Drawing nodes winter landscape preparatory group. Summary of GCD on drawing "Winter Landscape" in the preparatory group


Q: We have guests today. And when we meet guests, we always say hello.

Q: Guys, have you noticed anything unusual in our group?D: There is an exhibition of paintings in the group.

Q: I invite you to the gallery of one of the seasons. Come closer and make yourself comfortable.

Q: What season is depicted in these pictures? D: Winter!

Q: Winter is different, just like our mood is always different, sometimes cheerful, or a little bit sad, sunny or gloomy.

I have a magic ball, with the help of which I will find out what kind of winter it is. You need to come up with as many beautiful definitions as possible that will decorate this word.

B: Well done guys!

What winter is shown in the first picture?D: Snowy, frosty.

V: Well done! And the next - the winter is completely different. What mood do you get when you look at this picture?D: Cheerful and joyful.

Q: What colors of winter did you and I observe in nature and in paintings?D: Basically, the colors in the paintings are cold, but there are also warm ones.

AT: What colors are cool and warm?D: Blue, white, cyan, etc., warm - yellow, red, orange, etc.

Q: But what colors do poets use in describing this season?

Harvested winter

All paints for the canvas:

Field - the best whitewash,

Dawns - scarlet ink,

All trees are clean

silver sequins,

And on the street guys

Decorated in a row.

How an artist paints, different:

Who plays - paints red,

Who is afraid to move -

Blue paint is fine.

Don't beg for anything

Paint differently!

- I suggest you draw a winter landscape today. Do you agree? D: Yes.

AT: Then I invite you to the magical land of drawing.

Q: Guys, who is the most important in the country of drawing? D: The artist.

Q: He knows how to tell us about everything with paint and canvas. Wonderful profession of an artist. As soon as he takes paper or canvas, paints, brushes ...

There was nothing and suddenly - there was a picture. So a miracle happened before our eyes.

Do you guys want to be artists? D: Yes, we would love to!

B: I'll take my magic brush and initiate you guys into my students. / I touch the shoulder of each child with a brush and call their names./ Q: Today, I have prepared for you interesting frames of various shapes with fabric glued inside, on which we will create winter pictures. On the table are additional materials that you can use.

Tell me, guys, what can we depict in winter pictures?D: You can draw any winter landscape, city, forest, park.

What can help us to clearly know the sequence of work on the fabric? D:Scheme! With the help of cards, they build the order of work, verbally pronouncing each stage of work: first we outline the landscape with a pencil, first of all, what is in the foreground, and only then the background. Next, we start working in color. We apply the paint on the fabric smoothly, make a detailed drawing of the landscape with a black ballpoint pen.

AT: Well done boys! But before we get to work, I suggest stretching our fingers:

We open the notebook

Let's start drawing

Rhombus, oval, arc, circle

Winter forest, fields, snowball.

Dear young artists! I wish you success in your work. Get to work.

Your drawings should turn out different - after all, each artist sees and draws in his own way.

In the course of work, I monitor the planting of children, pay attention to the accuracy of the work, encourage initiative, the use of various artistic materials; with the help of questions I direct the actions of children, I make sure that they follow the sequence of work, I use help, verbal instructions, advice if necessary.

Each color loves its own water, so rinse the brush thoroughly.

The brush is not a braid, it does not need to be waved.

Gently drive the brush, do not go beyond the boundaries of the contour.

Hurry - you will make people laugh, but you will upset yourself. Draw a picture - do not rush to finish the details. Let the paint dry a little, but for now admire your work.

For those children who finished earlier, I suggest decorating the frame of their picture.

AT: Well done boys! I suggest you arrange an exhibition, as in a real art gallery. Go quietly and attach your pictures.

Children attach their work to the screen.

Guys, do you get the same pictures? D: No.

Q: Indeed, everyone's paintings are different, beautiful, unusual. Guys, who wants to talk about their work?

Why did you draw this particular winter picture?

What would you call her?

What additional materials did you use when drawing? D: Poke, toothbrushes, stencils.

B: Well done guys! Looking at your pictures I really want to read a poem.

We came to the winter forest.

How many miracles are around here!

