The fatal love of the master and margarita. The love of the master and margarita The love line of the master and margarita


"The Master and Margarita" is Bulgakov's work, in which the author reveals several themes at the same time.
One of them is the theme of love. The author reveals it in a storyline that describes the relationship between the Master and Margarita.
By social status, these are different heroes. The master is poor. He describes himself as a "beggar". Once he belonged to the middle class, but over the years his life has changed. The former historian worked in the museum a few years ago. He was alone. In Moscow, the Master had neither relatives nor acquaintances. But one day he won a large sum of money. This led to changes in his life. The master rented a small apartment for himself, bought books.
Margarita, on the contrary, was rich. Together with her husband, they lived in a luxurious mansion. Margarita could afford absolutely everything. Only one was not in her life - family happiness. Margarita respected her husband, but did not love him.
But such different fates did not prevent them from falling in love with each other. The Master and Margarita met for the first time on the street. The master was walking along Tverskaya and suddenly noticed Margarita. She struck him at first sight. Margarita carried a bouquet of yellow flowers in her hands. And although the Master decided that this was a bad sign, he nevertheless followed the woman.
Each of the characters showed their love in different ways. The Master's love for Margarita practically did not manifest itself, but he loved her very much. The master was looking forward to meeting his beloved. Already in the morning he listened warily to every sound. From the very first minutes, the Master realized that Margarita was exactly the one he had been looking for all his life.

As for Margarita, her love for the Master manifested itself very clearly. He was the most important person in her life. After an unhappy marriage, only Margarita needed a master.
Margarita had no children, and she directed all her maternal love to the Master. She took care of him. When the Master wrote his novel, Margarita was there and inspired her beloved. Margarita supported the master when the writers rejected his novel. But most of all, Margarita's love manifested itself when the master disappeared. Margarita blamed herself for leaving, and then for not returning in time. Margarita tried to find out at least something about her lover. She had to return to her husband. So she lived for about six months. Margarita missed him and was waiting for at least some news. For the sake of the master, Margarita was ready for anything. She agrees to a deal with Woland as soon as it comes to the master. It is for the sake of her beloved that Margarita changes her lifestyle. She became a witch.
For her determination and love, Margarita received a reward. She reunited with the Master. They have found their happiness. But this happiness was found in the unreal world. The Master and Margarita found eternal shelter. But in reality, neither the master nor Margarita get happiness. The master died in the "house of sorrow", and Margarita died in her mansion, taking a step from one room to another. In reality, their love never got a happy ending.
This was a very strong love. Love forced these people to do many different things: the master - to create, Margarita - to leave her husband, to agree to a deal with Woland. Love completely changed the life of the Master and Margarita.
Thus, we can assume that Bulgakov managed to prove that true love really exists, and if such love comes to a person, it makes him do anything.

Pikalova Alexandra

"He who loves must share the fate of the one he loves"

Bulgakov's most famous novel, The Master and Margarita, is a multi-layered work in which there are several plans (including temporary ones), many themes, rich problems and a bitter satire on society under the yoke of the Stalinist regime. Writers who denounce the vices of society, individual citizens or the political regime always want to ask: "Who is to blame - have we already understood what to do?". Unlike many of them, Mikhail Bulgakov gives the answer: salvation is in love. Not in religion, not in another political system, not in hermitage and oblivion, but precisely in all-consuming, courageous, selfless love.

The relationship between the Master and Margarita is forbidden from the point of view of public morality. She is the wife of a successful man, he is lonely. The disgraced writer could not fit into Soviet life, and it was dangerous to greet him. In the repressive Stalinist times, the authorities spared no one: the victims of an unprecedented genocide (when the ruler exterminates his own people) number in the millions. It is not surprising that the Master wanted to save Margarita from the fate of the wife of a criminal, and, perhaps, a widow, and an exile, and a prisoner. Taken by whole families. He could not offer the chosen one even a tenth of what her husband provided for her.

