How to draw folk costume step by step. Fine art lesson "Russian folk festive costume"


A couple of days ago, Alena Belova wrote to me with a request to show me how to draw a folk costume with a pencil. I have already done a lot of drawing lessons of different clothes. You will see links to them below, under this lesson. And for this, I picked up a picture depicting women's festive clothes from the Tver province of the 19th century: On the left is a sundress, shirt and belt. On the right is a girl's festive shirt with a belt. If you were asked this topic in a history lesson or from this topic, you can use this lesson:

How to draw a Russian folk costume with a pencil step by step

Step one. I sketch the main parts of the costumes. This is no different from a sketch of a person, only without the head and legs. Here it is also important to observe proportions.
Step two. We draw the shape of the dresses. Folk costumes (at least ours) were not distinguished by openness, so here almost the entire body is hidden.
Step three. A very important point is the folds. Without them, the drawing will look like a paper dress. Try to show all possible bends and shadows from them on the dress.
Step four. Another distinctive feature of the folk costume is the abundance of patterns. It's not just some fiction from Armani or Gucci. Each pattern means something. It is difficult to draw them, but if you do not, it will be difficult for the viewer to determine: is this a dress of some young lady or a folk costume? And so, looking only for a second, anyone will determine without errors.
Step five. If you add hatching, the drawing will become more realistic.
I already wrote above that I have a lot of drawing lessons here. You can take any topic that has clothes and draw. But I have selected the best topic lessons from this and give them to you.


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Russian folk costume Each nation expressed its understanding of human beauty, primarily through the costume. The word "costume", which came from the French language, means "custom". The presentation was created by the primary school teacher of the GBOU secondary school No. 423 of Kronstadt Kharitonova N.V.

Look at these costumes, their wonderful multicolor. As if someone had collected paints from flowering meadows, from blue rivers, from fiery sunsets and placed them on clothes.

Festive costumes were created by craftswomen with special diligence and were inherited from mother to daughter.

The basis of the women's and men's costume was a shirt made of homespun linen. For men, the length of the shirt was below the knees, for women - to the very heels.

Patterns were placed along the edge of the hem, sleeves, collars, over the folds of the arms, along the seams and side cuts as amulets.

Bast shoes served as shoes, and leather boots were also worn. The costume was complemented by a belt-amulet. The role of the belt is great in various rituals, the girls prepared belts as a dowry.

The South Russian complex was distinguished by the presence of a poneva, an apron-curtain. Poneva - an element of Russian folk costume, a women's woolen skirt of married women (usually plaid) with a richly decorated hem

Tula outfit

South Russian ponyovny complex Headdress - magpie Embroidered shirt Apron Poneva Bast shoes Curtain Belt (sash)

Headwear Kichka Magpie

The North Russian complex is characterized by a sarafan, a shower warmer or an epanechka. Headdress: kokoshnik, crown.

North Russian sarafan complex Kokoshnik Crown Shirt Dushegreya Epanechka Sundress Boots Bast shoes

Patterns Ornament Patterns of stylized plants, flowers, branches were depicted. The most common ornamental elements are: triangles, rhombuses, oblique crosses, octagonal stars, rosettes, Christmas trees, bushes, rectangles with dots, stylized figures of a woman, a bird, a horse, a deer.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

In this work, the student reveals the history of the origin of the folk costume and compares it with modern clothes"...

Methodological developments "Russian folk costume"

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Svetlana Vohrintseva - Coloring of the folk costume "Rossinochka" POLKH-MAIDAN PAINTING

Svetlana Vohrintseva - Coloring of the folk costume "Rossinochka" Publishing House "Country of Fantasy"


  1. To acquaint with the history and traditions of Russian folk holidays.
  2. Cultivate respect, develop interest in folk art.
  3. To fix the concept of “ornament”, its types.
  4. Improve visual skills, the ability to work with gouache.

