The highest quality coffee: recommendations for choosing the best varieties in beans. How to choose coffee beans: useful tips


No one will argue with the fact that the best type of coffee is grain. It ideally preserves taste, aroma and useful properties for a long time. Before every person who wants to taste a truly noble drink, the question arises: “What kind of coffee beans is the most delicious?” This is what needs to be dealt with.

What is the best coffee bean?

Choosing the most delicious coffee is not an easy task, because it depends on taste preferences. One gourmet loves a drink with sourness, another is looking for a sweetish taste, someone appreciates high strength, and someone - softness, and so on. All these qualities depend on several principles, which you need to rely on when choosing the perfect coffee for your taste.

The main factors affecting taste:

  1. Sort.

The range of coffee beans is really wide - currently there are more than 500 varieties. Here, for example, dear readers, is an online coffee store that has a wide selection of coffee.

Why so much? The fact is that in fact there are only 2 main types of coffee tree: Arabica and Robusta. And numerous varieties were obtained as a result of distribution in different territories, where they acquired their distinctive features due to the difference in natural conditions (different water, temperature, soil, etc.). There is also the artificial breeding of new varieties.

If we compare Arabica and Robusta, then the first is considered a more valuable and elite variety, and therefore it costs more.

A drink made from real Arabica has a rich taste, light sourness and deep aroma. Robusta cannot boast of such characteristics, but it has its advantages - there is much more caffeine in these grains, as well as higher yields throughout the year. The taste of Robusta is slightly bitter.

The taste of Robusta is slightly bitter…

When deciding which coffee is the most delicious, you can try both varieties. Most lovers of a vigorous drink still prefer Arabica, it is more noble. Very often there is a situation when the manufacturer mixes different varieties.

  1. Place of origin.

This refers to the country where the coffee beans were grown and harvested, and not the one that produced the final product. What is the most delicious coffee beans for you depends largely on this factor.

Indian has a mild and at the same time tart taste.

Brazilian coffee beans are very aromatic and have a slightly bitter taste.

A drink made from Indonesian beans is mostly sour, some varieties have hints of spices.

There are also unusual varieties that surprise everyone with their characteristics. For example, Yemeni and Kenyan coffees are famous for their fruity notes in taste, while Ethiopian coffees are famous for their floral aroma.

Very soft Colombian and Caribbean grains.

As a rule, the name of the variety coincides with the geographical name, so it is easy to determine the origin of the beans.

By the way, if the question arose about which instant coffee is the most delicious, then you should also focus on the first two factors.

coffee roasting

  1. Roasting.

The taste of the drink is also affected by the degree of roasting of the beans, which is usually indicated on the packaging. What can she tell when choosing the most delicious coffee?

The beans are roasted to develop their brown color and flavor. The shorter the duration of the roast, the more caffeine was retained in the beans, but the less intense the color, aroma and taste of the drink will be.

Light roasting will give a very invigorating drink, but at the same time it will be slightly sour and light.

Medium roast beans (which is what most people prefer) will result in a brighter flavor and aroma with a slight bitterness. Among the varieties of the medium degree, one can single out the Viennese roast.

The strongest, darkest and most bitter drink is the one made from heavily roasted beans. French and Italian roasts are famous, which will not be to everyone's taste, but they also have their admirers.

Before deciding which is the most delicious coffee, you should pay attention to this factor.

  1. Appearance and smell of grains.

Determining the right variety and roast level is not the last step in choosing a delicious coffee. Before buying, you need to understand whether the grains in the package are of high quality, because even the most elite variety can be spoiled if stored incorrectly.

The grains should shine slightly, a dull appearance indicates staleness. There should be no split and cracked grains. Ideally, if they are all about the same size and shape. The smell should not be rancid or moldy.

How to make coffee the right way

Choosing and buying is half the battle. After all, to make delicious coffee at home, you need to grind the grains, and there are also some nuances here.

Firstly, coffee will taste best if they are ground right before brewing. The freshest drink in this case will give a deep aroma and richness.

