Independent play and its importance for the development of the child. How to teach a child to play independently: the selection of exciting toys and the organization of the playing space


Entertain yourself: 6 tips for parents on how to teach your child to play independently

It happens that a grown child cannot play by himself - all the time he needs the attention of his parents. If you leave it even for a minute, it starts to act up. But it is impossible to entertain him all day long! Is it possible to teach a child to play independently?

Play is extremely important for a child. Through the game, he gets acquainted with the world around him and with his abilities. The game develops imagination, ingenuity, mindfulness, memory. In the game, the character of a person is formed and the norms of behavior are laid. Independent play is of particular importance for a child. This is the ability to find something to do, and to do something enthusiastically, and the opportunity to develop an initiative. But most importantly, during independent play, the educational influence of adults is consolidated.

Why doesn't he play by himself?

Problems with independent play in a child often arise through the fault of adults. This is the result of excessive guardianship - unwillingness to give the child at least some kind of independence and a ban on initiative. Surrounding the baby with such “care”, constantly taking care of him, parents inevitably face a situation where the child can no longer do without constant attention, joint games and entertainment. Even if the baby plays on his own, then for a short time and in rather primitive games.

4. I myself!

Give your child small tasks that he can handle without you. For example, you can ask him to wash the pears for dinner or put all the dolls to bed. The main thing is that the child does it himself and feels his importance. Do not rush the child, do not put pressure on him, let him do everything himself.

5. Hobby time

Now there are a lot of different types of kits for children's creativity. A word of advice - take sets that are suitable for the age of your child. In such a game, it is important to bring the matter to the end and get the result - beads, pottery, soft toys, etc. The child has an incentive - to do something himself, to get a clear result of work and to earn the praise of an adult.

6. Set to choose from

The classic option for developing a child's ability to play independently is constructors, puzzles and mosaics.

Tip one- Take sets that are comfortable for your child. If the assembly requires physical effort, then the child must independently connect or disconnect the figures.

Tip two- take sets that can be "replayed" many times. For adults, the result is important, and for the baby, the process itself is important.

Which of the parents does not dream that at least some of the time the children play independent games without involving you in this activity. Of course, with age, both children will already spend a lot of time with each other, reluctantly distracted by their parents, but while the children are small, they almost do not know how to play games on their own. But the need for something to distract the kids remains, especially for those parents who work at home.

Most often, in those moments when parents urgently need free time, those things and activities that are prohibited in everyday life are used. When you think about what you can do with the kids, the unimaginable things that come to mind are mommy’s bag, or cosmetic bag, boxes of underwear or buttons - something that will give you 20 minutes of the time you need, but you are well aware that things will or scattered, or damaged. Moreover, two children can simply quarrel because of the desire to possess some of the gizmos, and instead of the desired freedom, you will get both a scandal and a mess. Yes, and from a pedagogical point of view, such behavior is not correct: if it is already impossible, then it really is impossible, but then how will the child guess later - is it possible or not?

However, this method works, and it is also not entirely correct to refuse it. However, there are other ways to entertain children. Of course, for starters, it’s worth dragging both of them into the game, and when the gameplay goes on regardless of your presence in it, you can mysteriously disappear and go about your business. Now we will try to offer you old and new ideas on how to organize creativity and games for two children. Perhaps you forgot about something. And they didn't know anything!

40 independent activities and games for two children

Children, starting from a year and a half, willingly play outdoor games, draw and sculpt, and kids over two years old are fond of role-playing games, especially if they have an older friend. However, these games do not require the participation of parents, and children can indulge in them completely independently.

Method number 1: Puzzles

If you're looking for a quiet way to keep the kids entertained that doesn't involve crazy destruction of the entire living space, then that's jigsaw puzzles. Each of the children can be given a set corresponding to his age, while the elder can help the baby, and he, in turn, scatter, gnaw or lick the puzzles of the elder.

Method number 2: Soap bubbles

The most fun solo games aren't always the hardest. Sometimes it is enough to give children soap bubbles. If age allows, then each of the children can blow translucent miracles, competing to see who blows the most and who blows the largest bubble. And if the younger one has not grown up yet, he can catch up and burst the bubbles of the older one.

Method number 3: Kits for creativity

The manufacturer of all countries spends hours thinking about the same thing as you - what you can do with children. That is why on the shelves of children's stores you will find many kits for creativity. If you and your children have already done something similar, then the kids will be happy to try to repeat it on their own.

These sets, as a rule, are not very expensive, but you can prepare something similar yourself. Spending a couple of evenings cutting appliqués, plaster or salt dough-baked figurines for coloring, and cutting felt will save you both time and money. And then you can give out sets by the piece and not every day.

