Roman Budnikov: “Now I am single again. TV presenter Roman Budnikov: biography, personal life The new host of the Fazenda program spoke in an interview with WomanHit about love, relationships with women, a musical career and the dream of owning a country house


Russian TV presenter and musician Roman Budnikov well known to viewers thanks to the program "Fazenda" on Channel One. During his creative career, Roman worked on several channels, including Ren TV, Stolitsa, VKT and others. Today Roman Budnikov officially considered one of the main faces of Channel One. He also successfully maintains his career as a musician, being not only a talented guitarist and songwriter, but also a producer and bandleader.

Roman Budnikov was born in the city of Engels, where he spent his childhood - quite ordinary, with school, games in the yard and simple boyish hobbies. But at the age of 16, Roman's life took a significant turn - he fell in love with the guitar. This hobby permeated the whole life of young Budnikov, for a long time determining his goals and social circle. Roman managed to graduate from a music school in his hometown as an external student in just two years, and immediately after that he became a guitarist in the rock band Noah's Ark. For some time, the young musician remained in Engels, but soon realized that the capital was irresistibly calling him.

Creative career of Roman Budnikov / Roman Budnikov

In Moscow, a talented guitarist was waiting for a new unexpected twist of fate - work on television. It happened quite by accident - a good friend once invited Roman to take part in the filming of the program, and Budnikov was "noted" there. The first platform for realizing the talents of the presenter for him was the channel "Capital", where Roman led a small column in the program "Weekdays of the Capital". Then there was work on the Night Youth channel, then Trust, VKT, REN-TV and, finally, Channel One.

In 2012, Roman Budnikov became the new host of the popular TV show about the renovation of the dacha. "Fazenda". Replacing his predecessor in this post, he quickly won the sympathy of the audience and became an integral part of the program.

Roman Budnikov: “I am a fairly vain person and have always strived for success. Of course, I dreamed of working on the First. And a few years ago, imagining what kind of program I could lead, I accidentally stumbled upon Fazenda. Something clicked in my head: here I would look organic. And they took it and called a year later. Materialization? Visualization? Works!".

It is noteworthy that the topic of construction is really known to Roman not only in theory - he himself built his dacha in the Moscow region, where he loves to spend his infrequent free days. In the piggy bank of the skills of a well-known presenter there is everything that is needed for the presenter "Fazendas"- he knows how to paint, knead a strong mortar, lay a roof, weld, and also understands the issues of wiring electricity and repairing plumbing.

Of course, the arrival of a new presenter in an existing project is not always a smooth process, but Budnikov successfully coped with the “implementation”, proving that he really is in his place in this program.

Roman Budnikov about his role as a host in the program "Fazenda": "I was not worried about the topic of construction. You are always more worried about the team you will be in. On television, this topic is generally quite serious. You fit in - you don't fit in, you fit in - you don't fit in. And I always treated the topic of construction calmly. I can’t say that I am a super-specialist, but my grandfather Ivan Antonovich Tenigin from childhood instilled in me a love for designers: to make something, to invent, because he himself was an inventor, an engineer. So I wasn't afraid of it at all."

Finding himself as a presenter, as well as a talented entertainer and showman, Roman Budnikov did not forget about his favorite guitar - it is still an important part of his life. In addition, Roman periodically appears in episodes for Russian TV series and in commercials.

The new host of the Fazenda program spoke in an interview with WomanHit about love, relationships with women, a musical career and the dream of owning a country house.

Roman Budnikov.

press materials.

