Drawing in the first junior group, the theme is winter. Synopsis of an open nod for drawing in the first junior group on the topic "snow coat for a Christmas tree"



Egoryevsk, Moscow region

"What brings winter to us?"

Summary of classes on artistic creativity


In the first junior group.

made by: educator

Lopatnikova Irina Valentinovna


Description: The lesson is aimed at children of the younger group, includes elements of conversation and drawing. The lesson complies with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Topic:"What brings winter to us?"

Age group: junior group, children 2-3 years old

NOD form: occupation

Form of organization: subgroup

Educational and methodical set: Program "From Birth to School" by N.E.Veraksa

Types of children's activities: playful, communicative, productive (drawing), motor.

Forms and methods of work: conversation, answering questions, listening, looking at illustrations and snowflakes, drawing with cotton swabs.

Equipment: white paint , sheet of blue paper , a glass of water, a napkin, an easel, plot pictures on the topic.

Target: the formation of children's ideas about games and fun in the winter season.

Tasks educational program:

Form ideas about the objects of the surrounding world;

Enrich children's ideas about colors, their purposes;

Introduce children's winter games and fun;

Develop logical, communicative and cognitive universal actions;

Fix ideas about winter clothes;

Master the technique of drawing with a cotton swab (the ability to properly hold a cotton swab, pick up paint, make an imprint).

Lesson progress

1.Cognitive and communication activities.

Educator: Guys, what season is it now? (winter). What a wonderful winter has come to us! Why did she come to us? Of course, with frost, snow. Snow lies white - white, it covered the whole earth with a fluffy blanket. Trees and bushes dressed up in winter hats.

The teacher reads the poem:

  • « Snowfall» .

It's snowing, it's snowing

Snow roams the world.

And where does it come from and where does it go?

Snowfall, snowfall, snowfall.

Snow falls at random, like a dream.

- Teacher: It's very cold outside. What do we wear to keep warm? (children's answers). Our clothes and shoes are warm, which means we can walk and play outside. What do children play in winter?

(the teacher shows plot pictures and asks questions, the children answer). Children's answers: On the street, children sled, ski, make snowmen, play snowballs.

Educator: Guys, let's play.

Physical education "Winter walk"

One, two, three, four, five

Fingers are bent, starting with the big one.

We went for a walk in the yard.

They walk with their knees high.

They blinded a snow woman,

"Make a snowball" with two palms.

The birds were fed with crumbs,

"Crush bread" with all fingers.

Then we rode down the hill,

Squat, hands on the belt.

And they rolled in the snow.

Tilts of the body to the left - to the right.

Everyone came home in the snow.

Shake off palms.

Children follow the teacher to perform movements.

Educator: Do you want more snow? Now we will arrange a snowfall. I will draw falling snow. What kind of paint should I take? (Children's answers). Of course, the snow is white, so I will take white paint. Help me: find white paint in the box, and we will draw with cotton swabs.

The teacher shows drawing techniques. We draw snowflakes with cotton swabs. I take a cotton swab with three fingers - I lower it slightly into the paint. Remember that the wand only drinks water, not bathes in it.

2. Productive activity (drawing).

D The children are drawing snowflakes.

3. Reflection.

Educator: What a snowfall we have in the group! How much snow has fallen! Let's turn into a snowball.

The teacher reads the poem. Children stand in a circle and dance, then circle in place.

Snow, snow is spinning, the whole street is white!

We gathered in a circle, spun like a snowball.

The teacher praises the children and invites them to remember what they learned in the lesson.


drawing classes in the 2nd

junior group

Theme: "Winter Sunny

day in the forest


January 2012

Open lesson in drawing in the second junior group.

Topic: Drawing with paints "Winter sunny day in the forest."

Tasks. one. Continue to teach children to carefully use a brush and gouache, learn to draw snow in the form of snowdrifts, consolidate the ability to convey a rounded shape, consolidate painting techniques, convey animal traces with the rhythm of strokes. 2. Development of creative imagination, aesthetic perception of children, development of interest in fine arts: ask children what to draw about winter; consider illustrations depicting a winter sunny day and snowdrifts (then the children describe them); convey the phenomena of reality. Admire the beauty of the drawing.

Material. Watercolor paper, pre-toned in blue, for each child, white, yellow and black gouache, brushes No.

