The most famous terrorist acts. The biggest terrorist attacks in the world


The chronicle of world events has long proved that it is impossible to be completely safe on the ground and underground, in the center of the most civilized cities in the world, in your apartment or in a nightclub in a paradise resort. "Chaskor" recalls the most notable terrorist attacks in the world of the last decade.

The chronicle of world events has long proved that it is impossible to be completely safe on the ground and underground, in the center of the most civilized cities in the world, in your apartment or in a nightclub in a paradise resort. "Chaskor" recalls the most notable terrorist attacks in the world of the last decade.


Attacks of fighters were undertaken at night at once on 10 objects. First of all, these are the international hotels Oberoi and Taj Mahal, as well as the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus railway station, the Colaba market, the Ville Parle hotel, near which a taxi was blown up, an art school and a Metro cinema. It is also reported that the terrorists seized the house where a Jewish family lived - a rabbi, his wife and two children.

On September 9, 1999, Moscow was rocked by an explosion in a multi-storey residential building on Guryanov Street. 87 people died. It was the first shock, the country stuck to the TVs in horror, seeing the sequel.

Four days later, the shock began to develop into panic - on September 13, 1999, an explosion occurred in the capital on the Kashirskoye Highway, killing 121 people.

In the same September, explosions thundered in Buynaksk and Volgodonsk, in all these terrorist attacks more than 300 people died.

Every Russian has learned what hexogen is and what it looks like, looked at every suspicious "gazelle" with apprehension. At the same time, under the universal righteous anger, Putin's quotes "wet in the toilet" were sold.

In 2003, the Prosecutor General's Office named customers and executors. The explosions were carried out by Karachay and Dagestan Wahhabis on the order of Arab mercenaries Amir Khattab and Abu Umar in order to divert the attention of the Russian authorities from the events in Dagestan, where at that time there were battles between federal troops and invading armed groups of militants from Chechnya, led by Shamil Basayev and an Arab mercenary Khattab. Khattab was closely associated with the terrorist Osama bin Laden, who was famous, among other things, for the bombing of the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998 and the attack on the United States on September 11, 2001.

Metro - 2000-2004

February 6, 2004 at 8:30 am between the stations "Avtozavodskaya" and "Paveletskaya" there was a terrible tragedy - a subway car was blown up. The epicenter of the explosion was at the first left door of the second car. 41 people died, 148 were injured, including one child.

Even earlier, on August 8, 2000, an explosion in the subway under Pushkinskaya Square claimed the lives of 13 people, 61 people were seriously injured.

People have realized that it is impossible to be safe either at home or underground.


The date of September 11 was turned into the global anti-terrorist brand "9/11": the terrorists did the seemingly unbelievable - they attacked the very heart of the most powerful civilized state. On the morning of the fateful day, 19 terrorists, divided into four groups, hijacked scheduled passenger airliners.

The invaders sent two planes into the towers of the World Trade Center, causing the towers to collapse. The third plane was sent to the Pentagon building. The passengers and crew of the fourth airliner, heading, according to one version, to the White House building, tried to take control of the plane from the terrorists, the plane crashed in a field near the city of Shanksville in Pennsylvania.

In addition to the terrorists, as a result of the attacks, according to official information, 2974 people were killed, another 24 were missing.

Again, a shock for the whole world, who spent that day watching TV around the clock broadcasting about the tragedy. According to the official version, the responsibility for the most heinous terrorist attack in the world lies with the Islamist terrorist organization Al-Qaeda.

The Taliban, who controlled Afghanistan and, according to one version, were hiding the leader of Al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, were hit back. Later, the US launched a preemptive strike against Iraq.


The paradise island, beloved by Russians, was shocked by a powerful explosion that killed more than 200 people, and more than three hundred were injured. A bomb exploded at the Sari nightclub in Kuta Beach in October 2002. At the same time, most of the victims were foreigners vacationing at the resort, mostly citizens of peaceful Australia. Witnesses of the tragedy recall that a powerful explosion was felt at a distance of 10 km. The shock wave shattered the windows of all buildings within a radius of half a kilometer. After the explosion, the club building caught fire, the fire spread to neighboring buildings.

The United States suspects al-Qaeda of this attack. The fact is that the explosion in Bali was arranged on the anniversary of another terrorist attack by Al-Qaeda - when suicide bombers exploded on board the American destroyer Cole in Yemen, killing 17 sailors.

Philippines - 2002-2006

In the Philippines, where there are also quite a few Islamists, explosions are not uncommon.

