Rowling told what happened to the heroes of the Potter. The fate of the heroes of Harry Potter


Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley

Harry and Ginny, after the tragic events of their youth, live happily and calmly, raising three children: James Sirius, Albus Severus and Lily Luna. Harry fulfilled his dream and became an Auror, and then completely headed the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. In addition, Harry became the godfather of Teddy Lupin, the son of Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks who died in the last battle.

Ginny had a successful sports career and became a professional Quidditch player with the Holyhead Harpies, and then, after retiring from Quidditch, became a reporter and later sports editor for The Daily Prophet.

Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley

Hermione and Ron also got along well - they got married and have two children, a daughter, Rose, and a son, Hugo. Ron, like Harry, worked as an Auror in the Ministry of Magic, where friends "revolutionized" the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. However, after only two years at the Ministry, Ron left his career as an Auror and began working with his brother George at the All Kinds of Magic Wreckers. The main achievement in Ron's life is a card from chocolate frogs with his image.

Hermione is the only one of the trio who decided to complete her education at Hogwarts, after which she went to build a successful career in the Ministry of Magic. Hermione first worked in the Department of Magical Population Regulation and Control, where she continued the glorious work of G. A. W. N. E. - the fight for the rights of house elves. Hermione then worked in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and eventually became the Minister for Magic.

Malfoy family

Literally at the last moment, switching sides, the Malfoys escaped imprisonment in Azkaban after the Battle of Hogwarts. Draco married Astoria Greengrass and has a son, Scorpius. J. K. Rowling didn't particularly talk about what Malfoy does - apparently, Draco lives on the wealth of the Malfoy family.

Neville Longbottom

Neville, after the Battle of Hogwarts, returned to finish his studies at Hogwarts, briefly worked as an Auror, and then returned to the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry forever - as a professor of herbology and one of the teachers most beloved by students. Neville married Hannah Abbott and settled in the Leaky Cauldron where Hannah worked.

Luna Lovegood

Luna, with her love for rare (and often non-existent) magical creatures, became a magozologist - and eventually married Rolf Scamander, the grandson of the same Newt Scamander from Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, who studies rare magical creatures with her. animals. The couple has twin sons, Lorcan and Lysander.

Rubeus Hagrid

One of Harry Potter's first friends and his faithful assistant is still alive and well at Hogwarts. Hagrid's affair with Madame Maxim never ended, because she was "too refined" for Hagrid.

Weasley brothers

Despite the terrible loss, the Weasley family still lives relatively happily. George never fully came to terms with the death of his twin brother Fred, who was killed during the Battle of Hogwarts, and named his first child after him. George, along with Ron, runs the All kinds of magical wreckers store and married Angelina Johnson, who played with him on the Gryffindor Quidditch team. They have two children - son Fred and daughter Roxanne.

Charlie Weasley is still a bachelor, hopelessly devoted only to his beloved dragons. Percy married a girl named Audrey and fathered two daughters, Lucy and Molly, eventually rising to the position of head of the Magical Transportation Department in the Ministry of Magic.

Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour are happily married and have three children. Bill after the Battle of Hogwarts received several orders for bravery and returned to work at Gringotts Bank.

Dudley Dursley

Dudley has a family of his own and exchanges cards with the Potters at Christmas. Aunt Petunia died (however, J. K. Rowling did not talk about the reasons), whether Uncle Vernon is alive is unknown.

Viktor Krum

Viktor Krum is still doing what he did best - playing Quidditch. He left the sport for several years, but then returned and played for the Bulgarian national team, with which he eventually won the World Cup in 2014.

Dolores Umbridge

Dolores Umbridge got what she deserved: she was arrested, interrogated and imprisoned in Azkaban for life.

Rita Skeeter

Still writing columns for the Daily Prophet, Skeeter has made a fortune writing biographies - biographies of Dumbledore, Severus Snape, Harry Potter and Newt Scamander have come from her pen.

