The most successful business in a crisis. Business in crisis


An unstable economic situation is not a reason to cut your expenses, but a reason to think about what kind of business to open in a crisis. After all, if you approach the issue correctly, you can get a stable source of good income. Only Choose your field of work carefully, paying attention to options that will always be in demand. So, what will be profitable today and always?

The family has a large salary or a small one, the parents will always dress the child. Therefore, and even economy class, it will be a successful undertaking. The cost of opening an average will be 200-300 thousand rubles. This refers to a store with a small sales area, approximately 20 square meters. The bulk of the cost will go to the purchase of goods.

How soon will the costs pay off?

The margin on goods can reach 200-300%, payback with the right choice of location occurs within approximately 8-12 months.

Shop products

If you can put on an old jacket on a child, then there are no old products. Therefore, the sale of food at all times is a profitable business. Depending on the area and assortment, the payback period is from 1 to 2 years. True, you will have to run around the authorities and collect a lot of documents.

What profit does it bring?

The figure is individual for each specific outlet. By organizing your store according to all the rules and choosing a suitable place for it, the business can be turned into a very profitable one. Profit per day ranges from 5 thousand rubles to several hundred thousand.

Advertising agency

This is a very good business in a crisis. To sell a product or service, it must be well advertised. Opening an advertising agency requires a minimum of investments, several computers with appropriate programs, a printer for printing advertising booklets, tables and chairs for employees. This is enough to start, but then, of course, you will have to purchase special equipment.

car service

If not everyone can buy a car during a crisis, then auto repair does not feel the decline in the flow of customers. Therefore, offering inexpensive car repair services will always be profitable.

Question price. Opening a car service will cost at least 500 thousand rubles, you can buy used equipment to save money. Payback directly depends on the flow of customers, with constant orders comes within 6 months.

New phenomena of the economic situation, those that a few years ago frightened entrepreneurs with the loud word “crisis”, are now nothing more than the usual state of affairs. Business has adapted to the crisis and made such an element an integral part of comprehensive development.

The entrepreneurial market a priori notes future instability, limited resources and large fluctuations in demand for manufactured goods and services. Lending institutions have become an order of magnitude more careful with the issuance of loan obligations, and investors have lost serene confidence and stopped investing their money in any more or less interesting project.

Doing business in a crisis

A break-even enterprise is a profitable business in a crisis. Minimization of losses in the level of liquidity will allow us to survive the unfavorable period without major problems and stay afloat, not approaching the zone of discomfort - the zone of bankruptcy.

There are many ways to keep a business profitable. Large consulting companies offer various anti-crisis policy services, but most of them do not work and are a waste of funds.

In order to maintain the buoyancy of the business, one should not be nervous, it is better to carefully develop an enterprise policy that allows minimizing third-party costs. To do this, follow four simple rules:

Preserving the possibility of "compressing" the business

At its core, the risks of new projects are almost identical to the same risks to which enterprises in the market are exposed. The most significant risk is the lack of the required level of liquidity. The decrease in demand is not so dangerous in comparison with the lack of financial resources for the minimum development of the enterprise. A drop in customer purchasing power will be most dangerous for those businesses that cannot shrink in direct proportion to the change. To avoid unnecessary risks, the retail business should refrain from long-term commitments and unjustified expenses. Statistics show that for small businesses, about 80% of the cost structure is assigned to the rent and remuneration of personnel. Retail business is characterized by high staff turnover (up to 60% of staff). For a more thorough "compression" of the enterprise, it is planned to suspend the hiring of new personnel and stop indexing wages. In any case, optimal "squeezing" will only occur when using a flexible business model.

Maintaining liquidity

The lack of a sufficient level of liquidity as a result can turn into big troubles. A striking example is the real estate business (development). During the 2008 crisis, most of these projects died out due to lack of funds to complete the work.

A profitable business during a crisis is due to the manager's ability to support the company's policy in a position of at least minimal development. Otherwise, the liquidity ratio will tend to decrease.

Search and development of new economic niches

Crisis is a time of opportunity. Year after year, adhering to this principle, many entrepreneurs have taken their business to a whole new level. In the event of a crisis period, you can always let your business open the way for development in a new area.

A good option for expanding activities would be to work in a parallel direction. If the company sells stationery, then why shouldn't it do books? However, a big step of business in the other direction will not be a disaster. Crazy ideas can bring fabulous profits even in times of crisis. Do you sell books? So let the buyers have the opportunity to start reading the purchase in your own cafe.

Improvement and the opportunity to change

A business and its organizer should not be like a small child who needs to be forced to do something. The development of the enterprise should always come first. Already when writing a business plan, you should lay down a lot of points that take into account the comprehensive improvement of the enterprise.

The onset of critical times, with a stable and positive business development, will only become a fly in the ointment. Enterprises that have active growth during the crisis lose their development topics, while, with proper business management, the possibility of business degradation is reduced to nothing.

Profitable business in a crisis

When creating a business at a time when the economic situation is going through a crisis, a clear planning of future investments is necessary. The cost of each error is comparable to the same error in normal times.

The formation of a business plan involves many aspects - the timing of development, envisaged investments, planned costs and income, the number of employees, and so on. For a more complete picture of the profitability of certain business areas, a deep market analysis is carried out. He will identify the most floating enterprises, by analogy with which you should conduct your business policy.

To create a profitable business in a crisis, an entrepreneur must consider:

  • trends in the market in which he plans to open his business;
  • the cost of introducing and promoting the product or service produced;
  • the likelihood of risks, both large and small;
  • the likelihood of losing your investment.

The funds initially allocated for the development of the enterprise will become the foundation for an excellent breakthrough during the crisis. Optimally selected advertising services will allow you to spin the engine of progress at a good speed. The calculation of the profits brought by the enterprise in difficult times will give a complete picture: does it make sense to maintain the enterprise or should one go through the bankruptcy procedure, getting rid of the hassle and loss of financial resources on an industrial scale.

After analyzing the proposed and calculating a promising business policy, you can begin to create your own “brainchild”. The size does not matter, especially in a crisis, if the constant profit will go to the bank account.

Business profitable during the crisis

The benefit lies in the absence of losses. Based on this, we can conclude that the most profitable business in a crisis does not require large financial investments. Many niches in the business market fall under this criterion.

In times of crisis, many companies providing financial consulting services consider service providers to be the most profitable and cheapest business. At the initial stage, the main cost column in the balance sheet will be rent. You can refrain from hiring workers by doing the services yourself.

One type of business, almost independent of the state of the economy, is the creation of a website or blog. If it is not possible to make a site with your own hands, you can turn to web developers. The cost of development starts from $100 for a simple website on a running platform.

Another way of doing business is to make money on resale. The business automatically adjusts to the surrounding financial situation. Buying cheaper and selling more expensive is a long-established method of increasing cash. This also implies another way of doing such a business using Internet technologies. To attract customers and increase sales, you can open an online store. The main costs of such a business will go to advertising and the purchase of products.