Method number 4: Magic felt-tip pens

Toddlers will be delighted with felt-tip pens with which you can both draw and erase them - if you have a marker board - this is it. What do you need!

And there are toys and cards on which you can draw with these felt-tip pens, and then erase directly with your hands.

Method #5: Constructors

The longest games come out with those toys that have a lot of details. That is why "Lego", mosaics, cubes and designers are always out of competition. Feel free to leave the kids with these magical toys and go about your business.

Method number 6: House for toys

Even the boys will be happy to play in the house for toys and animals. Well, girls have been told to play in dollhouses all the centuries of gender separation of toys. Setting up a home for your favorite toys is a great idea to keep the kids busy for quite some time.

A wonderful option for boys or two children of different sexes would be to play not with dolls - young ladies, but with animals, figures of both sexes or with the participation of the male version of the doll. Ideal in this regard are the house sets from LEGO and Sylvanian Families.

However, the houses are very pricey, which means that you can make a real palace out of a cardboard box with your children and paste over it with real wallpaper. And then the children will play this toy, made by their own and parental hands, for a long time.

Method number 7: Coloring

A great way to keep both kids entertained for a long time is with coloring books. They almost do not require imagination from children, in contrast to drawing (“Mom, draw me ...”) and are able to keep kids busy from 10 minutes to half an hour. Moreover, children easily master such activities and games on their own.

Someone buys ready-made coloring pages according to age, someone prints them on a printer, someone cuts out figures from paper and gives them to children to color in - all methods are good!

Method number 8: Colorful world

If pencils and felt-tip pens are given to children regularly, then paints are a special product, water, accuracy and mother's supervision are required. However, you can sometimes leave children alone with paints, laying a sufficient number of oilcloths both on and under the table.

Method number 9: Interactive books

Modern books give children a lot of tasks for attention, dexterity, logic. The same books tell children stories, sing songs and play cheerful music.

Method number 10: Blankets and sheets

Oddly enough, but in order for the children to play on their own, it is enough to give them ... just two blankets! This is a unique game, the rules of which only children know.

The main thing is that both kids have a lot of fun, and you are free!

Method number 11: Children's developing sports centers

Play centers are quite popular with many children. Some of them like kids more, some less, some even include a home slide, and some - ropes, ropes and ladders. But children are very fun and useful to spend time like this.

Method number 12: Flash games in reality

You can make any game with overcoming obstacles in real life by spreading various objects, mugs, things, coins, ribbons, ropes on the floor. Then you can give the children a command to overcome all the laid out obstacles by crawling, jumping, running, or on all fours. You can even "turn on" them to the start with a special remote control - and they will be toys.

Once having shown and taking the time to learn this game, you can then safely leave the kids behind this lesson - they can handle it! In addition, such independent games contribute to the development of many useful qualities in both children.

Method number 13: Musical instruments in four hands

Quite often, kids play on a children's synthesizer, but its sound is too quiet, so it gets boring pretty quickly. But a real synthesizer, taken from the stocks of parents or bought not very expensive, will be able to captivate them for a long time. As well as drums, tambourines, pipes and harmonicas.

Method number 14: We run the children in the bath ... without water!

The bathroom can be not only a place for hygiene, but also a creative space. You can put the kids in a dry bath with finger paints, tile markers, or even just watercolors. This will captivate the kids for a long time, and then you can easily wash everything - both the bath and the children.

Method number 15: We run the children in the bath ... with water!

But the advice to leave the children alone in the typed bath - feel free to ignore it, it's too dangerous. But you can give them a bowl of water, putting it right in the bath, and give them a task - to wash toys, wash clothes for dolls, or wash children's dishes. As well as launching fish, ships of pirates and mermaids into the water.

Method number 16: Playing mother-daughter dolls

This entertainment is more suitable for girls, but some boys are able to support such a game. Dolls can be fed, watered, put on a potty, changed clothes, walked with them, rolled in a stroller, arrange holidays for them (see point 3).

Method number 17: Creator and destroyer

If your youngest has not yet grown up to adult games with a designer and cubes, you can arrange a game in which one child is a creator who builds a city or even a whole world, and the second is a destroyer who destroys what has already been built.

Method number 18: Long live TV!

Not the healthiest, but the most effective way to keep both kids busy is to turn them on to cartoons. You should not abuse it, but as an effective distraction maneuver it will come down from time to time.

Method number 19: Tablet to be torn apart

Many games adapted for kids can be downloaded to the tablet. Children, even the tiniest ones, already confidently open the desired icons on the touch screen and play with pleasure. For older children there are educational programs in Russian, English and just the alphabet.

