Role-playing games. Table role-playing tales and games for any holiday


Fairy tales "Turnip" and "Kolobok" are familiar to us since childhood. Now we will try to remember them, but we will do it “in an adult way”. Interesting scenes with all the familiar characters will decorate any holiday and amuse all the guests.

Try these tales of reworking for a drunken role-playing company!

Cheerful fairy tale "Turnip" for adult holidays

First you need to choose seven people who will participate in the skit. We need one leader.

Participants should learn their roles, but don't get upset - the words are very simple and easy to remember. Guests of almost any age category can participate in the skit.

The host must say the name of the hero, and he, in turn, his words. In this competition, participants can sit at a table. The exception is the turnip, which should be located on a chair and constantly do something.

During the skit, the host should not be silent, but, if possible, comment on what is happening.

The scene requires musical accompaniment. It is advisable to choose Russian folk music. If you wish, you can allocate prizes to the best actors.

Turnip - Hey, man, put your hands away, I'm still a minor!
Grandfather - Oh, my health has already become bad.
Here comes the booze!
Baba - Something grandfather stopped satisfying me.

Granddaughter - I'm almost ready!
Hey, grandfather, grandmother, I'm late, my friends are waiting for me!
Bug - Are you calling me a bug again? I'm actually a bug!
It's not my job!

Cat - what is the dog doing on the playground? I'm going to feel bad now - I'm allergic!
Mouse - Shall we have a drink?

Modern fairy tale "Kolobok" for a fun company

What other fairy tales are there for roles for a drunken company? About seven participants should also participate in this tale. Accordingly, you need to choose actors who will play the roles of grandmother, grandfather, hare, fox, bun, wolf, and also a bear.

Grandfather and grandmother had no children. They were completely disappointed, but the bun changed their whole life. He became their salvation and hope - they doted on him.

For example:

Grandfather and grandmother were already tired of waiting for the bun and constantly looked into the distance, hoping for his return, but he never was.
The moral of this fable is this: You should not rely on the love of a bun, but it is better to have your own children.

A funny fairy tale for active guests of the celebration

We choose five actors who will play the role of a chicken, a king, a bunny, a fox and a butterfly. The text should be read by the presenter:

“The fairy-tale kingdom was ruled by an optimist-king. He decided to take a walk in a beautiful park and bounced all the way, waving his arms.

The king was very joyful and saw a beautiful butterfly. He decided to catch her, but the butterfly only mocked him - and shouted obscene words, and twisted her faces, and showed her tongue.

Well, then the butterfly got tired of mocking the king, and flew into the forest. The king was not very offended, but only more amused and began to laugh.

The merry king did not expect that a hare would appear in front of him and got scared, standing in the pose of an ostrich. Bunny did not understand why the king was standing in such an inappropriate position - and he himself was frightened. There is a bunny, its paws are trembling, and it screams in an inhuman voice, asking for help.

At this time, the proud fox returned to work. The beauty worked at a poultry farm and carried a chicken home. As soon as she saw the bunny and the king, she got scared. The hen lost no moment and jumped out, hitting the back of the fox's head.

The hen turned out to be very lively and the first thing she did was peck at the king. The king straightened up in surprise and took a normal pose. Bunny became even more scared, and she jumped on the arms to the fox, taking her by the ears. The fox realized that it was necessary to make legs - and ran.

The king looked around, laughed and decided to continue on his way with the hen. They took hold of the handles, and went towards the castle. Nobody knows what will happen next with the chicken, but the king will definitely treat her with delicious champagne, like all the other guests of the celebration.

The host invites the listeners to pour glasses and drink for the king and the chicken.

Humorous fairy tale for the company of adults

First of all, you need to choose heroes. Both animate and inanimate objects will take part in this fairy tale.

It is required to select heroes for the role of a kitten and a magpie. You need to choose guests who will play the role of the sun, wind, paper and porch.

Participants must portray what their hero needs to do.

“The little kitten went for a walk. It was warm and the sun was shining, giving everyone its rays. A cute kitten lay down on the porch and began to look at the sun, constantly squinting.

Suddenly talkative magpies sat down in front of him on the fence. They argued about something and had a very loud dialogue. The kitten became interested, so he began to carefully crawl towards the fence. Magpies did not pay any attention to the baby and continued to crack.

The kitten almost got to its target and jumped, and the birds flew away. Nothing worked out for the kid, and he began to look around, hoping to find another hobby.

A light breeze began to blow outside - and the kitten drew attention to a piece of paper that rustled. The kitten decided not to waste the moment and pounced on his target. After scratching it a little and biting it, he realized that he was not interested in a simple paper sheet - and let it go. The paper flew further, and from where suddenly a rooster appeared.

The rooster was very proud and raised his head high. The bird stopped and crowed. Then chickens ran up to the rooster and surrounded him from all sides. The kitten realized that he had finally found something to entertain himself with.

Without hesitation, he rushed to the hens and took one of them by the tail. The bird did not let itself be offended and pecked painfully. The animal was very frightened and began to run away. However, everything was not so simple - the neighbor's puppy was already waiting for him.

A small dog began to jump on the kitten and wanted to bite. The kitten realized that he needed to return home and hit the dog painfully with his nails. The puppy got scared and missed the kitten. It was then that the kitten realized that he was a winner, albeit a wounded one.

Returning to the porch, the kitten began to lick the wound that the chicken had left, and then, stretched out, fell asleep. The kitten had strange dreams - and he kept twitching his paws in a dream. So the kitten met the street for the first time.

The scene ends with thunderous applause from the guests. If you wish, you can award the most artistic actor with a prize.

An interesting scene for a birthday and other adult holidays

I knew that Kudryavtsev had not forgotten my shot and did not trust me. Despite the fact that we spent the night in secret, he is wary of me. He could not trust an intelligent youth who knew nothing about the war.

Until I met Kudryavtsev, I didn't know that I was such a bad soldier. After all, I could not even properly wrap the footcloths and sometimes, when I was given the command “to the left,” I turned in the opposite direction. Besides, I was not at all friendly with a shovel.

Kudryavtsev did not understand me when, while reading some news, I commented on it and made spatial comments. At that time, I was not yet a member of the party - and even then Kudryavtsev for some reason expected some kind of trick from me.