Visibility: images of Russian folk costumes, ornaments, a panel depicting a rural square, an audio recording of “The Ringing of Bells”, patterns of human figures, proverbs on the board:

  1. You can't feed a chicken, and you can't dress up a girl.
  2. The woman's shirts are the same bags: tie up the sleeves, but put whatever you want.
  3. They praise silk on a girl when there is a sense in the girl herself.

I. Organizational moment.

II. Lesson topic announcement

a) conversation

Every nation has holidays. They reveal the soul of a person, his character. In Russia they loved holidays. They met spring and saw off winter, celebrated the completion of field work, and sometimes just the end of the working day. Holidays have always been fun filled with music, singing, games and dancing. Every evening, people of different ages gathered in the evening at someone's hut and sang and danced (danced) there. The song and dance repertoire was very rich and varied. For all seasons, for all calendar holidays there were songs, games, dances, fun, nursery rhymes. Often, incantations, jokes, jokes were invented on the spot, on the move - they improvised, especially ditties.

A holiday is not only songs and dances.

How else is this day different from ordinary everyday life? / outfits /

On the eve of the festivities, heavy chests were thrown open. The more they were stuffed, the richer the owner of the house was considered. All festive clothes were necessarily decorated with embroidery elements, beads, sequins, which, as a rule, was not in everyday clothes. By the clothes one could judge the taste and skill of the craftswoman, because the peasant woman herself made the outfit<рисунок 1>.

What a variety of festive outfits!

And what do they have in common? (patterns)

How else can you call it? (ornament)

Any Russian costume in the old days was certainly decorated with ornaments and embroidery.

Let's remember what types of ornament do you know?

/plant and geometric/

Pay attention to the board. Here are the patterns (they can simply be drawn on the board with colored chalk.) Which of them will not be ornaments? Why? /in the ornament, the elements are depicted in a certain order, rhythmically./

The game "Compose a melody to the ornament."

b) STORY about Russian folk costumes.

Let's take a closer look at the outfits.

The basis of any Russian costume was a shirt<рисунок 1и 2>. Shirts with a fastener on the side were called blouses. These were usually worn by men. Also, their outfit included pants that were tucked into boots or onuchi (a piece of fabric), and bast shoes were worn on top of the onuchi.

The shirt was wide and was decorated along the hem, along the collar, along the edge of the sleeves with embroidery. And be sure to tie it with a sash.<рисунок 2>.

Belts performed many functions: they spoke about the well-being of a person, and were also an award and a gift, and were inherited. Festive shirts were embroidered with silk colored threads. Preference was given to red (as a talisman).

Particular importance was attached to the location of the picture. For example:

  • chest patterns - protected the heart and lungs,
  • shoulder - guarded hands,
  • bottom - did not allow evil forces to get through from below.

In the central and northern regions of Russia, women wore a sundress for the holidays.<рисунок 3>.

The smooth lines of the sundress seemed to flow, making the woman look like a swan. No wonder in songs and fairy tales they are called swans.

The festive attire also included the so-called dushegrey - epanechki or shorts - short blouses with straps, similar to sarafans<рисунок 4>.

And in the southern regions of Russia, women of fashion dressed in a pony complex<рисунок 5>.

Poneva - skirt. She always dressed over a shirt, then came an apron, and then a top.

The apron was generously decorated with embroidery<рисунок 6>.

Red prevailed. This is the color of fire, the sun, magical, beautiful, a symbol of salvation and a sign of a barrier to evil forces. This color was supposed to scare away demons and spirits that have a human appearance, store and protect the owner from various misfortunes.

The top is an outer garment worn in autumn or spring. The tip was not girded<рисунок 7>.

And finally, hats.

They were clearly divided into girls' and married women's dresses:

Kokoshniks, ribbons, wreaths /girlish/.

Koruna, magpie, kichka /female/.

In the names of headdresses, one can hear kinship with a bird: kokoshnik, kichka, magpie. And this is no coincidence. Remember fairy tales: a swan, a white swan, like a peacock.

c) Work with proverbs.