In the city of Zamboanga, a bomb that exploded in a crowded shopping center killed four people on the spot, about 80 were taken to hospitals with injuries.

At a gym in the Philippine province of Mindanao in January 2004, at least 10 people were killed and 40 others were injured. The bomb was hidden in a motorcycle near a hall where hundreds of people had gathered for a basketball game.

12 people were killed and 20 injured in an explosion that occurred in the city of Makilala in the province of North Cotabato in southern Philippines on October 11, 2006. And the day before, on October 10, another explosion occurred in the market in the city of Thakurong, 50 km from Makilala, as a result of which four people were injured.

Madrid 2004

Three days before the March 2004 parliamentary elections, 13 bombs exploded on four commuter trains during the morning rush hour. Explosive devices were planted in backpacks and bags lying in the compartments for hand luggage. 190 people died. The authorities blame the Basque separatist organization ETA as the perpetrators of the tragedy, but there is also a version about the revenge of Islamic fundamentalists for Spain's participation in the American Iraqi campaign.

London 2005

On July 7, 2005, the biggest terrorist attack in British history occurred in London - four carefully orchestrated suicide bombings. At 8:50 in the morning, with an interval of 50 seconds, three London Underground trains were blown up. Almost an hour later, at 9:47, there was a fourth explosion on a bus in Tavistock Square. 52 people were killed, about 700 were injured. The names of four suicide bombers were later established by Scotland Yard: Habib Hussein, Mohammed Sidiq Khan, Jermaine Lindsey and Shehzad Tanver. Multinational London is a safe haven not only for disgraced wealthy businessmen, but also for the huge Islamic diaspora, numbering more than 100 thousand people in the British capital. And some suicide bombers have lived in London for years without arousing suspicion.

Terrorism is a method used by radical groups based on intimidation and forcing the authorities to make the necessary decisions by taking hostages in public places. Having become one of the central problems of the 21st century, terrorist activity annually claims the lives of many people on the planet, brings many billions of dollars in losses, and, despite the measures taken by law enforcement agencies, the statistics of terrorism is growing inexorably.

The most terrible display of this phenomenon is from terrorism. The spread of terrorism in the world implies the recruitment of mercenaries from various countries through social networks, the development of an extensive structure of underground branches in many states.

The history of development

Since this phenomenon is commonly understood as any acts, including monarchs, all kinds of riots and conspiracies, we can assume that there was terrorism in the ancient world and in the Middle Ages.

Most historians associate its emergence with the activities of the organizations formed in 1820 in Italy - the "Commora" and the "Brotherhood of the Carbonari".

The first group was created to bribe or intimidate prison guards in order to release them. The second was to protect the disadvantaged peasants from the lawlessness of the landlords. Despite the fact that the tasks of these organizations were strikingly different, they used the same methods to achieve the goal - murders, intimidation, explosions.

This is how terrorism appeared in the world in the 19th century, and soon numerous parties and movements began to use this effective weapon for their own purposes. The further development of terrorism in the world was very rapid. For example, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, terror was widely used among various currents of Russian revolutionary parties - nationalists, socialist-revolutionaries, Bolsheviks.

In the United States for a long time (from 1865 to 1993), the ultra-right terrorist organization Ku Klux Klan, directed against the African American population of the country, functioned.

Over time, there has been a transformation of terrorism. In the modern world, in addition to such types as nationalistic, religious, ideological and political terrorism, informational terrorism has also appeared in the world. It manifests itself in cyber attacks on information resources (websites) with their hacking, dissemination of misinforming information through the media and contributing to the formation of the necessary views.

There is also recruitment with the help of new militants, the distribution of video materials of brutal executions of prisoners and ordinary residents. Information terrorism in the modern world, due to the large volume of Internet traffic, the huge influence of the media on people's opinion, along with traditional types, becomes a serious threat.

The combat power and equipment of militants with various types of weapons is constantly growing. Therefore, nuclear terrorism in the modern world will soon cease to be a frightening myth. It can become a terrible reality .

World terrorism statistics

Terrorism in the modern world is technological, cruel and large-scale. In 2016, 1,787 terrorist attacks of various sizes were committed in many countries. The statistics of victims of terrorism in the world recorded 13,759 killed and 16,683 injured. Most of them died as a result of bomb explosions planted by militants in crowded places.

According to statistics, many victims of terrorism are kidnapped by militants, in particular women in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, with the aim of selling them on the black market. There were 4034 such cases.

The frightening statistics of terrorism is largely caused by the outbreak of hostilities in Syria against ISIS militants. The main causes of terrorism in the world:

  • struggle for power, deposits of valuable minerals;
  • religious strife;
  • conflicts on interethnic grounds.

