Runes of the ancient Slavs and their meaning. Slavic runes: reliable amulets and help from higher powers in all spheres of life


Runes are sacred signs that reflect the connection between man, divine energy and the world, creating from them something indestructible and eternal. In everyday life, the ancient Slavic runes are a system that is similar to the alphabet. They can be combined and even words are obtained from some.

Under these runic symbols, even the uninitiated and far from magic people feel something deeper and more mysterious. After all, this is not just an ordinary method of transmitting information. Today, ancient Slavic runes are used as amulets and are extremely popular as talismans with symbols applied.


Quite often, our distant ancestors used runes as amulets. Their most common use was as follows:

Runes were depicted on amulets or talismans.
Runes were drawn, burned or carved into jewelry, household utensils, weapons and more.
Runic symbols were applied to the skin as tattoos and performed protective functions. They protected a person from all sorts of misfortunes and their consequences.
Slavic symbols were also used in divination. As a rule, a ritual was performed when a question was asked. Then runes were thrown, and their location and meaning was the answer.

Talismans and amulets, tattoos and amulets, divination and rituals - the scope of the ancient Slavic runic symbols was very wide.

It is believed that amulets tattoo, which has a certain meaning, is one of the best defenders from all that is bad. Therefore, special attention has always been paid to their application.

Slavic symbols in the modern world are used not only as amulets, they are also very popular as tattoos. Some make inscriptions - runescripts, not knowing about their meaning. It is not right. After all, it's no secret to anyone that tattoos can change a person's life, both for the better and for the worse. That is why you should be very careful about the body pattern. Before applying a tattoo, you should carefully select the characters, knowing their meaning. Only after that you can make a drawing on the skin.

Iconic symbols that consist of several hieroglyphs (Slavic runes can also be used in them) are called runescripts. If you know the meaning of the runes, you can compose the most suitable runescripts. As a rule, unusual and very beautiful inscriptions are obtained. They carry a special meaning, known only to the person himself, on whose body there is such a tattoo.

Photos and images of our ancestors with tattoos that contained ancient letters and their combinations only confirm this.

Ancient Slavic runes have their own meaning. Each individual symbol and sign can mean something special, and their combination can have an unusual and even complex meaning.

There is

- The Mother Goddess, who is the embodiment of the feminine. It belongs to the keeper of life Zhiva and is considered a female symbol, a sign of motherhood. Suitable for women both as a tattoo and as a charm. Recommended for those who dream of a family and children.


- Husband-God, symbolizing male energy and suitable for representatives of the strong half of humanity. Denotes a man with irrepressible sexual energy. Such tattoos could be used to increase male power.


- good harvest and fertility. These runes denoted a holiday dedicated to a good harvest, which was held by the Slavic peoples. The tattoo can be used to enrich, attract good luck and financial well-being.


- God-trickster, the embodiment of otherworldly forces. It is recommended in order to comprehend your second "I", discover talents, improve intuition and learn to live in harmony.


- a bridge between the worlds. Only the worthy can cross this bridge, which symbolizes all life. And the goddess Rada will help in this by directing a person.


- fire, spiritual development. The meaning of the rune is spiritual growth, development and comprehension of everything new and unknown. It also denotes the sacred fire and the sacrifice that was made to it.


order, life. This symbol is considered a designation of the forces of nature and the structure of the world, dictates the laws by which one should live.


- acceptance of self-restraint. The meaning of the rune is knowledge from limitation, which will help to achieve the goal.


- concentration of power. Such a tattoo will help temper the spirit and prepare for the changes that will be in the near future.


- a twist of fate. Slavic runes Strength represent cyclical processes in the world. They mark the moment when two forces, often opposite, come together and create something special.


– connection with oneself, the universe and nature. Such a tattoo will help you find yourself and move forward.


- energy and management. A strong sign, the meaning of which is power over everything, control of people and nature.


- sacrifice. It symbolizes purification from everything material and unnecessary, connection with the spiritual.


- woman guardian The designation of such symbols is the preservation of the kind of people, their continuation. It is considered a female amulet.


- battle, wind. It is a male symbol of fighters and warriors who can be overtaken by both death and victory.


- the path to the highest goal. Their meaning is as follows: determination of the strength of the clan, its continuation, development, knowledge of oneself and achievement of the goal.


- mother. Symbolizes the feminine, motherhood and the beginning of the family.


- peace, stability and changes for the better, which will have to happen in the near future.

As you can see, Slavic runes can mean almost everything. It is worth using them if a person wants to protect himself from something bad, develop spiritually and follow his goals.

Ancient Slavic runes were very often made of precious metals and stones. They were usually worn around the neck or on the wrist.

Ancient Slavic runes not only protected from various problems and troubles, black exposure or damage. They also attracted good luck and positive events in the life of their owner. That is why their choice should be taken responsibly.

Today, many people are discovering the pagan culture of the ancient Slavs - the Scythians, Lyutichs, Drevlyans and other nationalities. to the traditions and beliefs of the ancestors is not accidental. The connection of people of that time with nature, the energies of the Earth was too strong, which allowed them to live in harmony with the outside world, which is so lacking in modern man.

Old Slavic runes are part of that culture. At one time they were very revered and were used not only as symbols of the alphabet, but also for protection.

The history of the appearance of Old Slavic runes

Historians have not come to a consensus about the time of the appearance of runic writing among the Slavs, but agree that it is as ancient as the Celtic and Etruscan symbols.

For example, the famous German chronicler Titmar of Merseburg, who lived at the end of the 10th - beginning of the 11th century, mentions idols with incomprehensible signs on them when describing the Slavic temple in the lands of the Luticians. Surely he would have recognized the Germanic or Scandinavian runes.

Similar images were described by Ibn El Nedim, an Arab writer who lived in the same period. He mentions the ancient pre-Cyrillic writing, which he found on the gravestones of Slavic burials.

Thus, we can safely say that the oldest alphabet of our distant ancestors was the Old Slavonic runes. If you turn to archaeological finds, you can find out that the ancient masters put runic signs on household utensils. For example, a clay pot found near the village of Voiskovoe, on the Dnieper, contains an inscription of 12 words, for which 6 characters were used. The fact that 3 of them looked like Scandinavian runes suggests that the cultures of these peoples intersected.

The same symbols were found on cult objects from the ancient temple of Radegast, destroyed in the 11th century, belonging to the Polabian (Baltic) Slavs.

It is impossible to perceive the Old Slavonic runes (and their meaning is a direct confirmation of this) solely as signs of writing. Their influence on the life of the ancient pagans was enormous: these symbols were applied to the body, to rune stones, dishes, livestock, idols and other objects important for life and beliefs.

Runic alphabet

This writing has Etruscan and Celtic roots, since these peoples lived next door to the Slavs. In addition to the fact that runes were used for writing, there was a cult according to which these signs were considered sacred, since they were given to people by the gods. Tablets with runes, for example, were placed in burial places, and pebbles with signs applied to them served as amulets.

They were used not only during pagan times, but also after the adoption of Christianity by the Slavic peoples. For example, the rune Algiz was depicted in, since it was considered a strong protection against someone else's witchcraft and the evil eye. To increase its power, multiple images of this symbol could be applied.

To date, 18 runes are known: Peace, Chernobog, Rainbow, Alatyr, Krada, Need, Wind, Strength, Eat, Treba, Bereginya, Lelya, Ud, Rock, Opora, Dazhdbog, Perun and Istok.

Old Slavic runes and amulets with symbols applied to them carried a certain meaning and had power.

Runes - symbols of good

As is customary among almost all ancient peoples, the Slavs believed that good and evil forces ruled the world. Among their gods and goddesses there are both those who help people and take care of them, and those who inspire horror.

Old Slavic runes did not escape the same fate. Among them there are also protections, which include:

  • Runa World symbolizes the Tree of life and the universe. It is also referred to the White God and the person who is his incarnation. The rune resembles or a tree with two branches. Its center is the trunk of the World Tree or the human spine. The rune of Belbog also means family, world order and harmony. In Scandinavian mythology, he corresponds to the god Heimdall, who protects order and the world from chaos.
  • A rainbow means a road that has no beginning or end. As a talisman, it was used in travels for a favorable return, as well as for a positive end to some difficult business. The rune conveys a state on the road that is different from the usual fuss, as if a person is sliding through life between Order and Chaos.

  • Among the ancient Slavs, the word “steal” meant fire, and the rune with that name indicated purification, the disclosure of their plans to the world. For magical purposes, it was used to embody intentions, to get rid of masks and superficial desires. She helped make dreams come true. The symbol of the sign was fire and the verb (“word”).
  • Treba meant sacrifice, without which it is impossible to realize one's desires. It was depicted as an arrow, which indicates that its main direction is purposefulness, like a warrior's desire for victory. It is impossible to reach new heights without sacrificing one's comfort and habits, and this sacrifice must be made by anyone who sets foot on a new Road.
  • The Rune of Power meant the ability to change two worlds - the inner human and through it the outer. The symbol is a warrior, and the magical meaning is unity. A person who lost integrity and connection with nature, with the help of this rune, restored balance in consciousness and cleansed it. Warriors took it with them to return home with victory.
  • Bereginya is a symbol of the Mother Goddess, who is in charge of all living things on Earth and protects her children. On the one hand, it gives the souls that come into the world a new body, but on the other hand, it takes away life, so it can be called a symbol of both life and death.
  • Old Slavonic amulets, runes and their meaning in the life of the ancient pagans is an extremely interesting topic. These characters played a very important role. Belief in the external control of the destinies of people by the gods gave these signs a magical power that helped our ancestors withstand the threat of evil and chaos.

    Runes - symbols of death

    Regardless of the level of development of civilization and the beliefs of people, they have always been afraid of death. The uncertainty that lies behind it terrifies a person. The ancient Slavs had their own myths about the afterlife, and some of the runes are associated with death or fate, from which even the gods cannot hide.

    Old Slavic runes and their meaning associated with evil or death:

    The ancient Slavs conventionally divided the runes into strong and weak ones, and, depending on the situation, they could enhance their effect by repeated repetition.

    The most powerful runes-amulets

    Modern connoisseurs of runes do not fully understand all the nuances of their meanings, as was typical of the Old Slavonic shamans and sorcerers. In those days, faith in their strength was very high among the people, so amulets with runic signs were especially popular.

    They were made of stones, silver, wood or gold, runic symbols were embroidered on shirts, women wove ribbons with them into braids. The most popular were amulets, which depicted Old Slavic runes (photos of some of them are presented in the article), associated with wealth, prosperity, health and keeping the family hearth.

    Among them, the strongest were:

    To some extent, the modern descendants of the ancient Slavs adopted the traditions of their ancestors to use runes to protect themselves from problems or to attract wealth, love or success into their lives. Some of them use amulets, and some make tattoos. Old Slavic runes are not a tribute to fashion, but a deep connection with the Family for those who were able to reveal it in themselves.

    Home, family and property protection

    Knowledge of one's kind, honoring the memory of ancestors and the family were very important in the life of the ancient Slavs. They knew well where and from whom their family descended, and passed on this knowledge to subsequent generations. The rituals associated with burial, the birth of a person, were largely associated with natural energies that people used to repose the dead or protect newborns.

    The ancient Slavs in this matter are very similar to the Chinese, who understood the importance of the correct flow and distribution of qi energy. Old Slavic runes, properly charged, had a magical property to harmonize the external and internal space. Some of them were used to protect the hearth, to protect family well-being, the birth of beautiful and healthy children, the possibility of procreation. These include:

    Here they are so interesting and multifaceted - Old Slavonic amulets, runes and their meaning. Tattoos with them are one of the most popular among modern people, since the well-being of the family is as important for them as it was for their ancient ancestors.

    Runes from the evil eye and damage

    Ancient Slavic magicians were able not only to use runes to create protective amulets, but also to make spells from them. Superstitious people at all times are afraid of someone else's envy, damage and the evil eye. A properly made amulet can have not only protective functions, but also neutralize the negative sent to a person.

    For example, to protect the witches used:

    The ancient Slavs sincerely believed that their dead ancestors could protect them and help them in difficult times. The combination of powerful symbols in one drawing greatly increased its charge. You can do the same in our time, having studied the Old Slavonic runes and their meaning. A tattoo of several symbols will not only create powerful protection, but will also attract good luck or wealth.

    Rune divination

    Today you will find few people who could interpret runes as well as the sorcerers and magicians of antiquity did. One of the ways to find out your fate or just get advice on how to act in a given situation was fortune telling on Old Slavic runes.

    Depending on how they fell out, which side the sign lay on, its meaning changed, and a good rune could turn out to be bad. Knowledgeable sorcerers of those times helped people avoid problems or warned them of possible danger. Modern magicians know only the basic meanings of runes in divination, for example:

    • The rune Alatyr could mean the beginning of a new business or an upcoming road.
    • The Rainbow symbol meant a successful outcome of something.
    • If during fortune-telling a Need fell out, then a person was expected to have obstacles in business, ruin or even death.
    • The rune of Krada foreshadowed that a person had to bring something to life, but for this he needed to clear his mind.
    • When the Force fell out, it meant that a person would find the right solution for his situation.
    • Rune Wind personified the creative essence of man and indicated that time should be taken to reveal one's potential.

    These are far from all interpretations of the Old Slavonic runes, since even the sequence of their fallout could give new options for the development of events in the fate of a person. Sometimes they used Old Slavonic (runes) to search for treasures. Since the ancient pagans believed that the hidden treasures were protected by spells, they made conspiracies and special combinations of runes, which were supposed to not only lead the treasure hunter to the right place, but also save his life.

    Runes in tattoo

    Today it is becoming fashionable to use Old Slavonic runes and their meaning in tattoos. Those who decide to use their protective power should be very careful, because without knowledge and faith in their power, this - at best - will be just a drawing on the skin, and at worst, the opposite effect may be obtained.

    It was the faith of people that endowed the runes with power, because each of them was associated with a specific god, for example:

    • Rune Wind symbolized Veles, who transferred the souls of the dead to the kingdom of Marena.
    • The Beregini sign was associated with Makosha, the goddess of the earth and harvest.
    • The rune Ud is Yarilo.

    It was faith in these gods and goddesses that endowed the runes with powerful energy. The ancient Slavs painted them on the body as protection from dark forces or to attract good luck. Similarly, today people should use the Old Slavonic runes. A tattoo, backed up by knowledge of their meaning and faith in the ancient gods, will be a real talisman for its wearer.

    How to make a rune-amulet

    It makes no sense to buy a ready-made amulet, but if it is not possible to make it yourself, then you should at least properly charge the purchase. To do this, it must be washed in running clean water, then held over the fire of candles, put in salt for a day, and then fumigated with incense. So all 4 elements will give the amulet their strength.

    The next stage is the transfer of one's energy to the amulet with a prayer to a god or goddess, which the rune symbolizes. Asking for help or protection endows him with mighty power.

X-Aryan runes. (Karuna)

    What? Sound value: "K". Figurative meanings: At the beginning of words, as an explanation of what the subsequent Runes carry. At the end of words indicates the similarity to someone (something). For example: " Ka-Schey- accommodating Agni (Spirit, energy of Fire) Shchurov Is Yog (connecting his Kin to the community)". Cossack- also containing in itself, but Zelo (strong, from Arsh - the earthly beginning, similar to this) Zelo strong Agni, i.e. with the power of the spirit. Everything depends on the Goal.

