Runes for weight loss and rejuvenation with a caveat. Runic weight loss: is there a proven one? Is it possible to lose weight with the help of runes


Runes are special magical symbols that have one or another meaning and are used in various magical events. But some women use them for weight loss, no matter how strange it sounds. However, many do it incorrectly, using the wrong symbols and formulas, but experts assure that everything is possible using proven runic drawings.

How to use the runes and use them for weight loss, we will describe below. You will also read the reviews of those who tried to do this.

Features of the use of runes

According to legend, the runes were donated supreme deity Odin during meditation and insight. Since ancient times, runic symbols and formulas have been considered something supernatural:

  • divine symbols;
  • having a magical property;
  • with supreme power.

Runic formulas and drawings were drawn on wood or stones and carried in special bags. With their help, people tried to unravel their future, taking them out one at a time and making a deal.

Nowadays, runes are also often drawn on trees or stones, and they are also often depicted on paper or on the body in the form of temporary tattoos.

It is believed that runograms have special power - these are talismans that are made individually for a person. You can depict runic symbols on various objects that you want. to endow with superpower or save:

  • at the entrance doors;
  • on things or a baby's bed, etc.

Or talk about weight loss issues, then runic symbols are drawn directly on the body or on paper, which should be with you all the time. For drawing, it is better to have a separate marker in red, black or blue and use it for nothing else. It must be kept separate from everything and not allowed to be used by anyone.

Runes can be depicted on the body only on those parts of the body that hidden from prying eyes, for example, on the stomach or from the inside of the shoulder part. If you depict runes for weight loss or beauty, then you need to draw them on your stomach.

Features of applying runic symbols for weight loss

Even on the body, runic symbols must be applied correctly. There are a number of rules for this:

  • apply them so that they can be read by a virtual observer;
  • they should not be mirrored;
  • don't show the runes to anyone.

As already mentioned, runes for weight loss better to apply on the stomach, because this area is the area of ​​the lower chakras, which are responsible for bodily desires. All runic symbols applied to this part of the body help to solve such problems:

  • contribute to weight loss;
  • improve attractiveness;
  • correct character;
  • protect from negative energy.

Runes are depicted in a line or column. When writing, it is important to know what their validity period will be. If they are erased, and the result has not yet been achieved, then you need to circle the runes. When they do their job and you lose weight, for example, you need to remove the runes with alcohol or makeup remover. Remember that even after removal, they will affect you for several more days.

If you don't want to draw runes on your body then take a sheet of paper and a red marker. They should be with you all the time, and when the signs have the desired result, the sheet must be burned.

Don't forget to thank the runes before flushing or burning the paper.

There are many special rune formulas. For weight loss and weight correction, the following is usually used: Uruz - Dagaz - (your name) - Laguz - Kenaz - Isa.

In addition to the abdomen, runes are drawn on the left palm. On the stomach they are drawn from left to right, and on the hands - from the wrist towards the fingers. You need to update the drawing daily, carefully copy them from the illustration and never turn them over, otherwise the result may be deplorable for you. For example, instead of losing weight, you will gain even more extra pounds.

Sometimes used for weight loss runes of Scandinavian origin. For weight loss, the following are often used:

And if we talk about Slavic runes, then the main symbol that helps to lose weight is Rtsy. This sign contains the path of knowledge and spreads the law of Svarog. - the path of joyful and difficult discoveries of the inner world in the spiritual plane. Thanks to this rune, you can find a connection between the body and the spirit.

If you began to gain excess weight, this is not only a physiological problem, but also problems in your inner world. The key word of the Rtsy rune is action, movement from chaos to order, this symbol helps a person achieve his goal, gives advice and supports him on an energy level.

Runic formulas for losing weight

There are several special formulas that are based on the Scandinavian runes, thanks to which you can lose weight as quickly as possible. Here are three such formulas.

The first formula for weight loss

This formula sounds like this: “Yera” - “Sovelu” - “Hagalaz” - “Sovelu” - “Yera”. Its action is aimed at burning and getting rid of everything unnecessary in the human body. It works not only physically, but also at the energy level. This formula should be applied with a red marker on the left forearm. Reviews suggest that after two days the appetite is significantly reduced, and working capacity increases, a good mood appears.

