Drawing spring sun. Abstract of the GCD for drawing "Sun


Gulfiya Galiullina
Synopsis of GCD on drawing "Sun"

Group No. 1 for children with complex defects

Age of children 2-4 years

Galiullina Gulfia Munavirovna

Target: Develop artistic creativity. Create a positive emotional state of children; contribute to the formation of the game motivation of children.


1. Correctional - educational.

keep learning draw straight lines(rays) in different directions with cotton swabs;

To expand children's knowledge about the phenomena of inanimate nature (sun) ;

Consolidate knowledge of yellow color, geometric shape "a circle", concepts

"one - many";

Activate speech, expand vocabulary words: sun, sun, ray, ray, cheerful, joyful, warm, radiant, round, warms, shines, warms;

Improve children's gaming skills by creating game situations and plots (arrival of a game character sun) .

2. Correctional - developing.

Develop fine motor skills;

Develop color perception, attention, speech;

Create a positive emotional state.

3. Correctional - educational.

Build positive relationships with children

To form curiosity, independence;

To cultivate the ability to sympathize with the characters, the desire to help them;

To instill healthy lifestyle skills (wash hands after GCD for drawing) .

Methods and techniques:

1. Informative - receptive (examination, observation, model of the educator, showing the educator).

2. Verbal method (instructions, questions, art word).

3. Reproductive method (hand movements).

preliminary work: looking at pictures sun, illustrations in books, magazines; reading a poem by V. Shipunova « Sun» , nursery rhymes about sun; mobile game learning « Sun and rain» ; observation of sun while walking.

Equipment: easel, soft toy Sun, handout - yellow paint / gouache, white sheet (with yellow circle) for each child, a tape recorder for musical accompaniment, cotton buds, wet cloth wipes.

Types of children's activities: playful, communicative, cognitive, artistic, motor.

The course of direct educational activities.

Educator. Children, today a guest will come to us. Do you want to know who will come to visit us?

Educator. Listen to the riddle and try it guess:

Round, yellow

beautiful, kind,

Shines on everyone

Warms everyone.

Children: This sun.

caregiver: Right sun.

Educator. Let's smile sunshine and greet him.

Educator. Hello sun!

Children. Hello sun.

Educator. Children, what do we have sun?

Children. Large, yellow, round.

Educator. What else do you have sunshine?

Children. Rays.

Educator. That's right, children there are still rays of the sun. They warm everyone, they shine for everyone.

Educator. Children, let's go with sunshine Let's all join hands and stand in a circle (children stand in a circle and perform imitation movements).

Look at me carefully and repeat.

Physical education minute

In the morning the sun rises higher, higher, higher (hands up high).

At night the sun will go down, below, below (hands down).

Good good the sun lives(make lanterns with handles).

And we, along with fun in the sun(clap hands).

Educator. Children, along with sunshine his children came to visit us - small suns(shows pieces of paper with a yellow circle). What is missing in the little ones? suns? (Luchikov). That's right, on the way to the kindergarten a strong wind blew, and they lost all their rays. Let's help our guests, draw some rays for them?

The teacher invites the children to come to the easel.

Educator. Children what color will we be draw rays? (yellow). See how I will draw rays of the sun. I draw them with a cotton swab (showing the way drawing rays) . I dip a cotton swab into the paint and draw a straight line. I draw rays from the circle. The rays are straight, they can be long and short. I draw rays to the sides, up, down. The more rays, the brighter and more fun the sun will shine.

Educator. Now we will sit down at the tables.

Educator. Children, let's draw rays in the air with our fingers. Up, down, side to side.

This is us draw rays in the air, and now let's draw the rays on paper.

Everyone took cotton buds, dip them in yellow paint and draw straight lines.

We draw straight lines from the circle.

During drawing the educator draws the attention of the children to the posture, conducts individual work with each child (helps, sets questions: What color are you sun? (yellow). And what form? (round). What are the rays? (straight).

The teacher places ready-made drawings of children on an easel, reads poem:

Got a yellow circle

Lots of sticks around.

This the sun is shining,

Our good, kind friend.

Educator. What did we do today?

Children. Draw rays, helped the sun and its children.

Educator. Now you all know how many rays sunshine?

Children. Many.

Educator. And what color sun and rays?

Children. Yellow.

The teacher, together with the children, examines the work performed, marks each drawing.

Educator. Children, look how cheerful, radiant little ones have become suns. Let's leave them in the group so that we always have light and warmth. Sun praises the children for diligence, says goodbye and leaves.


