Rotavirus infection symptoms treatment. Rotavirus infection (rotavirus)


Rotavirus gastroenteritis, intestinal (gastric) flu - these names hide a disease whose manifestations are known to most people. Therefore, it is important to know how to choose the right drugs for rotavirus infection for a speedy cure.

Rotavirus infection is an acute disease that affects.

The culprit of the disease is a virus that has a spherical shape. Outwardly, it looks like a small wheel with spokes, for which it got its name: rota in Latin means “wheel”. Despite its small size, the virus is resistant to external influences, as it is covered with a reliable shell consisting of three layers. Therefore, neither the enzymes of the human digestive tract, nor chlorinated water are harmful to him. Only acids, alkalis and boiling can cope with the insidious pathogen.

The source of infection with the virus is a sick person. How is rotavirus transmitted from him to other people?

  • any close contact with an infected person. Infection occurs even after a banal handshake, if hands were not thoroughly washed;
  • when using common utensils and other household items with an infected person;
  • when coughing and sneezing, the pathogen can be transmitted by airborne droplets.

Penetrating into the body, the insidious "wheel" is located in the tissues and begins its vital activity. As a result, mature epithelial cells die, they are replaced by unformed ones. Nutrients are no longer fully absorbed, digestion is disturbed.

Symptoms of rotavirus infection

When a spherical pathogen enters the body, unpleasant manifestations make themselves felt quite quickly, the incubation period lasts from 1 to 5 days. If a person is weakened, the disease develops rapidly, within 15 hours.

The danger of the disease is that its symptoms can manifest themselves differently in people, depending on age and individual characteristics of the body. There are cases when the virus enters the body, but it fails to invade the cells, and the disease is asymptomatic.

The first manifestations resemble signs of a respiratory ailment: the patient has a sore throat, a runny nose, and a cough. Hence the second name of the disease - intestinal flu.

After some time, the initial symptoms are supplemented by new phenomena.

  • General weakness, decrease or complete lack of appetite. This is more typical for adults.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Diarrhea characterized by pale yellow watery feces with a strong odor.
  • Urine acquires a dark shade, its total amount decreases.
  • Pain and.
  • In children, the temperature rises, often to high values. In adults, it remains within the normal range, or the increase is insignificant.
  • With severe vomiting and diarrhea, dehydration is observed.

Important! It happens that in adults the symptoms do not appear brightly, so the malaise that has arisen is attributed to poisoning with poor-quality products. Such patients, despite the absence of acute painful manifestations, are potential spreaders of the virus to others.

Features of children's symptoms

In children, the disease, as a rule, has a more acute course compared to adults:

  • rise in temperature to 38 degrees and above, a feverish state is possible;
  • severe nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea, sometimes difficult to control, the number of bowel movements can reach up to 15-20 times a day;
  • severe weakness, lethargy, drowsiness.

Important! For young children, the main danger of the disease is that it leads to dehydration. The smaller the body weight of the baby, the faster this process develops. Therefore, children under the age of 2 years with a severe course of the disease are subject to urgent hospitalization.

How long does the disease last? The period of acute manifestations is from 3 to 7 days, possibly a more severe course of the disease, which lasts over a week. After acute symptoms no longer make themselves felt, a recovery period of 4-5 days begins.

How to treat stomach flu

Currently, there is no remedy aimed at treating rotavirus infection directly, so the therapeutic course for patients is complex.


The specific manifestations of the disease are such that the body suffers from dehydration: during diarrhea and vomiting, a large amount of fluid is excreted from the body. Therefore, an important point in the treatment is rehydration - replenishment of lost fluid. The most effective drug for these purposes is Regidron.

In order not to provoke new attacks of vomiting, in the acute period of the disease, the liquid should be taken in very small portions, up to a teaspoon.

Important! If the dehydration process continues for more than a day, and taking even small portions of water causes vomiting, intravenous fluids are required in a hospital setting.


To remove toxins from the body, sorbents are used - special preparations that bind and remove the waste products of a spherical pathogen: Smecta, Enterosgel, Polysorb.

Tidy up the intestines

  • During the treatment of the disease is required. Starting from the 3-4th day of illness, it is recommended to take the following drugs: Normobakt, Bifidumbacterin, Linex.
  • Against the background of the disease, pathogenic flora often develops in the intestine. To prevent this, drugs "Enterefuril", "Enterol" are prescribed.

Antiviral therapy

Unfortunately, there is no drug that specifically targets rotavirus. To alleviate the course of the disease, it is advisable to use antiviral drugs that prevent further penetration of the pathogen into the cells and thereby reduce the duration of the disease: Tsitovir 3, Viferon, Arbidol, Anaferon.