However, they say that you should not expect a quick result either, everything is noticeable at least 3 weeks after applying the pattern to the body. For drawings and formulas to work, they must be applied regularly.

Second formula

The next runic formula is called "Mannaz" - "Berkano" - "Fehu" - "Vun". It will help you cope with the constant desire to eat something, and such a desire is the main enemy of those who want to lose weight.

Third formula

Even if you do not believe that you can lose weight just like that, by applying runes, you can, just in case, apply the third formula "Isa" - "Kano" - "Dagaz", which helps well cope with starvation and strict diets. Thanks to this, you will not feel a breakdown, and even when you are starving, you will feel strong.

Runes to improve physical condition

In addition to special formulas for weight loss, there are runes that will help you put your body in order, feel younger and recharge with positive energy.

To this end the following signs apply:

  • Berkana - a rune for rejuvenation and purification from bad energy;
  • Raido - helps to achieve your goals;
  • Naut - also for rejuvenation;
  • Laguz - to enhance a particular effect;
  • Hyera - accelerates the desired result;
  • Uruz - gives tone to the skin;
  • Kano - helps to understand what needs to be done to look better;
  • Soul - gives strength and energy.

30.10.2015 admin

runic magic has established itself as an effective tool in solving many of the most difficult life situations. In addition to being used as a means to know the past and the future, runes can also heal the mental and physical bodies of a person. Anyone can use runic magic after a short training course.

General information about runes

Runes are non-fictional symbols of modernity, this is a writing system that arose in Europe in the second century AD. There is an opinion among scientists that it was the runic writing that was transferred to the inhabitants of Europe by our earlier ancestors in order to transfer magical knowledge.

Runic signs have changed several times over the history of their existence. But not only their appearance, the inner meaning and symbolism also changed.

Our ancestors used runes to:

  • Carrying out rituals associated with the birth of a person and his burial;
  • As writing (only in small villages and settlements);
  • In times of active hostilities, runic inscriptions showed wanderers the way to shelters.

The use of runes by our ancestors was kept under the strictest secrecy at a time when magical practices were persecuted.

With the help of runes, you can perform the following manipulations of the magical plan:

  • Opening energy flow channels;
  • Closing channels of energy flows;
  • Setting protection for one object and several;
  • Putting protection on magical work using a different magical technique;
  • Restoration of energy circulation in the human energy column;
  • Restoration of the human aura structure;
  • Discovery of the future and past of man;
  • Energy correction of the past and future of a person.

Rune principles

No wonder manipulations with runes are called runic rituals. The word ritual in the narrow sense of the word means ordered actions of a magical nature. A ritual is a systematization of knowledge and skills to achieve a goal. When conducting a ritual with runes, even if it is just getting an answer to one question, you should carefully prepare for it.

For those who work with runes, there are several rules that should be followed in this matter:

  • The ban on the use of alcoholic and stimulant drugs;
  • When conducting complex runic rituals, it is worth adhering to a diet in nutrition;
  • A clear awareness of the need to obtain the result for which the ritual is performed.
With regard to limiting the use of alcoholic and stimulant drugs, everything is very clear, a clear mind is needed to obtain the desired result. To improve the effect of working with runes, you can use incense and essential oils. There is a whole system for selecting aromatic oils for working with runic systems.

A diet in nutrition is also needed for better concentration on obtaining the desired result. Of course, you don’t have to switch to strict fasting, but it’s worth limiting the intake of animal food and fats in a few days. Without a clearly posed question, a clear and specific answer will not come from the runes.

To improve concentration, it is worthwhile in advance:

  • Master the meditation practice;
  • Learn to manage Qi energy;
  • To undergo a diagnosis for the presence of negativity, if it is present, it is worth postponing runic rituals to attract money and love to life.

Diagnosing negative programs on a person with the help of runes is another way to use them, which is actively used today not only in Europe, but throughout the world. Of course, in order to practice serious runic rituals, you need to take a course of special training, but almost everyone can get answers to simple questions and help in life situations.

Runic symbols for weight loss

The problem of excess weight worries many, but few have tried the magical effect of runes for weight loss. It is worth remembering one nuance of working with runes for weight loss, it is best to choose the waning cycle of the moon for this.