Have an idea what you will sell in your online store? We took care of this and prepared a list of 50 products that do not care about the crisis.

Actual business

The profitability of a business is based on its relevance. The main criterion of relevance is the purchasing power of the consumer. The crisis forces not only the enterprises to tighten their belts, but also the average man in the street. As a result, each person becomes more selective and does not spend his money left and right. When forming a business idea, an in-depth study of the market conjecture of consumer needs should be carried out.

Western countries have a large percentage of small businesses, which allows domestic entrepreneurs to focus on European market enterprises. It is there that promising business ideas and cunning ways out of a crisis are formed.

While the dollar is having a great time on a crazy roller coaster, our country is stuck in a state of weightlessness. The next crisis gave us a powerful slap in the face, against the backdrop of a general rise in prices, we, as best we can, try to save money and not plan new business projects. But for some people hardest hit by the crisis, who have lost their jobs or their homes, the only way to earn money is to start their own business. Opening a business during a crisis seems like a pretty risky business, but even here you can minimize the risk and develop a competent plan based on a potentially winning idea. Let's talk about what kind of business, in this difficult time, can be profitable and what kind of business is better to start in a crisis.

Business in crisis: where to start?

First of all - don't panic! Business can be opened in any conditions. All you need is start-up capital and business ideas in times of crisis. You can also find many options that do not require a large start-up capital. All that is required of you is only a goal, a desire to achieve it, and experience, skills and knowledge in the business you are going to do.

In fact, there are several time-tested business ideas that work quite well in a stagnating economy. These ideas will allow you to start a business and carry out your business activities, even when all the circumstances indicate that the volumes of all markets are only falling.

Let's talk about a few ideas to think about over a cup of morning coffee.

Business at home during the crisis

You have hundreds of options for making money at home. Just connect your creativity and mind, think! Let's say you can go into production. So! It's production! It's easy to start at home.

For example, you can make:

  • toys, and then sell on the market;
  • Jam, pickles, marmalade, jams;
  • Bake cakes, pastries and trendy cupcakes today (a very good idea!);
  • Candy stand;
  • Fruit bouquets and the like.

Of course, manufacturing is not the only area. There are thousands of options. Here are the most interesting and extraordinary of them:

  • Create your blog and earn on advertising;
  • Create a website and get paid for advertising again;
  • Upload videos to YouTube and receive advertising revenue;
  • Open your own courses in business, accounting, psychology, meditation, learning English and more - start teaching people on Skype what you are an expert in.

Just sit down now and think about what you can do best and what you can earn from.

  • You can provide various services to the population, such as “Husband for an hour”, equipment repair services, and the like;
  • Cleaning apartments;
  • Caring for retirees
  • Open your own hostel, because during the crisis people will save on hotels.
  • Rent apartments, a room in an apartment, and the like

In cities, to begin with, we analyze the market, discard all the pros and cons, weigh, calculate and proceed to the implementation of any business ideas. If the city is small, keep in mind that not all goods and services are in demand. Before starting the activity, analyze the market yourself, or contact a marketer who will analyze the market, supply and demand. Then you will understand what kind of business you can start in a crisis in the city.

You can’t even imagine what opportunities the village provides for developing your own business. Yes, and there is nothing complicated here. According to statistics, 50% of the inhabitants of the metropolis want to move out of town, buy a plot in order to earn money from crops and animal husbandry.

There are a lot of options for what business to do in a crisis in the village, for example:

  • Grow greens for sale;
  • Grow raspberries, strawberries, tomatoes, potatoes;
  • Grow oyster mushrooms in the basement;
  • Grow champignons;
  • Breeding broilers;
  • Raise pigs;
  • Raise rabbits;
  • You can make honey.

And this list goes on ad infinitum. It will seem strange, but in fact, business ideas in a crisis in the village simply do not end!

Get a loan online
Bank Amount (rub.) Interest rate Age of borrower Design
before 300 000 from 19.9% ​​per annum from 18 to 70 years old
from 10,000 to 1,000,000 from 10.9% per annum from 22 to 70 years
from 30,000 to 1,000,000 from 11% per annum from 21 to 75 years old

before 1 000 000 from 16.99% per annum from 22 to 70 years old
before 1 000 000 from 11.5% per annum from 25 to 68 years old
before 1 300 000 from 11.99% per annum from 23 years old
before 3 000 000 from 9.99% per annum from 21 to 70 years old
before 3 000 000 from 11.5% per annum from 21 to 70 years old

It should also be mentioned that rural tourism is relevant in times of crisis. And all because people today do not want to spend big money on holidays in Egypt or Turkey, but prefer inexpensive ecological tours. Residents of megacities who just dream of getting away from people and noisy life during their vacation dream of such a vacation for the whole working year.

Women can earn on their hobbies and hobbies. That's the whole point. Let's look at the ratings of the most popular business area - a hobby:

  • In the first place - design services. You can start sewing clothes, make jewelry, toys, embroider, and much more.
  • Freelancing is in second place. Now it is fashionable, popular and modern. Anyone can find freelance work. Are you good at writing essays, taking pictures, programming? Another woman can start trading online. And it's not just about the distribution of Oriflame and Avon products.
  • The third place is cooking, which we have already talked about. These are pastries, marmalade, jams.

The Internet is the best answer to the question “what kind of business to do in a crisis?”. The Internet is a great opportunity for earning. You can promote services, products, promote other people's sites, groups in social networks, portals, forums.

And now let's look at other most promising, in our opinion, business areas during the crisis, grouping them by industry:

Mass products

In hard times, people stop thinking about iPads and other fancy gadgets. A person begins to worry only about how to fill his stomach and how to feed his family. Moreover, buyers try to make bulk purchases, because it is cheaper and there is enough food for a longer period. If you want to organize your business in difficult conditions, then pay attention to the sale of products that are in the greatest demand. Sell ​​in packs, carts, big boxes. Simply put, focus on wholesale by putting a slogan like "Get in bulk, you'll last longer!"

Accounting services

Business owners who have stayed afloat begin to pay attention to their financial affairs during difficult times. Strange as it may seem, but it is the firms that provide accounting services at economically unfavorable times that feel quite free. Entrepreneurs hire experienced accountants to help them make responsible financial decisions that will help the firm stay afloat.

In 2009, a study was conducted that showed that during the crisis, 80% of small business owners felt more confident knowing that they were accompanied by experienced accountants who would help solve any problems they might encounter.

Any business that saves small business money

In fact, any business that saves an enterprise money is a good idea, whether it's selling printers at a discount, cheap office furniture, internet marketing, or other cost cutting items for companies. The main thing is to stay in the game and solve people's problems, which take on completely different dimensions during a crisis.

food industry

Following the logic from the first point, people also need to eat. The crisis will not affect your business if it is food production. And as you already understood, tough times call for tough measures: try changing your profile and invest in starting your own bakery. This business can bring in $2,000 or more per month. The most important thing in business is to choose the right niche, set the optimal price that will be available to every potential buyer. And, of course, you need to decide in which area of ​​the food business you will try your hand, you will start making in your kitchen.