    Be! Sound value: "B". Figurative meaning: "There is." Being in that present, in which one or another Human Being or another form of the Essence lives. The form of the existence of Time.

    Lead Sound value: "B". Figurative meaning: "Know Wisdom". To know something, to know the origins of the 3 worlds: P-Ra-Vedas(Path of Ra Know) from the world of Rule and various True(from the essence of mud - impure or not our Truth) of the worlds Nav and Naf in the World of Reveal. Displays the desire for knowledge of something unknown until now and unknown before.

    Voice Sound value: "G". Figurative meaning: "Verb". Saying P-Ra-Vedas, guidance on the path Ra- Light coloured. Knowing with the word P-Ra-Ved-Na-Go(Our from Go- the heavenly cow Zimun and Roda). Foreshadowing and prediction is the voice of God. They only speak the truth, but Beireshut the Grays and the Jews tell falsehood.

    Good Sound value: "D". Figurative meaning: "Acts of Light". Material acquired by honest labor Wealth. And so are spiritual values ​​in the form of knowledge and the acquisition of Wisdom, which causes respect from others. And also, the inheritance from the ancestors of the Kin, acquired by them by honest work and Life Experience in any Business or Craft in the form of the Wisdom of the Ancestors of a particular Kin. It is no coincidence that the Father, seeing the success of his child and skill in business, says to him: "Good!"

    Life Sound value: "Zh". Figurative meaning: "Irradiation". Energy passing through Truid:"Reveal, Nav, Rule." Forms of the creator-Navo of creativity and Essences - Living. Radiance is a particle of the Life-giving light of Ingle — the Energy of the Suns and Stars, which Creates (Materializes) Life through "Photosynthesis". From Vyri Ne-bes-Navo Pro-reveal(manifestation), as well as from Cosmo-Navi(Slavi or Nafi) essences of certain Life Forms from Mothers at Rod- Matter. As well as the manifestation of the Energy of these forms of entities through the senses: "Creativity, Militancy, Aggression, Love", etc.

    Heat Sound value: "Z". Figurative meaning: Exceeding the norm, various forms of Energies. Burning and sizzling. For example: "The energy of the Yarila-Sun, which turns the Earth into a desert" or electromagnetic storms that affect the well-being of People and Man. As well as the bioenergetic power of the separate Navo Mage-Sorcerer(Parapsychologist, Psychic), Therapist's Manual Navo, or a withering look in moments of anger.

    Les Sound value: "L". Figurative meaning: Many forms of existence of Life in the Genus (in Nature). The forest of hands, the forest is not visible for the trees. Forms of entities manifested in the world of Reveal (on the Earths and Moons, i.e. "Plant and Animal World, Reasonable (Human) and smart humanoids(humans and nonhumans), Essences, as well as Microorganisms".

    World Sound value: "M". figurative meaning: "Peace"— State without War. And also the Community in the World, the community of People, the Human Society, the Common mindless entities— non-humans, populations of the animal world — the creatures of God, the Plant World, Microorganisms and Minerals according to the classification of Species and Forms in the Universe Universe.

    Hope Sound value: "N". Figurative meanings: Waiting for the News, striving for something better. Mental state of foreboding: "Happiness or trouble" with the hope of a better future.

    Path Sound value: "P". Figurative meaning: "Road". The desire to move towards a specific (indicated or intended) goal, which each entity has its own, but the way for the Family, the Community and the nation as a whole, indicated by the spirits of the Ancestors of the Family - the Gods. The goal is dictated by certain conditions of existence, the genetics of the Essence and the impulses of the Soul of this Essence at the subconscious level.

    Rat Sound value: "R". Figurative meaning: "A mighty and bright army." It can assemble at any moment and from many Communities on the basis of Spirits-Navo unity (Genetic Kinship) and Dushev-Navo impulse in the face of imminent danger. The host gathers on the basis of mutual understanding and a sense of mutual assistance. "Advoke"- means: "Pay attention, there is danger!"

    Word Sound value: "S". Figurative meaning: "Method of transmission and exchange of information." And also - a means of communication and materialization of ideas. This happens with the help of: "Mouth, gestures, signs" (i.e., mental images) and Bukovitsy (capital and printed). In these ways, information can be conveyed to Human children, people and others in the form of: P-Ra-Vedas, (or Krivdy- lies) orally and through narratives (Artistic works, leaflets, Tales, epics, etc.). The Word of the P-Ra-Veda inscribed on anything Keeps Wisdom, the thoughtless clogs the Consciousness.

    Firmly Sound value: "T". Figurative meanings: "The firmament, the Creator, the statement." Spiritual strength, fortitude of character and mental balance. The ability to assert something, create and create. "The word is firm! Said - done!" What Our Ancestors Said.

    Fan Sound values: "F" and "N". Figurative meaning: "Outcast". Exile from the Family, Community, Emigrant from some country. Hermit- solitary, solitary. Aristophanes- a descendant of the exiled Navo, an outcast. Release of any unnecessary energy into the environment. fan-tan(fountain) - scatters water.

    hina Sound value: "X". Figurative meaning: "Trinity". Something 3-dimensional. sphere or figure. 3 Moons, 3 Earths of the Yarila-Sun system, once inhabited Swa-Ta-Rasoy(Ne-bes-Navo Creator Agni) - White ancestors of Our Family and Go- Not-pos-noy cows Zimun. 3rd from Yarila-Sun Earth Midgard, 4th - Earth Ouray(Mars) and the 4th Day - Svarog, which died ~ 153 thousand years ago with the Moon Letitsa during the Great Assa, leaving the Asteroid Belt.

    Target Sound value: "C". Figurative meaning: "The aspiration point of the Dream." To some conscious form of perfection, guiding along the Path of Life - to the object of aspiration. It is a stimulator of Spirits-Navo of ascent and gives strength to the Soul in the form of Willpower.

    trait Sound value: "h". Figurative meanings: "Border, Edge or Hall." The boundary through which it is impossible to pass without permission, between the States. 1 of the 16 Halls of the Stars-Navo of the sky is an invisible feature; boundary dividing private property. Devils- entities that cross the line of allowed-navo.

    expanse Sound value: "Sh". Figurative meaning: "The Expanse of the Earth - Horizon". The infinity of space on all four sides, as far as the gaze around it encompasses - the horizons of the essences of the Earth. The breadth and depth of the flight of thoughts and dreams. As well as the breadth and depth of perception of the Human Soul.

    Shchur Sound value: "Sh". Figurative meaning: "Ancestor of the Family". Sort Head, who left in memory of himself "Name of the Family"- Surname. The image of this Ancestor affects the Spirit and how the Symbol (Artifact) has a secret - Sacred effect on the behavior of a Human, Lyudin, Humanoid ( Gu-Man-Aida, i.e. non-human), etc. It may be very Ancient or not very.

    Pra Sound values: "P" and "Pr". Figurative meaning: "Ancestor of the Genus Ancient Shchura". Many Clans of the Sva-Ta-Race - Pra-Schur, in the aggregate, Koye-Go are revered for God! The same Image of the Event during the Pra-Epoch, which happened a long time ago and has sunk into oblivion, but which is the forerunner of modern events.

    Fash Sound values: "F" and "O". Figurative meaning: "Flame". The Earthly Path through Agni is Revealed to the World. The fire that destroys everything around itself - Plasma(The path Lan earth-navo Agni, Zelo strong-navo Miru Eun-ra is the essence of the energy of creation through purification), this fire is emitted by thermonuclear sources: "Rockets, bombs, Fash - Laser-beam weapons, etc.", hitting enemies ! In addition, Fash is the essence of a fiery idea that kindles a fire in the hearts of the masses of the people. Fashi- bundle (bundle) of arrows. Fash-ism (Fashio- an ideological Group of like-minded people) - a fiery Community.

    Ma-Ra Sound values: "M" and "K". Figurative meaning: "Marena". The world of Anti Ra - the light opposing - Other world. Madder- Hall of M-Ra-Ka - Fox (Navi) Patroness, as well as: "Winter, Night and Death", is in charge of the transition from Life to Death (from Reveal to Navi) and vice versa - the rebirth of souls from Navi (into a new incarnation) . The runic sign is "Black Colo-Gate", and the Artifact of the Hall is .

    b-ha Sound values: "B" and "Bh". Figurative meaning: "Not-Besnaya Harmony". The state of the Spirit at the moment of time - Navo of reincarnation in Mir Navi (Ni-RV-Any). The moment of connection with the Cosmos is Bezhestven-Navo from-Blood-Niya (direct connection). Visions of the Past and Future-Go in a dream or in a state of Meditation.

    Mir Sound value: "M". Figurative meaning: "Universe". The Meta-Galaxy in the entire Trinity of the universe: "Reveal-Nav-Right" with all its Manifested and unmanifested structures and the combination of Light Ra-M-Ha with Darkness Great Something.

    vita Sound values: "B" and "V". Figurative meaning: "Phyto" is a separate form of life. Enclosed in a certain shell or Structure, in isolation from external influences - Phyto. By itself, a living hermit, or an individual floating in the clouds. For example: Vitamin- a special food product in a shell. Or "Vitaly"- an individual hovering in the clouds, the Dreamer.

    Wait Sound values: "Ж" and "Жд". Figurative meaning: "Fast in anticipation." Temporary rest. The state when no action is taken, temporary fading in anticipation of something, changes in time.

    Jiva Sound values: "D" and "J". Figurative meaning: "Virgo". Giving the Beginning of Life from the Image of the Spirit and the Blood of the first husband in her womb. The Mother of God Jiva bestows a living soul at the first stage, before the transformation from birth in the womb, in a bodily shell, to the birth into the world of the Children of the Kin of Swa - the White Race.

    Nav Sound value: "N". Figurative meaning: "3-Dimensional Structure". Located between the World of the Highest Gods - Vyriem and Yavu of the Earth. Glory– The World of the Souls of Our Departed Ancestors – Guardian Legs, the soul of the incorporeal - Spirits of light: "Houses, Bannikov, Leshih, Mermaids", etc. Naf(where nafik is sent, betraying A-Nafe-Me), Dusk(The Essence of Joy to the World of Ra - Light of Kako - a similarity) The soul of immortals, weighed down by earthly vices, but having a chance in a subsequent Reality Earthly(in the body shell) through trials (Rock of Fate) to correct the sins of the past Life (perhaps not one); this world Soul Nafan— Dark An-Gelov(Anti - against the Voice There is a Forest - essences from Vyriya outcasts). It: " poltergeist lamb(noisy spirits) Leshaki(Similar Leshim— The forest is the essence Shi- energy Source - Yogi incorporeal), Ki-ki-mora- the stuttering of nature - Echo in the forest, which leads the lost aside from the Path (to Death) to the Waterman in the Swamp - Tin. inferno- the kingdom of Viy (Pluto), where little Dushonki die in the undead, in hell Ogneva(From the Wrath of God Viy in the rotting of a corpse in the ground, and the soul, if sinful, goes to the hell of the world - the Earth of Viy-Pluto.) burns out in timelessness.

    G-ha Sound values: "Г" and "Гх". Figurative meaning: "Spiritual love." Love is pure — as a High manifestation of the feeling of Soul attraction and Spiritual intimacy. Love for the Motherland, Fatherland, Mother, etc. Youthful love.

    Summer Sound value: "L". Figurative meaning: "A period of time equal to 365/369 days." * - This sign is used when a Numeric value is indicated after some Runes. Summer - the essence of the unit of calculation is defined-Navo cycle: "Summer of the Svarog Circle = 16; Summer of the Circle of the Elements = 9; Life (16 × 9); 1/4 of the Svarog Circle: "Morning, Day, Evening and Night of Svarog" = 6480 years ; 1/16 of the Svarog Circle - Hall = 1620 years, etc."

    Thinking Sound value: "M". Figurative meaning: "Duma". The ability to perceive and comprehend information, both explicit and cosmic. Thought— The heavenly world, it governs the Mental, Spiritual and physical potential of thinking entities: "People, non-humans and Man." It leads to their spiritual perfection.

    Our Sound value: "N". Figurative meaning: "Nation". Particle of the Genus or Tribe without admixture of genetically foreign-Rod-Navo Blood-mixing. Na-Rod- pure Our Rod! U-Rod- under the protection of the Family, i.e. Firstborn in the family Child(Child of Fire that gives birth to life in the womb), Son or Daughter. Yu-Rod- Foolish, unclean Rod, Semite or Mutant, born in an incestuous marriage with foreigners. It can be Ours in terms of a Profession or a Group of People, Humans or other entities.

    rule Sound values: "P" and "Pr". Figurative meaning: "The Path of Ra to Know". The Milky Way, through which the Soul of a Man-Veche goes into immortality Glory(Glory - the World of the Ancestors of the Family, in Navi) and in Vyry Heavenly - in the Rule. From there, the essences of Our-Go Kin and Heavenly Karova Zimun Prove-Reveal. P-Ra-Veda- Kon, Foundations of the Ancestors of the Family - Absolute Right-Yes. The radiance of S-P-Ra-Ved-Livo-Sti emanating into Reality from the World of the Gods in the form of Just-Go Retribution!

    Re-Che Sound values: "R" and "Re". Figurative meaning: "Talk". Alien speech and distorted (adverb), with the help of which a foreigner communicates in his circle or with others (with an accent). Our Ancestors asked the stranger: "Whose language?" From this came the concept "Language"- A pagan who speaks in another language or another faith. There is also a concept: "Narech"- Give a different name (communal or secret). Adverb- part of a single Genus of a language that differs in accent from the main one. For example: "The Commonwealth - Lyudova"- a mixture of Red Russ - Glades, descendants of Ants with Evichs ("Jews"), and after that they split up and began to speak themselves: "Lithuanians and Lyakhs (Poles)".

    sword Sound values: "M" and "S". Figurative meanings: "Power" and "Strength". The unity of energies: "Soul, Spirit and Body", manifested in the single Will of the People. Protection and Bleeding of the Gods - the Ancestors of the Family in the defense of the Fatherland from the thieves! Lightning - heavenly swords of the Gods - Warriors of the Military: "Perun, Indra, Odin, Stribog, etc." all 30 warriors of the Warriors, with which the Swords are forged by "Fire-God - Semargl" - the Heavenly Smith!

    Tarkh Sound value: "T". Figurative meaning: "Dazhd-God Tarkh Perunovich". Save the Sort of Swa-Ta-Rasa. Giving his Blood-Blood to the Children of Svarog and the All-God Kind of Heaven-bes-Navo. He is the son of Perun and the grandson of Svarog. Giving also Rain, so that the Harvest be rich. Glory to God!

    Tri-Glav Sound values: "T" and "Tr". Figurative meanings: "Union of three Gods", "number 3". Large and small Triglavs. Triglavs of the 3 Worlds: "Reveal, Nav and Rule" - the Highest Gods-Blood-Blood-Tells: "Ramha, Rod and Vyshen - P-Ra-Vi; Svarog, Veles and Sventovit - Navi, etc." Small Three-Heads - patrons of the periods of Time of Years: "Winter, Spring and Autumn". There are also concepts: "Triple Alliance"- Coalition of 3 states, Christian Trinity, Three B-Ra-Ta, etc.

