We draw a bear in the middle group. Summary of GCD on drawing using the “poke” technique with a dry glue brush in the middle group “Teddy Bear


Olga Pichugina
Abstract of a lesson on fine arts in the middle group “How a bear met spring. Bear drawing»


Drawing with a poke with a hard semi-dry brush.


Continue to improve the ability to convey the image of a bear in the drawing.

Continue to teach children to draw in non-traditional ways of drawing, using a hard brush and gouache (dry method).

Expand children's ideas about seasonal changes in nature.

Tasks: to consolidate the ability of children to draw by poking with a hard semi-dry brush, draw along the contour and inside the contour.


To consolidate the ability to draw with gouache using the poke method.

Apply the pattern over the entire surface.

To convey in the drawing the features of the appearance of a bear.


Develop imagination and perception of the world around,

cognitive abilities;

Encourage the development of curiosity.


Cultivate a caring attitude towards wildlife;

To consolidate knowledge about the appearance and life of a bear in the spring.

Cultivate accuracy at work.

Equipment and material: a sheet of paper with a bear outline, brown gouache, black, yellow, green, white gouache, hard brushes No. 6 and No. 3, cotton buds, brush holders, napkins for each child. An example of a bear drawn with the poke method on the board.

Preliminary work: Reading Russian folk tales "Masha and the Bear", "Three Bears", E. Charushin "Bear" and other stories about animals. Examination of illustrations by E. Charushin. Looking at photo illustrations with animals in spring, talking about the life of animals in spring, talking about spring changes in nature, observing on a walk.

Board game "Who has what kind of home?" Application, modeling of animals.

Course progress.

Introductory part.

What season is it in the yard? (Spring)

Guys, let's think about what happens in nature in early spring (children's answers).

(on the projector, the teacher shows all the listed signs of spring, accompanying the story).

All living things wake up, a brook rings, and the first flowers appear on the thawed patches - snowdrops, birds arrive from warm countries. Spring has come. (The ice on the river broke, a warm wind blew, the sky became clear, spring, the snow melted, the earth appeared).

Are the animals excited about spring? (Yes) What happens to those animals that were in hibernation? (They wake up.) That's right guys.

Now I will tell you how the bear met spring.

An image of a bear sleeping in a den appears on the projector.

Without worries and without anxiety, the bear slept in his lair.

Slept all winter until spring and probably dreamed

Suddenly, the clubfoot woke up, hears, drops - that's the trouble!

In the darkness, he rummaged around with his paw and jumped up - there was water all around.

The bear hurried outside: it floods - not up to sleep!

He got out and sees: puddles, snow is melting, spring has come.

-When it gets warm and the first leaves appear, the bear will wake up. But he will be sad alone, he has no friends yet. How can we help the bear? (Draw for him friends - bears.)

Main part

The teacher invites the children to consider the image of a bear. He asks what kind of fur the bear cub has. (fluffy, shaggy).

Would you like to draw a teddy bear with the same beautiful fur? (children's answers)

How can we draw it? ("Poke method").

Yes, children, we will draw a teddy bear in an unusual way, using a hard brush and gouache.

(children sit down).


Remind and show the children how to hold the brush correctly: just like a pencil, with three fingers, but above the metal part of the brush.

What do you think, where should you start drawing a teddy bear? (children's answers)

Well done! First, we use the “poke method” to trace the bear cub along the contour. Draw the body always start to topple down. What part of the bear's body is on top. (Head)

Correctly! What shape is the bear's head? (Round)

Good. What part of the body should be depicted next? (Torso / body of a bear cub)

It's great, what shape does the torso of a teddy bear look like? (Oval)

What parts do we still need to draw our teddy bear? (front and hind legs, they are oval, ears in a semicircle).

When the contour is ready, fill the space inside with the “poke method”.

The teacher accompanies the instruction with a show, invites the children.

What is missing from our teddy bear? (children's answers)

But first we will play with our fingers.

Perform the exercise - warm-up with a brush, while the hand should be on the elbow. (Children perform movements in accordance with the text on a small sheet of paper).