The most difficult thing is to get the children to follow the order without taking away the tablet from each other. But as an option, the eldest of the children can be offered an alternative phone or laptop.

Method number 20: New - well-forgotten old

There is nothing more exciting than a new toy. Or - a well-forgotten old one. Almost all teachers argue that it is impossible to throw out all the available toys in front of the children - one third is enough, but it is better to remove the other two thirds. After the first toys are already tired, you can change the "exposure". Having missed such toys, children willingly spend their time with them.

Method number 21: Cut and shred

An effective way to entertain your children is to play with the older one simply cutting out pictures from magazines and newspapers with safety scissors, while the younger one either glues the cut out onto a sheet of paper or rapturously tears the newspaper to shreds. The downside is the need for subsequent cleaning. There are more pluses: you have free time, fine motor skills develop in children.

Method number 22: The pile is small

If distracting children is more important than sacrificing cleanliness and order, you can give the kids how many types of food, for example, pasta, beans, peas, dried fruits. Shuffle - have the children lay out and sort this pile. However, throwing it all away is much more interesting, especially if there are two kids. One child is more diligent and determined to engage in a calm game than two. Even more carefully, make sure that children do not stick small objects up their noses or ears.

Method number 23: Body painting

Is there any greater happiness for children than decorating the body of their brother or sister with art of their own production? Face painting is an excellent invention that can captivate kids with body painting for a long time.

If it comes to girls, they may well be allowed to use children's decorative cosmetics - it has been allowed since the age of two. Well, or to acquaint young ladies with the elite cosmetics of the world's leading cosmetic corporations - giving your cosmetic bag to be torn to pieces.

Method number 24: Making a house

The house is a special play space that can develop children's imagination and be the main training ground for many role-playing games. You can make it from blankets and sofa cushions, under the ironing board, under the table - it would be a fantasy!

Method number 25: Miracle cube

Not a single shopping center can boast of such success with children as a home-made cube, which contains everything that is “impossible” in ordinary life. And doorbells, and horns, and locks with keys, and a door chain, and a switch with a light bulb - you can place many interesting objects there from the point of view of children. If dad has golden hands, it can still work, giving light from a light bulb and sound from pressing.

Method number 26: Guess the melody

This game is for kids from 3 years old. If there are several musical instruments in the arsenal of toys, then you can play this game: one kid turns away, the second makes a sound on one of the children's musical instruments. The first - guesses on which one. And if the drum is easily distinguished from the xylophone, then the three pipes can easily be confused.

Method number 27: Color and shape

Two toddlers can sort objects and toys based on color and shape. This can be arranged: as a lesson - when the older one calls, and the younger one shows, as a competition - who is faster, and as a quest - to collect all the blue toys, find all the square-shaped objects in the room.

And the kids have beautiful, bright and diverse socks, unlike men's. That is why you can mix the socks of both children and invite them to sort this motley disgrace, finding a pair for each of the socks. This is not only interesting, but also trains the memory and attention of both children.

Method number 28: Cooking for dummies

If the kids are already schoolchildren, they can be trusted to cook their own food by giving a simple recipe. And if the children are still small, they will like to collect sandwiches themselves from the parts you cut, it's almost like a designer, but you can also eat it. In addition, even ingredients such as chopped peppers, turnips or other vegetables are eaten under this bench. And they played and ate. And the kids can help the elders: beat meat with a hammer, cut out cookies, roll meatballs, beat eggs with a whisk, and much more!

Method number 29: Beauty salon - do your own hair!

Do you think it's girls' privilege? And you think right! If you have two girls, doing your sister's hair on your own is a tremendous pleasure. Take all the hairpins, all the elastic bands, give the little ones a mirror and combs - and forget about the children for 20-30 minutes.

But children of different sexes, and even two boys, can play at the hairdresser's - with great pleasure making a mohawk, horns for their brother, or styling their hair with hair gel.

Method number 30: Board games

There are a huge number of board games for sale for all ages, from the latest to the classics. We will talk about many of them in much more detail, devoting separate articles to this. But be that as it may, it is really capable of captivating both children for a very long time.

Method number 31: Bowling!

You can buy a toy bowling alley, and in stores there are both cheap and very high-quality expensive variations of the game, or build a game from improvised means. Skittles can be replaced with plastic bottles, and the ball with a rubber ball. For weighting, you can pour water into the bottles.