Aids in the treatment of rotavirus

  • With frequent, indomitable vomiting, antiemetics, for example, Motilium, will help.
  • If the disease is accompanied by a high temperature, antipyretic drugs are used: Panadol, Cefekon, Ibuprofen, Nurofen. Elevated temperature is a protective reaction of the body: its increase above 38 degrees has a detrimental effect on viruses. Therefore, you should not bring down the temperature below 38.5.

Important! Rotavirus is insensitive to antibacterial agents. Treating it with antibiotics is not only pointless, but also harmful. The drugs in this group will further enhance the bacterial imbalance of the intestine, thereby facilitating the further spread of the virus.

Antibacterial drugs are prescribed if a bacterial infection has developed against the background of the disease. This situation can occur no earlier than 3-4 days of illness and is confirmed by special tests.

Folk remedies in the treatment of intestinal flu

In the complex therapy of rotavirus infection, traditional medicine will help.

  • In order to rehydrate the body, you can drink water with the addition of salt (at the rate of 1 teaspoon of table salt per 1 liter of water).
  • Dry St. John's wort (1 tablespoon), pour 200 ml of boiling water, steam for half an hour. Strain the resulting drug and dilute with hot water in an amount of 200 ml. Take half an hour before meals 1/3 cup three times a day. This remedy should not be given to children under 3 years of age.
  • With severe diarrhea, a decoction of dried blueberries will help, it can be given to the patient both before and after meals. The product is suitable for children.
  • Boil chamomile flowers (a tablespoon) in 200 ml of boiling water, hold under the lid for infusion for 15 minutes.

What to eat for a sick person: a diet for intestinal flu

Diet in case of infection with rotavirus is also an element of complex treatment.

Adult nutrition

In the acute stage of the disease, appetite is usually reduced or absent altogether, the mere thought of food causes nausea. Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to maintain a drinking regime to replenish fluid loss.

In adults, this intestinal trouble does not give bright manifestations, and often food intake continues, but at the same time it is worth temporarily eliminating a number of foods from the diet.

  • Dairy products that serve as a favorable environment for the life of the virus;
  • drinks containing caffeine, which irritates the intestinal mucosa;
  • fried and fatty foods, sausages and canned food. The digestion of heavy food is undesirable for the body, which is currently fighting an invading virus.

Important! In the acute period of the disease, it is necessary to limit the amount of food taken and pay special attention to the observance of the drinking regimen in order to prevent dehydration.

Catering for children

Children infected with rotavirus in the first days of the disease almost always refuse to eat. You should not force the child to eat by force, but compliance with the drinking regime is fundamentally important. In addition to the rehydration preparations mentioned above, you can offer your baby dried fruit compote, weak concentration fruit drink, and weak tea. Drinks should not contain a lot of sugar.

What to give a child when acute symptoms no longer bother, but the digestive system has not yet returned to normal? Offer a small patient light meals: semi-liquid cereals with diluted milk or water, grated vegetable soups, lean meats, vegetables (boiled, stewed), baked apples, jelly.

Important! Even if, when the condition is relieved after a rotavirus infection, the child wakes up with a good appetite, bulky meals should be avoided during the recovery period and the use of a number of foods should be limited.

In the acute and recovery period of the disease, the following are prohibited:

    Work experience more than 7 years.

    Professional skills: diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary system.

Of course, there is no vomiting virus infection in nature, it is called rotavirus, but users on the Web turn to search engines over and over again with the wrong request ... Therefore, we decided, in order to help the suffering, to name the article that way.

Vomiting virus infection in children

Treatment of a vomiting-viral infection should be carried out in the mandatory isolation of a sick baby from others. Infection occurs through the mouth when a child plays with a toy, communicates with another child who carries the virus, or drinks from the same cup. Methods of transmission of infection do not depend on how severe the symptoms of the disease were. Viruses can live and multiply for a long time in dairy products that are in the refrigerator. If one of the adults in the family gets sick, then their infection can proceed in a latent form, since the body already has the necessary antibodies. Young children do not yet have such antibodies, so they get sick more severely.

Vomiting virus infection in adults

Vomiting virus infection develops very rapidly. The potential for complications compared to food poisoning is very high. Between the moment of infection and the appearance of the first signs, it takes from a week to ten days. The virus is transmitted by airborne droplets and through poor-quality food. After recovery, a strong immunity is produced in the body. In adults, vomiting virus infection has its own characteristics. When it enters the intestines, it produces toxins that destroy the mucous membrane and cause diarrhea.

