usher, Drake. Once the singer was credited with closeness with

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