Salt painting. Drawing on salt in kindergarten


Poddubnaya Nadezhda

Salt painting technique in kindergarten.

Master class non-traditional drawing technique - painting with salt.

Place of work: MADOU Meshcherinsky d / s of the combined type "Sun", With. Meshcherino

purpose: drawing master class is intended for children of senior and middle preschool age, teachers, parents, educators.

Usage: Drawings can be used to participate in exhibitions and competitions, interior decoration, as a gift.

Target: development of creative abilities.


educational: introduce one of the species unconventional drawing technique - salt painting to learn how to work in a new technique, introduce the practical skills of applying salt to a sheet of paper.

Educational: to develop the artistic and aesthetic abilities of children,

imagination and initiative, fine motor skills of hands, interest in artistic creativity, aesthetic feelings for beauty, visual-figurative thinking.

nurturing: to cultivate artistic taste, accuracy in work, a sense of beauty, independence.

For work we need:

Dense landscape sheet A 4 with a pattern;

Brushes of different sizes;

Water container;

Watercolor paints;

Color mixing palette;

Wipes to remove excess moisture

large food salt.

Stages work:

Using a brush, wet the pattern on a sheet of paper with plenty of water.

We pick up the color of the autumn leaf on the brush - yellow and easily, touching the paper, apply it. The picture may not turn out - if the paper is too wet.

Sprinkle generously salt. The surface must be damp.

With a brush, you can still add a little water and color - if the salt soaked up the water.

In the same way, color all the leaves and sprinkle generously salt.

Now we fill in the main background. Here you can use all your imagination. Finishing with a thin brush or felt-tip pen. This will make the drawing more expressive.

Shake off the excess salt. The drawing is ready!

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- Introduce photocopy drawing techniques.
- Formation of skills in the technique of drawing with a candle.
development of attention through observation of frosty patterns in winter;
fostering interest in winter natural phenomena;
cultivating accuracy in execution.
Equipment: pattern samples, landscape sheet; an additional sheet, a piece of a candle; watercolor paints; a brush with a wide bristle; a glass of water, napkins, a letter.
1. Organizational moment.
Psycho-gymnastics: "Ray"
Reached for the sun
They took the ray
Pressed to the heart
And they gave it to each other.
Lesson topic message.
Guys today the topic of educational and organizational activity is "Frosty Patterns", and not just an activity, but drawing with a candle
Surprise moment.
Guys, what time of year is it? Children meet winter
It's winter now. Winter is a wonderful time of the year! Winter wonders happen! So I received a small package. Who sent it to us?
Let's see what lies in it, maybe we will find out from whom it is.
Reading the attached piece of paper to the parcel
Guys, here lies a snowflake with a riddle poem. Listen carefully to guess it. Whoever guesses will raise their hand:
Stars fall from the sky, fall on the fields.
Let the black earth hide under them.
Many, many stars, thin as glass;
The stars are cold, but the earth is warm.
What master did this on the glass
And leaves, and herbs, and thickets of roses. Children answer it is snowflakes, because they cover the ground with snow and look like stars
Well done guys, you are very observant, so you correctly guessed the riddles.
Introduction to the topic.
And who is a faithful and indispensable assistant in winter? Children respond frost
Correctly. With the onset of winter comes the cold. Frost knocks on every house. He leaves his messages to people: either the door will freeze - they prepared poorly for the winter, then they will leave their art on the windows - a gift from Frost. Let's see what kind of messages he sent us
I take out pictures from the parcel - with the image of frosty patterns
What is shown in the pictures? Children answer Twigs, snowflakes, ice flowers, curls and cold hooks
It's true, the guys are here and spruce branches, decorated with frost.
This is how Frost painted the windows for us without brushes and paints.
Guys, how do you think Frost draws these patterns? Children put forward their assumptions Blows on the glass with cold, by magic, throws snowflakes on the windows, and they stick to the window.
In fact, from the cold, frosty air, water droplets that are present in the air settle on cold glass, freeze and turn into ice-needles. During the night, many, many of them are formed, they seem to build up on each other. And as a result, different patterns are obtained, which we have now observed with you.
Guys, what do you think, you and I could draw patterns in such a way that at first they were not visible, and then suddenly appeared, like Frost's? No.
But it turns out you can. And now I will introduce you to this method of drawing - it is called "photocopy".
2. Practical part.
Pick up pieces of a candle and try to run them on a sheet of paper.
Does the candle leave visible traces? Children answer no
And now cover with any watercolor paint on top. What did you get? Lines appeared under the paint, which we drew with a candle.
Guys, why do you think the lines made by the candle didn't color? Children speak their minds
The candle consists of wax, which repels water, so the design made with water-repellent material appears after applying watercolor paint diluted with water to it. Today we will try to create a miracle - draw frosty patterns with a candle.
How do we start drawing? Children are responsible to draw from the top, going down.
It is true that in order for the drawn elements not to overlap each other, it is best to draw the pattern from top to bottom. Cover the finished drawing with watercolor paint. I would advise choosing blue or purple. And so that the sheet does not get wet, apply the paint evenly over the entire sheet, but do not draw over the same place several times.
3. Independent work of children.
I provide personalized assistance