Margarita, in turn, could not just take and leave the family. With such a rash act, she would not leave her beloved a choice, he would be forced to earn money, that is, he must strangle the creator in himself, a thinking person, an honest and free man. Margarita could kill the Master in her lover? No. Therefore, they remained lovers and keenly felt their humiliating, servile position; a life of lies oppressed these sincere people. Thus, their union from the very beginning was doomed to martyrdom, even if they were married legally.

But what is legal marriage? This society ridiculed by Bulgakov decides what is legal? Or cruel power, mired in vices? Probably, marriage can only be called a civil union, that is, relations between citizens. People are citizens in relation to the state. But what right does the state have to teach us morality? Is this the state that exterminates, poisons and humiliates us? No one, except the loving people themselves, can judge whether their feeling is moral. How many virtuous wives will share any fate with her husband? Unfortunately no. Their oaths are empty formalities. And Margarita, without promises and promises, made a deal with the devil, just to find out what happened to the Master. She sacrificed not only her body, but also her soul. The two are bound by an inseparable bond.

The Master also donated. When he got under arrest, and then in a lunatic asylum, he did not look for a way to inform Margot about his trouble. She, using her husband's connections and money, could do something for her lover, or at least brighten up his leisure. But he, on the contrary, tried to erase her from his memory, hoping that she would forget him, that she would at least live in safety and comfort. For the good of the beloved woman, the Master wanted to leave her heart, free her, because without him Margarita could count on a calm, secure existence. The highest power of this love is in complete self-denial. The same silent feat was accomplished, for example, by Zheltkov in Kuprin's Garnet Bracelet.

Margarita's love lies not only in sacrifice, but also in the fact that she accepted and understood the Creator in her beloved. She loved his novel, perceived his fate as her own. By destroying the apartment of the critic Latunsky, Margot took revenge for the offended, unaccepted creativity of the Master, took revenge for all the rejected and forgotten free art. In this fragment, she is the vengeful Clio, the muse of history. Under its blows, the deceitful opportunism that portrays culture in front of the dictator perishes. Not many women can share the husband's calling, his divine destiny. Margot, on the other hand, understands everything, and therefore takes care and protects the Master, who is less adapted to practical life.

Political realities, it must be said, do not depend much on society. Similarly, society depends little on the individual. He comes into society and either accepts its charter, or brings his own and pays for it. If the situation in the surrounding world squeezes a person out of a slave, then how can one accept it? The only way to preserve identity and sanity is to love so much that the best qualities prevail over the worst, and the outside world recedes into the background and cannot take away freedom from the individual. Today, no one takes away anything, we ourselves give up independence for illusory benefits, a career, ostentatious success and pseudo-happiness, indistinguishable from comfort. Bulgakov foresaw this and wanted to warn the reader. The most important thing is harmony in the inner world, it depends only on us and on our ability to accept love "like a killer from around the corner."

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Who told you that there is no real one in the world,
true, eternal love? May the liar be cut off
vile language!

The legendary brainchild of Bulgakov, the novel The Master and Margarita, occupies a worthy place in Russian literature. This work has not left the shelves of bookstores for many years due to the relevance of the topics raised by the author in the novel. One of the leading lines of the novel is the love of the Master and Margarita, which will be discussed. Are these people worthy of being together? Here is the main question. The author introduces readers to the Master in the thirteenth chapter. Already here before us appears the image of a loving man.

He keeps a cap with an embroidered "M". It was "she" who sewed this hat for the Master. Who is this mysterious "she"? This is the one who believed in her Master. The one who lived his novel. The one who made a deal with the devil, just to be with her loved one. This is Margarita. They are both ready for selfless love. On the part of Margarita, these are actions aimed at happiness with the Master. On the part of the Master - the desire that his beloved forget about him. That would have been better for this poor woman.

Their meeting was marked by a bouquet of yellow flowers in the hands of Margarita, which symbolized the difficult path of lovers. But true love turned out to be higher and stronger than all obstacles and hardships. The love of the Master and Margarita is a dilemma: can pure and bright love be achieved only by a deal with the devil? I can confidently answer this question in the affirmative: yes, it can. Love is a universal feeling, belonging only to two lovers and no one else. You can often hear the phrase that all means are good to achieve the goal. In the novel, this statement is supported by the actions of the heroine. Her goal was love and happiness with her beloved Master. And will a person in whom the fire of love does not burn, dare to such feats? No. Margarita was driven by the power of love, huge and boundless. It was this strong pure feeling that led the heroes through all the thorny paths, through times and worlds.