Car repair

Now most people cannot afford to buy a new, more expensive car, so they have to repair what they have and carry out inspections from time to time. This approach is very beneficial to the owners and workers of auto repair shops, especially at this time of the year.

jewelry business

Strange as it may seem, but the jewelry business is flourishing in this difficult time. People, fearing to lose their savings and trying to make a profitable investment, buy jewelry. This, in their opinion, is a more profitable alternative to bank deposits, which were withdrawn urgently. According to experts, the biggest beneficiaries of this increased demand will not be consumers, who hope that they will save their savings from depreciation in the future, but the owners of jewelry stores, who are already multiplying their fortunes now.

Security business

Manufacturers and sellers of safes, as well as various security systems, are also successful, despite the crisis. Again, the fear of losing the accumulated, there is a need to store your money somewhere. As a rule, people do not take their savings outside their homes. Here arises considerable interest in security systems and safes.

But before you start your business in a crisis, try, nevertheless, to answer the question: “What do people want in a crisis?” And “What will they give their last money for?”. If you know the answers, you can safely start implementing your business ideas.

In our age of total globalization, everything in the world is interconnected much more than we can imagine. Any, even the most insignificant changes in the world arena can instantly affect the economy of different states. It's no secret that the crisis that we are now witnessing in Russia has not so much economic as geopolitical reasons. But, we will not delve into politics, but will focus on the economic situation in the country and try to find out whether a business can be viable in a crisis and what is better to do in our unstable time.

In our extensive material, we

  • consider the features of the current economic crisis;
  • we will dwell on the policy of state support for small and medium-sized businesses in a crisis;
  • note the most relevant business development models today;
  • Finally, here are some inspiring examples that show that those who strive to make their lives better can not be hindered by any crises!

So, we sit down comfortably and begin to study the topic of how to carry out business in a crisis!

Another crisis in the economy: what's new this time?

The crisis in the economy, in principle, is a natural and cyclical phenomenon. No matter how prosperous the economy of absolutely any state is, the rise is inevitably followed by a recession, and these periods are constantly replacing each other.

Crises can be minor or deep, and can affect the economy of one country or a number of states. This happens all over the world, and our country is no exception. Our economy has suffered especially strongly recently. Some experts believe that the current crisis is the most serious since 1998.

Of course, even before the major foreign policy events of recent years, Russia's economy was far from stable. But the annexation of Crimea, the war in Ukraine and further world events of various scales, which grew like a snowball, had the most serious impact on our economy, and, unfortunately, not in the best way.

What troubles did the current crisis, which began in 2014, add to the financial situation, we are now in the active stage, and according to some experts, the worst may be yet to come?

  • In the world markets, there was a gradual decrease in oil prices, as a result, they reached, in fact, their minimum. At the same time, the volume of gas supplied from Russia to Europe decreased. These two factors sharply reduced the flow of funds to the state treasury.
  • There was a sharp rise in the dollar and the euro against the ruble currency.
  • Due to the unstable currency situation, a crisis in the banking system has ripened, many banks have lost their licenses to operate, and the business lending policy has become tougher.
  • Sanctions were announced against Russia by the United States and the European Union.
  • The "anti-sanctions" in the form of an economic embargo were not long in coming - the Russian government's retaliatory measures against some Western countries.
  • The entire strategy of the Russian authorities on the investment attractiveness of the country for foreign entrepreneurs has practically come to naught.
  • Many businessmen conducting joint activities with foreign companies have suffered losses from broken deals.
  • Many large corporations have left the Russian market, in particular, this has seriously affected the automotive market.
  • There was an inevitable rise in prices for goods and services under such conditions and a sharp decline in the incomes of citizens, and with it a drop in purchasing power.

All these factors most seriously affected the size of the revenue part of the state budget. And if earlier everyone understood that existence through the sale of natural resources is a very short-sighted policy, but they did not get off the oil needle, now the question has seriously arisen that the state economy should not be mainly based on raw materials. We still need to produce something. And since such an awareness has finally come, it turns out that now is the time to develop business in the country.

The opinions of experts who make predictions about the crisis situation in Russia are based almost entirely on assumptions about the growth or further fall in oil prices. Since it is impossible to predict this fundamental factor, economists of different ranks predict different possible outcomes of the current crisis.

Both the most favorable prospects for the economy of our country and the worst forecasts can come true. Many believe that this crisis is for a long time and should be perceived as new living conditions. Of course, the further scenario of the development of the situation can be completely unpredictable.

But, here, as they say, what will be, will be, and you should not panic in advance. We need to remember that a crisis is not only a period of stagnation, but also an opportunity for growth and renewal, and start taking action!

The crisis for business is an ambiguous phenomenon!

Anyone who opens or is already running his business in a turbulent time of crisis should understand that such an economic environment has not only minuses, but also pluses. For the sake of objectivity, let's look at both.

Obvious disadvantages of the crisis situation for the business sector!

We have already mentioned some of them above, these are the devaluation of the national currency, the cessation of the flow of foreign investment, and the decrease in the purchasing power of consumers.

But besides them, there are others that directly affect the activities of domestic entrepreneurs. These include, for example:

  • Rising prices for fuel and fuels and lubricants;
  • Increases in costs initiated by the state (for example, the introduction of the sensational Platon system - tonnage fees from trucks transporting goods along federal highways);
  • Tough lending conditions;
  • Non-payment crisis on the part of business partners;
  • Exchange rate instability.

All these negative factors lead either to a decline in production in the sphere of small and medium-sized businesses, or to the ruin and cessation of entrepreneurs.

Crisis: are there any advantages? Yes, definitely!

On the other hand, one can list some kind of advantages of crisis conditions that mobilize for active entrepreneurial actions:

Anti-crisis policy of the state: does it exist or not?

As you understand, the state in the current situation cannot but react to such a destabilizing factor as the economic downturn. Another question is how relevant, timely, effective and large-scale his reaction is.

How to help business: an anti-crisis development plan!

At the moment, an anti-crisis program for the development of Russia in 2015-2016 has been developed. It spells out measures designed to serve the development of the economic sphere in today's adverse conditions and the achievement of social stability.

Regarding business, the anti-crisis plan contains such items as:

  • Support in the implementation of the production of non-primary exports;
  • Course towards "import substitution" of food and other products;
  • Attracting investments in certain economic sectors;
  • Assistance in the development of small and medium-sized businesses by reducing various kinds of costs;
  • Simplification of lending and subsidy programs for small and medium-sized businesses;
  • Other stabilization measures.

It is planned to support various sectors of the economy through the development of state, federal and regional programs, which will be more specific and clear.

What economic areas are highlighted in the anti-crisis program?

