Russian folk tales. Category - ordinary fairy tales Russian fairy tales drawings of children


They gave us a fairy tale! The illustrators who brought our favorite characters to life. A guide to books, style, techniques and life stories.

Ivan Bilibin

Master of graphics, creator of a special type of illustrated book, "the first professional book" - as he is called by experts. His example is science to others; many generations of not only illustrators, but also graphic designers have sought inspiration in Bilibin's work.

"The Frog Princess", "Vasilisa the Beautiful", "Marya Morevna", "The Tale of Tsar Saltan", "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel", "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" - you should find your favorite books from childhood on the shelf to make sure - the beauty!

Style. You can recognize Bilibin's work from a large format thin notebook book with large color drawings. And the artist here is not just the author of the drawings, but also of all the decorative elements of the book - covers, initials, fonts and ornamental decorations.

Elena Polenova

The museum-reserve "Abramtsevo" still keeps books illustrated by Elena Polenova. The sister of the famous painter Vasily Polenov, although she was associated with the bohemian "mammoth circle" - artists, artists, architects, was always interested in folk, peasant. She was inspired by fairy tales, in her letters to friends folklore heroes are mentioned, for example: grandmother Fedosya is a master of inventing funny stories.

Style: The main thing in Polenova's landscapes is attention to "little things": herbs, flowers, mushrooms, insects. She tried to "go back to that distant childhood, when, listening to this story, I imagined miniature monasteries and cities in the forest, built, so to speak, on a mushroom scale, in which these amazing creatures live and act."

Yuri Vasnetsov

"The Stolen Sun" by Korney Chukovsky, "The Cat's House" by Samuil Marshak, "The Little Humpbacked Horse" by Pyotr Ershov - we present the heroes of all these books thanks to the drawings of Yuri Vasnetsov .

Style: The artist was inspired by elegant Dymkovo dolls and bright roosters, the traditions of popular prints and folk fantasy had a noticeable influence on the illustrator's work.

Detail: Book graphics were only a part of Vasnetsov's work. In paintings, he proved himself to be a very great master, combining folk culture and high aesthetics.

Vladimir Konashevich

Vladimir Konashevich gave us the opportunity to see Dr. Aibolit, Tyanitolkay, little Bibigon, the Little Humpbacked Horse and the wise men who sailed across the sea in a thunderstorm. Talking about how he comes up with drawings, Konashevich admitted: “There are artists who invent and think with a pencil in their hand ... I am an artist of a different warehouse. every detail..."

Style: For an artist working with children's books, one talent is not enough to draw, a second one is needed - kindness. The world of Konashevich is just such a world of kindness and dreams. The artist created a recognizable style in the design of fairy tales: bright images, ornate patterns, vignettes, a "live" composition that captivates not only children, but also adults.

Georgy Narbut

“From an early age, as far as I can remember,” Georgy Narbut admitted, “I was attracted to painting. In the absence of paints, which I had not seen until I got to the gymnasium, and pencils, I used colored paper: I cut it out with scissors and glued it with flour glue.”

Georgy Narbut, an artist, draftsman and illustrator, organizer of higher graphic education in Ukraine, studied with Mikhail Dobuzhinsky and Ivan Bilibin, the latter even said: "Narbut is a huge, truly immense talent ... I consider him the most outstanding, the largest of the Russian graphic artists."

Style. In the workshop of Narbut, brilliant ideas were born and masterpieces were created that changed the history of the book in Russia. Book graphics is not just a virtuoso technicality and refinement of taste. Narbut's style is always an expressive cover, a decoratively designed title page, initial letters and skillful illustrations.

Boris Zworykin

The artist deliberately avoided excessive publicity, which is why the facts about her biography are so scarce. It is known that he came from the Moscow merchant class and studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture.

Zvorykin is considered the founder of the "Russian style" in book illustration and the best ornamental graphic artist of the early 20th century. Since 1898, he illustrated and designed books for the Moscow and St. Petersburg publishing houses of Ivan Sytin and Anatoly Mamontov. The first experience of the artist in the field of children's books was the book "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel" by Alexander Pushkin.

Style. Boris Zworykin looked for inspiration for his works in Russian antiquity, arts and crafts, icon painting, wooden architecture and book miniatures. No wonder he was one of the active members of the Society for the Revival of Artistic Russia.