- Roman, you became the host of Fazenda a year ago, replacing Sergei Kolesnikov at this post. Was it difficult to navigate the topic of construction and repair?
- I was not worried about the topic of construction. You are always more worried about the team you will be in. On television, this topic is generally quite serious. You fit in - you don't fit in, you fit in - you don't fit in. And I always treated the topic of construction calmly. I can’t say that I am a super-specialist, but my grandfather Ivan Antonovich Denigin instilled in me a love for designers from childhood: to make something, to invent, because he himself was an inventor, an engineer. So I wasn't afraid of it at all. And when I came to audition, I immediately felt that the team was also cool. And when we started working together, everything went right almost immediately. As if the day before yesterday we started, and already more than a year has passed.
- You were chosen to be the leader of the 30 applicants. How did you impress the producers?
- I don’t think that I directly struck them that much, because there was no such task there. It seems to me that it was just necessary to somehow organically and confidentially convey information to the viewer. But with Fazenda, another interesting thing happened to me. I am quite a vain person, and always strived for success. Of course, I dreamed of working on the First. And a few years ago, imagining what kind of program I could lead, I accidentally stumbled upon Fazenda. Something clicked in my head: here I would look organic. And they took it and called after a little over a year. Materialization? Visualization? Works!
- You never learned the skill of a TV presenter. And your charm once helped you to “get on television”.
- In my particular case, "getting" - the case helped. A friend of mine worked as a presenter at the "Capital", and somehow invited me to visit his program. I am a cheerful person. He says: come, just joke in the frame. And after a while, they called from the "Capital": would you like to try yourself as the leading heading of the daily program? Well, I tried. And then everything somehow went by itself - different projects, on different channels. I mean, I don't do anything for it. Maybe that's right.

- You used to be a professional musician. It seemed to me that when your career went in a different direction, you somehow easily left music as a hobby and switched to TV.
- Well, not really. I never departed from music, and in principle it has always been at the forefront. And now this hobby of mine is experiencing a new round. After all, I also consider my television career as creativity, so one does not interfere with the other. Yesterday, for example, in the morning I was on the set of Fazenda, then I came home, had a bite to eat, and went to a rehearsal. And we played guitars, double basses and accordions for four hours. Now we are doing a new program with our group - we are rehearsing songs of the war years about the Motherland, we want to give a gift to veterans by spring.
- At one time you graduated from a music school as an external student in two years. It turns out that you are a nugget, or did you have good teachers?
“I just missed half the items. (Laughs.) I went directly to the course to the director of our music school in Engels, Yuri Trofimov. And he is a professional jazzman. And he put a lot of effort into making jazz live in Saratov and in the Saratov region. Then a whole series of jazz festivals took place in the Saratov region. But I came to his music school already as a musician, but we had a rock band. True, I knew only three chords and “sawed” them with pleasure. Therefore, I was engaged in an abbreviated program, accelerated. But got what I need.
- And what was your passion for music based on initially? Who pushed you to this?
- The boys who sang songs with a guitar in the yard. At the age of 15-16 you start to fall in love, spring-summer, you go from school, the boys are sitting, the girls are playing songs on guitars. Want also. I found a guitar behind the closet at home, began to pick up chords, started a songbook, and began to write songs there. And so, little by little, little by little, it went on. An acquaintance appeared in the yard, he was seriously fond of music, rock, blues. And we somehow arranged gatherings at his entrance, he showed me the basics. Roughly speaking, I became seriously interested in rock and blues from his suggestion.
Who were your musical idols?
- There were, and there are. Basically, it's the guitarists. I really like Gary Moore, Joe Satriani, Stevie Ray Vaughn, I like Steve Vai, who came to Russia recently. This is such a highly specialized music, namely guitar music. Cult musicians who revolutionized music in my opinion.

- And who are you according to the diploma of the Saratov School of Culture?
- Head of the pop ensemble. (Smiling.) In general, with my education, of course, a wildly funny story came out. My mother once graduated from the Faculty of Geography of the Saratov University. She was very fond of geography, history, and after school, of course, sent me to the Saratov University. I, in general, was not opposed, but did not get one point, having passed the exams in geography for a triple. Returned home, mom asks: "So what?" I say three. She: “Who did you give it to?” I say: "So-and-so." She says: “What are you, is she still working?” And this is a teacher who cut off students, even when my mother studied at the university. She then could not stand my mother, although she was an excellent student. And, apparently, purely intuitively, cut off me too, for nothing. But maybe it's for the best? I suspect that if I had ended up at the Saratov University in those years, then my life would have turned out completely differently. I am one hundred percent sure that I would have gone to KVN, because there were all the prerequisites for this. As a result, I went and submitted documents to the Saratov College of Music, guitar class. I studied with a tutor who already taught there. And then he was going to the conservatory. But in the summer before the exam, my musician friend called me to graduation on a boat, along the Volga-mother. Wine by the river, all that. And that's where I met a girl. She also studied in the "bag", at the theater. I got carried away very much. It is not clear how in my youthful brain the place of study and love were connected, because - well, you study where you want, who prevents you from meeting? But I took the documents from the music school and went to the "bag", where my beloved studied. They took me without any exams: I sang a song with a guitar - come in. And then the work began, and I had nothing to do.
- Did you leave for Moscow with an eye to making a musical career?

