The most unusual aircraft in the world. Aircrafts


It's amazing what kind of aircraft can be assembled with a lot of effort, creativity and a lot of money. I bring to your attention a selection of unusual and sometimes rather strange aircraft.

NASA's M2-F1 project was nicknamed the "flying bath". The developers saw its main purpose in use as a capsule for landing astronauts. The first flight of this wingless aircraft took place on August 16, 1963, and exactly three years later on the same day, the last one took place:

Remote controlled. From mid-1979 to January 1983, two remotely piloted HiMAT vehicles were tested at NASA Air Force Base. Each aircraft was about half the size of the F-16, but had almost twice the maneuverability. At a transonic speed of sound at an altitude of 7500 m, the device could make a turn with an overload of 8 g, for comparison, the F-16 fighter at the same heights can withstand an overload of only 4.5 g. At the end of the research, both devices were saved:

Tailless. The McDonell Douglas X-36 prototype aircraft, built for one purpose: to test the flying abilities of tailless aircraft. It was built in 1997 and, as conceived by the developers, could be controlled remotely from the ground:

Crooked. Ames AD-1 (Ames AD-1) - experimental and the world's first oblique wing aircraft Ames Research Center and Burt Rutan. It was built in 1979 and made its first flight on December 29 of the same year. Tests were carried out until the beginning of 1982. During this time, AD-1 mastered 17 pilots. After the closure of the program, the aircraft was placed in the Museum of the city of San Carlos, where it is still located:

With rotating wings. The Boeing Vertol VZ-2 is the world's first aircraft using the concept of a rotary wing, vertical/short takeoff and landing. The first vertical takeoff/hover flight was made by the VZ-2 in the summer of 1957. After a series of successful tests, the VZ-2 was transferred to the NASA research center in the early 60s:

The largest helicopter In connection with the needs of the Soviet national economy and the armed forces in the design bureau. M. L. Mil in 1959 began research on a super-heavy helicopter. On August 6, 1969, an absolute world record for lifting cargo was set on the MI V-12 helicopter - 40 tons to a height of 2,250 meters, which has not been surpassed to date; in total, 8 world records were set on the B-12 helicopter. In 1971, the B-12 helicopter was successfully demonstrated at the 29th International Air Show in Paris, where it was recognized as the "star" of the salon, and then in Copenhagen and Berlin. B-12 is the heaviest and most lifting helicopter ever built in the world:

Flying saucer. The VZ-9-AV Avrocar is a VTOL aircraft developed by the Canadian company Avro Aircraft Ltd. The development of the aircraft began in 1952 in Canada. November 12, 1959 made the first flight. In 1961, the project was closed, as officially stated due to the inability of the "plate" to get off the ground above 1.5 meters. In total, two Avrocar devices were built:

Fighter in the form of a flying wing Northrop XP-79B, equipped with two jet engines, was built in 1945 by the American company Northrop. It was assumed that he would dive on enemy bombers and break them, chopping off the tail section. On September 12, 1945, the aircraft made its only flight, which ended in disaster after 15 minutes of flight:

The plane is a spaceship. The Boeing X-48 (Boeing X-48) is an American experimental unmanned aerial vehicle, created jointly by Boeing and NASA. The device uses one of the varieties of the flying wing. July 20, 2007 he first rose to a height of 2300 meters and landed after 31 minutes of flight. The X-48B was the best invention of 2007 according to the Times.

Futuristic. Another NASA project - NASA Hyper III - an aircraft created in 1969:

Experimental aircraft Vought V-173. In the 1940s, American engineer Charles Zimmerman created an aircraft with a unique aerodynamic design, which still continues to amaze not only with its unusual appearance, but also with its flight characteristics. For his unique appearance, he was awarded many nicknames, among which was "Flying Pancake". It became one of the first vertical/short takeoff and landing vehicles:

Descended from heaven. The HL-10 is one of five NASA Flight Research Center aircraft used to study and test the ability to safely maneuver and land on a low lift-to-drag craft after it returned from space:

Reverse sweep. Su-47 "Berkut" - a project of the Russian carrier-based fighter, developed in the OKB. Sukhoi. The fighter has a reverse swept wing; composite materials are widely used in the airframe design. In 1997, the first flying copy of the Su-47 was built, now it is experimental:

Striped. The Grumman X-29 is a forward-swept prototype aircraft developed in 1984 by Grumman Aerospace Corporation (now Northrop Grumman). In total, two copies were built by order of the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency:

Take off vertically. The LTV XC-142 is an American experimental tilt-wing VTOL transport aircraft. He made his first flight on September 29, 1964. Five aircraft built. The program was discontinued in 1970. The only surviving copy of the aircraft is on display at the US Air Force Museum:

Caspian Monster. "KM" (Layout Ship), also known abroad as the "Caspian Monster" - an experimental ekranoplan developed in the design bureau of R. E. Alekseev. The ekranoplan had a wingspan of 37.6 m, a length of 92 m, and a maximum takeoff weight of 544 tons. Before the appearance of the An-225 Mriya aircraft, it was the heaviest aircraft in the world. Tests of the "Caspian Monster" took place in the Caspian for 15 years until 1980. In 1980, due to a pilot error, the KM crashed, there were no casualties. After that, operations to restore or build a new copy of the CM were not carried out:

Air whale. Super Guppy is a transport aircraft for transporting oversized cargo. Developer - Aero Spacelines. Issued in the amount of five copies in two modifications. First flight - August 1965. The only flying "air whale" belongs to NASA and is operated to deliver large-sized products for the ISS:

Pointy-nosed. The Douglas X-3 Stiletto is an American experimental monoplane aircraft manufactured by Douglas. In October 1952, the first flight of the Douglas X-3 aircraft took place:

For flights to the moon. This descent module, built in 1963, was part of the Apollo project, the goal of which was the first manned landing on the moon. The module was equipped with one jet engine:

Rotorcraft. Sikorsky S-72 - experimental helicopter. The first flight of the S-72 was made on October 12, 1976. The flight of the upgraded S-72 took place on December 2, 1987, but after the following three flights, funding was discontinued:

Airplane-rocket. The Ryan X-13A-RY Vertijet is an experimental VTOL jet aircraft developed in the United States in the 1950s. The developer is Ryan. The customer is the US Air Force. In total, two such aircraft were built:

Lunar module. Another VTOL descent module, built in 1964, was part of the Apollo project, the goal of which was the first manned landing on the moon.

Man at all times was torn to the sky. Almost a century ago, his dream came true in full - a man could not only get off the ground, but also soar in the sky. From this very moment, engineers and designers of all stripes and countries have been "practicing" in creating the most incredible aircraft.

1. M2-F1

It should be said right away that the creators themselves jokingly called their creation “flying bath”. One glance at the photo of this device is enough to understand why he got his nickname. The aircraft was created by NASA in 1963. He flew only three days. The engineers hoped that he would help them develop a landing capsule for the next generation of pilots and astronauts. Did not work out.

2. McDonell Douglas X-36

At first glance, there is little that is surprising about this aircraft. Actually it is not. The car does not have a tail, but at the same time it flies quite successfully. The device was created in 1997 with one single purpose - to test the potential of tailless machines. It was supposed to be remotely controlled from the ground.

3. Ames AD-1

Another experimental aircraft that was surprisingly able to take to the skies. This machine is considered the first aircraft in history to use an oblique wing. It was built in 1979. At the same time, the car made its first flight. By 1982, 17 pilots had mastered it. After the program closed, the car was placed in the San Carlos Museum, where it can still be seen today.

4. Boeing Vertol VZ-2

Another "first in the world", this time in the area of ​​the turning wing. Prior to this Boeing project, no one had been able to create such aircraft. The car had a vertical takeoff and landing. The device made its first hovering flight in 1957. After a series of successful tests, it was presented to NASA.

5. MI V-12

And here is something local. For the attention of the reader - the largest helicopter in the world (they love everything the biggest in the USSR, however!). The apparatus was created by the design bureau. M. L. Mil back in 1959. In 10 years, the machine will set an absolute world record for lifting 40 tons of cargo to a height of 2,250 meters. This record has not been broken so far. In 1971, the helicopter became the star of the show in Paris, and then the star of the show in Berlin.

6. VZ-9-AV Avrocar

And what do you, dear readers, think, is turbulence for an airplane, or rather on a Boeing 767, bad or not so good? If you think it's bad, then what about those people (pilots) who pilot much smaller aircraft (aircraft)? Do not know? Let's imagine together for a while what it is like for pilots to be at the controls of a small aircraft in this situation described above (?). Especially for those who fly mini-aircraft without an additional body. We offer you an overview of the smallest air transport aircraft (aircraft) manned by pilots. And so, we begin.

10) Microjet 200.

This French aircraft project was never completed. The first aircraft "Microjet 200" took off only in 1980. A total of four such prototypes were built.

The aircraft was powered by two turbocharged Microturbo TRS 18 engines.

The length of the aircraft was 6.67 meters, the wingspan was 7.56 meters. The maximum speed of the aircraft was 463 km / h, and the maximum altitude of its flight, respectively, was 9150 meters. Crew - 2 people (pilot and navigator).

9) Ikarus 451M.