Boris Diodorov

Boris Diodorov "revived" for us the heroes of Russian and foreign classics. "Tuttu Karlsson the First and Only," Ludwig the Fourteenth and others", "Nils' Amazing Journey with Wild Geese", "The Case in the Hat" (on the history of headwear in Russia together with Irina Konchalovskaya) - you can't list them all: the artist illustrated about 300 books.

Diodorov worked as the chief artist of the Children's Literature publishing house, received the gold medal of G. H. Andersen from the hands of the Princess of Denmark, his works were exhibited in the USA, France, Spain, Finland, Japan, and South Korea.

Style: the beauty of thin lines. The etching technique, in which a drawing is scratched on a varnished metal plate with a steel needle, is rather complicated, but only it allows you to achieve airiness and subtlety in execution.

The story cannot be replaced by anything. Children need fairy tales. A fairy tale is a multifaceted and all-encompassing force that helps to develop in a child his inner world, the basics of behavior and communication, fantasy and imagination, and creativity. A bedtime story is the best tradition to put a child to bed. Accordingly, correctly selected works will help the child calm down, forget all the fuss of the past day, and now ...

The gentle voice of mother, soothing, lulling. The child can immerse himself in the calm flow of fantasies and dreams. When reading a bedtime story, it is important to choose the right time (the child must be calm, tune in to listening). You can start reading a bedtime story even at a very young age, because babies already know their mother's voice, the sweetest sound on earth.

The plots of the fairy tales themselves should be of a kind nature and selected in accordance with the age of the child. Long, long fairy tales are suitable for children of older preschool age (these children already know how to fantasize and imagine heroes). Children of middle preschool age like fairy tales in which the main characters are animals. Kids should read short fairy tales with a repetitive plot ("Gingerbread Man", "Turnip", "Teremok"). In short fairy tales, the plot develops quickly, so it is important to choose one so that the child can calm down and fall asleep sweetly before falling asleep. A bedtime story can be planned by the mother herself or asked to choose a child and do not be upset if you have read this more than once. Repeated reading of the fairy tale will allow you to better understand its meaning and in the end it will become uninteresting.

A fairy tale is a kind of game, and to make the game more fun for adults, funny fairy tales for children come to the rescue. Funny fairy tales create a light atmosphere and convey difficult life situations to the mind of the child in a clear, accessible language. Unobtrusively, the fairy tale presents such difficult-to-explain concepts as good and evil, courage and cowardice, friendship and betrayal, greed and generosity, etc.

Based on funny and other various fairy tales with children, you can arrange home theatrical performances. It will be both entertainment and development. Listening to a fairy tale or reading it on his own, the child himself becomes a participant in the events, identifies himself with the characters, violently experiences the events that they fall into, in a word, is transferred to a different, playful reality. Being on the waves of a fairy tale in their ship, children boldly think, transfer the action outside the book and with the ease of real wizards turn their room into the scene of any fairy tale. Trying on this or that character, the child learns the facets of human characters and, as it were, tests himself.

From early childhood, we get acquainted with the characters of fairy tales and, plunging into the world of fantasy, travel with them through the land of wonders and magic. Fairy tales have come to us from time immemorial and carry historical information, authentic folk culture, reveal the boundaries of imagination and dreams, encouraging creativity. Once, a very long time ago, a new folk art of the lubok picture appeared in Russia. These pictures most often depicted plots of fairy tales, instructive stories. It was the most widespread type of fine art, because these unpretentious pictures were closer and more understandable to ordinary village people. Many great artists were fascinated by the wonderful world of folk tales. V.M. Vasnetsov and Yu.A. Vasnetsov, I.Ya. Bilibin, M.A. Vrubel and these are not all the great talents who once created illustrations for fairy tales. Children, and many adults, perceive information better visually, which is why fairy tales for children with pictures are so popular.

Along with the folk tale, children also like the tales of foreign writers. Foreign fairy tales for children of such writers as G.H. Andersen, Charles Perot, The Brothers Grimm, L. Carroll, A. Milne, etc.

Which adult does not know "Little Red Riding Hood" or "Puss in Boots" written by Charles Perot? And is it possible to forget the cheerful fidget Pippi Longstocking and the Kid and Carlson of the Swedish writer A. Lindgren? And many other wonderful works that unite different people from different countries.

During the Soviet era, for some time they fought against fairy tales, believing that children should not replace reality with fantasy and fiction. But still, the writers K. I. Chukovsky, S. Ya. Marshak, S.V. Mikhalkov and many others, despite the prohibitions, wrote their Soviet fairy tales for children.