On the right is a birch in a fur coat,

On the left, the tree is looking at us!

Snowflakes are spinning in the sky

They lay down beautifully on the ground.

Here the bunny jumped

He ran away from the fox!

This is a hungry wolf roaming

He's looking for prey

Only the bear sleeps in the den

So he sleeps through the winter.

Bullfinches fly by, how beautiful they are!

Beauty and peace in the forest

And it's time for us to go home.

Q: Did you enjoy your trip? D: Yes!

B: I'm very happy, but it's time for us to return to the group. /I touch the shoulder of each child with a magic brush./

Children clean up the tables.

Panfilova Svetlana Valerievna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: MDOU kindergarten of combined type No. 42 "Teremok"
Locality: Serpukhov city, Moscow region
Material name: Synopsis of GCD in the preparatory group for school
Topic:"Winter landscape"
Publication date: 27.11.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Continuous educational activity

NGO "Artistic and aesthetic development",

NGO "Cognitive Development"

Theme: "Winter landscape"

(preparatory group for school)

Theme: "Winter landscape"

Target: Introduce children to the non-traditional salt painting technique

(semolina) using PVA glue, form a generalized

view of winter as a season.


Strengthen children's skills to work in non-traditional drawing techniques


PVA. Strengthen children's skills

drawing with crumpled paper and cotton swabs. Strengthen children's knowledge about

landscape painting genre.

To form the ability to create an expressive image of winter nature,

using non-traditional drawing techniques and additional materials.

Develop auditory and visual perception, general and fine motor skills






thinking), the ability to express one's thoughts.










performance of work.

Cultivate accuracy, the ability to listen and answer questions.

Cultivate kindness towards each other.

To form the ability to bring the work started to the end.

Preliminary work:





talking about winter, looking at pictures of winter activities






paper, cotton swabs).

Dictionary enrichment and activation:

The old names of the months: frowning, fierce, snowy. word choice,

characterizing winter.

Materials, tools, equipment:

Snowflake with a riddle, screen, reproductions of paintings (winter landscapes),

a ball (ball) for playing, a tape recorder for playing an audio recording.



(semolina), sequins, white gouache, cotton buds, sheets of paper, paper


GCD progress

Open entrance to activity.








AT: Guys, we have guests today. Let's say hello to them.

(Children say hello). Let's smile at each other and our guests! Let it go

good mood does not leave us all day long!

AT: And now, I ask you to go to the mat and stand in a circle.

In a wide circle, I see

All my friends got up.

We're going to the right now

Now let's go to the left

Let's gather in the center of the circle

And we will all return to our place.

Let's smile, wink

Let's all start listening to me!

Introductory organizational moment.

AT: Today a snowflake came to our group. Not just a simple snowflake

with a riddle. Do you like to solve riddles?

Then listen:

I covered everything around

Arriving from the kingdom of blizzards.

Autumn, best friend,

I sent it south.

I am frosty and white

And came to you for a long time.

AT: What is it guys?

D: Winter.

AT: I would like us to talk today about this wonderful


AT: Every season has its three months. Do you know winter

month? Name them please.

D: December January February.

AT:- What signs of winter do you know, name them?

AT:- What changes occur in nature in winter?

AT:- What colors have become more in nature?

AT:- In winter it is very cold, frosty, a strong wind blows, the sky is often

covered by clouds. But we still love this time of year.

AT:- Guys, what do you like in winter?

AT:- And how can you have fun in winter? (Sledding, skating,

skiing, making snowmen.)

Game: "Snowball"

I suggest you play snowballs, I will throw you a snowball

(ball), and you must describe winter in one word. For example:

“What winter? - snowy, cold ... "and throw the snowball back.

Tell me, please, what kind of winter do we have?

Children's answers:










unexpected, fabulous, unpredictable, unexpected.

Yes, guys, you are right, our winter is very different. She and

icy, with frosts, blizzards, with crisp snow and thaw, and

Motivation for activity.



works like to tell us about winter.

Poets - in poems and stories, composers - in music, artists - in


Let's admire



depicting winter.

What time of year do they show? How did you know?

What did the artists depict in their paintings?

What color did the artists use?