    Rod Sound value: "R". Figurative meaning: "Unknown Essence". Beginning in any Genus of thinking Essences: "Human, Of people(Yudoli Lan) Gu-Man-Aidov(undead Humanoids of the Gray essences) and other non-humans of the Dark Cosmo-Navi. "Different Clans have a different, genetically, Structure of the Body and the Image of the Spirit and Blood, which almost does not allow Incest. There are other concepts of the Genus: "In the classification of plants, animals and etc." And also in the Social and Professional plan-structure: "Rich and poor, Spiritual hierarchy - class, Occupation (related professions)", etc.

    God Sound meanings: "B" and "L-th Sign". Figurative meaning: "Blood-Tell". Indicates something original (b-sign) at the end of words. God is the essence of the Wise First Ancestor of the Genus, Patronizing in the Image of the name of the Genus (Surname) as the Spirit of the Ancestor. And also through the Patron: "Triglav Worlds (Reveal, Navi and Rule), Elements, Lands, territories (in which a particular Genus lives), Professions, etc."

    Reader Sound values: "Thu" and "Ch". Figurative meaning: "Reader". Aloud speaking Wisdom written on something. In the Santies of the Veda, in the Tablets-Manuscripts, Stone, books, etc. This is the image of the Priest, Tolmacha(Interpreter of Wisdom), a Teacher giving a lesson or a lecture at a school, college, university, etc.; or a Sexton in a Church, a Rabbi in a Synagogue, a Mullah in a Mosque, etc.

    Shield Sound values: "U" and "O". Figurative meanings: "Charm" or "Protection". The force that repels an attack - Aggression, attack the forces of Darkness in the form of "corruption or Dur-Navo eyes." A circle that personifies security (if it is possible) in harmony with the surrounding World.

    Priest Sound values: "Ж" and "Жр". Figurative meaning: "Priest". The Servant of the Cult is Ra, or Lun-Navo or Sataninskavo. Knowing about the Canons of Eternal Life - Cult-Ra, Sveta; or the frailty of being death-Navo own, cultivating fear of Go-with-pod- Go is similar in essence (Satan, Yahweh, Yehovah, who has many names, but the essence is one - Black God), but also "Calli Ma"- the goddess of the Black Mother.

    Earth Sound value: "Z". Figurative meaning: "Heavenly Body". Revolving around the Luminaries - the Sun or the Star in orbit, according to the Canons of the All-World-Navo Gravity - G-Ra-Vitation. The Luminaries, giving light to these Earths, generate Life depending on the range of the Spectrum-Ra radiation and Geo-Logies(composition of the Earth's Crust) Lands. Earth - Mother (Matrix of the Universe).

    Reality Sound values: "I" and "Z". Figurative meaning: "The world in three dimensions". In which Time rules, which flows like a River - the River of Time. The World of Physical Embodiment of Souls in Body Shells: "Microorganisms, Minerals, Plants, Animals" - Creatures created in the Genus: "People, Inhumans, Humans and aces- Super-Man-of Ages. "This World is in the entire Cosmo-Navi inside, on the Earths where the Suns and Stars shine. What are the conditions of existence, such is life in this Reveal.

    Dream Sound value: "S". Figurative meaning: "Ne-Ga". Absence of Movement on the physical plane. An altered state of the Soul and manifestations of the Spirit — bodily rest (Peace). The state of restoration of strength and the transfer for this time of the Soul to the other World of Navi (Naf or Slav).

    A business Sound value: "D". Figurative meaning: "Labor". Creative or destroying Harmony by evil deeds, depending on the Essence, which creates deeds. During deeds, the essence is guided (controlled) by inspiration, which visits this or that essence and Inspires the Image of what needs to be Created. What matters is from which Navi the image is cast - Light or Dark.

    Trouble Sound value: "B". Figurative meaning: "Bad". Violation of the integrity of Being, damage or damage to something. Bodies - physical death due to an injury or illness that caused a stop during the time of life in the World of Reveal. As well as a change in the form of thinking on thinking- dementia.

    As Sound value: "A". Figurative meaning: "Super-Man". Manifestation into physical life Talented Essence- Master-Ra own-Go business with enhanced abilities and capabilities. The mission in its incarnation - the Messenger of the Gods for a specific Purpose, from the Higher Worlds of Navi - "Glory" and P-Ra-Vee- The World of Our Gods - Ancestors.

    There is Sound value: "E". Figurative meaning: "To be". Pro-Reality is currently being, in due time, a specific entity. It points to the inviolability and manifestation, to what this essence carries in itself - the Genetic Beginning through the Image of the Spirit and Blood.

    Inta Sound value: "I". Figurative meaning: "Union". The totality of Spiritual Energies aimed at comprehending the Canons of the Universe Ra-M-Ha (Light, Materialized-Navo by the Spirit) by the Energy of the Creator of Our Universe — the Meta-Galaxy.

    Yoga Sound value: "Y". Figurative meaning: "Eujism". The receptacle of Wisdom at the level of the ability to unite the Rodoviches of the Family around oneself with the Energy of one’s own Spirit-Go with the aim of: "Rat" - gather-Rat to repulse the enemy or orphans in an orphanage in order to save them from hunger and equip them like Baba Yo-Ga. This essence is Super-Human, possessing the ability of Energy penetration between the Worlds in meditation in order to achieve Harmony and Peace between the Worlds. Yogi is also able to quickly restore his health.

    On Sound value: "Oh". Figurative meaning: "Leader". Elder of the Family; one who has the wisdom to lead; Chief, Commander, etc. Floating ahead on the river of time, able to foresee and ahead of relatives in terms of knowledge (and perfection). Respected and recognized Authority.

    Joy Sound value: "U". Figurative meaning: "Control action". Energy directed-Navo influences the processes of Positive-Navo properties. The movement of change towards a better state by some action.

    Agni Sound values: "Ag" and "O". Figurative meaning: "Fire". The Sacred Fire of the Home-Go of the Hearth of the Sva-Ta Race and the Sacred-Navo Fire of Vital Energy, which was in the very Chel and the Body of the Man-Century. Immune system- in fact, the Amulet, struggling with ailments, ailments. Its strength depends on the purity of the Image of the Spirit and Blood - the purity of the Race or the Genus-Tribe of the other, to which the essence belongs.

    Ingle Sound values: "I" and "O". Figurative meaning: "Life gives birth to Light." Part of the Energy of Ra-M-Ha (Ra - Light Materializing Ha - Spirit and Souls) - the Creator of the Universe, which is manifested by the Light of Suns and Stars as the Primary Fire of the Universe. It is said in the Book of Light: "... from His inexpressible Smile, many Worlds in the Universe were Born". Further, many forms of Life originated in these Worlds.

    This Sound values: "E" and "Et". Figurative meaning: "Likeness". Something similar in Essence, but different in form and manner, having a difference, temporary or Structural(Moral-physical and Genetic). For example: "Et-Ruski"— similar to the Rus, but with altered genetics and morality due to the conditions of Existence that have changed on Mid-Gard by genetic incest with aliens.

    Yur Sound values: "Yu" and "Yur". Figurative meaning: "Yu-Rod". Something twisted for the worse. That which has undergone modification (refraction), i.e., fundamentally wrong and inferior in strength and possibilities of manifestation in life. For example: "Descendant of the Family, subjected to incest." "Outcast from the Family" - a congenital patient and disabled person who has a physical handicap, often with mental disorders, as well as a "fool in Christ" - Christian.

    Ash Sound meanings: "I" and "Yas". Figurative meaning: "The sacred tree of the Universe." One of the 3 Trees: "Ash, Oak, Ash". Structure Ye-Ra-Ar-Khi-I(The source is - being from Ra - Light, on Ar– Land of original Navo residence Ha- The Soul and Spirit of the Ancestors of the Clan), depending on the purity of the Clan - on which the health of the Clan, Caste, which indicates professional affiliation and estate, depends.

    Doe Sound values: "L" and "La". Figurative meaning: "Lono". The surface of something: "Earth or Territory on the terrain in which this or that Genus, tribe, people originally lived or lives", i.e. the Land of the Ancestors, where some Genus lived or lives ( Vaterland- Fathers Land), where the family estates, pastures, forests, fields and villages (Asgard, Grads, Skits and Skufs) are located. Besides "D-Lan"(Palm) - the surface of the hand, the word False also has the original image of "Doe", since this is a superficial display (with a hint) of the P-Ra-Veda (Truth), for example: "A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it ..."

    G-Ha-Ra Sound value: "Gh". Figurative meaning: "Teacher of Wisdom." Spiritual movement, Mentoring, carrying knowledge of the highest Mood-Ra-Stee- Spirituality, with the aim of passing them on to the next generation, the New (incarnated from Navi) Initiates. The person who can teach them meditation(i.e. the ability to travel through time) and Levitation(the ability to move in space) means to plunge into the past and the Future, to see the events already taking place and still to come.

    Arsh Sound values: "A" and "Ar". Figurative meaning: "Measure". Metric display of something: "Length, Width, Area and Height" in volumetric and schematic terms, 3-dimensional measurement of the World of Reveal - in mundane and everyday terms. And also: "The Life-Giving Feminine Beginning" - the Earth as the Mother in the Family, the Wife - the Woman, i.е. Life-bearing beginning, koya Will give birth (Mate-Re-Alizes like flesh) children to the Family of the Husband. Husband- Peace of Joy and Steady. He is like the Sun, giving birth to Life on Mid-Gard Earth with the Life-giving Light of England, in the womb of a Wife. "b" - God's Beginning Pubis own-Go.

    Spruce Sound values: "E" and "O". Figurative meaning: "The Highly Wise Supreme God." The one who carries (embodies) the Pure (white) Image (Face). Energy structure of the Universal Ra-Z-Mind. Worlds: "Rule and Glory" - Our God-Ancestors. On the Earth plane: "The Highly Wise Elder of the Family". It is no coincidence that Christians came up with a ritual: "On the day of the circumcision of Christ ( New Year)" sacrifice (chopped with an ax) Spruce- The Sacred Tree, the personification of the Highest Wisdom.

    Iriy Sound values: "I" and "Ir". Figurative meaning: "Pure". Immaculate, the source of Pure Light, the name of the Sacred Slavic-Aryan River, flowing in Belovodie. Ir-Tish- Iriy the Quietest (Irtysh is still called). Irination— Pure Love in the highest sense, i.e. fusion of the physical, mental and spiritual for life. Name "Irina" means physically healthy, purebred and loving.

    Source Sound values: "I" and "Is". Figurative meaning: "Truth" (From the Essence of TINA). Dogma, Axiom, someone else's P-Ra-Veda, which do not require Proofs. Something invariable in other Essences from the Gods and their Ancestors. Truth is given to other Clans from its Source, for us it is not pure (from mud) P-Ra-Veda, because we have our own Source. Each Genus at the level of genetic memory is given its own!

    Father Sound values: "O" and "From". Figurative meaning: "Patron of the descendants of the Family." Spiritual mentor in X-Ra-Me of the Gods; Confessor- Souls of the Blood-Tel, accepting confession; Elder(One Step above the others in the community, but the second after Spirits-Navo of Yog's mentor and the energy of Blood-Body); The one who is responsible for his children in the family, the cells of the Community of the Family - the Father or the Tate. In general, the one who is responsible to the Ancestral Gods for those who are Blood-Blooded.

    stand up Sound values: "U" and "K". Figurative meaning: "Kon". The Canon of Genesis is unshakable P-Ra-WILO, the fact that the Path of Ra Knows the Source of the Lan - the land of the Ancestors of the Fathers Image. Usta-V- that which the Mouths Know, as accepted as a basis, in the traditions and Customs of the Ancestors and provides for the norm of behavior in the process of communicating with their relatives and foreigners. Charters of different nations have their own and come from the Foundations of life, Canons and Traditions of their Kin-Tribe. It is not in vain that Wisdom says: "Do not go into a strange monastery with your Charter!" Even individual Communities have their own statutes - Established norms of life, based on the Canons of Rita and Kopnoy Law - the Testaments of the Gods-Ancestors of the Sva Clan (Orthodox Slavic Communities). In the Army, the Charter helps to observe strict Discipline and maintain strict Order.

    Eun-Ra Sound value: "Y". Figurative meaning: "Energy of Creativity". One of the manifestations of the Life-Giving Light of England is the Creator-Navo of the Beginning. The source of the radiation of the Life Energy is that which Radiates and Creates — the Energy of the Creator-Tel-Navo of Creativity.

    Vyriy Sound value: "B". Figurative meaning: "Ra-Y-Sky Garden". The Abode of the Gods in the World of P-Ra-Vi, where the Souls of the Dead rush, P-Ra-Motherland, after they arrived in Nav and Yav - Midgard-Earth, in the Physical incarnation.

    Rita Sound value: "R". Figurative meaning: "The Canon of the Purity of the Image of Spirit and Blood". Code of Canons and P-Ra-vil established by our Ancestral Gods. P-Ra-Vila, allowing you to keep the Blood of the Genus Pure, which means that the offspring are healthy. This Kon does not allow entering into a marriage union with genetically alien entities similar to White humanity, especially with subhuman ones, as well as with close Relatives: "Parents, brothers or sisters." RITA- Sort Source Firmly keep Agni!

    Ur Sound values: "U" and "Ur". Figurative meaning: "Wilderness"."Where is the Forest and the Dol, full of visions", where is the virgin nature, where the Harmony of the Family is not violated, fertile soil, forests and pastures, there are no Skete and Settlements(large human settlements). Ur-man- Zamorochny Forest or a territory where harmony is broken under Rod.

    Yu-Ga Sound value: "Yu". Figurative meaning: "Cycle of Time". A period in the reckoning within any limits of the Cosmic scale, consisting of many Periods of the Years of a Human life. For example, starting from the cycles: "6480 years - Ut-Ra, Day, Evening and Night (Kali-Yuga) of the Svarog Circle, 25920 years - Svarog Circle, the rotation cycle of the Yarila-Sun around the center galaxies(Constellations), and more".

    Swa Sound meanings: "Sva", "Sv". Figurative meaning: "Not a demon." A place where there is no demon. Beyond the Earth's Atmosphere - Worlds of Bright Suns - Glory(Light Cosmic Nav). The worlds of our Ancestors, where immortal souls go - Swa-R-Ga(Heavenly Rati Ga - movement) Pure, i.e. "Milky Way".

    Anta Sound values: "A" and "An". Figurative meaning: "Anti". Against something, opposition, opposition to something. Forces of Light - the forces of darkness, enemies, the location of something opposite. Ant Lani- land (mainland) Antov Atlantis opposite Aeneas(Europe). In the political plane of being: "Jews against Russ" - Anti-Russian (Russophobic) sentiments, or Russ against Semites - Anti-Semites.

    Aina Sound value: "Ay". Figurative meaning: "Exclamation of Ra-Dosti". Reflects the emotions of the Light Plane in the sense: "Wonderful, great," when it's better not to.

    Aris Sound value: "Ar". Figurative meaning: "Direct Descendant". The one who leads the genealogy directly from the Source of the Family, from some well-known Family - Aristocrat. And also the receiver to something or someone.