Vomiting virus infection symptoms

An adult with a vomiting virus infection has a sharp decrease or no appetite. Vomiting occurs up to five times a day. Body temperature rises to 38 ° C and can last for three days. Diarrhea lasts up to five days. Unpleasant pain sensations appear in the intestines. They are aching, cutting or stabbing in nature. Disturbed by flatulence. With a severe course of the disease, signs of dehydration appear:

  • lips, skin and mucous membranes become dry;
  • the skin becomes flabby and folds easily;
  • possible loss of consciousness, convulsions, lowering blood pressure

The disease can occur in three forms:

  • mild, when the temperature does not rise, vomiting and diarrhea no more than three times a day, there are no signs of dehydration;
  • medium, at which the temperature rises to 38.5 ° C, mild dehydration, frequent vomiting and diarrhea;
  • severe, when the temperature reaches 40 ° C, unconsciousness, vomiting and diarrhea up to fifteen times, and signs of dehydration are observed

The incubation period for infection in children is shorter than in adults, at five days. The acute period of the disease lasts seven days. The infection is very similar to the common cold and starts with a common runny nose. Then nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and fever join. Vomiting is a characteristic symptom and may occur up to ten to twelve times. The child complains of pain and rumbling in the abdomen. The stool is watery or liquid with an admixture of mucus. The baby refuses to eat and looks lethargic and weak. The temperature can be knocked down when it reaches high values. In children under three years of age, a respiratory infection often accompanies the vomiting virus infection, with a runny nose, cough, red eyes, and ear pain.

Vomiting virus infection causes

The cause of the disease is rotaviruses, which, entering the body through airborne droplets, affect the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. The disease can be both single and in the form of an epidemic and is seasonal. Most of the sick people fall on the period from early spring to autumn.

One of the reasons for the transmission of infection is the lack of personal hygiene. The infection is also called the disease of dirty hands, so wash your hands often, especially after using the toilet.

Vomiting viral infection treatment

It is not recommended to lower the temperature to 38 ° C, since at this indicator the virus dies. A very high temperature can be brought down with a cool rubdown in places where the blood vessels pass. To eliminate diarrhea, Enterofuril is used, which must be used according to the scheme, as well as Smecta and Enterol. You can relieve pain in the abdomen with the help of No-shpa. To restore the intestinal microflora, Acipol, Bifiform, Linex are prescribed.

Treatment of infection is aimed at combating dehydration and toxicosis, as this is very dangerous for the urinary and cardiovascular systems. In drug therapy, Smectite, activated carbon, Attapulgite are used. A strict diet is required. It is allowed to eat porridge cooked in water and drink compotes. Dairy products are not recommended.

Many of our readers ask about the symptoms and treatment of rotavirus infection, and our article will be about this. Rotaviruses are a group of viral infections that most commonly cause in children between the ages of 6 months and 2 years. Viruses affect not only children, but also adults, in whom the disease usually occurs in a mild form with erased symptoms. The disease caused by rotaviruses is contagious. Intestinal influenza is transmitted through contaminated food (most often dairy), by household contact (through dirty hands), and there is also evidence of the transmission of rotavirus infection by coughing and sneezing.

The incidence of rotavirus infections is seasonal, The largest number of cases is recorded from November to April.

Symptoms of rotavirus infection

One of the leading symptoms of rotavirus infection is sudden diarrhea.

During the course of the disease, an incubation period of up to 5 days is distinguished, an acute period of 3–7 days and a recovery period (4–5 days).

The onset of the disease is usually acute, characterized by a sharp increase in temperature, repeated vomiting, cramping pains and rumbling in the abdomen, possibly. The nature of the stool helps diagnose rotavirus infection. On the first day of illness, the stool is liquid yellow, in the following days the stool becomes gray-yellow clay-like consistency. In addition to intestinal manifestations of the disease, patients are concerned about a runny nose, perspiration and sore throat, cough.

The above symptoms are more typical for children. In adults, the symptoms of rotavirus are often similar to common indigestion. Perhaps a decrease in appetite, loose stools, an increase in body temperature, which persist for a short time. Often, rotavirus infection in adults is asymptomatic, however, they are contagious to others. If there is a sick person in a team or family, then the people around him begin to fall ill in turn.

Symptoms of rotavirus infection can be very similar to signs of other infectious diseases (cholera), so when they appear, especially in young children, a doctor should be called. Never give your child pain medication before consulting a doctor. because it can mask the symptoms of more serious illnesses.


There are no specific drugs that are aimed at destroying rotaviruses. Therapeutic measures are aimed at combating the symptoms of the disease.

If patients have reduced appetite, then you should not force them to eat, you can offer to drink homemade jelly from berries or chicken broth. Food and drink should be consumed in small portions so as not to provoke an attack of vomiting. You can not eat any dairy products, as they are a good environment for the spread of pathogenic bacteria.

In order to avoid the development of dehydration of the body, rehydration therapy is necessary. Patients are advised to drink water, and preferably saline solutions (regidron or sodium chloride solution, prepared at the rate of 1 tsp of salt per 1 liter of water). The liquid should be taken in small portions no more than 50 ml every half hour. Intravenous fluid may be required only in the case of a very severe course of the disease with increasing intoxication of the body.

Prevention of rotavirus infection

In severe cases, when it is not possible to cope with intoxication in other ways, the patient is prescribed intravenous fluid.

For specific prophylaxis, two vaccines have been developed to combat rotavirus infection, containing attenuated virus. They are taken orally.