Kingsley Brewwork

Immediately after the end of the war, Kingsley Brewwork officially became the Minister for Magic and held this position until he handed over the ministerial chair to Hermione. Through the efforts of Kingsley, the use of Dementors was banned in Azkaban.

The article uses proper names in the translation of "Potteriana" from "Rosmen" by M. Litvinova

Tom became overnight famous for his role as the duplicitous Draco Malfoy in the fantasy Harry Potter. In honor of Felton's birthday, we decided to find out what happened to the other young wizards of the "Potteriana", how they have changed and whether they continue to act in films.

Tom's hero is a Slytherin student, the son of the head of the Hogwarts Board of Trustees, an enemy of Harry Potter named Draco Malfoy.

He has blond hair, pale and thin skin, cold-blooded gray eyes, a lean build, and a hideous and nefarious personality. Throughout the series of the film, he hated Harry, Ron and Hermione, built vile dirty tricks, but ultimately the feud between the four ended.

In real life, Tom is very different from his character - he is a kind and sweet guy (by the way, Emma Watson was in love with him for a long time), who had experience playing a movie before Harry Potter. For example, he can be seen in The Thieves, Anna and the King, Second Sight: Hide and Seek, Escape from Vegas, Thirteen O'Clock, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, The Apparition, Teresa Raquin . Tom was able to establish himself as a talented actor who can play any role.

The role of the main wizard and opponent of Volan de Mort, Daniel received at the age of 10.

Interestingly, after receiving the main role in his life, the boy had to leave school, because his classmates envied him, which, to put it mildly, mocked him.

Many thought that Radcliffe would become a hostage to one role and not be able to get out of the role of Potter, but this did not happen. Daniel was invited and invited to play in other films and theatrical productions.

So, he played the stable boy Alan Strang in the erotic performance "Ekvus", however, many parents were shocked by the radical change in the image of the "young wizard" and even forbade their children to watch films with his participation. Daniel also starred in the films December Boys, The Woman in Black, Notes of a Young Doctor, Kill Your Darlings, Friendship and No Sex? and "Horns". In the near future, other films with his participation will be released on the big screens - this is the long-awaited "Frankenstein" and the equally interesting "Illusion of Deception: The Second Act."

Emma played Hermione Granger - a bold and self-confident smart-ass, Harry Potter's best friend, a girl with an uneven bite and tousled hair.

The girl got this role at the age of 9 and for a long time lived in the image of a sorceress, while playing in other films.

Emma's other roles include aspiring actress Paulina Fossil in Ballet Shoes, Lucy's assistant in 7 Days and Nights with Marilyn, crazy Sam in It's Good to Be Quiet, Nikki the thief in High Society, and Ila in Noah.

In addition to acting in films, Emma managed to graduate from Brown University, launched a global campaign for gender equality He for She, and participates in advertising campaigns for famous brands.

From the cute sorceress Hermione, Emma has turned into a real style icon and a truly sought-after actress.

Rupert got the role of Ron Weasley at the age of 11, and it became the boy's first acting job.

His hero grew up in a large family of wizards, he was the first to make friends with Harry Potter, got into various troubles with him and was a real "moron" (at least Hermione thought so for the first few years). As he grew older, Ron (and Rupert, respectively) became more courageous, more brutal and ... more and more irresistible.

In addition to filming in the Harry Potter series, Rupert starred in other projects - Thunder in Pants, Driving Lessons, Cherry Bomb, Wild Thing, In White Captivity, Dangerous Illusion, Club CBGB" and "Super Clyde". To focus on his acting career, Grint had to leave school. Interestingly, like his hero Ron Weasley, Rupert is afraid of spiders. After the end of the filming of "Potteriana" Daniel, Emma and Rupert maintain friendly relations.

The Irish actress played an eccentric, kind and always surprised Ravenclaw student.

Evanna was a real fan of the Harry Potter series, which brought herself to anorexia, and corresponded with JK Rowling herself. Evanna couldn't believe her luck when she was approved for the role of Luna Lovegood, and the girl's first appearance was in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. The actress not only played her character, she became it.