Very often I caught his eye on me. What did I see in his eyes? Probably the fact that I am untrained and inexperienced, but he forgives me so far, but one more mistake - and he will kill me! I wanted to improve and made a promise to myself that I would definitely be a disciplined soldier and learn everything that was necessary. I had the opportunity to show all my abilities in practice.

We were sent to guard the bridge, which was often shelled. A lot of reinforcements, as well as literature, constantly went to the place of work ...

My job was to check the passes of people who crossed the bridge. The Whites often opened fire on the post where I was. The shells hit the water and splashed me. Shells were falling close to me, and the bridge had already been destroyed. Any minute could be the last for me, but I made a condition to myself that I would not leave the bridge anyway.

What did I feel? I didn't feel fear - I was already ready to die. I saw beautiful landscapes in the distance, but they did not please me. I felt that I would never leave this post. However, one thought made me stand further - Kudryavtsev sees me and approves of my actions.

It seemed to me that I had been standing at this post for several hours, but in fact only a few minutes - as long as Kudryavtsev needed to reach me. I did not understand what Kudryavtsev needed from me. Then he pulled me with force by the belt, and I came to my senses.

- Quickly get out of here! the man said.

As soon as we left the bridge, a strong shell hit it.

- Do you see what's happening? Why were you standing there? You could have killed me too!

I sighed, but Kudryavtsev did not finish.

“However, you are still great, because you showed that you know the charter and were indestructible. You deserve to be praised. But even though this is a thing of the past, I would like you to move your brains. The bridge was destroyed a long time ago, why were you standing there? What was the point? Was everyone ready to check the passes? If you were smarter and didn’t go to the post yourself, I wouldn’t punish you!

After this incident, Kudryavtsev's attitude towards me changed. He talked about himself and sometimes asked about me. Despite the fact that he was not in the party, he considered himself a Bolshevik. This person helped me to believe in myself, so his approval was very important to me.

To this day, I remember one incident. We talked about what we're going to do after we win over White. I said that I dream of becoming a writer who will portray the peaceful brotherhood of all peoples. Kudryavtsev listened to me and looked at the fire.

- You have an excellent goal, - he said - You have a great path, Lebedinsky!

Funny fairy tales by roles for a drunken company

5 (100%) 12 votes


Number of participants: more than 5-10 people.

Additionally: A children's book with a fairy tale (the simpler the better, ... "Ryaba the Hen", "Kolobok", "Turnip", "Teremok" ... and so on are perfect; any stories simplified and adapted for children ...)

Moment structure:

=> 1. A leader is chosen (he will be a reader).

=> 2. From the book, ALL (!) heroes of the fairy tale are written out on separate sheets, including, if the number of people allows, even trees, stumps, rivers, buckets ... and so on ...

=> 3. In the way of a serious scientific poke, everyone pulls their roles ...


Number of players: any.

Additionally: nothing.

A game for kids of older preschool age, but at parties it goes with a bang. Each participant chooses an animal for himself and indicates to the others the characteristic movement of this animal. This is how "acquaintance" happens.

After that, the host from the side selects the starter of the game. That one must show “himself” and another “animal”, this “animal” indicates himself and someone else, and so on. until the moment when someone makes a mistake, that is, they show another “animal” incorrectly or show the one who dropped out. The one who makes the mistake is out.

The game ends when two remain.

Understand me

Number of players: any.

Additionally: nothing.

Phrase game. Two joyful, uncomplexed teams are selected.

The 1st team makes up an expression (preferably a well-known one, such as “sex without a girl is a sign of a fool”) and says it to the messenger from the 2nd team. And he, without the help of words, must explain this expression to friends from his own team. Then the expression is guessed by the 2nd team and so on.

Time flies unnoticed and funny.

Adams family

Number of players: any.

Additionally: nothing.

The whole company gathers in one room. The leaders - two, preferably a young man with a woman - go into another room. Inviting one participant at a time, they bring him to for themselves, put him directly in front of him and utter a phrase accompanied by gestures:

Hello (head bow), we are the Adams family (pointing at ourselves), you, our guest (pointing at the test subject), for now you will amuse us (pointing at yourself) until we (point at yourself) for you (show hands at the player) we will not applaud (clap your hands).

After the phrase given to us, the presenters fall silent and await the player's actions. The essence of the game is that, whatever the player does, the presenters (the Adams family) repeat everything right behind him (full similarity is not necessary). The game with this player ends after the family applauds the player. Then the player joins the family, becoming the leader, and a new victim is introduced.

Experiments have shown that the more people, the merrier. Some take guitars, start singing, dancing, telling funny stories and the like.


Number of players: any.

Additionally: nothing.

The guests sit on the floor in a circle, a volunteer crawls up to one person on his haunches, rubs against him like a cat, purrs and tries not to laugh. The person to whom the “cat” crawled up should slowly announce: “My poor cat is sick now,” stroking her head.

If the person to whom the cat crawled did not laugh and did all of the above, then the “cat” crawls away to another participant and repeats the act, if the person laughed, then the “cat” sits in his place, and he becomes a “cat”.


Number of players: several couples.

Additionally: nothing.

Several couples are invited for the role. The ladies are invited to take on the role of the Madonna, while the men act as the baby. Couples need to compose an artistic composition "Madonna and Child" based on the painting of the great painter.

The most artistic couple wins.


Number of players: any.

Additionally: nothing.

Scene game. The host, seven players-characters and spectators participate. The leader distributes the roles:

1st player will be the turnip. When the host says the word "turnip" (turnip, ...), the player is forced to announce "both-on"

The 2nd player will be the grandfather. When the host says the word "grandfather", the player is forced to announce "would kill."

The 3rd player will be the grandma. When the host says the word "grandmother", the player is forced to announce "oh-oh".

The 4th player will be the granddaughter. When the host says the word "granddaughter" (granddaughter, ...), the player is forced to announce "I'm not ready yet."

The 5th player will be the Bug (dog). When the host says the word "Bug", the player is forced to announce "woof-woof".

The 6th player will be the cat. When the host says the word "cat", the player is forced to announce "meow-meow".

The 7th player will be the mouse. When the host says the word "mouse", the player is forced to announce "wee-wee."