Hold the brush like this - (Hand on the elbow. Hold the brush

fingers above its metal part.

It's difficult? No, rubbish! - Movements with the hand over the text.

Right - left, up and down

Our brush ran.

And then, and then - The brush is held vertically.

The brush runs around. Perform poke without paint

Twisted like a top. on the sheet.)

After the poke comes the poke!

Let's draw such fluffy cubs!

Independent work of children.

When the drawing dries, with a cotton swab, in black, we will finish the eyes, nose, mouth and claws of the teddy bear. And so that our bears do not get bored, we will supplement our drawings with signs of spring. Optionally, draw the spring sun, clouds and the first grass. To do this, use thin brushes.

Physical education minute"The cubs lived in the thicket."

Bear cubs lived in more often

They turned their heads

Like this, like this, they turned their heads.

Bear cubs looking for honey

They shook the tree together,

Like this, like this, they shook the tree together.

Bear cubs drink water

Friend after friend went

Like this, like this, everyone followed each other.

The bear cubs danced

Raised paws up

Like this, like this, they raised their paws up.

Final part.

The teacher attaches drawn bears to the magnetic board.

Well done, what wonderful cubs we got. Now our bear will wake up from hibernation and find many new friends.

Children, tell us about your cubs? Which turned out to be the funniest, which is the most fluffy, which is the most furry? How did we draw today? ("Poke method").

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Summary of GCD on drawing using the "poke" technique with a dry glue brush in the middle group "Teddy Bear"

Purpose: To fix the drawing technique - with a “poke” (dry glue brush);

Development of fine motor skills of hands, coordination of movements;

To consolidate the ability to paint over the contour using the “poke” method;

reinforce knowledge of color (brown, instill interest in drawing in different ways.


Raise interest in wild animals.


To consolidate in children the use of their knowledge and ideas about the features of the appearance of a bear.

To form the ability to portray a bear, accurately conveying the features of appearance and proportions.


To develop in children the ability to convey a simple simple image with one character (bear).

Strengthen the ability to draw a contour with a simple pencil, use a dry hard brush when drawing bear hair.

Lesson material:

Teddy bear toy;
- simple pencils;

The brush is hard and watercolor.

Preliminary work:

Talk about wild animals

Examination of the series of paintings "Wild Animals"

To consolidate knowledge of color (brown, to instill interest in drawing in different ways.


A sample of the finished drawing of a bear, Toy - a bear cub. Bristle brushes, thin soft brushes, gouache (brown, black, red, napkins, jars of water.

Lesson progress:

Educator: Guys, tell me the toys that you know. (children's answers)

Now let's check if you have listed all the toys? (Display demo)

Guys, I'll give you a riddle. You have to guess which toy I made a riddle about. (Mystery)

That's right, it's a bear.

The teacher invites the children to consider the image of a bear. He asks what kind of fur the bear cub has. (fluffy, shaggy).

Physical education "Bears lived in the thicket."

Bear cubs lived in more often

They turned their heads

Like this, like this, they turned their heads.

Bear cubs looking for honey

They shook the tree together,

Like this, like this, they shook the tree together.

Bear cubs drink water

Friend after friend went

Like this, like this, everyone followed each other.

The bear cubs danced

Raised paws up

Like this, like this, they raised their paws up.

Would you like to draw a teddy bear with the same beautiful fur? (children's answers)

How can we draw it? ("Poke method").

Yes, children, we will draw a teddy bear in a way that is already familiar to you, using a hard brush and gouache, the outline of the teddy bear with a simple pencil.

(children sit down).


Remind and show the children how to hold the brush correctly: just like a pencil, with three fingers, but above the metal part of the brush.

What do you think, where should you start drawing a teddy bear? (children's answers)

Well done! First, we use the “poke method” to trace the bear cub along the contour. Draw the body always start to topple down. What part of the bear's body is on top. (Head)

Correctly! What shape is the bear's head? (Round)

Good. What part of the body should be depicted next? (Torso / body of a bear cub)

It's great, what shape does the torso of a teddy bear look like? (Oval)

What parts do we still need to draw our teddy bear? (front and hind legs, they are oval, ears in a semicircle).