- We went to Moscow simply because it was no longer possible to be in Saratov, we wanted to grow somewhere further. Yes, we went primarily to make music. We also worked as musicians in restaurants, this is completely normal. Then everything sort of veered off in the same direction.
“We could have “lost” you in due time. You wanted to emigrate to Israel before Moscow?
- Yes, we wanted to leave with my wife Galya, and, probably, Moscow helped us in this. Because when we arrived, we began to purposefully prepare for this, we found language courses. But then everything went well here. There were interesting projects, work, daughter Sasha was born. Yes, and in Israel, everything was somehow restless. Gradually, this topic faded away. Now I don't even think about going anywhere. Everything is going the way it should go. It's good where we are.

- Do you still have an apartment in Mytishchi?
- An ex-wife with a daughter lives in an apartment in Mytishchi, and I myself am here, on Alekseevskaya, not far. For some reason, my whole story is connected with the north of Moscow. Botanical Garden, VDNH. Always here. The last one is almost 15 years old.
— But is there still a dacha in the Saratov region?
- The dacha is not so much mine as mothers. When its construction began, I also had a hand in it. Now I rarely go there. Mom left last year, and the dacha is now empty. My younger sister does it, but she has two sons, so there is not much time. But we're not going to sell the house. If once a year I can break out there, and that's good.
- Now you probably also dream of a house in the suburbs?
— I dreamed of a country house. But now he has calmed down a bit. Perhaps this is due to the fact that while working at Fazenda I have to make a large number of trips to the region. And when I see these endless traffic jams, I understand that I am not ready yet to live outside the Moscow Ring Road in order to get from there to Moscow every day, spending an hour and a half on the road. In any case, someday I will build a house to meet old age there. When I already have a calm, philosophical attitude, by the age of 60, and I want peace: a house, a pool and a tennis table.
- Your wife is a builder by education.
- Yes, but now Katya has gone to a slightly different plane, she is engaged in web design. And then, it so happened that now I'm again ... single. Our relationship with Katya lasted quite a long time, probably four years. Of these, we have been married for the last year and a half. But now, without tantrums and scandals, we both realized at the same time that our paths diverge further. We are friends, we communicate, I support her, guide her somewhere, suggest something. But each of us is already building our own life on our own. I always do this: periods of close and romantic family relationships are replaced by periods of loneliness. And sometimes periods of loneliness last longer than family ones. For me, there is no discomfort in this. So, it is necessary. Never in my life did I go from one to the other. That is, if we part, I am left alone. After a while, everything fits, and a new relationship begins.
- Does the daughter from her first marriage live with her mother?
Yes, but my mother is married. And recently she had another daughter. So my Sasha has a younger sister Sonya. We have a great relationship. In general, to be honest, I noticed that I have maintained friendly, warm relations with all the women who have been in my life. This is great.
- Sasha plays the flute thanks to you? Did you push her?
- Partly me, partly Galya. Because my ex-wife learned to play the violin as a child. Now she is not a musician, but her musical education was very useful. And Sasha went to study the flute, she really likes it. She is an excellent student in life, so everything is very easy for her.