No viewer had any doubts that Luna looked somehow different than Evanna plays her. Note that Lynch's acting career stalled precisely on the "Potterian", although she appeared in episodes of some films and TV shows.

The twin brothers who played Fred and George Weasley in the film adaptation of the JK Rowling series of novels: they always walk together, have an unsurpassed sense of humor, especially while studying at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Fred and George did not finish school, but opened a store called "All kinds of magical wreckers". The further acting career of James and Oliver did not develop as rosy as that of their colleagues.

In addition to Harry Potter, the brothers-actors played only in the TV series Peter Kingdom Won't Leave You, the films District 3, Latin Quarter and Hamlet. But who knows what the future holds for them?

The actress played another member of the Weasley family with many children - Ginny.

The heroine Bonnie has good taste, bottomless eyes and fiery red hair, masterfully owns the spell "Bat Evil Eye" and is passionately in love with Harry. By the way, these feelings will gradually become mutual. Starting from the fourth year, Ginny becomes very attractive, which is why she receives a lot of attention from the opposite sex.

In addition to Potteriana, Wright starred in other films, including The Robinson Family, Understudies, Geography of an Unhappy Heart, Philosophers. Survival Lesson", "Shakespeare's Daughter", "Before Sleep" and others.

Currently, Bonnie is involved in the filming of four films, actively starred in commercials and is one of the most promising young actresses.

The actor became famous for the role of the clumsy, forgetful and shy Neville Longbottom (which he was before growing up).

Toward the end of the "Potteriana" his character, like his appearance, changes a lot - he becomes fearless, even brutal and participates in most of the dangerous missions of the main characters.

Matthew appeared in all eight Potter films, and also manages to play in other films: It's Called Life, Dalziel and Pascoe, Heartbeat, Children's Party at the Palace, Wasteland and Candy Store .

After his miraculous transformation into a Hollywood sex symbol, Matthew has become just the idol of millions of girls around the world.

Svetlana Misnik(born December 16, 1992) - a life-style journalist, a philosopher by basic education, and a lawyer by second. Since the age of 15, she has been writing for,,, about psychology, celebrities and beauty. .

Especially for those who have not read JK Rowling's interview after the release of the seventh Harry Potter book, we publish a selection of predictions from her interview. The writer shares her assumptions about who Harry, Ron and Hermione are working now, about the future of Teddy Lupin and some other heroes, about how the magical world has changed.
It is up to you to believe all this or not, because the writer has repeatedly emphasized that these are just her assumptions and this is how the future of the magical world is seen by her.
Recall that the book "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" was released on July 21, 2007.

Will Ron, Hermione or Harry return to Hogwarts in some capacity?

JKR: I can easily imagine Harry coming back to give some random lecture... on Defense Against the Dark Arts, let's say. And, of course, the curse is now broken since Voldemort is no more. Now they can hire a good Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

You left the ending open to speculation - in the epilogue we see Harry, Hermione and Ron, they have their own children...

JKR: That's not why I left the ending open. I didn't write the epilogue thinking, "Okay. Now it will be possible to build on this the next series of books for a new generation. I just… wanted to show that life goes on, even if someone has passed away.

Rowling says that Teddy, Professor Lupin's son, was one of the main reasons she wanted to write the epilogue.

JKR: To see that Teddy Lupine is okay. That he keeps talking to Harry and that he must be happy and that he has a very pretty girlfriend - I think he kisses Bill and Fleur's eldest daughter in the epilogue.
MV: And why is it so important?
JKR: Because he was left an orphan. And I wanted to show that everything was fine with him ... and then I started to cry. Of course, Teddy Lupine is very important to me. I just killed both of his parents and I really wanted him to be okay.

What has the wizarding world learned (if at all) and how has society changed directly because of the war with Voldemort?

J.K. Rowling: The Ministry of Magic was freed from corruption, and under Kingsley's leadership, the inequalities that had always lurked there were eradicated.
Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and all, of course, will play a significant role in the restructuring of magical society in their future activities.

Have Lucius Malfoy and all the other escaped Death Eaters returned to Azkaban?

