The most popular surnames at the moment are English. List of the most common names and surnames of men in America



The list of popular genus names is endless, because as many people as there are so many opinions. Each person will point to beautiful surnames that he personally likes. They can be short, long, but, according to most, the most popular are the aristocratic designations of family names. Let's see which surnames are more common and respected, and where they came from.

List of the most beautiful Russian surnames in the world

The word "surname" is translated from Latin as "family". This means that this indicates that a person belongs to the genus from which he originated. The emergence of family nicknames was often associated with the profession that the family was engaged in from generation to generation, or with the name of the area in which the family lived, or the family name indicated character traits, specific appearance, nickname. No wonder there is a saying “not in the eyebrow, but in the eye” - people have always hung labels very accurately.

In Russia, at first there was only a first name and patronymic, and the first surnames appeared only in the 14th century. Naturally, noble people received them: princes, boyars, nobles. Peasants received official family names only at the end of the 19th century, when serfdom was abolished. The first names of dynasties came from the names of places of residence, birth or possessions: Tver, Arkhangelsk, Zvenigorod, Moskvin.

  1. Sobolev
  2. Morozov
  3. Gromov
  4. Diamonds
  5. Derzhavin
  6. Bogatyrev
  7. Mayorov
  8. Admirals
  9. Lyubimov
  10. Vorontsov

List of the most beautiful surnames for girls:

  1. Resurrection
  2. Lebedev
  3. Alexandrova
  4. Serebryanskaya
  5. Korolkova
  6. Vinogradova
  7. Talnikova
  8. Generous
  9. Zolotareva
  10. Tsvetaeva

A selection of the most beautiful foreign surnames

Foreigners believe that a beautiful surname helps the family, brings good luck and happiness. But, it’s true, a person with or a family nickname has been teased by peers since childhood, and later he grows up insecure with a whole baggage of complexes. So it turns out that the family name brought bad luck. For people with a beautiful ancestral heritage, things are different. Boys and girls know from childhood that they can do everything in this world, so they walk with their heads held high.

Each country has its own beautiful surnames, which are unusual for the Russian ear. But the origin of family designations is the same all over the world. Someone took the name of their city, and someone took the nickname of the founder of the family, the occupation of the family, belonging to the status. Among foreign surnames, one can also often find the names of plants, birds, animals. If a Russian person chooses a foreign name for himself, then, as a rule, he does not delve into its meaning, but makes a choice according to euphony.

For example, modern Spaniards have beautiful surnames - not uncommon. The top guys are:

  • Rodriguez
  • Fernandez
  • Gonzalez
  • Perez
  • Martinez
  • Sanchez

Russian girls often choose generic names of Spanish origin:

  • Alvarez
  • Torres
  • Romero
  • Flores
  • Castillo
  • Garcia
  • Pascual

French surnames

All variants of French surnames are endowed with special beauty and charm. This language is very different from other European counterparts. If it is always pronounced correctly, then French is pronounced differently. For example, the popular Le Pen may sound like "Le Pen", "Le Pen", "De Le Pen". The first French family names were bestowed on the highest circle of the nobility in the 11th century. And only in the 16th century, by royal decree, was it ordered to give every citizen of France a hereditary nickname.

Since then, French surnames have been included in church records from generation to generation. The most beautiful family nicknames in France come from proper names, from the occupation of the clan or from the geographical names in which the family was born. French male family names are widespread:

  • Robert
  • Richard
  • Bernard
  • Duran
  • Lefebvre

Women's generic names are not much different from men's. French history ordered that there are no differences and other endings, as in Russian, between surnames, therefore beautiful generic names of women also bear a proper name, for example:

  • Leroy
  • Bonn
  • Francois


The generic names of Germany arose in the same way as in other countries: first they were received by the nobility, then by the feudal lords and small landowners, and then by the lower strata of the population. The whole process of forming hereditary nicknames took about 8 centuries, and the first surnames appeared on the basis of proper names. Vivid examples are German male generic nicknames:

  1. Werner
  2. Hermann
  3. Jacobi
  4. Peters

Beautiful family designations in Germany appeared from the names of rivers, mountains and other words associated with nature: Bern, Vogelweid. But the most popular generic names came from the occupations of their ancestors. For example, Muller in translation means "miller", and Schmidt - "blacksmith". Rare ones sound beautiful: Wagner, Zimmermann. Women in Germany, as a rule, leave their mother's surname, and the most beautiful are:

  1. Lehmann
  2. Mayer
  3. Peters
  4. Fisher
  5. Weiss


Beautiful American generic names compare favorably with other foreign ones - they are very consonant, and the owners wear them with pride. If surnames are not inherited, then any citizen of the United States can change his family name to a more harmonious one. So, the 10 most beautiful surnames of American men:

  1. Robinson
  2. Harris
  3. Evans
  4. Gilmour
  5. Florence
  6. Stone
  7. Lambert
  8. Newman

As for American women, as elsewhere in the world, girls at birth take the family name of the father, and at marriage - the husband. Even if a girl wants to leave her family name, after marriage she will have a double surname, for example, Maria Goldman, Mrs. Roberts (by her husband). Beautiful generic names for American women:

  1. Bellows
  2. Houston
  3. Taylor
  4. Davis
  5. Foster

Video: the most common surnames in the world

The most common surnames in the world seem beautiful, because their carriers are popular people, which means they are happy. For example, there are about one hundred million people on the planet who have the family name Lee. In second place in polarity is the surname Wang (about 93 million people). In third place is the family name Garcia, common in South America (about 10 million people).

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This page lists the most common American surnames in the United States.
































































































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American common surnames


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People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The time has come when slander pays well. Now many are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to engage in slandering decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience, about faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, he will never engage in deceit, slander, and fraud.

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A beautiful surname evokes positive emotions, attracts attention and even helps to form a kind of image. However, not all people have euphonious generic names. Funny and difficult to pronounce surnames cause ridicule, which causes a desire to change them. The legislation allows you to do this easily and quickly: you will need to submit an application to the registry office indicating your full name, pay a fee, replace your passport and other documents. The presented list of the most beautiful surnames in the world will allow you to choose a new one.

The most beautiful surnames in the world

The surname in translation from Latin means "family". This term is called a hereditary name, indicating that a person belongs to a clan or family.

Most of the surnames come from toponyms and activities.

To determine which surnames are the most beautiful in the world, a rating compiled by the Gallup International Research Center will help. This is an institute founded in America in 1935, specializing in the study of public opinion.

Based on the results of the study, a list of surnames was compiled:

  • Spanish - Rodriguez.
  • Romanov is a surname whose roots go back to the Roman Empire. In the old days, it symbolized power and greatness. The representatives of the surname are the royal persons of the Romanov dynasty.
  • Francois - adds a romantic touch, characteristic of France. Its representatives are found far beyond the borders of this country.
  • Fitzgerald is an example of an unusual surname that has British roots, but is also common in other parts of the world.
  • Werner is a restrained version, the founder of which is a noble German family, who founded the surname over eight centuries ago.
  • Berenger is of French origin, the previous form is Berenzon.
  • Japanese - Yamamoto.
  • Anglo-German - Miller.
  • King is a chic aristocratic surname, which is carried by many scientists, directors and writers.
  • Lehmann is of German origin, has a businesslike sound.

The listed examples are chosen due to their euphony.


In Russia, identification with the help of a surname began in the 12th-13th centuries. The formation dragged on until the 19th century. Initially, medieval surnames were assigned to boyar and noble families. In the 18th century, representatives of the clergy received them, and then artisans and peasants.

At first, a nickname was assigned to a person based on the names of parents, occupation, character traits or appearance, and place of residence.

Then peasant and noble families were formed. During this period, the genera of the Kobylins, Travins, Gorbatovs, Trusovs, and Shuiskys appeared.

Church ministers were given surnames from the name of the parish or upon graduation from the seminary: Veliky, Pokrovsky, Dubrovsky, Uspensky. But they could have been invented, achieving euphony. So there were variations that inspire confidence: Dobrolyubovs, Dobromyslovs. Generic names associated with animals are also interesting. These are Zaitsev, Karpov, Medvedev, Sobolev.

