Drawing with paints and sponge. Original drawing techniques and techniques


A monotype is an imprint with paints: applying spots of paint (with or without water) on a sheet of paper, another clean sheet is placed on top, pressed and smoothed. It turns out two sheets with an unusual spotted pattern. It can be used either as a background for a future drawing, or it can be refined, adding details, turning a shapeless spot into a full-fledged drawing.

If you take not two sheets, but one folded in half, the paint will print almost like a mirror. In this version of the technique, watercolor landscapes turn out very well: the clearer half is, say, a forest, and the more blurry one is a reflection of the forest in some kind of reservoir. It remains only to refine the details.

Watercolor and drawing ink

Since watercolor and ink are transparent, fluid paints that require an abundance of water, a monotype using them can be made in two ways. First, you can moisten a sheet of paper with water, and then apply paint with a wide brush or drops. Secondly, you can apply paint on a dry sheet, and then dilute it with drops of water. The results in both cases will differ markedly.

Don't use too much ink and not enough water - the prints will be too bright. If, on the contrary, it is necessary to get rid of excess liquid, blot the sheet with a crumpled paper towel or sprinkle coarse salt on the paper. This will also create unusual textures. After the paint has dried, the salt can simply be shaken off.

Acrylic and gouache

These paints, unlike watercolors and ink, are dense and opaque. The prints are also different: they are textured and textured (especially when using acrylic). Acrylic, by the way, absolutely anyone is suitable for monotype. If you use thick, undiluted paint, when you remove the second sheet (if you shoot without shifting), you will get beautiful tree or coral structures. If you move or rotate it slightly when removing the top sheet, you will get a beautiful and textured smearing effect.

Aging paper with lemon and milk

This is a "prepaint" technique that is used to make paper look like an old, yellowed page. Put drops of lemon juice on a clean sheet of paper, some can be smeared. Lime juice will work too. When the juice dries, iron the sheet with an iron. The lemon juice will darken, creating an aged effect. In addition, the sheet will also wrinkle slightly, which will give it an even greater resemblance to old paper.

You can use full fat milk or cream instead of lemon juice. This method has its roots in ancient times, when milk was used as invisible ink. Apply milk with a brush on a sheet of paper, let dry. Then iron the sheet with an iron or heat it in another way. The milk will turn brown and tint the leaf "antique".

Washing off black mascara

Another way to original toned paper (attention, the process is very dirty). You will need sheets of paper, white gouache, drawing ink, a large brush. The paper must be very thick so that it does not tear when washing. We paint over the central part of the sheet with white gouache (you can not try to make the contour even, chaotic strokes will do). We are waiting for the paint to dry. Now with black ink, carefully paint over the entire sheet. Let dry again.

Now we take a dried sheet and go to the bathroom. Gently wash off the mascara from the sheet under running water (you can rub it lightly with your hands). We wash the middle part of the sheet (the ink on top of the gouache should be easily washed off). And the edges of the sheet, since the ink has soaked into the paper, will remain black. Place the washed sheet on a stack of newspapers and leave to dry. While you wait, wash the bath, otherwise the mascara will strongly eat.

Drawing with shaving foam and ink

You can get very beautiful stains in this way. You need shaving foam or gel and colored mascara. Squeeze the foam onto a plastic palette (if gel, add a bit of water to it and beat with a brush), spread evenly over the palette and drip a few drops of drawing ink. With a brush handle, make stains from the ink on the foam. Now put a sheet of paper on top, press lightly, remove. Remove the remaining foam with paper towels.

Thread drawing

A very unconventional way of painting that gives amazing results. You will need paper, ink and thick knitting threads. Dip a piece of thread in ink and lay it out beautifully on a piece of paper (but the tip of the thread should go beyond the edge). Cover with another sheet of paper, put a book on top and press lightly with your hand. Now slowly pull the thread. When you put the book away and separate the sheets, you will see that both sheets of paper are covered with a beautiful intricate pattern. The pattern can be finalized by turning it into a full-fledged drawing.

Blob spots

Such ink stains can become a blank for a full-fledged work: they can be a background, or they can be the base of a drawing that needs to be supplemented with details. On a dry sheet of paper, apply a few drops of colored mascara (if you want a lot, it’s better not to apply them all at once). We take a tube for a cocktail and inflate a drop. You can simply blow, trying to stretch the blot as far as possible, or you can try to give the spot some form, so that later you can use it to create a picture.