    Aus Sound value: "Ay". Figurative meaning: "Calling hearing". The signal of someone who got lost in the forest or those who are looking for him. And also, the appeal: "Listen to what I'll tell you!"

    Eor Sound meanings: "Eo" and "Or". Figurative meaning: "Something that introduces a limitation." Dividing, sowing discord between something or someone. Sets boundaries in relationships. Ustoy - in the relationship between relatives and foreigners, in communities. The Charter of the Military Service - in the relationship between military personnel in Or-Dene(Army), helps maintain discipline and maintain order.

    Ok Sound value: "Oh." Figurative meaning: "Deep meaning." The secret inner meaning of something. Indicates what to pay attention to. The image that is embedded in the name, Name or Word. For example: "Rose"- Russia according to the old spelling. No wonder they say: "You can't understand Russia with the mind!" Because it can only be understood "Ra-Z-Mind"- Light Zelo (strong) Mind.

    Aura Sound values: "Ay" and "Ra". Figurative meaning: "Shine". Light, Dawn- Glow of the Atmosphere, or the glow of Physical bodies: "Plants, Animals, Humans, People and others." This: "Agni U Ra" - Light.

    Wend Sound value: "B". Figurative meaning: "Explorers". Travelers, Sea and Land. Koyi during the Great Cooling went west, populating Venia (Aenea or Europe), as well as the islands around it, the Mediterranean-Navo and the North Seas. The land explorers were called "Venda" and "Veneda", and the sea explorers - "Varyags". V-Ar-I-Ga means "In Arya Ga - I'm moving."

    Guard Sound value: "G". Figurative meaning: "Grad". Settlement with a fortress wall - a fenced place - a settlement. And likewise: "O-City around the Garden"– fenced area in harmony with nature. There is a Concept: "Garden to Fence" - means: "To be protected by a Fence, a palisade, a wattle in a circle, or a Fortress from uninvited guests, livestock, Enemies", etc.

    wai-t-mana Sound values: "V-Ay" or "U-Ay". Figurative meaning: "White Louna (Lono)". Artificial Satellite of the Earth or other Aircraft moving within the Atmosphere, in near-Earth orbit or between the Earths, within the Solar (Star) system. It is spherical or ovoid in shape - ellipsoidal. Designed to move also between the Suns and Stars, within galaxies(1st cluster of Suns and Stars - Constellations). Their "scientists" call: "flying saucers - N.L.O."

    wai-t-mara Sound meanings: "Wai" or "Wai". Figurative meaning: "White Death". Intergalactic Large Aircraft, designed for long journeys between the worlds of Galaxies in the Universe. Long in Life, and also between the Dimensions: "from the World of Reveal to the worlds of Cosmo-Navi" - Glory - Light and Naf - dark. The size of this ship reached 200 km or more. And in the womb of 1 White-Mary there were 144 White-Mana - Space Boats.

    Knights Sound value: "R-solid". Figurative meaning: "Roar". Speech through the mouth as a means of communication for the transmission of information. In the native language Speech, i.e., to talk, tell, negotiate (not reaching the dialect in a foreign language). In Russia, Rekli Voice, and they didn’t Speak someone else’s Speech (they didn’t steal someone else’s Voice, the Image), but also "pushed"- They interpreted someone else's speech (translated into their native language).

    Ezer Sound values: "C" and "Co". Figurative meaning: "Water". Formed from something. The lake is from underground sources, the swamp is a stagnant lake; Pond, dam, reservoir. Natural and artificially created reservoirs from spills and diversions of the riverbed and geothermal springs that have broken through. This Runa also has the property of direction: "from something."

    Whole Sound value: "B". Figurative meaning: "Part of the territory." Administrative-territorial unit of Ancient Russia, analogue of the District. Such a territory usually belongs to a single Genus, Community or Clan as a whole. The whole is part of Lani (Landa - regions) or the Edge (Earth).

    Foot Sound values: "S" and "St". Figurative meaning: "Step". Stage of the Path to some goal of the Person, as well as the Community and the Country as a whole. The degree of achievement of something, merit to the Family and Fatherland. In X "Aryan arithmetic there is a Measure of Length = 1 Stop.

    box Sound value: "K". Figurative meanings: "Basket", "Box" and "Case". Basket - for Berries and Mushrooms. The pedlars carried a box over their shoulders. The body of something, the frame, can be like a man-made product, Chest- Domovina (coffin), Casket- Chest in the house; and the body of the House, Ship, Car, Airplane, etc.

    Star Sound value: "Z". Figurative meaning: "Weak Luminary". Having in its field G-Ra-Vitation no more than 9 Earths with satellites - Moons. planets- also stars, but wandering in the Universe, because they have lost their system of Earths and are doomed, sooner or later, to go out. On the Earth plane, the "Star" is the one who has gained popularity and fame.

    Sky Sound value: "N". Figurative meaning: "Black Cosmos". A place where there is no God. The worlds of the Dark Navi - Naf and Hell immeasurable - the Kingdom of Viy (Pluto), where darkness and darkness reign. There, sinful souls are in the process of purification, and in Hell they perish in timelessness, they rot in the graves. Souls of villains and scoundrels Viy- The owner of Hell forwards, burning his own eyes - Burns.

    Skuf Sound values: "S" and "Sk". Figurative meaning: "Small Village". Skuf forest (farm or village). A settlement where there is no X-Ram, but there is a Sanctuary with Idols and Altars - Settlement under the open sky, where the trebs are offered to the Kummirs of the Gods, standing to the idols in the Valley (Idols).

    Yarilo Sound meanings: "I" and "Yar". Figurative meaning: "Our Clear Sun". The luminary, illuminating our system of Earths and Moon Moons. It brings the Life-giving Light of England to its Lands, including Midgard, on which we live. Bo-Ardent Husband- Similar to Yarila, radiates the energy of Health, k-Ra-Sota and Spirit. healthy and strong Knight(Knows the Source Firmly - Strength, which Reveals Zelo - strongly. "L" - initially, from the Gods).

    Veche Sound value: "B". Figurative meaning: "Cathedral". Assembly of the People - the Community, or representatives from the Tribal Communities and Lands and Vesey at the Ecumenical Council - National Veche. The goal is the discussion of vital issues and the election of princes, both specific and the Great Prince. Veche- the essence of the Supreme Power of the People and the power of the Intellectual-Navo potential, which does not allow mistakes. Granting a Vote of Confidence to the elected.

    Month Sound value: "M". Figurative meanings: "The Power of Magic is reflected-Navo of Light", the number "2". Introducing distortions into the reflected Light and the movement of something. The chronology period began to be called "Month": 30-31 days, and a week: "7 days", which corresponds to the rotation period of this satellite, instead of 40-41 and 9 days. The worldview was also distorted after the Great Cooling, from the Cult of Ra ( cultures) on the Cults of the Moon.

    Fatta Sound value: "F". Figurative meaning: "Fatal outcome." Tragic Doom of Fate with a fatal outcome. It personifies the Moon Fatta, which died more than 13,000 years ago, and the number "13", which was equal to the period of rotation of this Moon. This death led to the almost complete death of the inhabitants of the Earth Midgard, its Cult-Ra and climatic changes in Nature, which led to its modification and rebirth.

    Lelya Sound value: "L". Figurative meaning: "Liko". This image of the Moon, which died more than 111,000 years ago, is associated with the number "7", it was this number of days that it revolved around the Earth Midgard. And also with a successful, but not without consequences, military operation, in order to destroy the strongholds of the Kashcheis of Darkness, who were based on this moon and had the intention to attack the inhabitants of Midgard. What Tarkh Dazhd-God prevented by destroying Fash the Destroyer(Laser-beam weapon) A satellite of our Earth in half - almost instantly. During this operation, Tarkh was warned of the danger of falling fragments and waters of this moon on Yes "Aria(Archipelago at the North Pole) Magus Savior, as a result of this, the Aryan Clans were overpowered from Hyperborea(Yes, "Arias") Rasseniya(Siberia) along the Stone Belt, which rose and became the Ural Mountains. The West Siberian lowland, which was the bottom of the Okiyana, also rose - Lukomorye. And the land beyond North Borea - Hyperborea, went into the waters of the formed North-Navo Okiyana-Sea.

    Finger Sound value: "P"; Numeric: "1". Figurative meaning: "One as the Finger." First Finger on the Hand. A pioneer in some business or act. Bobyl- A Human (or other Entity) who does not have a Couple, is not in a Family Union (or is not married) - "Bachelor" or Widower. Living apart, in unity. A unit of measure for something or part of a whole.

    Vezhda Sound values: "B" and "Ve"; Numeric: "2". Figurative meaning: "Eyes". 2 eyes. to see, See- not just Seeing, but also Knowing, observing (tracking), Watching (selectively), stare(out of curiosity). To see with both Eyes - to look both ways, to survey with some purpose, etc. A pair of something or someone.

    Ros Sound value: "R". Figurative meaning: "Silver-eyed White-Skinned Aryan". One of the Clans of the White Race who arrived from the system Sun "Tara"(Polar Star), from the Earth "Ra-I" in the hall of the Elk - "Go" - the Heavenly Cow Zimun (the constellation Ursa Minor) under the Blood-Blood of the Lada of the Virgin. The essence is the descendants of the Kind of Heaven-Navo and Zimun, the children of the Gods Veles, Odin and Wotan, the sons of Roof and Lada.

    Ras Sound values: "R" and "Ra". Figurative meaning: "Fiery-eyed Slavs - Rasen". One of the four Clans of the White Aryans, from the Clan of Heaven-Navo, arrived from Ingard of the Earth from the Sun System of Dazhd-God, which resides in the Hall of the White Leopard (Pardus) (Alpha of the constellation Leo according to the Astronomical catalog).

    D-Zelo Sound values: "Z" and "Dz". Figurative meaning: "Great". Otherworldly Power - Something strongly manifested: "Strong patronage of the Gods-Ancestors, or the Forces of Darkness." For some, this is a manifestation of the Goodness of Strong-Navo, for others, this is a Zelo, evil of Strong-Navo. With the Sort (in Nature), this manifests itself as a protective reaction in case of violation of Harmony - balance, in the form of an impact: "Solar radiation in the Great Deserts, Floods, Earthquakes, Epidemics, etc." This manifestation for good is Good, necessary for the restoration of Harmony in nature and is perceived people(Earth Vale) and Humanoids(gray-skinned non-humans), violating Harmony under the Family as the Great Evil (Tragedy). This reaction of the Mother in the Genus - Raw Earth, manifests itself for these subhuman entities unexpectedly and immediately, because they do not know what they are doing! Absolute Navo Good and Evil (for all) no in Nature, because Zelo- energy manifested in space and time.

    honor Sound value: "h". Figurative meaning: "Sound", Numerical: "4". The musical instrument is "Rosary", the accountant's instrument is "Abacus". 1/4 part of something whole, an even amount, "scribbles"- marks on something. Dance "Tap".

    Span Sound value: "P". Figurative meaning: "Pastern", Numerical: "5". Hand - 5 fingers or Fingers. Basis of the Pyadevoi Counting System. Shaking hands at the Wrist meant Unity. Presentation Hands(of the right hand) meant: "Own", - and Odessa(left hand), meant: "Stranger".

    Yat Sound Meaning: "I" Figurative meaning: "Take". To acquire something, or to adopt someone else's - to take from someone for yourself. For example: "Yat Glory, fortitude of the Spirit, adopt someone else's religion, adopt someone else's Glory (or Steal)". So De Yat— to do something honestly, with inspiration. Ob-Yat- to cover something with a glance (space), thought (in dreams) or hands (hug). Yat something or someone as a whole, for example: "lands into a single State or Rodovichi into a Rat to repulse the enemy."

    Shedy Sound value: "Sh". Figurative meaning: "Simple majority". Numeric: "6". That is, 60% - 6 out of 10 with the protection of a minority. Veche system of counting votes. Spare, respect - Generosity of the Soul.

    Shemya Sound value: "S". Figurative meaning: "Seed". Numeric: "7". 70%, 7 out of 10 - Veche scoring system. And also "Live trifle" - the source of the form of life, a particle of the Universe. "Septenary" - the basis of the Wisdom of the Universe.

    Viet Sound values: "V" and "Vie". Figurative meaning: "Blow". Numeric: "8". A basis that radiates some kind of unified energy: "Thoughts (inspires), Ideas (inspires a unanimous opinion), agreement (Agreement about something)". If you put the Rune "Father" in front of this Rune, it will mean: "indestructible Taboo" (ban) on something. In combination with Runes of Direction indicates the direction: "From-Viet, Za-Viet" ( Answer and Testament) etc.

    daughter Sound value: "D". Figurative meaning: "Daughter". Numeric: "9". Marriable Virgo: "16 years old", the one who in the future will continue the Genus of the Husband - Spouse. The personification of Purity, purity and Harmony in the Family.

    Dark Sound value: "T". Figurative meaning: "Black Cosmos". Numeric: "10000". Naf, Totem layers (Levels) of the Navi world. 10,000 Lands where there is either no Sun, or they emit the light of another world - Ult-Ra-Violet and Inf-Ra-Red rays, which warm, but do not shine. Perhaps this is the World of Stars - Dwarfs.

    Al Sound values: "A" and "Al". Figurative meaning: "Stone". Something tightly compressed or concentrated in a certain volume, all-encompassing, not knowing emptiness - Firmament. Something hard to perceive - densely concentrated, like information that has accumulated beyond the limits of the usual Navo perception of the world.

    Ai Sound value: "Ay". Figurative meaning: "Fear." Surprised exclamation or fright from surprise - an emotional outburst from something Navievo (new). For example: "Material values, the Gift of God - Talent, or from a change in temperature (from heat to cold) or the Energy impact of some source of radiation (a sharp change in polarity)", "Ai-let" - Forty Years of Summer: "New Gifts", associated with the onset of the first cold weather.

    Tai Sound meaning: "Tai". Figurative meaning: "The End". Something Crown. The accomplishment of any deeds or Great Deeds, the limit of something. Perfection - "Tai-Ni", Ways - "Tai-Ga", Earth - "Tai-Land", etc. Corresponds to "b" - a solid sign in without about a figurative letter or a small letter "Yer" in the All-World charter and in Cyrillic.

    Bay Sound values: "B" and "Bay". Figurative meaning: "White". Divine level, purity level. Radiance of the World of Glory. A feeling of half Navo peace in the Soul. Paradise, where there is no place for Darkness. In Glory, the Souls of the P-Ra-Vedic Ancestors of our-Go Kin find peace outside of space and time. Time there is a loose and slow-flowing concept. Sorokovnik Beylet personifies Peace and White Radiance - the middle of Winter.

    gay Sound values: "G" and "Gay". Figurative meaning: "Fortitude of the Spirit." Militancy and cruelty Ha-Ra-k-Ter (justified cruelty) in the Acts of War. Stiffness and slowness in Rod (in Nature) - in Winter frosts due to low temperatures. A frozen, ringing state of something. "Gay Let"- forty-year-old Blizzard and Frost.