A special niche is occupied by Slavic surnames. They are valuable because they are based on ancient names or names of deities of pagan mythology. After the adoption of Christianity, these surnames were banned. And the people who wore them were renamed as a result of the rite of baptism. Examples of such generic names: Dovbush, Dobrynin, Lada, Yarilo.

Ancient surnames are also important. They are based on words that have already come out of speech. These are the names of household items, monetary units, crafts, generic nicknames. Today there are such old surnames: Bandurov, Kalita, Kozhemyaka, Prialkin. In the old days, generic names were changed to Latin variations. As a result, the Bobrovs turned into the Kastorskys, the Orlovs into the Aquilevs, and the Skvortsovs into the Sturnitskys.

The best options for girls:

  • Abramova;
  • Anisimova;
  • Belova;
  • Vladov;
  • Galaktionova;
  • Demidov;
  • Dmitrieva;
  • Dobrovolskaya;
  • Zotov;
  • Illarionov;
  • Kulikovskaya;
  • Menshov;
  • Merkulov;
  • Ostrovskaya;
  • Protasov;
  • Safronov;
  • Sofia;
  • Sazonova.

Female representatives can change their birth name after marriage.

For guys, you can also choose sonorous forms:

  • Vasnetsov;
  • Vyazemsky;
  • Kuznetsov;
  • Nikitin;
  • Potapov;
  • Preobrazhensky;
  • Prokhorov;
  • Christmas;
  • Chernyshov.

Sociologists report that surnames starting with the first letters of the alphabet are lucky. They boost self-esteem. Many successful people had such surnames.

Foreign (foreign)

Non-Russian surnames appeared at the end of the 15th century. This process was influenced by two factors: the interaction of Russia with the peoples of Eastern and Western countries and the borrowing of words from the language of the Turkic peoples.


Many are interested in different foreign surnames that can be put on VK or used to create a mysterious image.

These include variants of American origin:

  • Allen;
  • Adams;
  • Abramson;
  • Brown;
  • Watson;
  • Daniels;
  • Jones;
  • Cooper;
  • Clark;
  • Morris;
  • Turner;
  • Scott;
  • Smith;
  • Thompson;
  • Taylor;
  • Walker;
  • Harris;
  • Hailey;
  • Erickson.

Modern Americans make up surnames based on two names or using their own and generic name. Some US residents use only initials. Male and female surnames in this country have the same form. Among the American generic names, there are also Canadian ones.


Some European surnames are relatively difficult to pronounce due to the peculiarities of the language. French variations belong to them. Correct reading is possible only with knowledge of the rules. Some surnames are based on proper names.

You can choose the appropriate option from the following list:

  • Andre;
  • Harcourt;
  • Dubois;
  • Julien;
  • Michelle;
  • Aubin;
  • Richard;
  • Sorel;
  • Seigner;
  • Freel.

Among the surnames of French origin there are pathos and simple options: Bernard, Bertrand, Lambert, Thomas. And forms descended from royal dynasties: Braganza, Montpensier.


The Japanese value the surname very much. She is considered more significant than the name. If it is necessary to write a combination of a given name and a surname in the European manner, capital letters are used for the generic name. In the traditional version, it is written first.

Anime surnames:

  • Asano;
  • Araki;
  • Asayama;
  • Wada;
  • Ishihara;
  • Kawasaki;
  • Kitamura;
  • Miyazaki;
  • Matila;
  • Maruyama;
  • Narita;
  • Oyama;
  • Ootsuka;
  • Sato;
  • Takeuchi;
  • Ueno;
  • Fujiwara;
  • Hirai;
  • Tsuji;
  • Yamashita.

The number of surnames reaches 100 thousand.


Female generic names in England do not differ from male variants. Exceptions are surnames with the suffix "son", the translation of which sounds like "son". But it also contains some female variations. But they end with "s". Common English surnames contain American roots: Blake, Garrison, Collins, Smith.

Also known:

  • Adamson;
  • Benson;
  • Blackshire;
  • Blomfield;
  • Wilson;
  • Dalton;
  • Clifford;
  • Carroll;
  • Macalister;
  • Ouldridge;
  • Rider;
  • Richardson;
  • Spencer;
  • Taylor;

In England, there is also a unique surname Lo for this country.