The most bloody were the following acts of terrorism in the world:

  • explosion in Baghdad- 292 people died, more than 200 were injured and injured;
  • explosions in Istanbul(January 12 and December 10) - the total number of victims was 237 people, of which 56 were killed, 181 were injured;
  • gay club shooting"Pulse" in Orlando - 49 people were killed, 53 were injured;
  • shooting and explosions at Istanbul airport- 45 people died, 239 people were injured;
  • terrorist attack in Gaziantep- due to an explosion during a wedding ceremony in a church in a town in southern Turkey, 30 people were killed and more than 90 were injured;
  • attacks in Brussels- 13 people were killed, more than 35 were injured.

Various Islamist groups claimed responsibility for the attacks. In addition to these explosions, there were other cases of terrorism in the world, although not distinguished by such a number of victims. The largest victims of terrorism in the world are noted in the following countries:

  1. Iraq.
  2. Syria.
  3. Afghanistan.
  4. Nigeria.
  5. Yemen.
  6. Libya.
  7. Pakistan.

Recently, this phenomenon has grown from a local criminal activity into a well-organized global network. . Vivid examples of international terrorism in the world are the Al-Qaeda organization and the radical Islamist group ISIS (Islamic State) formed after its collapse. Its ranks include up to 40-50 thousand militants of various nationalities and religions. The capital of the unrecognized militant state is the city of Raqqa.

Terrorism around the world

The main regions subject to terrorist attacks are:

  1. Near East.
  2. Russia.
  3. Western Europe.

Terrorism statistics for 10 years in these territories has more than 6 thousand major terrorist attacks. The number of victims is more than 15 thousand. The hottest spots subject to militant attacks are Syria, Libya, and Iraq. Today, the joint anti-terrorist operation of the troops of Syria and its allies against IS militants has been concentrated here.

The situation in Israel has somewhat improved. Even against the backdrop of the Arab-Israeli confrontation, the statistics of terrorism in Israel shows a decrease compared to previous years.

After the largest terrorist attack in terms of destruction and the number of victims in the history of mankind (the explosion of the twin towers in New York), terrorism in the United States remains one of the threats. Statistics over the past 10 years has 38 large-scale manifestations of terror, in which more than 600 people died. The table shows the statistics of terrorist attacks of the 21st century by country:

A country the date Place Number of victims, people
USA 11.09.2001 New York, twin towers 2977
Russia 01.09.2004 Beslan, secondary school №1 333
India 26–29.11.2008 Mumbai 195
Spain 11.03.2004 Madrid suburban train 191
Russia 23.10.2002 Moscow, theater on Dubrovka 130

The statistics of terrorist financing are quite high – the annual budget of the most influential terrorist organization ISIS, according to experts, is about 3-5 billion dollars.

The amount of financing of terrorism in the world is gradually increasing over the years . This is facilitated by the seizure and resale by militants of various values, and gas fields, human trafficking, as well as the flow of funds from states supporting IS activities.

Terrorism statistics in Russia

For Russia, this type of criminal activity poses a serious threat to national security. . The statistics of terrorism since 1994 has more than 600 cases. The most high-profile terrorist attacks on the territory of the Russian Federation:

  • the seizure of a school in Beslan;
  • hostage-taking in the theater on Dubrovka in Moscow;
  • explosions of residential buildings in the cities of Buynaksk, Volgodonsk, Moscow;
  • explosions in the Moscow metro;
  • the explosion of the railway station in Volgograd.

The official statistics of terrorism in Russia over the past year, thanks to the actions of law enforcement agencies, has decreased. Only 25 acts of violence and intimidation committed against citizens of the country were recorded, which corresponds to the average figure for the period 2009-2015. During this time, according to Rosstat, 171 terrorist acts were registered. The statistics of victims of terrorism during this period has about 400 people dead and 1,300 injured.

The pdf statistics posted annually on the website of the FSB and Rosstat make it clear the seriousness of the threat of terrorism in Russia. The percentage of prevention of terrorist acts has also increased in recent years. in the fight against terrorism for 5 years has more than 300 prevented cases.

Statistics of terrorism in the CIS countries

In addition to Russia, this type of criminal activity has managed to manifest itself in the territory of such countries as Belarus and Kazakhstan.

Terrorism statistics in Kazakhstan

Recently, this deadly phenomenon has intensified in a previously calm and prosperous country. The statistics of terrorism over the past 5 years has over 50 people killed and about 50 wounded. The largest was the terrorist attack in Aktobe. Here 25 people were killed and about 20 injured.