    Give Sound values: "D" and "Give". Figurative meaning: "God's Beginning". That which personifies the Kind of Ne-Bes-Navo - the Creator of the Race (Light of the Sons). This is the essence: "Light". Our Gods are the essence of Our Fathers and the personifications of the Sort - the Light of the E-God Life-giving - Ingle. Onyya endow us with their Gifts and Az s-Howl repay the outcasts of the Kin and the worgs of the Race - An act of retribution for the dark deeds, they punish us through the Hand of the Warriors of the Race. "Give-Let"- forty-year-old awakening under Rod.

    E Sound value: "E". Figurative meaning: "Sowing". You can sow: "Grain into the Earth, Knowledge of Wisdom into the Chelo (head) - like Ra-Z-Mind." The seed is life-giving. One Word is able to give birth in the beginning: "Thought", - Idea. It is no coincidence that it is said: "In the beginning was the Word, and the word was with God." This is confirmed by the "Book of Light". It says: "Ra-M-Ha (Light of Thought Spirit) was transformed by the Great Light of Ra-Dosti - His inexpressible Smile", i.e. Life-bearing Ingle— Energy of the Universe (Suns and Stars). "Elet"- Fortieth of Sowing and Naming.

    Wei Sound meanings: "Wei" or "Way". Figurative meaning: "Waving". Earthly elements: "Wind-Ra, U-Ra-Gana, Tornadoes, etc.", which bring: "Rain, cyclones, dry winds, etc." Movement, stirring of the Layers of the Atmosphere, leading to whirlwinds and raising dust, or a small breeze blows. Also: "Fad" - Inspired by Naviya, that is, by a New Idea in order to change something. "Wei-Let"- Fortieth of the Winds.

    Hey Sound value: "Hey." Figurative meaning: "Summarizing". The beginning of the collection of Harvests from the fields and Gifts at the Rode (Nature), as well as obtaining the results of any activity. Time to sum up the results of a certain stage of the Acts, comprehend the quality and move on to the next one. Haylet— Forty Years of the New Gifts, the period of Summer.

    Ob Sound value: "About". Figurative meaning: "Both". Numeric: "2". The unity of two beginnings. For example: "The Ob flows into the Iriy (Irtysh). Hand in hand- the union of the Spirit and the flesh of two people (Husband and Wife). Community- several Families living according to the same principles, etc. "Something that betrays the Dual meaning of the image.

    Go Sound value: "Go". Figurative meaning: "Zimun". The Sacred Cow is the Great-Mother of all the Slavic-Aryan Clans from the Clan of Heaven-bes-Navo. "Pasture"— The pasture where all the cows of the Earth graze. "Goy"- Heavenly Cow and Yog's Family - Super-Man, etc.

    Judge Sound values: "C" and "O". Figurative meaning: "Essence". The turn of the power of the Image is its manifestation both "+" positively and "-" negatively. In a specific situation in a clear form of content, in order to create deeds, or Az repay(judgment to administer). Acts, depending on the Essence, can be: "Right" - direct (in the name of Creation), Deeds - right, when Az is repaid (Judgment is performed) and "Right" - left (shuye).

    Neither Sound values: "N" and "Ni". Figurative meaning: "No." Denial, rejection of everything superfluous, non-recognition of something or someone. Not a manifestation of something or anyone else-Rod-Navo and alien.

    State Sound value: "Piece". Figurative meaning: "Calm". Honor the Spirit of the Ancestors of the Family, Calling the Power of their energy By Blood-Blood. Which ensures the preservation of both the Genus as a whole and the Life of 1 Man - the Descendant of this Genus, and also helps to restore broken ties with the Spirit of the Ancestors from the World of Navi Light - Glory (other space-time dimensions).

    Chi Sound meaning: "Chi". Figurative meaning: "Energy Chelo". Energy of displaying Images by the 3rd Eye. One of the types of the Life-Giving Light of Ingle is Ra-M-Ha. Energy Clairvoyance- visions in various Images. The Energy of Strategic Thinking is visions of what needs to be done.

    Shi Sound meaning: "Shi". Figurative meaning: "Ru-Shi-T". Energy Ra-DESTRUCTION(Ra - Light, Zelo - Strong-Navo, which Rod Joy - controls Shi, Being in the present, Niya - the God of the Seas - this hypostasis and carries this energy). Under the influence of this Energy, the processes of Degradation and Evolution of something, the Creation of Nova-Go — evolution through the destruction of the obsolete - degradation.

    Terem Sound values: "Ter" and "Tm". Figurative meaning: "Palace". A Solid House, built with skill and soul, of a certain shape and several floors. Therma- A house in which it is possible to maintain a certain temperature is an analogue of the Russian Bath in Ancient Rome. They were also called: "The central part of X-Ra-Ma - the Temple and the Head part of White-Mary". Terem- the essence of the Crown (perfection) of something, the embodiment of any High Idea, created by noble thoughts.

    Gum Sound value: "De". Figurative meaning: "Right hand". The Right Hand, carrying the positive Energy of Creation or repaying Az according to the Truth - according to the canons of the Gods - Our ancestors, who, in turn, are in Harmony with the Family (with Nature).

    Odessa Sound value: "Od". Figurative meaning: "Shuya". Left hand. A roundabout way - Falsehood, untruths. This Shuya carries negative energy aimed at destroying harmony in the Family in the World, the Community, as opposed to the Right Hand. It is not by chance that the priests beiresh: "You at the right hand!", - that is, "I put a cross on you!"

    Truida Sound values: "T" and "Tr". Figurative meaning: "Trinity". Numeric: "3" The basis, consisting of 3 Spheres, a set of fields: "+", "0" and "-". Triple penetration (touch) of 3 Worlds: "Reveal, Nav and Rule" into each other.

    Sorka Sound values: "S" and "Sor". Figurative meaning: "Krivda". Something originally distorted or incorrect. That which is fundamentally unfounded and exists only in reality. False information, unsupported by facts. That which does not bring benefit, on the contrary, is harmful "clogging the Brains" - Rubbish. What do they have to do with: "Traditions to celebrate holidays inspired by (Navi) foreigners with alcoholic dope", which have no connection with the Traditions of the Kind of Light of the Race. Brought in from outside.

    Chelo Sound values: "Ch" and "Che". Figurative meaning: "Receptacle of Thought Forms". Chak-Ra, koya materializes Images by the power of Thought through Dreams and Dreams in the form of Ideas, with the help of which they are embodied in Acts. This receptacle of Ra-Z-Uma (Sveta Zelo - sil-Navo Uma) is erroneously (for some time now) called "Forehead"- which is the container intelligence- Analytical Center of the Brain and controlling the body - The upper part of the Human-Cranium, covered with hair- a lot of space antennas, given to man by the Gods for the perception and analysis of information from the outside.

    Skit Sound value: "sk". Figurative meaning: "Settlement with Kh-Ra-M-Om". City (city), where it can live, from young to old, many Clans. Up to medium size. G-Ard- a large city. As-G-Ard- Stolny G-Ra-D, a city similar to Gods (Capital). The skete is adjacent to the same land.

    catfish Sound meaning: "Cat". Figurative meaning: "Drink of Life Force". A potion made from medicinal herbs that grants Vitality. E-Go is also sacrificed to the Gods, part is poured into Duniya, in a sacrificial fire, and some are placed in front of the Kummirs of the Gods during the Divine Service. The next day, the remains are drunk by the Priests - Priests, to whom the Gods bestow their power. Those who are not initiated into the dignity of a clergyman are not supposed to drink this drink, it is forbidden. This drink gives Them the same: "The Strength of the Mother - Raw Earth at the Rod, wet from the dew T-Ra-B, at the morning Dawn."

    Don Sound value: "Don". Figurative meaning: "Power of Influence". An influential estate in Spain, Porto-Galia and Latin America, preserved from the Ancestors of the Genus: "Gauls or West Gotts". This Magnified - A Strong Personality, driving Processes in time - Leader, People's Hero, similar: "Boyar Husband" in Russia P-Ra-V Glorifying. Don, also "the mighty force of the elements, moving stones" - the Don River. Something or someone that can penetrate barriers and overcome obstacles. The one who grants Patronage to the weak, low-income and infirm helps to survive - Don Quixote of La Manch, for example.

    Century Sound meaning: "Century". Figurative meaning: "Period of life time". This period is designed for the life of all Essences of the World of Reveal from birth to of death- transition to another existence. Stones and minerals are reincarnated into dust; animals, plants and people into Dust, Human Soul passes into Nav. And Ases and Superman - in the Rule. Eternity defines the boundaries of the Temporary Space - on which the life Path of the Earthly entities in Reveal is calculated.

    Chakra Sound values: "Ch", "Chuck" and "K". Figurative meanings: "Circle" or "Point". Kolo- a source that radiates the energy of Light Ra-Z-Mind and heat or absorbs Energies: "Suns, Stars, Moons and Earths", as well as: "Mother of the Raw Earth, the Moon of the Month of Yas-Navo and Yarila-Sun".

    Water Sound values: "B" and "O". Figurative meanings: "Oki-Yan". She knows the Acts of Agni. Okian Information. What image? from the Source Reveal Ours. Speech- an information flow that carries the same vitality when you plunge into a River, Lake or other body of water. Or you will find death, if in a raging Sea you will enter, because this Mor (Thoughts Image of the Military) There is. Why they say: "Okiyan-Sea". In cases of violation of harmony during the Family, the Sea elements purify the Earth with the Flood.

    ul Sound meaning: "Ul". Figurative meaning: "K-Ur-Ga-N". To non-existence Movement Our - Small Pyramid(The path to the Source of Light Connected by Thoughts by Deeds of Agni). Gathered together another form of life, over which time has no power. After Death, the body was subjected to the Krodny Bonfire on the churchyard, Ashes (ashes) were buried in the ground, on the site of this Mound was placed, Marking the end of the life Path. ul- also the road leading to the Temple, together with H-Ra-M-Om.

    Kroda Sound values: "K" and "Kr". Figurative meaning: "Kos-Ter". To the Fathers at the Judgment Firmly Eor - the Edge is passing, therefore this Funeral Fire, for the Soul, freeing itself from mortal(deceased) body rushes to K-Rod His Heaven-bes-nam, and not in hyena(decay) ginet - in the kingdom of Niya, the Underworld. To this Ritual on the Journey took place, facilitating the transition of the Soul, especially the release of those who died from Wounds, whom the Fire escorted to Volhallu— Abode of Warriors.

    Ita Sound meaning: "Ita". Figurative meaning: "Perpetual Motion". To the knowledge of Mud-Ra-Sti, all-Go new(or Navier), hitherto unknown, Secret Wisdom. The Canon of the Universal Movement (World-Navo Gravity), as the Basis of the Universe. Constant striving for excellence.

    Vyya Sound values: "vyya", "vye", "vye" and "viy". Figurative meaning: "In-Ra-Sche-Nie". Something that rotates in a spiral and draws into itself: "Black Hole, Tornado, Whirlpool"; squeezing: "harness, fetters and loop"; believing in a circle: " Vyya(neck), Screw, Propeller, Earths around Suns and Stars, Moons around Earths, etc.

    Dru Sound values: "Dr", and "Dru". Figurative meaning: "Tree". In the sense: "Tree, forest and other vegetation." And also: the "Tree of the Ancestors", depending on the form of the Essence of Matter - the Mother with the Family and the Family that gave birth to this Essence.

    Child Sound value: "h". Figurative meaning: "Child". A descendant of the Family, born from the Viviparous Light of England, the masculine principle, in the womb of the Wife - giving birth from her husband - Chad(Boy or girl). Child- Acts Source creation, Joy, Joy (protection of old age). At the beginning of life, children are very fragile and tender. This is a continuation of the Kind of Tyati - Di-Tatya(Son) and Others of the Clans - D-Sher(Daughter) i.e. Acts of Shchuram of the Clans of God. Going through life, they achieve perfection, so that the Human Races do not dry out.

Additional runes

Runes of Direction

Physics of Time

Happiness— complicity in time.

Pagoda- The path of the Ases Go (Descendants of the Heavenly Koroy Zimun from the Ne-bes-Navo Clan) of the deeds of Arsh (earthly Aryans).

Light Ruso - X-Aryan Time Calculation

- superscript "Measure".

Ancestor-Rod, Heavenly Rod! Strengthen my heart in the Holy Faith, grant me the Wisdom and Power of my Ancestors, Your sons and grandchildren. Grant happiness and peace to Your peoples. Now and forever, and from century to century! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

WHAT (k). Bulkness, union, unification. At the beginning of the word, it is placed as an explanation of what the subsequent runes carry. At the end of words indicates the similarity to someone (something). Ka-Shchey - containing the energy of Schurov, possessing the power of the Spirit, but it all depends on the purpose of using this power.

BE (b). There is. Being into that present in which one or another Person lives, or another form of essence. The form of existence in time.

VEDAS (c). Know wisdom. Know something. To know the origins of the 3 Worlds - Rule, Nav, Glory. Displays the desire for knowledge of something not known until now and not known before.

news, the Vedas are a solid word.

avesta, radiant wisdom.

news, a message coming from the origins of being.

VOICE (g). Verb. Saying P-Ra-Ve-Dy. Guidance on the Path of Ra - light They know with the help of the Word P-Ra-Ved-Na-Go. Our and Go are the heavenly cows Zemun and Roda. Foreshadowing and prediction are the voice of God. They speak the truth, they lie, they talk falsely, they talk, they talk.

WELCOME (d). Actions are light. The material God-T-St-Vo acquired by honest labor. As well as spiritual values, in the form of knowledge and the acquisition of wisdom, which causes respect from others. As well as the inheritance from the Ancestors of the Family, acquired by them by honest work and life experience in any Business and craft, in the form. Therefore, the father, seeing the success of the child, says to him: - Welcome! ..

LIFE (w). Radiation. Energy passing through Reality, Nav and Rule. A form of creative creativity of living entities. Radiance is a particle of the life-giving light of Inglia - the energy of the suns and stars, creating (materializing, manifesting) life. From Vyriya heavenly manifesting, as well as from Navi (Slav and Nav), the essences of certain forms of life from the mother-at-Kind (matter). As well as the manifestation of the energy of these life forms through their senses: creativity, militancy, aggression, love, etc.

HEAT (h). Excessive various forms of energies. Burning and sizzling. For example, the radiation of the sun can turn the Earth into a desert, a storm can make people feel worse. The power of magicians and sorcerers, withering eyes in moments of anger.

FOREST (l). Many forms of existence of life under Rod. Forest of hands. Forms of entities manifested in the world of Reveal: flora and fauna, reasonable (human) and humanoids (non-humans), as well as microorganisms.

WORLD (m). State without war. A community, a community of people, an association (flock) of unreasonable creatures - animals, plants, microorganisms and minerals.

HOPE (n). Waiting for news, striving for something better. A state of mind of anticipation of happiness or trouble, with hope for the best.

PATH (p). Road. The desire to move towards a specific specified or not specified goal, which each entity has its own, but the Rod has one path. communities or nations as a whole. Indicated by the spirit of the ancestors of the Family, the Gods. The goal is dictated by certain conditions of existence, the genetic essence and impulses of the soul at the subconscious level.