- You yourself are going to release an album soon, so you still have time for inspiration, for writing songs?
- Yes. But I am critical of my own work. It seems to me that every composer has his own track, and each one has a different width. Of course, if you engage in self-development, this track can be expanded. But in most cases, the composer is always heard: oh, this is the same one. I am still working on myself, on my creativity, and I still have a field for experiments. The first song I actually wrote at the age of 17, it was classic rock and roll. And now I'm preparing an album not from my songs at all. We want to make a selection of classic Russian pop songs. I think we will make a presentation of the program in the spring.
- Will the audience of Fazenda ever hear your musical skills in the program?
- Of course. In general, last winter we already had an interesting project called "Drum". There was a family with a musical daughter who was learning to play the drums. And we designed the whole kitchen in the “drum” style for them: lamps, shelves. And in the finale, she brought a drum set to this small kitchen, I turned on the amp, connected an electric guitar to it, and together we “fried” rock and roll. Then, in the summer, in one issue, a guitar appeared in the program. Another time I sang a couple of lines from some romance to my little ukulele. When appropriate, we use it.
- By the way, in your program you give the heroes a symbol of the house - a painted duck. Do you have any symbol of home comfort in your apartment?
— Trite to say, but I think it's my guitar. In the last years of my life, my favorite instrument is always with me - the Gibson. This is a legendary guitar that has been around for many years. For a long time she was in the hands of Sasha Yagya from the White Eagle. Then she passed to me. So this beloved black Gibson is my talisman.

The TV presenter told how to become a member of a popular program. And not only about this

Roman Budnikov is a positive and charming host of the Fazenda Channel One program. Moreover, he is sure that a cheerful disposition can change fate for the better. Roman many years ago came to conquer Moscow, and thanks to his character he took the capital from the first attack. And now he has the time and opportunity to do what is especially close to him. Do you think he's digging in the garden? But no! In his free time from filming, Roman leads the musical group "NEbudni". And this is a real holiday for him!

From "Green Cucumber" to "Fazenda"
- Roman, please tell us how you got into the Fazenda program - after all, its subject matter is very specific?
- Everything turned out very simply. About five years ago, a friend of mine, who was then working on one of the TV channels, invited me to participate in some kind of humorous program. He said: "You are a cheerful person - come, let's have fun!" I came to shoot, we joked a lot and had a really great day. And after a while I was invited to try for the role of a presenter on the same channel. And then - and so it went: VKT, REN-TV, and then Channel One ...

- On REN-TV you hosted the program "Green Cucumber" - this, apparently, was the dress rehearsal of "Fazenda"?
- Maybe. I was, as they say, closer to the point. The director of the program "Fazenda" saw me in the "Green Cucumber" and invited me to his program, they were just looking for a new presenter. And now, the Good Morning program on the First ...

Write letters!
- Roman, please tell us how an ordinary summer resident can become the hero of your program. You, probably, letters from those who want to come in bags?
- To do this, it is not necessary to send a letter in an envelope - you can leave a request on our website, describe your cottage in detail, post its photos, tell where it is located. If our editors are interested in the object, they will call you back to clarify some details, and, perhaps, you will be invited to take part in the shooting.

- Well, what are the selection criteria? Can the owners of small country houses become the heroes of "Fazenda"?
- I assure you, in this case, the size just does not matter! Much more important is the location of the site, its remoteness from Moscow, the convenience of logistics from a purely technical point of view - after all, we will need to bring building materials, equipment, craftsmen. Another fundamental point is how contact the owners themselves are. After all, we will shoot them, communicate with them, and all this on the screen should look emotional, entertaining.

Favorite program
- And what program do you personally remember?
- Last! I'm joking, but in principle I'm not far from the truth - the shooting of one of the latest programs, which will soon be aired, is very memorable. In it, we broke ponds for the owners on the site. It turned out really cool, unusual. Our designers not only landscaped the site, but also launched fish into the ponds! You should have seen the shining faces of the owners! I got real aesthetic pleasure.

- Have there been cases when the result of your work did not suit the owners?
- In my memory, this was not. As a rule, we part as good friends, and only bright moments of communication remain in our memory.

Frankly, you give the impression of a very contact and positive person. With you, probably, it is impossible to quarrel!
- Of course, it would be strange to say that I always laugh and have fun - that would be an anomaly. But in general, I take life lightly. The Chinese claim that it helps to live. And if you keep talking about your problems and difficulties all the time, they really accumulate around you.

Small homeland
- Roman, do you have a dacha yourself?
- There is - my mother's dacha, this is an old story. As a boy, at the age of 13-14, I began to help her build our hacienda. We acquired a plot in the Saratov region and built a small house. My mother and I were engaged in the dacha in the nineties, and everything is extremely simple with us there. And when I moved to Moscow, I began to visit there less and less. After my mother died, I come to my homeland once a year - in the summer. But he did not sell the dacha, it is still alive.