Gerbova VV Classes on the development of speech in the first junior group of kindergarten. M., Mosaic-Synthesis, 2008.

2. Koldina D. N. Lepka i drawing with children 2-3 years old. M., Mosaic - Synthesis, 2007.

3. Sakulina N. P., Komarova T. S. Visual activity in kindergarten. M., Education, 1982.

4. Yanushko E. A. Painting with children of early age 1-3 years. M., Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005.

Related publications:

"Sun". Abstract of a lesson using non-traditional drawing techniques (hand drawing) at an early age. Theme: The sun (drawing.

In our younger group of different ages, a project is underway on the topic: "The Sun". During this project, they reinforce the knowledge that the sun is round.

I want to tell you how the children and I drew the sun. The work uses an unconventional drawing technique - drawing with palms.

[ Educational area: "Artistic and aesthetic development" Purpose: To introduce children to non-traditional drawing techniques using.

Purpose: To form a cognitive interest in the natural world. Objectives: Educational area "Cognition": to teach children to understand and use.

Many perceive the Sun not only as an object of study of astronomy, the source of life on Earth in the most pragmatic sense, but also as a symbol of goodness, joy, sincerity. It is not for nothing that good, kind people are often affectionately called "the sun." Now we will look at several options for how to draw the sun.

The sun with a cheerful face

First, let's draw a cute, cartoon version of the sun with a smiling face. Of course, this option is more suitable for children - it will perfectly teach the kid how to draw the sun beautifully. But for an adult, such a sun will also certainly give a charge of positive.

First, let's outline the main figure - a circle.

Then we will depict the details of the face - big shiny eyes, a smile, small eyebrows and a blush on the cheeks.

And, of course, you need to draw the rays. They will form a single figure, similar to a crown.

Now let's colorize our masterpiece - the circle will be yellow, the rays will be orange, and the eyes will be pale blue.

That's all, the sun is drawn.

sun with big eyebrows

Let's continue the theme of cartoon suns. This time, our celestial body will not only have big eyes and a dazzling smile, but also thick dark eyebrows. And also freckles. This is a very funny example of how to draw the sun step by step.

Like last time, let's start with a circle. This will be the most basic figure.

Then we outline the angular rays of different sizes. This way they will look more natural.

After that, we will begin to depict the face: the eyes will be elongated and dark, the mouth will be large, and the eyebrows, as we agreed, will be thick and dark. And don't forget the freckles!

sun with small eyes

Time to try another style - although in this case the features of the "face" of the sun will be very small, it will look incredibly cute. You can see for yourself if you try to learn how to draw the sun with a pencil.

Traditionally, the beginning will be in the image of a circle. Try to make the figure as even and correct as possible. Don't worry if it doesn't work the first time: the beauty of the pencil technique is that all imperfections can be quickly corrected.

Now rays. Here they will be even, triangular, curly.

Time to do the muzzle. Small dotted eyes, a shy smile, circles of blush - isn't it lovely?

On this note we will finish - the drawing is ready.

Broadly smiling sun - we are charged with positive

What could be more positive than the sun literally beaming with joy? This can cheer up even on the most gloomy and stressful day. So if you want to always be in high spirits, you should learn how to draw the sun with a smile. The children's song told the truth - it really makes it brighter.

As in all other cases, our sun will be round. The circle should be smooth, beautiful.

Now - oval eyes with highlights and a wide smile.

After that, we will depict the rays. They will be very peculiar, curved, like flames. Moreover, short rays will alternate with long ones.

And now we will carefully guide all the contours. It is best to do this with a felt-tip pen or marker.

Now everything is ready - smile to your sun. And no more rain now!

The sun does not care about rain - draw the sun with an umbrella

In autumn, the sky is often overcast. Many do not like it, because gray, rainy weather causes despondency and sadness. But our sun is not afraid of clouds or rain, because it has a wonderful umbrella for such cases. Let's depict it - at the same time we will learn how to draw the sun with paints.

First of all, let's draw a cloud, soft and fluffy in appearance.

Now a round sun with an open mouth in a smile, a funny button nose and cute eyes. True, for now it will be something similar to Kolobok.

And now we will depict our main weapon in the fight against clouds - a folded umbrella. By the way, our shining character will have gloves on his hands.

Time to draw the rays - wriggling, uneven, almost alive. And on the umbrella we will make peas.

Time to paint. Let's make the "taurus" yellow, the rays and the nose - red, the umbrella - pink, and the cloud - blue. You can take any paint - watercolor, gouache, acrylic or even oil.

