Drawing of a beautiful Christmas tree. How to draw a Christmas tree in stages with a pencil or paints


    What could be easier than drawing a Christmas tree with a pencil in stages, probably only a snowman or an icicle :)

    Here is a simple step-by-step diagram for drawing a smart Christmas tree for the new year.

    This video master class shows in detail how to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil in stages, even if this tree is not quite real, but also very beautiful :)

    Christmas tree with gifts

    Another video tutorial on drawing a Christmas tree with a pencil in stages, as well as an idea on how to color a Christmas tree with colored pencils:

    In the image below, a diagram of how to draw a Christmas tree for children of primary and secondary school age. The drawing looks simple, but requires accuracy, the smoother the needles are, the more beautiful the drawing will turn out.

    From the vertical main line, which depicts a tree pole, draw slightly curved lines.

    At the top we draw small ones, towards the middle we draw more authentic and the lowest ones are long.

    On each branch we draw small needles. On the branches, you can draw balls, stars, the bottom plan can be decorated with beads.

    The video is another option on how to draw a Christmas tree.

    There are many options for how to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil in stages. You can start with skeletonquot ;, skeleton Christmas trees, and then draw branches that become wider and more magnificent towards the base.

    You can start the way the tree looks like - a triangle, gradually adding branches, making the tree more and more magnificent, and then New Year's garlands, toys, gifts under the tree, as it seems.

    First way. Starting from the skeleton and then finishing the Christmas tree:

    The second way.

    First, imagine a triangle that will become a Christmas tree.

    Then we draw cloves on the sides and bottom of the tree.

    Let's outline more clearly with a pencil (marker, pen).

    Then decorations appear on the tree. At first we draw only contours. We also draw gifts under the tree arbitrarily as much as you like, as you like, of any shape and quantity, as you like.

    We outline the contours of jewelry and gifts with a pencil (marker, pen).

    We color the Christmas tree in green, drawing needles in one direction. Let there be a small unpainted space under the toys on the Christmas tree, we also depict the backlight.

    We add a little dark green to the entire Christmas tree. This helps to achieve volume. Under the toys on the Christmas tree, let the white space be clearer. The toys on the Christmas tree are decorated with different colors.

    Gifts in different colors.

    The fluffy forest guest, who pleases us with her appearance every year in our homes, seems to be easy to draw if there are detailed step-by-step sketches. First, we determine the size of the Christmas tree on a piece of paper. Then how lush it will be, how many levels, for this we draw parallel lines along the trunk on both sides. To make it easier, you can imagine the Christmas tree in the form of a triangle, but do not take into account the very top of the tree, leave it for the star:

    I think that it will be quite easy to draw a New Year's bow, following the step-by-step scheme below, on your own or with a child.

    So let's get started:

    Step 1:

    Step 2:

    Step 3:

    Step 4:

    The result is such a New Year's loch. Now you can color it, for example like this:

    New Year is the most favorite holiday of the majority. And what a holiday without Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden and, of course, the Christmas tree.

    It is not so difficult to draw a mandatory attribute of the New Year holiday - a New Year tree. The main thing is to follow the prompts in the pictures below.

    For example, as an option

    Well, the third version of the Christmas tree.

    Well, a more difficult option:

    Drawing a Christmas tree is not difficult. In the visual arts, many objects are depicted by initial schematic drawing. For a Christmas tree, a simple geometric triangle shape is suitable. As you know, the branches of the Christmas tree look down, they are shorter at the top, much longer at the base, which gives the tree a triangular shape.

    Taking this as a basis, we draw our Christmas tree:

    It remains to add decorations (balls, cones, lanterns, bows, etc.) and our Christmas tree is ready. even a child can cope with such a pattern:

    you can try to draw a Christmas tree in a different way. Namely, to depict the trunk and the branches of the tree diverging in different directions:

    If you add New Year's toys to such a Christmas tree, you get a real festive beauty.

    The most popular pattern in the winter season is the Christmas tree. Drawing her is a pleasure, because during the drawing process, as soon as the imagination does not play. The Christmas tree can be drawn with paints, as well as with a pencil. The most important thing is to find a drawing for inspiration.