"Crumpled" drawing

An interesting effect is given by paint on crumpled paper. You will need paper, wax crayons and gouache (watercolor). Draw the desired object (contour) on the sheet with crayons, paint over the space around the object with crayons as well. Now the sheet must be gently crumpled, then straightened. We paint over with gouache, and then, with the help of a sponge and water, quickly wash off the paint. The ink should remain only at the folds of the paper on the unpainted area.

Technology in action

You can paint with a regular toothbrush. And you can draw electric. A massage brush will also work. Unusual concentric patterns are obtained that can be used as a background for a picture (especially if you take more than one color). Required paint - gouache or acrylic.


With the help of various stamps (which, by the way, can be almost all small and not so small objects), you can create an interesting background for the drawings, the drawings themselves, and even decorate clothes and interiors. You can use both improvised objects with an interesting texture, and self-made stamps: cut them out of an eraser or from a potato (at one time). Then you just have to dip the stamp into the paint and start creating.


There are two ways to spray paint on a sheet. The first is stencil spatter, when an object is placed on a sheet of paper and its outline is imprinted with splashes. The second is purposeful spraying, with different intensity, paint concentration, droplet size. So you can create whole drawings, moreover, quite presentable and not "childish".

Point technique

Similar to stamping. In addition to the fact that the technique gives a rather unusual result, it is also a great way to relieve your stress. You will need cotton swabs, sheets of paper, paint of your choice. Dip a cotton swab in the paint and begin to apply the pattern on paper with rhythmic movements. It is very interesting in this technique to try to mix colors and shades.

foam drawing

The texture background or "fluffiness" in the picture can be created using an ordinary sponge. You can try this technique with soft foil or a thin plastic bag: dip a small piece of sponge (if the foil or bag is a small lump) into the paint and dip it on the surface of the sheet.

"Combing the Paint"

To create texture, try running a toothed comb or fork over the still wet paint. Lines can be made both straight and wavy. Just be careful not to damage the paper.


This is also scratching with a sharp object, only here it is not the texture that is created, but the drawing itself. Rub a thick sheet of paper with a candle, apply ink or gouache over the wax layer (so that it completely covers the sheet, without gaps). Add a few drops of liquid soap to the mascara, so it will lie better. When the paint dries, take a sharp object and scratch the drawing.

Drawing with cling film

We apply large spots of paint on a sheet of paper, cover with cling film on top. But you don’t need to smooth it, on the contrary, wrinkle it slightly. When the paint is completely dry, remove the film. Thin lines and bubbles will remain on the sheet, which cover the sheet with a cobweb.

Believe me, these are not all the techniques, methods and techniques of drawing that you can try if you want something unusual in your work. In the end, no one bothers you to turn on your fantasy and try to come up with something new!

draw sponge chicken and dolphin sponge is very easy. This drawing technique is also available for young children. It is interesting in that the sponge leaves soft air marks. And as a result, very gentle and "fluffy" images.

Learning a new technique of painting with a sponge. And those who are already familiar with this technique improve further and get a lot of positive. The lesson is designed for children from 2.5 years.

I propose to let a little sun into the house and draw a chicken. Do not forget - for a small child, it is better to choose simple topics that are easy to draw.

Necessary materials: a circle-shaped sponge, landscape sheet, gouache or watercolor diluted with water, black and red felt-tip pens for drawing details.

Are we starting to work?

  • To begin with, an adult needs to draw a light outline of the future drawing: for a chicken, we will draw two circles of different sizes, for a dolphin - an ovoid (egg shape) with a tail and fins.

Getting started on the chicken

  • Now we start working together with the child. We lower the sponge into yellow paint (watercolor was used in the examples), wring it out a little and lightly press it against a sheet of paper. Got a print. We continue to paint over the surface of the sheet within the contour. It is important to explain to the child that you only need to press the sponge, and not smear the paint with it. Otherwise, the drawing will be damaged.

If, due to age, the baby cannot do this, he will have to help him.