Now our bright drawing is over.

Teach kids how to draw the sun and how to draw all the colors of the rainbow on their own to choose additions to their drawing. To convey the expressiveness of the image of flowers; be able to navigate on a sheet of paper. Show independence and creativity. Develop an interest in visual arts. Understand the importance of your work; to experience joy and pleasure from creative work

Fizminutka "Sun" stood around the sun This is how the sun rises, Higher, higher, higher. (Raise your hands up. Stretch) By night the sun will set Lower, lower, lower. (Squat down. Lower your hands to the floor) Good, good, Sunshine laughs. And we have fun under the sun. (Clap your hands. Smile) Course of the lesson:

Here are my helpers, turn them as you like. One, two, three, four, five. Help to draw. Draw, draw - All my fingers are tired: This finger wants to sleep, This finger jumped into bed. This one crouched nearby, This finger has already fallen asleep, And the other has been sleeping for a long time. Who else is making noise? Hush, hush, don't make noise, don't wake up your fingers. The clear morning will come. The red sun will rise. Birds will sing, Fingers will stand up.

In this lesson, we will consider 6 options on how to draw the sun with a pencil step by step, among the six options, one will be for children, namely the smiling sun. The sun is the star of the solar system, our earth and other planets in the solar system revolve around the sun, and the sun itself revolves in the orbit of the Milky Way.

1 option how to draw the sun. We draw a circle and around it from the outside we draw straight lines in the middle horizontally and vertically. Then between these lines in the middle we draw the same lines, then between the existing lines we draw small lines in the middle.

Option 2 how to draw a sun for kids, draw a smiling sun. We draw a circle, a nose, a mouth and eyes near the sun, then we draw rays near the sun in a chaotic manner, just how many rays you draw, you draw so much.

3 option sun. The principle of drawing is the same as in the first version, only the lines are curved, only as you draw all the large curves between them, you need to draw a middle curve in the middle, and already between all the curved lines we draw small straight lines in the middle between them.

4 option sun. You need to draw the main circle and the outer circle with thin lines and divide it with two perpendicular lines in the middle. Now we divide each quarter into three equal parts (we draw two straight lines in each quarter). Then we draw a zigzag and erase all the auxiliary lines that we drew.

5 option how to draw a sunset or setting sun over the horizon. By the way, I have something similar in the lesson on how to draw an African sunset to see. We draw a straight line and a semicircle, then we draw a haze or clouds.

6 option sun. Here you just need to repeat the bends, draw a circle and around it the flame of the sun, as it suits you, it’s convenient for me to start from above and go clockwise.


The sun can be drawn in the following way. First, draw a yellow circle on paper. Then draw triangular rays of various shapes and sizes around it using rounded lines.

The sun can also be drawn with even, identical rays that have the shape of triangles with rounded sides.

The sun looks very unusual, the rays of which are braided into thin neat pigtails with bright bows at the ends.

The sun with rays in the form of curved arrows looks rather peculiar.

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  • draw the sun

Many artists have created their works, in which there are sunflowers. The most famous painting of the same name is by Vincent van Gogh. Sunflowers are very bright large flowers that are easy enough to draw. It is from them that you can begin to comprehend the art of painting still lifes.

You will need

  • - Soft pencil.
  • - Round brush No. 6.
  • - Paints.
  • - Paper (preferably drawing paper) or canvas.


Stretch the canvas or fasten a piece of drawing paper. First you need to outline the general contours of the composition. If you draw in, then make a few strokes that indicate the head of the flower, its stem and leaves, mark the fence, field, horizon line in the background. If it suggests a sunflower in a flower arrangement, then draw the outline of a vase, table, drapery, and other flowers in the composition.

To make the star more interesting and radiant, slightly lengthen some of its rays (for example, through one). You can make the edges of the rays not straight, but curly, jagged.

Paint over the outline of the Star of Bethlehem with warm yellow paint. Give volume to the rays of the star: from its center, draw straight lines to each of the eight vertices and to the connection points of the rays, dividing them into halves. Do this with a thin brush with yellow paint in a darker yellow-orange hue. Paint over one of the resulting halves of each beam with the same paint.

Since the star of Bethlehem mentioned in the Gospel moved, pointing to the Magi, many are inclined to consider it a comet. Therefore, this star is often depicted with a long arcuate tail. Draw a star expanding towards the end from the side, like a comet. The end of the tail can be drawn with a zigzag or wavy line, or you can smoothly reduce it to nothing when coloring the picture.