A common generic name in this country is Müller. The second place according to this criterion is occupied by Schmidt, and Schneider completes the top three.

Also on the list are:

  • Becker;
  • Wagner;
  • Hertz;
  • Cles;
  • Mayer;
  • Kaufman;
  • Krieger;
  • Lehmann;
  • Neumann;
  • Rieger;
  • Sommer;
  • Ergard.

The most desirable last names for German citizens that bring good luck. These include Hoffman, whose meaning is "yard owner". In Germany, there is an opinion that this surname was worn by feudal lords.


The Caucasus is inhabited by several national-ethnic groups. Chechen and Dagestan generic names have Arabic roots.

Surnames also bear Muslim signs:

  • Ahmedov;
  • Abdurakhmanov;
  • Dzhabrailov;
  • Ibragimov;
  • Kadyrov;
  • Kerimov;
  • Magomaev;
  • Makaev;
  • Radjabov.

The Chechen people have Eastern generic names with a Turkic or Georgian imprint: Aleroev, Dudayev, Maskhadov.


Frequent surnames in Spain are variants of generic names containing the suffix -es. These are Gonzalez, Lopez, Ramones, Fernandez. Colombian surnames also have this form, which is explained by Spanish colonization.

Also found:

  • Alonso;
  • Blanco;
  • Kalvo;
  • Duran;
  • Gallego;
  • Lozano;
  • Ortega;
  • Santana.

Spanish women, changing their marital status, do not take the names of their husbands. But they can add it to their own. Children are assigned the first surname of the father and mother.


A typical form of generic names for citizens living in Ukraine is a surname ending in -enko. These are Butenko, Guzenko, Leshchenko, Pisarenko.

But many surnames coincide with Russian and Belarusian generic names:

  • Aksenov;
  • Buteyko;
  • Burlachko;
  • Batechko;
  • Geiko;
  • Geletey;
  • Glebov;
  • Kalatay;
  • Shcherbakov;
  • Osokin.

Separately, mention should be made of the surnames that arose on the basis of Cossack nicknames: Golota, Kuybida, Likhoded, Novokhatko, Stodolia.


The Australian continent is inhabited by immigrants from Scotland, England and Ireland.

This left an imprint on the generic names of its inhabitants:

  • Brown;
  • Jones;
  • King;
  • Kelly;
  • Martin;
  • Robinson;
  • Williams;
  • Harris.

There are Australians with a Greek or Jewish surname.


In the Argentine Republic, generic names of Italian origin are common:

  • Bernardello;
  • Biglia;
  • Bianchetti;
  • Janetti;
  • Gentiletti;
  • Calleri;
  • Luchetti;
  • Migliore;
  • Mascherano;
  • Passarella;
  • Rulli;
  • Sabella;
  • Forzinetti.

But there are Spanish variants: Gallego, Gallardo.


Some Italian generic names end in "I":

  • Avanchini;
  • Bernardi;
  • guards;
  • Dorigoni;
  • Degasperi;
  • Colombini;
  • Christelia;
  • Mattevi;
  • Franceschini.

There are wonderful variations: Colombo is a dove, Marino is a sea, Pelaratti is a rat.


The appearance of surnames in Africa is associated with the period of colonization. Before that, there were only names. In Morocco, a surname is assigned when moving. For this, the name of the tribe is used. Residents of West Africa, in addition to their own name, receive the name of their great-grandfather and the name of the village or city.

Popular options:

  • Bikilu;
  • Mbia;
  • Nkono;
  • She is on;
  • Semoko;
  • Traore.

The surnames of the Hausa people are the names of Muslim prophets.


Residents of Korea have short surnames containing one, rarely two vowels:

  • Monkut;

The number of Korean generic names does not exceed 250.

Cool for Vkontakte

A third of social network users use a fake instead of a surname - fictitious variations. This is due to the desire to emphasize the strengths of character, place of residence, nationality or status. An alias helps hide personal information, such as dissonant surnames.