Firstly, probably for the first time in many years of oblivion, politicians remembered agriculture. The government plans to allocate 50 billion rubles for the development of agriculture, plus it has promised to subsidize the purchase of agricultural machinery of domestic production. This is good news for those who wish to start or already carry out agricultural activities.

Secondly, quite significant support for entrepreneurs in the segment of small and medium-sized businesses is promised. It is planned to allocate funds to sponsor small businesses, reduce taxes and provide financial holidays for small and medium-sized businesses.

In addition, apparently, it was impossible to ignore the call to “stop making business a nightmare,” since one of the provisions of the anti-crisis plan prescribed a reduction in the intensity of inspections from various regulatory authorities.

Anyone who is not new to business knows perfectly well what a headache endless inspections from a huge number of supervisory services, from the State Fire Supervision to the Federal Antimonopoly Service, and what amounts of fines have to be paid for certain shortcomings, which, if desired, , can be found even in the most exemplary enterprise. So, if the goal of reducing the zeal of regulatory authorities is put into practice, this will already be good support for entrepreneurs.

Thus, we can conclude that the state singles out the sector for the development of small and medium-sized businesses among the most priority sectors of the economy today.

Anti-crisis plan: what in fact? Expert opinion!

The measures proposed by the anti-crisis program are, of course, not exhaustive; one can still outline a fairly large range of various measures that would support Russian business in a crisis and accelerate its development.

Since the plan was developed last year, one can already ask what is happening in practice, how are the goals being implemented?

To be honest, almost nothing. Yes, they give out land in the Far East, and in the European part of Russia, agricultural production is still being interrupted without the help and support of the state.

Yes, various schools of entrepreneurs are being created, but entrepreneurs need real help, expressed in loans, subsidies, and tax breaks. What do we actually see? Costs are only increasing, as evidenced by the mass strikes of truck drivers.

Yes, some financial support is provided to some enterprises, but this measure is not widespread, but rather targeted. So, this help cannot be called common for everyone, and it is rather not the rule, but the exception.

Independent experts in the field of economics generally believe that the proposed program cannot be called an anti-crisis plan, but only a set of separate disparate measures that will not be able to bring the country out of the crisis.

Most likely, this is indeed the case, and these measures are insufficient and very superficial. But, even if at least these declared plans do not remain on paper, but are actually implemented, this will already become a huge incentive for the preservation and development of business in the country.

And so, everything still remains in the spirit of the classics: the salvation of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves! Therefore, when building your business in a crisis, try to rely on your own strength as much as possible, without expecting much help from the state.

Business in crisis: are there any features?

In principle, the economy of our country always develops in some special conditions. Such a phrase as economic stability is practically unknown to us. There are only short periods of calm, when exchange rates more or less stabilize, prices level off, and it becomes possible to build not only short-term, but also more or less long-term business prospects.

Therefore, it can be said without exaggeration that business in our country is developing in a permanent crisis. And last but not least, this development is hampered by the state itself, whose domestic and foreign economic policy is often conducted contrary to the obvious laws of the market, and sometimes even contrary to common sense. What is left to do here? Just remember the catchphrase “This is our homeland, son, but you don’t choose your homeland!” and continue his hard work as a businessman.

The current crisis, as we have already noted, has its own characteristics. Are there any features of doing business in a crisis? Of course there is, and now we'll talk about it.

How to run a business in a crisis?

It is quite obvious that the difference between doing business in a crisis and doing the same business in a stable time lies in the tougher conditions in which companies or enterprises have to operate.

In such circumstances, the old methods of doing business are not working effectively. Entrepreneurs have to think about what measures can be taken to save their company and their customers.

And those who are just going to open a business need to analyze the situation in order to minimize possible risks and successfully start a business career.

So, let's dwell on the main features of doing business during an economic downturn.

  • At this time, the costs of producing goods and services rise significantly. Literally everything is becoming more expensive: rent for rented space is increasing, prices for fuel and lubricants and energy carriers are rising, suppliers are increasing the cost of raw materials, equipment and components. As a result, even having a great desire not to raise prices for the product produced, a businessman cannot but do this due to the circumstances.
  • The ability of consumers to purchase goods and use services is significantly reduced. Rising prices, inflation and rising unemployment are forcing citizens to cut their spending in literally every direction. In conditions of economy, people do not think about excesses, spending money mainly on food, basic necessities, making mandatory payments for utilities and other services. In this scenario, you need to think about how your business can meet the needs of potential customers, for example, whether it can help them save money on a particular product or service.
  • There are difficulties in obtaining bank loans. Banks themselves suffer from the crisis in the economy, so they have to tighten the rules and conditions for issuing loans in general, and for business development in particular. In an unstable economy, the risks of ruin and bankruptcy of enterprises increase, which leads to non-payment of obligations to banks. Wanting to insure themselves against such risks, banks raise interest rates, making loans unprofitable for entrepreneurs.
  • Old business schemes do not work. In a crisis, it is precisely those companies whose management does not want to rebuild in the new conditions, or does not do it actively enough, that suffer defeat. More forward-thinking entrepreneurs find ways to increase revenue even during times of economic downturn, and they succeed by finding and applying new business strategies.

Business Development Strategies in a Crisis!

There are many methods or strategies for business development in crisis conditions, and each new crisis increases the number of inventions and developments.

The business development strategy in a crisis can be conditionally divided into external and internal. An external strategy is implemented when companies are actively seeking new markets and opportunities, attracting new customers and consumers, that is, when actions go beyond the company.

The internal strategy implies activation within the business: optimization of production processes, production of new goods and services, application of innovative technologies, etc.

Some of these methods are applicable on a large scale, as they are suitable for a large number of companies operating in different areas of the economy, some may be effective only in highly specialized areas.

What strategies are most often used by entrepreneurs who want to grow their business, despite the unfavorable environment for this?

1. The first thing that comes to mind in difficult economic conditions is to turn on the economy mode. You can simply reduce costs in all respects, or you can carry out an optimization process.

By itself, this method, not supported by other actions, will not bring your enterprise to the crest of success. But it will help save quite substantial funds that can be used for production purposes.

You can optimize the work of the company in the following areas:

Reduce the cost of maintaining the administrative apparatus;
— reduce the number of full-time employees to the optimum;
- to transfer some types of activities to outsourcing, reducing the cost of paying full-time accountants, lawyers, personnel officers, etc.;
- abandon expensive offices and other rental premises in favor of cheaper ones;
- start looking for business partners who will work with you on more acceptable terms than before;
- Postpone all the frills in the form of luxury cars and expensive corporate events until better times.

2. You need to analyze the situation of your company at the current moment, make adjustments to management and build a reliable management system that can work effectively in crisis conditions. It is even possible to invite a so-called "crisis manager" - a person professionally involved in the withdrawal of companies and enterprises from a crisis situation.

3. It is necessary to exercise constant financial and production control. This will help you have an idea of ​​the performance of your business at every stage and will give you the opportunity to make timely adjustments where necessary.