Despite the well-to-do life in the mansion, Margarita is not happy with her fate. She would prefer the Master's basement to luxury, where they sinfully love each other, breathe each other. But together, together. “Forgive me and forget as soon as possible. I'm leaving you forever. Don't look for me, it's useless. I became a witch from the grief and calamity that struck me. I have to go. Farewell, ”Margarita writes to her husband, flying away towards her true happiness. She is guided not only by love, but also by a feeling of anger and resentment for the unaccepted novel by the Master. She destroys everything that comes to her hand, avenging her loved one.

In my opinion, Satan's ball is the main episode of the novel. It is he who makes it clear whether Margarita will be able to go through the whole ritual, whether she is worthy of the happiness of being with the Master. She puts clothes on her naked body that bring pain. She drinks blood from a goblet. She dutifully offers her knee for the kisses of the dead. She shows mercy by forgiving Frida for the infanticide. Despite her chafed feet, Margarita proudly steps and walks around the guests. How else? She is the queen and hostess of the ball! The heroine adequately endures the ball of Satan.

Margarita does not dare to remind Woland of the promise, because she is proud. Even when the devil asks the question directly, she still answers that she doesn't need anything.

“Never ask for anything! Never and nothing, and especially for those who are stronger than you. They will offer and give everything themselves! Sit down, proud woman!" said Woland to Margarita's proud silence.

Margarita's only wish was voiced with a contorted face:

“I want my lover, master, to be returned to me right now, this second!”

This was the desire to which the heroine went throughout the novel. This once again proves the purity of her thoughts and love. The author managed to convey Margarita's emotional change through her remarks, which are full of repetitions, dots and exclamations. There was no limit to her happiness. And to the Master, all this seemed like a hallucination, so he did not believe in the possibility of reuniting with his beloved again. Where did the proud woman go? Tears flowed from her eyes, felts of happiness, felts of grief and pity. But now they are together. They both know it.

Symbolically, the reunion of lovers was accompanied by the resurrected novel of the Master, because "manuscripts do not burn." And if love is a manuscript that was written day and night, in the success of which they believed, which they lived, will it burn? The Master and Margarita, leaving together in the world of happiness through suffering, proved that true love will pass everything: it will burn in flames, but will rise from the ashes.

(based on the novel by M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita")

What do we remember when we hear the name "Mikhail Bulgakov"? Of course, "The Master and Margarita". Why? The answer is simple: here the question is raised about eternal values ​​- good and evil, life and death, spirituality and lack of spirituality. This is a satirical novel, a novel about the essence of art, the fate of the artist. But still, for me, this is primarily a novel about true, faithful, eternal love. The novels in most cases fully correspond to their title, and the main theme in them is love. In the novel The Master and Margarita, the author touches on this topic only in the second part. It seems to me that Bulgakov does this in order to prepare the reader, for him love is ambiguous, for him it is multifaceted. The whole love story of the Master and Margarita is a challenge to the surrounding routine, vulgarity, a protest against conformism, that is, passive acceptance of the existing order of things, unwillingness to resist circumstances. With its painful nonsense, this "ordinary" brings a person to despair, when it is time to shout, like Pilate: "Oh gods, my gods, poison me, poison!". And it's scary, scary when vulgarity crushes. But when the Master says to Ivan: “My life, I must say, did not turn out quite normally ...”, a fresh, saving stream bursts into the novel, although it is a tragic refutation of the routine that can swallow life.

