The role of nature in the story of Olesya Kuprin. Composition “The world of nature and human feelings in the story A


The image of nature is organic for the artistic world of Kuprin and is inextricably linked with his concept of man. One can distinguish a number of works of the writer, in which nature occupies an important place. Such are the picturesque Polissya cycle, the lyrical miniatures "Woodcocks", "Night in the Forest", reflections on natural phenomena - "Empty Cottages" (early autumn), "Golden Rooster" (sunrise). This also adjoins the cycle of lyrical essays about the Balaklava fishermen "Listrigons".

For the first time, Kuprin's concept of man and nature was recreated as something integral in the works of the Polissya cycle, which was based on such stories as "Forest Wilderness", "Olesya", "On Capercaillie". The unity of the cycle is largely due to the image of the narrator-hunter, through whose perception nature is depicted and who perceives it as a real and at the same time mysterious and mysterious world, worthy of observation and comprehension, and equivalent to the human world in the general stream of being. The feeling of connection and kinship with this world causes the hero’s excitement: “he held his breath and froze”, “carefully”, “trying not to make noise”, “peered”, etc. Contact with the natural world becomes for the narrator not only an attempt to get closer to the mystery of the world but also as a way of moral purification. Nature helps him forget about everyday troubles and worries and plunge into a new stream of time. Kuprin's sense of nature is cosmic. The writer perceives it as an organic whole that has a direct connection with the human world. Being alone with nature, Kuprin's storyteller experiences such moments that allow one to feel the movement of time, which give a person a feeling of being included in the eternal stream of cosmic life. The winter landscape takes on a philosophical coloring in the story “Olesya”: “It was as quiet as it happens in the forest in winter on a windless day. Lush clods of snow hanging on the branches pressed them down, giving them a wonderful, festive and cold look. From time to time, a thin twig broke off from the top, and it was extremely clearly heard how, as it fell, it touched other branches with a slight crack. The snow turned pink in the sun and turned blue in the shade. I was seized by the quiet charm of this solemn, cold silence, and it seemed to me that I feel how time slowly and silently passes me by ... ”At the moment of communication with nature, the Kuprin hero-narrator is able to see in the instant - eternal, to feel his involvement in the whole. At this moment, the hero realizes himself as a part of the Universe, embodied in the image of silence and silently flowing time, which give rise to a sense of world harmony (“something slender, beautiful and tender”).

The image of nature is poeticized in Oles. Kuprin endows the hero with the look of an artist, the ability to reveal the beauty of the world and see it where, it would seem, there is nothing remarkable. Thus, describing the forest road “black with mud” during the spring thaw, the hero notes that in the water, with which numerous ruts and horse hoof marks were filled, “the fire of the evening dawn was reflected.” Nature is seen by the hero as a fairy tale, magic that merges the beauty of the moonlit night and the mystery of love into a single wonderful moment of life: “And this whole night merged into some kind of magical, enchanting fairy tale. The moon rose, and its radiance bizarrely colorful and mysteriously blossomed the forest, lay in the midst of the darkness with uneven, bluish-pale spots on the clumsy trunks, on curved branches, on soft, like a plush carpet, moss. the foliage seemed to have been thrown over with silvery, transparent, gaseous veils. And we walked, embracing, among this smiling living legend, without a single word, overwhelmed by our happiness and the silence of the forest.

The problem of the relationship between man and nature is raised by Kuprin in the series of essays "Listrigons", which emphasize the connection of man with natural life, the subordination of the work of fishermen to natural rhythms. The image of nature in "Listrigons" is emotionally colored. In descriptions of the night, the sea, silence, the starry sky, etc., the author often uses evaluative epithets, comparisons, personifications. Kuprin shows in his work that the gap between man and nature leads to the loss of cosmic connections and the inferiority of being. Kuprin's hunting scenes and descriptions of nature are revealed to the reader as one of the attempts of modern man to restore the cosmic worldview, which is so relevant to our era.

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  • Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin is a well-known Russian writer, in whose works the theme of the unity of man and nature is repeatedly raised. His worldview is based on personal experiences, events and upheavals of that time. Kuprin quite often changed his environment, due to moving and the political situation in the country. He was especially observant of people and the relationships between people in society. Many facts upset him; this became a fundamental theme in many of the author's works.

    Subtly feeling nature, Kuprin repeatedly referred to the description of her serene and charming beauty in his works. The description of silence is most often found in his work, where the author, fearing to frighten, violate this wonderful picture of peace, shows the ideal arrangement in nature. Using the expressions “holding his breath and froze”, “trying not to make noise”, he seems to want to peer into this silence, perhaps there is a clue to his own human existence in it. It is this connection that most clearly runs through all the works of the writer.