4. Creation of a strong team of professionals is an important condition for the survival of a business in a crisis.

Imagine for a moment that your business is already in a fever from the outside, and even your employees come to work like hard labor, and they don’t care at all whether your enterprise stays afloat or sinks. Which option will come true sooner? Most likely the second one.

But if your employees are not only excellent specialists, but also your like-minded people who are interested in business development, contribute to finding ways out of a difficult situation, participate in expanding the market and customer base - such a team will not be afraid of any crisis.

5. The next strategy could be a revision of the company's marketing policy. Attract the client with cheaper but high-quality goods and services, come up with competent marketing moves, try to pleasantly surprise customers and be remembered by them, and then they will choose you, not your competitors.

6. Development strategy is the most advantageous during the crisis. While competitors are frozen in anticipation of better times, lead an active policy! Grow your business no matter what. Conduct constant market monitoring, study innovative approaches in your business, develop new market niches, promote new products, expand the scope of production of goods or services by including those that are most in demand among the population.

Constantly look for new opportunities and hidden inner reserves! For more ideas on how to think creatively in business, check out this post.

What is relevant at all times? Brainstorming for aspiring businessmen!

It is clear that before opening their own business, future entrepreneurs decide on its direction. Someone acts solely on the basis of the profitability of a particular business, someone is based on their talents and abilities, someone makes a choice based on the existing demand for specific goods or services, and someone simply occupies a free market niche.

In a period of a stable economy, it is easier to make a choice, since, if desired, you can raise any business. In a crisis, things are a little more complicated. We have to focus mainly on the needs of the population, which also sometimes undergo significant changes.

People receive less income, some even lose their jobs, and in such conditions, you understand, there is no time for excesses. Even those who are accustomed to relative financial independence are gradually beginning to change their habits, to say nothing of the least socially protected segments of the population.

We study consumer demand: who saves on what?

Let's talk about what is typical for consumers in a severe economic crisis. For the most part, they begin to live more modestly. First of all, it is reflected in recreation and entertainment. Due to the sharp increase in the value of the euro and the dollar, foreign holidays have become inaccessible to many, so the flow of those wishing to go on vacation to warm countries has decreased.

Holding various holidays and banquets began to fit into more modest estimates than, say, a couple of years ago. Even salutes and fireworks are not so pompous now (remember that we are talking about the average consumer, and not about those who can afford all the joys of life even in a crisis).

What else are they saving on? Women switch from luxury cosmetics brands to mass ones, buy expensive clothes less often, preferring cheaper trade brands. They are looking for more budget hairdressing and beauty salons, many have begun to resort to the services of cosmetologists and manicurists at home.

Men begin to treat their cars more carefully, and, not being able to purchase a new one, they begin to use the services of a car service more often. They buy all sorts of gadgets less often and no longer change iPhones and smartphones, just because a new model has come out.

Of course, everything that we have just listed is a characteristic feature of the so-called "consumer society", you are probably familiar with this term and its meaning. And if everything was limited only to such savings, then the situation might not be close to critical.

However, the poorest segments of the population: low-wage workers, the unemployed, students, pensioners, people living on benefits, are generally forced to save on food and the most basic everyday goods. But this is all - the widest consumer audience.

What goods and services are not afraid of the crisis?

Now, from objects that become the subject of savings in a crisis, let's move on to things that remain relevant for people even in difficult periods.

And let's start where we left off in the previous block - with food and consumer essentials. Never and under no circumstances will we stop eating, observing hygiene, taking care of our health, buying goods for children, caring for our appearance, dressing, studying, playing sports, using transport, equipping our housing. It is possible to save on all this, but to exclude from life - unless under the most force majeure circumstances, which, hopefully, will never happen.

This should be taken into account, since everything listed above (we do not guarantee the completeness of the list) are goods and services for which people are willing to pay. And if there is a demand, then you need to form an offer.

Thus, although rather briefly, we outlined the picture of consumer demands during the period of economic decline. Why did we do it? So that aspiring entrepreneurs who read this material can more carefully approach the choice of the direction that they would like to pursue in business.

Opening a business in a crisis: to be or not to be?

Let's sum up some kind of intermediate results. We, in general terms, caught the forecasts of experts. We got acquainted with the anti-crisis program of the government. Features and strategies for business development in a crisis found out. Characteristic features of consumer demand identified. The time has come to draw conclusions whether it is worth starting or continuing to do business in a crisis.

We dare to assume that everyone who wanted to open a business, but was terribly afraid, found confirmation of their fears at the beginning of the material and already fled in a panic. And only those who really want to move in the direction of development remained with us, who want to become a businessman, as they say, not thanks, but in spite of.

And here, it seems to us, there are two possible options, which depend on your own vision of the situation and the degree of confidence in the promises from the state authorities.

The first option is to follow the path of an entrepreneur with the registration of an enterprise, obtaining loans for development, establishing the production of goods or services, searching for clients or markets, that is, functioning within the existing system.

The second option is to interact as little as possible with the state and choose a type of activity that is free from such conventions as the availability of start-up capital, registration, office, etc. Everyone probably already understood that we are talking about doing business on the Internet.

Let's look at both options in more detail, highlighting the most promising areas within them.

Online business: a good start for everyone!

For people running their business on the Internet, it would be strange not to put this type of business in the first place. What we do with great pleasure!

Thousands of articles have been written about online business, hundreds of videos have been shot, and a huge number of training courses have been prepared. Do you think that such a hype has been created around him in vain? Of course not! After all, business on the Internet is indeed one of the most profitable and advanced types of business today! And if we consider it from the point of view of a crisis situation, then in general, one can say, there is no price for it! And this is not a pun, but a completely objective reality.

Let's take a closer look.

Firstly, online business can be done without any registration, obligations to tax inspectorates and other fiscal authorities. Of course, if you are a very law-abiding citizen and even believe that a pension exists, then no one will forbid you to give your business an official status on the Internet. The only question is how useful it is.

As practice shows, very often people whose business on the Internet has gone uphill leave Russia in all directions, since the conditions of remote work allow this. Someone leaves to spend the winter, someone lives for years in countries with a warm climate and a favorable economic and social environment.

A lot of things are changing in the world right now. Globalization erases many facets and conventions. People who are free in their activities from offices and a strictly defined working day easily become cosmopolitans, or citizens of the world. So why voluntarily tie yourself to the state, which only thinks how to snatch more from ordinary people, while turning a blind eye to the boundless theft and corruption at the top?

Secondly, most types of online business can be opened without initial capital. Well, perhaps, the purchase of a computer or laptop can be attributed to it, but, for sure, this investment has already been made by you. And even those types of businesses that you need to invest in first do not require such fabulous sums as in offline business. So you don't need to take loans.

Thirdly, there is no need to spend money on rent and maintenance of offices, business suits, cars, business lunches in expensive restaurants and other paraphernalia of a business lifestyle. Your apartment, computer desk, a cup of coffee, and you can even work in pajamas. It's a joke, don't let yourself go!