The game starts. The host tells the tale "Turnip", the participants voice:

Grandfather planted (2nd player - would have killed) a turnip (1st player - both). A turnip has grown (1st player - both) large and large. The grandfather came (the 2nd player would have killed) to pull the turnip (the 1st player - both), pulls, pulls, cannot pull. The grandfather called (the 2nd player would have killed) the grandmother (the 3rd player - oh-oh). Grandmother (3rd player - oh-oh) for grandfather (2nd player - would have killed), grandfather (2nd player - would have killed) for a turnip (1st player - both), pull-pull, can't pull out. Etc…


Number of players: any.

Additionally: Card deck.

Another version of the game "Mafia". It is better to play in a big company. Everyone is dealt cards, someone comes across the ace of spades (this is the mafia), someone - the ace of worms (sheriff), the rest - drawings (civilians).

Everyone sits in a circle with their eyes open. The mafia tries to discreetly blink one eye at someone. The task of the mafia is to do it quietly and "destroy" as many people as possible. The task of a peaceful inhabitant - if he blinked, wait a bit and throw the card into the circle without saying anything. The task of the sheriff is to see who is blinking, and when he sees, show the "mafia" his card.

It's especially funny when the mafia starts blinking at the sheriff.


Number of players: any.

Additionally: bell.

The players choose "tamer" and "animal" (we will write these definitions without quotes). The animal is removed from others for a short time so that it does not understand what others will agree on, who during this time invent a task for the animal and report it to the trainer. If there are more than 2 players, the trainer traditionally does not participate in inventing, but this is not so important.

The task is to perform some most or least accurately described action or chain of actions in a given sequence. For example, if the case takes place indoors, you can demand from the animal:

a) crawl under the table

b) turn on the light;

in) pour water into a glass;

G) put three chairs in a row;

e) find a postcard and put it in an album on a suitable page;

e) in a stack of books, shift the top one to the very bottom;

and) pick up a handkerchief from one of the players and bring it to the trainer and the like.

After the return of the animal, training actually begins: without uttering a word, without participating in any way in the actions of the animal, the trainer must achieve the task. His only inventory is a bell (a small fantasy will allow him to replace it with something else; traditionally, a bunch of keys is at hand). The ringing of a bell (or other signal) tells the animal that it is “on the right track”, the absence of a signal is an unpleasant one.

Note to trainers: any, even the most insignificant correct deeds of an animal, for example, a step in a suitable direction, should be encouraged by a signal, stopping the encouragement at the first deviation from the intended plan. The animal must think that, having reached a dead end, it must return to the beginning of the actions with which the reward began (traditionally, people and objects have to be brought back to their initial state for this).

Giants and gnomes

Number of players: any.

Additionally: nothing.

This game is good if you have a rest with several families or companies for more than one day. All vacationers are members.

All the names of the participants are written on separate notes, which are folded with the inscription inward. Each player draws "blindly" one note with the name of the Giant. It turns out that the player who pulled out the note is the Dwarf for the Giant from the note, but the Giant must not know his own Dwarf.

Problem: The Dwarf must secretly do all kinds of nice things for his own Giant. The giant must find out who his Dwarf is.

For example, if the Giant is a lady, it is always pleasant to receive a bouquet of wild flowers in the afternoon under the door with a note "With love (respect), Dwarf." For a man during the day, a bottle of beer does not hurt at all. For a child - crafts from forest plants or sweetness. At dinner, under the plate, find the wish "Bon appetit!" also good! And the Giant himself needs to get up early or be on the alert all day if he wants to track down the Dwarf.

It is important to do all this secretly, so that it would be difficult for the Giant to track down who is pleasing him.

maternity hospital

Number of players: two.

Additionally: nothing.

Two people are playing. One is the wife who has just given birth, and the other is her faithful husband. The task of the spouse is to ask everything about the child in as much detail as possible, and the task of the wife is to explain all this to the spouse with signs, since the thick double glasses of the hospital ward do not let sounds out.

See what gestures the spouse will make! The main thing is unexpected and various questions.

Animal game

Number of players: any.

Additionally: nothing.

Each participant becomes an animal - an elephant, a cancer, a mosquito, a deer, a fish, a snake, a hare, a lion, or the rest of his own choice or fantasy. The main thing is to come up with an appropriate gesture, with which he will demonstrate his own animal.

The meaning of the game: show your own animal, and later the animal of another participant. Another participant indicates again his own animal, and later the animal of the third participant. Everything needs to be done quickly, but without mistakes, whoever makes a mistake puts a phantom.

At the end of the game, when two participants remain, forfeits are played out: one favorite turns away and invents a funny task for those whose forfeits are chosen by another favorite.


Elephant- Touch your nose with your right hand. In the circle formed by the hand, stick your left hand all the way.

Crayfish- fold the figs with both hands, bring them to the eyes, move your thumbs.

Mosquito- make a fist, stretch out your index finger, bring the back of your hand to your nose, wave the resulting proboscis.

Deer- with cross-folded hands with spread fingers, quickly wave over your head (this is how the Chukchi dance)

A fish- fold your palms, as for prayer, lower them parallel to the floor, make a wave-like movement (similar to a fish jumping and going into the depths of the water)

Snake- shaking his right hand with a slightly bent palm, depict a spectacled cobra preparing for an attack.

Hare- trite: folding the arms at chest level. This is how rabbits are depicted in all kindergartens - remember your golden childhood!

a lion- almost like a hare, but claws out and (by all means!) make a brutal face. Main: All gestures must be accurate, unmistakable and extremely swift. The slightest incorrectness or delay is punishable by a phantom.

In the end, the gestures get mixed up, the crayfish begins to move its mosquito proboscis, and the hare has a ferocious expression on its face.

Try it, the game goes extremely well in a mixed adult-child or student company.


Number of players: several couples.

Additionally: nothing.

Several pairs of volunteers are called - equally men and girls.

The facilitator names the situation in which the couples seem to be. Their task is to start doing something in accordance with the situation. Situations can be very different, for example: “Imagine that you are on an uninhabited peninsula ...”, or “in the toilet of the train”, “the cabin of the square alone ...”

What couples will do depends on their imagination, traditionally on the "uninhabited peninsula" couples begin to kiss and so on ...


Number of players: any.

Additionally: devices, pieces of fabric, costume details, ties, hats, feathers and so on.