Secondly, the degree of grinding depends on the planned method of preparation. When using Turks, fine grinding is best. For coffee makers and coffee machines, choose a medium grind. If you plan to use a French press, then a coarse grind will be perfect for this.

What is the best coffee bean? The one that suits you, because this question is very subjective. Based on the considered principles for selecting high-quality grains, you can find your ideal drink by sampling.

A lot of people admit that they feel awake only after they drink a cup or two of aromatic delicious coffee. Almost everyone keeps a jar of coffee at work in order to cheer up with a tonic drink in moments of fatigue. Only some prefer instant coffee, others - ground insoluble, and still others buy coffee beans, preferring to grind it with their own hands.

The full range of flavors and aromas is contained, of course, in the beans, which are ground before making the drink.

Coffee is divided not only by the method of processing, but also by varieties and producing countries, the taste of which is influenced by climatic conditions, soil characteristics of these countries and, of course, air, which consists not only of nitrogen and oxygen. What is the best coffee bean? The ranking of producing countries clearly demonstrates the preferences of coffee lovers. Before moving on to it, let's look at history.

Some facts about the origin of coffee

There are many different legends and stories about coffee. We will not retell all of them here, we will dwell briefly on the main ones. Africa is the birthplace of coffee trees.

In Ethiopia, the berries of coffee trees have been eaten since ancient times, when it was called Abyssinia. Warriors took them with them to maintain good spirits and strength. Merchants mixed coffee beans with oil, prepared and sold delicious balls. Later, they learned to prepare a low-alcohol drink from coffee fruits.

It is not difficult to assume that coffee beans came to America along with slave traders and African Negro slaves.

Once in fertile soil and finding the same warm climate as in Africa, coffee pits took root in the South American continent and began to bear fruit.

Tree seedlings were brought to Brazil by Colonel Francisco de Melu-Palheta in 1727 from the nearby French colony of Guiana. Coffee seedlings were presented to him by the amorous governor of Guiana. From this moment begins the coffee history of Brazil.

Brazil is a leader in the coffee industry

This South American country has been considered the leader in the production of the most delicious coffee for a century and a half. Almost the entire economy of the country is tied to this product.

2/3 of the Brazilian crop is Arabica and 1/3 is Robusta. Robusta trees, unlike Arabica, are more resistant to the vagaries of nature. And if it were possible to combine the delicate bouquet of Arabica with the stability and strength of Robusta, the perfect coffee tree would be born.

From Brazilian beans, coffee is obtained with the aroma and flavor of cocoa. Sometimes Arabica is mixed with Robusta to give the drink strength and more bitterness inherent in Robusta.

Coffee from Guatemala

In second place is coffee from Guatemala, which is distinguished by a peculiar flavor inherent in coffee beans only in this country.

The most popular varieties of Guatemalan coffee beans:

  • Antigua is volcanic with a mild non-bitter flavor and a spicy, smoky aroma;
  • Variety Kobano, named after the province in which it is grown. The province has a difficult, rainy climate, however, the coffee here is tasty, soft and delicate, with the aroma of hazelnuts and cocoa.
  • Maragogype was brought from Brazil and adapted to Guatemalan natural conditions. The beans of this coffee are large, with a thick and rich aroma and taste.
  • The Guatemala variety has a bright, slightly spicy, sour taste.

All varieties of Guatemalan coffee beans are exported, which is the best of the mentioned varieties, even avid coffee lovers can not always decide. It should be noted that almost all varieties of Guatemalan coffee emit a special smoky aroma, probably due to the characteristics of the soil and impurities contained in the air, periodically emitted by active volcanoes.


Ethiopia occupies the third line of the leading countries in the cultivation of coffee beans, which provides a third of the world's production of raw materials.

Every year, 200-240 thousand tons of fragrant and beloved by many coffee lovers arabica coffee with a sour taste and aroma of cinnamon and wild berries are grown in this country.

Like Guatemala, Ethiopia is the oldest country to grow delicious coffee. Half of the crop is exported, half is consumed by the inhabitants of the country.