Nowadays, the fairy tale has many faces and now our modern fairy tales for children are called differently “fantastic story”, “fantastic book” and simply Fantasy. Today's children have begun to perceive the fairy tale in a different way; the reading mother or grandmother has replaced audio books. It has also become easier for mothers to read fairy tales for children for free on special sites with a selection of fairy tales on various topics. Sometimes you realize that children simply do not know fairy tales. Neither folk nor copyright. Literary critics are divided in opinion. On the one hand, they argue that the fairy tale has become obsolete and it is time to say goodbye to it. And on the other hand, on the contrary, that fabulous products are gaining more and more scope (books, CDs, films, related products)

What is the difference between a folk tale and an author's fairy tale for children? The folk tale was invented by the people and it was passed from mouth to mouth, that is, no one and when does not know who and when it was invented. But the author's fairy tale for children has its progenitor, that is, the person who composed it - the Author. Sometimes the author bases his work on an old rewritten fairy tale, and in some cases the author's fairy tale is from beginning to end the imagination and talent of the writer. In general, author's fairy tales are a huge layer in the multifaceted world literature.

Folk tales for children at first glance are simple and uncomplicated, but according to some psychologists, they are much more useful than author's ones. Folk tales are full of wisdom and traditions of the writer people. They can be traced, and therefore pass on to the next generation the mechanisms for solving problems that arise on the path of life.

Ukrainian fairy tales for children are a kind of chronicle of the traditions and life of the Ukrainian people. Ukrainian fairy tales reveal to us how and how this people lives, their holidays, way of life, what they had and what they did not have. The Ukrainian fairy tale has been living for a long time, but it is still relevant and interesting.

A fairy tale about a smart girl who escaped from the evil Baba Yaga and discovered the insidious plan of her stepmother.

Goby - resin barrel.
Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman, and they had a granddaughter Alyonushka. Everyone in the village had a cattle, but they had no one at all. Until one day an old man made a little straw bull...

The wolf and the seven Young goats.
Russian folk tale about how an evil wolf hunted goats, and what came of it.

Hare, fox and rooster.
Once a fox drove a bunny out of her own hut... A Russian folk tale about courage and justice.

A fairy tale about one boastful and cowardly bunny, who later corrected himself.

Porridge from an ax.
A Russian folk tale about how a Russian soldier can cook porridge even from an ax and get out of any trouble.

Once a grandmother baked a bun, put it on the window to cool, and only they saw him ...
Tale of a funny kolobok.

Cat and fox.
There lived a man. This man had a cat, only such a prankster, what a disaster! He bored him to death. Here the man thought, thought, took the cat, put it in a bag and carried it into the forest ...
And what happened next, the guys will learn from the Russian folk tale "The Cat and the Fox".

Chicken Ryaba.
A fairy tale for the little ones about one amazing chicken.

Fox and wolf.
Russian folk tale about a cunning fox and an unlucky wolf.

Fox and crane.
A fairy tale about the need to think not only about yourself, but about others too.

Masha and the bear.
A Russian folk tale about a lost girl who manages to escape from an evil bear.

The cockerel is a golden comb.
Tale of a cockerel and his friends - a cat and a thrush.
The cockerel got into trouble all the time, and the cat and the thrush saved him.

Cockerel and bean seed.
Somehow a hurried cockerel choked on a bean seed,
and a kind caring hen saved him.

By pike command.
Once Emelya the Fool was lucky enough to catch a magic pike. So he did things ... (A fairy tale in pictures.)

Grandfather planted a turnip, a big, big turnip grew ...

Snow Maiden and Fox.
A fairy tale about a fox who rescued the girl Snegurushka from trouble.

The tale of how the animals found the teremok in the forest and began to live in it...

Princess Frog.
Russian folk tale about Ivan Tsarevich and Vasilisa the Beautiful, turned into a frog. (Fairy tale in pictures.)

Russian folk tales.

In its simple and pronounced form of the struggle between good and evil Russian folk tales educate, and also tangibly form the main traits of a person’s character. Thanks to fairy tales, children in an accessible form learn about different things, concepts.

In addition, fairy tales are a source of folk wisdom, accumulated over the centuries, which is easily absorbed by a child.

For a lifetime, a person has the warmest memories of how his parents or grandmothers read fairy tales aloud to him before going to bed.

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