    Kuprin presents the description of nature very colorfully, using the most beautiful words, richly coloring, like an artist with a brush. The description of the winter landscape in the story "Olesya" is very expressive, where the author gradually leads to a philosophical thought about the unity of man and nature. “The lush clods of snow hanging on the branches pressed them down, giving them a wonderful, festive and cold look.” “The snow turned pink in the sun and turned blue in the shade. I was seized by the quiet charm of this solemn, cold silence, and it seemed to me that I felt how time slowly and silently passes me by.

    It is this kind of participation in integrity with nature and dissolution in the unity of its cognition that is noted in many of Kuprin's works. Thus, he points to the unity of man and nature in a broad sense, harmoniously uniting them into a single whole. The relationship between man and nature, subordination to its natural rhythms, is vividly presented in the essays "Listrigons", which shows the life of fishermen. Describing the sea, silence, the starry sky, the author uses the epithets of comparison and personification, thereby very clearly showing the inferiority of human existence, which has lost touch with nature.

    The theme of the unity of man with nature, the harmony of this integrity and the breaking of this connection is the main philosophical thought that runs through many works. It is the loss of this cosmic connection that worries him most of all. In hunting stories, Kuprin shows the possibility of restoring this connection, gives an understanding of the unity of cosmic worldviews, which, of course, is relevant today.

    In literature in general, and in Russian literature in particular, the problem of man's relationship with the world around him occupies a significant place. Personality and environment, individual and society - many Russian writers of the 19th century thought about this. The fruits of these reflections were reflected in many stable formulations, for example, in the well-known phrase "the environment is stuck." Interest in this topic noticeably intensified in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, in an era that was a turning point for Russia. In the spirit of humanistic traditions inherited from the past, Alexander Kuprin considers this issue, using all the artistic means that became the achievement of the turn of the century. The work of this writer was for a long time, as it were, in the shadows, he was overshadowed by the bright representatives of his contemporaries. Today, the works of A. Kuprin are of great interest. They attract the reader with their simplicity, humanity, democracy in the noblest sense of the word. The world of A. Kuprin's heroes is colorful and varied. He himself lived a bright life filled with diverse impressions - he was a military man, a clerk, a land surveyor, and an actor in a traveling circus troupe. A. Kuprin said many times that he does not understand writers who do not find anything more interesting in nature and people than themselves. The writer is very interested in human destinies, while the heroes of his works are most often not lucky, prosperous, satisfied with themselves and life people, but rather the opposite. But A. Kuprin treats his outwardly unsightly and unlucky heroes with the warmth and humanity that have always distinguished Russian writers. In the characters of the stories "White Poodle", "Taper", "Gambrinus", as well as many others, the features of a "little man" are guessed, but the writer does not just reproduce this type, but rethinks it. Let's reveal a very famous story by Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet", written in 1911. Its plot is based on a real event - the love of telegraph official P.P. Zheltkov for the wife of an important official, member of the State Council Lyubimov. This story is mentioned by the son of Lyubimova, the author of famous memoirs, Lev Lyubimov. In life, everything ended differently than in the story of A. Kuprin - the official accepted the bracelet and stopped writing letters, nothing more was known about him. In the Lyubimov family, this incident was remembered as strange and curious. Under the writer's pen, the story turned into a sad and tragic story about the life of a little man, who was exalted and destroyed by love. This is transmitted through the composition of the work. It gives an extensive, unhurried introduction, which introduces us to the exposition of the Scheins' house. The very story of extraordinary love, the story of the garnet bracelet, is told in such a way that we see it through the eyes of different people: Prince Vasily, who tells it as an anecdotal incident, brother Nikolai, for whom everything in this story is seen as offensive and suspicious, Vera Nikolaevna herself and, finally, , General Anosov, who was the first to suggest that here, perhaps, true love lies, "which women dream about and which men are