Explosions in the Belarusian metro

Until recently, the statistics on terrorism in this country was the lowest in the entire post-Soviet space. This trend was broken by an explosion in the Minsk subway. On April 11, 2011, the terrorist attack in the Minsk subway claimed the lives of 15 people, another 203 were injured. Officers detained two suspects, who subsequently confessed. Both were sentenced to and shot.

The growth of terrorism in the world forces the authorities of many countries to develop a set of measures aimed at combating this negative phenomenon. The most effective methods of combating terrorism in the world:

  • control and suppression of activities of prohibited organizations extremist orientation;
  • announcement of rewards for information on the location of persons suspects in this form;
  • development and execution of joint military operations to eliminate terrorists in various countries;
  • media control, information resources in the global network for their involvement in militant organizations;
  • explanatory work with the population countries in order to inform about methods for recognizing potential terrorists, behavior when suspicious items are detected.

These methods allow not only to deal with the consequences of terrorist attacks, but also to prevent them. Their methods are implemented by such anti-terrorism organizations in the world as Interpol, the UN, NATO, the EU.

An important fact is the strengthening of counteraction to terrorism in the world by vigilant citizens, thanks to which many explosions and other illegal actions were prevented.

Also, not the last place in anti-terrorist measures is occupied by such legal means of combating it as licensing the activities of parties, movements and religious communities, banning sects and organizations that incite ethnic hatred, restricting or prohibiting the issuance of permits for firearms.


The statistics of terrorism in 2017 has already been replenished with new cases. Despite all the measures taken, the problem remains relevant. To the question of how to save the world from terrorism, there is no answer yet.

The development of this phenomenon is facilitated by numerous socio-economic aspects, as well as human nature, which contains the desire to own a large number of material values, power and territories, hatred for those who differ in skin color, religion.

The death rate and the number of injuries received from terrorism over the entire period of its existence can be compared with a dangerous disease. Until a "cure" for this disease is found, the statistics of international terrorism will be replenished with new acts of violence, hostage-taking, bomb explosions, taking away more and more human lives.

There have always been terrorist attacks and, unfortunately, there may be in the future. This is an unfair way of waging war, which is resorted to by the weak for lack of military capabilities. And although the special services of different countries are fighting terrorist groups, sometimes they make mistakes, and the result of these mistakes is often the killing of civilians. This article contains information about the largest terrorist attacks in the world. Most often, criminal organizations that hide behind Islam take responsibility.

September 11 attacks in the United States

This tragedy was the largest in history in terms of its scale and number of victims. On September 11, 2011, 11 terrorists from the Al-Qadiya group hijacked 4 passenger planes. Two of them were sent to the twin towers in New York (a large shopping center). Crashing into buildings, the planes exploded, destroying its tops, as well as the buildings adjacent to them.

The third plane was sent to the building of the Pentagon (US military department). The fourth liner crashed in the city of Shanksville, Pennsylvania. There was a lot of controversy and points of view about this aircraft: someone believed that the crew of the liner was trying to resist the terrorists on board, and someone claimed that the plane was simply shot down, as it was assumed that it was aimed at the White House.

The September 11 attacks killed 2,873 people in the United States, including 343 firefighters and 60 police officers. As for the material damage, no one gives exact figures, but the damage is estimated at $500 billion.

"Boeing 747"

There were also other attacks on civilians in Europe, but they should not be considered as the largest terrorist attacks in the world. In particular, there were machete attacks on civilians by refugees who shouted "Allah Akbar". Similar acts of terrorism happen, but are not actively advertised in the media.


Unfortunately, terrorist attacks in Russia, Europe and the world in general occur much more often than we hear about them. Most terrorist acts carried out are closely linked to the Islamic world, and terrorist groups themselves often claim responsibility for such events. However, often the press centers of the special services declare the prevention of the next terrorist act and the capture of entire groups of banned terrorist organizations. If it were not for the special services, the world would be shocked by even more horrific tragedies.

On June 11, 1996, the first terrorist attack in Moscow since the collapse of the USSR took place - an explosion in the Moscow metro. On this day, we remember all the major Moscow tragedies and dream that this nightmare will never happen again!

(Total 15 photos)

1. June 11, 1996: the explosion of an improvised explosive device on the stretch between the stations "Tulskaya" and "Nagatinskaya" of the Moscow metro. 4 people died, 12 were hospitalized.

3. August 31, 1999: explosion in the Okhotny Ryad shopping center on Manezhnaya Square. One woman died, 40 people were injured.