III. Practical work– creation of a collective panel on the theme “Holiday in the village”.

Students are given figurines depicting people and need to make them festive clothes.

Task differentiated:

1 group: colorize ready-made figurines, already “dressed” - a task for slow-moving children and those who have difficulty with self-image. Design your own ornament.

2 group: “Dress” paper figurine, i.e. design and draw your own festive outfit.

Group 3 (children who draw well): portray figure of a man in a festive costume.

The main condition is the presence of an ornament in clothes.

Finished works are glued onto a pre-prepared panel depicting a rural square with a cathedral and peasant houses. /Audio recording “Ringing bells” - people gather in the cathedral square./

IV. Outcome.

Everything in life changes, but the holiday remains. And although he can cope in different ways, the main thing remains - joy, special excitement, fun, elegant clothes, gifts, songs and dances, which are now sometimes mysterious to us. However, these traditions are unusual and special. They need to be remembered and known.

Did you remember?

This is what we are going to check now.

Children are given cards-arrows with the words-names of Russian folk clothes:

- shirt - epanechka - kokoshnik
- sash - short - coruna
- kosovorotka - poneva - magpie
- onuchi - apron - kitsch.
- sundress - tip

It is necessary to connect the arrow cards with the items of clothing in the pictures so that they match the names.

V. Evaluation of works.

In chapter

There are different tasks. Here you sit sometimes and think How to draw a Russian folk costume? And what about a child?

ISO step by step instructions

Russian folk women's costume with a sundress. Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a Russian folk costume yourself with a pencil.

Russian folk girl's costume - a shirt with a belt. Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a female Russian folk costume with a pencil in stages. First, we draw a vertical line - this is our axis of symmetry, then we outline three horizontal lines - the lines of the shoulders, hips and waist. Depending on what kind of costume we are drawing: a northern Russian one with a mandatory sundress or a southern Russian one with an apron and pony, the waist line is located differently. In the northern versions - it is overestimated, in the southern - it is in place. Then a skirt is outlined from the waist line, and future sleeves from the shoulder line. For simplicity, the sleeve line can be drawn parallel to the skirt line. We finish the sleeve at the level of the hips. Thus, we have a pseudo-layout ready, on the basis of which we will draw a costume.

1. We draw a Russian costume based on a sundress.

Alyonushka girl in Russian folk costume. A breakdown into separate stages, how to draw a costume yourself.

Elena Chuvilina

Theme: "Russian folk costume".

Tasks: to acquaint children with the history of men's and women's clothing, with Russian folk costume; develop visual perception; to cultivate accuracy and perseverance, to cultivate interest in the origins of Russian folk culture.

Materials. Illustrations of folk Russian costumes, pictures of men's and women's clothing, samples of various clothes. Coloring pages of folk Russian costumes, felt-tip pens.

The teacher introduces children to the history of men's and women's clothing. In museums there are a lot of samples of rich clothes of Russian tsars and boyars. Clothing was very expensive, so it was passed on only by inheritance. For ordinary people, men and women, the main part of the clothing was a shirt, or shirt. The shirt was wide and long. Her sleeves were longer than her arms. The shirt had a special cut collar. The shirt had a slit on the side, so it was called a kosovorotka. A white kosovorotka was decorated with embroidery along the hem, collar, bottom of the sleeves. Very often, an insert of a material of a different color was made on the chest. A caftan was also worn over the shirts. Men's trousers were called trousers. These are the things our ancestors had: shirt, pants, caftan and others. Women's clothes were more complex and varied. A shirt was part of the clothing. Over the shirt, women wore a long sundress. It was decorated with ribbons, beads, buttons and so on. A mandatory attribute of men's and women's clothing in Russia has always been a belt. Next, the teacher talks about the Russian folk costume. On the board, illustrative material and the teacher shows everyday and festive clothes. Today we will color the Russian folk costume of a boy and a girl. Under the Russian calm melody, the children get to work. Review of children's work.

Well done! What beautiful costumes you have!

Exhibition of children's works!

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