Fourthly, business on the Internet makes it possible to work alone, without the involvement of other employees. Of course, as your business grows and reaches new levels, you will most likely need helpers. But this will be later, and now, being at the opening stage, you can eliminate the cost of maintaining the state.

So you and I saved a whole bunch of money that would have had to be given away as start-up capital in a regular business! And, at the same time, they didn’t even get into debt! There is such a joke that in order to earn start-up capital, you need to have at least a starting pistol. As you can see, when opening a business online, we do not need either one or the other!

TOP 3 most profitable types of Internet business!

What kind of business can be done online in a crisis? Yes, the same as at other times, since all the most popular destinations are equally in demand, both in a crisis and in a stable situation in the country.

Business on the Internet generally depends little on the state of the economy. From this point of view, it is the most stress-resistant and free from external circumstances, unlike offline business. This type of business is also unique in that you can start it right after reading this article. “How so? What can I do right now?” you ask.
For example, decide which line of business in the network is closest to you. And this is already a lot. For example, we have selected some of the most profitable and interesting options.

The business of creating, developing and promoting websites is always in demand!

Probably, it is not worth telling that the Internet is now our everything. Even if someone has a fairly successful business in any other field of activity, it is rare that someone does not have an official website for their company.

Having a website is advertising, it's fame, it's the latest information, it's ultimately new customers and partners!
It's good to be a jack of all trades, and run a business, and deal with your site personally. In reality, this phenomenon is extremely rare, so the creation and further work with sites are usually trusted to professionals. As you may have guessed, professionals are precisely those people who run their business on the Internet.

And this is only one facet of doing business on sites. In addition to promoting and promoting other people's sites and pages on social networks, webmasters have their own sites, from which they receive very decent income through advertising and working with affiliate programs. Another way to make money on sites is to raise the site to top positions in search engines and sell it for good money. Promoted sites with high traffic are really expensive.

To become a competent and successful webmaster, you need to be well versed in website building, SEO optimization, content marketing basics, and numerous other nuances. Interested? On our website you will find comprehensive first-hand information on the topic of organizing a business on websites, and you can start with this material:

Trading - how to become a professional?

Until quite recently, we knew about trading in the stock markets only by hearsay, and mainly from the plots of American films or from high-profile news about the fall or rise in shares on one or another major stock exchange.

Now trading in exchange assets, as an occupation, is increasingly in the sphere of interests of people in our country who want to earn money.

Serious trading is not gambling. Unfortunately, not everyone understands this. In order to trade successfully, you need to get good training.

Those who started this business without understanding, but only having a superficial idea, quickly “merged”, along the way telling right and left that trading is a money scam.

But what about all the many years of world practice, the work of the world's largest stock exchanges, thousands of brokers? Divorce too? No, all this is a reality, only in this type of business you need the same serious approach as in any other important business.

For success, you need not only to properly study the principles of work, but also to be able to choose the right strategy and a reliable broker. These components will be the guarantor of your comfortable future.

You can earn on the Forex exchange or on binary options, by the way, it is from the second option that beginners are most often advised to start, since it is believed that this exchange is easier to start.

Where is it taught? The easiest way is to find a quality resource on the Internet and take training there. But now this topic is so popular on the net that you can easily run into incorrect information.

When choosing sites for training, see if they really are carriers of useful materials, or if they simply pursue advertising purposes. Information from the article will help you in choosing learning resources

Study diligently and diligently (after all, you are doing it for yourself), develop analytical skills, broaden your horizons in every possible way, follow the geopolitical situation in the world - all this will help you become successful in trading. Well, luck, of course, will not be superfluous!

Online store: a new look at the trading business!

Earnings on resales, the meaning of which is to buy cheaper and sell more expensive, is one of the most popular ways of entrepreneurial activity. This is what trade is.

In ordinary business, this is a whole army of intermediary merchants who purchase goods, deliver them to their outlets, and then the sales process begins.

On the Internet, the opportunity to engage in the sale of goods is carried out by opening online stores.

Take, for example, such an actively developing area as dropshipping. This activity consists in finding online stores with cheap goods to resell them already in your online store.

Competent marketing policy and advertising will do their job and attract customers. Good quality goods and an interesting assortment, as well as a high level of customer service in the form of convenient navigation through the store's website, various discounts, seasonal sales, promotions and prize draws will make customers come back to you again and again. They will leave their positive reviews, thereby increasing your customer base.

Your business will grow and prosper, and at the same time you will not need to pay crazy rent for retail and warehouse space, maintain a staff of sales consultants, pay other expenses ... The whole business will be in your computer!

Freelancer - is he a businessman or not?

For a long time there has been and is developing at a rapid pace such a phenomenon as freelancing, or remote work on the Internet. The first types of activities we have indicated are also, to one degree or another, related to freelancing. But if there we talked about a rather narrow specificity of activity, then here we would like to expand the range and list the specialties and even abilities that can be used to build a business in a crisis via the Internet.

If you are literate and have a good style, you can become a copywriter, proofreader or editor. This is not a business yet, but contractual work for a customer. But if you set out to create a copywriting bureau or a text exchange, develop a website, run an advertising campaign, attract contractors and customers - that will already be a business! And its profitability will depend on the literacy of your policy.

Another option is to create a design bureau. Interiors, furniture, fabrics, graphic design, landscape - yes, anything can become an object of design art. Develop, create, participate in exhibitions, declare yourself publicly, and you will be guaranteed a flow of customers.

And do not forget that one of the main features of the Internet business is that it has no boundaries. How many people will visit a design firm operating offline in your city, and even in times of crisis? We think a little. And how many visitors will there be on the Internet, subject to a good advertising company and high professional suitability of designers? In any case, many times more. So which is more profitable?

Are you a representative of another profession? Excellent! Just sit down and think about how you can translate your knowledge into business development on the Internet.

For example, are you a lawyer, economist, accountant? Create an online consulting center and provide qualified consulting services to clients.

As you can see, there are a lot of options, and those who want to do business in a crisis on the Internet will also certainly find their niche. If you are passionate about mastering this business model, but do not know where to put your efforts, this material will help you.

Some may argue that a freelancer is not a businessman. Well, it depends on how you build your work.

Of course, that freelancer who cannot go beyond dependence on several customers and does not think about further development will forever remain in the role of an employee, albeit a remote one.

The same freelancers who start small, but see the prospects and work on the implementation of their projects, as a rule, later grow into full-fledged businessmen with very decent incomes.

Online business: what about dummies?

And now let's debunk the myth that only especially gifted and advanced users can work on the Internet. And we will do it easily and naturally.

Any business that should be done professionally needs to be learned. This truth is undeniable. It is the same with online business - if you want to become a cool webmaster or a successful trader - learn! If you want to become a cool programmer or master the wonders of Photoshop - learn! Or did you think that people who have taken place in the Internet business were immediately born with a laptop in their hands? No, any achievement is the result of hard learning and long hard work!