"Ikarus" is the first Yugoslav jet aircraft. This one was created for the study of aircraft cockpit ergonomics and for many other research purposes. But despite the narrow specialization of the aircraft, it was decided to use it for other important scientific purposes. For example, for trying to set a world speed record, which at that time was 750 km / h. Unfortunately, it was not possible to set a record on this aircraft, it was only possible to disperse it to 724 km / h.

The length of the Ikarus 451M aircraft is 7.45 meters, the wingspan is 6.78 meters. The maximum flight altitude of the aircraft was 8500 meters. Crew - 1 person (pilot).

8) Gee Bee Model R.

The aircraft "Gee Bee Model R" was designed exclusively for racing purposes (for aviation sports). In 1932, one of the modifications of the Gee Bee Model R could accelerate to 476 km / h. True, this was only possible if the aircraft was flown by a very experienced pilot.

This plane crashed three times. In two out of three cases, pilots died in a plane crash. These accidents were due to the rather low stability of the complex control system and the imbalance of the structure itself.

The length of the aircraft is 5.38 meters. Its wingspan was 7.62 meters. The maximum speed of the aircraft was 476 km / h. Flight range (distance) - 1488 km. Crew - 1 person (pilot).

7) McDonnell XF-85 Goblin.

The US Air Force has developed a mini-plane "McDonnell XF-85 Goblin". The purpose of creating this XF-85 was to expand its already existing combat units of the United States of America, which at that time were in service with the United States (XB-35 and B36 aircraft). But unlike traditional aircraft, the designers of the XF-85 decided to master the mini-size, thereby hoping to create the most maneuverable mini-aircraft in no way inferior in its characteristics to traditional military aircraft.

But this project was later scrapped, as the engineers and designers of the aircraft came to the general conclusion that the McDonnell XF-85 Goblin did not have such an advantage over other jet aircraft of the time.

The length of the aircraft is 4.5 meters. Its wingspan was 6.4 meters. The maximum speed of the aircraft is 1043 km / h, and the maximum flight altitude of the aircraft was 14249 meters. Crew: 1 person (pilot).

6) Columban Cri-Cri.

Do you think (believe) that this plane looks like it was designed and built in some kind of garage? You guessed. Do you know why it looks so ridiculous? ... The fact is that the Columban Cri-Cri aircraft is really completely designed and built by a private French master in the garage of a private (own) house.

See also:

Yes, you're right, it's definitely not the most impressive aircraft on our list. Especially when it comes to its flight speed and other technical characteristics. But this plane still surprises many. For example, their size.

The length of the aircraft is 3.9 meters. Its wingspan is 4.9 meters. The maximum speed of the aircraft is 220 km/h. The maximum flight altitude is 3700 meters. Crew - 1 person (pilot).

5) Stits DS-1 Baby Bird.

This aircraft is known all over the world, as it is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest monoplane (aircraft) on a plapet. Indeed, the dimensions of the DC-1 aircraft are very small. Why do you think such an aircraft was developed? Do not know? Then don't guess. We answer. This technique was designed and built specifically, i.e. precisely in order to enter (get into) the history of Guinness records.

Not to say that this aircraft can still boast of some amazing and amazing technical characteristics, except for its size. , since only 35 flights were made (done) on it.

The length of the aircraft is 3.4 meters. Its wingspan is only 1.91 meters. The maximum speed of the aircraft is 177 km/h. Crew - 1 person (pilot).

4) Bensen B-8 Gyrocopter.

The "Bensen B-8 Gyrocopter" doesn't really have the sort of irritating hull design that is (exists) in all conventional aircraft. Such aircraft technology allows her to fly and enjoy the view of the pilot around him. But the fact is that it does not have a main so-so body. In fact, this plane is made (assembled) quite simply, namely, there are: -frame, seat, and rotor, that's the whole plane.

Let's face it, do you really need anything else for true fans of aviation (?).

The length of the aircraft is 3.43 meters. Its maximum speed is 137 km / h. The maximum flight altitude is 3800 meters. Crew - 1 person (pilot).

3) Stits SA-2A Sky Baby.

In 1952, this model aircraft took to the skies to try and become the single smallest aircraft in the world. However, after 25 hours of flight (flight time), this aircraft did not make any more sorties.

As we can see, in this field (air flight), it is impossible to create an aircraft that, being the smallest aircraft in the world, could be used for quite a long time in the future.

The length of the aircraft is 2.7 meters. Its wingspan is 1.68 meters. The maximum speed of the aircraft is 305 km/h. The maximum flight altitude is 2460 meters. Crew - 1 person (pilot).

2) Starr Bumble Bee II.

Another of the smallest manned aircraft in the world, which made its first and last flight in 1988. Unfortunately, this plane crashed due to engine failure. Fortunately, its creator, Robert H. Starr, who piloted the plane by God's will, survived, although he received very serious injuries.