Fake youth options for VK for boys:

  • Auer;
  • Bitner;
  • Burkhard;
  • Vlach;
  • Hirsch;
  • Hartwig;
  • Ghylen;
  • De Jong;
  • Kirchner;
  • Langen;
  • Mautner;
  • Pearl;
  • Zipser;
  • Diamond;
  • Vortex;
  • Needle;
  • Prince;
  • Scythian;
  • Queen;
  • Yartsev.

Top for girls:

  • Alpina;
  • Wang;
  • Krams;
  • Lantsova;
  • Miller;
  • Masterson;
  • Ogun;
  • Preobrazhenskaya;
  • Rosenthal;
  • Romenskaya;
  • Tatar;

Fictional maiden names will help to focus on positive qualities. For a girl with a modest character, Dobronravova is suitable. Cool options can be formed by rearranging the name and surname: Nastya Ivanova - Ivanna Nastina.

For VK, gothic and vampire variations are used:

  • Azazel;
  • Hades;
  • Merlin;
  • Striga;
  • Tizifonov;
  • Faust.

Mystical and terrible surnames create an aura of mystery.


Popular options include not only Russians, but also foreign ones:

  • Alexandrova;
  • Bouquet;
  • Bonnet;
  • Garcia;
  • Korolkova;
  • Leroy;
  • Romero;
  • Serebryanskaya;
  • Flores.

Sounding surnames are popular.


Original surnames attract many girls.

Therefore, you should consider what their options are:

  • Adrianov;
  • Almazov;
  • Balmont;
  • Bryullov;
  • Weiner;
  • Volskaya;
  • Goranskaya;
  • Demidov;
  • Elagina;
  • Zhemchuzhnikov;
  • Zapolskaya;
  • Insarova;
  • Ladygin;
  • Markelov;
  • Oginskaya;
  • Saburova.

Men also have plenty to choose from:

  • diamonds;
  • Block;
  • Witte;
  • Grabar;
  • Zlatov;
  • King;
  • Fire;
  • Struve.

Among the listed options, you can choose fashionable and cool surnames for social networks.


There are up to 500 common Russian generic names.

But topping the list are:

  • Ivanov is a patronymic from the canonical masculine John.
  • Smirnov reflects the quality of character. Since a quiet, docile disposition was valued in peasant families, this feature was distinguished by means of a surname.
  • Kuznetsov comes from his father's occupation.
  • Popov - was formed on the basis of the word "priest", which characterized the Orthodox priest. But it also acted as a nickname for a person who had nothing to do with the clergy.
  • Vasiliev - based on a proper name.

An interesting fact is that the English translation of the generic name "Kuznetsov" sounds like "Smith". This surname has 4,000 million people.


A rare surname was preceded by a nickname that characterized the trait of a person that distinguished him from the bulk. Then she took the form of naming and was assigned to his family.

Selection of rare surnames:

  • Astrakhan;
  • America;
  • Water;
  • Crusoe;
  • Moscow;
  • Pozharsky;
  • Razdobudko.

The list contains surnames that are consonant with geographical names and literary characters. Among them there are normal and strange forms for perception.


Short generic names consist of one, two or three letters. There are An, Ge, Do, Yong, E, Kim, Oh, To, Choi, Yu, Yuk. Some of them are based on foreign language variants.


Such surnames are rare. Their owners can be found in various countries. A long Russian surname is Arkhinevolokocherepopindrikovskaya. It belonged to a Soviet gymnast. An American boxer of Russian origin bore the surname of the Order of the Red Banner Three times.

Janis Kelives in the state of Hawaii, and Ayiltsikliklives in Turkey.


Famous surnames arose on a Turkic basis:

  • Bulgakov;
  • Kutuzov;
  • Karamzin;
  • Michurin;
  • Rachmaninov;
  • Suvorov;
  • Saltykov;
  • Tyutchev;
  • Turgenev;
  • Ulanov.

There are up to 500 surnames with this origin.


Noble family names belonged to representatives of the upper class. They point to the aristocratic past of their owners.

Counts and princely families bore the following surnames:

  • Apukhtin;
  • Belozersky;
  • Vyazemsky;
  • Vorotynsky;
  • Gavrilin;
  • Godunov;
  • Karamzin;
  • Minin;
  • Obolensky;
  • Suzdal;
  • Tverskaya;
  • Yusupov.