We try not to go beyond the contour, the exception is the place of a small tail. When the head and torso are ready, make the ponytail two to three primings.

  • With a felt-tip pen or a thin brush, add a beak, scallop and legs (if the child is too small and cannot draw small details, then the adult finishes the chicken drawing). Please note that the scallop of the chicken is still very small.

Adding details...

  • A child older than four years old should be gradually taught to finish the drawing, that is, to introduce the elements of the composition. Therefore, to complete the picture with the chicken, we will add green grass and blue clouds.

Congratulations - the chicken is ready!

How to draw a dolphin

Similarly drawn and dolphin. It is a little more difficult to make than a chicken, as there are smaller details: tail, fins and nose.

You can see the scheme for drawing a dolphin with a pencil.

  • We dip the sponge in a blue or blue helmet and fill the space inside the contour. It is best to start with the body, as a larger part.

  • Carefully add fins and tail. The fins and nose are drawn with a sponge slightly compressed from the sides or with an oval-shaped sponge. In the same way, we paint over the tail using the priming method.
  • Draw the mouth and eyes in black.
  • We finish the drawing by adding the sea. To do this, first use a sponge with blue paint, then add green prints.

You can add wavy lines with a brush - these will be the waves along which our dolphin swims.

This is also important

Simultaneously with the performance of work, it is necessary to talk with the child. Comment on your actions and the child, as well as talk about the character in the picture.

  • For example, a chicken hatches from an egg, it is yellow, fluffy, small. He squeaks (pee-pee-pee) and walks on the grass.
  • Dolphins are very smart and can help a drowning person, or they can help fishermen catch fish. They live in the sea. Dolphins feed on milk, when the baby grows up, spots appear on his back, like a leopard.
  • Pay attention to the child that the sponge should be dabbed, and not driven over the sheet. Otherwise, the drawing will be smeared.
  • The younger the child, the easier the task should be. It is possible that the child will paint over only the body of the chicken, the rest will have to be completed by adults.
  • Don't rush your baby.

I hope you liked the topic of today's lesson and were pleased with the results of your baby.

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You will need:
sponge, colored cardboard, gouache or acrylic paint

DO NOT WET THE SPONGE! Everything is done without water!

1. Cut the sponge so that you get several shapes: a circle or an oval, rectangles of similar size and small triangles.

2. On the base sheet, draw a large oval, then dip a round sponge in white paint and, pressing the sponge against the sheet of paper, draw the torso. Press the sponge along the edges of the oval not too hard - then the skin of the bear cub will turn out fluffy.
3. Dip the base of the small triangles in black paint and make clear prints depicting the ears and spots around the eyes.
4. Using rectangular pieces of sponge and black paint, draw four paws.
5. Apply paint to the tip of a triangular sponge and draw claws.

6. Draw a white eye with a thin brush, a black pupil can be depicted with a toothpick.
7. Cut out a small oval or circle from black paper - glue the resulting nose in place.

Also in this technique you can draw:

Non-traditional drawing techniques for preschoolers. Stencil drawing.

Drawing master class "That's what we have chickens!"

Author of the work:
This material will be useful for preschool teachers in their work on visual activities with children aged 2-4 years, for parents.

Goal and tasks: to introduce children to an unconventional drawing technique - stencil printing using foam rubber; develop artistic and creative abilities; evoke an emotional response to a new way of drawing.
Materials and tools:
- landscape sheet

- foam rubber (sponge)
- gouache (yellow color)
- paint brushes
- watercolor
- jar for water
- a rag for a brush
- wet hand wipes

To develop the imagination and artistic and creative abilities of preschool children, it is necessary to introduce kids to a variety of visual materials and means as early as possible. A foam sponge is a great tool for children's drawing. Drawing with foam rubber is available to kids, because it allows you to quickly get an expressive image. Sponge print makes it possible to get unusual images: various fluffy animals, toys, birds and more. Important condition: do not soak the sponge in water.

Master class progress:

1. First, prepare a stencil from a sheet of cardboard: cut out two circles (large - the body of a chicken (sparrow), smaller - the head)). The color of the cardboard must be chosen in a contrasting color for the future image (brown sparrow, cardboard for the template - yellow, green; chicken yellow, cardboard for the template - blue ...). We do this so that when applying the stencil to the landscape sheet, the baby clearly sees where to apply the paint. If we put the template as in the photo, it turns out that the chicken (sparrow) is looking for grains, a worm.