When the contour is ready, fill the space inside with the “poke method”.

The teacher accompanies the instruction with a show, invites the children.

What is missing from our teddy bear? (children's answers)

But first we will play with our fingers.

Perform the exercise - warm-up with a brush, while the hand should be on the elbow. (Children perform movements in accordance with the text on a small sheet of paper).

We hold the brush like this - (Hand on the elbow. The brush is held with three fingers at the base of the tin.

It's difficult? No, rubbish! - Movements with the hand over the text.

Right - left, up and down

Our brush ran.

And then, and then - The brush is held vertically.

The brush runs around. Perform poke without paint

Twisted like a top. on the sheet.)

After the poke comes the poke!

Let's draw such fluffy cubs!

Independent work of children.

When the drawing dries, with a thin brush, in black, we will finish the eyes, nose, mouth and claws of the teddy bear.

4. Independent activity of children.

And now you will draw each of your bear. What kind of bears will you have - funny or sad? Who needs help, I will come and help.

5. Summing up.

Analysis: (I take a toy) Bear, look how many drawings you have now with your image. The kids tried so hard to help you. Now you can give them to whoever you want!

Teddy bear: (Looks at the drawings of children) - Thank you guys, I like this funny teddy bear, and this one is funny, but I really like them all and I can send them to my brothers! Hooray! Goodbye!

Educator: Guys, you are all great! Let's hang our drawings in our exhibition.

Olga Shelepova
Synopsis of an open lesson on drawing in the middle group using the "Bear" poke method

Synopsis of an open lesson in drawing in the middle group with an unconventional poke method


teach children to poke with a hard semi-dry brush along the contour and inside the contour;


Teach children draw animals using the poke method. Pin skill paint brush in different ways.


build skills, paint gouache using a poke; apply a pattern over the entire surface; convey in the drawing features of appearance bear


develop imagination and perception of the surrounding world, cognitive abilities. Encourage the development of curiosity. Develop the ability to independently choose the color scheme for the image


cultivate a caring attitude towards wildlife. Cultivate accuracy at work.

Preliminary work.

Looking at pictures of animals. Reading a fairy tale "Masha and bear» .


album sheet with drawn outline bear; brushes (hard, gouache, glass of water, brush stand, napkins). Two sample: on one circuit bear on another bear drawn by poke.

move directly educational activities

Riddle for kids:

“In the summer he walks through the forest,

In winter, he rests in a den. (Bear)

caregiver: - Correctly! What does a bear look like? He is fluffy, he has four paws, a small tail, and he himself is big. I am now reading a story "Masha and bear»

Tell me how Mishka did with Masha, good or bad!

Children: It's bad, he didn't let Masha go home.

caregiver: Yes, Misha did not let Masha go home, and what did Masha do?

Children: She tricked him.

caregiver: Yes, she outwitted him, and thus got home to her grandparents.

caregiver: And now we need to carefully consider bear. What shape is the body bear?

Children: The body is oval.

caregiver: And the head?

Children: Round.

caregiver: - And who knows how draw a fluffy bear? What method will we use?

Children: poke

caregiver: - Correctly. poke. Let me show you how paint.

/ Display / - Poke first along the contour of the bear - the head, torso, tail, paws, and then inside.

caregiver: - That's how fluffy it turned out bear.

caregiver:-. Look how wonderful it turned out bear!

remember how paint? We must try not to go beyond the contour line.

You guys try to bear cub turned out beautiful and fluffy.

/Independent work of children, individual assistance/

Now sit down and let's get started. paint.

Physical education minute:

Bears walked through the forest (we walk around)

Teddy bear looking for berries

Like this, like this (put one hand on the side - this is a basket)

Teddy bear looking for berries

Sweet raspberries

Put everything in the cart

Like this, like this (we collect berries and put them in a basket

Put everything in the cart

How to treat yourself to raspberries

All are on the grass

Like this, like this (stroke your belly)

All the bears are placed on the grass

And then the bears danced

Paws raised up

Like this, like this.

As the children complete the work, I conduct an analysis, noting the most successful work and noting the mistakes that the children made.