RAT (p). Mighty and bright army. It can gather at any moment from many communities, on the basis of spiritual unity and spiritual impulse. In the face of imminent danger. The host gathers on the basis of mutual understanding and a sense of mutual assistance. Stand up - means: pay attention, there is danger.

WORD (s). Method of transmission and exchange of information. A means of communication and materialization of ideas. This happens with the help of mouths, gestures, signs (mental images) and initial letters. The Word of Truth inscribed on something preserves wisdom, the unwise clogs the mind.

HARD (t). Firmament, creator, affirmation. Spiritual strength, fortitude of character and peace of mind. The ability to assert something, create and create. The word is firm - said - done!

FAN (f, n). Outcast.
Expelled from the Family, community, emigrant, hermit. Release of any unnecessary energy into the environment. Fon-Tan - splashes water.

HINA (x). Trinity. Something 3-dimensional, sphere or figure. Three moons, three Earths (Midgard, Orey, Daya) Yarila-Sun, once, white descendants of our Family.

PURPOSE (c). dream aspiration point to some conscious form of perfection, guiding along the path of Life - to the object of aspiration. It is a stimulant of spiritual uplift and gives strength to the soul in the form of willpower.

DASH (h). Border, edge or Hall. A frontier that cannot be crossed without permission. Halls - separation by an invisible line of the starry sky. Devils are entities that cross the line of what is permitted.

WIDTH (w). The expanse of the earth is the horizon. The infinity of space on all four sides, as far as the glance around is enough - the horizons of earthly entities. The breadth and depth of the flight of thoughts and dreams. As well as the breadth and depth of perception of the human soul.

SHUR (sh). Rod's ancestor. The head of the family, who left the name of the family in memory of himself - the surname. The image of this ancestor affects the spirit, and how the symbol has a secret (sacred) effect on behavior, etc. It can be very ancient or not very old.

PRA (p, pr). Ancestor of the Sort, ancient Shchura. Before - more ancient, original. Pra-Schur, in the aggregate, who is revered for God. Also, the image of an event in the time of the great-epoch, which happened a very long time ago and has sunk into oblivion, but is the forerunner of modern events.

FASH (f, o). Flame. Union, unity, unification, defeat of enemies. The earthly path through agni is revealed to the world. All the plasma fire that destroys around itself (the energy of creation, through purification), this fire is emitted by thermonuclear sources. In addition, Fash is a fiery idea that kindles a fire in the hearts of the masses of the people. Fashi - a bunch of arrows. Fascism is an ideological grouping of fiery like-minded people.

MARA (m, k). Madder. Purification, well-being, Kolovrat, transition from one state to another. The world of Anti Ra - the light opposing - other world. - the chamber of Darkness - the Fox (Navi), the patroness, as well as winter, night and death, knows the transition from life to death (from Reveal to Navi) and vice versa, the rebirth of souls from Navi (new incarnation).

BHA (b, bh). Heavenly Harmony. Divine radiation, revelation. The state of the spirit at the time of the reincarnation of the soul in the world of Navi. The moment of connection with the cosmos - divine revelation. Visions of the future and the past in a dream or in a state of meditation.

MIR (m). Universe. Metagalaxy in the whole trinity of the universe. Reality, Nav, Rule, with all its manifested and unmanifested structures, the combination of the light of Ra-M-Khi with the Darkness of the Great Something.

RA-M-HA. Light is one, life-giving, Generating universes with spiritual light.

VITA (in, vee). Separate form of life. Terrestrial life enclosed in a temporary structure. Enclosed in a certain shell or structure, in isolation from external influences - phyto. By itself, a living hermit, or hovering in the clouds, an individual. For example, Vita-Min is a special food product that also contains a delayed-action mine (after all, chemistry). Vitaliy is a "head in the clouds" dreamer.

WAIT (w, w). Freeze in anticipation. Temporary rest. The state when no action is taken, temporary fading in anticipation of something, changes in time.

JIVA (d, j). Virgo. Giving the beginning of life, from the image, spirit and blood of the 1st man in her womb. Pure and not vicious gives a living soul at the 1st step, before the transformation from birth in the womb, in a bodily shell, to birth into the world as a child of the Family.

NAV (n). 3-dimensional structure. It is located between the world of the Higher Gods - Vyriy and Earthly Yavu. Glory - the world of the souls of our departed ancestors - the Legs of the Guardians, incorporeal souls - spirits of light. Naf (dark Nav) - Brownies, bannikov, goblin, mermaids, etc. , where nafik is sent, anathema is given - dusk ( FROM ut At tech M iru Ra-Sveta To ako-similarity) - immortal souls - weighed down by earthly vices, but having a chance in the subsequent incarnation into the Earthly Reality, through trials - the Rock of Fate, to correct the sins of a past life (many lives). Inferno is the kingdom of Viy (Pluto), where little souls perish in the undead, in a fiery hyena they burn out in timelessness.

KHA (g, kh). Spiritual love. Love is pure - as a manifestation of a sense of spiritual attraction and spiritual closeness. Love for the Motherland, Fatherland, mother, etc.

SUMMER (l). Time period, year. The * sign is added if a numerical value is indicated after some runes. Summer is a unit of chronology of a certain cycle. Summer of the Svarog Circle - 16. Summer of the Circle of the Elements - 9. Life - 144. 1/16 of the Svarog Circle - 1,620 years.

THOUGHT (m). Thought. The ability to perceive and comprehend information, both explicit and cosmic. Thought is the heavenly world that controls the mental, spiritual and physical potential of thinking beings. It leads to their spiritual perfection.

OUR (n). Nation. A particle of a clan or tribe, without an admixture of genetically foreign incest. Na-Rod is pure Our Rod. A freak is under the protection of the Family, that is, the first-born child in the family. Son or Daughter. Maybe ours in terms of a profession or a group of people or other entities.

RIGHT (p, pr). Path of Ra Know. The Milky Way, along which the human soul goes to immortality in Glory (in Glory) and in Vyry Heavenly - in Rule. From there, the essences of our Family and the heavenly cow Zemun appear.

SPEECH (p, re). Talk. Alien speech, and distorted (adverb), with the help of which a foreigner communicates in his circle, or with others. Previously, strangers were asked: - Whose language? Pagan - speaking in another (no) language or other faith. An adverb is a part of a single Genus of a language that differs in accent from the main one.

SWORD (m, s). Power and Strength. The unity of the energies of the soul, spirit and body, manifested in the single will of the people. Protection and patronage of the Gods - the ancestors of the Family in the defense of the Fatherland from the thugs. Lightning - the heavenly swords of the Gods-warriors, Odin,.

TARKH (t). Tarkh Perunovich. Gives patronage to the children of Svarog and the entire Kin of Heaven. Son and grandson. He also gives rain, so that there may be a harvest.

TRIGLAVE (t, tr). Union of 3 Gods.
Triglavs of the three worlds, patron gods.
There is also the concept of a triple alliance.

ROD (p). Unknown Essence. The beginning in any kind of thinking entities: human, humanoid, dark Navi. Different clans have a different, in genetic terms, body structure and image of the spirit and blood, which almost does not allow incest. There are other concepts of the genus: plants, animals, social and professional structures. Spiritual hierarchy - class.

GOD (b, b). Patron. Indicates something original (b) at the end of words. Protects in the form of the name Rod (surname), as the spirit of an ancestor. And also through the patronage of the Triglavians.

READER (Thu, h). Reader. Aloud speaking wisdom written on something. In santias, tablets, manuscripts, stone, books, etc. The image of a Priest, interpreter, teacher giving a lesson or a lecture in schools, churches, universities, synagogues, mosques, etc.

SHIELD (u, o). Amulet or protection. The force that repels an attack is aggression, the attack of the forces of Darkness in the form of damage or the evil eye. A circle representing security in harmony with the outside world.

PRIEST (female, female). Priest. A clergyman - Ra, Lunar, satanic, who knows about the canons of eternal life, light, or the frailty of being, or cultivates fear of God.

EARTH (h). Heavenly body, revolving around the luminaries (sun or star) in orbit, according to the canon of universal gravitation - gravity. The luminaries, giving light to these Earths, give rise to life, depending on the range of the radiation spectrum and the geology (composition of the earth's crust) of the lands. The earth is the mother (the matrix of the universe). — REAL (I, h). World of 3 dimensions, in which time dominates, which flows like a river -. The world of the physical embodiment of souls in the body shells of microorganisms, minerals, plants, animals, . This world exists throughout the cosmos, on the Earths where the suns and stars shine. What are the conditions of existence - such is life in this Reveal.

SON (s). Nega. No movement on the physical plane. An altered state of the soul and manifestations of the spirit - bodily peace (rest). The state of restoration of strength and movement of the soul for this time to the other world of Navi (Navi and Slav).

CASE (d). Work. Creative or destructive deeds of unkind harmony. Depending on the entity that creates the deeds. During deeds, the entity is guided (controlled) by inspiration, which visits this or that entity and casts an image of what needs to be created. What matters is from which Navi the image is cast - Light or Dark.

TROUBLE (b). Bad. Violation of the integrity of being, damage, or damage to something. Physical death, due to an injury or illness that caused a stop during the time of life in Yavi. As well as a change in the form of thinking - dementia.

AS (a). Superman. The manifestation in life of a physical talented entity - a master of his craft, with increased abilities and capabilities. The mission of the messenger of God for a specific purpose, from the higher worlds of Glory and Rule.

IS (e). Byst. different forms of existence. Manifestation of the present being, in due time, of a concrete entity. It points to the inviolability and manifestation, to what this essence carries in itself - the genetic principle, through the image of the spirit and blood.

INTA(s). Union. The totality of spiritual energies aimed at comprehending the canons of the universe Ra-M-Khi, the energy of the creator of our Universe - the Metagalaxy.

YOGA (th). Yugism. A receptacle of wisdom at the level of the ability to unite around oneself the kinsmen of the family with their energy of spirit, in order to repulse the enemy or gather orphans to an orphanage in order to save them from hunger and equip them. Like Baba Yoga; this essence with the superhuman ability of energy penetration between the worlds in meditation, in order to achieve harmony and peace between the worlds. Yogi is also able to quickly restore his health.

OH (o). Leader. The Elder of the Family, the one who has the wisdom to lead. Floating ahead of, able to foresee and in terms of knowledge (perfection) ahead of relatives. Respected and recognized authority.

JOY (y). Controlling influence. The energy of the directed influence on the processes of a positive property. The movement of change to a better state, by some action.

AGNI (ah, oh). Fire. The sacred fire of the home hearth of the Race and the fire of vital energy located in the forehead and body of a person. Immune systems, in fact, a talisman, struggling with ailments and ailments. Its strength depends on the purity of the image of the spirit and blood - the purity of the Race or Genus to which this entity belongs.

ENGLAND (and, oh). Life giving birth to light. Part of the energy of Ra-M-Khi - the creator of the Universe, which is manifested by the light of the Suns and Stars, as the primary fire of the universe.

ETA (uh, uh). Similarity. Something similar in essence, but different in form and image, having a difference, temporary or structural (moral, physical, genetic). Et-Rus - similar to the Rus, but with altered genetics and morality, due to changes in the conditions of existence on Earth, genetic incest with foreigners.

YUR (yu, yur). Yurod. Something twisted for the worse. That which has undergone modification, i.e. fundamentally wrong and inferior in strength and possibilities of manifestation in life.

ASH (I, Yas). sacred tree of the universe. The source of being from Ra-light on Earth is the original residence of the souls and spirit of the Ancestors of the Family, depending on the purity of the Family, on which the health of the Family depends. Castes - indicate professional affiliation and class.

DOE (l, la). Bosom. The surface of something: land or territory in the area in which this or that Genus, tribe, people originally lived or lives, i.e. the land of the Ancestors, where some kind of Genus lived or lives, where family estates, pastures, forests, fields and villages are located. In addition, D-lan is the surface of the hand. A lie also has an original image - Doe, because. it is a superficial representation of the truth. “The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it ...”

GHARA (gh). Wisdom teacher. Spiritual movement, mentoring, carrying the knowledge of higher wisdom - spirituality, with the aim of passing them on to the next generation, new initiates. A person capable of teaching them meditation and levitation, immersing themselves in the past and the future, seeing events that have already happened and are still to come. The one who carries, carries away, brings the highest spiritual knowledge, movement from one world to another, from one space to another, from one dimension to another.

ARSH (a, ar). Measure. The form of displaying something: - in the 3-dimensional dimension of the world of Reveal. As well as the life-giving feminine principle - the Earth as a mother under the Family. A wife is a woman who bears children to her husband's family. Husband - joy and stability. He is like the sun that gives birth to life on Earth by the life-giving light of Inglia, in the womb of his wife.

FIR (oh, e). Highly wise, lofty. The one who carries (embodies) a pure image. The energy structure of the universal mind of the worlds of Rule and Glory -. On the earthly plane - the wise old man of the Family.

IRIY (and, ir). Clean. Immaculate, source of pure light. The name of the sacred river in Belovodie. IrTysh - Iriy the quietest. Irination - pure love, in a high sense, i.e. fusion physical, mental and spiritual, for life. The name Irina means physically healthy, purebred and loving.

TRUE (is, and). Source. Dogma, axiom, someone else's truth, which does not require proof. Something invariable in other entities from the Gods and their ancestors. Truth is given to other families from its source, for us it is not pure (from mire) truth, because we have our source. Each Genus at the level of genetic memory is given its own.

FATHER (from, about). The patron of the descendants of the family. Spiritual mentor in the Temple of the Gods, confessor - patron of the soul, accepting confession. The one who is responsible for his children in the family. In general, one who is responsible to those whom he patronizes.

STAY (y, k). Con. The canon of being is an unshakable rule, that the Path of Ra Knows the Source of Lan - the land of the ancestors is an image. The charter is that which is known through the mouth, as accepted as the basis in the traditions of the ancestors, and provides for the norm of behavior in the process of communicating with relatives and foreigners. Charters of different peoples have their own and come from the foundations of life, canons and traditions of their Family. It is not in vain that wisdom says: “They don’t go to a foreign monastery with their charter.” Even individual communities have their own charters - well-established norms of life based on the canons of Rita and - the covenants of ancestors.

UNRA(s). The energy of creativity. One of the manifestations of the life-giving light of Inglia - the creative principle. The source of radiation of vital energy, that which radiates and creates.

VYRIY (c). Garden of Eden. The abode of the Gods in the world of Rule, where the souls of the dead rush. The ancestral home from where they arrived in Nav and Yav.

West, rise to the abode of the Gods in the world of Rule.

RITA (p). The canon of the purity of the image of spirit and blood. Code of canons and rules established by our ancestors. Rules to keep the blood of the Genus clean, which means the offspring are healthy. This con does not allow you to enter into a marriage union with genetically alien entities that are not similar to a white person, especially with subhumans, as well as with close relatives. RitaR Oh yeah And stock at T confirmed BUT ourselves, we keep them.

Am Rita, guardian of the sunset (drink of the Gods, giving immortality).

UR (y, ur). Wilderness. Where the forest and the valley of visions are full, where the virgin nature is, where the harmony of nature is not broken. Fertile soil, forests and pastures, no hermitages and settlements. Ur-man is a frosty forest, a territory where the harmony of nature is disturbed.