So, the runes that help get rid of extra pounds:

  • Isa- the rune of cooling, freezing of all processes, in the fight against extra pounds, it will help stop the process of gaining excess weight and allow other runes to do their job;
  • Hyères- a rune of redirecting energy in the right direction, this rune can not only get rid of excess weight, but also energize the entire body;
  • Soulou is able to restore lost energy and the balance of fats in the body;
  • Hagalaz- breaks down fats well;
  • Berkana- accelerates the process of losing weight, but at the same time makes it soft;
  • Dagaz- embodies the changes themselves that are necessary, that is, losing weight in exactly those areas that are needed;

These are the main runes that are used to achieve the goal of losing weight. They can be used both one at a time and in the form of a weight loss bet.

The correct spelling of the rune for weight loss

A large number of staves for weight loss:

  • they are written on a sheet of paper, not applied to glass and wood;
  • written in black or red pencil. If you write Isa on the problem area with a red felt-tip pen, then it will activate very quickly and will freeze the process of building up adipose tissue right there.
  • Runes should be correctly applied to paper, connecting visualization.

How to draw runescripts?

As a rule, descriptions of activated runes are attached to runescripts, staves. It is worth drawing them in the order in which they are listed in the description of the runescript.

This becoming is written from right to left and in the sequence in which the runes are depicted.

Shown here:

  • Turisaz- promotes the breakdown of fat;
  • Quort- promotes fat burning;
  • Laguz- Promotes its excretion from the body as a liquid.
  • Uruz- tones the body;
  • Solo- rune zakrepa, which guarantees a positive outcome.

How to use runes correctly?

Many practitioners advise updating the staves every lunar cycle. If the description for the rune stav indicates that you need to apply it to the material and carry it with you, then it’s better not to put the sheet with runes in your wallet, unless it’s money magic, of course, but to wear it like an amulet on your body. You can also sew a rune, embroider it on clothes. If the rune is made of stone, it can be worn as a piece of jewelry.

If the rune is intended for long-term wear, then it is worth cleaning it in water at least once a month. It is immersed for a day in purified water, you can put the container with the rune on the windowsill so that it is saturated with lunar and solar energies.

Today, many people use runes and I really want to recall the basic rules for working with them, for successful work:

  • Purposefulness;
  • Careful preparation;
  • The correct selection of a combination of runes;
  • Correct use.

It’s not worth experimenting on your own at the beginning of runic practice, you should trust the professionals, conduct several proven rituals, and then, having identified which one is the most suitable, expand the methods of working with it. This practice will definitely bear fruit, an integrated approach to working with runes is also important.

The stakes are always more effective than the runes separately, you should not be afraid to work with the stakes, you should expect a positive result.


Every girl at least once in her life went on a diet to fit into her favorite dress, look great before the beach season, or just to conquer her spouse or admirer with her beauty. Dietary restrictions, debilitating sports - agree, it’s not so easy to endure all this, especially if it’s not about a couple of days, but about several weeks or even months? But you can facilitate the difficult process of weight loss with the help of one miracle remedy - this is a runic weight loss.

Is it possible to lose weight with the help of runes?

We have already talked about whether it is really possible to lose weight with the help of runes in an article on runic formulas for weight loss, so we summarize briefly.

So, proven and strong runic staves and weight loss formulas will help you:

  • without harm to health to reduce weight by a few kilograms
  • normalize metabolism
  • eliminate the "blocks" in the body that prevent weight loss
  • set you up on a subconscious level for the process of losing weight
  • easier to accept dietary restrictions
  • recover faster after exercise
  • perceive your new lifestyle not as a painful duty, but as an interesting and motivating experiment
  • cheer up, make weight loss joyful

But remember that it is simply impossible to achieve impressive results with runes alone, such as losing twenty to thirty kilograms in a short time. You will still have to adhere to certain, but reasonable restrictions and make your lifestyle more mobile. Without observing these conditions, of course, you can successfully part with a couple of hated kilograms, but when using an integrated approach, the result will be much more impressive.

Many people think that a strong runic weight loss will still work, even if you just lie in bed and overeat pizza, burgers and sweets, but this is not so. But in order to realize this, you need to understand how such formulas generally work.

How do runic rates for weight loss work?