4. September 9 and 13, 1999: explosions of residential buildings on Guryanov Street and on Kashirskoye Highway. 100 and 124 people died respectively.

5. August 8, 2000: Explosion in the underground passage on Pushkin Square. 13 people died, 61 people were injured. An improvised explosive device with a capacity of 800 grams in TNT equivalent was stuffed with screws and screws. The bomb was left in a shopping bag next to the shopping pavilion.

6. February 5, 2001: at 18:50 there was an explosion at the Belorusskaya-Koltsevaya metro station. An explosive device was planted on the platform next to the first car of the train under a heavy marble bench. The explosion knocked out the powerful plafonds at the station, lining fell from the ceiling. The explosion injured 20 people, including two children, there were no deaths.

7. October 23-26, 2002: Dubrovka terrorist attack - a group of Chechen militants led by Chechen separatist Movsar Barayev took over 900 hostages in the building of the Theater Center on Dubrovka. All the terrorists were killed during the storming of the building, the hostages were released, but more than 120 people died from the action of the sleeping gas used by the special forces during the storm, combined with the difficult conditions in which the hostages were (three days in a sitting position with little or no food and water).

8. July 5, 2003: Chechen terrorists carried out an explosion at the Tushino airfield during the Wings rock festival. 16 people died, about 50 were injured. (Photo: Moskovsky Komsomolets)

9 December 9, 2003: A female suicide bomber detonated an explosive device outside the National Hotel. 6 people died, 14 people were injured.

10. February 6, 2004: A 4 kg TNT explosion was carried out by a suicide bomber on a train between the Avtozavodskaya and Paveletskaya metro stations. 42 people died, about 250 were injured.

11. August 31, 2004: A female suicide bomber detonated an explosive device near the Rizhskaya metro station. More than 10 people died, and another 50 were injured and were hospitalized. Shamil Basayev claimed responsibility for the attack. (Photo: RIA Novosti)

12. August 21, 2006: an explosion at the Cherkizovsky market. The explosion killed 14 people and injured 61 people.

13. August 13, 2007: As a result of the undermining of the railway track (official version), the Nevsky Express train crashed between Moscow and St. Petersburg. The power of the explosive device was up to 2 kg in TNT equivalent. As a result of the accident, 60 people were injured, of which 25 were taken to hospitals, no one died.

14. March 29, 2010: at 7:56 an explosion occurred at the Lubyanka metro station. Another explosion at 8:37 a.m. occurred at the Park Kultury station. As a result of the attacks, 41 people died and 85 were injured. Doku Umarov, the leader of the "Caucasian Emirate", claimed responsibility for this attack.

15. January 24, 2011: A suicide bomber blew up a bomb at Domodedovo Airport at 4:32 pm. According to the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, 37 people died, 130 people received injuries of varying severity.

July 22, 2011 There was a double attack in Norway. First, in the center of the Norwegian capital Oslo, where the office of the Prime Minister of the country is located. The power of the explosive device, according to experts, ranged from 400 to 700 kilograms of TNT.

About 250 people were inside the government building at the time of the explosion.
A few hours later, a man in a Norwegian Workers' Party police uniform is on the island of Uteya, located in the Buskerud district on Lake Tyrifjord.
The criminal shot defenseless people for an hour and a half. The victims of the double attack were 77 people - 69 were killed on the island of Uteya, eight were killed in an explosion in Oslo, 151 people were injured.
At the scene of the second terrorist attack, the suspected 32-year-old ethnic Norwegian Anders Breivik was detained by the authorities. The terrorist surrendered to the police without offering resistance.
On April 16, 2012, the Oslo District Court began the trial of Anders Breivik, accused of killing 77 people. On August 24, 2012, he was declared sane and.

April 11, 2011 at the station "Oktyabrskaya" of the Moscow line of the Minsk metro (Belarus). The attack claimed the lives of 15 people, more than 200 were injured. The terrorists, citizens of Belarus - Dmitry Konovalov and Vladislav Kovalev, were soon arrested. In the fall of 2011, the court sentenced both to capital punishment - the death penalty. Kovalev filed a petition for pardon, but the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko refused to pardon the convicts - due to "the exceptional danger and severity of the consequences for society from the crimes committed." In March 2012, the sentence was carried out.

October 18, 2007 occurred . The motorcade of the former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto, who returned to his homeland, was moving along one of the central streets of Karachi when two explosions thundered. Explosive devices went off just five to seven meters from the armored van in which Benazir and her supporters were traveling. The death toll reached 140 people, more than 500 were injured. Bhutto herself was not seriously injured.