Those wishing to participate in the competition "For the best taste" are invited to another room. There, from the attributes of fashion (devices, pieces of fabric, details of suits, ties, hats, feathers, etc., etc.), they must design something unlike anything else, but at the same time colorful and elegant. Each "stylist" chooses a "model" from the guests, who presents the work of professionals to the tribunal of the guests.

To the applause of the audience, the best designer is determined, and he is awarded the prize.

Ruslan and the "head"

Number of players: any.

Additionally: nothing.

The host is chosen - Ruslan, other participants play the role of "head". To do this, you need to split up as follows: one plays the role of the left eye, the other - the right, the 3rd - the nose, the 4th - the ear, and so on. Then you need to compose such a mise-en-scene so that a figure is formed that resembles the head of a giant. If there are many participants, then it’s great in this case to give someone the role of left and right hands.

Ruslan stands in front of the "head" and does the most ordinary manipulations. For example, he may wink, later yawn, sneeze, scratch his ear, and so on. The "head of a giant" is obliged to accurately reproduce all these simple acts. You can do the task at a somewhat slow pace.

Maternity hospital-2

Number of players: any.

Optional: cards with “child” parameters (for each pair of players)

Several pairs are selected from among the participants. In each pair, it is determined which of the players will be the “dad” and who will be the “mom”. All “moms” pull out cards on which the baby’s gender, weight, hair color, eye color, or some other signs are written. “Moms” stand in a line at a distance of 4-6 meters from the “dads”. The other players take their place between the parents and try to make as much noise as possible. At the command of the host, “mothers”, by clicking and gestures, they try to convey information about the child to “dads”. After a set time gap (1-3 minutes), the game ends and the correctness of the transmitted information is checked. The winner is the pair in which the "dad" more accurately figured out all the transmitted information.

The game becomes more fun if the information to be conveyed is rather extraordinary, for example:

A black baby was born, weight - 4 kg, huge ears.

Height 40 cm, grin to ears, blue eyes.

Weight - 3 kg, yells loudly, brown eyes.

A Chinese child was born, all yellow, cunning eyes.

Triplets were born, all children - 3 kg each, girls.

If there are few players and it is impossible to make enough noise, you can turn on the music. Another option is to allow information to be transmitted only by gestures.


Number of players: any.

Additionally: nothing.

Everything and everything is transformed into something else, not with the help of words, but by determining the need for action. The room is transformed into a forest. Then the participants - in the trees, animals, birds, lumberjacks and so on.

And if in the station - means in a suitcase, train, passengers. And if in the studio - into announcers, cameramen, "pop stars" and so on. With all this, someone can make noise design, depict props, and so on.

dating scene

Number of players: any.

Additionally: nothing.

Every person is constantly meeting someone. There are even various tips on how to get to know each other correctly in order to create a good memory for yourself. But these rules apply only in ordinary, everyday conditions. And if there is an indescribable acquaintance? How then should a person behave? Imagine and dramatize the situation in which they meet ...

=> astronauts with aliens;

=> hunters with Bigfoot;

=> the newest owner of a castle with ghosts living in it;

=> a sailor thrown ashore after the crash, with a tribe of cannibals;

=> traveler in a time machine with his great-great-great-grandfather

Christmas story

Number of players: 14.

Additionally: role sheets.

Training: Roles are written on pieces of paper:

=> Curtain

=> Raven

=> Boar

=> Boar

=> Boar

=> bullfinch

=> bullfinch

=> bullfinch

=> Santa Claus

=> Snow Maiden

=> Nightingale - robber

=> Stallion

=> Ivan Tsarevich

The host comes out with a hat, where the pieces of paper with the roles lie and gives the participants to sort out the roles. Then the leader tells the tale offered below. Participants perform actions in accordance with the role. (All impromptu.)

Scene #1

The curtain has gone.

There was an oak tree in the clearing.

A herd of wild boars ran by.

A flock of ducks flew by.

The curtain has gone.

(Participants leave the stage.)

Scene #2

The curtain has gone.

There was an oak tree in the clearing.

Croaking, a raven flew in and sat on an oak tree.

A herd of wild boars ran by.

A flock of ducks flew by.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka were walking in the glade.

Santa Claus is calling for help.

The curtain has gone.

(Participants leave the stage.)

Scene #3

The curtain has gone.

There was an oak tree in the clearing.

Croaking, a raven flew in and sat on an oak tree.

A herd of wild boars ran by.

A flock of ducks flew by.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka were walking in the glade.

Here the Nightingale the Robber jumps out and carries away the Snow Maiden.

Santa Claus is calling for help.

Ivan Tsarevich enters on a stallion.

Santa Claus shares his grief with him.

Ivan Tsarevich fights with the Nightingale the Robber and beats off the Snow Maiden.

Everyone is happy.

The curtain has gone.

The host with each new scene speeds up the pace of the tale.

New Year's Tale-2

Number of players: any.

Additionally: role sheets.

The host comes out with a hat, where there are pieces of paper with roles and invites the participants to sort out the roles. The facilitator then tells the story below. Participants perform actions according to their role.

Fairy tale text:

Here is a house that is built in the forest.

But Santa Claus is a cool old man,

And in any weather

From a house that is built in the forest.

But the Snow Maiden is a grumpy girl,

But he loves Santa Claus - that old man,

Who will wear a red caftan,

And in any weather

Going to wish you a Happy New Year!

Here are some funny kids

They love beautiful books

But life is preparing such surprises for them,

I said this for the sake of reprise.

Which languishes in girls for a long time

Who will wear a red caftan,

And in any weather

Going to wish you a Happy New Year!

From a house that is built in the forest!

But mom, beautiful aunt,

She gets tired in the TTC at work.

Mom will decorate a fluffy Christmas tree

Dad would help - it would be more sense.

But those kids need a Christmas tree

Again there was a dull reprise.

They will be congratulated by the Snow Maiden - a girl,

Which languishes in girls for a long time

And Santa Claus is a cool old man,

For a long time already wearing a red caftan,

And in any weather

Going to wish you a Happy New Year!

From a house that is built in the forest!

But dad is angry and strict.

He stood on the road for a very long time.

Their dad serves in the traffic police,

After all, mom is a very beautiful aunt,

She gets tired in the TTC at work.