no longer capable of." The circle to which Vera Nikolaevna belongs cannot admit that this is a real feeling, not so much because of the strange behavior of Zheltkov, but because of the prejudices that rule them. Kuprin, wishing to convince us readers of the authenticity of Zheltkov's love, resorts to the most irrefutable argument - the hero's suicide. Thus, the right of the little man to happiness is affirmed, while the motive of his moral superiority over the people who so cruelly offended him, who failed to understand the strength of the feeling that made up the whole meaning of his life, arises. Kuprin's story is both sad and bright. It is permeated with a musical beginning - a piece of music is indicated as an epigraph - and the story ends with a scene when the heroine listens to music at a tragic moment of moral enlightenment for her. The text of the work includes the theme of the inevitability of the death of the protagonist - it is conveyed through the symbolism of light: at the moment of receiving the bracelet, Vera Nikolaevna sees red stones in it and thinks with alarm that they look like blood. Finally, the theme of the clash of different cultural traditions arises in the story: the theme of the east - the Mongolian blood of Vera and Anna's father, the Tatar prince, introduces the theme of love-passion, recklessness into the story; the mention that the sisters' mother is an Englishwoman introduces the theme of rationality, dispassion in the sphere of feelings, the power of reason over the heart. In the final part of the story, a third line appears: it is no coincidence that the landlady turns out to be a Catholic. This introduces into the work the theme of love-worship, which in Catholicism surrounds the Mother of God, love-self-sacrifice. The hero of A. Kuprin, a small man, faces the world of misunderstanding around him, the world of people for whom love is a kind of madness, and, having faced it, dies. In the wonderful story "Olesya" we see the poetic image of a girl who grew up in the hut of an old "sorceress", outside the usual norms of a peasant family. Olesya's love for the intellectual Ivan Timofeevich, who accidentally drove into a remote forest village, is a free, simple and strong feeling, without looking back and obligations, among tall pines, painted with a crimson reflection of the dying dawn. The girl's story ends tragically. Olesya's free life is invaded by the mercenary calculations of village officials and the superstitions of dark peasants. Beaten and ridiculed, Olesya is forced to flee the forest nest with Manuilikha. In the works of Kuprin, many heroes have similar features - this is spiritual purity, dreaminess, ardent imagination, combined with impracticality and lack of will. And they are most clearly revealed in love. All the heroes treat the woman with filial purity and reverence. Readiness to fight for the sake of a beloved woman, romantic worship, chivalrous service to her - and at the same time underestimating oneself, disbelief in one's own strengths. Men in Kuprin's stories seem to change places with women. These are the energetic, strong-willed "Polesye sorceress" Olesya and the "kind, but only weak" Ivan Timofeevich, the smart, prudent Shurochka Nikolaevna and the "pure, sweet, but weak and pathetic" Lieutenant Romashov. All these are Kuprin's heroes with a fragile soul, caught in a cruel world. The atmosphere of revolutionary days breathes in Kuprin's excellent story "Gambrinus", created in the alarming year 1907. The theme of all-conquering art is woven here with the idea of ​​democracy, the bold protest of the "little man" against the black forces of arbitrariness and reaction. Meek and cheerful Sashka, with his outstanding talent as a violinist and sincerity, attracts a diverse crowd of port loaders, fishermen, and smugglers to the Odessa tavern. With delight they meet the melodies, which, as it were, are a background, as if reflecting public moods and events - from the Russian-Japanese war to the rebellious days of the revolution, when Sasha's violin sounds with the cheerful rhythms of the Marseillaise. In the days of the onset of terror, Sashka challenges the disguised detectives and the Black Hundred "scoundrels in a hat", refusing to play the monarchical anthem at their request, openly denouncing them for murders and pogroms. Crippled by the tsarist secret police, he returns to his port friends to play for them on the outskirts of the melody of the deafeningly cheerful "Shepherd". Free creativity, the strength of the national spirit, according to Kuprin, are invincible. Returning to the question posed at the beginning - “man and the world around him”, we note that Russian prose of the early 20th century presents a wide range of answers to it. We considered only one of the options - the tragic collision of the individual with the world around him, his insight and death, but the death is not meaningless, but contains an element of purification and high meaning.