4. Summing up
What is the name of the painting technique that we used to create such beautiful works guys? Children answer photocopy
What else do you think you can draw using the photocopy technique? Children answer flowers, patterns, the sun.
Our lesson has come to an end, I am very pleased with you and I really want to know what surprised you today? What did you like the most today?

Salt painting is an amazing activity. Really AMAZING!

We've done this so many times over the years, going back to when Maria and her friends in the toddler art group were still in diapers. And now, at 11, she still enjoys it (and so do I, even though I'm 39!).

If you haven't tried salt painting yet, this is your chance! First I will share a video where you can see the whole process, then I will give you a step by step explanation for this fun activity.


  • Cardstock (heavy paper) (Any solid surface will do. We used cardstock, marker board, cardboard, watercolor paper, paper plates, and styrofoam
  • PVA glue
  • Table salt
  • Liquid watercolor (this is ideal. If you do not have, you can dilute food additives)
  • Paint brushes or pipette

How to draw with salt?

1) Squeeze out the picture with glue or cardstock design.

2) Sprinkle it with salt until all the glue is hidden. Shake the surface lightly to remove excess salt.

3) Dip the brush into liquid paint, then gently touch to the adhesive lines covered with salt. Watch the paint, "magically" spreading in different directions!

If desired, you can use a pipette. But it seems to me that in this way a lot of paint will spill at a time. Yet many people like this method.

4) Let the picture dry thoroughly. This may take a day or two.

Once everything is ready, show it off!

Making pictures with salt is a favorite activity in our house (along with the technique of marbling, 3D painting with Puffy paints in the microwave and splashing paints), as well as all the children I know.

You can use this technique and write names or other words...

Draw a rainbow or valentine ...

...and also depict a landscape, squiggles and scribbles, a face and a bunch of other things!

What about you? Have you already tried to make a picture using this technique with your children?

Svetlana Pozdeeva

From work experience

When introducing children to art, it is necessary to use various non-traditional drawing techniques. There are many among them that give the most unexpected, unpredictable options for artistic representation and a tremendous impetus to children's imagination and fantasies.

The more diverse the conditions in which visual activity takes place, the content, forms, methods and techniques of working with children, as well as the materials with which they act, the more intensively children's artistic abilities will develop.

The advantage of salt painting is that there is no age limit for children.

Safety precautions for working with salt: pay attention so that children do not have cuts on their hands!

To begin with, gently sprinkle salt over the entire surface of the dark background tray. And let's start painting on salt. We just let our imagination run wild.

Drawing occurs directly with fingers on salt, which contributes to the development of sensory sensations, liberates and harmonizes.

By manipulating bulk materials, the child gets rid of negative emotions, relieves stress, internal clamps, while drawing, the child experiences a feeling of joy and inspiration from the resulting drawing, because the drawings are varied and unpredictable. Thus, coordination, imagination develop, memory and all thought processes improve.

Also, salt has a healing and disinfecting effect, when drawing, inhaling salt vapor, there is a prevention of diseases of the nasopharynx.

There are two more ways that I use in working with children.

First way

Apply glue along the outline of the drawing, and then, sprinkle it with salt, let it dry and shake off excess salt. It turns out a three-dimensional drawing that can be painted. Double flowers or stars in the night sky, trees with multi-colored autumn crowns look magical!

Second way

Run the drawing in watercolor on wet, and then sprinkle with salt. Salt - will give the picture the desired texture. (salt absorbs paint). What's this? winter snowy forest will look like a real one! Now you need to let your work dry a little. The last step will be drawing the contours. To do this, you can use a black marker or a black felt-tip pen. It remains to shake off excess salt. Your drawing is ready .. It all depends on your imagination and the imagination of your pupils.

Fantasy has no limits!

These are the ones that the children got from work!

Winter forest

Snow Queen Castle

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