Non-specific prevention consists in observing the rules of personal hygiene (washing hands after visiting the toilet and public places, before eating), as well as the rules for handling food and water. Vegetables and fruits must be thoroughly washed, and during the epidemic period it is recommended to pour boiling water over them. Eat only boiled water. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of dairy products, you can not use products of dubious origin and expired.

Which doctor to contact

If signs of an intestinal infection appear, you should contact an infectious disease specialist. With a milder course of the disease, treatment by a general practitioner, gastroenterologist, pediatrician is possible. During the recovery period, it will not hurt to consult a dietitian.

Dr. Komarovsky about rotavirus:

Diet with rotavirus for children:

About probiotics:

The virus got its name from the Latin word "rota" - wheel. When magnified, the virus in the shell looks like a wheel with a rim. The group of rotaviruses includes 8 different species, they are designated in Latin letters, from A to H. More often than other species, rotavirus A becomes the source of human infection. It is also divided into several species (they are called serotypes).

The virus has a triple protein coat that protects it from digestive enzymes in the stomach and intestines. The reproduction of the virus occurs on the mucous epithelium of the intestinal cavity. The incubation period for rotavirus infection is 1 to 5 days.

After entering the mucous membrane, the virus tries to infiltrate its cells and make them sources for the reproduction of new rotaviruses. Sometimes the introduction does not occur, the disease is asymptomatic, the body forms antibodies to this virus. More often - an acute disease is formed.

Acute manifestations of the disease last up to 7 days, sometimes more. Rotavirus manifests itself as toxic poisoning: severe vomiting, diarrhea. In addition to indigestion, a runny nose appears (due to the ingress of toxins into the blood) and redness of the larynx. Naturally, there is no appetite, no strength. After the recovery period begins, which lasts 3-5 days.

Rotavirus infection in adults appears much less frequently than in children. This is due to the higher concentration of gastric juice in the stomach of an adult. It allows you to neutralize the virus even at the stage of penetration into the body.

Symptoms of rotavirus infection

Signs of rotavirus infection are most pronounced during the initial infection. They are diagnosed as acute poisoning and intestinal upset. The child develops nausea and vomiting, the temperature rises, diarrhea develops.

Rotavirus has a characteristic feature. It is manifested by the color of feces. The consistency of the feces resembles clay, it becomes gray-yellow. Urine becomes dark in color (due to the elimination of toxins through the blood and kidneys), and may have blood flakes. Light colored stools and dark urine can lead to misdiagnosis. A child can be diagnosed with hepatitis, but a blood test for liver tests will show that this disease is not present.

A severe acute reaction is observed in 80% of infected children. Runny nose and sore throat (with its inflammation, redness) are added to nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. This is a natural reaction of the body to toxic poisoning. It removes toxins through various organs (intestines, kidneys, throat, nose). Therefore, inflammation forms on the mucous surface of the nasopharynx, there is an increased secretion of mucus to remove toxins.

Symptoms of rotavirus infection in adults are more vague. They may not be at all (the disease is asymptomatic, but a person is able to transmit the virus, infect another adult or child). If symptoms are still present, then perhaps it will be a slight relaxation of the intestines, soreness in the lower abdomen.

Since adults often do not visit a doctor with mild symptoms of the disease (maybe I ate something?), The question arises, how to treat rotavirus infection in adults, and is treatment necessary for mild symptoms of the disease? We will talk in detail about the principles of treating the virus further, we will only say that the treatment is carried out according to the symptoms. If you have a slight relief, and you suspect rotavirus, take an adsorbent and follow a diet. You may not need other treatments.

The signs listed above are indirect. That is, they indicate the likely presence of rotavirus in the body. An accurate diagnosis can be made only after a laboratory study of feces.

How is rotavirus transmitted?

Rotavirus is not in vain called the disease of "dirty hands" (just like Botkin). This infection is transmitted mainly through the mouth and through contaminated food. It can be transmitted through close contact (kissing) and sharing utensils. It is not transmitted when shaking hands (if you wash your hands thoroughly after them and if the child does not take fingers in his mouth). In the acute period of the disease, the virus is contained in the secreted mucus. Therefore, you can become infected with it when a sick person coughs and sneezes.

Let's look at how to treat rotavirus infection in children and adults.

Treatment of rotavirus infection with drugs

Medicine does not have any drug that is active against rotaviruses. The body fights itself, so there is no specific treatment for this pathogen. They prescribe medicines and activities that treat and help recover from poisoning, sore throat and temperature. How to treat rotavirus infection?

Several groups of drugs are used:

  • rehydrators;
  • adsorbents;
  • probiotics.

Rehydrators are the main drugs for the treatment of rotavirus

Rehydration therapy prevents dehydration. Any diarrhea and poisoning are accompanied by increased excretion of fluid from the body. Therefore, one of the main dangers of rotavirus is a violation of the water and electrolyte balance, dehydration of organs and tissues.