    The writer Charles Snow noted, speaking of Russian literature: "... the reader feels the breath of vast spaces, boundless Russian plains." The theme of the relationship between nature and man is very important. Man is one with the world around him. This is confirmed by the words of Turgenev: "Man cannot but be occupied by nature, he is connected with it by thousands of indissoluble threads."

    It was designated by the first educator Jean-Jacques Rousseau. He said that the perfect man, perhaps, should be formed only by nature.

    This theme finds lyrical disclosure in the story "Olesya" by Alexander Kuprin. Probably, the writer believed that it was necessary to look for the origins of naturalness, from which modern people are moving further and further away, among nature.

    The story begins with a description of the expanses of the local nature, and the fate of the city dweller, whom fate abandoned in the woods. Wanting to have fun, the city gentleman yearns to meet local witches. The fate of the "sorceresses" is shrouded in mystery. Olesya and Manuilikha live in the wilderness. The circumstances that forced these women to live far from the village allowed them to have a unique naturalness. Nature endowed Olesya with talents and beauty.

    For the first time, the narrator sees her when she carefully brings home the finches to feed them. Ivan Timofeevich, a man from the urban world, disturbs the harmonious balance of their lives.

    In Oles, the narrator liked both her "original beauty" and her character, proud, independent. Illiterate, she is endowed with imagination and curiosity. The city for Olesya is something unpleasant. She wouldn't want to trade forests and fields for him. All her inner qualities are formed in the bosom of nature. Ivan Timofeevich, who lived in a completely different way, was used to controlling his emotions. He did nothing, despite the fact that his soul was indignant that Olesya would go to church and this led to misfortune.

    One gets the feeling that Alexander Kuprin was trying to convey that a person is beautiful when he retains the essence given to him by nature. Olesya under his pen is a beautiful and natural person. It carries the natural qualities in an unchanged form.

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    Updated: 2017-03-18

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    The theme of "Olesya" Kuprin is the immortal theme of cordial relationships and burning passions. She is vividly and sincerely shown for her time in a touching story by Kuprin, written in the very center of nature in Polissya.

    The clash of lovers from different social groups exacerbates their relationship with a touch of self-sacrifice, their own life principles and their assessments by other people.

    Analysis of "Olesya" Kuprin

    The mysterious girl, who was born surrounded by nature, absorbed all the genuine and immaculate features of a meek and simple character, faces a completely different personality - Ivan Timofeevich, who is considered an effective representative of society in the city.

    The quivering relationship that began between them suggests a life together, where, as usual, a woman is obliged to adapt to the new surrounding atmosphere of life.

    Olesya, accustomed to her fairy-tale dwelling in a calm, beloved forest with Manuilikha, perceives the changes in her life experience very hard and painfully, in fact, sacrificing her own principles in order to be with her lover.

    Anticipating the fragility of relations with Ivan, in a ruthless city poisoned by heartlessness and misunderstanding, she goes to complete self-sacrifice. However, until then, the relationship of the young is strong.

    Yarmola describes to Ivan the image of Olesya and her aunt, proves to him the uniqueness of the fact that magicians and sorceresses live in the world, encourages him to become extremely carried away by the mystery of a simple girl.

    Features of the work

    The writer paints the habitat of a magical girl very colorfully and naturally, which cannot be overlooked when analyzing Kuprin's "Olesya", because the landscape of Polesie emphasizes the exclusivity of the people living in it.

    It is often said that life itself wrote the stories of Kuprin's stories.

    Obviously, it will be difficult for most of the younger generation at first to understand the meaning of the story and what the author wants to convey, but later, after reading some chapters, they will be able to become interested in this work, discovering its depth.

    The main problems of "Olesya" Kuprin

    This is an excellent writer. He managed to express in his own work the heaviest, highest and most tender human emotions. Love is a wonderful feeling that a person experiences, like a touchstone. Not many people have the ability to truly and with an open heart to love. This is the fate of a strong-willed individual. Just such people are of interest to the author. Correct people, existing in harmony with themselves and the world around them, are a model for him, in fact, such a girl is created in the story "Olesya" by Kuprin, the analysis of which we analyze.

    An ordinary girl lives in the vicinity of nature. She listens to sounds and rustling, makes out the cries of various creatures, is very pleased with her life and independence. Olesya is independent. She has enough of the sphere of communication that she has. She knows and disassembles the forest surrounding from all sides, the girl perfectly feels nature.

    But the meeting with the human world promises her, unfortunately, continuous trouble and grief. The townspeople think that Olesya and her grandmother are witches. They are ready to dump all mortal sins on these unfortunate women. One fine day, the anger of people has already driven them from a warm place, and from now on the heroine has only one desire: to get rid of them.

    However, the soulless human world does not know pardon. This is where the key problems of "Olesya" Kuprin lie. She is especially intelligent and smart. The girl is well aware of what her meeting with the city dweller, "panych Ivan" portends to her. It is not suitable for a world of enmity and jealousy, profit and falsehood.

    The dissimilarity of the girl, her grace and originality inspire anger, fear, panic in people. The townspeople are ready to blame Olesya and Babkeu for absolutely all the hardships and misfortunes. Their blind horror of the "sorceresses" they call them is kindled by reprisals without any consequences. The analysis of "Olesya" Kuprin makes us understand that the appearance of a girl in the temple is not a challenge to the inhabitants, but a desire to understand the human world in which her beloved lives.

    The main characters of "Olesya" Kuprin are Ivan and Olesya. Secondary - Yarmola, Manuilikha and others, to a lesser extent important.


    A young girl, slender, tall and charming. She was raised by her grandmother. However, despite the fact that she is illiterate, she has the natural intelligence of centuries, fundamental knowledge of the human essence and curiosity.


    The young writer, looking for a muse, arrived from the city to the village on official business. He is intelligent and smart. The village is distracted by hunting and getting to know the villagers. Regardless of his own origin, he behaves normally and without arrogance. "Panych" is a good-natured and sensitive guy, noble and weak-willed.

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