Mom will decorate a fluffy Christmas tree

And dad is needed for more sense

And those kids need a Christmas tree

Who love funny books

And life is preparing such surprises for them,

A bit of a dumb reprise.

They will be congratulated by the Snow Maiden - a girl,

Which languishes in girls for a long time

And Santa Claus is a cool old man,

Who will wear a red caftan,

And in any weather

Going to wish you a Happy New Year!

From a house that is built in the forest!

And here is the New Year! And everyone is very happy.

2011 is a big reward.

And dad is not at all strict,

Although he stood on the road for a long time.

Their dad serves in the traffic police,

For mom, he is also a husband.

And my mother is a very beautiful aunt,

She was tired in TTC at work.

Dress up a fluffy Christmas tree together

After all, dad is needed for more sense.

And the Christmas tree pleases those children,

Who love funny books

And life is preparing such surprises for them,

All of us got stupid reprise.

All of them will be congratulated by the Snow Maiden - a girl,

Which languishes in girls for a long time

And Santa Claus is a cool old man,

Who will wear a red caftan,

And in any weather

Going to wish you a Happy New Year!

From a house that is built in the forest!

Line up!

Number of players: any.

Additionally: nothing.

In this game, you are invited to practice building and try to predict all possible life situations. It is best to split into two teams at first. You need to make the construction in teams according to the sounded task. Whoever is faster wins. The winners can be promised some kind of prize, but in general, it will do just fine without a prize.

1st situation. The kindest man, a charming lieutenant-colonel, calls the recruits on the parade ground. Task: stand one after another so that the names of the players are in alphabetical order (for especially gifted players, it is suggested to line up in reverse alphabetical order). On the "first-second" on the team, pay off!

2nd situation. All the players immediately leaked shoes, they gave them to the same shoemaker. The time has come to return the order, and he, poor fellow, is confused about who he owes what. Task: stand in a row according to the size of the feet.

3rd situation. Not so long ago, a fitness center formed in your town announced a recruitment for the vacant position of a massage therapist in the women's (optionally, men's) gym. Task: immediately line up according to the size of the palm.

4th situation. The Party of Beer Lovers calls to vote for beer, drink beer and live cool. Large containers for carrying and storing beer (your precious tummies) are welcome. Task: Distribute the players by waist size.

5th situation. Maniac-strangler went on the warpath. The town hall asks residents not to appear on the streets of the town even during the day. All the children are sitting at home, the ladies have locked themselves in the kitchens, the men ... whoever managed where. The inhabitants are doomed, there is no escape from the killer. Task: courageously line up in a row according to the size of the neck, so that it would be more convenient for the maniac to complete his dark deed.

sixth situation. A series of state-of-the-art spacesuits have arrived at the space station. But the creators overdid it with the equipment integrated inside the suits, and the dimensions of the helmets turned out to be very significant. Now only especially "brainy" astronauts will be able to make research flights. Task: line up according to the size of the head and identify a potential astronaut among the guests.

seventh situation. Announcement: “A gold mask with diamond decorations was found at a solemn masquerade ball held at the Palace of Congresses. Please respond to the owner of the mask. Task: applicants for the mask line up according to the size of their eyes and the degree of their impudence.


The rules are the same as in the turnip game, only guests receive roles and words:

Turnip - "Both-on!"

Grandfather - "I would have killed!"

Grandma - "Who's there?"

Granddaughter - "I'm not ready yet!"

Bug - "Go ahead!"

Cat - "Pour it!"

Mouse - "Well, finally!"

The next person at the words “pull-pull” says a drawn-out “Ah-ah!”.

Believe me, explosions of laughter are guaranteed!!!


Number of players: any.

Additionally: nothing.

This ancient Russian game. It was played after St. Thomas's week, until St. Peter's Day.

The players go out into the meadow, sit down on their knees one to the other, grappling one with the other in the form of a long ridge. The front one gets the name of the grandmother, and all the rest are listed as radishes. The merchant is taking a radish.

Merchant. Granny! Sell ​​radishes! Granny. Buy it, dad.

The merchant examines the radish, tries it in every way, feels it and tries to pull it out.

Merchant. Granny! Is there a prickly radish?

Granny. What are you, father, all young, bitter, one to one; pull out for yourself every test.

The merchant begins to pull out - how much strength he has.

Merchant. Granny! Your radish cannot be pulled out of good will: it has grown. Let me dig up the mower with the roots.

Granny. That you, my light, are a disgrace to my ridge. Shake: it will float as if out of water.

The merchant begins to shake the players, some by the head, some by the hair, some by the arm. Having pulled out one of the players, he begins to shake it off on the ground, shaking it out, as if rubbish is out of it. At this time, all the players get up and beat the merchant away.

Well, you do!

Number of players: any.

Additionally: nothing.

This is a game based on the game "Turnip".

Phrases of the participating heroes:

=> New Year - Well, you give!

=> Santa Claus - Why don't you drink?

=> Snow Maiden - Both-on!

=> Old women - Well, not a fig for yourself!

=> Goblin - Well, for fortune!

=> Waitress - Where are the empty plates?

=> Guests - Happy New Year!

On New Year's Eve

People have a tradition of celebrating

People don't care a damn crisis, adversity

Satisfied shout loudly: Happy New Year!

And here is the New Year before us.

It's like he was just born

Looks at people: at uncles and aunts

And he is surprised aloud: ... Well, you give!

And uncles and aunts dressed stylishly

To celebrate, they shout loudly: ... Happy New Year!

Congratulate rushed (everywhere sticks his nose)

Who is sluggish from matinees? Father Frost!

Speaks barely coherently: ... Why don't you drink?

And what's outside the window, there are the vagaries of nature,

But everyone still shouts: ... Happy New Year!

Here stood the Snow Maiden, highly moral,

And her appearance is very sexy.

It seems that she will not go home alone,

Having warmed up from the road, he says: ... Both-on!

And the grandfather is already snoring: ... Why don't you drink?

In response to the New Year: ... Well, you give!

And people again, without hesitation and rally

Louder and louder they shout: ... Happy New Year!

And again the Snow Maiden, full of forebodings,

Tastes, admiring himself: ... Both-on!

Frost groans: ... Why don't you drink?

Behind him is the new year: ... Well, you give!