Rating of other coffee bean producing countries

Further, Ethiopia is followed by another African country - Kenya. For her, the cultivation and export of coffee is a significant part of the state budget, so the process is under strict state control and is of high quality. The taste of Kenyan coffee is characterized by a hint of currant and light, pleasant sourness.

In fifth place is Colombian coffee with fruity flavors. There are Yemeni coffee, Indian and Cuban coffee. It is difficult to say which coffee beans are the best in these countries; this, as they say, is not for everyone.

Some like sourness and a fruity bouquet, others prefer bitter coffee, others are crazy about the smoky aroma of a drink from Guatemala.

Arabica, Robusta and others. Rating of coffee varieties

In fact, initially there were two types of coffee fruits - Arabica and Robusta. And the variety of varieties that exist today is the result of selection work.

  • Robusta is an invigorating and tonic drink, because it contains 2-3 times more caffeine than Arabica. Caffeine, combined with chlorogenic acid and the tannins found in Robusta beans, provide its inherent bitterness. Some coffee lovers mix these 2 varieties in different concentrations, which allows them to prepare a particularly tasty drink. Which coffee beans are the best, the rating of varieties and brands gives only a faint idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis. Because how many ratings exist, so many opinions.
  • Kopi Luwak coffee is one of the most expensive varieties, although the method of its preparation is not very appetizing and tasty. It is produced in the Philippines, Indonesia and India.

For the emergence of this variety, coffee lovers should be grateful to the musang animals that feed on coffee berries. Animals swallow berries without chewing, and coffee beans, together with excrement, are excreted from the gastrointestinal tract of animals. The grains remain intact, but are processed with musanga digestive enzymes, which give the drink a special piquancy that Europeans loved so much.

  • Yellow bourbon is grown in Brazil. It got its name from the yellow color of the berries. This type of coffee is grown in the mountains, has a high sugar content and a woody-tobacco aroma. The drink from this variety is slightly sweet and tasty.
  • Peaberry is also considered expensive coffee. 1 kg of Peaberry grains costs 15-20 dollars per kilogram. For ordinary coffee berries, a dicotyled stone is characteristic. But about 8-20 percent of the berries are born with a monocot bone. They are smaller and round in shape. Peaberry grains have a richer aroma than their dicotyledonous counterparts, and taste with berry sourness.

What is the best coffee bean? To answer this question, you must first try all the varieties, and then evaluate in accordance with your tastes.

Roasting coffee beans. What is the best processing method?

The method of roasting coffee beans also affects the taste of a coffee drink. Individual countries have developed their own tradition and their own specific attitude towards this type of processing:

  • American roast. The grains are fried until the first click of a broken bone appears. In this state of the grains, the acid does not evaporate, and the sugar contained in the grains is in the initial stage of crystallization. Coffee after such roasting turns out gentle and tasty;
  • Viennese roast. In Austria, it was customary to fry the grains until the main part of the gas was released from them, and the fruits themselves shone from the droplets of oil released from them. The grains turn bright brown, and above them there is an excitingly delicious, slightly bitter aroma.
  • French roast until the contents of the broiler are dark brown and have a slight burnt aroma.
  • The Italians roast coffee the longest. It becomes almost black, the oil burns out completely, and the raw material loses its characteristic aroma.

If for us the most delicious coffee is American or Viennese roasted, which retains a bouquet of aromas and gives a certain aftertaste, then Italians and Spaniards can probably argue with us.

Coffee beans for coffee machine

Which coffee beans are best for a coffee machine? This question is asked by lovers of an invigorating drink who have bought a car for making it. In this question, there are also so many people, so many opinions, and it is impossible to answer unambiguously which one is better.

Let's pay attention only to the properties and characteristics of some varieties and brands, and you will decide for yourself how to prepare coffee: from one particular variety or better to mix 2-3 varieties, choose American or French roasted beans.

The degree of roasting of coffee beans for a coffee machine is a matter of taste. If the unit does not have a coffee grinder, it is advisable to take coffee with fine and medium grinding. The only thing that coffee machines do not like is coffee with a high oil content. In Russia, the following brands of coffee beans are known.