Method number 32: Tennis court in your home

Have you already imagined a broken window, and a split sideboard? Relax, tennis can be played and less traumatic for the apartment. It is enough to attach handles to disposable paper plates and inflate a balloon. And then create a game that combines both tennis and badminton. By the way, you can also play badminton with a children's light shuttlecock in an apartment.

Method number 33: Roads, roads ...

You can buy a carpet with road markings, or you can make roads directly on the floor with electrical tape. Run cars on the freeway, arrange characters from kinder surprises or small toys - let them catch a taxi, cross the road, work as traffic cops. At the same time, the kids will learn the rules of the road.

Method number 34: Electrical tape instead of chalk

Children may well “draw” on the floor with electrical tape. For example, they can make homemade hopscotch or any other game that requires markup.

Method number 35: Darts without sharp objects

An impromptu darts tournament can be held without special equipment - a couple of crayons and ordinary foam rubber sponges are enough. Draw a target on the wall or floor and let the children compete in who will accurately throw sponges right at the bullseye.

Method number 36: Balloons

It seems that balloons are a purely decorative element designed to cheer up. However, if you use your imagination, then the games with them will be very different and very fun!

They can be inflated and, without tying, let fly around the room, and the older one inflates, developing his lungs, and the younger one catches the "fugitive" and brings it back. You can play a game - do not drop the ball, throwing it over your head - and prevent your brother or sister from holding the ball. You can throw balloons like a ball, you can paint them with markers, you can teach children how to make figures from oblong balloons, and come up with many other interesting fun with balloons.

Method number 37: Clothing store

Arrange a fitting of things under the guise of playing in the store. Children will be happy to try on and disassemble both their own clothes and things of their parents. At the same time, throwing a glance at the kids playing, you can pay attention to what things are already not enough, and what to sew up or wash.

And if you provide children with a cash register, the equivalent of money and the right idea, then the usual fitting of clothes will turn into a game in the store.

Method number 38: Pillow fight

There is no point in explaining this game, it is familiar to everyone since childhood. But to become her instigator, and then go about your business - a nice thing. Children will recklessly pick up the game, being carried away by pillow fights for a long time. You can complicate it by allocating for the battle a limited rectangle of a blanket laid on the floor - who went abroad - lost.

Method number 39: Puppet theater

Changing places, children can take turns being both spectators and actors, giving a performance based on famous fairy tales or inventing their own stories.

Many ready-made variations are sold in stores, but it is quite easy to build such a theater on your own. But children need to be accustomed to such a game, shown and explained several times, then they will easily play theater on their own.

Method number 40: Let there be dancing!

Turn on upbeat music and invite the kids to rage to it and dance. Show them some simple moves! And they will gladly learn to own their own body.

It's boring to dance alone - but together it's very fun. Tired of dancing? Turn on karaoke!

Independent play is an important stage of growing up

If the phrase that he is bored sounds often enough from the only child in the family, then it is much easier to figure out how to keep the children busy together. Having a partner to play with, kids are more willing to let their parents do their adult chores. It is possible and necessary to teach children to play games on their own, but over time, children will come to this on their own, as the only possible option.

In the meantime, most of the non-parental forms of entertainment are quite destructive to your home, and for starters, you can invite both offspring to find something to do in the toy boxes. What if they themselves play, calmly releasing you for a while from themselves?

However, from the moment when the kids begin to master independent games, you will have to think less and less about how to entertain the children - an amazing children's fantasy will give them a whole world, and your task is to throw an idea and a couple of thematic items. Dare!

Svetlana Antipina
Game - a method of organizing independent activity

"Game is a method of organizing independent activity"

from the experience of the teacher Antipina S.A.

The modern primary school makes high demands on the level of readiness of children for schooling. The success of his further education largely depends on how well and timely a preschooler will be prepared for school.

One of the most important personality traits of a first-grader, scientists distinguish independence.

Independent activity children is one of the main models organizations educational process of preschoolers, which is carried out without the direct participation of the educator, but on his instructions at the time specially provided for this (In the daily routine, several periods are allocated for independent activities of children. during the morning reception, in the interval between breakfast and classes, in between classes, during the afternoon and evening walk, in the group in the afternoon - only 240 minutes per day).

Independent play is one of the types of independent activities of a preschooler.. Psychologists proved: in independent Preschoolers develop their psyche intensively through play. Memory, thinking, perception work at the limit. He develops creatively, shows more arbitrariness, remembers more, the stock of knowledge about the world is enriched.

Stand-alone games are inherently independent but this independence is relative, since it contains indirect pedagogical guidance.

What is the role of the educator in organization of independent games for children?

* create a varied play environment based on children's activity and interests

* play space created by children to keep in a group for one or more days.