Lesson plan:

1. Consideration of illustrations depicting winter. Children answer the teacher's questions.

2. The teacher shows the techniques for drawing snowdrifts. Children draw.

3. The teacher asks the children to draw the sun. Children draw.

4. Physical education: "The snow is spinning."

5. The teacher shows how to draw footprints in the snow with the rhythm of strokes. Children draw.

6. Admire the beauty of the drawing.

Course progress.(Before the start of the lesson, the teacher draws the attention of the children to the arrival of guests.)

The lesson begins with the fact that the teacher asks the children what time of year it is; how did they guess that it was winter now; what games are played in winter; does the sun shine in winter, what kind of snowdrifts are there, etc. Next, the teacher examines illustrations of winter landscapes with the children, the children describe them. Before the teacher invites the children to draw a sunny winter day, we repeat how to use a brush, gouache, and water correctly. The teacher reminds the children to be careful.

First, the teacher shows how a snowdrift is drawn. Children draw. Then the children draw the sun on their own (the previous drawing lesson was about drawing the sun). By this time, the children have time to get tired and the physical education begins.

Physical education minute

Physical education minute. Children go out on the carpet. The teacher turns on background music. Children repeat the movements after the teacher following the poem:

“Snowflakes are falling from the sky, like in a fairy-tale picture, We’ll catch them with our hands and show them to our mother at home, And there are snowdrifts around, the roads are covered with snow, Don’t get stuck in the field to raise them above your feet, There’s a fox in the field jumping like a soft red ball Well, and we we go, we go and again we come to the house.

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the words in the poem about the fox and asks what will remain in the snow if the fox runs. Children answer that traces. The teacher offers to finish the drawing: draw the tracks of a fox in the snow. Everyone takes their seats. The teacher shows how to draw traces with the rhythm of strokes. Children draw.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher praises the children and draws the attention of the children to the beauty of the drawing.

Abstract of a drawing lesson in the younger group on the topic: "Sorceress Winter"

Purpose: To interest in the continuous painting of the plane of a sheet of paper, by applying sweeping strokes; To consolidate the ability to timely saturate the pile of the brush with paint, to hold the brush correctly; Raise interest in working with gouache, promote a sense of joy from getting the result.

Material: illustrations on a winter theme, sheets of paper (1/2 of a landscape sheet) with winter landscapes painted on them with a candle, blue gouache, brushes, napkins - for each child.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment: Children and the teacher are talking at the window.

Educator: - Look how beautiful it is on the street! Guys, what time of year is it? (Winter.)

What signs of winter do you know? (Snow lies, it is cold, cold winds blow.)

What do you call the weather when it snows? (Snowfall.)

A strong wind is blowing and snow is spinning in the air? (Blizzard, blizzard, blizzard.)

Winter is the most beautiful time of the year.

The artists were very fond of drawing winter, they depicted a winter forest (shows the first picture).

Polina, tell us what you see in this picture? (trees in the snow, trees in the snow, snow on the ground)

Yes, a forest is depicted here, it must have been a heavy snowfall and the snow covered all the Christmas trees and trees.

The teacher points to the following picture:

Andrey, what is shown in this picture? (there are snowmen, snow hill, snow house)

Yes, probably, the children walked after the snowfall and made a lot of different snow buildings. Do you remember how we made snowmen out of snow? (Yes)

How did we do it? (rolled snowballs of different sizes)

And what shape were our snowballs? (round)

Do you know what I suggest? Let's draw your winter pictures.

Guys, let's play first.

Finger gymnastics:

One two three four,

Bend fingers one at a time

We made snow with you

"Sculpt" with two hands

Round, strong

We draw a circle with our hands

Very smooth

With one hand we stroke the other

And not at all sweet.

We threaten with a finger

2. Main body:

Teacher: Look at the tables. We have magic leaves. We will paint them with magical colors, and the sorceress winter will appear on the leaves.

Shows how to draw: “Smoothly move the brush from left to right, paint over the entire surface of the sheet.

Children take leaves on which a winter landscape is drawn with a candle and apply paint to the sheet with a brush. A drawing appears. Finished works are exhibited.

3. Bottom line:

Educator: Children, look what wonderful drawings we got!

What is shown on them (Answers of children)

Did you enjoy being wizards?

Well done boys. You have all tried very hard.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Purpose: to continue to teach children to hold the hand correctly, without straining the muscles and without squeezing the fingers tightly; achieve free hand movement with a brush while drawing. Continue learning how to paint on...

Abstract of directly educational activities in drawing for children 2-3 years old on the topic: "It's snowing"

Gerasyova Anastasia Aleksandrovna, teacher of MBDOU "CRR - kindergarten "Luchik", Michurinsk, Tambov region

Material Description: the presented summary will be of interest to preschool teachers and art teachers working with children of primary preschool age. Designed for young children (2-3 years). According to the presented abstract, a drawing lesson was held.