AT: What is depicted in all these pictures?

D: Nature.

AT: And who remembers the names of the paintings that depict

D: Landscape.

A poem was written about this genre of painting.

If you see in the picture

The river is drawn

Or spruce and white frost,

Or a garden and clouds

Or a snowfield

Or a field and a hut, -

Be sure to picture

It's called landscape.

AT: Children, I invite you to become artists today. Let's draw

their winter landscapes and make an exhibition. Let's tune in now

We kick top - top,

We hands clap - clap,

We eyes a moment - a moment,

We shoulders chik-chik!

One - here, two - there,

Turn around yourself!

One - sat down, two got up,

Everyone raised their hands up.

One, two, one, two

It's time for us to get busy!

AT: Now, I invite you to sit down for jobs.

Explanation of the workflow.

AT: Guys,



unusual drawing techniques.

What materials do we have to work with?

glue, salt,

cotton swabs, sheets of paper, paper napkins.

AT: The drawing technique in which we will work today is called

"painting with salt and semolina." In your work, you will use

cotton swabs, crumpled paper. I will remind you how the work is done in

this technique.

On a sheet of colored cardboard we apply a drawing with PVA glue (This can

be snowdrifts, trees, house(s). The drawing should not be done









sprinkle with salt and semolina. Give salt and semolina to stick. Then

excess semolina is poured onto a tray.

The snow that covered the ground can be drawn using crumpled

paper. The clouds from which it is snowing are drawn with crumpled paper. Let's drop it into

white ink and make prints.

Using a cotton swab, draw a snowball. Dipping a cotton swab

into the paint and leave an imprint on the sheet with it.

We draw snowflakes, and in

end your work with sequins, sticking them on the work (drip a drop

PVA glue and stick sequins on this place).

AT: So, let's start our drawing.

Practical work.

Independent activity of children.

Open output from activity.

After the children have finished drawing, they put their

workplaces and lay out their drawings on the table.


AT:- Guys, let's admire your drawings.

What did we draw today? (Winter. Winter landscape.)

How did we draw the winter landscape?

(Painted landscapes

semolina, salt, using glue.)

How do we represent falling snow? (with cotton swabs,

semolina, salt, used sequins.)

How did we depict clouds, snow on the ground? (Crumpled paper)

How do we decorate our work? (sequins)

What works show tall trees?

Find works that show houses (only trees).

Which picture has the snowiest winter?

On what jobs is winter silvery, sparkling?

What did you like most about the lesson?

What do you remember the most?

caregiver. What good fellows you are! Guys, we got it

beautiful winter scenery.

We will place these landscapes at our exhibition,

for your moms and dads to admire them.

Lesson "Sorceress winter bewitched the forest"

(non-traditional drawing for older preschool children)

Target: To introduce children to the technique of scratching.


To teach children the ability to reflect the signs of winter in the drawing;

Continue to acquaint children with the winter landscape, show that nature is beautiful at any time of the year;

To develop aesthetic perception in children, love for nature; fine motor skills of the hands; attention, perception, imagination, thinking.

Continue to learn how to draw a tree - a trunk, branches, by using an unconventional drawing method - scratching.


Primed cardboard, sample drawing, simple pencils, (toothpicks), dry rags, winter landscape, audio recording of a musical work by P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Methods and techniques : game, verbal (conversation), visual, practical.

Preliminary work: observation on a walk of trees, natural phenomena in winter; conversations on the topic "Seasons"; examining reproduction paintings and talking about them: I. Brodskoy "Winter Forest in the Snow", A. Savrasov "Winter Landscape"; reading fairy tales: "Frost", "Snow Maiden", "Snow Queen"; looking at illustrations for fairy tales, memorizing poems about winter.

Integration of educational areas:

- Cognition;

Reading fiction;

Physical Culture;

Artistic creativity.


1. Organizational part:


Children, today we will draw on the theme "Sorceress Winter bewitched the forest." Winter is the most magical time of the year. Listen to an excerpt from A. Pushkin's poem "The winter sorceress is coming!":

Came, crumbled, in tufts

Hung on the branches of oaks;

She lay down with wavy carpets

Among the fields, around the hills...