If we take for analysis becoming lucky, finding a job or attracting the love of a particular person, we can notice that the runes in them will work through a change in life circumstances. The formulas for luck and luck use symbols that change our reality: for example, instead of going to work on one bus, a person for some reason is late for it, so he takes the next one, and as a result it turns out that the previous transport has broken down or got into an accident. No internal work is being carried out - it’s just that circumstances under the influence of runes develop in such a way that for some reason he simply doesn’t go where failure is possible: for example, the key is stuck in the door, he is distracted by a phone call or something like that. In job search formulas, runes seem to attract the necessary circumstances, places, people to a person, and when we use love formulas, the effect is most often not on the one who uses the stave, but on the person we are trying to attract.

If we consider any runic becoming for weight loss and harmony, we will find that all his work is carried out not somewhere “outside”, but directly inside the person. Runes affect our body, speed up and normalize metabolism, work with the human subconscious, give vitality, remove blocks, but all this becomes possible only when the individual himself does not resist this and helps hard. Feel the difference?

Remember the famous saying "a shoemaker without shoes"? Its meaning helps to understand why rune staves aimed at weight loss should be accompanied by an additional complex of proper nutrition and lifestyle. It is always easier to do something for someone else than for yourself. We easily blame others, but we don’t notice mistakes behind ourselves, we easily abandon someone, but we just can’t put up with when they leave us, we envy someone else’s success, but we don’t even try to pull ourselves together and do something in order to to become successful ourselves. Work on yourself is the most difficult, therefore, the runes cannot do absolutely everything for you. So use the rune rates for weight loss wisely - then the effect will be many times stronger.

How to correctly apply, intend, stipulate, activate weight loss stakes

We also spoke in detail about the rules for working with such ties in the article on formulas for weight loss, so we will go over briefly. We apply it on our own body (preferably in the abdomen), on a piece of paper or an amulet that we carry with us, or on our photograph. The first option is considered the most effective.

We intend and stipulate either in full or entirely, depending on what action you expect from the work of the stav. in any way, and after finishing the work, we erase or burn it. As necessary, the formula can be updated by circling already drawn characters a second time.

If you are wondering how to make a runic weight loss yourself - do not be too lazy to visit thematic forums where practicing runologists communicate: they will definitely help you with advice. But in general, it is not recommended for beginners to come up with formulas - it is better to use already proven options.

Proven and strong runic weight loss rates

And now let's take a look at some powerful "weight loss" formulas with you that will help you successfully say goodbye to extra pounds, rejuvenate your body and look stunning.

Becoming "Weight Loss"

This runic weight loss includes the following runes:

  • Two Dagaz symbolize the changes that a person "orders"
  • Evaz helps the process move in the right direction
  • Mirror Thurisaz effectively destroys blocks, i.e. what's stopping you from losing weight
  • Mirror Kenaz, like a magic torch, burns all the accumulated fat
  • softens the process, makes it not sharp, but smooth and painless
  • Laguses contribute to the removal from the body of all unnecessary: ​​toxins, toxins
  • Three Algiz runes act as a powerful defense against stress associated with weight loss

Formula "Weight Loss 2"

This runic weight loss and rejuvenation, judging by the reviews of the people testing it, works real miracles. Hateful kilograms go away, health improves, the skin is renewed, and the body becomes not only slim, but also toned.

Runes working in it:

  • Hagalaz destroys the reasons why a person gained or is gaining weight
  • Turisaz cleanses the body of toxins, toxins and harmful substances
  • Laguz smoothly removes everything harmful and unnecessary from the body in a natural way
  • Troika Hagalaz - mirror Fehu - Raido destroys the causes of weight gain, normalizes metabolism in the body, and also affects a person, forcing him to stop overeating
  • The Turisaz combination - - Perth, in addition to destroying fat, allows the skin to remain in good shape, as a result of which you look not only thinner, but also rejuvenated
  • The combination of runes Laguz - Dagaz - Algiz makes the withdrawal of "any kind" from the body irreversible (kilograms will not come back), and also increases immunity

Slimming becoming "Menu from the Trap"

This effective formula was created specifically for those people who find it very difficult to force themselves to give up harmful products and play sports. In a word, a great choice for lazy people and lazy people.