Two frisky grannies, two yaga women,

As if you got up on the right foot

Cooing under a glass so, without harm to themselves,

And they are indignant aloud: ... Well, not a fig for yourself!

Snow Maiden of passion, full of desire,

With temptation and languidly he says: ... Both-on!

Frost yells: ... Why don't you drink?

And after the New Year: ... Well, you give!

Everything goes by the method, goes on its own,

And the guests again all shout: ... Happy New Year!

separate fragment,

but the Waitress made her contribution brightly and briefly.

She threw arrows on food,

Yaguski, forgetting about everything, go home,

They sit, they are indignant: ... Well, not a fig for yourself!

The Snow Maiden gets up, slightly drunk,

Laughs, whispering with delight: ... Oba-na!

And the grandfather is already yelling: ... Why don't you drink?

Behind him is the New Year: ... Well, you give!

And the guests, feeling the freedom of thought

They chant together again: ... Happy New Year!

Here Leshy, almost crying with joy,

He gets up with the words: ... Well, for fortune!

The waitress, having sipped the burners,

She asked: ... And where are the empty plates?

Grannies, one more zakolbasiv

They shout at a couple: ... Well, not a fig for yourself!

The Snow Maiden also took a sip of wine

And again she exclaimed aloud: ... Oba-na!

And Santa Claus drinks

Screaming with all his might: ... Why don't you drink?

And he drinks the New Year: ... Well, you give!

And glasses, as if filled with honey

And they all drink to the bottom and shout: ... Happy New Year!

And Goblin, he has been jumping with a glass for a long time

He called with inspiration: ... Well, for fortune!

Conversation of the deaf and dumb

Number of players: even.

Additionally: nothing.

All participants in the game are divided into pairs, partners will portray 2 deaf-mutes. The leader, in private, explains to one of the players of the pair what he should tell his own interlocutor. Then everyone sits down in a semicircle, leaving the center free.

The first couple, going to the middle, depicts an unexpected meeting of 2 deaf-mutes, then one of them (who received the task) begins to tell his partner his story. His friend must, also with gestures, ask his own companion questions, and he, therefore, answer them. The players are given less than 5 minutes for a conversation, and then the player who listened needs to be told what did he figure out from what he saw? The facilitator compares his answer with what the player essentially said, and introduces others to him.

You can choose any topics of conversation: a story about how a dog's paw was crushed and the player cured it, about a fishing trip, about visiting a museum, and so on. The more versatile and extensive the chosen topic, the more exciting the game will be.

This fun, comic and cool fairy tale - a scene can be put in the form of a game to entertain guests at a family holiday, a children's holiday, as well as a wedding, corporate party, birthday, anniversary or any other holiday that involves a large number of participants. The production involves amateur actors who are selected from among the guests at will. The actors are given the text of the scenario of the fairy tale-scene and they depict all the actions of the heroes of this fairy-tale scene-game at the holiday. Fun - guaranteed!

FUNNY COOL GAME SCENES - A TALE for guests at the holiday

Leading: On such a holiday, all sorts of miracles happen. Let's create a miracle together! We invite you to take part in an exclusive miracle performance with us. After all, acting talents are hidden in each of us. Now we will choose the actors for our performance.

Actors are selected from among the guests at will. Actors-guests are given the text of the script for the game "A funny fairy tale-scene" and they depict all the actions of the heroes of this fairy-tale scene-game at the holiday.

The host calls all the heroes and each guest of the holiday is an actor in the game-sketch, introduces his hero, bows or performs some kind of characteristic movement.

So, the characters and performers:

Tsar Father Bear Oak Veterok

Queen Mother Sweetheart Swallow Throne Bee

Tsarevich-Smelyan Nightingale-not-robber Sun

Unsmiling Princess Mouse-Norushka Okno

Terrible Robber Humpbacked Horse Curtain-luxurious


Act one

THE LUXURIOUS CURTAIN slowly opens... A beautiful sprawling powerful OAK stands on the stage... And a light cheerful BREED softly blows the leaves of the OAK … Small, neat little birds – the SWALLOW-DOWN AND THE NIGHTINGALING-NOT-ROBBER – flutter around the OAK and talk about something…, they occasionally sit down on thin twigs to rest and clean their beautiful well-groomed feathers… At this time, waddle past the OAK, a little drunk, a huge BEAR passed... A cheerful BEAR dragged a barrel of mead on his back and brushed aside importunate BEE... all sides. Here the CURTAIN-LUXURIOUS slowly closes ...

Action two

CURTAIN-LUXURIOUS very slow opens… In the center of the stage stands a beautiful THRONE… A half-asleep Tsar-Father enters the stage… Half-asleep, the Tsar-Father slowly stretches himself… and approaches the WINDOW covered with a thick curtain. Pushing the curtain aside and opening the WINDOW, the Tsar-Father looks around in all directions of the world... He wipes from the WINDOW the barely noticeable traces that the SWALLOW-DEAR AND THE NIGHTINGALING-NIGHTINGALE-NOT-THROUGER have left. And having become thoughtful, the Tsar-Father sits down on the THRONE... Then the PRINCESS-NESMEYANA appears on the stage. She walks with the gait of a timid doe, swaying her hips... THE PRINCESS-NESMEYANA opens her arms to the sides, throws herself on the Tsar-Father on the neck, and kisses him... THE PRINCESS-NESMEYANA and the Tsar-Father sit down together on a beautiful THRONE... At this time, under the open WINDOW, bending down, bending his back so that he could not be seen from the window, a terrible TERRIBLE ROBERT prowls ... He is thoughtful. He is considering a cunning terrible plan to capture the young PRINCESS-UNSMILE... At this time, the PRINCESS-NESMEYANA gets up from the THRONE and sits down at the WINDOW... Immediately, the TERRIBLE ROBBER grabs her by the waist, throws her over his shoulder and takes her off the stage... CURTAIN-LUXURIOUS very slowly closes...