    The smallest can use this scheme:

    More experienced ones can try to draw these options for Christmas trees with a pencil. The main thing here is to draw the frame of the Christmas tree, the base (trunk and branches), and then finish the needles, Christmas decorations, gifts under the Christmas tree.

    draw new year's bow step by step It will not be difficult if you follow the instructions below. First we draw a large triangle, this will be the basis of the tree itself and the square is the lower part of the trunk of the log. Next, draw three levels of branches, an asterisk at the very top of the bow, and gradually begin to draw toys. After that, we decorate the loch and the drawing is ready.

    Here on this site you can not only look at the pictures on how to draw a Christmas tree in stages, but even watch a few videos where everything is explained in a very accessible form, after which even a child can draw a festive tree on his own.

    And here is also a completely simple image of a Christmas tree, which we will draw in stages.

Drawing master class for children 4-5 years old "Herringbone"

Author: Ostanina Victoria Alexandrovna, educator of MDOU DS KV "Rainbow" SP "Silver Hoof"
Description: Let's draw! This master class gives you the opportunity to take gouache, brushes and start painting! And what do we especially want to draw on the eve of the wonderful holiday of the new year? Of course the Christmas tree! But what if you can’t draw very well, but really want to? I offer you a very easy and simple way to draw: the poke method. Don't be afraid to try, start drawing!
Purpose: The master class provides a wonderful opportunity to teach children how to draw a Christmas tree. Each educator, primary school teacher can safely introduce drawing using the “poke” method into his work. And caring parents can draw small Christmas trees and large spruces together with their children!
materials: white sheet of paper, gouache, brushes, glass of water, cloth napkin.


Soon, soon will come to us
Bright holiday New Year!
We will dream with you
And gifts to choose!
To make the holiday brighter
I didn't forget about the tree!
Here are toys with tinsel
We hung with you!
May the good Santa Claus
Our magician red nose!
All the guys in order
Handing out chocolate!
That's probably exactly what every boy and every girl dreams of on New Year's Eve. We want the holiday to come to us as soon as possible! And what is needed for this? We need a tree! And the trees grow in the forest!

Reminds me of my childhood! In the early bright morning, my grandfather and I always went to the forest for a Christmas tree. We tried to choose the most beautiful!

And they dressed her up at home. Everyone tried to choose the most beautiful and favorite toy and tried to hang it on the most visible
place! Here we have such a beauty.

I would like to say in the words of Elena Ilyina:
In the door crack -
You'll see
Our tree.
Our tree
Up to the ceiling.
And on her
Hanging toys -
From stand
To the top…”
But now in our modern developing world, you don’t have to go into the forest, you just have to stand on a chair and get a magic box from the closet in which an artificial Christmas tree is stored.

And now the toys...

Now we decorate the Christmas tree.

And no hike in the woods, no magic. But you can make the world brighter without destroying a single Christmas tree! How, you ask? Just! You need to plant a Christmas tree under your window! And dress her up every year!

And I suggest you draw a forest beauty. Make it easy and simple! I propose to use a simple drawing method for work - the “poke” method.
Basic rules for drawing using the poke method:
1. Draw with a hard semi-dry brush. This means that we do not dip the brush into the water before setting the gouache on the brush.
2. After washing off the paint from the brush, it is necessary to blot the brush on a cloth. This is necessary to keep the brush semi-dry.
3. To draw a picture, we do not apply it with traditional strokes, but we poke it into a sheet of paper, holding the brush vertically. Hence the name - the "poke" method.
4. After setting the paint on the brush, the first “poke” should be done on a spare sheet of paper, as this will allow the drawing to be more evenly colored. The first "poke" always leaves a brighter trace, which is not always necessary in work.
5. When drawing a large object, such as the body of an animal, it is important to first go along the contour, and then proceed to fill in the middle.
Once you understand the basic rules, you can get started.
We draw a Christmas tree:
1. Let's start with the image of the trunk of the Christmas tree. To do this, we need a brush number 3 protein.
First, draw the trunk itself. We make the crown thinner, and to the bottom of the trunk we make a thickening, applying strokes close to each other. I start each stroke from the crown and smoothly lead to the very bottom, spreading to the sides. Now we draw branches - small semi-arcs, starting from the trunk and spreading to the sides.