J.K. Rowling: No, the Malfoys got out of trouble again by acting with Harry at the end of the battle, albeit in their own interests.

What happened to Winky then?

J.K. Rowling: She's still at Hogwarts, and she was among the advancing house elves who attacked the Death Eaters in the final battle.

Does Hermione continue to work in the elf rights society, and has the life of the house elves changed for the better?

J.K. Rowling: Hermione began her post-Hogwarts career in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, where she greatly improved the lives of house elves and their brethren. She then transferred (despite her dislike of Scrimgeour) to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, where she was the leading voice for the eradication of oppressive laws that protected only purebloods.

Did Teddy grow up living with his grandma?

J.K. Rowling: Yes, Teddy was raised by Andromeda. But, unlike Neville, who was also raised by his grandmother, Teddy could visit his godfather Harry, all his father's friends from the Order, stay with them.

Could you tell us what professions Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny chose?

J.K. Rowling: Thank you! I already answered about Hermione. Kingsley became permanent Minister for Magic and naturally he wanted Harry to head his new Auror department. Harry agreed (after all, if Voldemort is no more, this does not mean that new dark sorcerers and sorceresses will not appear in subsequent years). Ron began working with George at the Weasley Magic Tricks shop, which became a very profitable business.
After several years as a celebrity player for the Hollyhead Harpies, Ginny left to start a family and become the Daily Prophet's senior Quidditch correspondent!

Were the Deathly Hallows based on some myth or fairy tale from the real world?

J.K. Rowling: Perhaps Chaucer's Pardoner's Tale.

What happened to Luna, did she get married?

J.K. Rowling: She married (somewhat later than Harry and company) a fellow naturalist, grandson of the great Newt Scamander (Rolf)!

Who killed Remus and Tonks? I think, knowing this, I would somehow come to terms with the very sad, but understandable deaths of two of my favorite heroes.

J.K. Rowling: I'm so sorry! On the night of the book release, I met a couple dressed as Lupine and Tonks and felt terribly guilty about signing their books.
Remus was killed by Dolokhov and Tonks by Bellatrix.

What happened to Percy, did he return to his job at the Ministry?

J.K. Rowling: Yes, the new reformed Percy has become a high-ranking official under Kingsley.

Are there still Dementors in Azkaban?

J.K. Rowling: No, definitely not. Kingsley will take care of it.

What happened to all the Dementors, where will they go? Will they be destroyed, and if so, how?

J.K. Rowling: Dementors cannot be destroyed. However, it is possible to limit their numbers by eradicating the conditions in which they breed, such as hopelessness and degradation. However, as I said, the ministry no longer uses them to torment their opponents.

How does George get along without a twin brother?

J.K. Rowling: I don't think George will ever recover from losing Fred, and that makes me very sad. However, he names his first child and son Fred, and he has a very successful career in the future, he is helped by good old Ron.

Will Lockons ever be cured?

J.K. Rowling: No. And I wouldn't want that. He is happy where he is, and I am happier without him!

Has the wizarding world found out that Snape is Dumbledore's man?

J.K. Rowling: Harry made sure that his heroism was known. Although, of course, no one could stop Rita Skeeter from writing Snape: Bastard or Saint?

Is Rita Skeeter still writing?

J.K. Rowling: And who can stop her? I guess she immediately rushed to write a biography of Harry after defeating Voldemort. A quarter of the truth and three quarters of nonsense.

Did Teddy Lupine become a werewolf?

J.K. Rowling: No, he's a Metamorphmagus like his mother.

Are the houses at Harry's Hogwarts the same as they used to be?

J.K. Rowling: Slytherin has changed. Now it is not such a stronghold of pure-blood wizards as it once was. However, his reputation remained the same, hence the fears of Albus Potter.

Which child did Harry give the Marauders map to?

J.K. Rowling: I have a feeling he didn't give it to any of them, but James once stole it from his father's table.

Can Harry speak Parseltongue now that he's no longer a Horcrux?
J.K. Rowling: No, he lost that ability and he's very happy about it.