* do not impose your plot of the game on children, do not ignore the initiative of children

* do not interfere with the game: console, sympathize, resolve game conflicts; connect to the game of children only in cases of conflict situations

* for the development of the game to encourage, praise the child

* keep a close eye on children's play

For manifestation independence and free activity, create a diverse play environment based on the activity and interests of children. Sometimes, in order to maintain order in the group or for better preservation of toys, the teacher does not give them for use, which impoverishes children's creativity, independent activity become inconsistent and unproductive.

To maintain interest in independent games, it is important that the play space created by the children is maintained in the group for one or more days.

Do not show excessive initiative, do not impose your plot of the game on children, ignore the initiative of children. Or tactlessly interferes in the game of children, harassing with hints, preventing them from orienting themselves in the situation, thinking about actions, thereby destroying the initiative, independence.

Given that play is the life of a child. AT self-play, as in life, temporary difficulties, slips and failures are not only inevitable, but often the main value lies in them. It is in overcoming difficulties that the formation of character takes place, the personality is formed, the need to receive help is born, and when it is necessary to come to the aid of others. Therefore, the teacher should not interfere in the game, console, sympathize, resolving game conflicts. Connect to the game of children only in cases of conflict situations that require the intervention of an adult, or if necessary, help the child enter the peer group.

To develop the game, encourage, praise the child if he came up with something new, created an interesting game situation, assembled a complex pattern, built a model from the designer. (For example, Dima assembled a model of a warship at home, we admired its construction, the next day Leva and his parents assembled a model of such a ship, a day later the squadron was replenished with another ship that Gleb made the game children became more meaningful)

Closely monitor the play of children. The children conceived the plot, launched the game, and at some point reached a dead end, but the teacher does nothing. Result- the game is falling apart without reaching its logical end

Content Ready Games (slide) For independent games during the morning reception of children, as well as for breaks during the GCD in the group, a cognitive and developmental zone is equipped, in which games of different focus: educational games ( "Game Square", "Dots", "Make a Pattern", "Cubes for Everyone" Games for the development of sensory, mathematical, environmental, valeological content. Games for the development of spatial orientation, for teaching literacy. Here we have games corresponding to the theme of the week. Games of different directions are arranged on shelves with a color designation. (the specific color on the box matches the color on the shelf)

Taking into account the interests of children, and our children are very fond of games with the designer (slide) We have equipped a design corner, which presents a wide variety of different types and forms of constructors, various mosaics. Children on one's own to realize their plans, they use schemes and models of buildings (the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Kremlin, but they build more by imagination. The corner is supplemented with small toys for playing around. The mobility of this corner (remote containers) allows children to unfold the plot of the game outside of it. This allows the child to feel comfortable in any corner of the group. To continue the game the next day, we allow buildings to be left for a day or two. Boys build more equipment - cars, aircraft, architectural buildings - fortresses, bridges. And the girls are at home, there are rooms for dolls. Building games for kids play, as well as in the daytime, and in the evening.

In the afternoon, there is a significant amount of time in the mode for independent games. Supreme form independence children is a manifestation of creativity in theatrical, plot games(role-playing, directing, games - fantasies Independent artistic activity in the theater corner. (slide)

There are attributes for various types of theater next to the theater there is a musical corner containing musical instruments, attributes for playing "singers"(microphones, musical games, which allows children to use attributes from different functional areas in the process of dramatization games. Children act out independent dramatizations, concerts. Such a joint arrangement of these zones helps to reduce the level of anxiety during performances, revealing the creative abilities of our students.

are playing mostly in a subgroup of 2-3 people, or one at a time "self-director".Girls love play with Barbie dolls ... There are fantasizing games where the plot unfolds in an imaginary speech plan with substitute objects. (Dima, Zhenya) AT games children change the intonation of the voice depending on the created image, move the toys, imitating the movement of the character, comment on the events.

Independent role-playing games (slide) are the main in the game children's activities. The period of preparation for the game sometimes exceeds the time the game itself so we try organize them in the evening. The plots of games are invented by the children themselves, experience and knowledge are transformed by children in accordance with personal experience and their emotional attitude to reality. Children games varied: family, shop, barbershop, car, space, ship. In our group, the c\r center is presented in the form of modern children's furniture (family, shop, hairdresser, some portable games, attributes are in boxes and suitcases and taken out at the request of the children. Necessary items were selected for c\r games equipment: thematic collections of toys, attributes, substitute items (for playing "Space", "Car", "Ship"- cords, old devices, remote controls, gas masks that serve as equipment in the game)

Independent games on the walk. (slide) Before going for a walk, we usually discuss with the children what we will do, what equipment we will take for c-p games, for games with natural material. Children love building games. Summer play with sand, water, pebbles, leaves. ... Natural materials are used as substitutes in s-r games: sand with water - porridge, a leaf - a plate, pebbles - sweets, pies. In winter, they make a variety of snow structures - caves, tunnels, cities, snow flower beds, cut out various crafts from snowballs. Various s-r games: shop, cafe, car, family. As well as independent mobile games, sledding, downhill, sports games. In winter - hockey, in summer - football, elements of basketball.