2. Now we draw needles. We do it in an unusual and interesting way - by the “poke” method. Let's not forget the rules.
We start work from the base of the branch.

And so we continue to the very end. And so on each side of the branch, making it fluffier with each “poke”.

3. We do the same with each branch. First, on one side of the tree,

Then the second side, trying to make parallel branches the same.

4. Now, with darker gouache, add bright colors to the bottom of each branch.

5. Each Christmas tree in the winter forest falls under the snowfall, and snowflakes and even a lot of fluffy snow remain on its paws. That's it for this we need white gouache and a hard semi-dry brush. Again, using the “poke” method, draw fluffy snow on top of each branch.

The Christmas tree is ready. Let's make a frame. To do this, we use blue gouache and draw a frame using the “poke” method. By placing the "pokes" tightly to each other right near the edge of the sheet. Try not to rush to make the frame dense and bright. Now our Christmas tree is ready.

It will become a worthy decoration of our house on the eve of the most beloved holiday by all children.

Whatever place we find her, she will definitely please us!

Even a child can draw such a Christmas tree. This is how I saw and drew a Christmas tree Vanya, 5 years old.

You can decorate our Christmas tree by hanging painted tinsel and balls on it.

Or draw a whole forest.

Show your imagination. Don't be afraid to experiment!

Now we will look at how to draw a Christmas tree in three versions with a pencil in stages.

First, try to draw this Christmas tree, if it is difficult at the bottom there are two easy options.

Draw the rest, erase the auxiliary triangle.

We draw a part of the trunk and a bucket (pot) where the tree stands.

We have a New Year's tree, so we need to decorate it with a garland and New Year's toys.


Below are 2 simple options.

The Christmas tree is beautiful and glowing with lights. We love dressing her up for the New Year so much. We hang beautiful garlands on it, New Year's toys, we set a star at the very top. And below, when we woke up after the New Year, many, many gifts await us under the tree. The New Year tree is a symbol of the New Year and an essential attribute that stands in every house, apartment, family. Christmas trees stand at home, natural and artificial. For the New Year holiday, the tree should be smart, so they dress it up with the whole family, because it is big. A natural Christmas tree smells good and freshens the air at home. We also buy small branches of the Christmas tree and decorate them. When drawing a Christmas tree, the main thing is to correctly set its center and draw lines from it to the side to the left and right, showing its branches. Then we show the fluffiness with wavy lines from below and again spread towards the line, and so on. Then you need to show the tree trunk below and draw a lot of toys. That's all you've got. Have you been thinking all day: “How to draw a Christmas tree?” See many more drawing lessons about the New Year.

New, interesting master classes will tell you step by step and in detail how to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil, watercolor or gouache paints. Following these tips, not only a schoolboy with some artistic experience, but also a child from a kindergarten who is just starting to master the bright and colorful science of painting can easily learn to portray a New Year's beauty. A Christmas tree drawn by a kid for the New Year 2018 will be an excellent decoration for a playroom, a school class or a living room in a home apartment and will create a pleasant, joyful, festive and optimistic atmosphere in the room in advance.

How to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil easily and beautifully - a step-by-step master class for beginners

A very easy and affordable master class with step-by-step photos will tell novice artists how to draw a beautiful Christmas tree with a pencil. If you strictly follow the advice and correctly perform each action, the work will not take much time, and the finished result will delight you with a pleasant appearance and create a festive mood in your soul.