Was Hermione able to find her parents and restore their memory?

J.K. Rowling: Yes, she brought them home immediately.

Did Hermione really cast the memory spell for her parents as she claimed? 50 pages later, she told Ron that she never used this spell.

J.K. Rowling: Those are 2 different spells. She did not erase the memory of her parents, as she did with Rowley and Dolokhov, she bewitched them so that they would believe that they were other people.

Did Harry and Draco's feud end after Voldemort's death?

J.K. Rowling: Not exactly. There was a reconciliation between them: Harry knew that Draco did not like being a Death Eater and would not have killed Dumbledore. And Draco felt grateful to Harry for saving his life.
But true friendship was impossible. Too much happened before the final battle.

Will the Resurrection Stone ever be found?

J.K. Rowling: I don't think so. I think that he was stamped into the ground by the centaur's hoof when the centaurs went to the aid of the fighting, and buried there forever.

Has Krum met his love?

J.K. Rowling: Yes, of course. But he had to return to his native Bulgaria for this.

Will the story of Harry and his friends appear on chocolate frogs?

J.K. Rowling: Absolutely! And Ron will be especially pleased with that.

How are things going with the Quibbler?

J.K. Rowling: Great! The magazine has returned to its usual state of insanity and is popular for its indescribable humor.

Did the members of Dumbledore's Army keep their coins?

J.K. Rowling: Yes. They became some kind of badges, medals for bravery - proof that the owner was at the center of the battle with Voldemort from the very beginning. I like to imagine Neville showing his coin to enthusiastic students.

Since Voldemort was afraid of death, did he become a ghost? If yes, where does he live? Or is it impossible because of the Horcruxes?

No, he didn't become a ghost. He is forced to exist in that stunted form that we saw at King's Cross.

The family tree of the Potters and the Weasleys; Names of Harry Potter children

General information

Name: Harry James Potter (middle name given in honor of his father, James Potter)
Date of birth: July 31, 1980
Parents: James Potter and Lily Evans Potter
Body type: skinny
Distinguishing marks: lightning bolt scar on forehead, round glasses and a scar on the cheek that appeared after the fourth course
Uncommon Possibilities: Wizard, Wyrmtongue
Studying at Hogwarts: 1991-1997
Faculty: Gryffindor
Favorite Subject: Defense Against the Dark Arts
Quidditch: Seeker (1991-1996)
Wand: Holly and Phoenix Feather, 11" long
Broom: Nimbus 2000 (1991-1993), Lightning (since 1993)
Wife: Ginny Weasley
Children: eldest - James Potter, middle - Albus Severus Potter (named after the last two directors of the Hogwarts school: Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape (in the English version of the book - Snape), the youngest - Lily Potter
Best friends: Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Sirius Black, Rubeus Hagrid, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood


Infancy (1980-1981)

Harry James Potter was born on July 31 (the same day as JK Rowling) 1980 to Lily and James Potter. James Potter's best friend, Sirius Black, became Harry's godfather. Sirius, James and Lily were part of the Order of the Phoenix, a group of wizards who fought desperately against the Dark Lord Voldemort. They were not outnumbered, but continued to fight despite numerous losses. James and Lily managed to escape death at the hands of Voldemort three times.
Before Harry was born, a prophecy was made that at the end of July a boy would be born who would either be able to defeat the Dark Lord or the Dark Lord would kill him. Under the conditions of the prophecy, Harry Potter, born on July 31, and Neville Longbottom, born on July 30, were suitable. Lord Voldemort heard part of the prophecy from his supporter Severus Snape and decided to destroy the child. Voldemort chose Harry as his victim. James and Lily learned that Voldemort planned to kill Harry, and in October 1981 they used the Loyalty Spell to hide from the Dark Lord. Unfortunately, at the last moment, James Potter's best friend Sirius Black convinced the Potters to choose Peter Pettigrew as the Keeper of the Secret, who turned out to be a traitor and spy for Voldemort, and revealed their whereabouts.