The runic weight loss with a reservation and activation according to the standard includes:

  • Teyvaz, endowing a person with excellent health, vitality, harmony, a beautiful figure
  • Raido, awakening a person's interest in an active lifestyle, physical activity. The rune allows you to more effectively reduce weight during training, walking, even with simple walking.
  • Turisaz, which reduces a person's subconscious craving for junk food. Under the influence of the rune, the individual begins to consciously refuse fatty, fried, spicy, sweet, flour dishes.
  • , in which all other runes are enclosed, symbolizes metabolism. The rune speeds it up and harmonizes the coordinated work of all other signs of tie

Powerful galdrastav "Liposactor V"

This amazing formula was created specifically to reproduce the action of a professional liposuction procedure - fat removal with the help of runes. On the Internet you can find the very first version of this rune for weight loss, but it is this updated version that is considered more effective and safe. The work of the runes in this formula is surprisingly well-coordinated, and the results from its use are fantastic. It is necessary to stipulate with the words “Let the power of the runes ...”, and end with the phrase “AZ FRAMKVEMA”, while it is important to indicate exactly how each character will act.

  • Hagalase is the destruction of fat cells
  • Turisaz - a tool with which fat is destroyed
  • Dagaz is the most merciless blow to fat
  • - a successful result of fat destruction, a sense of satisfaction with the work of the runes
  • Two Soulus are additional tools for burning body fat, for example, in training. They are also responsible for the release of adrenaline. (Attention - if you have a weak heart, add Berkana and next to the stav, or remove one or both of Soul)
  • The three, including the inverted Fehu with Teyvaz and O-elforuns, open the "gates of the earth" so that the fat goes there and never comes back
  • Nautiz is responsible for reasonable self-restraint in food. If you have weak willpower, you can paint another Nautiz on the body, but not as part of the tie, but away from it, specifying its action separately

Little secret

What resourceful women can’t come up with who don’t want to “spoil” their body with rune knitting or simply forget to carry a piece of paper with the formula! So, for example, you can make a runic weight loss on water by applying symbols directly to a jar of liquid, and using only this water during the day. And you can also draw runes on a bar of soap or a bottle of shower gel - then it will act on you every time you wash your face or take a bath. And you know it really works! Successful weight loss!

Runic images were borrowed by fascism ideologues such as Hitler, Himmler, Goering and Hesse. So the rune Hagal became a symbol of the "salvation" of the nation, and the double rune Sol - a symbol of the SS.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future with the help of runes.

Runes for weight loss verified with a pattern

Are runes able to help a person who wants to reduce his weight? This is quite possible if:

  • choose the desired combination;
  • apply it correctly;
  • not rely only on magic, but also make certain efforts to achieve a result (Higher Forces are ready to support that person who demonstrates his perseverance and determination).

Runes for weight loss (tested) with a pattern may look different. Usually they are applied to the area of ​​​​the anterior abdominal wall (lower abdomen), as well as to the hands (from the elbow to the base of the fingers).

Choose the right formula

In fact, in such an important matter, it is better to contact a trusted specialist. On the Internet, you can find a camp that seems to be suitable for any situation. But will it work with a specific person? After all, everyone has their own reasons for the appearance of extra pounds: one needs to put metabolic processes in order, others need to help defeat the feeling of hunger, and others need to first stabilize the emotional background that provokes overeating.

The choice is great: at least half of the existing 24 runes are able to have the strongest effect on changing the weight and appearance in general. For example, Hagalaz destroys fat cells, but the released substances will need to be removed from the body, cleansed. Other magic symbols will help with this - Nautiz or Kano. As a "fixer" of the effect achieved, Dagaz or Vunyo can be used.

It is believed that Laguz is ideal for edema - it removes excess water, and with it toxins. Nearby, it is best to draw Isa - a symbol of stabilization, constancy. So the result will be more stable. If the root of the problem is exclusively in regular overeating, a different camp will be needed. For example:

  • Mannaz (strengthening will);
  • Berkana (cleansing from negativity, beauty);
  • Feu (achieving the desired result);
  • Vunyo (completion of transformation, consolidation of success).

How to write runes for weight loss?

The easiest way is to draw a "weight loss formula" on your own body red marker or pen. Be careful with mirrors - the runes are reflected in them the other way around, with a lack of experience, you can easily make a mistake and write inverted characters. It is clear that the effect of such a magical effect will be the opposite.

Since ancient times, runes have been a powerful tool in solving many complex problems. So, runic symbols also become a powerful tool in the fight against extra pounds. Experienced rune interpreters are aware of the existence of special runic staves that help to easily find a dream figure.