What is the best brand used in coffee machines, we will try to answer this question:

  • "Musetti" - connoisseurs of an invigorating drink consider this brand one of the best;
  • "Italkafe" - manufacturer of natural premium class coffee;
  • "LavAzza" - this brand has managed to gain popularity in Russia and beyond.

There are much more brands and brands and, probably, the reader has managed to form a definite opinion about which varieties of coffee beans are the best. Each person will have their own point of view and their own view of this drink. Only one thing will not cause any doubts. A truly delicious coffee can only be made from fresh beans.

Shelf life and storage of coffee beans

What is the acceptable expiration date for coffee beans? Ideally, coffee beans should be freshly roasted or no older than 2-3 weeks. From such grains, a fragrant and tasty drink is obtained.

Grains fried a month ago are recognized as excellent, a good shelf life for fried grains is up to 3 months. After 6 months of storage, grains can be thrown away, as they lose their aroma, flavor notes, and aftertaste shades.

But if you are not a gourmet, and such subtleties are of little concern to you, roasted coffee can be stored and used for up to 1 year. But it is better not to store, not to wait for a special occasion. Enjoy it now.

One of the most common drinks in the world along with tea is coffee. Its invigorating aroma has long been an integral part of the awakening process of modern man. A large number of subjective factors that are decisive for one individual when compiling dozens of the most delicious varieties can be very different from the preferences of another.
To compile an objective rating of brands, it is necessary to compare absolutely all indicators and significant advantages of the drink. This includes: taste, aroma features and cost. The range of coffee brands is so diverse that sometimes even an experienced connoisseur who knows his needs and preferences inside and out can get confused and get stuck for a long time in the process of comparing several suitable options. Below is a list of brands, each of which is one of the most popular in terms of price and quality, taste, strength and other indicators.
Instant coffee lovers can get acquainted with

The optimal combination of all the qualities of the drink, if we talk about this brand. Produced in Italy, it quickly gained popularity and spread across all continents in a short time, conquering very, very many people with its pleasant, subtle aroma that distinguishes it from other brands. Each blend and monosort is a precisely adjusted combination of taste and aroma.

The organic combination of quality and value makes this brand one of the most consumed in the European market. Each grain is carefully processed according to innovative German technologies in order to later turn into a piece of fragrant and incredibly tasty drink. In the Dallmayr line of varieties, you can find a coffee variety for the most demanding taste.

The world famous coffee brand, rightfully occupying its high position among others. In the production and production of new coffee blends, the company focuses on creating the most unusual and original variations that allow you to get a unique taste and the finest aroma.

Available only in Russia.
It is not uncommon to see new brands of various goods on store shelves. The well-known brand "Live Coffee" was no exception.
The term "Live coffee" means coffee that is stored after roasting for no more than one month. It is believed that such grains contain the maximum amount of nutrients and nutrients. In addition, it is this coffee that turns out to be especially aromatic.
Arabica beans from all over the world are used to make coffee. Coffee is sold in beans only. Which are roasted in Russia, thanks to which coffee reaches consumers as quickly as possible.


This company focuses exclusively on using the best varieties of Arabica for coffee blends. A drink brewed from them with an incredibly deep aroma invigorates well, although the caffeine content in its composition is minimal. In terms of price and quality ratio, this brand is also one of the most popular in the European market. In Russia, the brand is just beginning its rapid ascent.

This brand focuses on the production of custard mixtures and grain cafe. All grains are painstakingly sorted and well-roasted to obtain a rich taste and excellent aroma. The company also regularly renews its assortment, replenishing it with new unusual types of mixtures, each of which differs in richness of aroma and taste.

This company is also focused on the diverse taste preferences of consumers. In her line you can find not only all sorts of blends, but also 100% Arabica. In order, for example, to treat yourself to excellent Viennese coffee, you do not have to travel abroad, it is enough to find the very mixture so that you can enjoy a freshly brewed aromatic drink right at home.