On the evening of October 31, 1981, the Dark Lord appeared in Godric's Hollow and attacked them. James tried to protect his family, but died. The Dark Lord was about to spare Lily, but she stood in his way, protecting the child. Then he killed her too. This self-sacrifice of Lily turned out to be a vital circumstance for Harry, as it was an ancient sorcery that protected the child. When Voldemort cast the Avada Kedavra spell and it hit Harry, Lily's sacrificial defenses deflected the spell and reversed it. The reflected spell almost killed Voldemort (knocked out the soul from the body), but left a scar in the form of lightning on Harry's forehead. Thus, Harry stopped Voldemort for several years.
The battle between the Potters and Voldemort turned the house into ruins. The good wizard Albus Dumbledore, director of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, sent the half-giant Hagrid to Godric's Hollow, who managed to save Harry before the Muggles began to investigate what had happened. At the Potter's house, Hagrid unexpectedly met Sirius Black, who asked that Harry be given to him as the boy's godfather. Hagrid didn't agree because he was following Dumbledore's orders. Sirius lent Hagrid his flying motorcycle so that he could take Harry to where the boy would be safe.

Hagrid and Harry were still on the road for the next 24 hours after the incident. Dumbledore apparently provided security on Privet Street. The following evening, Minerva McGonagall met Dumbledore on Privet Street, soon after Hagrid appeared on a flying motorcycle with Harry. The three left Harry at the doorstep of house number 4, the home of Harry's last relatives, Vernon and Petunia Dursley.

A decade of mistreatment (1981-1991)

For the next ten years, Harry's life was filled with abuse and deprivation. His aunt Petunia, sister Lily, and his uncle Vernon were madly in love with their son Dudley, who was pampered in every possible way, and Harry was kept in a closet, fed leftovers, forced to wear Dudley's old clothes, which were much larger in size, yelled at him, insulted and beaten. Dudley mercilessly mocked Harry, using the support of his parents, as well as his physical strength (Dudley was six times larger in size and fat, while Harry was thin and bespectacled).

Three times during these years, the Dursleys were visited by Uncle Vernon's sister, Marge. She took great pleasure in chastising Harry. She gave Dudley expensive gifts and brought something terrible to Harry or forgot about him altogether. She often took her beloved bulldog Sinister with her. When Harry was nine, she let the dog chase the boy up a tree, where he had to stay well past midnight until Marge called the dog away.
In addition, the uncle and aunt decided to suppress the magical beginning in him. They never talked about his true origin. He was told that his parents died in a car accident, and a scar on his forehead appeared from there. The first rule in the Dursleys' house was "don't ask questions." Their goal was to keep Harry subjugated and oppressed in the hope that he would not be able to develop what they considered an abnormal magical aptitude. They sent him to the same school as Dudley, who continued to bully him there as well. Dudley's friends joined in the bullying, and the other students, fearful of Dudley and his friends, avoided talking to Harry.

Despite the efforts of the Dursleys, Harry managed to manifest magical abilities. When one day Aunt Petunia was pissed off by Harry's messy hair and she cut it off with kitchen scissors, Harry woke up the next morning with newly grown hair. On another occasion, Dudley and his buddies were chasing Harry, who suddenly ended up on the school roof. Harry dyed the teacher's wig blue and shrunk Dudley's ugly sweater so he didn't have to wear it. And also, when they went with the whole family to the zoo, he began to talk to the snake and she attacked Dudley from the aquarium. After that, Harry was imprisoned in the closet of the Dursleys' house.
By the age of ten, Harry had grown into a thin, useless boy with eternally disheveled black hair and a narrow face. His eyes, like his mother's, were emerald green. He wore taped glasses that had been broken in constant fights with Dudley. Harry was unusually fast, a knack developed by constantly trying to avoid being beaten by his cousin.