Thank you guys.

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Summary of GCD for drawing "Bear" in the senior group

Topic: "Bear"

Target : learn to draw a bear along the contour with a poke; instill interest in drawing and educate cognitive activity. Learn to find similarities with a realistic image and enjoy the result.

Program content:

Educational tasks:

Concretize the existing ideas about bears and their features.
Provide conditions for transferring the structure of the animal's fur with the help of a glue brush using the “poke” technique.

Development tasks:

Develop attention, memory, thinking, speech, fine motor skills of hands,imagination.

Educational tasks:

Bring upinterest in the environment,value attitude to one's own work and its results. To form the ability of children to guess riddles, to attach to the developmentartisticperception and aesthetic taste.

Methods and techniques : verbal, visual, practical method; game techniques: a detailed imaginary situation, role-playing (a puppet character is a bear).

preliminary work : Examination of illustrations, conversations, reading fiction about forest animals in the summer.

Equipment : demonstration material (illustrations depicting a brown bear in the summer), handouts (blanks with a bear contour), cups, gouache, oilcloths, poems about a bear and a squirrel, music center,recording of music "Bears" by E. Tilicheeva, sample for drawing, soft thin and thick brushes, glue brushes, coasters, napkins, water, soft toy-bear cub, photograph of a polar bear.

Forms of work with children : collective, individual.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time. Music "Bears" by E. Tilicheeva sounds.

Educator: Guys, whatWho do you think is coming to us?

He is brown and clumsy,
Catches fish with a powerful paw.
He also loves honey!
Who will call sweetheart?

He is brown and shaggy.
Guess guys
Who, having built a warm house,
Sleeping all winter in that house?

The owner of the forest
Waking up in the spring
And in winter, under a blizzard howl,
Sleeping in a snow hut.(Bear)

The teacher brings in a soft teddy bear toy.


A bear came out of the forest
Started to stomp and roar.
- Why are you upset, bear?
- I had a night mare,
I saw a girl Alina -
I ate all the raspberries in the grove!

Mishka, Mishka, couch potato!
He slept long and deep
Slept through the whole winter
And didn't hit the tree
And I didn't go sledding
And didn't throw snowballs
Everything would be a little bear to snore.
Oh, you little bear!

Educator: The teddy bear is upset, he is sad. Why are you sad, honey?
Bear cub: I'm sad because my friend Umka from the North Pole sent me a photo and asks me to send him my photo too.

Shows a photo of a polar bear.

Bear cub: But the bears do not have a camera, paints either, what should I do?

Educator: Guys, can we help the bear?

Children: Yes, we can draw it, make an application!

Educator: Let's first cheer up our guest, we will pass the bear in a circle and say what it is (soft, shaggy, brown, black-eyed, clubfoot)!

Children pass the teddy bear to each other and name it by one of its qualities.

caregiver : Ah, the bear cub has questions for you guys! Can you answer them?

Children: Yes!

Didactic game "Question-answer"
What is the mother bear's name? (bear)
What is the bear's father called? (bear)

What are bear siblings called? (bears)
Where do bears sleep in winter? (in the den),
When do they hibernate (in autumn)?

Educator: In vernacular it is said that the bear hibernates, biologists say - in winter sleep.

Before laying in a den, the owner of the taiga needs to accumulate nutrients - fat. The bear is an omnivore, but most of its diet consists of plant foods: berries, herbaceous plants, acorns, nuts. Pine cones are one of the bears' favorite treats. Young animals can climb trees after them and break off branches. But mostly they collect fallen cones from the ground. To get to the nuts, the bear collects the cones in a heap and crushes them with his paws, from where he then, lying on the ground, selects the nuts along with the shell with his tongue. Often the attention of the bears is attracted by the stocks of nuts made by the chipmunks.

In years favorable for food, adult bears accumulate a layer of subcutaneous fat up to 8-12 cm, and the weight of fat reserves reaches 40% of the total weight of the animal. It is this fat accumulated over the summer and autumn that the bear's body feeds on in winter.