Pleasant flavor combinations and a rich soft aroma, as well as the practicality of the packaging, make this brand one of the most preferred among buyers who purchase this drink for family consumption. The company has all the necessary certificates, including the famous "Top Quality" mark, which, coupled with the positive reviews of coffee critics, creates a reputation for it as a reliable producer of high-quality and affordable coffee. Concern for the convenience and comfort of its consumers, expressed in equipping the packaging with a convenient fastener to preserve the saturation of the aroma and just so that the mixture does not accidentally wake up, even more disposes them to this brand.


The Italian company began its work back in 1949 and for a couple of decades has firmly taken its place in the world market of coffee producers. Such success was made possible thanks to the unique technology of roasting beans, which consists in treating them with hot air using convection technology. The brand is relatively young, but strives to regularly surprise its consumers with new products.

Drinks from this brand are served in the best Spanish hotels and restaurants. A wide range of products allows you to choose a blend for every taste, from serving classics and 100% Arabica to elite and rare single varieties.
A feature and "distinguishing mark" of the company is its own slow roasting technology. It lies in the fact that sugar is added to the processed grains, due to which they become smooth and acquire a uniform rich dark color.

Coffee is one of the popular morning drinks among people all over the world. Some prefer soluble, while others prefer ground. But ideal is, according to numerous reviews, coffee beans. Which is better to choose? This is discussed in the article.

Roast level

Coffee beans are roasted for a different period. The taste and aroma of the drink depends on this. If the processing is not long, then it is a light roast. Such a product will be ideal for those who prefer to use it with milk or cream.

There is a medium roast, which produces a bitter drink with a pronounced aroma. This is what most people choose. Strongly roasted beans are also produced, in which the drink will be strong and bitter. It is popular in France and Italy. Roasting is Viennese, Italian, French. What is the best coffee bean? Feedback from people shows that the grains should be the same in size and uniform in color.


To determine which coffee beans are better, customer reviews recommend looking at the country of origin. It is believed that the highest quality products are produced in:

  1. Brazil. There, this product is produced in large quantities. It is valued for its lack of impurities, bitterness and cocoa flavor.
  2. Guatemala. Gourmets love the drink for shades of spices.
  3. Ethiopia. The drink from this country has a sour taste and an admixture of wild berries and cinnamon.
  4. Kenya. The production of the product in this country is under strict state control.
  5. Colombia. The finished drink is obtained with fruity shades.

Caribbean coffee is also known, which is valued for its richness and brightness of aroma. The Yemeni product is rich in fruity notes. Lovers of soft and tart taste should pay attention to Indian products.


The most popular types of coffee are:

  1. Robusta is not very fragrant, but strong variety.
  2. Arabica is a delicate variety. Taste may vary depending on climate and soil fertility.


If you are interested in which coffee beans are better, customer reviews advise you to pay attention to the appearance of the product. It is advisable to purchase it by weight for a visual assessment of quality. It is necessary to pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. The grains should sparkle. This indicates the quality of the product. You should not choose a product with a swollen wrapper.
  2. The flavor of the beans should be even, without mold or rancidity. High-quality coffee is packaged in packages where there is a valve with a filter, with which it is possible to smell the smell.
  3. It is important that the grains are even, without damage.
  4. Price. A quality product cannot have a low price.
  5. Now you can find green bean coffee, which is believed to help you lose weight quickly, improve performance. But in reality, this is a semi-finished product, which cannot be cooked at home.

How to brew?

In addition to quality, an equally important aspect is the correct preparation of the drink. This requires:

  1. Turk.
  2. Purified water.
  3. Finely ground coffee.
  4. Ordinary stove or cooking device.

The preparation procedure is simple. In the Turk you need to put 1 tsp. coffee with a mountain, add sugar. Then water is poured. The container should be put on fire, wait for the foam to rise. The Turk must be removed from the stove and wait for the foam to settle. And then the Turk comes back. This is done 4 times. After that, the preparation of the drink is over.


According to reviews, which coffee beans are the best? There is no consensus on this issue. People prefer to purchase products of different brands and degrees of roasting. However, according to reviews, the rating of coffee beans is quite interesting. There are popular brands that most people prefer to choose. So according to the reviews, which one is better?