July 7, 2005 in London (UK): four bombs exploded in succession at London Underground central stations (King's Cross, Edgware Road and Aldgate) and on a double-decker bus in Tavistock Square. The four suicide bombings claimed the lives of 52 passengers and injured 700 others. The attacks went down in history under the name "7/7".
The perpetrators of the "7/7 attacks" were four men aged 18 to 30 years. Three of them were born and raised in Pakistani families in the UK, and the fourth was a native of Jamaica (part of the British Commonwealth) who lived in Britain. All the perpetrators of the attacks were either trained in al-Qaeda camps in Pakistan or attended meetings of radical Muslims, where the ideas of martyrdom in the war of Islam against Western civilization were preached.

September 1, 2004 in Beslan (North Ossetia), a detachment of terrorists led by Rasul Khachbarov, numbering more than 30 people, carried out. 1128 people were taken hostage, mostly children. On September 2, 2004, the terrorists agreed to let Ruslan Aushev, ex-president of the Republic of Ingushetia, into the school building. The latter managed to convince the invaders to release only about 25 women and small children with him.
On September 3, 2004, a spontaneous operation was carried out to free the hostages. At noon, a car with four employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation arrived at the school building, who were supposed to pick up the corpses of people shot by terrorists from the schoolyard. At that moment, two or three explosions were suddenly heard in the building itself, after which indiscriminate shooting began from both sides, and children and women began to jump out of the windows and the gap formed in the wall (almost all the men who found themselves in the school were shot by terrorists during the first two days ).
The result of the terrorist action was 335 dead and died from wounds, including 318 hostages, of which 186 were children. 810 hostages and residents of Beslan were wounded, as well as members of the FSB special forces, police and military personnel.
Responsibility for the terrorist attack in Beslan was claimed by Shamil Basayev, who published a statement on the Kavkaz Center website on September 17, 2004.

March 11, 2004 at the central station of the Spanish capital Atocha.
As a result of the attack, 191 people died and about two thousand were injured. A SWAT soldier who died during the storming of a terrorist safe house in the Madrid suburb of Leganes in April 2004 became the 192nd victim.
Explosions in four Madrid electric trains were organized by international terrorists - immigrants from North African countries - in order to take revenge on Spain for participating in the war in Iraq. Seven direct participants in the attack, who did not want to surrender to the police, committed suicide in Leganes. Two dozen of their accomplices were sentenced in autumn 2007 to various prison terms.
The tragedy in Spain has been since the end of World War II.

October 23, 2002 at 9:15 pm to the building of the Theater Center on Dubrovka, on Melnikova Street (the former Palace of Culture of the State Bearing Plant), led by Movsar Barayev. At that time, the musical "Nord-Ost" was going on in the Palace of Culture, there were more than 900 people in the hall. The terrorists declared all people - spectators and theater workers - hostages and began to mine the building. After attempts by the secret services to establish contact with the militants, State Duma deputy Iosif Kobzon, British journalist Mark Franchetti and two Red Cross doctors entered the center. Soon they took a woman and three children out of the building. At 7 p.m. on October 24, 2002, the Qatari TV channel Al-Jazeera showed an appeal by Movsar Baraev's militants, recorded a few days before the capture of the DC: the terrorists declared themselves to be suicide bombers and demanded the withdrawal of Russian troops from Chechnya. On the morning of October 26, 2002, the special forces launched an assault, during which nerve gas was used, soon the Theater Center was taken by special services, Movsar Barayev and most of the terrorists were destroyed. The number of neutralized terrorists was 50 people - 18 women and 32 men. Three terrorists were detained.
The attack killed 130 people.

September 11, 2001 Nineteen terrorists associated with the ultra-radical international terrorist organization Al-Qaeda, divided into four groups, hijacked four regular passenger airliners in the United States.
The terrorists sent two of these planes to the towers of the World Trade Center, located in the southern part of Manhattan in New York. American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the WTC-1 tower (north), and United Airlines Flight 175 crashed into the WTC-2 tower (south). As a result, both towers collapsed, causing serious damage to adjacent buildings. The third plane (American Airlines Flight 77) was sent by terrorists to the Pentagon, located near Washington. The passengers and crew of the fourth airliner (United Airlines Flight 93) tried to take control of the aircraft from the terrorists, the liner crashed into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
, including 343 firefighters and 60 police officers. The exact amount of damage caused by the September 11 attacks is not known. In September 2006, US President George W. Bush announced that the damage from the September 11, 2001 attacks for the United States amounted to the lowest estimate of 500 billion dollars.