Necessary materials for a beautiful do-it-yourself Christmas tree drawing with a pencil

  • sheet of A4 paper
  • simple pencil
  • ruler
  • eraser
  • a set of colored pencils (optional)

Step-by-step instructions on how to easily, quickly and beautifully draw a Christmas tree with a pencil for a beginner

How to draw a Christmas tree with paints for beginners - a lesson in stages in watercolor

A step-by-step lesson will help novice painters to paint with watercolors a luxurious forest beauty - a Christmas tree. Creating an image will take time, accuracy and a well-lit workplace. The picture will turn out realistic and will look impressive and attractive.

Necessary materials for creating a Christmas tree pattern with watercolors

  • landscape paper for drawing
  • watercolor paints
  • set of brushes
  • simple pencil
  • eraser

Step-by-step instructions for beginners to paint a Christmas tree in watercolor

A lesson on how to draw a Christmas tree with gouache garlands in stages for a child in kindergarten

Following the recommendations of this step-by-step lesson, even a child who does not have a pronounced talent as an artist can quickly draw a Christmas tree with a garland in kindergarten. The originality of the work lies in the fact that the kids are invited to make the base of the tree not with a brush, but with their hands, previously dipped in bright green paint. There is no need to worry about children getting dirty. Gouache is easily washed off both hands and face with ordinary water and does not require the use of aggressive solvent components.

Necessary materials for a phased drawing of a Christmas tree with gouache paints for kindergarten

  • landscape thick paper
  • gouache paint set
  • brushes

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a gouache Christmas tree with garlands for a child in kindergarten

  1. In a small wide plate, dilute green gouache paint. Dip the palm of your hand and attach it to a sheet of paper located vertically. Put the first print approximately in the center from the top. Under it, make a row of two prints, then three and the final one of four. In this way, the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe crown of the tree will be made.
  2. When the paint dries, take a thin brush and draw several tiers of garlands. Draw it in the form of small multi-colored balls arranged in horizontal rows on top of spruce needles.
  3. Add a star on top, and paint New Year's toys of various shapes on the branches.
  4. At the bottom, paint over the base of the tree in a dark brown tone, and next to depict New Year's gifts in the form of small boxes with bows.
  5. When the picture is completely dry, fasten it with buttons to a thick cardboard base and hang it on the wall.

How to draw a Christmas tree with toys step by step to school

At school, children regularly attend drawing classes and easily cope with larger genre images. Therefore, it will not be difficult for them to draw a Christmas tree with toys in the picturesque setting of a fairy forest. A detailed step-by-step master class will be an excellent adviser in creating a spectacular New Year's picture.

Necessary materials for drawing a Christmas tree with toys for school

  • paper
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • paint set
  • brushes

Step-by-step instructions on how to beautifully depict a Christmas tree with toys for the New Year

  1. With a simple pencil, without pressing too hard, make a preliminary sketch. Mark the location of a wooden house made of timber on the left side of the picture, draw a background in the form of a forest on the right, and draw a lake and a Christmas tree outline in the foreground.
  2. Ultramarine-blue tones cover the sky in the background. Towards the edges, make it darker, and closer to the outline of the house and trees, slightly loosen the color to make it more contrasting. Try to make the transition from shadow to light smooth and blurry.
  3. Pay attention to the forest in the distance and with a thinner brush outline brighter silhouettes of trees over the dried sky.
  4. To tint the house, use brown ocher. Paint over each beam with a golden-red color, and add darker stripes below to give relief and volume. Draw straight black lines between the logs. Mark the intersections of the beam with brown circles.
  5. Work out the frames on the windows in brown, make the glass bright yellow (luminous from the inside), paint the shutters in contrasting colors, for example, red and green.
  6. Walk along the dried background in a grayish-blue tone, adding the silhouettes of trees in the snow.
  7. Take up the foreground, depicting snowdrifts and a frozen lake in front of the house.
  8. Cover the Christmas tree with different shades of green paint to make it voluminous and realistic. In some places, add a few strokes of brown, revealing the trunk in this way.
  9. Then “decorate” the tree with balls of bright colors, arrange them randomly along all the branches of the New Year tree.
  10. At the final stage, draw smoke coming from the chimney and a small bush in the snow near the lake. If you want to arrange the work in a frame.

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