  1. Coffee "Jardin" in grains. Grains with different levels of roasting and strength are brought to Russia. Therefore, from this variety there is a suitable drink for any person.
  2. "Paulig" (Paulig). The product is of high quality roasting, excellent aroma and taste. To obtain it, the best Arabica is used.
  3. Italian coffee Kimbo. The drink has a deep taste, rich aroma. It has no bitterness or sourness. The beans roast evenly.
  4. "Live coffee". The drink has a pleasant taste and aroma, as well as an affordable price.
  5. Gaggia. Coffee is known for proper roasting and careful selection of beans.
  6. Italian coffee "Lavazza" (Lavazza). This product is inexpensive, has a delicate mild taste, moderate strength.
  7. Malongo - French coffee. it is distinguished by a variety of aromas and tastes. There are shades of chocolate, vanilla, caramel, fruit.
  8. "Black card". Products are imported from South America. The drink is medium-saturated with a sour-citrus flavor. It is prepared in a Turk and a coffee machine.
  9. Saeco. The packaging of this product contains Indian Arabica. The drink has a pronounced bitterness with floral-chocolate and spicy notes.
  10. "Jockey". Coffee roast is dark. The drink has expressive acidity, deep color and nutty aftertaste. Another advantage is the affordable cost.

Of the other varieties, high-quality Swiss products "Egoist" are in demand. This is a flavored drink. There is Hausbrandt coffee from Italy that will be appreciated by espresso lovers.

Many prefer to choose the Ambassador product, which has some sourness and fruity notes. Now the Italian product Italcafe from Arabica is in demand. The drink is tasty and fragrant.

Thus, which coffee beans is better to choose, each person decides for himself, taking into account all the nuances of choice. There is no consensus on this matter, because all people have different tastes. It is advisable to choose the drink that suits personal preferences.

In stores you can buy coffee for every taste and budget. Choose any variety from a huge number of manufacturers.

If you love coffee for its aroma, then only bean coffee is for you. Because the less time has passed between grinding and preparation, the brighter the taste and aroma of the drink.

Less demanding on taste, but more busy, ground is suitable, it cooks faster, but quickly disappears during storage. The exception is capsule coffee, it is packaged in portions, and can be stored for a very long time, thanks to special packaging.

If coffee is the main thing for you, it is an invigorating effect, and you don’t want to cook, let alone grind, then instant coffee is your option.

1. Carraro

The Italian factory produces beans and ground coffee for coffee houses in large packages, coffee machines in packs of 1 kg, and home use in small packs and cans.

The masters of the Carraro factory are considered to be among the best compilers of coffee blends. They use up to 8 different varieties to give an unusual taste. In the Super Premium line, there are fruity, chocolatey notes and even the aroma of Indian spices.

In the Retail line, coffee has a very delicate aroma and taste.

There is a monosort line, in which coffee is produced separately from each country and, accordingly, has its own, original taste.


Only Arabica and nothing else! Here is the highlight of this brand. Coffee is grown and processed in Ecuador, thereby maintaining the highest quality products. A slight sourness, fruity or chocolate aftertaste is the calling card of Arabica and, of course, Cofecom.

3. Lavazza

Italian coffee can satisfy any coffee lover. Because it produces blends of different flavors and in different forms: grain, ground, capsule, instant and decaffeinated. There are blends only from Arabica, there are from Arabica and Robusta.

Caffe Decaffeinato is completely caffeine-free, but at the same time, the taste, aroma and beneficial qualities of the drink are preserved. Blending masters achieve a variety of taste not only by the proportions of different varieties, but also by the processing of grains. Whether washed or natural grain is used determines the final taste of the drink.


Produced in St. Petersburg, under the brand name of the Swiss Corporation. This explains the low price compared to previous brands. But the quality remains very high. Jardin uses only Arabica beans and double roasts. This gives the coffee a rich flavor.

The company produces three product lines.