Preschool age is a unique period of development independence. And we see how this most important quality is mostly formed in games.

How to teach a child to play independently? This question worries many parents. Partly because when the baby is busy with something of his own, mom and dad can devote this time to household chores, do some favorite thing, or just relax. And in part - after all, parents understand that the development of a toddler's ability to find an interesting activity for himself and the ability to do without adult care for some time is the next stage in growing up a crumb. Another step on the way to becoming him as a person. Which cannot be crossed. And how quickly a child learns a new skill directly depends on how much effort his relatives make for this.

Why teach a child to play independently?

Just as a baby cannot eat on its own or, for example, dress itself, it will also not be able to play alone until it is shown to it how it is done. Moreover, some time must pass for the crumbs to accumulate a certain gaming experience.

A child needs to be taught to play in the same way as to walk, eat or dress on their own.

Playing alone, the kid simulates life situations, looks for ways out of difficult situations, tries on different images, forms in his mind his own attitude to good and evil, truth and untruth, etc.

Independent play develops in a child:

  • feeling of confidence in oneself and one's abilities;
  • oral speech and;
  • imagination and;
  • initiative and patience;
  • perseverance and ability to overcome difficulties;
  • skills in finding alternative solutions.

But all this is possible only on the condition that parents periodically direct the game in the right direction, and provide the child with the right (in terms of semantic content) and high-quality game equipment.

The little one must first be taught to play different games, and then expect him to show initiative and some kind of enthusiasm for the game process.

It is necessary to organize the playing space for the baby so that he feels as comfortable as possible during the game.

play space

To begin with, consider where and with what the child will play, so that you can safely leave him alone for a while. The baby should feel comfortable. And be completely safe while doing it.

Numerous prohibitions will prevent the little one from being independent and active. Therefore, it is better to foresee all the dangers that may lie in wait for the baby during the game, and eliminate them in advance.

Not slippery floor, easy steady chairs, low. Everything valuable, fragile and potentially dangerous for the baby should not be within his reach.

Approach the issue with all seriousness. It should be convenient for the child to get them out and put them back after playing. Arrange the toys so that the crumbs immediately want to play with them.

Put the baby doll in a baby stroller, seat guests around a table with toy dishes, fold a house from a designer, and arrange plastic animals according to the plot of some familiar little fairy tale.

Don't limit yourself to buying toys in the store. Household items are also suitable for independent play by your child, as they will allow him to imitate the activities of adults.

What are the best toys to offer?

There should be few toys at the one-time disposal of the little one. Regularly make revisions in the baby farm. Hide those for which at the moment the interest of the child has faded, and expose those for which he has already managed to miss.

Thanks to this trick, you can always captivate the baby by putting a bag of forgotten toys in front of him. Plus, you won't be able to buy new ones very often.

Toys for independent play

  1. Toy copies of household items so that the baby can imitate the activities of adults.
  2. Everything that will help the baby to explore the world, explore the properties of, for example, water, sand, etc.
  3. Favorite toy friends (teddy bears, hares, dolls), with whom the little one sleeps, eats, goes for walks. Which are perceived by the child as alive, and with whom he is never sad and bored.
  4. Secluded shelters (houses, tents, huts). They can be purchased, or you can build them yourself from improvised materials (stools, tables, pillows).
  5. Strollers, wheelchairs, radio-controlled cars or on a rope.
  6. Sports toys: balls, dumbbells, hoops, skipping ropes.
  7. Games in which the baby already knows how to play well, but has not yet lost interest in them.
  8. A lot of unnecessary, from your point of view, things (boxes, shreds, bolts, sticks, bags, chestnuts, pebbles, etc.).

Some toys are perceived by the baby as alive, they become his friends, with whom it is not boring and not scary. While accustoming the crumbs to independent games, you can, for starters, play out stories with them

It is better not to purchase interactive toys for independent games. They do not contribute to the development of the child's imagination, they limit the flight of fantasy within the framework of the written program.