There are also double: Lobanov-Ostrovsky, Bagration-Davydov.


There is an opinion that the declension depends on the language that is the basis of the surname or on the gender of its owner. This is a common misconception. By cases, they do not change surnames ending in e, and, o, y, s, e, u, and endings -ih, -yi.

  • White;
  • Gramigny;
  • Kovalenko;
  • Loye;
  • Megre;
  • dry;
  • Ceausescu.

Forms with a zero ending are not subject to declension: Bondar, Sexton.


Among the surnames there are variations that cause a smile:

  • Ram;
  • Flea;
  • Badger;
  • Fool;
  • Good afternoon;
  • Eibogin;
  • Zabeyvorot;
  • Zashechigriva;
  • Kostogryzov;
  • Sausage;
  • Hen;
  • Mozgoedov;
  • Not breathy;
  • Rzhach;
  • Hvataymuha;
  • Kill.

The appearance of dissonant generic names is associated with pagan beliefs. In the old days, people were convinced that terrible surnames would distract the attention of evil spirits from them and protect them from the evil eye.

Any surname emphasizes individuality. But not all generic names are pleasing to the ear. At the same time, you should not fall into despair. Dissonant surnames can be changed to suitable variations. This will help the list of Russian and foreign generic names. Cute and cool surnames for social networks are not difficult to pick up. They will create a positive impression about the owners. For this purpose, they take their own or random (random) surname.

The emergence and development of English surnames is associated with the main periods of the socio-economic development of mankind, which, up to a certain stage of development, did not have surnames. In the 11th-12th centuries. the most common male names were Ralph, William, Robert, Richard. When the name could not individualize a person, they resorted to the help of a nickname sign.

In 1085-1086. as a result of the first English census, many nicknames were documented.

Meanings of English surnames

The analysis of modern English surnames involves the study of the etymology of the nicknames that formed their basis. English surnames and their meanings are divided into four groups:

1. Othroponymic

2. By place of residence.

3. Professional and official.

4. Descriptive.

Othroponymic surnames

This is, first of all, the use of names as surnames, which do not change in any way: Anthony, Baldwin, Dennis, Henry, Neale, Owen, Thomas, Walter. Many surnames have in their composition the formant -son (Thompson), which means "son of such and such." Many originated from their parents' abbreviated names: David was abbreviated to Dawe.

local surnames

This is the largest group, covering about half of all English surnames. They can be divided into subgroups:

  • Surnames derived from nicknames indicating the origin of their carriers from a particular area.
  • Surnames formed from nicknames, which reflected topographically remarkable points of the area: Hill, Cliff, Brook, Dale, Fell, Fields.

Professional and official surnames

In English surnames, the lexical field of the names of various positions and professions is very widely represented. They are part of about 20% of all surnames. Basically, they arose from nicknames denoting the profession, the position of their carriers.

Descriptive English surnames

These are surnames that reflect the biological characteristics of a person. They come from nicknames that characterized their owners by remarkable spiritual or physical qualities: Bigg, Strong, High, Little, Longman, Strongman, Younger, Elder, Small. Also, descriptive surnames can tell about the hair color of the ancestor of the family: Black, White. The characteristics of the mental abilities and moral qualities of a person are reflected in the surnames: Bad, Wise, Good, Gay, Joyce.

Aristocratic surnames

At the moment, among the English surnames of aristocrats, the most aristocratic is Windsor, since the name of the English Queen Elizabeth is Alexandra Mary Windsor, and all her descendants are Windsor.

The name of Queen Victoria is Alexandrina Victoria Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, this is also an aristocratic surname. The royal blood is also Hanover, Stuart, Tudor, Wettin, York, Plantagenet, Lancaster.

Earls Montgomery and Pembroke. Representatives of this family are considered patrons of English literature, they were closely acquainted with the Earl of Oxford and Shakespeare.

Dukes - Argyll, Hamilton, Norfolk, Wellington, Rutland, Marlborough, Leeds, Manchester.

Popular surnames

The list of English surnames is very large, consider the most popular of them.