Finding the figure of your dreams will easily help ... runic staves

What are runes and how to use them correctly to lose weight

Runes are not just a set of incomprehensible ancient symbols, they are letters of the alphabet that are fraught with many meanings. The runes were passed down from generation to generation and brought to our days the magical knowledge of our ancestors.

Time left its imprint on the meaning of each symbol, and the external data of the symbols also changed. But in ancient times and now, runes were used:

  1. For various magical rituals. Most often, runes help a person protect himself from the effects of negative energy or the evil thoughts of enemies.
  2. In order to free and clean the energy channels, help the internal energy to move calmly throughout the body and heal it.
  3. In order to close all the ways for the movement of energy. Most often it is used in rituals for haters or enemies, in order to deprive them of the power to bring suffering and interfere with development.
  4. Restoration of a person's aura after serious illnesses or experienced misfortunes.
  5. One of the main properties of the runes is the ability to lift the curtains of the future and unravel the past. Thanks to the possibility of foresight, it is possible to correct a person's life path and help to avoid serious problems in the future.

Most diseases in the human body are caused by energy stagnation or improper circulation. So, and excess weight occurs due to improper circulation of energy in the body. To solve problems with excess body fat in the body, it is necessary to work out this aspect with the help of runes.

It is believed that excess weight appears as a result of improper circulation of energy in the body.

How to work with runes to lose weight

In order for the runes to help you lose weight, you must follow all the subtleties when working with them and strictly follow the instructions. It is necessary to carefully study the meaning of each symbol necessary in the work, and the features of its application.

There are mandatory conditions that must be observed when working with runes for weight loss:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to use toxic substances and narcotic drugs in food. You should stop smoking and taking alcoholic beverages.
  2. Runes require fasting or a strict diet. You should refrain from taking animal products.
  3. In addition to strict rules for eating and prohibitions on drinking alcohol, there are mental rules. It is necessary to learn to clearly imagine the result that should be obtained in the end. The final result depends on the correct formulation of the desire.
  4. When working with runes, you can use auxiliary items to enhance the effect of work. Incense and various essential oils are well suited for these purposes.

Mindfulness is the key to achieving the best result, and in order to develop awareness, it is necessary to use various spiritual and mental practices:

  1. Meditate. Meditation helps to know your inner world, relax and gain concentration. Focusing on the right things and the desired results helps you get what you want faster, and in exactly the right way.
  2. Exclude negative thoughts from your consciousness, do not allow them to spoil the energy flows in the body. And if bad thoughts got into the mind, they should be immediately eradicated and replaced with good ones.

To lose weight, you need to eradicate bad thoughts from your mind and think only about good things.

Proven runes for weight loss with a pattern

There are certain runic formulas that will help you find your dream figure. Such a weight loss formula is a combination of several runes with a certain meaning. Runes are selected depending on what result is desired. An important condition is to conduct the ritual during the period when the moon is in its waning stage.

List of the most effective runes for fighting excess weight and normalizing energy flow:

  1. Isa rune. Isa helps to influence weight as an inhibitor. It stops the growth or fluctuation of weight, it stops at a certain point and does not change further. Isa alone will not help to lose weight, so it must be used in conjunction with other strong runic symbols.
  2. Yera rune. It is a symbol of the healing of the soul and body. All the forces of the yera are aimed at restoring the energy flow, normalizing the state of the whole organism. Thanks to such a powerful positive effect, excess weight goes away, and with it other health problems.
  3. Rune of Soul. This symbol fills a person with the brightest energy - solar. The energy of the sun completely restores the energy potential of the human body, fills it with strength. Solar energy helps break down frozen isoy fats, effectively and quickly removes them from the body.
  4. Rune Hagalaz. Hagalaz, like soul, directs all internal energy to fight frozen fats. Breaks them down and effectively removes them from the body in a natural way.
  5. Berkan. Allows the body to lose excess weight slowly, without harm to it. Weight loss goes smoothly and the body does not experience severe stress.
  6. Rune Dagaz. This symbol helps to solve problems with excess weight in those parts of the body where it is most needed.

Runes for weight loss, tested with a pattern or in the form of simple formulas, can be found in ancient interpreters or modern rune connoisseurs. Sometimes runic rates for weight loss are performed personally, taking into account the individual characteristics of the human body.