And the baby must learn to find a toy in every object of his environment. For kids with a good imagination, an empty box turns into a car, a sock turns into a snake, and dad's room slippers turn into a brigantine.

The toddler will appreciate the bright and expressive toys that can be used for different games, without limiting the ways of use and without being tied to a specific plot.

1-2 year old child: where to start?

The desire for independence is inherent in the child by nature. You just need to develop it in every possible way. At 1-2 years old, when the baby tries to walk on his own, eat on his own, dress himself, help you with the housework, do not interfere with him.

May it not always be convenient for you. Dressing for a walk, for example, takes longer, or half the kitchen has to be washed after eating. Be patient just a little.

Skills will come, and with them, self-confidence, and the desire to cope with the tasks set, and the ability in some situations (the list of which will expand over time) to do without the help of adults.

And also, for starters, a few harmless tricks should appear in your arsenal.

magic bag

Fold in a bright colorful "bottomless" bag all sorts of things. Of course, when choosing this very stuff, do not forget about the safety of the child. These can be small toys, boxes, bottles, beads, shells, etc. Everything that your baby thinks is a real treasure. And casually leave the little one alone with the magic bag. Mandatory conditions: do not forget to renew the contents of the bag from time to time and do not give it to your child too often.

I wonder how long the contents of the closet will captivate the little one?

cherished closet

Within reach of the crumbs, “accidentally” forget to close the closet door, behind which he recently so persistently tried to look. First, again, check that there is nothing valuable or dangerous there. And leave the room. It is interesting, busy with research activities, how long the baby will not notice that you are not near him.

mom's handbag

What kid does not dream of cleaning up his mother's bag? So give your little one that opportunity. True, first, revise it yourself and leave only what you do not feel sorry for and what is completely safe for the little naturalist. The bag is unlikely to replace you completely, but for a while the baby will definitely be satisfied with it.

Don't expect instant results. The child, no doubt, will learn to play independently. But this will take some time. Some have more, some have less. It depends on the temperament of the baby. And also from your competence in this matter and from your own patience.

You must comply with some mandatory conditions, accustoming the crumbs to spend time without you.

Firstly , the little one during any learning process should feel good and be in a good mood.

AND, Secondly , playing alone for the crumbs should not be a test - follow the measure, you do not need to insist if the baby does not like this course of events.

At 3-4 years old, the child begins to play role-playing games, build more complex storylines

Games for children 3-4 years old

With the accumulation of gaming experience (and this is, approximately, by the age of three or four), the child is ready to move on to a new form of independent play - role-playing. At the same time, mom and dad can offer new stories, help the baby build more complex combinations.

What do preschoolers play?

  • With dolls (to daughters, mothers, to a family, to a hospital, to a store, to various professions).
  • With cars (in cargo transportation, in a taxi, in a car dealership, in a parking lot).
  • With animals (to the farm, to the circus, to the zoo).
  • With sports toys (relay races, tournaments, training).
  • Play the plots of your favorite fairy tales and cartoons.
  • They like to play dress up games.

Parents can be partners, advisers or outside observers, but the rules of the game should always be set by the baby himself. There will come a time for playing by the rules.

At this age, the main condition for relatives is not to impose their vision. At 3-4 years old, there is no need to limit the baby's imagination. You can be a partner or an outside observer, adviser. But the rules must be set by the child.

And remember, the more they play with the baby, the brighter his interest in games is, and the faster he begins to play on his own.

Video "How to get the child to play by himself?"

So, today we have to study And their classification will also be covered. The thing is that this moment plays an important role for the modern child and his development. It is important to understand what games exist and why. Then and only then will it be possible to fully develop the baby correctly. And we are talking not only about very young children, they are also important. Unfortunately, about the real gameplay, it comes less and less. But that's not a problem. After all, if you know what types of games there are (and you know their classification for schoolchildren and kids), you can always figure out how to properly develop it. So what are the options? What games can be encountered in the modern world?


For starters, what are we actually dealing with? What is a game? Not everyone fully understands this term. And that's why you have to study it. In fact, despite the fact that people have to study and work most of the time, especially in childhood, they will have to devote a lot of time.

The game is actions in conditional, fictional circumstances. It serves to assimilate this or that material both in practical and conditional form. You could say it's an imaginary situation. Games for children are extremely important. They are the main teaching tool. And the study of the surrounding world as well. The types of games and their classification for preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard implies a division into several large classes of all possible options. Which ones?


There aren't many of them. It is customary to distinguish between 3 classes of games for children. Are easy to remember. The first type that can only be found is games that arise on the initiative of the child himself. That is, independent. This type is common in babies, schoolchildren rarely encounter a similar phenomenon. We can say that independent play is characterized by a game process in which only one child participates, and even on his own initiative.