Bears that have not had time to gain sufficient fat reserves cannot hibernate. They are called - Shatuny. Often they are doomed to death from hunger, frost or from a hunter. There are bears in the forest in winter, whose sleep was disturbed by a person or other circumstances. Such a bear is forced to look for a new, calmer haven for sleep.

Before going to the den, the bear diligently confuses the tracks: it winds, goes along windbreaks and even goes backwards in its own footsteps. For lairs, deaf and reliable places are usually chosen along the edges of impenetrable swamps, along the banks of forest lakes and rivers, in windbreaks and logging sites, in depressions under twisted roots or tree trunks. The main condition is that the home should be dry, quiet and isolated from the presence of unexpected guests. The beast insulates its shelter with branches, and layers of moss lines the litter. Sometimes the bedding layer reaches half a meter. It happens that several generations of bears use the same den.

At the beginning of winter, female bears have offspring, usuallytwo bear cubs. Babies are born blind, without hair and teeth. They weigh only half a kilogram and reach 25 cm in length. The cubs feed on the milk of their still sleeping mother and grow quickly; they leave the den in the spring already shaggy and nimble.

In the den, warm and safe, the bears sleep through the long and cold winter. Often the bear sleeps on its side, curled up in a ball, sometimes on its back, less often it sits with its head between its paws. If the animal is disturbed during sleep, it easily wakes up.

There is a funny opinion that a bear sucks its paw during hibernation. But in fact, in January, February happenschange of hard skin on the paw pads, while the old skin bursts, flakes, and itches a lot, and in order to somehow reduce these unpleasant sensationsanimal licks its paws.

Educator: Mishenka, that's how much the guys know about bears. We read a lot and watched fairy tales, looked at albums about bear life. The guys will now tell you what fairy tales they know in which bears meet.

Children: "Three Bears", "Gingerbread Man", "Masha and the Bear", "Two Greedy Bears", "Man and Bear", "Teremok", "Winnie the Pooh and His Friends".
Educator: Today we will draw a bear, and then we will arrange an exhibition of our portraits of bears so that our guest can choose the drawing that is most similar to him.

Fizminutka "Three Bears"

Three bears lived in a fairy tale

They went to the transshipment.

The little girl ran up to them

Run in place.

I went into the house and saw:

Hands are raised above the head, fingertips touch each other.

Large table by the window

The right hand is clenched into a fist, the left palm rests on the fist.

Three chairs - wow.

The left palm is vertical, the right fist is pressed to the palm horizontally.

Three cups and three spoons

They squat, one hand on the belt, then get up, raise their hands up and

touch each other with rounded fingers.

Three beds: look.

Masha ate and drank,

Depict how they hold a spoon and bring it to their mouth.

Laid down on the bed

Hands in front of the chest, bent at the elbows and lie on top of each other.

And fell asleep sweetly.

The palms are folded, the head is tilted and lies on the palms.

What happened next?

Hands slightly spread to the side.

Here the bears returned

They go waddling from side to side.

When they saw Masha, they got angry.

Hands on the waist, make an angry face.

Masha was very scared

Show a scared face.

And she rushed home.

Hands are raised above the head, fingertips touch each other.

Educator: Before we start drawing a bear, let's take a closer look at it.

Displaying a picture of a bear.

Educator: Let's look at the body first.

What shape is the body? (oval).

What else does the bear have? (head).

What is the shape of the head? (round).

Do not forget, when viewed from the side, his muzzle is elongated.

Where is the head located? (the head is located in front (above) of the body, and is connected to it by a powerful short neck).

What do bear paws look like, what shape are they (oval, but elongated)?

Where are the paws of the bear (at the bottom of the body)?

How many paws does a bear have (2 front and 2 hind legs)?

What does a bear have on its head (ears)?

What shape are they? (semicircular)

Are the bear's ears big or small? (small)

What else is on the bear's head (eyes, nose)?

Look carefully at the paws of the bear, what do they have (claws)?

Guys, what color are the bears? (brown, brown)

What color are the eyes, nose and claws? (black)

Finger gymnastics "Who sleeps in winter?"