Target: execution of the drawing by the method of sticking.
1) create an emotionally positive background for the lesson;
2) learn to draw with paints using the “sticking” technique using a brush, distributing images throughout the sheet;
3) to cultivate interest and a positive attitude towards drawing;
4) develop attention, teach to correlate the word and action.

Materials and equipment: brushes, white gouache, water in jars, blue colored cardboard or sheets pre-painted with blue gouache.

GCD progress:
Organizing time.
The teacher shows the children an illustration with a winter landscape or snowfall, talks about winter, talks about winter entertainment, what children ride this season, what people are wearing.

Main part.
Educator: Let's sit down at the tables and I will show you how we will draw snow. I take a brush, moisten it a little with water: I remind you that we dip only the bristle of the brush. Our brush does not want to get dirty, so we dip only its “tail” into the paint.
The teacher draws snow in the “sticking” way - he applies the pile to a sheet of paper and immediately “tears off”, such manipulations are done throughout the sheet. After the teacher has shown the children the whole process of drawing, she asks the pupils to take the brushes correctly and depict on paper how the snow is falling.

Dynamic pause.
The teacher invites the children to perform movements in the text:

The sun warms weakly
(Hands up and down.)
And the frost crackles
(Hands on the belt, tilts to the sides.)
In the yard at the Snow Woman
(Hands on the belt, turn around.)
Whitened carrot nose.
(Children show their nose.)
Suddenly there was water in the river
Motionless and firm

(Jumping in place.)
Sweeps everything around
Snow white silver.

(Children spin around.)

After the children have finished their drawings, look at them together, offer to place them together to dry, and then show them to their parents.

Praise all the guys.

Synopsis of a game lesson in a nursery group of a kindergarten (for children of the 3rd year of life), topic: “Winter in the forest”


To expand the knowledge of children about the inhabitants of the forest, the features of their life in winter.
To consolidate knowledge about the number and number 1.
To form the ability to distinguish the shape of objects.
Teach children to guess the animal according to the description. Find a picture with the image of a given animal.
Introduce children to L. Tolstoy's story "The Wolf and the Squirrel".
Continue learning to sculpt, draw and stick.
Develop attention, auditory and visual concentration.
Exercise in the ability to coordinate words and movements.
Develop thinking, fine and gross motor skills.


Attached to the back of the chairs are pictures depicting forest dwellers; tickets with similar pictures.
Mitten dolls: bear, fox, wolf, hare, hedgehog, squirrel, deer.
Silhouette images of hedgehogs without thorns, clothespins.
Container with cereals, nuts, foil.
Silhouette image of a squirrel, finger paints.
A picture of a fox without a tail, pasted on cardboard, orange plasticine.
Pictures depicting animals without tails, carved tails of these animals.
Green napkins.
Picture-background of a winter forest with a den, silhouette images of a bear, a hare, a squirrel, a fox, a wolf.
Pictures depicting colored animals and their black shadows, pencils.
Audio recordings: "Bunny", "Wolf" by Zheleznova.

Lesson progress:

Greeting "Everyone clapped their hands"

Everyone clapped their hands
Friendly, more fun!
Our feet were pounding
Louder and faster!
Let's hit the knees.
Hush, hush, hush.
Hands up, hands up
Higher, higher, higher!
Our hands turned.
Were down again.
Spin around, spin around
And they stopped.

Game situation "Journey to the winter forest"

The teacher lines up chairs one after another, on the back of each chair there is a picture of an animal. Children are given tickets, which depict the same animals.
Guys, look at your ticket and find your seat. Everyone take their seats? Then let's hit the road - in the winter forest!


The teacher puts on the hand a mitten doll "Squirrel".

I am a squirrel, a cheerful animal, hopping and hopping through the trees.
But in winter I change, I change into a gray fur coat.
I warmed the hollow all autumn,
Pooh, I dragged straws there.
I was preparing a supply for the winter: mushrooms, berries, nuts ...
To not starve in winter. Where can I get food in the cold?
It is difficult for a squirrel to winter ...

Exercise "Find the nuts"

Children look for nuts with their hands in a container with cereals.

Manual labor "Nuts for squirrels"

Children wrap nuts in foil and put them in a hollow (a hole cut in a brown plastic bottle)


The teacher puts a mitten doll "Hedgehog" on his hand.