Also, the types of games and their classification (for teenagers, toddlers and schoolchildren) include options that arise on the initiative of an adult. That is, he, as it were, introduces this or that situation into the life of the child. The main purpose of this kind of phenomenon is education. The most common scenario.

The last class that can be distinguished here is games that arise from traditions, customs. Appear both at the initiative of an adult and a child. Not the most common phenomenon in the modern world, but it takes place.


What can games be? If you think about it, you can answer this question indefinitely. After all, a lot depends on what kind of class is in front of us. Particular attention should be paid to gaming processes initiated by an adult. After all, they serve to educate children, to familiarize them with the world around them.

The types of games and their classification (in the camp, school, kindergarten - this is not so important) include a separate category - educational. As it is not difficult to guess, such options serve, as already mentioned, to educate the child. They can be mobile, didactic or plot-didactic. Each subtype will be discussed next. But keep in mind - it is educational games that are extremely important for toddlers and young children. They will have to pay due attention.


The game is a kind of entertainment. Therefore, among the options that arise at the initiative of adults, you can find leisure gaming processes. There are a huge number of them. The main difference from teaching ones is the actual lack of emphasis on obtaining new knowledge and skills. It can be said, just entertainment that helps to relax, distract from the daily routine.

Types of games and their classification - this is what helps to understand the whole essence of a particular activity. Leisure "options" also include many subtypes. Moreover, with the development of the modern world, there are more and more of them.

So what can you face? A leisure game can be simply entertaining, carnival, theatrical, intellectual. Most often, these options occur in older children. But kids are often busy learning games.


Do not forget that the gameplay does not necessarily require outside intervention. As already mentioned, there are games that arise at the initiative of the child. They play an important role in its development. In the same way as in the previous cases, independent games are divided into subtypes.

For example, there is a game-experiment. It can take place both with the participation of an adult (or under his supervision), and all alone. During this process, the child will carry out some experimental actions, and then observe the result. It can be said that this is a "visual aid" on various phenomena, usually physical and chemical.

An experiment game is the best way to help a child memorize complex processes. Now they even sell special experimental kits for babies. For example, "Make soap", "Create your own perfume", "Funny crystals" and so on.


The types of games and their classification are already known to us. But here are the details of certain types of gaming activities - not quite. It is important to understand what exactly happens in this or that case in order to properly develop the child. Role-playing options can be attributed to independent games. Just like any other.

What it is? In the course of such a game, some kind of plot, event is observed. Participants have their own roles that they must fulfill. A theatrical performance, an entertaining children's holiday program or just a fictional story in which the child "lives" - all these are role-playing games. They contribute to the development of fantasy, and sometimes teach the observance of certain rules. Story games are very interesting for children. True, they are more likely to seem entertaining to them.

But in more adult life, they often come down to desktop. For example, Mafia. In general, any gameplay that has its own story, plot, is called plot.


Types of games and their classification (in kindergarten or school - it doesn't matter) often include didactic "varieties". A very common version of the training class. Here, the acquisition of knowledge is not presented in an open form. Rather, there is only a secondary significance of this paragraph.

Children during didactic games have fun, but at the same time they follow certain rules. In the foreground there is one or another game task that everyone seeks to realize. In the course of this, new knowledge is obtained, as well as the consolidation thereof. The rules of the game make children think about their implementation, remember, learn how to apply first in fictional, and then in real life. Didactic games include games: with hiding, competitions, forfeits, assignments, guessing, role-playing.


The types of games and their classification (for preschoolers and not only) are already known to us. Only now it is not completely clear what this or that kind of gameplay is. There are, as we have already found out, outdoor games. What it is?

This type of gameplay is accompanied by physical activity. Often aimed at the physical development of the child, his recovery. Most often, outdoor games are somehow indirectly (or directly) related to sports. A variety of tags, catch-ups - all this belongs to this category. For mental development, they almost do not bear any benefit, but for the physical - completely.


This completes the classification. Only in the modern world, not so long ago, another new concept appeared in relation to games. Now there are computer (or virtual) types. As you might guess, the entire gameplay takes place with the help of an electronic machine in the virtual world.

There are educational games for children. But adults are provided with a much more extensive choice of various options. Here you can find quests, and strategies, and simulators, and "shooters", and races ... And a lot more.

Computer games are not the best option for teaching preschoolers. Rather, they are more suitable for older children. Virtual games can be attributed to leisure. They are not actually educational in nature and often serve exclusively for leisure, for relaxation.

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