His life changed dramatically in the summer of 1991. Harry Potter began to receive strange letters that frightened his uncle and aunt. They destroyed the letters, preventing Harry from reading them, but the letters continued to come in increasing numbers. In an attempt to avoid the letters, they ended up hiding in a hut on a cliff surrounded by the sea. During the night, during a violent storm, Harry glanced at his sleeping cousin's watch, counting down the minutes and seconds to his eleventh birthday. At the very moment that Harry's birthday arrived, Hagrid burst into the hut, only to be surprised to find that Harry had no idea about his magical origin. Hagrid told the boy all about his past and drove Harry to Diagon Alley on the morning of July 31, 1991 to buy school supplies. A month later, on September 1st, Harry took the Hogwarts Express and arrived at the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. "Hogwarts".

Life at Hogwarts

Harry Potter entered Hogwarts at the age of 11 and spent 6 years there, except for summer holidays. There he found new friends such as Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom, Ginny Weasley and others. He also found new enemies - Draco Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle and Voldemort.

Further fate

After defeating Voldemort, Harry became head of the new Auror department at the Ministry of Magic and married Ginny Weasley. Harry and Ginny have three children: James (oldest), Albus Severus (middle) and Lily (youngest).

The main wizard is doing well, despite the risk of remaining a hostage to one role. But what is there to tell, everyone already knows everything: the guy abruptly left the image of an orphan-wizard, playing in the erotic play "Horse" on Broadway, and then tried a variety of images in the cinema: homosexual writer Allen Ginsberg in "Kill Your Darlings" , the alter ego of Mikhail Bulgakov in Notes of a Young Doctor, a monster in love in the horror movie Horns.

Emma Watson

The disheveled Hermione managed the impossible: to show the world her awakened sexuality as delicately as possible without going into a gap, to graduate at Brown University, not forgetting about her film career, and to launch a global campaign for gender equality He for She, without losing the charm and filming offers from men's magazines . This summer, the psychological thriller "Return" is released, starring Watson, where her character accuses her father of sexual abuse.


Rupert Grint

Freckled red-haired Rupert Grint, who played Harry Potter's unlucky best friend, slowly continues to work in films, not caring about the scale of projects and fees: one of the richest people in the UK can afford it. And together with his best friend from real life, Grint took part in the fashion campaign of the Band of Outsiders brand. By the way, the best friend is written a little lower.

Tom Phelton

Yes, the worst enemies in the script, off the set - do not spill water. Tom Felton, who played the mischievous boy Draco Malfoy, even wears a T-shirt with a declaration of love for Rupert Grint! You can see the matured Draco in the American TV series Murder in the First Degree.

Matthew Lewis

Who exactly surprised everyone was the clumsy Neville Longbottom, or rather, Matthew Lewis who played him. Under the contract, the guy was not allowed to change his appearance during the entire period of filming, and while his colleagues were prettier, he remained the same nondescript mattress who only dreamed of parties with girls. It is not surprising that the guy came off for everyone after the last double. True, the handsome actor’s acting career stalled: Lewis’s last film role was in 2013 in the film Sweet Shop, and the actor appeared on stage in 2012. The drama Me Before You is coming soon, where we can see the updated Matthew in action.

Harry Melling

The Potter minor who played Harry Potter's spoiled cousin tried his hand at TV on Just William five years ago, but he's more into stage acting. Now Melling is busy in the productions of the Royal Theater in Plymouth.

Oliver and James Phelps

The restless Weasley twins, after the completion of filming, stopped dyeing their hair red and walking in pairs, but the guys still continue to work together: this year the drama Hamlet with the participation of the Phelps is released in the cinema.

Bonnie Wright

In 2015, Miss Wright releases four films at once, however, all projects are local and small. The most notable film in Wright's post-Potter career to date is the 2013 science fiction thriller Philosophers: A Lesson in Survival.

Evanna Lynch

Almost all of her youth, actress Evanna Lynch suffered from anorexia, which was helped by the writer JK Rowling, who actively communicated with child actors during filming. In addition to the recovery, the Harry Potter project also gave the actress a new hair color: Evanna did not return to her natural dark shade after filming was completed. This year, in her native Ireland, the actress releases her first film, where she has the main role, My Name Is Emily.

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