  1. Only one variety is used for Specialty Coffe. The taste of coffee depends on the area of ​​growth: Ethiopia, Colombia, Guatemala, Sumatra. Each variety has a special roasting and grinding to fully reveal the taste and aroma.
  2. For Gourmet Coffee, blends of two, three or five varieties of Arabica are used. The packs indicate the cooking methods in which these blends will be revealed most fully.
  3. Freeze Dried instant, sublimated coffee. The species name is determined by the country of origin.

5. Jamaica blue mountain

It grows only on the eastern side of the main mountain range on the island of Jamaica. Any other coffee, even grown on this island, is not Blue Mountain. Therefore, the price of this coffee is very high.

It has a balanced taste and almost no bitterness. The guarantee of quality is the state, which has developed a number of parameters for the certification of coffee beans. Since pure Blue Mountain is very expensive, it is used more often in blends. It gives softness and silkiness to blends.

6. La genovese

Italian coffee has been winning gold medals in international competitions such as International Coffee Tasting for several years. The range of let out production will satisfy any client. There are Arabica and Robusta blends for lovers of strong coffee with a chocolate aftertaste. There is 100% Arabica for those who prefer a delicate taste with nutty notes.

For the production of La Genovese Sole Italia Naturа, air roasting is used, which allows you to save all the nutrients and antioxidants in coffee. For those customers who prefer to give up caffeine, Decaffeinato Macinato is available.

7. Musetti

Premium Italian coffee. A large assortment can be divided into four groups. Blends with different ratios of Arabica and Robusta. Their harmonious content gives different shades of taste and aroma.

Evoluzione consists only of a blend of 100% Arabica varieties and has a special quality certificate. Monosorta from Ethiopia, Brazil, Guatemala and Kenya. Flavored ground coffee with vanilla, hazelnut, Irish coffee, chocolate and amaretto flavors. Decaffeinated coffee: Decaffeinated espresso - 0.1% and Organic Bio Midori - 1%.

8. Illy

Coffee from Italy. There is a factory in Ireland, but we only sell Italian. All mixtures have the same composition of 9 varieties of Arabica and differ only in different degrees of roasting. There are also Decaffeinated and monosorts: Brazil, Ethiopia, Guatemala. A distinctive feature of this coffee is a soft and velvety taste with hints of fruit and caramel.

An important feature is the way the coffee is stored. Banks are filled with an inert gas, thanks to which the grains retain their taste and aroma for a very long time.

9. Lofbergs lila

Organic coffee from Sweden. Considered one of the best in northern Europe. Lofbergs checks the quality very carefully at all stages of production, starting with the selection of grains. For blends, Arabica is mainly used, but some add 10% Robusta.

For connoisseurs of monosorts, the Next generation coffee premium series is produced. The grains for them are collected by hand on specific farms in Colombia and Tanzania.

10. Kopi luwak

The most expensive coffee in the world. There are many fakes, so it's a good idea to make sure you're buying a genuine Kopi Luwak. The method of its production is very unusual. In Indonesia, there are animals - musangs, or in other words, luwak, which eat coffee berries. In their digestive system, the grains are fermented, and they pass out along with the feces.

Enterprising locals collect them, wash them, roast them and sell them. After such fermentation, it turns out not a strong drink without bitterness and sourness, but with caramel and chocolate notes that leave a long aftertaste.

Since the method of harvesting the “harvest” from wild musangs does not allow increasing the volume of production, farms have now appeared to breed these animals. But the quality of Kopi Luwak harvested from the farm and from the wild is very different. If you want to enjoy the original taste of this coffee, remember that musangs live in the wild only on the island of Sumatra. On other islands of Indonesia, animals are kept on farms.

11. Live coffee

The Russian company produces four collections of grain coffee, three collections of ground, four types of instant coffee and two collections in capsules. The Espresso collection of coffee beans includes blends of 100% Arabica coffee, the names correspond to the countries of origin of the raw materials. And for Espresso Premium, VIP A.M. and Gourmet Arabica beans from different countries are used, creating a unique taste.

The Exclusive Coffee collection contains seventeen types of coffee. Here you will find a variety for the most demanding coffee lover. Colombia Decaf decaffeinated or Jamaica Blue Mountain, even Kopi Luwak - all rare varieties of coffee are collected in this collection.