The bear in the den is fast asleep,

(squeeze the fingers of the right hand into a fist, starting with the big))

He snores all winter until spring.

Chipmunks sleep in winter

Spiny hedgehog and badger.

Only the hare does not sleep -

(show the little finger, rotating it)

Runs away from the fox.

He flickers among the bushes,

(the fingers of the left hand depict the clattering muzzle of a fox chasing

Hooked up and was like that!

Educator: And, now let's sit down in our seats and draw a fluffy, brown bear with black eyes, nose and claws.

Look, now I'll take a glue brush and put on a brown fur coat for the bear. I dip the tip of the brush in brown paint and with such “pokes” I paint over the entire bear. Now you will put on a fur coat for the bear.

Children draw.

Educator: And now guys, I'll take a cotton swab, dip it in black paint and draw eyes on the bear's head. The bear stands sideways and therefore we cannot see the second eye, and on the tip of the muzzle I draw a black nose. Now you take a cotton swab, dip it in black paint and carefully, draw the eye first on the bear, then the nose.

Children draw.

Educator: Now I will draw the claws on the paws of the bear. To do this, I will take a thin brush, dip it in black paint and carefully draw the claws on the paws. To make the bears find themselves in the forest, you can supplement your drawing - for example, draw trees, grass, a river, mountains far away (draw on your own).

Children draw.

Educator: Let's show our drawings to the teddy bear!

Works are laid out and considered together with the children.

Educator: How beautiful and fluffy they all turned out! Our bear cub asks for one drawing, which he can send to his friend Umka to the North Pole. Which pattern will we choose?

Children choose a drawing and give it to a teddy bear.

Educator: The teddy bear is very happy with the gift. It's time for him to leave! Let's say goodbye to him!

Children: Goodbye!

Educator: Rfuck what did we do today? What do we draw with? For whom did we try, who did we want to help? What will we do with the rest of the drawings?

Children: We will organize an exhibition in the locker room on the board of creativity and in the evening we will tell the parents who came to us.

Self-analysis of GCD in drawing:

Topic: "Bear"

Target : Learn to draw a bear along the contour with a poke; instill interest in drawing and educate cognitive activity. Learn to find similarities with a realistic image and enjoy the result.

What worked out well : the lesson aroused great interest among the children, they showed great interest in this topic, actively expressed their opinions, guessed riddles, asked questions and answered them. For the first time we used this technique in drawing - drawing with a poke, which aroused interest among children. The work is bright and colorful.

The children performed their work diligently, accurately, creatively approached the composition, shared their ideas with other children, looked at the work of their peers with pleasure, discussed the work, shared their opinion.

Difficulties encountered: Some difficulty in children arose with the development of this technique. For example, Gleb did not want to completely paint over the entire bear, the bear's hind legs remained white.

Abstract of a lesson on visual activity in the middle group

"Drawing a bear" (non-traditional way: "Drawing by poke")

Target: To improve visual skills and abilities, to form artistic and creative abilities.


  • Continue to improve the ability to convey in the drawing the images of the characters of literary works (illustrations by Evgeny Ivanovich Charushin).
  • Learn to convey the position of objects in space on a sheet of paper, as well as the movement of figures.
  • Continue to introduce children to non-traditional means of drawing using a sponge and gouache (dry method).
  • Continue to develop the ability to work carefully, economically consuming materials.

Preliminary work:Reading Russian folk tales "Masha and the Bear", "Three Bears", E. Charushin "Bear" and other stories about animals. Examination of illustrations by E. Charushin. Designing from geometric shapes of animals, drawing parts of the body of a fox, a hare. Looking at photo illustrations with animals in the spring, talking about the life of animals in the spring, a printed board game "Who has what kind of home?", Didactic game "Who eats what?". Application, modeling of animals.

Materials: Sound recording of bear growling, teddy bear toy. Fiction, a riddle about a bear, a didactic game "In a forest clearing", a set of animal toys, an illustration of a bear by Evgeny Ivanovich Charushin, gouache, brushes, a foam rubber sponge, napkins, 1/2 of an album sheet of a green background.