In winter I sleep soundly
Buried in a warm hole.
Since summer, he has been accumulating his fat, eating a lot and drinking a lot.
I have one job in winter in winter - sleep soundly and wait for spring!

Didactic exercise "Find the one who is alone"

Children find in the picture among the animals the one that is one and indicate the number 1.

Game with clothespins "Prickly hedgehog"

Children attach clothespins-thorns to the silhouette image of a hedgehog.


The teacher puts a mitten doll "Hare" on his hand.

I'm a hare, I'll tell you how I live in the forest.
By the winter, guys, turned white, put on a new coat.
I'll sit down under a bush, hide under a pine tree.
The forest beast will not see, will not recognize me!
It is very difficult in winter when it is very cold
And there is not enough food.
And I eat bark, frozen berries.
Whatever the hare finds under the snow - everything will suit him for the future.

Musical-dynamic pause "Bunny jumped"

Children move according to the lyrics of the song.


The teacher puts a mitten "Fox" on his hand.

I am not afraid of winter, I dress myself in a warm fur coat.
What a beautiful tail - I like it myself!
I live in a hole. I sleep there, rest, and then I start hunting.
I am looking for a field mouse or some kind of living creature.
I want to catch a hare, but it's not easy not to catch up with him!
Probably few people know about this, but it is difficult for me in the winter.
Sometimes I run all day, and there is no food at all.

Sculpting "Fox tail"

Children sculpt a thick sausage with a circular rolling, then roll out and thin the edges of this sausage with their fingers. Then they attach the tail to the image of the fox and press it down with your fingers.


The teacher puts a mitten "Wolf" on his hand.

I myself will tell you how I spend the winter in the forest.
The wolf is very angry in winter.
Doesn't walk alone wolves roam in packs.
Grey, thin, hungry and angry.
Howl strongly at night, even scary animals!
It is better not to get caught by them, it is necessary to beware of them.
But it is also difficult for a wolf in winter ...
There is not enough food and he is starving.

Didactic game "Whose tail?"

You need to find and attach the tail to the image of the animal.

Dynamic pause "Winter Forest"

We came to the winter forest.
How many miracles are around here!
On the right - a birch in a fur coat is standing,
On the left, the spruce is looking at us.
Snowflakes are spinning in the sky
They lay down nicely on the ground.
So the bunny jumped
He ran away from the fox.
This is a gray wolf roaming
He's looking for prey!
We all hide now
Then he will not find us!
Only the bear sleeps in the den
So he sleeps through the winter.
Bullfinches are flying by.
How beautiful they are!
Beauty and peace in the forest
And it's time for us to go home.

Reading the story of L. N. Tolstoy "The Wolf and the Squirrel"

The squirrel jumped from branch to branch and fell right on the sleepy wolf. The wolf jumped up and wanted to eat her.
The squirrel began to ask: "Let me go." The wolf said: “Okay, I'll let you in, just tell me why you squirrels are so cheerful. I’m always bored, but you look at you, you’re all playing and jumping up there.” The squirrel said: "Let me go up the tree first, I'll tell you from there, otherwise I'm afraid of you." The wolf let go, and the squirrel went to the tree and said from there: “You are bored because you are angry. Anger burns your heart. And we are cheerful because we are kind and do no harm to anyone.

Drawing "Squirrel"

Children paint over the contour image of a squirrel.


The teacher puts on the hand a mitten doll "Bear".

Under a snag in a windbreak
The bear sleeps as if in a house.
He put his paw in his mouth
And how little sucks.

Exercise "Winter in the forest"

Children superimpose an image of a bear, a hare, a squirrel on the background picture. The teacher asks where the children placed the animals.

Finger game "Wild Animals"

This is a bunny, this is a squirrel.
This is a fox, this is a wolf cub.
(Alternately bending the fingers starting with the little finger)

And it sleeps and sighs awake
Brown, furry, funny teddy bear.
(wiggle thumb)

Didactic game "Show the picture"

I will tell you about the animals, and you guess who exactly and show the picture.

Small, long-eared, shy, jumpy. (Hare)
Gray, angry, toothy. (Wolf)
Red, fluffy, cunning, agile. (Fox)
Big, brown, clumsy, clumsy. (Bear)


The teacher puts a mitten doll "Deer" on his hand.

No candy, no dumplings
Deer do not eat in the forest.
And lunch is not bad for them,
If there is grass and moss.

Manual labor "Hay for the deer"

Children tear green napkins into thin hay strips.

Didactic exercise "Find the shadow of an animal"

Children connect a color image and its silhouette with a line.

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