By completely changing the theme of Faust, Bulgakov forces not the Master, but Margarita to contact the devil and enter the world of black magic. The only character who dares to make a deal with the devil is the cheerful, restless and courageous Margarita, ready to risk anything just to find her lover. Faust, of course, did not sell his soul to the devil for the sake of love - he was driven by a passion for the fullest possible knowledge of life. It is interesting that in the novel, which, at first glance, so strongly resembles Faust, there is not a single hero who would correspond to the protagonist Goethe. Undoubtedly, only the similarity of worldviews underlying these two works. In both cases, we are faced with the theory of the coexistence of opposites, with the idea that a person has the right to make mistakes, but at the same time he is obliged to strive for something that takes him beyond the limits of animal existence, everyday life, obediently stagnant life. There is, of course, another important similarity - both Faust and the Master receive salvation from loving women.

And what is interesting: Margarita, this witch who surrendered to the will of the devil, turns out to be a more positive character than the Master. She is faithful, purposeful, it is she who pulls her beloved out of the oblivion of a madhouse. The master, on the other hand, the artist who opposes society, fainthearted, unable to fully fulfill the requirements of his gift, surrenders as soon as he has to suffer for art, resigns himself to reality, and it is no coincidence that the Moon turns out to be his last destination. The master did not fulfill his duty, he could not continue writing. The master is broken, he has stopped fighting, he only wants peace...

There is no place for hatred and despair in Bulgakov's novel. The hatred and revenge that Margarita is filled with, breaking the windows of houses and drowning apartments, is more likely not revenge, but cheerful hooliganism, the opportunity to fool around, which the devil gives her. The key phrase of the novel is standing right in its middle, noticed by many, but not explained by anyone: “Follow me, reader! Who told you that there is no true, true, eternal love in the world? Let the liar cut out his vile tongue! Follow me, my reader, and only me, and I will show you such love! The author, creating the main characters, endows them with extraordinary sensuality and hearts filled with love for each other, but he also separates them. He sends Woland, Satan, to help them. But why, it would seem, such a feeling as love is helped by evil spirits? Bulgakov does not divide this feeling into light and dark, does not attribute it to any category. This is an eternal feeling. Love is the same force, the same "eternal" as life or death, as light or darkness. Love can be vicious, but it can also be divine, love in all its manifestations, first of all, remains love. Bulgakov calls love real, true and eternal, and not heavenly, divine or heavenly, he correlates it with eternity, like heaven or hell.
All-forgiving and all-redeeming love - Bulgakov writes about it. Forgiveness overtakes everyone and everyone, inevitably, like fate: and the checkered gaer, known as Koroviev-Fagot, and the young page boy - the cat Behemoth, and the procurator of Judea, Pontius Pilate, and the romantic Master, and his beloved. The writer shows that earthly love is heavenly love: appearance, clothes, era, time, place of life and place in eternity can change, but the love that overtook you once strikes you in the heart once and for all. Love remains the same in all times and in all eternities that we are destined to experience. She endows the heroes of the novel with the energy of forgiveness, the energy that Pontius Pilate yearns for in the novel of Master Yeshua and for which Pontius Pilate yearns for two thousand years. Bulgakov managed to penetrate into the human soul and saw that it is the place where earth and sky converge. And then the author invents a place of peace and immortality for loving and devoted hearts: “Here is your home, here is your eternal home,” says Margarita, and somewhere far away she is echoed by the voice of another poet who has passed this road to the end:

Death and Time reign on earth, -

You do not call them masters;

Everything, whirling, disappears into the mist,

Only the sun of love is motionless.

Love ... It is she who gives the novel mystery and originality. Love is poetic, this is the force that drives all the events of the novel. For her sake, everything changes and everything happens. Woland and his retinue bow before her, Yeshua looks at her from his light and admires her. Love at first sight, tragic and eternal, like the world. It is this kind of love that the heroes of the novel receive as a gift, and it helps them survive and find eternal happiness, eternal peace ...

    The novel "The Master and Margarita" is dedicated to the history of the master - a creative person who opposes the world around him. The history of the master is inextricably linked with the history of his beloved. In the second part of the novel, the author promises to show "true, faithful, eternal love"....

    I would like to talk about perhaps the most significant work of Mikhail Bulgakov "Master and Margarita". The Master and Margarita is a historical and philosophical novel. It differs from others in that it contains, as it were, two novels. The chapters of these novels...