After listening to this poem, tell me, guys, what winter pictures did you imagine, what magical happened in the forest with the advent of winter?


The forest is bewitched in winter, it is covered with snow.

Winter hung shreds of snow on the trees

Winter came to the forest, scattered snow, it glitters beautifully in the sun.

The teacher suggests recalling the verses about winter previously memorized by the children. (told by 2-3 children)


Guys, do you like winter?



And why?


In winter, you can go sledding, skating, skiing, and play snowballs.

The teacher offers to go to a snowy clearing and play snowballs.

Physical education "Snowballs":

"One two three four

We made snowballs with you:

Round, strong, very smooth,

And not at all sweet.

One - throw up, two - catch,

Three - drop and break!"

After the warm-up, the children sit down. The teacher recalls that they looked at reproductions of winter landscapes by famous artists - how beautifully they painted winter.

2.Practical part:


Today, guys, we will be artists with you, and we will draw in an unusual way on magic sheets, with sharp sticks. This method is called - drawing in the technique of scratching. In other words, it is "scratching".

I introduce the children to the “scratchage” technique, tell them what it is, show the work done in this technique.

Finger gymnastics: "We went for a walk in the yard"

One, two, three, four, five

We went for a walk in the yard.

They sculpted a snow woman,

The birds were fed with crumbs,

Then we rode down the hill,

And they rolled in the snow.

Everyone came home in the snow.

We ate soup and went to bed.


The tree reminds us of a person. The trunk is the body, the roots are the legs, the branches are the arms, very thin processes extend from the branches - the fingers. Bark is the skin of trees. The older the tree, the more wrinkles.

The teacher asks the children how to draw trees planted close and far.



The music of P. Tchaikovsky will help you draw today, guys.

Of course, I remind you of safety precautions. It must be observed: work carefully, do not inject yourself and do not hurt those sitting.

GCD theme: "Winter Landscape"

Type of: integrated GCD

Target: consolidate children's knowledge of the landscape, improve children's skills when performing non-traditional drawing techniques: plugging, spraying; continue to develop the ability to convey their emotional attitude using the means of language expressiveness; stimulate the development of creative thinking.

Preliminary work: Watching winter nature while walking, reading and learning poems about winter, looking at reproductions of paintings (landscapes, portraits, still lifes), listening to music on a winter theme, talking with children on the topic: “What color is winter, spring, summer, autumn? ”, preparing the background for the upcoming work in the preliminary lesson.

GCD progress:

Hello guests, hello guys.

Today I have children, suddenly my house became magical

All of a sudden everything was covered with silver, everything around sparkled

So I turned into a winter sorceress, but I don’t have a name, I would like my name to be associated with some winter natural phenomenon, help.

What winter natural phenomena do you know?

Blizzard, blizzard, frost, snowfall, drifting snow, ice, black ice, snowstorm

Are ice and ice the same thing?

No, black ice is when ice lies only on the ground, and black ice is when ice lies everywhere both on wires and on trees

Well done, they listed all the winter phenomena, and now think of a name for me

Snowfall, Drift, Frost, Ice, Zimavyuga

You guys came up with interesting names, and today I will be Zimavyuga, a very interesting name and I am covered in snowflakes

Come into my house. Guys, I have prepared a poem for you, listen to it carefully

Listening to A. S. Pushkin. “Here the north is catching up with clouds ...”

What time of year is the poem talking about?

And how did you guess?

The north catches up with clouds, breathed, howled - that is, it’s cold, the banks with a motionless river, that is, frozen, and the river freezes in winter, a plump veil, that is, snow lies everywhere, frost flashed - it became cold.

Would you like to get into the winter forest? But for this we need to put on invisible hats and say magic words: Children pretend to put on invisible hats, close their eyes, say magic words. At this time, the teacher opens a stand with paintings (portraits, still lifes, landscapes)

Here we are visiting Zimushka - Zima. We are in a fabulous winter forest. Look at what beautiful pictures are in front of you, but among them there are superfluous think about which ones?

Painting number 1 is a portrait

What are the portraits?

Portraits depict one or more people

Can you guess who painted this portrait?