The length of the aircraft is 3.0 meters. Its wingspan is 2.18 meters. The maximum speed of the aircraft is 354 km/h. Crew - 1 person (pilot).

1) Jetpack Wingsuit.

In an attempt to expand his diversity in aircraft engineering for fans of hang gliding and free fall, the pilot Yves Rossy developed this (his) "thing" (ie device). This "Jetpack Wingsuit" aircraft is equipped with four jet engines that are mounted on mini-wings and put on directly on the pilot's back. The maximum flight time of the device is 13 minutes.

Yves Rossy flew over all the Alps (over the mountains) with the help of a Jetpack Wingsuit.

The most amazing thing here is that this aircraft can be transported right in the trunk of a car!

When they start classifying objects or phenomena, they look for the main, most common features, properties that serve as evidence of their relationship. Along with this, they also study such signs that would sharply distinguish them from each other.

If, following this principle, we begin to classify modern aircraft, then first of all the question will arise: what features or properties of aircraft are considered the most important?

Maybe you can classify them based on the materials from which the devices are made? Yes, you can, but it will be a little visual. After all, the same thing can be done from different materials. Aluminium, steel, wood, linen, rubber, plastics in tone or to another extent are used in the manufacture of airplanes, and helicopters, airships, and balloons.

It may be the basis for the classification of aircraft to choose: when and by whom was the device made for the first time? It can be classified in historical terms - this is an important question, but then devices dissimilar in many respects, proposed at the same time and in the same country, will fall under one rubric.

Obviously, these signs for classification should not be considered the most important.

Due to the fact that aircraft are designed to move in the air, they are usually divided into devices lighter than air and apparatus heavier than air. So, the basis for the classification of aircraft is their weight in relation to the air.

We see that apparatuses lighter than air include airships, balloons and stratostats. They rise and stay in the air by filling them with light gases. Heavier-than-air vehicles include airplanes, gliders, rockets, and rotorcraft.

The aircraft and glider are supported in the air by the lift generated by the wings; rockets are kept in the air by the thrust force developed by the rocket engine, and rotorcraft - by the lifting force of the main rotor. There are (so far in projects) devices that occupy an intermediate position between airplanes and rotorcraft, airplanes and missiles. These are the so-called convertible aircraft, or convertible planes, which should combine the positive properties of both of them and combine huge flight speeds with the ability to hover in the air, the ability to take off without a takeoff run and land without a run.

A helicopter, like an autogyro, belongs to the category of rotary-wing aircraft. Their difference lies in the fact that the main rotor of the gyroplane is not connected to the engine and can rotate freely.

The main rotor of a helicopter (or several main rotors), in contrast to the main rotor of an autogyro, is driven by an engine during takeoff, flight and landing and serves both to create lift and thrust. The aerodynamic force created by the propeller is used both to keep the helicopter in the air and to move it forward. In addition, the main rotor is also the control element of the helicopter.

If a propeller or a jet engine creates thrust in an aircraft, wings create lift, and rudders and ailerons serve as controls, then in a helicopter all these functions are performed by the main rotor. From this it becomes clear how important the value of the main rotor in a helicopter is.

Helicopters differ from each other in the number of rotors, in their location, in the way the rotation is driven. In accordance with these signs, the helicopters depicted are divided.

Man has long dreamed of learning to fly like a bird, and aircraft are exactly what this desire and the scientific and technical vector of human development led him to. Aircraft are a long branch of evolution and progress, from the first unsuccessful attempts to create a muscle plane (like the one that Icarus blundered with) to modern Boeings, fighters, bombers, spacecraft - everything that allows us to move around land and sea. Despite the seemingly unimaginably complex technology behind them, aircraft are for the most part considered a relatively safe and fast means of transportation. Only tragedies that claim the lives of several hundred people at once cause a special resonance. However, a person’s desire is the law, and it can be said with confidence that he overfulfilled the plan to repeat the feat of the birds of this world.

Hybrid Air Vehicles, the company that built the Airlander 10 (the world's longest aircraft, also known as the "flying ass" for its resemblance to an ass), said its current prototype will not be rebuilt, but will focus on creating a new generation of flying vehicles. airships. HAV has already received approval from the Civil Aviation Authority for a new series of aircraft planned for the early 2020s.

Most modern drones are designed in such a way that they can only move effectively in one or two directions. For example, the usual arrangement of propellers at the top of the aircraft gives good lift, but allows you to move only in a position parallel to the ground, preventing it from “turning over”, which can be a big problem in strong winds. A completely different approach is used in the Omnicopter drone, the propellers of which are located in such a way that the device can move equally effectively in any direction and, in fact, has no “top” or “bottom”.

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