Lesson progress


The teacher invites the children to gather in a forest clearing.

What season is it in the yard?(Spring)

The teacher turns on the sound recording "Growling of the bear."

Guys, listen, who is growling? (If the children find it difficult to answer, make a riddle about the bear):

He lives in a deaf forest

He is big and chubby

Likes berries and honey

And in winter he sucks his paw. (Bear)

The teacher organizes the didactic game "Bear". Children pass the teddy bear in a circle to each other and describe the teddy bear's fur using tactile sensations (thick, shaggy, shaggy, brown, brown, long, warm, thick, etc.).

Main part

The teacher invites the children to look at the illustrations of Evgeny Charushin. Asks:

Are you familiar with this illustration? Listens to the children's answers. (In this illustration of a bear, painted by the artist Evgeny Ivanovich Charushin).

Draws attention to the fur of the bear cub, as the artist depicted him.

Would you like to draw a teddy bear with the same beautiful fur?(children's answers)

What do you think we need to draw? Listening to children's answerslandscape sheet, simple pencil, gouache, fine brush).

The teacher draws the attention of children to drawing materials:

How can we draw fur for a teddy bear? (hard brush, sponge, woolen threads, etc.)

What do you have on the table? (stick with foam at the end).

Feel the foam, what does it feel like? (hard, porous with large bubbles, dry)

The teacher suggests drawing a teddy bear in an unusual way, using non-traditional means of drawing, using a sponge and gouache (dry method "poke method").


What do you think, where should you start drawing a teddy bear? ( Children's answers)

Well done! First, we will draw a teddy bear with a simple pencil, using smooth lines we will make the outline of the figure. Draw the body always start to topple down. What part of the bear's body is on top. ( head)

Correctly! What shape is the bear's head? ( round)

The teacher invites, at the request of one of the children, to draw the head of a teddy bear on an easel.

Good. What part of the body should be depicted next? (Torso / body of a teddy bear)

It's great, what shape does the torso of a teddy bear look like? ( oval)

The teacher invites one of the children to depict the body of a teddy bear on an easel.

What parts do we still need to finish our teddy bear? (front and hind legs, they are oval, ears are semicircular).

The teacher invites the children to draw on the easel the missing parts of the teddy bear's body.

And to make our teddy bear fluffy, shaggy, we will draw with a sponge. If you dip a dry sponge into the paint of the color we need ( brown ), and then press the painted side lightly against the line drawn with a pencil and immediately tear it off the surface, then you get an imprint that will add volume and fluffiness to the line. Do not forget to remove excess paint on the leaf. The next print should be applied side by side, leaving no free space for previous and subsequent prints. When the contour is ready, fill the space inside with prints.

The teacher accompanies the instruction with a show, invites the children.

What is missing from our teddy bear? ( Children's answers)

Correctly. When the drawing dries, with a thin brush we will finish the eyes of the teddy bear. nose, mouth and claws.

I invite you to relax in a forest clearing to do exercises

Bear cubs lived in more often

They turned their heads

Like this, like this, they turned their heads.

Bear cubs looking for honey

They shook the tree together,

Like this, like this, they shook the tree together.

Bear cubs drink water

Friend after friend went

Like this, like this, everyone followed each other.

The bear cubs danced

Raised paws up

Like this, like this, they raised their paws up.

Well done, what wonderful cubs we got. Would you like to give your parents a little fluffy teddy bear? ( Yes ).

Let's draw these teddy bears!

Independent work of children.

Final part

The teacher has different trees, an impromptu forest attached to the magnetic board.

Where do you think bears live? ( children's answers)

Bears love to walk in the forest. Our cubs also like the forest.

Children place their cubs in an impromptu forest clearing, they communicate with each other, talk about their cub.

How did the bear cub get beautiful, fluffy fur?

What means of expression did we use?(foam rubber, gouache, color).


  1. From birth to school. The main general educational program of preschool education/ Ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - 3rd ed., corrected. and additional - M: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2014 - 368 p.
  2. Komarova T. S. Visual activity in kindergarten (4-5 years). Middle group / T. S. Komarova.- M: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2015 - 112s.

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