Despite the fact that computers have firmly entered our lives for twenty years, there are still people who are still at odds with this technology. Really, they will never be able to make money on the Internet? What to do for those who have the main achievement in the field of mastering the PC - to change the photo in Odnoklassniki? We answer: do not panic, but also learn, starting with the basics.

Just as ignorance of the law does not exempt you from responsibility, so ignorance of the computer does not exempt you from the opportunity to build your business with it in the crisis that has raged outside the window.

Believe me, with great desire and diligence, you can become a computer genius much earlier than expected. Tested and working!

Where to study? This is not a question, since there are a lot of educational programs now (after all, you are not the only one who wants to earn money in a crisis). The basics of computer literacy can be mastered either by attending special courses, these services are provided by many educational institutions in cities, or by using the same Internet.

Further, you can also learn through webinars, business trainings, listening to lectures by professionals, reading articles on the right sites. And in general, self-education is our everything! It's never a shame to learn and it's never too late! Even cool specialists never stop the learning process, because in our fast-paced time, something new is constantly appearing!

So, if you are sure that an online business is your option, you can start moving in this direction right now! And everything will work out!

Business in crisis: promising areas for small business!

If you are closer to the more classical understanding of entrepreneurial activity today, and you want to create your own company or open production, then now we will talk about this.

You can learn a large number of options for profitable and relevant types of business from our material and successfully apply them in practice.

We have already found out what is in demand among the bulk of consumers in a crisis, and what they are ready to save on. Based on this, let's look at possible business development options for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Business in the service sector - a sea of ​​​​opportunities, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bideas!

It is regrettable to admit, but the statement of a well-known businessman quite accurately characterizes the state of the service sector in our country. If you choose this area as a business, make sure that his words have nothing to do with your company.

This direction is very extensive, since from birth to death we constantly use one or another service that is necessary for us. So someone has to provide them. Let's briefly go over those areas in which the provision of services, both for the personal needs of the population and for doing business, is relevant and, accordingly, profitable, even in difficult times.

Outsourcing: professionals to the rescue!

In a crisis, the services of outsourcing companies are in demand quite actively. Outsourcing is the transfer of any type of activity that is not related to the main one for execution by organizations that specialize in this activity.

The meaning of interaction with an outsourcing company is that an enterprise that has transferred certain functions to a third-party contractor can save a lot on this, receiving high-quality, professional and timely assistance.

Let's take a closer look at a specific example.
Suppose a company has an accountant, a human resources specialist, and a lawyer on its staff. The company pays them for an 8-hour daily work, whether they are busy with work or drink tea for half a day.
Each of them has the right to go on vacation, maternity leave, may get sick, and the head will have to pay all costs. Plus office rental and office equipment. It turns out quite expensive, and it is much easier to conclude an outsourcing agreement for full or partial maintenance by professional companies.
So the demand for these services will only grow, and such a business will be in great demand during a crisis.

If you decide to open such a company, which direction is better to choose? It is necessary to proceed from several criteria: the presence of supply and demand in the market for these services, the proximity of the field of activity to you personally, as a business leader, etc.

What is especially in demand in the field of outsourcing?

  • Accounting services (full accounting support, reporting, etc.);
  • Services of economists and marketers;
  • Legal services;
  • HR administration and recruitment;
  • System administration;
  • Organization of work on labor protection.

In order to develop your business in this direction, remember that your specialists must be truly highly qualified workers, freely oriented in their field, constantly improving their skills and following changes in legislation.

Competence comes first! Observing this condition, you will build a successful business, since a good reputation of the company is the key to its success!

Services in the field of motor transport: oh, I'll give a ride!

Transport services, without a doubt, are among the most important in the modern world. This business, both in crisis and in stable times, has a high profitability. Three most promising areas can be singled out at once: the organization of passenger transportation, the organization of cargo transportation and the car repair business.

Passenger transportation can be organized in two ways: by running fixed-route taxis or by organizing a private taxi service. In the first case, you need to obtain a license, if necessary, win a tender for the provision of services, and you can produce minibuses on the line. Of course, you will first need to calculate how profitable your chosen route will be.

In the case of a taxi service, it will be necessary to organize the work of transporting passengers privately, including the actions of the dispatch service for receiving and distributing orders. This business is considered to be a quick payback, but again, you need to proceed from the market situation.

Cargo transportation, as a business, is also very much in demand. The services of transport companies are ordered when delivering goods to retail outlets, when purchasing goods through online stores, when transporting raw materials and materials from suppliers, when moving, etc. The work will require a fleet of trucks, freight forwarders, specialists in transport logistics, and a dispatch service.

Another way to make money on a car is to open a technical inspection station, because motorists must carry it out at regular intervals, depending on the year of manufacture of the car.

So, the auto business is a pretty profitable business in a crisis!

Education services: live a century, learn a century!

Educational services are always in great demand. In the conditions of huge competition, which is currently observed in the labor market, those who are really cool specialists in their field win. Therefore, a huge number of people are constantly improving their skills, mastering new professions, learning foreign languages, etc.

Various children's development centers for children of preschool and school age are also popular, as well as various art schools, art houses, where children are provided with educational services of various kinds.

How to organize a training business, you can consider the example of creating a language school in the material

Activities in the field of educational services can be a profitable business, it is important to organize it correctly. Courses, trainings, master classes, lectures and seminars must be conducted by professionals, so recruitment is very important. The quality work of your employees is the key to a positive reputation for your business, and the result will be the popularity of your company among customers.

Health and beauty is an eternal topic for making money!

Beauty salon beauty will save the world!
Grooming and maintaining health are two related topics that are best considered together. Where do women go to maintain their beauty? In beauty and spa salons, massage rooms. Most of the employees working there must have a medical education, and the company itself must have a license.

If you decide to open such an institution in a crisis, then try to provide services in an acceptable price range. Attract customers with the fact that you are cheaper than your closest competitors. The rumor about low prices will spread quickly (or we don’t know women) and you will be able to lure clients who use the services of other salons. Of course, your specialists must work flawlessly, otherwise no dumping policy will help you.

Pharmacy - looking for new ways of development!
All people get sick. All people buy drugs. Pharmacy business is quite a demanded direction. True, now, in a crisis, there are difficulties with imported medicines, besides, their prices are very high.

This is not a reason to abandon a business idea. The crisis will someday end, but the business will remain. Think about how you can expand the range. For example, now Ayurveda and herbal medicine are highly respected by our citizens, why not start mastering these areas not superficially, but more seriously? This way you will find your target audience, and it will find you.

Salon - expanding our client base!
This business is one of a kind. Even Ilf and Petrov in "12 Chairs" wrote that there were so many hairdressers in the city of N that it seemed that people were born in order to cut their hair, shave, freshen up with cologne and die. Now there are no less hairdressing salons, and all of them are not in the same demand. How to increase the flow of customers?