Extra picture under No. 3 still life

And what kind of painting can be called a still life?

Paintings that depict dishes, fruits, flowers, game, seafood, are called still lifes.

Who painted this still life?

Well done. And what unites all the remaining paintings? (children's answers) That's right, these are landscapes and the season depicted on them, this is winter.

What is a landscape?

Landscape is an image of nature

What is the difference between these pictures? (children's answers).

They depict different times of the day, and the landscapes are rural and natural.

Guys, you want to play. Now we will be divided into teams of three people each. The first team will make a summer landscape, the second autumn, the third - winter, and the fourth - spring. Children, the task is clear, let's get started.

Now let's check if you completed the task correctly. Is it the first picture?

– Summer landscape

Guys, look, to depict a summer landscape, what colors should be used, warm or cold?

Both warm and cool colors should be used. Warm colors depict the sun, flowers, butterflies, and cold colors depict the sky, grass, trees.

The next landscape is it?

Autumn landscape. Warm colors are mainly used here - foliage, sun, bushes.

The next picture is it?

Winter landscape, cold colors are used in its image - white, blue

And the last picture is this?

Spring landscape, cold colors are mainly used here - blue, black, white

Well done guys, you did a great job

And now let's see a picture about winter, which was painted by the artist Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin. So what did the artist tell us?

About winter in the forest.

What conquered, surprised and delighted him?

The beauty of a winter snowy forest wrapped in a thick layer of fluffy snow.

What kind of forest is this?

This is an old, dense, impenetrable forest.

Why did we decide that this is an old and dense forest?

They ate huge, with powerful thick trunks, the branches begin high at the top. These are forest heroes. What do we see on earth?

Huge trunks of fallen old trees. In some places, the trunks of fir trees have already leaned over, but have not yet fallen. And there are also small Christmas trees and bushes, they are barely visible from under the snow coat.

Do you see a living being?

Yes, a bird on a branch; she seems to have fallen asleep too.

What is the mood of this picture? Noisy or quiet, calm or loud, ringing?

Well done, you told everything correctly, and now let's warm up a little, stand in empty places.

Physical education "Herringbone"

Take a seat at the tables

- Today we visited the winter forest, admired the winter landscapes, but I would like you to draw it.

Yes very

We already have a background and trees. It remains to draw snow, snow on the trees and the snow that is falling. We will do this in different ways. We will draw the snow on the trees with the “Pumping” technique, and we will draw the snow that is falling with the “Spray” technique. Let's remember the basic rules of these drawing techniques (the teacher explains the techniques, shows). Now get to work and draw each of your winter landscapes.

In the process of work, the teacher helps with advice to children who are experiencing difficulties. Soothing music plays while working

Outcome. Guys, you have wonderful winter landscapes. Let's all admire them together (they go out, stand in a semicircle, show each other and the guests). Guys, tell us about your landscapes, how they turned out in terms of mood, character (2-3 children tell)

I got a cheerful, winter landscape, and I just want to run out into the street and start sculpting a snowman

And for me, on the contrary, it’s calm, quiet, I just want to sit by the window and admire how fine light snow falls, covering the ground with a fluffy blanket

Guys, how did you manage to make such light, fluffy snow?

We got such snow thanks to the techniques of “plugging” and “spraying”

But it was difficult to do the work in this technique, maybe someone had difficulties, something didn’t work out?

Children's answers

Well done guys, very interesting work you have done!

And can I give my picture to the guests, and I also want ...

Of course you can (give) everyone leaves

Synopsis of directly educational activities in the preparatory group on the winter theme