For lovers of dark roasting and strong taste, the Italiano collection has been created. Recently, flavored coffee is gaining popularity, the taste of chocolate, caramel and liquor add new notes to the usual taste. The line of flavored coffee includes nine types of drink with various additives.

12. Ambassador

A well-known Swiss brand, but now owned by the Strauss-group from Israel. Under this brand, four varieties of coffee are produced. These are two blends of 100% Arabica Adora and Blue Label, and blends with the addition of Robusta Nero and Crema.

All these blends are sold in grains, ground or instant. Despite the fact that the Ambassador belongs to the middle price category, its quality corresponds to the premium collections.

13. Black card

Also produced by Strauss-group. Coffee is roasted and packaged in Russia. This is the reason for the low price of the Black Card. Only two types of coffee are produced in beans - blends from African and South American Arabica.

Ground coffee is represented by five types with different grinding for brewing in a cezve or a cup. The largest assortment is represented by instant coffee.

14. Saeco

The Italian coffee machine manufacturer produces three types of coffee beans: Saeco Bar, Saeco Extra Bar and Saeco Gold. Each is designed for its consumer.

Lovers of mild taste and rich smell will love Gold. It is collected from the best Arabica varieties of Brazil, Colombia and Guatemala. Has chocolate flavors and low caffeine content.

Extra Bar is Saeco's most popular blend thanks to its composition of 75% Arabica and 25% Robusta. Indian Arabica gives the blend a taste of spices and nuts, and African Robusta is quite strong.

Bar consists of Arabica and Robusta in equal proportions. Thanks to this, it has a tart and rich taste. The high caffeine content makes Bar a very strong and tonic drink.

15. Ionia

Italian coffee, from the island of Sicily. Its feature is roasting with hot air followed by rapid cooling. This method makes Ionia coffee more bitter. It almost does not feel the sourness to which Arabica lovers are accustomed.

But this coffee is more saturated, dense, has a slight sweetness and a chocolate aftertaste. The range includes blends of 100% Arabica and Robusta, as well as decaffeinated ground coffee.

The three product lines differ in purpose: for bars (grain, large packs), home use (grain and ground packed in 250g) and for coffee machines (capsules and filter bags).


Around the world attitude to coffee is ambiguous. There are many studies and publications about the dangers of caffeine. Negative effect on the heart rate, on the digestive system, on the absorption of minerals by the body. Therefore, many manufacturers now produce decaffeinated blends. They are not inferior in their taste to regular coffee. It's just that compressed CO2 gas is used in the manufacture, it removes only caffeine, without affecting other qualities.

Much more is said about the benefits of coffee than about the dangers. The fact is that in addition to caffeine, grains contain many antioxidants that are not destroyed during heat treatment. Large-scale studies have been conducted and facts have been found that prove that coffee reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis of the vessels, developing type 2 diabetes, and even cancer.

All these statements can be attributed only to natural coffee. Unfortunately, there are many fakes on the market. Most falsifications are accounted for by instant coffee. It is very easy to fake it, just add burnt sugar, flour, beans, chicory. This will not bring harm to health, but it is unlikely to invigorate. Therefore, manufacturers can add pharmacy caffeine, which can already be dangerous, since its amount can exceed the norm several times.

Ground coffee is next in terms of falsification. It is also made from roasted and ground beans, chestnuts, acorns, barley. Flavors and low quality coffee beans are added for taste. Sometimes such coffee is flavored and sold by weight.

The most difficult to manufacture grain, but they also learned how to fake it. For this, low-quality coffee, beans, grains molded from flour, and even plastic are used.

In order to distinguish a fake when tasting a drink, special skills are not needed. But in order not to be deceived with the choice in the store, you need to pay attention to the packaging and the price. Good coffee cannot be cheap, fake coffee labels often look like branded packaging or have too bright colors. If a 500-gram package costs less than 450 rubles, look at whose production. Italy or Germany? Do not take it, it is either a fake or the quality is below average. Russian coffee may cost less, but here you need to trust the manufacturer. The best I have described in this article.

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