In September 1999, a whole series of terrorist attacks took place in Russian cities.

September 4, 1999 at 9:45 pm, a GAZ-52 truck, which contained 2,700 kilograms of an explosive made of aluminum powder and ammonium nitrate, was next to a five-story residential building No. As a result of the explosion, two entrances to a residential building were destroyed, 58 people died, 146 received injuries of varying severity. The dead included 21 children, 18 women and 13 men; six people died of their wounds later.

September 8, 1999 at 23:59 in Moscow on the first floor of a nine-story residential building No. 19 on Guryanov Street. Two entrances of the house were completely destroyed. The blast wave deformed the structures of the neighboring house No. 17. As a result of the attack, 92 people were killed, 264 people, including 86 children, were injured.

September 13, 1999 at 5 o'clock in the morning (capacity - 300 kg of TNT) in the basement of an 8-storey brick residential building No. 6 building 3 on Kashirskoye Highway in Moscow. As a result of the attack, 124 residents of the house, including 13 children, were killed, and nine more people were injured.

September 16, 1999 At 5:50 am in the city of Volgodonsk, Rostov Region, a GAZ-53 truck filled with explosives was blown up, parked near a nine-story six-entrance building number 35 on Oktyabrskoye Highway. The power of the explosive device used in the commission of the crime in TNT equivalent was 800-1800 kg. As a result of the explosion, the balconies and the facade of two entrances of the building collapsed, a fire broke out on the 4th, 5th and 8th floors of these entrances, which was extinguished in a few hours. A powerful blast wave passed through neighboring houses. 18 people died, including two children, 63 people were hospitalized. The total number of victims was 310 people.

In April 2003, the Russian Prosecutor General's Office completed the investigation of the criminal case on the explosions of residential buildings in Moscow and Volgodonsk and submitted it to the court. There were two defendants in the dock - Yusuf Krymshamkhalov and Adam Dekkushev, who on January 12, 2004 were sentenced by the Moscow City Court to life imprisonment in a special regime colony. The investigation also established that the Arabs Khattab and Abu Umar, who were subsequently liquidated by the special services of the Russian Federation in Chechnya, were the masterminds of the attacks.

December 17, 1996 A detachment of 20 militants from the organization "Revolutionary Movement Tupac Amaru" (Movimiento Revolucionario Tupac Amaru-MRTA), armed with Kalashnikov assault rifles, entered the Japanese embassy in Lima (Peru). The terrorists took 490 hostages, including 40 diplomats from 26 states, many Peruvian ministers, and the brother of the President of Peru. All of them were at the embassy on the occasion of the celebration of the birthday of the Japanese Emperor Akihito. The terrorists demanded the release of the leaders of the organization and 400 imprisoned associates, put forward demands of a political and economic nature. Soon the women and children were released. On the tenth day, 103 hostages remained at the embassy. April 22, 1997 - 72 hostages. The embassy was liberated by Peruvian commandos through an underground passage. During the operation, a hostage and 2 commandos were killed, all the terrorists were killed.

June 14, 1995 A large detachment of militants led by Shamil Basayev and Abu Movsayev attacked the city of Budennovsk in the Stavropol Territory of Russia. The terrorists took hostage more than 1,600 residents of Budyonnovsk, who were driven to a local hospital. The criminals demanded an immediate cessation of hostilities in Chechnya and the withdrawal of federal troops from its territory. On June 17 at 5 o'clock in the morning, Russian special forces made an attempt to storm the hospital. The battle lasted about four hours, accompanied by heavy casualties on both sides. After negotiations on June 19, 1995, the Russian authorities agreed to the terrorists' demands and allowed a group of militants, along with the hostages, to leave the hospital. On the night of June 19-20, 1995, the vehicles reached the village of Zandak in Chechnya. After releasing all the hostages, the terrorists fled.
According to the FSB of Russia in the Stavropol Territory, 129 people died as a result of the terrorist attack, including 18 policemen and 17 military personnel, 415 people received gunshot wounds.
In 2005, the Main Directorate of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District reported that there were 195 people in the gang that attacked Budennovsk. By June 14, 2005, 30 attackers had been killed and 20 convicted.
The organizer of the terrorist attack in Budennovsk Shamil Basayev was killed on the night of July 10, 2006 on the outskirts of the village of Ekazhevo in the Nazranovsky district of Ingushetia as a result of a special operation.