YUGA (y). The cycle of time. A period in the chronology within any limits of the cosmic scale, consisting of many periods of years of human life. Calli-Yuga, Svarozhy Circle, etc.

SVA (sva, sv). Heaven. A place where there is no demon.
Beyond the earth's atmosphere is the world of Slavi.
The worlds of the ancestors, where immortal souls go - Sva-rga is pure.

ANTA (an, a). Anti. Against something, confrontation, opposing the Forces of Light to the Forces of Darkness, enemies, location opposite something. Ant-lan - the lands of Ants, located opposite Aeneas (Europe). Politically, there are anti-people sentiments.

AYNA (aye). An exclamation of joy.
Reflects the emotions of the light plan.
Great, great, when it's better not to.

ARIS (ar). Direct descendant. The one who leads the genealogy directly from the Source of the clan, from some well-known clan. And also a receiver to something or someone.

AUS (ay). Calling rumor.
The cry of a lost person in the forest, or those who are looking for him.
And also the appeal: - "Listen to what I'm going to tell you."

EOR (eo, op). Something that makes a difference. Dividing, sowing discord between something or someone. Sets boundaries in relationships. The Order helps maintain discipline and keep order.

OUCH (oh). Deep meaning. The secret inner meaning of something. Indicates what to pay attention to. “You can’t understand Russia with the mind.” Previously, Ross was written, something that can only be understood by the mind.

AURA (ay, ra). Shine.
Light, dawn, glow of the atmosphere, or the glow of physical bodies, plants, animals.

VEND (c). Pathfinders. Travelers, sea and land, who during times of cooling went west, populating Venia (Aeneas. Europe), as well as the islands around it, the Mediterranean and North Seas. The land explorers were called the Wends and the Wends, and the sea explorers - the Varangians (I am moving in ar).

GUARD (g). Grad.
Settlement with a fortress wall, a fenced area.
O-city is a fenced garden.

WHITEMAN (wow, wow). White Moon (bosom). An artificial satellite of the earth or an aircraft moving within the atmosphere, in near-Earth orbit, or between the Earths, within the limits of the solar or stellar system. Spherical or ovoid in shape. Designed to move also between suns and stars, within the galaxy.

WHITEMARA (wow, wow). White death. An intergalactic large aircraft designed for long journeys between the worlds of galaxies in the Universe, life-long, as well as between Dimensions, from the world of Reveal to Slav or Nav. The size of such a ship reached 200 kilometers or more. And in the belly of the whitemara there were 144 whitemans - space boats.

SNOWS (p). growl. Speech through the mouth, as a means of communication, for the transmission of information. In the native language, speech is to talk, tell, negotiate (not reaching the dialect in a foreign language). In Russia, they spoke a voice, but did not speak (to steal someone else's voice) or jogged - they interpreted someone else's speech.

EZER (with, with). Water. Formed with something: a lake, from underground sources; swamp - a stagnant lake; natural and artificially created reservoirs, from spills and diversions of rivers that have made their way out of the springs. This rune also has a direction property: from something.

ALL (in). Part of the territory. An administrative-territorial unit of Ancient Russia, an analogue of a district. Such a territory usually belonged to a single Genus as a whole. The whole is part of a doe (region) or edge.

FOOT (s. st). Stage of the path to some goal, a person or community and the country as a whole. The degree of achievement of something, merit before the family. In Kh'Aryan arithmetic there is - 1 stop.

KOROB (k). Basket, box, case.
Peddlers carried a box over their shoulders.
Chest, domina. As well as the body of a house, a ship, a car, an airplane, etc.

STAR (h). weak light, having in its gravitational field no more than 7 Earths with satellites - Moons. Planets are also Stars, but wandering in the Universe, because. have lost their land system and are doomed, sooner or later, to go out. On the earthly plane - the one who gained popularity and fame.

SKY (n). Limit of the system. The space limited by the limit of any system, from the luminary to the boundary of the system of this luminary. Covers the world of Reveal and Navi. The worlds of dark Navi and Hell immeasurable - the Kingdom of Viy (Pluto), where Darkness and darkness reign. There, sinful souls are in the process of purification, and in Hell the souls of villains and scoundrels perish in timelessness. Viy - the owner of Hell, forwards them, burning with his gaze.

SKUF (s, sk). Small village. Skuf forest, a settlement where there is no temple, but there is a sanctuary with idols and altars - an open-air settlement where the trebs are offered to the idols of the Gods, standing as idols in the valley (idols).

YARILO (I, yar). Our sun. The central luminary that illuminates our (other) system of Earths and Moons. It brings the life-giving light of Inglia to its Lands, including Midgard. The Bo-Ardent husband is like the sun, radiating the energy of health, beauty and spirit. Knight - knows the source of firmness, which will reveal the beginning from the Gods. — VECHE (c). The cathedral. The meeting of the people, or representatives from tribal communities from the lands and villages at the ecumenical council - Veche. The goal is vital.

MONTH (m). Reflected Light Magic Power, which introduces distortions into the reflected light and the movement of something. The reckoning period. The numerical value is 2.

FATTA (f). Fatality. The tragic fate of fate with a fatal outcome, personifies the one who died more than 13,000 years ago, which led to the almost complete death of the inhabitants of the earth.

LELYA (l). Liko. Smile, joy, happiness. The image of the deceased more than 111,000 years ago is associated with the number 7. And also with the successful, but not without consequences, military operation to destroy the strongholds of the Kashcheev Darkness.

PERST (n). One as a finger. Numerical value - 1. The first finger on the hand. A pioneer in some business or deed. Bobyl, bachelor or widower. An integral part, located in the distance, but at the same time, without losing touch with the whole.

EVERYWHERE (in, ve). Eyes. The numerical value is 2.
To see, to see, and not just to see, but also knowing.
Observe, look, stare. A pair of something or someone.

ROS (p). Silver-eyed white-skinned Aryan. One of the clans of the white race, who arrived from the system of the sun Tara (Polar Star), from the land of Rai, in the hall of the Elk. The essence is the descendants of the Heavenly Clan and Zemun, the children of the gods, the sons of the Roof and.

RAS (p, ra). Fire-eyed Slavs - Rasen. They arrived from Ingard-land from the system of the sun Dazhd-God, in the hall of the White Leopard (Betta-2, the constellation Leo).

DZELO (s, d). Zelo. Otherworldly power is something strongly manifested: the patronage of the Gods, or the Forces of Darkness. In nature, this manifests itself as a protective reaction to the violation of harmony - balance, in the form of an impact. Solar radiation, flood, earthquake, epidemics, etc. This manifestation is for the good, necessary to restore harmony in nature, and is perceived by people and humanoids who disturb the balance of nature as a great evil (tragedy). This reaction of the Mother of the Raw Earth manifests itself unexpectedly and immediately for these entities, for they do not know what they are doing. There is no absolute Good and Evil in nature, because zelo - energy manifested in space and time.

THUNDER (h). Sound. The numerical value is 4.
The musical instrument is the rosary, the accountant's instrument is the abacus.
The dance is tap dancing.

SPAN (n). Metacarpus. The numerical value is 5.
Hand, five fingers.
Account basis.

YAT (I). Take. Get something, or take someone else's. For example, Yat Glory, fortitude, adopt someone else's religion. To create - to do something conscientiously, with inspiration. Embrace - to grasp something with a glance, thought or hands.

SHADY (sh). simple majority. The numerical value is 6.
6 out of 10. Veche scoring system.
Spare, respect - the generosity of the soul.

SHEM (s). Seed. The numerical value is 7.
7 out of 10. Veche scoring system.
The seed is the basis of the wisdom of the universe.

SEE (view, c). Winnow. Numerical value - 8. The basis, radiating some kind of single energy of thought, idea. If you put the rune “Father” in front of this rune, you get an indestructible Taboo on something. In combination with runes of direction indicates the direction: Answer, Testament, etc.

DAUGHTER (d). Daughter. The numerical value is 9. Marriable virgin, the one who in the future will continue the family of her husband. The personification of purity, purity and harmony in Rod. The Matrix of the Universe.

DARKNESS (t). Dark space. Numerical value - 10 000. Naf - totem layers of the Navi world. 10,000 lands where there are either no suns, or they emit the light of another world - ultraviolet and infrared rays that warm but do not shine. Perhaps this is the world of dwarf stars.

AL (a, al). Stone. Something tightly compressed or concentrated in a certain volume, all-encompassing, without emptiness - Solid. Something hard to perceive - densely concentrated, like information that is beyond the bounds of the usual worldview.

AY (ay). Fear. Surprised exclamation or fright from surprise - an emotional outburst from something implicit. From a change in temperature, energy impact, radiation. Aylet is the month of new gifts, the first frosts.

Uray- "bright land of new gifts"; the abode of life is the land of Uray in the Hall of the Eagle on the Svarog Circle.

TAY (thai). Limit. Completion of any deeds or deeds, the limit of something. Taiga is the end of the road, Thailand is the end of the earth. Corresponds to the Ъ sign in the ugly letter. Taiwan is an extreme isolation. Taimyr is the edge of the world. Taillet is the month of completion.

BAY (b, bay). White. Divine level of purity. Radiance of the world Glory. A feeling of complete peace in the soul. Paradise, where there is no place for Darkness. Beylet is a month of peace and white radiance.

GAY (g, gay). Persistence. Militancy and rigidity of character (justified cruelty) in military deeds. Stiffness and slowness in nature in winter. The frozen ringing state of something. Geylet is the month of blizzards and cold.

GIVE (d, give). God's beginning. Awakening, acquisition, rebirth, the beginning of life, revival, resuscitation, the beginning of movement, aspiration, flow. That which personifies the Heavenly Clan - the creator of the Race. The essence is light. Daylet is the month of the awakening of Nature.

E (e). Sowing.
Grain in the ground, knowledge of wisdom, life-giving seed.
Elet is the month of sowing and naming.

WAY (way, way). Waving. Earth elements: winds, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc., which bring rains, cyclones, dry winds. Movement, stirring of the layers of the atmosphere, leading to turbulence and raising dust. Veylet is the month of the winds.

HEY (hey). Summarizing. The beginning of harvesting from the fields, obtaining the results of any activity. Time for summing up, understanding the quality and moving on to the next. Haylet is the month of new gifts.

OB (about). Both. The numerical value is 2.
The unity of two beginnings.
Hand in hand. Something that gives a dual meaning to the image.

GO (go). Zemun.
The sacred cow is the mother of all Slavic-Aryan families.
A pasture is a pasture where cows graze. Goy is a superman, a descendant of a family.
JUDGE (s, o). Essence. The turn of the power of the image is a manifestation of both positive and negative. In a specific situation, in a clear form of content, in order to create deeds, or to administer a court. Acts, depending on the essence, can be right and right - left.

NI (n, neither). No. Denial, rejection of everything superfluous, not recognition of anything or anyone. Not a manifestation of something foreign and alien.
SHTA (pcs). Stitch. To honor the spirits of the ancestors of the Family, causing the power of their patronage energy, which ensures the preservation of both the family as a whole and the life of one person.
CHI (chi). Chelo. The energy of displaying images with the third eye. One of the types of energy of the life-giving light of England is Ra-M-Khi. The energy of clairvoyance - visions in various images - strategic thinking - visions of what needs to be done.
SHI (shi). Ruin. Energy of destruction. Under the influence of this energy, the processes of degradation and evolution of something take place, through destruction and creation. Niy is the God of the Seas, the hypostasis of this energy.
TEREM (ter, tm). Castle. A solid house, built with skill and soul, of a certain shape and several floors. Therm - a house in which it is possible to maintain a certain temperature - an analogue of the Russian bath. Terem is the essence of the crown of something, the embodiment of some lofty goal, created by noble thoughts.

DESNA (de). Right hand. The right hand, carrying the positive energy of creation or repaying in truth - the Canons of Our Ancestral Gods.
ODES (one). Shuya. Left hand, roundabout way - the path of falsehood, untruth. Shuya carries negative energy aimed at destroying harmony in the world under Rod. It is not for nothing that there is an expression: “On the right hand of You!” Those. "I put a cross on you!"
TRUID (t, tr). Trinity. Numerical value - 3. The basis, consisting of three spheres, a set of fields +, -, 0. Triple penetration (touch) of the three worlds into each other.
FORTY (s, litter). Krivda. Something originally distorted or incorrect. That which is fundamentally unfounded and exists only in reality. False information is not supported by facts. What does not bring benefits, on the contrary, is harmful, clogging the brains - garbage brought from outside.
HUMAN (h, che). Figurative receptacle of mental images. Chakra, which materializes images, by the power of thought, through dreams and dreams, in the form of ideas, with the help of which they are embodied in deeds. This receptacle of the mind is erroneously called the forehead, which is the receptacle of the intellect - the analytical center of the brain and controlling the body.
SKIT (sk). Settlement with a temple. The city where it can live, from young to old, many Clans. Gard is a large city. Asgard is the capital city. Land is also adjacent to the skete.
SOMA (som). Vitality drink. An herbal potion that gives vitality. It is also sacrificed to the Gods, part is poured into a sacrificial fire, and part is placed in front of the idols of the Gods.
DON (don). The power of influence. A strong personality, driving processes in time. Don, also a powerful force of the elements, moving stones - the Don River. Something or someone capable of penetrating barriers and overcoming obstacles. The one who grants patronage to the weak, needy and infirm helps to survive. Don Quixote, for example.
VEK (c). Life time period. This period is designed for the life of all the entities of the world of Reveal from birth to death - the transition to another existence. Stones and minerals turn into dust, animals, plants and people turn into dust, the human soul turns into Nav. And Ases and Goys in the Rule. Eternity defines the boundaries of the temporal space for which the life path of earthly beings is calculated.

CHAKRA (h, chak, k). Circle or dot. Kolo is a source that radiates the energy of the light of mind and heat, or absorbs the energies of the suns, stars, moons, earths.
WATER (in, o). Okie-Yan. AT eats O on the D visions BUT rot. An ocean of information, an information flow that carries life force when you plunge into the river, or you will find death if you enter the raging sea. In the event of a violation of harmony during the Family, the sea elements purify the Earth with a flood.
UL (ul). Mound. Our movement to non-existence. Gathered together another form of life, over which time has no power. After death, the body is exposed. The ashes are buried in the ground, and a mound was erected in this place, marking the end of the earthly journey. Ul is the road leading to the temple.

KRODA (k, cr). Bonfire. K O tsam on FROM oud T verdo E about R is the edge of the transition, so this .
Ita (ita). Perpetual motion to the knowledge of wisdom, everything new, unknown until now, secret wisdom. The canon of the universal movement, as the basis of the Universe of the Universe. Constant striving for excellence.
VYA (vie, vie, vie). Rotation. Something rotating in a spiral and drawing in itself. Black hole, tornado, whirlpool. Squeezing - tourniquet, fetters, loop. Spinning in a circle - neck (neck), screw, propeller, Earth, moons, etc.
DRU (dr, friend). tree. Tree, forest and other vegetation.
The tree of ancestors, depending on the form of the essence of matter - the mother that gave birth to this essence.

priest of the forest

engaged in clairvoyance, treatment, prophecy, prediction.