As a rehydrator, salted water is used (1 teaspoon of table salt per 1 liter of water), or pharmacy powder rehydrator preparations. They are diluted with water according to the instructions and are used at intervals of every half hour.

You can also use dried fruit compote or raisin water as a rehydrator. In order to avoid new vomiting, the liquid is taken in small portions (¼ cup every 30 minutes).

The risk of dehydration is greatest for young children (babies). The lower the body weight, the faster the body loses water and weight. Signs of significant dehydration are "no tears" crying, no sweat, and infrequent urination (once every 3 hours).

If dehydration persists for more than 1 day, breathing difficulties may occur, convulsions may occur, pneumonia may develop. Therefore, young children who refuse to drink water are given liquid intravenously in a hospital setting.

Sorbents and enzymes

Sorbents are preparations for removing toxins from the intestinal cavity. Sorbents include pharmaceutical preparations Smektu, activated carbon, Polysorb, Enterosgel. Clay is one of the natural sorbents. It is taken in the form of a suspension, ½ teaspoon of dry clay is stirred in water and drunk until the suspension has sunk to the bottom of the glass. Enzyme preparations (Mezim, Pancreatin) are taken to improve digestion.

Should the temperature be lowered?

Treatment of rotavirus infection in adults does not use drugs to reduce fever. It is at 38º and above that the protein strands of the virus die. An artificial decrease in temperature in an adult or a child does not allow the body to fully resist the virus. You can lower the temperature only with severe intolerance (convulsions, schizophrenic).

In children, temperature reduction is also used for special indications. If the child tolerates 38 or 39º well, then antipyretic drugs should not be given.

The virus is not an antibiotic, it is insensitive to antibacterial therapy drugs. That is, treating any viral infection with antibiotics is not only ineffective, but also harmful. Why?

Antibacterial drugs are broad-spectrum agents. They kill not only pathogenic bacteria, but other representatives of the intestinal flora. Thus, local immunity is disturbed, which contributes to a stronger spread of the virus.

You can use antibacterial drugs for treatment if a bacterial infection has occurred against the background of infection with a virus.

However, this situation occurs not earlier than the 3-4th day of illness. Therefore, to prescribe antibiotics, a blood test and the detection of a high number of leukocytes, which indicate a bacterial infection, are necessary.

Nutrition for rotavirus infection

What to feed a child with rotavirus infection? Food should be dietary. If the child has no appetite, do not feed him at all. If the appetite is preserved, give porridge on the water, vegetable puree, unleavened bread or soaked crackers, baked vegetables. With the disappearance of vomiting, you can give kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese. A few days later - carrots, potatoes, a sweet apple.

What not to give with rotavirus:

  • Milk porridge and whole milk.
  • Rich broths and soups, borscht, other first courses on a steep broth.
  • Animal proteins with high fat content (pork, beef, salmon).
  • Sour berries, fruits.
  • Yeast bread, muffins, pastries, confectionery.

One of the consequences of rotavirus is lactose intolerance (insufficient absorption of milk sugar). It is manifested by bloating, flatulence, and the preservation of loose stools. Therefore, often after the illness, the child ceases to absorb breast milk. This may last for 2-3 weeks.

During the recovery period, sometimes it is necessary to replace mother's milk with soy mixture or baby kefir (partially or completely for several days). As a rule, after 2-3 weeks, the production of lactose is restored, the previous nutrition, breastfeeding becomes possible.

Rotavirus infection during pregnancy

Like many viral infections, rotavirus can harm the baby in the womb when a woman first becomes infected during pregnancy. However, medical studies confirm that already at the age of 3, 100% of children have antibodies to this virus. Then people become infected with this infection during the first three years of their lives. Therefore, for most women, rotavirus infection during pregnancy does not have catastrophic consequences for the baby in the womb.

The greatest danger to a pregnant woman when infected with rotavirus is dehydration.

To prevent it, you need to drink salted water or pharmacy rehydrators. And also take adsorbents to accelerate the removal of toxins.

Prevention, vaccinations and risk group

There is no guarantee that you will never encounter rotavirus. Therefore, the level of your reaction, the severity of the manifestation of symptoms will depend on the state of your immunity.

According to statistics, 100% of children older than 3 years have antibodies to rotavirus. However, this does not mean that it is impossible to get sick with a rotavirus infection a second time. Since there are 8 types of these viruses, among which 3 are found in humans, infection with one of them does not exclude the possibility of infection with another type of virus.

The formation of external symptoms depends on the state of immunity. With sufficiently strong protective reactions, the symptoms of rotavirus appear weakly or do not appear at all. The child may experience some digestive problems. However, more often the virus in children is acute.

Transmission of the disease reduces the likelihood of re-infection, but does not guarantee permanent immunity to rotavirus.