December 21, 1988 shortly after takeoff from London Heathrow Airport in the sky over Scotland, the American airline PanAmerican, operating a flight en route London ‑ New York. The wreckage of the plane fell on houses in the city of Lockerbie, causing significant damage. As a result of the disaster, 270 people died - 259 passengers and crew members of the aircraft and 11 residents of Lockerbie. Most of the dead were citizens of the United States and Great Britain.
Following an investigation, charges were filed against the two Libyans. Libya has not officially pleaded guilty to organizing the attack, but has agreed to pay compensation to the families of the victims of the tragedy in Lockerbie in the amount of $ 10 million for each dead.
In April 1992, at the request of the United States and Great Britain, the UN Security Council imposed international sanctions against the regime of Muammar Gaddafi, accusing Libya of supporting international terrorism. The sanctions were lifted in 1999.
In the years that have passed since the attack, many suggestions have been made about the possible involvement of Libya's top leaders in organizing the explosion, but none of them, except for the guilt of former Libyan intelligence officer Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, has been proven by the court.
In 2001, al-Megrahi was sentenced by a Scottish court to life imprisonment. In August 2009, Scottish Attorney General Kenny MacAskill decided out of compassion to release a patient with terminal prostate cancer and let him die in his homeland, where he is.
In October 2009, the British police in the Lockerbie case.

October 7, 1985 Four Palestinian Liberation Front (PFL) terrorists led by Yusuf Majid al-Mulki and PLF leader Abu Abbas hijacked the Italian cruise ship Achille Lauro, which was en route from Alexandria (Egypt) to Port Said (Egypt) from 349 passengers on board.
The terrorists sent a ship to Tartus (Syria) and put forward a demand for Israel to release 50 Palestinians, members of the Force 17 organization who are in Israeli prisons, as well as Lebanese terrorist Samir Kuntar. Israel did not agree to the demands of the terrorists, and Syria refused to accept "Achille Lauro" in Tartus.
The terrorists killed one hostage - 69-year-old American Jew Leon Klinghoffer, an invalid, chained to a wheelchair. He was shot and thrown overboard.
The liner was sent to Port Said. The Egyptian authorities negotiated with the terrorists for two days, and convinced them to leave the liner and go to Tunisia by plane. On October 10, the militants boarded an Egyptian passenger plane, but on the way the liner was intercepted by US Air Force fighters and forced to land at the NATO base in Sigonella (Italy). The three terrorists were arrested by the Italian police and soon sentenced to lengthy prison terms. Abu Abbas was released by the Italian authorities and fled to Tunisia. In 1986, Abu Abbas was sentenced in absentia by the US authorities to five life sentences. Until April 2003, he was a fugitive in Iraq, where he was detained by American special forces and subsequently died in custody on March 9, 2004.

During the Summer Olympic Games in Munich (Germany), on the night of September 5, 1972 Eight members of the terrorist Palestinian organization Black September infiltrated the Israeli national team, killed two athletes and took nine people hostage.
For their release, the criminals demanded the release of more than two hundred Palestinians from Israeli prisons, as well as two German radicals held in West German prisons. The Israeli authorities refused to comply with the demands of the terrorists, giving permission to the German side for a forceful operation to free the hostages, which failed and led to the death of all the athletes, as well as a police representative. During the operation, five invaders were also killed. On September 8, 1972, in response to a terrorist attack, Israeli aircraft launched an airstrike on ten bases of the Palestine Liberation Organization. In the course of operations "Spring of Youth" and "Wrath of God", the Israeli special services managed to track down and destroy all those suspected of preparing a terrorist attack for several years.

October 15, 1970 Airliner AN-24 No. 46256, flying on the route Batumi-Sukhumi with 46 passengers on board, was hijacked by two residents of Lithuania - Pranas Brazinskas and his 13-year-old son Algirdas.
During the hijacking, 20-year-old flight attendant Nadezhda Kurchenko was killed and the crew commander, navigator and flight engineer were seriously injured. Despite the injuries received, the crew managed to land the car in Turkey. There, the father and son were arrested, refused to be extradited to the USSR, and put on trial. Brazinskas Sr. received eight years, the youngest two years.
In 1980, Pranas stated in an interview with The Los Angeles Times that he was an activist in the movement for the liberation of Lithuania and fled abroad because he faced the death penalty in his homeland (Soviet newspapers claimed that he had a criminal record for embezzlement).
In 1976, the Brazinskas moved to the United States, settling in Santa Monica.
On February 8, 2002, Brazinskas Jr. was charged with the murder of his father. In November 2002, a jury in Santa Monica found him guilty. He was sentenced to 16 years in prison.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

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