Act Three

CURTAIN-LUXURIOUS very very slow opens ... Turmoil. The stage is a mess and a commotion, everything is turned upside down. QUEEN MOTHER, throwing up her hands, sobs ... wiping her nose on the shoulder of the Tsar-father - the husband of the QUEEN-MOTHE ... The Tsar-Father wipes a large, mean tear with his sleeve ... The Tsar-Father rushes around the stage like a tiger in a cage ... A handsome young man appears on the stage TSAREVICH-SMELYAN... He asks with gestures: what happened? THE QUEEN-MOTUSHKA and the Tsar-Father in the colors of pantomime describe to Tsarevich-Smelyan the abduction of their daughter - the PRINCESS-NESMEYANA ... THE Tsar-Father and the QUEEN-MOTUSHka stomp their feet on the stage ... THE QUEEN-MOTHER sharply ... with a roar ... falls at the feet of the young to the handsome TSAREVICH-SMELYAN and, bursting into tears, begs TSAREVICH-SMELYAN to save her daughter... The young TSAREVICH-SMELYAN swears to the parents of TSAREVNY-NESMELYAN to find his beloved... TSAREVICH-SMELYAN whistles to his smart and faithful HORSE- THE Humpbacked Horse… jumps on the Humpbacked Horse…, flies away from the stage… THE CURTAIN-LUXURIOUS very, very slowly closes...

act four

CURTAIN-LUXURY very-very-very slow opens… A beautiful sprawling powerful OAK stands on the stage… And a light cheerful BREED softly blows the leaves of the OAK... Little neat little birds - SWALLOW-CUTE AND NIGHTINGALING-NOT-THROUGER - sleeping on a branch of an OAK ... A grey-gray MOUSE-NORUSHKA gnaws fried seeds in its deep mink ... Under a sprawling OAK, a cheerful BEAR lies lounging ... Smacking, the BEAR sucks its right paw ... The right back paw ... At this time, a terrible loud noise breaks the silence on the stage and peace… This is the TERRIBLE ROBBER dragging the PRINCESS-UNSMILE... The animals scatter in horror… THE TERRIBLE ROBERT ties the PRINCESS-UNSMILE to the OAK… She cries and begs for mercy… But then TSAREVICH-SMELYAN appears on his dashing Humpbacked HORSE.. A fight ensues between the TERRIBLE ROBERT and the TSAREVICH-SMELYAN... With one royal blow, TSAREVICH-SMELYAN defeats the TERRIBLE ROBERT... THE TERRIBLE ROBERT under the OAK gives an oak tree... TSAREVICH-SMELYAN unties his beloved from the tree... Putting the PRINCESS-NESMEYANA on the Humpbacked Horse... he jumps himself... And they rush to the palace... THE CURTAIN-LUXURIOUS very, very, very slowly closes...

Act Five

CURTAIN-LUXURY very-very-very-very slow opens… On the stage, the FABRIC KING and MOTHER QUEEN are waiting for the return of the young at the open WINDOW… THE SUN has already set over the horizon… And then PARENTS see the familiar silhouettes of TSAREVITCH-SMELYAN and TSAREVNA-Nesmeyana on Humpbacked Horse… PARENTS jump out into the yard… CHILDREN fall at the feet of PARENTS and ask for blessings... They bless them and begin to prepare for the wedding... THE LUXURIOUS CURTAIN closes very, very, very, very slowly... We invite all our wonderful artists to the stage for a bow... That's the END of the fairy tale.

Advice from Favorite Holiday: any holiday will become brighter and more fun if there is a show of soap bubbles from the Kingdom of Miracles agency. You can order a soap bubble show for a children's holiday. And your guests will love it!

Role-playing games are a kind of mirror of the soul that reveals all your hidden desires. It gives you the opportunity to get to know yourself and your partner. If in life you are meek and shy, then choosing the image of a ruthless vampire or a femme fatale, your true essence will be revealed in bed. A cynical man who is domineering in life and is used to showing strength can choose the image of a meek and submissive person during games with his soul mate.

How can role play help relationships?

An interesting scenario of role-playing games for two adults will help you sort out your relationship. You just need to delve into your hidden desires and carefully listen to each other. To find an original role-playing game script for two adults with a photo, you do not need to visit numerous sites on the Internet. All the necessary information is in our article.

If partners are very tired of everyday life, turn the house into a massage parlor where a girl of easy virtue works. Please your man. Offer him sex for money.

During role-playing games for two adults, according to the scenario, you can make up after a strong quarrel. What young man can resist a sexy scantily clad harlot who has been at fault the day before?

Variety of games to play in bed

Every girl wants her man to be happy with her. If you are bored with the daily environment and everyday life in a life together, it has become incredibly boring to have sex with your loved one, then it's time to turn on your fantasy! If nothing comes to mind, a photo, a role-playing game script for two adults with words can be found in this article.

To give your lover and yourself a lot of pleasure, to keep him from cheating and flirting with other women, be different every day, learn to surprise and delight. Try to try on different roles during sex, play a role-playing game for two adults with the scenarios suggested in the article.

Nurse or sexy beauty in white

The scenario of the role-playing game "Nurse" for two adults involves the transformation of a girl into a medical worker. Is your loved one tired after work or caught a cold, does he urgently need care? Quickly put on a medical mask, white coat and stockings. The main thing is not to forget that there is nothing superfluous under these outfits.

When the uniform is successfully put on, it is necessary to announce that your partner is now a patient and must obey the medical officer. Make a serious and stern face, and lead your soulmate to an impromptu treatment room. First you need to measure the patient's pressure, because this is the most important procedure in medical practice. According to the scenario of the game, start the following conversation:

Nurse: "Hello, sick! I am your nurse, whom the patient must obey and do all the procedures.

Patient: "Hi! What should I do?".

Nurse: "Come in, lie down on the bed."

Be prepared for the fact that the scenario of the role-playing game "Sick and Nurse" for two adults involves the use of various medical devices. The first step is to check the patient's condition. To do this, a tightening belt (cuff) is placed on the shoulder so that it does not move out, and its lower edge should deviate from the fold line of the arm by 3 cm. The patient's hand is laid on the bed with the palm up. A phonendoscope is applied to the place where the brachial artery pulsates. With a balloon with a closed screw, it is necessary to pump air into the cuff through a pressure gauge.

During the measurement of pressure, the nurse must ensure that her beloved patient lies still in bed while her phonendoscope listens to where the patient's blood is best pulsing.

In the role-play scenario for two adults with the words "nurse" there is a place for water procedures. After measuring blood pressure, it's time to move on to hydrotherapy, which is widely used as a prevention and treatment of colds, as well as for hardening. The health worker should announce to his soul mate the following: “It is good that you sought medical help in time. You urgently need to go with me to the bathroom for the treatment of illness. There you will find a pleasant surprise!