CHILD (h). Child. A descendant of Rod, born from the life-giving light of Inglia, the masculine principle, in the womb of his wife. Child - D ideas And stock T stealing.

144 runes were given above. But 144 is only the main ones. And runes of time, runes of space, runes of uniform images, runes of changing images, penetrating images, etc. go to them. When you open the "Book of Light", you see - it is written in 256 runes. Karuna is written 16 runes per line. When translating from other writing systems, for example, tarag or, for example, from Glagolitic to runic, explanations are inserted into the text, and it is no longer written in 16, but in 32 rune lines. Therefore, the "Book of Light", originally written in d'Aryan, was already rewritten in 32 runes. Those. when you look at the runic text, you immediately pay attention to the number of runes in a line: if 16 runes are written in a line, then this is the original Karuna, it costs 32, which means it is a translation from taraga. If it costs 48, then this is a transfer from another system altogether. Sometimes 64 - this means that it has already been translated several times, i.e. accompanying comment added.


Movement, movement.

Radiation, radiance, thermoplasma, luminary. Moving and shining.

Asov clan.

Future priest.

A displacement in space and time from one point to another.

The flow of wind, continuous, constantly changing direction.

Ant, a living form that has its own habitat, its own measure.

KOP. Constant movement, according to the Canons, in a certain sequence, affecting all existing forms of life, organizing (changing) their form of existence and deeds.

Duality of something, duality.

DAU. Constant movement from top to bottom. Down is a degrading entity. Setdown - sit down in English.
ASP. The life force that lifts up, moving from below upwards, spiraling, in all its beauty and diversity. Asp is a person who can levitate.

Instantaneous movement in space -. Rune of victory over enemies.

A powerful constant force that preserves, protects, protects.
Time is constant, invariably manifesting various forms of world mapping. In speech forms, it has an interrogative form to get an answer.
DAR. Receiving radiation of various forms, absorbing or incarnating in oneself, both in the form of a gift of the Gods - talents, and in the form of radiation - sunburn, x-rays. Dara, D'Aryans.

Pure, light and clear radiation of energy. Hara, Kh'Aryans.

Earth (a, o, y, e, s).
Hierarchy of celestial bodies in the Universe.

OM. Creation. The energy of creativity, creation and development, filling something, someone.



In (Arya).




AVAN (about, before).

SCREW (after a while).


In the concept of the Day - Complicity in time Joy Kako? Time will fly by like ducks and you won't notice.

As a measure of measurement: years, parts, fractions, moments, moments, whitefish.

Like daylight hours.

Light time.

Shining before daylight.

When it starts to get dark, it changes the daylight hours. Gathered at Veche.

Time period equal to 40 days. 640 years.

A period of time equal to 41 days. 656 years.

The period of time now called an hour.

The period of time, which is now called a minute, 1/16 of a year.

The period of time now called a second is 1/144th of a part.

The period of time now called a millisecond, 1/72 of an instant fraction.

Period of time. which is now called a microsecond, 1/760 of an instant

The period of time, which now has no analogues, is 1/160 sig of an instant.

Time, as the fourth dimension, is higher than the absence of time, as such.


... Once upon a time, now, now, when the non-existence of those times, the non-existence and Our Worlds and Realities,perceived by us people, be not incarnating so great Ra-M-Ha.He manifested into the new reality of the perception of a new boundless infinity,lit up with the Great Light of Joy. And then the Infinite New Eternity appearedin the New Reality yes born, and its infinite number of its manifestations appeared.
So it appeared that we are people like the space of the worlds of Reveal and Navi and the Perceiving Rule ...

and if according to the images, on the first reading:

... A certain amount of limited space is manifested and protected by protective power. By means of uttering the true truth, the life-bearing feminine principle, through the materialization of ideas, including the totality of spiritual energies collected on the basis of harmony and unity, manifested itself into the present, creating borders and boundaries that delimit our and the bright worlds of the Ancestors. God, manifested and born on Earth, knowing the wisdom of ancestors from the 3 worlds, spoke out loud the Knowledge that united everything manifested in the present, firmly connecting Nature and the Matrix of the Universe with the fire of vital energy radiated by the Schurs and Ancestors into our existence on Earth, in an instant affirming inextricable link between earthly and heavenly. He filled the spaces with times, manifested in the present from the bright worlds of Slavi with the help of the energy of creativity, one of the manifestations of the life of the birthing light of Inglia - the creative principle. With a divine word, he filled the spaces and revived the souls from Navi, putting the energy of the Creator into the elders of the Family, who know the wisdom of the worlds of Navi, who felt an emotional outburst. The energy of evolution and involution of the Ases and the Genus manifested itself in many forms of the existence of life in Nature, divided into parts with hope for the best, foreseeing the ways of penetration and contact of the 3 worlds, approved by the wisdom of the Genus, with the hope for the subsequent unification of people, after their evolutionary changes and possible distortions, in order to comprehend the Canons of the Universe, their awakening, rebirth and striving for Light. The World of Reveal, the Universe and energies in harmony and unity in a moment will follow the path of the Family, connecting the earthly existence with the heavenly in Faith in the Truth given by the Family and the Universe to the Ases, manifesting vital energy in the trinity and patronage of the Earthly Family, radiating Power and Strength, approved from above, they will rush to the world of Rule, to the lands of the Ancestors, Schurs and Ancestors, conveying and exchanging knowledge by word, uniting spiritual energies, protecting them with Faith, they will come to the super-truth, the repository of Wisdom, to the Primordial Unknowable Essence. The patron of the Kind of the world Navi, the Ancestor, who is revered as God, the Kind is the source of being, Earthly life, in alliance with Navi, having united the two beginnings of earthly life, will direct the bright deeds of mankind to the Source of pure light in heaven, approved from above by the indestructible connection of earth and heaven. The trinity of forms of existence, created by our Ancestors, will instantly merge under the protection and patronage of the Gods. The path of joint development from the origins of being firmly united the world of Reveal and the world of Navi, leading earthly life to the unification of the two principles in the original wisdom, manifested by the light of the Stars and connected by the source of the heavenly Family. The Manifested Knowledge and the patron of the Sort, born on Earth, united the heavenly halls with the hope of affirming the life giving birth to the light of Inglia on Earth with a word. The earthly light, having its own measure of displacement, on the basis of spiritual unity and diversity of forms, transmitted to the world of Reveal the wisdom of knowledge about the existing diversity of forms of being, approved from above, creating a union of the primary fire of the universe with the triglav of the 3 Worlds. The duality of the beginnings of the earthly Kin is a divine act coming from the Ancestors, who in this way approved the streams of the primary fire of the universe. The patron fathers gave these beginnings of life, coming from the Rule to Reality, as separate forms of life, as a set of many manifestations with a certain measure, divided by the Gods and created by higher powers, having absorbed the power of heaven, manifested through clairvoyance and foresight. The hope of Ases living in Reveal, for the source of being and wisdom given from above, for clairvoyance, the patronage of heaven and triglav, the knowledge collected in Navi by our fathers in their bright deeds, is manifested in many genera and approved in earthly life as a set of spiritual energies directed to comprehend the canons of the universe. The trinity of the diversity of the manifested being divided Nav into 3 worlds, connected together by the union of the bright deeds of the Ases on Earth. Rod changed the state of sleeping souls, awakening the light and dividing it into various forms of the Explicit World. He planted the seed of the source of being in the present, which showed the duality of being, sowed the faith of the aces in the constant patronage of the Gods in Reveal, by knowing the set of canons of the purity of the Family and blood (the laws of RITA), protected the source of the Family with various earthly elements restoring the balance of nature. Before our time, pure undistorted light showed the way to protect the life of the birthing light, creating the triglaves of the 3 worlds. The Path of the Kind in Reveal is a form of connection of many dual forms of existence, approved from above, united by the diverse energy of creation and distortion of the divine principle, connecting Reality with the union with the universal mind of the worlds of Rule and Glory by the word of the three-light Ra, in the hope of exchanging knowledge of earthly life with the entire universe of the worlds of Reveal , Navi and Rule... etc.

Perun, outside, invoking Thee

and if the images, it turns out something like this:

... The development of movement is our joint aspiration, there are universal structures outside our space and time, directing spiritual energies on our path of joint cognition of the super-truth (absolute), creating spaces with light and measurements that guide us to the earth time has a measure of displacement (distortion). Our ancestors, who once lived on 3 Earths (Midgard, Orey, Deya), showed a persistent Spirit coming from the origins of being ...

The runes of the ancient Slavs (also Russian, Venedic, Vedic, Aryan, pagan runes) - according to the official version, the alleged writing of the ancient Slavs, which existed even before the emergence of Cyrillic and Glagolitic.

Who created the Slavic runes and when did they appear?

There is no single point of view on this issue. Some argue that Slavic runes are the oldest symbols in the world and their origins must be sought in Vedic culture. Officially recognized historians are inclined to the version of the European and ancient Germanic roots of runic writing. The date of occurrence is considered to be the 1st century AD.

It is known about eighteen Old Slavic runes, each of them has its own image-value.

Description and meaning of runes

Rune photos (available for download)

Behind each rune is a certain meaning and energy. Knowledge of the meaning of Slavic runes can be useful in a wide variety of situations.

To achieve the result you are interested in, you can apply a temporary tattoo with the image of a rune on your body or make a charm, and then additionally charge it.

Be careful and careful when choosing a rune: you should not focus only on its description. At first, try to vilify it for a short time, carefully listening to the sensations in the body.

For convenience, we have arranged the descriptions of the Slavic runes in alphabetical order.

Alatyr(Az, World Mountain, Graaal)
The rune Alatyr symbolizes the center of the World, the basis of the universe. This is the beginning and the end, the balance and the pivot around which the cycle of life and the struggle of opposites develop. The world mountain, similar to the universal altar or chair, is a prototype of all earthly altars and thrones.

Bereginya(Mother Earth, Makosh, Fate)
Bereginya, among the Slavs, symbolizes female energy, protecting and giving life. The Mother Goddess creates favorable conditions and protects all living things. She is responsible for fate and material wealth, gives life and takes it away. Rune Bereginya should be used with a lack of vitality.

Wind(Strength, Veles, Top)
Rune of knowledge, magic, strength and will. Bereginya is the rune of earthly forces, and the Wind represents subtle and spiritual forces. Rune of Veles - the ancient Slavic god of wisdom and material wealth. Gives wisdom and strength.

Dazhdbog(Fertility, Gifts)
Dazhdbog - Slavic rune of good luck and wealth, symbolizes goodness and gifts. It is a symbol of spiritual and material well-being, endless abundance. Helps to improve financial situation.

There is(Life, Alive)
The rune symbolizes the forces responsible for the physical side of life. There is an image of the incessant movement of the flow of life: growth, development, renewal. Can be used in the treatment of diseases.

Source(Foundation, Ice, Standing)
There is a legend that our world arose from an icy seed. Water contains a huge potential for life and activity, while ice keeps it motionless and is the source of future life. The Slavic rune Source denotes several meanings: on the one hand, it is the fundamental principle and source of future activity, on the other, stagnation and stupor.

Krada(Fire, Sacrifice)
The image of the Great Fire and sacrifices for it. Also, Krada - denotes the activity and the losses associated with its implementation. For any embodiment of our plans, we always pay some sacrifice. Grants purification, accelerates and enhances the realization of intentions.

Lelya(Water, Attraction, Love)
Rune Lelya is a symbol of life hidden in water, joy, awakening and instinctive spontaneous intuition. Increases attractiveness and intuition, relieves unreasonable fears and complexes, helps in lucid dreams.

World(I, Belbog)
The image of the rune contains the image of the Tree of the World, it is a sign of the higher nature of man and all things. Interestingly, the inverted rune of the World, the Chernobog rune, serves as a modern symbol of peace. To what world are we being led? Gives the wearer the protection and favor of the bright gods.

Need(Inevitability, Karma, Falsehood)

The rune of Veles in the hypostasis of the God of the dark world is Viy. Rune Need is interpreted as an all-enforcing force, from which it is impossible to hide. In addition to the images of death and retribution, the rune imprinted images of the limitations of the material world and the shackles holding the consciousness of people. Strengthens the instinct of self-preservation, accelerates the realization of karma.

Support(Motherland, Pillar, Gods)
The rune of the Gods, who are the pillar of the universe. Denotes the Gods located on the axis of the world and the people existing near them. Used by those in the know to attract the blessings and protection of the Gods.

The rune of the god of thunder Perun - the god of thunder, protecting the world of people and gods from the forces of destruction. The image contains male energy and vitality. It symbolizes initiation through the rejection of the old and rebirth. Develops and strengthens the personality, gives physical and mental stamina.

Rainbow(Joy, Road)
The rainbow marks the path in the direction and to our universal source, the image of which is contained in the Alatyr rune. The rune is useful in wandering and for the favorable resolution of difficult situations.

The image of the unmanifested Spirit, which contains the source, goal and end of all things. Used to convey a situation or thing to a higher power. It is believed that the transmitter loses the ability to control what is given.

Strength(Knowledge, Integrity)
The rune contains an image of energy that allows us to move towards the source of the entire universe without leaving the path. It symbolizes the fullness and unity that we will gain when we reach the end of the path. The rune gives the wearer stamina, determination and determination.

Treba(Warrior, Sacrifice)
The word "treba" is translated as "sacrifice". The essence of the image is self-sacrifice in order to achieve the goal. The image is best revealed by a legend in which the hero feeds a bird with his own meat, pulling him out of the kingdom of the dead.

Oud(Youth, Love)
The Slavic rune Ud denotes the sexual and creative power that changes our world. It enhances the wearer's sexual attractiveness, helps with infertility, gives strength for activity.

Chernobog(Shadow, Darkness, World Tree Reflection)
The image contains forces striving for the destruction of the world and general chaos. The meaning of the rune is opposite in meaning to the rune Belbog (World), together they form a balance and are the basis for the existence of a dual material world. The rune Peace personifies the forces of order, and the rune Chernobog represents the world-destroying spirits of Chaos. The essence of the rune in destruction is to use it with the utmost care.

Should you get rune tattoos?

All at once…

The runes inflicted on the body affect your fate. With this in mind, you can get a tattoo with any Slavic rune.

Are you sure that the image and energy contained in the rune will delight you throughout your life? And we are not talking about the impact of tattoos on skin health and public opinion, everything is clear here.

Much more important is your personal desire, which for many people changes several times a day, to say nothing of the decades that you will have to spend with a tattooed rune.

If you want to get a tattoo for some magical purpose, and not just for the sake of beauty, then it would be much more reasonable to make an amulet or apply a temporary tattoo.

Rune divination

The principle of divination on three runes

It is believed that the runes are able to predict the outcome of the situation. Using a minimal set of self-made Slavic runes (even drawn on plain paper), you can already conduct a divination session.

It is important to guess in the right frame of mind. You should be as calm as possible, nothing should distract the fortuneteller. Do everything slowly - without fuss. To create a suitable atmosphere, it is permissible to use incense, essential oils, and other attributes you like. Your question should be short and to the point, so focus on the situation and consider simplifying the question.

For interpretation, use a reference book or book (for example, "Runes of the Eastern Slavs" - author Kreslav Rys). In the future, we will definitely make a special service for divination on runes on the site.

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