Prevention of rotavirus infection can be specific (medication) and non-specific (general measures to comply with sanitary standards and strengthen immunity).

  • Specific measures include two types of vaccines with attenuated live virus. They are offered to make a baby under the age of 8 months.
  • To non-specific - strengthening the immune system with general health-improving measures (hardening, walking in the fresh air), as well as good nutrition, maintaining a healthy intestinal flora. If it is necessary to strengthen the immune system, with a lack of vitamins or minerals, vitamin-mineral complexes, active selenium, and iodine are used as specific prophylaxis.

To prevent the spread of the virus and the formation of strong local immunity, probiotic preparations (Linex, Acipol, Yoghurt) are used. Local immune reactions provide resistance to the virus at the entrance to the body, when it tries to infiltrate the cells of the human mucosal epithelium. Normal healthy intestinal microflora does not allow the virus to integrate into epithelial cells and begin to multiply in the body of a child or adult.

For adults, the prevention of rotavirus is the normal functioning of the stomach. With normal acidity, the virus dies in the hydrochloric acid of gastric juice. Therefore, people with low acidity, patients with gastritis with low acidity, as well as people with reduced digestive function, impaired microflora of the large and small intestines, and overweight are at increased risk for rotavirus disease. Also, the risk group includes residents of large industrial centers who receive a daily dose of toxic substances from their polluted air.

The rotavirus vaccine is a live vaccine (contains a live attenuated virus, unlike many other vaccines that contain inactive dead virus particles). Therefore, it can only be done by a healthy child (in order to avoid complications and acute illness with rotavirus).

An important measure of non-specific prevention is the restriction of a sick child from contacts with other family members, as well as compliance with sanitary rules (washing hands, purifying drinking water). The virus is transmitted with dirty hands and through shared utensils, so simple means of restriction can prevent infection of the entire family or children's team.

Update: December 2018

The digestive tract is the most vulnerable system of our body. Every day, a significant amount of food and water of various qualities passes through it, which can be contaminated with bacteria, toxins, microscopic fungi, etc.

Getting into the cavity of the stomach and intestines, they begin to destroy the cells of these organs and disrupt digestion. There are a large number of microorganisms that lead to acute intestinal infections, however, most often, these diseases occur due to Rotaviruses.

More than a billion cases of this infection are registered annually worldwide. According to statistics, every second family encounters rotaviruses at least 1 time. And most often, children under 10 years of age get sick.

Adults usually become infected while caring for their child, but it is also possible for the microorganism to enter from another source. Given such a widespread pathology, one should be wary of any signs of an intestinal infection and, if it is suspected, seek the help of a doctor.

What is Rotavirus?

This is a whole genus of viruses that infect the human small intestine. They are stored for a long time on any objects of the environment (food, water, clothes of a sick person, door handles, etc.). Once inside, Rotaviruses transit through the acidic environment of the stomach, and settle in the initial section of the intestine. They attach to its cells (enterocytes), penetrate inside and begin to multiply rapidly.

As soon as their concentration becomes large enough, the cell is destroyed, and all copies of the viruses are released from it. Some of them come out with feces, the rest of the microorganisms infect other enterocytes. It is because of this that rotavirus infection progresses steadily, without adequate treatment.

How do rotaviruses enter the body?

These microorganisms are highly contagious. They can get into the environment in only one way - from a sick person. Viruses come out in large numbers along with feces and can easily pass to the patient's hands, his clothes and household items (telephone, bed linen, doorknobs, etc.). In order for the infection to pass to another person, the rotavirus must enter the oral cavity. Moreover, a very small amount is enough for the development of the disease.

If a family has a rotavirus infection, there is a high probability of transmission of the disease to other family members. Even with proper care and isolation of the patient, while keeping him at home, it is difficult to avoid a group outbreak.

It should also be remembered that people of decreed professions (which can infect a large number of people) can get this intestinal infection: catering workers, teachers, water utility employees, sellers and others. That is why there is always the possibility of getting sick with rotavirus, if the elementary principles of prevention are not followed.

Symptoms of rotavirus infection

From the moment the rotavirus enters the intestine until the first symptoms appear, on average, 1-2 days pass. In more than half of patients, the disease masquerades as a common cold (ARI), manifesting itself as a runny/stuffy nose, a slight wet cough, and sore throat. However, after a few days, or in parallel with the signs of acute respiratory infections, the symptoms of an intestinal infection join, so rotavirus infection is also called.

Rotavirus infection in children

As a rule, the disease in children under 5 years of age is quite severe. It is always accompanied by severe toxic poisoning of the body and severe intestinal disorders that appear almost simultaneously. The most typical symptoms include:

Symptom of the disease Symptom characteristic
Body intoxication

Rotavirus infection in infants begins with this symptom. The child becomes lethargic (he practically does not move, the cry is weak, he is reluctant to suckle the breast, etc.), cries for no reason, increased sweating is often noted.