  • Adams
  • Allen
  • Black
  • Brown
  • Dean
  • Ellis (Ellis)
  • Ford
  • George
  • Green
  • Hughes
  • Jackson (Jackson)
  • James (James)
  • Johnson
  • King
  • Little
  • Miller
  • Scott
  • Smith

Men's English surnames do not differ from English surnames for girls.

The list of English surnames can go on for quite some time. These are very beautiful and interesting names.


Every nation has its own names and surnames. All of them have some kind of roots that may indicate the type of activity, qualities of character, or famous ancestors. Below are the names in English, which for one reason or another have become very popular.

American given names and surnames

Each nation has a certain principle by which a person received his middle name. For example, in some countries, the city from which the man or woman was born served for this purpose. In some cases, the paternal method was used to indicate a noble origin and a famous family. American names and surnames also have cultural traditions in this matter. Tracking them becomes difficult, because the peoples sailed to America from all over the world.

For this reason, many American surnames take their roots from the Italian, Greek, Latin or some European people. Over time, the form of sound changed, some changes were made and a certain historical list of popular surnames in America was formed. Some of them have a direct meaning, for example, Smith is a blacksmith. Others just sound beautiful, and others were originally a nickname. The origin of all middle names can be divided into several categories:

  • those that indicate a specific occupation, profession;
  • derived from some special traits of a person's character;
  • religious options that were taken from the Bible;
  • associated with trees, animals, natural phenomena, flowers.


If you hear male American names and surnames on the street, you can almost 100% guess the nationality of a person. They have gone through certain stages of development and have much in common with the English versions. People from all over sailed to the new continent and, in order to pass for an American, they deliberately modified, shortened or altered their surnames. The most famous foreign middle names open:

  • Williams;
  • Smith;
  • Jones;
  • wilson.

These options can be compared with the familiar Ivanov, Petrov, Kuznetsov, Popov. According to US statistics, there are more than a million such families each. Other popular male surnames are:

  • young;
  • hall;
  • Thompson;
  • Jackson;
  • Brown;
  • Anderson;
  • white;
  • Clark;
  • Davis;
  • Jackson;
  • Thomas;
  • Harris;
  • Miller;
  • Garcia;
  • Hernandez;
  • Rodrigues;
  • King.


It cannot be said that American surnames for girls are somehow different from men's. Unlike names, they cannot be chosen and there is no clear gender identity here. The surnames of Americans are devoid of gender or change of form (ending) when it comes to a girl. For this reason, the list of beautiful, popular female middle names is the same. However, the Americans themselves distinguish several surnames that are more suitable for girls.

  • Williams;
  • moore;

Beautiful American Surnames

Citizens of Russia, America have the right to change their first name and last name. Some use this opportunity to get a more harmonious combination. Singers and actors often do this to make them more memorable. There are recognized beautiful American surnames that are different from all the others. Often their origins originate from completely different peoples, professions, animals or colors. According to Americans, the most beautiful male and female surnames are:

  • Evans;
  • Collins;
  • Gilmore;
  • Daniels;
  • moore;
  • Wallace;
  • Newman;
  • Harris;
  • Labert;
  • Washington;
  • Beverly.

Americans greatly appreciate and respect their history, ancestors and heritage, which they left them. Family ties mean a lot to them, so their middle name is a valuable relic that should be protected, worn and proudly passed on to their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. This is one of the factors that make this nation united, confident and strong.

Popular American Surnames

In all countries of the world, records are kept, a census of the population, so there is accurate data about the most popular surnames in America. In the first place proudly flaunts Smith, literally translated means "blacksmith". There are over 2,700,000 blacksmiths in the country. Slightly less popular surnames in the USA are Jhonson (Johnson, 2 million 200 thousand). Further on the list, Williams, Davis, Brown, Miller, Jones are leading in approximately the same number (about 1 million 500 thousand).


This species includes foreign variants of middle names, which clearly indicate belonging to some nationality. This is not to say that these American surnames are rare, but they are much rarer than others. Each person has the right to come up with any word at all that will serve as their second surname, but according to statistics, the least (less than 300 thousand) in America are registered:

  • Simmons;
  • Alexander;
  • Foster;
  • Butler;
  • Russell;
  • Bryant;
  • Griffin;
  • Hayes;
  • Gonzales;
  • Washington;
  • Diaz.


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