Author: Kharchikova Lyudmila Nikolaevna, educator of MDOU "CRR" Zorka "- Kindergarten No. 16", Zheleznogorsk
Material Description: I offer you a summary of directly educational activities for children of the preparatory group on the topic "Winter Landscape". This material will be useful to educators of the preparatory group, as it is suitable for holding an open event on the theme "Winter"
Expand children's ideas about winter, its signs.
To introduce students to non-traditional drawing techniques.
Activate and enrich the vocabulary of children.
Develop the imagination, fantasy, creativity of children.
Encourage the creation of a landscape through non-traditional methods of painting and a variety of visual materials.
Encourage positive emotions.
Cultivate aesthetic feelings for nature.
Methods and techniques:
verbal: questions, artistic word, didactic games;
visual: landscape of winter nature, snowflakes, lotto pictures,
practical: experimental activity, productive activity.
Equipment: illustration depicting nature, paper, a plate of salt, cotton buds, cotton pads, gouache, a newspaper, printed Christmas trees, plates with green paint, dry tree leaves, musical accompaniment, multimedia installation
Children come into the hall, say hello.
- All the children gathered in a circle.
You are my friend and I am your friend.
Let's hold hands tightly.
And we smile at each other.
- Guys, are you in a good mood today (children's answers)? And I have a good one. I want to tell you a poem.
White snow, fluffy,
Spinning in the air.
And the earth is quiet
Falling, laying down.
And in the morning with snow
The field is white
Like a veil
All dressed him up.
Dark forest with a hat
Covered up wonderful
And fell asleep under her
Strong, unshakable...
Guys, what season is this poem about? Yes, poets often admired and sang about this season, and artists painted pictures on winter themes.
(showing a slide depicting winter nature).
- And you and I can also draw a winter picture, but only with our hands.
Winter has come (pointing with hands).
It became cold (we hug ourselves, rubbing our forearms).
Frosts hit (by knocking the fist of the right hand on the left palm).
The rivers were covered with ice (we spread straight arms to the sides, as if we were sliding).
It started snowing (we make wave-like movements with our hands).
It fell in white fluffy flakes on the ground, on houses, on people (we show the ground with our hands, make a triangle above our heads, stroke ourselves on the head).
- Guys, let's say, what kind of winter is it?
Let's play the game "What? Which? What kind?".
Forest (what?) Winter, snowy, beautiful.
Snow (what?) White, light, fluffy.
Wind (what?) Cold, northern, strong.
Trees (what?) Tall, snow-covered, dormant.
- Guys, despite the fact that winter is cold, it gives people joy and beauty. Let's talk about her kindly:
Word game "Say kindly"
Winter (zimushka), snow (snowball), wind (breeze), frost (frost).
Have you heard how the snow crunches underfoot in the cold? Let's listen.
(Snow crunch sounds)
-Do you know why snow crunches? Here, let's check if you answered correctly. Let's do an experiment. (On the tables, for each child, in plates, salt and a small plastic bottle for pressing on the salt). Each grain of salt is a small crystal. Press the bottle down on the salt. What do you hear?
(children's answers) Also a crunch. Why? What do you think? And who thinks otherwise? Yes, it is crystals that break and make such a sound. Does snow make that sound too? We have proved that a snowflake is what? This is also a small crystal.
- What else can snowflakes do (children's answers)?
- Do you want to dance like snowflakes?
(improvised dance to the song "Snowflakes").
- Do you like to guess winter riddles?
1. They fall from the sky in winter
And circling above the ground (snowflakes).
2. A white blanket covered the whole earth (snow).
3. The artist painted a picture
And I didn’t take a brush in my hands (frost).
- And what do you think, how could the artist draw this picture?
Would you like to become artists for a while and paint a winter picture without a brush (children's answers)?
(Instructing children). Pay attention to the horizon line. What is below the horizon line? What about higher?
Be careful when handling paint. Use wet wipes if necessary. We put all the used material in plates.
And the music of P.I. will help us to work. Tchaikovsky "Winter".
Children's work (drawing a winter landscape with non-traditional techniques: printing with leaves, printing with a cabbage leaf, drawing with cotton swabs, newspaper lump,)
Outcome. You guys are all so great - real wizards! What did we get? (Answers). Yes, we have a wonderful winter forest with beautiful trees. These unusual visual means, having left their mark, helped us to create such an image of trees. Did you enjoy working today? (Answers). What was difficult for you at work? What was easy (children's answers)?
- Do you want to teach parents how to draw with unusual visual means? I have prepared a gift for each of you and I give you a magic box with visual tools for such work.


Drawing a winter landscape without a brush, using a Christmas tree stamp, printing leaves from a tree, printing cabbage leaves, a cotton swab, newspaper lumps.

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