Older children, in addition to lack of appetite and weakness, may complain of headache or dizziness.

An increase in temperature (hyperthermia)

Most often, body temperature rises quite strongly (more than 38-39 ° C), but for a short time - up to 3 days. In the subsequent course of the disease, all other intestinal symptoms persist, but without fever.

Only in severe rotovirus infection, which occurs with significant poisoning of the body, hyperthermia can be observed for more than a week.


In children up to the 2nd year of life, loose stools can be 10-14 times a day. As a rule, it is foamy, consists almost only of water, and may contain particles of mucus. Diarrhea may persist for 10-14 days.

Such frequent defecation leads to dehydration of the body and increases intoxication.

Vomit In children under one year of age, vomiting continues for 1-2 days, repeatedly repeated during the day, and contributes to dehydration. As a rule, an older child rarely suffers from this symptom for more than a day.
Abdominal pain The pain is moderately expressed, may increase somewhat when probing the abdomen (especially in the middle / lower halves).

Symptoms of rotavirus infection in children can be of varying severity. As a rule, the older the child, the easier the disease. However, it should be remembered that if any signs of intestinal disease appear, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Rotavirus infection in adults

Almost all symptoms in adults are much easier than in small patients. Intoxication of the body may be absent or expressed in slight weakness and loss of appetite. The temperature rarely rises above 38 ° C and often returns to normal within one day. Diarrhea, as a rule, is observed no more than 5 times a day, during the week (from 3 to 7 days). Vomiting is single or not expressed.

Rotavirus infection in adolescents proceeds similarly to adults - the symptoms are moderate and respond well to treatment.

Dangerous symptoms

There is a group of "alarming" symptoms for children and adults, the appearance of which should immediately seek emergency medical help. They indicate a severe infection and require inpatient treatment. It is especially important to control the appearance of these symptoms in a sick child, since he will not be able to do this on his own.

  • Red blood in the stool or black coloration of the stool(with a brilliant tint and an unpleasant odor) is an extremely unfavorable sign that indicates an open intestinal bleeding. In this case, you should immediately call an ambulance or go to an infectious diseases hospital / hospital;
  • Increased diarrhea up to 10 times a day or repeated vomiting(more than 7 episodes per day) - the active release of fluid during rotavirus infection significantly increases the poisoning of the body with toxins. In this case, the patient is hospitalized in an infectious diseases hospital, where the lost volume of fluid and electrolytes is replenished using droppers;
  • Severe abdominal pain- with a typical course, abdominal pain is practically not expressed. A significant increase in soreness may indicate damage to the intestinal walls;
  • The appearance of a rash on the body- small (up to 5 mm) and rare red spots that appeared during the illness are very characteristic of typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever. In some cases, these pathologies can masquerade as a common rotavirus infection.

Diagnosis of rotavirus infection

Due to the characteristic signs, this disease can be suspected from the moment the first symptoms appear. In order to distinguish it from other infections, doctors use the following signs:

  • The onset of the disease is acute;
  • The virus is active year-round, the peak incidence is autumn, winter (but during the hot period in open water it is easy to get infected through the water, swimming in the sea, there is always a risk of swallowing water);
  • Skin rashes - absent;
  • Temperature - up to 39 ° C, but short-term;
  • Characteristic clinical picture (described in the symptoms section).

In order to confirm the presence of rotavirus infection, conventional laboratory examinations (general blood tests, urine, feces) are not enough, since changes in them will be nonspecific. A definitive diagnosis can only be made using the following methods:

Start treating the disease should be immediately after the initial diagnosis. You do not need to wait for confirmation from the laboratory for this. Subsequently, the tactics of therapy can be adjusted, depending on the results obtained.

Treatment of rotavirus infection

Symptoms and treatment of rotavirus infection depend on the activity of the pathogen. As a rule, this disease can be successfully treated at home. Patients are hospitalized in an infectious diseases hospital/hospital only if the infection is severe or if “dangerous” symptoms appear.

Health food

Therapy should begin with proper nutrition. Breastfed babies continue to be fed on demand, but at least 4-6 times a day. If the baby is bottle-fed, it is better to use lactose-free/low-lactose formulas, which will have a positive effect on intestinal health and reduce the duration of diarrhea. It is important to note that during the illness, new complementary foods should be introduced Absolutely forbidden as it can aggravate indigestion.

Older children and adults should exclude from their diet:

  • Any plant foods (berries; vegetables; fruits, including dried ones);
  • Bakery and flour products;
  • Fatty, salty, spicy, fried foods;
  • Whole milk;
  • Broths.

According to recent studies, all this food increases the work of the intestines, which is why diarrhea will last a little longer. During the illness, it is recommended to eat boiled lightly salted cereals, in small but frequent portions.