But weight loss runes, proven or not, will not help if you do not follow the basic rules of proper nutrition:

  1. Pay attention to an active lifestyle. Spend time outdoors as often as possible, pay great attention to physical exercises. If you define for yourself any one active sport and practice it several times a week, you can achieve positive results.
  2. You need to keep track of what foods you eat. Completely exclude the intake of fast food and sugary carbonated drinks. And partially replace animal food with plant products. Try to drink plenty of water every day (at least two liters).

If you radically revise your lifestyle and observe the daily routine, then slander and runic becoming will help to reduce weight faster, and without negative consequences for the whole organism.

How to write runes for weight loss

The result of losing weight depends on the correct spelling of the runic stav, so it is very important to follow the following rules:

  1. Rune symbols must be applied to paper or wood. Sometimes glass or even your own body can be used as a material.
  2. Color is also very important, for writing runes you need to use only black or red.
  3. An important step in achieving the final result is visualization. While the runic becoming is transferred to paper or other material, it is necessary to clearly represent your goal.
  4. Mentally toned body, slender facial features and the admiration of others - these are the main aspects of orientation in visualization.

Rune magic is very ancient and effective, but it only works when you believe in it and give yourself completely to it. Therefore, the runes help to achieve the best results in losing weight to those who are completely passionate about them.

Runes are ancient magical symbols that help only those who sincerely believe

The most powerful runic becoming for weight loss with a reservation

In order for the runic becoming to work and you become an attractive owner of slender forms, you need to visualize your desire.

Those who have tested runic weight loss rates on themselves claim that runes should not be written on paper, but on the body. So the runes interact best with the energy of the body and help more efficiently. But if this is not possible, then the material on which the becoming is written must be carried with you all the time.

Having become slimming, they draw on the area where the lower chakras are located - this is the lower abdomen. Runes are drawn up in the form of a column or written in a line, but strictly in a certain sequence, as written in the formula.

When transferring a drawing from the selected runic formula to the body, it is imperative to say its validity period. As soon as a person reaches the desired result or after the agreed time, the drawing must be erased.

Runic formulas for weight loss, proven repeatedly:

  1. If a person is worried about excessive appetite, which cannot be controlled in any known way, then the following runic formula will come to the rescue: Mannaz, Berkano, Feho, Vunyo.
  2. During fasting, a person's strength leaves, sometimes the condition of the body worsens and chronic diseases become aggravated. To avoid unforeseen troubles with health, it is worth using the following combination of runes to maintain it: Isa, Kano, Dagaz.
  3. There is a certain runic formula that helps to melt fats most effectively: Kano, rune Isa and Dagaz. It is important to follow the sequence of writing, if you rearrange the runes for weight loss in the formula, this will slow down the movement of energy or lead to irreversible consequences.
  4. To help replenish strength during a period when the body suffers from the stress of weight loss, and reduce the feeling of constant hunger, the following runic formula will help: Yera, rune Sovelu, Hagalaz, Sovelu, Yera.

Reservations for runic formulas

Runic staves work, even without specialized reservations. But time-tested reservations additionally help:

  1. Clearly mark the boundaries of the time for losing weight and how many kilograms should go away in the process of using the magic stav.
  2. Activate additional channels of energy.
  3. Block certain adverse effects in advance.

The stipulation applies to any formula aimed at losing weight. One of the proven runic weight loss rates sounds like this:

“Let this runic formula make me (full name) lose weight (a) by“ so many kilograms ”. Let the DRF carry out what I have agreed, using only my personal strength. Let the DRF begin its action now. Let the DRF cease its action as soon as it fulfills what I have agreed. This runic becoming works without harm to the mental, physical and energy health of the full name. I activate this runic becoming right now with my breath, so be it. This is true!

This becoming must be applied to the body with a red marker on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lower chakras. The one who checked this becoming with a reservation on himself recommends putting it on his own strength. Sometimes you can resort to the help of any of the gods of Asgard.

An important feature of the setting of the stave is the offering. To obtain the desired benefit in the form of weight reduction, the runes need a certain payoff. So, for this reservation, you will need to make an offering to the god whose energy you are attracting. If the becoming is performed with the activation of one's own energy, then the offering is not required.

You can only do it if you are confident in your abilities. If there are doubts or uncertainty about the correctness of the ritual, then it is better to turn to professionals.

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