Do you agree that the dacha is a purely Russian invention? After all, private houses, villas, cottages in which people live all year round are more common in the world.
- In Russia, only a few can afford to combine a house and a dacha. I think it will take another hundred years for this to happen. In the provinces, for example, there are still six acres - and "we went to dig potatoes."

- Roman, did any of your relatives stay in your small homeland in the Saratov region?
- My younger sister Olya lives there. She is thirty years old and has two children. I visit them periodically, we travel together. She is very attached to her native places, she has friends there, her favorite work is everything.

- Did you quickly adapt in the capital?
- In the rhythm of the metropolis, not everyone takes root, it's true. When I moved to Moscow with my young wife in the late nineties and early 2000s, it was very difficult. I had a rented apartment and a guitar. But if you get drawn into this rhythm, you won’t be able to live differently later. Now I can’t even imagine where I could live, except for Moscow. I'm comfortable here. Spinning like a squirrel in a wheel - that's for me!

Weekdays "NEdays"
- And now you haven't parted with the guitar?
- Of course not! I even have a musical group "NEbudni", we perform little by little. Unfortunately, now there is very little time left for the tour, because I also started recording for the Good Morning! program, the schedules have been compressed as much as possible. But we are quietly working on new songs, coming up with something and plan to perform more often in the fall. And I always have a guitar with me, every free minute I take it in my hands and play something - it pacifies me. If my friends and I arrange parties-gatherings, then the guitar is an obligatory element of the “program”!

- And who are your friends - musicians or TV people?
- I do not divide people into categories, castes, the main thing is that the person is pleasant and we somehow coincide in spirit. I have different friends - musicians, television people, physicists, and lyricists, as they say ...

- Did you go to music school as a child?
- My dad was a musician, and my mother worked all her life as a teacher of history and geography in college. But it so happened that my parents separated quite early, I was then five or six years old. In general, my mother did not want to send me to a music school, and my childhood passed absolutely without music. But I didn't feel like something was missing in my life. But when I turned fifteen, I began to meet girls, sing songs with a guitar on benches, and so on. It was then that I grabbed the guitar, began to learn chords, and got so carried away that I went to a music school myself, graduated as an external student and entered a music school.

- What kind of music do you like?
- Basically I like guitarists - Harry Moore, Steve Vai. The latter recently came to Moscow with concerts, but, unfortunately, I could not get out to him. From rock I love Panther, Metallica, Pet Shop Boys. I also like Paganini, Vivaldi, jazz musicians. I even named my beloved cat the musical name Blues! This is a young Cornish Rex cat, a very smart and intelligent guy. Magnificent creation!

Romance without romance
What movie would you like to watch after a hard day at work?
- The last picture that impressed me was Supremacy with Johnny Depp and Rebecca Hall in the lead roles. Just recently I made an interesting discovery for myself, it just concerns cinema: a film can be a kind of indicator. It happens that you advise someone to watch your favorite movie, and then to the question “Well, how is the movie?” they answer you: “Yes, some kind of dregs!”. And it can be a real shock! Personally, I thought several times that, obviously, with this person we are on completely different emotional levels ...

- Now the movie is being shot for every taste - there is arthouse, and action films, and science fiction, and melodramas ...
- Oh sure. But if we talk about the global chewing gum of film corporations, then I'm not interested in this - it's just business.

- Do you watch series?
- Only English speakers. Recently I got hooked on the series "Game of Thrones", "Doctor House" and watch them with pleasure. There is no time to learn English intensively, and films with subtitles help to expand my vocabulary well - so I combine the useful with the pleasant.

Roman, it is known that you are now single. Aren't you afraid to fall in love and lose your head? Or do you have a thought out, calculated future life?
- How can you calculate love, what are you ?! I think it will happen by itself - just everything has its time and place. You can take any action, but in the end everything will happen as destined by fate. Therefore, I just live, enjoying the very process of life, and absolutely do not strain on this topic. But dreams should be as specific as possible - then they will come true!

Roman Budnikov is the host of Channel One, who has been delighting viewers every morning with his work in the Good Morning program since 2014. Many viewers also know Roman as the host of the Fazenda program, in which he has been working since 2012, but not everyone knows where Budnikov worked until 2012, where he was born, whether he is married. It's time to answer all these questions.