A short dousing of cool water on the human body increases metabolic processes, tones and stimulates the muscles, nervous system and heart. Taking a warm bath relaxes and soothes the body. Hot water helps to sweat, improves metabolism. Sharing a bath with a couple in love makes them even more likely to have sex.

After such procedures, it is necessary to put your soulmate to bed and, if he is not warm enough, the nurse can warm her beloved with her own body.

An innocent child named Little Red Riding Hood

The scenario of the role-playing game for two adults "Little Red Riding Hood" involves the reincarnation of a couple into a wolf and an innocent girl.

We all remember a wonderful fairy tale from childhood, which began with the following words: “Once upon a time there was a little pretty and kind girl in the world. Her parents loved her very much, and her grandmother loved her even more. Once, on her birthday, they decided to give the girl a red cap, since then the birthday girl has never parted with her. Neighbors, seeing her hopping, said so, look out, Little Red Riding Hood is running!

For this role-playing game, the girl should wear a light summer dress and a mandatory attribute - a red cap. It is not at all necessary for a guy to dress up, the main thing is to enter the role of a wolf who ate a granny. He also needs to wrap himself in a blanket so that the heroine of the fairy tale does not suspect anything.

To get a lover, Little Red Riding Hood needs to go straight to the final part of the tale, announcing the following: “Here a girl entered her grandmother’s house,” and the wolf, hiding under the covers, replies: “Hello, granddaughter! Put your basket on the table, and come closer to me yourself.

Trusting Little Red Riding Hood lay down next to the wolf on the bed. The following dialogue starts:

Little Red Riding Hood: “Grandma, why are your hands so big?”.

Wolf: "We need them to hug you, baby."

Little Red Riding Hood: Why are your eyes so big?

Wolf: "This is to better consider you granddaughter."

Little Red Riding Hood: “Grandma, what is that bump under your blanket?”.

The girl did not have time to finish, when suddenly the wolf could not restrain himself, pounced on Little Red Riding Hood, began to undress her and ......

The Tamer and the Wild Beast

In this role-playing game, a young man will have to choose who he wants to be - a dangerous lion, a fearsome bear, an agile tiger, or someone else. His partner will need the main attribute of a trainer - a whip.

For a new bed game, you need to turn on bright multi-colored color music, hang theatrical scenery, try to be formidable in order to control a wild beast, and to be tamed.

Helpful waitress in skimpy outfit

Imagine that your kitchen or room is a small cozy restaurant. A smiling waitress in stockings and a short dress approaches the visitor, writes down the client's wishes in a notebook and goes to the kitchen to prepare the dish. What the visitor orders is your business, act according to the circumstances.

Desired stewardess

A role-playing game scenario for two adults with words called "Desirable stewardess" involves turning a house into a passenger plane.

What man can resist a charming stewardess in a miniskirt that hides only her hips. In addition, she speaks many languages, including her own! A passenger, sitting in a business class lounge chair, should get everything he wants from the stewardess serving him.

To make the game much more interesting, read the following little script:

Stewardess: “Glad to welcome our only passenger on board! I will be happy to serve you and fulfill your every whim.

The passenger, seated in a chair, says the following words: "First of all, I want someone to bring me something to drink."

The stewardess brings a glass of your favorite drink and asks: "How else can I be useful to you?".

Passenger: "I want you to give me a massage and a striptease dance."

After some time, your love liner will smoothly move into bed, where you can make love to your heart's content. Or it can be done right on the passenger seat.

dressing up as a geisha

A role-playing game for two adults with a scenario that involves dressing up your significant other will love it. Such miniature ladies from Japan are used to be considered corrupt, but, in fact, this is not so. The Japanese geisha is a repository of ancient knowledge, which has accumulated over the long reign of powerful emperors on the island. She has studied the art of charming men since childhood, she knows the mysteries of touch, and she also skillfully dances the traditional dances of her people.

Oriental men are attracted to these petite women because they have been trained to control their private parts.

With the help of her body, a geisha is able to give a man an incredible pleasure that he will remember for a long time. Such ancient knowledge was taught to girls for several years. Unfortunately, a modern woman does not have time for such a long study. However, before you start the game, you have to prepare to create an atmosphere, namely, change into a traditional Japanese outfit, make up your face like a Japanese priestess of love. If time permits, you can learn how to give your man an erotic Thai massage. Every woman who rightfully calls herself a geisha is obliged to do this type of massage to perfection. Your husband needs to dial the phone number of the impromptu massage parlor and set up a time to meet the geisha. At the appointed time, a man knocks on the door. An elegant Japanese girl greets the guest, chirping affectionately: “Hello! Come on in, I've been waiting for you. We haven't been here for a long time." The guest needs to be helped to undress, seat him more comfortably on the sofa, give him a light massage. The rest of the game depends on your hands and imagination!

Millionaire and the maid

To bring to life the scenario of the role-playing game "The Maid" for two adults, the lovers will have to convert the house into a luxury hotel.

It all starts with how a rich man suddenly decided to settle in a luxurious room. He was wearing an expensive suit, his wallet was full of cash, and he smelled of expensive perfume. Such a man can afford everything - overspend, live in expensive hotels, buy any woman.

When he glances at you, it becomes clear that soon you will find yourself in his room on the floor, having passionate sex. While he is throwing money around, you will please him in every possible way, fulfilling any desires.

How can you mess up a roleplay?

Many couples fail to diversify their family life, because bed games are sluggish and uninteresting. Try to avoid common mistakes in love:

  • during games, both partners must be relaxed;
  • it is forbidden to laugh at each other during the process;
  • you can’t scold and criticize a partner, no matter what happens;
  • the main thing in a role-playing game is to pay attention to the process itself, rather than to the details of the outfit or the surrounding interior;
  • try to act confident in whatever role you choose.

How to enjoy games in bed?

You and your partner will enjoy role-playing and will definitely want new experiments if:

  • you will fantasize about what the chosen hero would do, in which you reincarnated;
  • forget that you are adults who suffer from complexes, are afraid to overdo it, remember the principles when making love;
  • try to add some details from yourself to make the game with a partner even more interesting.

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