2. If we put the template like this, then ... our bird looks up, or saw someone ...

3. We put the template on a sheet of paper and fasten it with paper clips so that the template does not move during operation. We collect gouache with dry foam rubber and paint over the mugs with rhythmic movements.

4. Carefully remove the stencil.

5. We draw the details (beak, paws - draw with a brush, reception - sticking; eyes, grains - draw with a finger) using watercolors.

6. The background of our drawing is grass, we draw with a brush, the technique is priming. Our chicken is ready!!!

Similarly, we will do the work "Merry Sparrow"

Master class on drawing "Cheerful Sparrow".

Author of the work: Shakleina Irina Yuryevna, educator of MADOU CRR, d/s No. 110 Kaliningrad region Kaliningrad city.
Materials and tools:
- landscape sheet
- stencil of the torso and head (two circles)
- large paper clips
- foam rubber (sponge)
- gouache (brown color)
- paint brushes
- watercolor
- jar for water
- a rag for a brush
- wet hand wipes
1. We put the stencil on a sheet of paper and fasten it with paper clips so that the template does not move during operation.

2. We collect gouache with dry foam rubber and paint over the circles with rhythmic movements.

3. Carefully remove the stencil.

4. We apply brown paint on the Palm with a brush and make an imprint on a large mug (these are wings). Draw a tail with the middle and index fingers.

5. We draw the details (beak, eyes, paws, grains, worm) with a brush or fingers using watercolors.

6. The background of our work is grass, the technique is brushing, the sky. Our sparrow is ready!!!
Sparrow from a birch to the path - jump,
No more frost! CHICK - CHICK!
Here is a fast brook murmuring in the groove,
And don't get cold feet! SKOK, SKOK, SKOK!
The ravines will dry up, jump, jump, jump!
Insects will come out - CHIK - CHIRIK!

THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!!! Non-traditional sponge painting

What will we draw? Duck floating on water. In drawing, we will use an unconventional drawing technique. It is very curious to use the most unusual objects in children's creativity. Today we have an ordinary sponge for washing dishes.

Painting "Duck"

What do we need for the picture?

  • paper

  • duck stencil

  • paints

  • brushes

  • sponge for washing dishes

First we decided to draw a pond. In this work, I tried to give my son space. This is how it was controlled with a brush with blue paint:

The remaining space was painted over with green paint. This is the reed by the pond.

And, when the paint dried, the most interesting came.

On the Internet, I downloaded a coloring page with a picture of a duck. I cut it out and we have a ready-to-use template. We have overlaid the template on our drawing.

Arseniy "armed himself" with a sponge for washing dishes and, having applied yellow paint on it, painted the entire space inside the template with it.

This is the duck we got:

Holding the hand of our son, we drew together a wing, a beak and an eye. Everything, the picture is ready :)

Non-traditional sponge painting technique all children like it. After all, with the help of it you can give the object a special texture. In addition, she quickly paints over large spaces (this is if the children are fidgets and strive to do everything as quickly as possible :))

My children were delighted with how, with the help of a sponge for washing dishes, you can literally draw ... a rainbow in one movement! To be honest, this process fascinated me as well.

How to draw a rainbow

To draw a rainbow we need quite a bit:

  • new dishwashing sponge

  • paint seven colors of the rainbow

  • tassel

  • paper

On a clean sponge for washing dishes with a brush, apply stripes of all the colors of the rainbow. Be sure to keep order! With children, a phrase familiar to everyone always passes with a bang, helping to learn the order of colors in the rainbow:

Every hunter Wishes to know, Where the Fazan goes!

And we pass to the most interesting. Having attached a sponge to the edge of a sheet of paper, you need to draw a semicircle without lifting the sponge, forming a rainbow arc.

The result is a magnificent bright rainbow. Color transitions are smooth and harmonious. The main thing is not to forget that the bottom color of the rainbow is red! Alyosha got such a rainbow:

And this one is with Arseny :)

How do you feel about non-traditional sponge painting technique for dish washing? Did you draw like this? Share your experience in the comments!

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