Youth of Roman Budnikov

Roman Budnikov is a TV presenter whose biography is not hidden from the eyes of curious fans. He gladly talks about himself, gives interviews and shares facts from his life.

Roman was born in the Saratov region, in the city of Engels, on June 14, 1973. His mother is a geography teacher, and his father is a musician, which played a huge role in Roma's later life. When the boy was 16 years old, he became seriously interested in playing the guitar, thanks to which he managed to graduate from music school in just two years and start a career as a musician.

At the age of 18, he joined the rock band Noah's Ark and became a guitarist there, after which Roman's life turned 180 degrees. He began to go on tour often, becoming more and more interested in music. The borders of his native Engels seemed to Roma very close, so he decided to move to the capital - to Moscow.

One day, a good friend (and part-time presenter on the channel "Capital") invited Roma to shoot a TV show, where Budnikov first appeared in the frame. A few days later, the producers of "Capital" called him and offered to become the host of one of the daily programs. Roman agreed, although he did not have a proper education. Thus began the career of a TV presenter of the main channel of the country.

Career in small channels

TV channel "Capital"

After an accidental visit to the studio of the channel "Capital", Roman was offered to become the host of a small section of one of the daily programs - "Everyday life of the capital". The rubric was called “5 minutes of positive”. A little later, Budnikov became the host of the Night Night Nights Club program, and then he was invited to host the Night Youth Channel talk show, an informal debate where young and creative residents of the capital, as well as representatives of the Moscow Government, became participants.

TV channel "REN TV"

After several years of work at the Capital, Roman was invited to become the host of the Green Cucumber - Useful Program program on the REN TV channel. The program is dedicated to how to choose the right product, evaluate the qualifications of store employees and avoid the tricks of marketers. Viewers were also told about consumer protection and how to behave in case of fraud in the store.

Thus, before working on Channel One, Roman hosted the following programs:

  • "Weekdays of the Capital" (heading "5 minutes of positive");
  • "Club of night owls";
  • "Night Youth Channel";
  • "Green cucumber. Useful transmission.

First channel

In 2012, Roman Budnikov, a TV presenter whose relatives did not influence his career in any way (unlike many other Channel One hosts), was invited to work on the Fazenda program. A little later, he admitted that he considers himself a vain person and more than once imagined himself in the place of the host of Fazenda, which helped him get a good position on the main channel of the country.

Budnikov very organically fit into the surroundings of the program, because its theme is not alien to the presenter: he himself knows how to paint walls, lay roofs and repair wiring no worse than a professional electrician could do. Moreover, Roman has a dacha in the Moscow region, built by him alone.

Thus, the topic of the program was not alien to the newly minted presenter. The only thing he really worried about was the team. Budnikov was well aware that any film crew is an already established team, which is sometimes very difficult to join.

Nevertheless, everything went smoothly, and work at Fazenda allowed him to move to the next step - to become the host of the Good Morning program, the country's main morning program. Roman's colleagues in the Good Morning program are:

Personal life

While still living in the Saratov region, Roman Budnikov, whose personal life has undergone two divorces, met his first wife Galina. The girl came to the concert of the Noah's Ark group, where she managed to hook the young guitarist with her appearance and charm. When the musician had to leave for Moscow, the girl could not let him go alone - she went with him. In the capital, the couple was actively involved in music and performed, and in 2002 their daughter Sasha was born. A few months later, the couple, unfortunately, had to leave. Roman to this day maintains a warm relationship with his beloved daughter.

A little later, the presenter married a second time. The new chosen one, Ekaterina, will give Budnikov four years of a happy relationship, but the couple will never have children. The parting went quietly and peacefully, without quarrels.

The couple is still in a relationship. Moreover, in an interview, Roman noted more than once that he maintains good relations with all the women with whom fate brought him together.

In 2017, a scandal swirled around Roman: a girl named Anastasia accused the well-known presenter of rape. The victim works as a massage therapist, and Budnikov turned to her for appropriate services, but, according to the victim, during the session, the TV presenter attacked Anastasia.

Roman himself claims that the whole story of rape is a lie and slander, and the “masseur” is just his fan who wanted to become famous due to the name of the Channel One TV presenter. Moreover, Budnikov compared the girl with Diana Shurygina, who has a very bad reputation in society. The police have not made any official comment on the incident..