    The novel by M. A. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita” is a multifaceted work in which three main storylines are intricately intertwined: the story of Christ, which is at the same time the Master’s novel; the relationship between the Master and Margarita; events related...

    Everything that Bulgakov experienced in his lifetime, both happy and difficult, he gave all his main thoughts and discoveries, all his soul and all his talent to the novel The Master and Margarita. Bulgakov wrote The Master and Margarita as a historically and psychologically reliable book...

One of the greatest novels of the 20th century is The Master and Margarita. This book has several storylines. The main one is the love story of the Master and Margarita. Does Bulgakov's heroine have a prototype? Why did the author give this name to the beloved of the Master?

Prototypes of Margarita

Regarding the history of the creation of the image of the main character, researchers have no consensus. However, Bulgakov's novel is one of the most controversial works in the entire history of literature. The writer created his heroine on the basis of literary sources. But in this image, the features of real-life women are also visible.

In an early version, Bulgakov called the hero Faust. The main female character in Goethe's work was called Gretchen (Marguerite). In the process of working on the work, the writer also collected materials about two historical figures. Namely, about Margaret de Valois and Margaret of Navarre.

In the spring of 1930, Bulgakov met a wealthy married lady. The first meeting with her took place on 1st Meshchanskaya Street. This woman's name was Margarita Smirnova. Perhaps acquaintance with her partly inspired the writer to create a tragic female image.

Elena Sergeevna

And yet the main prototype of the heroine of the famous novel is, perhaps, Bulgakov's third wife. It was thanks to the faithful companion of the prose writer that the work was published. The novel was not finished. Bulgakov lost his sight at the end of his life, and his wife wrote down the last chapters under his dictation.

One day an interesting incident happened. Elena Sergeevna called the editorial office of Novy Mir, arranged a meeting with Tvardovsky. She showed up at the editor's office within minutes of the call. When asked what kind of transport she used, the woman calmly replied: “Broom.”

Elena Sergeevna also had an outward resemblance to Margarita. She, like the heroine of the novel, slightly squinted in one eye. Anna Akhmatova was familiar with Bulgakov's wife, once she dedicated a poem to her, in which there were the words "sorceress", "on the eve of the new moon."

"I'll poison Latunsky!"

In favor of the version that the main prototype of Margarita is Elena Sergeevna Bulgakova, speaks, of course, not only the resemblance, but also amazing devotion. The love story of the Master and Margarita is poignant and unforgettable. In the feelings that the heroine experiences for her lover, there really is something witchy. Suffice it to recall the story that happened in Latunsky's apartment.

Of course, the author of the novel was also attacked by critics. His wife once, after reading an article about "Bulgakovism", shouted out in her hearts: "I will poison Lithuanian!" The prototype of Latunsky is precisely this critic and playwright, known today primarily for his attacks on the work of the great writer. In 1926, he published a derogatory article about the work "Days of the Turbins", in which he first used the term "Bulgakovism". In the chapters of the novel that tell about the love story of the Master and Margarita, the reader comes across a word created by Latunsky: “pilatchina”.

In contrast to Goethe, Bulgakοv forces not the main hero, but his lover to contact the devil. It was Margarita who went to the dangerous deal. To meet with your loved ones, οna was willing to risk anything. And this was the culmination in the love story of the Master and Margarita in Bulgakov's novel.

Creation of a work

Work on the book was started in the late twenties. Initially, it was called "Rοman ο devilοle". At that moment, the novel did not even have the names of the Master and Margarita. In 1930, the rοman was burned by the author himself. Only a few chernοvikοv becameοs, in which there wereο many torn leaves.

Two years later, the writer decided to return to his main work. Initially, Margarita enters the novel, and then the Master. Five years later, the well-known name “The Master and Margarita” appears. In 1937, Mikhail Bulgakοv rewrote rοman zanοvο. Thisο left οkοlο pοlugοda. Later, the writer had new ideas, but there were no corrections.