Elimination of rotavirus

How to treat rotavirus infection? To do this, it is necessary to remove from the intestine microorganisms that are located on its walls and destroy cells. For this purpose, adequate doses of sorbent preparations can be used, such as:

  • Activated charcoal - up to 4-6 tablets per dose several times a day;
  • Smektu or Neosmectin (domestic analogue) - 3-4 sachets per day;
  • Enterodez or Polysorb - 1-2 sachets per day.

For infants, the number of drugs is selected individually, depending on the condition of the child. Some forms of drugs are difficult enough to get a baby to drink. To simplify the process, preference should be given to syrups, medicinal solutions. Tablets can be dissolved in water or finely crushed and given in a teaspoon.

In addition to enterosorbents, Anaferon and Arbidol have proven their effectiveness against rotaviruses. In the course of research, doctors found that their use accelerates the treatment of infection by several days.

Elimination of dehydration and intoxication

This is one of the most important components of treatment, which improves the general condition of a patient of any age. You can compensate for the loss of water and minerals necessary for the body with the help of drugs: Regidron, Glucosolan, Gastrolit.

If none of the listed drugs is in the home medicine cabinet, for the first time you can prepare a solution that is close in composition to these drugs. To do this, add to 1 liter of boiled water:

  • 4 tablespoons (20 g) sugar
  • 1 teaspoon (3 g) salt
  • 1 teaspoon (3 g) baking soda

However, it should be remembered that this solution is best used only for a short time, before buying medications, since it lacks a number of important trace elements.

Restoration of bowel function

Rotavirus infection destroys some of the beneficial bacteria that are essential for efficient digestion. That is why it is necessary to connect probiotics to therapy, such as Laktofiltrum, Linex, Bifidum, Bifidumbacterin, etc.

Caring for a baby with rotavirus

Since children under one year old can endure the disease quite hard, they need to provide adequate care. Let's highlight the key points:

  • Proper nutrition. If the child is breastfed, it must be continued, at least 4-6 times. When formula feeding, preference should be given to lactose-free/low-lactose concentrates;
  • Compliance with doctor's orders. Some forms of drugs are difficult enough to get a baby to drink. To simplify the process, preference should be given to medicinal solutions. Tablets can be dissolved in water or finely crushed and given on a teaspoon;
  • Regular change of diapers / diapers. Despite frequent liquid stools, it is necessary to change the child's underwear every time after it gets wet. This will subsequently avoid maceration (damage to the skin with the formation of "weeping" areas) of the skin;
  • Monitor the condition of the child. Excessive lethargy, a very weak cry, the appearance of "dangerous" symptoms - all these are signs of a severe course of the disease, in the event of which it is recommended to seek emergency medical help.

In most young patients, the symptoms of the disease disappear within a few days, with adequate treatment. But at this time it is important to provide the right care, which will have a positive impact on the child's recovery process.

Prevention of rotavirus infection

How can you protect yourself or your child from rotavirus infection? There are two main methods for this. The first is the observance of elementary hygiene standards:

  • Regular hand washing (required before eating/water);
  • Boiling of any consumed water (except for bottled water);
  • Thorough washing with soap of any consumed vegetables, fruits and berries, followed by rinsing them with boiling water.

In most cases, these simple rules help to avoid the development of the disease. However, it is quite difficult to make sure that the child adheres to them. As a special prophylaxis, which can significantly reduce the likelihood of developing pathology and completely eliminate the occurrence of severe forms of infection, vaccination can be additionally used.

Currently, 2 vaccines against this disease are available in Russia - these are RoTatek and Rotarix. They are only effective on children under two years of age. The drugs are produced in Europe, where they have passed multiple clinical trials and have proven their effectiveness. They are not included in the vaccination schedule, so for setting the child they need to be redeemed on their own. The average cost of a vaccine is about 5,000 rubles.


Can cola treat rotavirus infection?

Since cola is considered a harmful carbonated drink, doctors (who have never experienced all the charms of rotavirus and the effectiveness of cola) do not recommend using this drink as a means of therapy. But, to stop vomiting and relieve nausea against the background of a rotavirus infection, Pepsi-Cola and Coca-Cola are very effective. That is, it can be used at the first sign of infection.

If a child once had rotavirus, can he get sick again?

Yes. After this disease, immunity is formed, but it lasts only a few weeks. Vaccines are needed to build strong immunity.

How dangerous is this disease?

With timely and adequate treatment, the prognosis of the disease is favorable. As a rule, protracted infection in young children, which occurs with severe dehydration, is dangerous.

Do I need to drink Enterofuril or other antimicrobial agents?

Antibiotics are not indicated for this pathology, but Enterofuril (Ersefuril, Nifuroxazide, Ecofuril, Stopdiar) is prescribed to reduce the growth of opportunistic bacterial flora that blooms against the backdrop of a weakening of the intestinal immune response by the virus.

Should I take painkillers for colic in the abdomen?

Severe pain that requires medication is not characteristic of rotavirus infection. The appearance of this symptom is a reason to seek medical help.

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