Attention, only TODAY!

People who love domestic entertainment shows and follow the air, in the past few years on various channels, could notice the emergence of a new media face. They became a fairly young man, Roman Budnikov, a TV presenter. Whose relative this time got on TV and made himself a brilliant career on Channel One, without sparkling with special talent? Similar questions were asked by those who were not enthusiastic about Budnikov's television work.

But at the same time, there are also opponents of such accusations, who fell in love with this presenter. Like any popular person, he even managed to acquire his sincere fans.

Youth of the future star of the ether

Roman Budnikov was born in the Saratov region. He was born in 1973 and spent all his childhood in the city of Saratov. The family of the future presenter was quite simple, her mother worked as a teacher, and her father was a musician. Until the age of 16, Roman Budnikov grew up as an ordinary child and did not show any special talents.

But after the guy turned 16, his life changed dramatically. Apparently, having inherited a love of music from his father, he became very interested in playing the guitar. In just a few years, the guy was able to graduate from a music school externally.

Arrival in the capital

Youth passion for music and playing as part of a group largely determined the future fate of the future presenter. During one of the performances, Roman Budnikov met his first wife, Galina. Young people signed in 1999 and arrived in Moscow already as spouses. Galina also studied music, and a young married couple took on any job. They performed a lot, played in restaurants, but this did not bring overwhelming success. Now Roman recalls that at that time they even thought about emigrating to Israel. But fate turned out so that Budnikov got on television.

Television career

One of Roman's acquaintances worked as a presenter on the Stolitsa TV channel and once invited Budnikov to appear in one of the programs. Roman liked the atmosphere in the studio “on the other side of the screen” so much that he got excited about the idea of ​​working in this industry.

After some time, he himself came to the leadership of the TV channel and offered to create his own small author's heading in the program "Everyday Life of the Capital". So the first program was born with him as a presenter, which was called "5 minutes of positive with Roman Budnikov."

  • "Night Youth Channel";
  • "Confidence";
  • "VKT";
  • "Ren-TV".

Roman Budnikov is a TV presenter who has been leading the country's main lottery called Gosloto. 5 out of 36."

"Good morning"

Once on Channel One they began to discuss unexpected news: it turned out that Boris Shcherbakov, who had hosted the Good Morning program for several years, was fired without any explanation. While Shcherbakov was trying to understand something, his program had a new presenter - Roman Budnikov.

“Whose relative and how did he get here at all?” - this question after the announcement of the news was most often heard on the sidelines. Initially, the idea of ​​the presence of explicit matchmaking and blat was voiced by Shcherbakov himself, who simply did not know how else to explain his sudden dismissal after so many years of successful work. Channel staff and viewers quickly picked up this option, since Roman Budnikov is a presenter whose career has already featured a similar story. He began to lead the program "Fazenda" after the same lightning-fast dismissal without explanation of the reasons for Sergei Kolesnikov.

Refutation of rumors by Budnikov himself

In his numerous interviews, commenting on the next appointment, Roman Budnikov, of course, denies that he has any kind of family ties in general, Roman claims that he is not anyone's protégé. In any case, even if he has any family ties, he carefully refutes this.

Roman considers the situation with the fact that he takes the places of top presenters on Channel One to be a coincidence. The host says that he owes such appointments solely to his hard work. He is given one of the highest rated programs just because he does a good job and, therefore, deserves a place in such programs.

Personal life and hobby of a talented person

From his first marriage, Roman has a daughter, Alexandra, whom he tries to see on weekends. She, continuing the musical tradition in her family, plays the flute, and very successfully, taking prizes in various performances. Budnikov is proud of his daughter and gives her every support.

After the first divorce, he was married, but the second marriage ended in divorce. Roman has no children with his second wife. Now he positions himself as a bachelor and declares that he is ready for a new relationship.

In addition, despite the well-established career as a presenter, Budnikov did not give up his favorite pastime in music. At the moment he is the leader of the "NEbudni" group. Due to the constant filming and live broadcasts in the Good Morning program, the presenter has a busy schedule, but as far as possible, he tries to find time for music.

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