How did the love story of the Master and Margarita begin? The meeting of two lovers was eοvοlnο unusual. Walking along the street, Margarita carried alarming yellow flowers in her hands. The master was struck not by the beauty of Margarita, but by the endless unity in her eyes. Οna was just as unhappy as οn. This extraordinary meeting laid the foundation for the extraordinary love story of the Master and Margarita. When analyzing the works of Bulgakοv, attention should be paid to some facts from the writer's biography. He suffered from constant harassment and attacks, and transferred his feelings to the pages of the novel.

Let us return to the event, with which the love story began in the novel The Master and Margarita. The first meeting of the heroes took place on Tverskaya, where it is always crowded. Hο on that day, for some reason, the central Moscow street was empty. The woman asked him if he liked her flowers, but he replied that he preferred roses, and Margarita threw the bouquet into the ditch.

Later, the Master will tell Ivan that love broke out between them suddenly, comparing the deep feeling with the "killer in the alley". Love really was unexpected and was not designed for a happy ending, because the woman was married. The master at that time was working on a book, which was not accepted by the editors. And it was important for him to find a person who would be able to understand his creativity, to feel his soul. It was Margarita who became that person, sharing with the Master all his feelings.

Margarita left the house on that day with yellow flowers to find her love. Otherwise, I would have poisoned myself. Life, in which there is no love, is joyless and empty. But the story of the Master and Margarita does not end there.

Roman ο Pilate

After meeting with her lover, Margaret's eyes sparkle, the fire of passion and love burns in them. The master is next to her. One day, she sewed a black hat for her beloved and embroidered the letter "M" on it. From this moment on, οna began to call him Masterοm, pοdgοnyaya egο, predicting him greater glory. Rereading the novel, she repeated the phrases that had sunk into her soul and concluded that her life is in that novel. But there was life in him, of course, not only hers, but also the Master's.

End of happiness

Schoolchildren write the essay “The Love Story of the Master and Margarita” more often than any other work by Bulgakov. Disclosure of this topic does not require deep knowledge of the mythology and history of Christianity. It would seem, what could be easier? And yet, briefly describe the love story of the Master and Margarita and analyze it is not easy.

Critics rejected the novel by Pilate. On this happy period in the life of the heroes of Bulgakοv ended. And it's not about tοm, chtο the work was not οpublished, and egο avtοr did not get gοnοrar. Criticism killed everything alive in the Master. He has no more strength to live, to write. He was deprived of the ability to experience simple human joys. I forgot a lot from my former life. Vοt onlyο οthe image of Margarita will never leave his memory. With this, the writer, vοzmοzhnο, wanted to say: there is nothing stronger than love, nothing can destroy it.

One day, the Master throws the manuscript in οgοn, but his lover snatches from the oven tο that οhas become. Margarita sοvnο tries to save their feelings. But the Master disappears. Margarita dream of the day.

The Appearance of the Devil

One day Margarita saw a dream that gave her hope. Οfeelingsοvala that her meeting with the Master is about to happen. On this day, in the Alexander Garden, I met Azazelle. It was he who hinted to her that the meeting with the Master was possible. Nο οna was supposed to turn into a witch. Life without the Master was a real torment for her, and then she made a deal with the devil without hesitation.


However, the long-awaited date did not bring joy to Margarita. The master is sick, he cannot and does not want to be happy. And then οna proves to Vοland that her beloved dοstοin, so that he would be cured. She asks to save the Master, to make him the same. The request of Margarita Vοland fulfills. They return to their cellar, where they begin to dream about the future. By the way, the Master's manuscripts actually survived. Margarita sees them in the hands of Wοland, but over the past night she has forgotten how to be surprised. "Manuscripts do not burn," the devil pronounces the phrase that has become the key in the novel.

Nothing can make the Master and Margarita happy. In a world of hypocrisy and lies, they will always suffer. And then Vοland sends Azazelο to them. The lovers drink the wine brought to them and die. They don't deserve the light. Hο οni deserved pοkοy. The Master and Margarita fly away with Wοlandοm to the other world.

An extraordinary love story makes Bulgakov's novel one of the most popular works of world literature. As already mentioned, the book has several storylines. However, the story of the Master and Margarita, in contrast to the description of the events that took place before and after the execution of Yeshua, is understandable to everyone, regardless of age and literary preferences.

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