Paint over the train of the Star of Bethlehem with yellow paint, and with yellow-orange paint a few strokes along it, showing the movement of an unusual celestial body. Closer to the base of the star, you can make a texture from small densely strewn dots, and towards the end of the tail - from more sparse ones.

In conclusion, circle the outlines of the star with golden paint or a marker, and also apply small strokes and dots all over its surface. Do the same with the Star of Bethlehem.

In ancient times, people used to say that freckles is a sign of spring. Indeed, people with freckles on their face seem more open, carefree and cheerful. But what about those who madly want to have these red spots, but their skin, unfortunately, does not allow it?

You will need

  • foundation powder / self-tanning / henna


The easiest way to get freckles is to apply them with a special one, and its color should be as close as possible to the tone of your face. So hemp will look more natural. You can give a natural look to the painted spots by applying a small layer of tonal powder on them. The disadvantage of this method is that such freckles wash off very easily and quickly, and you will have to reapply them every morning.

Instead of a pencil, draw by hand freckles You can also use self-tanning cream. On the face, such rashes will last a little longer, however, their brightness will subside every day.

Another way is to create freckles with natural dye.
To do this, you need to buy a bag of henna at the nearest pharmacy (if you buy it at an oriental goods store, do not forget to clarify to the seller that you need finely ground henna, since only such a mixture does not form lumps). Then mix the contents of the purchased bag with warm or slightly hot water until a homogeneous mass is obtained. After that, cover the henna with polyethylene and put it in a warm place for at least 12 hours (this is necessary in order for the mixture to infuse and acquire a rich shade).

When the mixture is ready, dot it on the parts of the face where you would like to have it. freckles. Hold for a while and rinse with warm water. Remember that the longer you keep the mixture on your face, the darker you will have. freckles.

To change the color of henna and, accordingly, freckles to a lighter or darker shade, add ground coffee, tea or lemon juice to the mixture. The content of sugar, essential oil or lemon juice in henna allows freckles to stay on the skin for the maximum amount of time.

The most radical and most durable way is to draw funny spots in a tattoo parlor. The essence of this procedure is as follows: a certain color of paint is selected for the color of the skin (as a rule, it is a golden hue), which is then applied with thin needles under the skin. Yes, this procedure is not very pleasant, and it costs a lot of money, but the end result, rest assured, will exceed all your expectations. Freckles made in the salon look very natural and beautiful. They keep, as a rule, from a year to several years, after which they fade painlessly in the sun.

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You can get an even five-pointed star only when using drawing tools - a ruler, a protractor and a compass, with the last two items being equally interchangeable.

You will need

  • A sheet of paper, a simple pencil, an eraser, a ruler, a protractor or a compass.


Prepare the necessary tools for the job and a piece of paper. If you do not have a compass, then use a protractor in your work. circle on paper with a simple pencil. To do this, use any object of a round shape - a cup, wide adhesive tape, a plate, a recording disc, etc. Draw a horizontal line on the resulting circle with a ruler, dividing the circle in half. Then draw a vertical line in the middle of the horizontal line, dividing the circle into four even parts.

Attach a protractor to the horizontal line so that the vertical line passes through the ninety-degree mark. Mark an angle of seventy-two degrees and put a point on the circle. Then turn the protractor counterclockwise and set it so that it lies on the vertical line, and the horizontal line passes through the ninety degree mark. Again mark an angle of seventy-two degrees and put a dot on the circle. Next, mark the remaining points.

Draw a five-pointed line using a ruler star by connecting the dots. Erase unnecessary lines with an eraser. The straight star is ready.

flat star can be built using a compass. To do this, use a ruler to draw a horizontal line. Then construct a vertical line that intersects the horizontal line at a right angle at point O. Draw a circle of arbitrary radius from point O using a compass. Mark the intersection points of the circle and lines with points V and D.

Using a ruler, divide segment DA in half and mark its middle with point A. Draw an arc around point A through point V so that the arc intersects the horizontal line. Mark the point of intersection with point B. Segment VB will be the side of the pentagon into which you enter star.

Starting from point V, mark the points of a regular pentagon on the circle. After placing five points, connect them with a ruler in the form of a five-pointed star. Erase unnecessary lines with an eraser.

Rays the sun passing through the clouds gives the landscape a picturesque look. Unfortunately, such a scene is not always possible to capture with a camera. However, you can draw rays in Photoshop and overlay them on the picture.

You will need

  • - Photoshop program;
  • - the photo.

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