Many men get their hair cut just at the first barbershop they come across. For women, this issue is more sensitive, they love high-class salons. But in a crisis, you still have to think about saving, and if during this period they find out about your inexpensive hairdressing salon, and at the same time with a good master, they will stay with you forever!

Remember that two main criteria - a budget price and a good master - work only in pairs. It is unlikely that someone will return to you if they cut their hair badly, albeit for a low cost of the service.

So, if you open a budget salon and find good craftsmen, then consider that you did everything right. Along the way, you can organize the sale of hair care products and other related products.

Service business is a very broad topic. Creation of an insurance company, a leasing company, vending services, printing services, security business, travel services, recreational activities... the review of services on which you can build your business in a crisis is endless.

Therefore, we do not claim to be complete in their coverage, but we hope that you understand the main principle: you need to choose the area in which people try to save as little as possible, and for whose services they are ready to pay money even in a crisis.

Business in trade: advertising is not the only engine!

No matter how the crisis rages, trading activity does not stop even for a minute. It just changes in accordance with the realities of the current moment and changes in customer requests.

Focus on them when opening a trading business in a crisis. For example, many people now stop shopping in hypermarkets with unreasonably high price tags, preferring small stores where you can buy inexpensive products, household chemicals, and other everyday goods. Due to the policy of adequate prices, the turnover of such stores can be quite high, because it has long been known that selling a lot, but cheaper, more profitable than selling little and expensive.

In addition to grocery stores and household goods, children's goods stores and inexpensive clothing stores are good. Please note that in the cities, second-hand shops are springing up like mushrooms after the rain, and despite the high competition, not one closes! Shops with fixed prices, such as "one price for everything", are also popular.

Successful trading in the midst of a crisis is a kind of art. Go directly to manufacturers in order to reduce the final cost of goods, lure customers with bonus programs, conduct a competent marketing policy, increase the efficiency of your staff, stand out from your competitors for the better, and your army of customers will grow, and your business will have a positive balance.

Let's hit the crisis with domestic production?!

It will probably be more difficult to open your own production than to engage in trade or the provision of services. It will definitely require the presence of a sufficiently significant start-up capital, production facilities and equipment, skilled workers and reliable markets for the sale of products.

Therefore, when building a business in production, it is necessary to draw up a clear and thoughtful business plan and choose products that will be in demand and make production profitable even in times of crisis.

From the previous chapters, we learned what sells best. It is logical to assume that it is more profitable to produce what sells best.

For example, food. What can be produced, knowing for sure that the products will be in demand? Bakery products, semi-finished products, pasta, canned food, confectionery, etc. Various chips and crackers, sauces, bottled drinking water are excellently sold.

You can open a mini-production of household chemicals: soap, shampoos, toothpastes, shower gels, various home cleaning products - all this will also not lie on the shelves, provided that the goods are of good quality.

Building materials are in great demand even in times of crisis. There are generally a huge number of options for the implementation of business ideas. It is possible to produce building blocks, for example, foam concrete and cinder blocks - a very popular wall material.

Dry building mixtures, wood lumber, reinforced concrete products, sandwich panels, nails, hardware, fasteners, and so on and so forth.

Restriction of the import of imported products enables our entrepreneurs to show their business skills in the field of production. And the proclaimed policy of import substitution inspires hope that the authorities will finally begin to support the domestic producer not only in word but also in deed.

Franchising is the perfect idea to get started!

This is a very common business model today. Its essence lies in the fact that the owners of various large companies enter into an agreement with entrepreneurs who want to open a business under the auspices of their brand.

A franchise business can be a good start in times of crisis. It is easier to “promote” it, since you will have to spend less on advertising to make yourself known, because this is already done by the main company.

The benefits of doing business like this are mutual: franchisors (those who provide a franchise) receive an entry fee and in the future - a percentage of the activities of their partners and popularization of their brand, and franchisees (the second party) have the opportunity to open their business according to proven schemes and technologies, yes also under the brand name.

What types of franchises are most popular in our country? In fact, there are entire catalogs of franchises, having studied which, you can decide on the choice of type of activity. Their circle is very wide and varied: from the creation of confectionery boutiques to the opening of medical clinics.

What is most realistic for starting a small business? Franchises open stores of various kinds, fast food restaurants, pizzerias, hostels, car washes, automatic coffee shops, opticians, pawnshops, outsourcing companies, sports clubs, and so on.

If you are tempted by the idea of ​​starting a franchise business, study the available documents on its legal regulation. Legislation in this area is still imperfect, but just like when opening any other business, an entrepreneur should try to be as competent as possible in the chosen type of activity.

Business in the crisis in the countryside: whoever wants, he will achieve!

A rather sore subject, but again, everyone who wants to work here is working. And they even make money. There are examples: take, for example, the project of the Penza businessman Oleg Totsky. A few years ago, he sponsored the production of agricultural products in the countryside in his area and began selling them through his shopping center. There was no need to do a powerful advertising campaign: the residents of the city quickly learned about the sale of fresh, high-quality products grown without GMOs, and, moreover, also in their own area.

This project has been operating for a long period of time and allows us to conclude that with a smart and competent approach to business, you can find your niche in agriculture.

Well-known Russian businessman German Sterligov speaks about the same. He believes that the countryside is an inexhaustible source of income, you just need to be able to see how to use this source correctly.

For example, now the idea of ​​developing land in the Far East is in the air, which the state gives free of charge to perpetual ownership, provided that the allocated plots will not be empty. And many entrepreneurs are already thinking about projects: someone plans to grow soybeans, someone - to start a hunting farm, etc.

Here is food for thought for you: anyone who is seriously thinking of starting an agricultural business in a crisis and will use non-standard approaches to implement their ideas must definitely succeed!

Bankruptcy auctions: turning the crisis into money!

Even in a crisis, you can build a business. For example, to buy real estate at bankruptcy auctions.

Of course, this will require capital, which can be invested in real estate. But, the advantage of such transactions is low, in comparison with the market, prices for exhibited objects. This is due to the fact that the auction should take place in a fairly short time.

This activity is absolutely legal. At such auctions, you can purchase residential and commercial real estate, cars and special equipment, shares, land and other objects. When buying, you need to focus on the most liquid lots, since then it will be easier and more profitable to sell them.

They beat us, but we grow stronger: examples of successful business in a crisis!

Believe it or not, a huge number of world-famous companies started their way in business or made a rapid leap forward precisely in the era of economic instability! Not without reason, the crisis is called the time for great achievements. Here are some examples of successful business development in times of crisis:

1. Almost a hundred years ago, when the United States was going through a powerful crisis called the Great Depression, Henry Ford created his automobile empire, leaving behind all his competitors.

It is known that he was fanatically devoted to his work and, moreover, applied an innovative technique at that time - he was the first to introduce the assembly line method of cars, which allowed Ford factories to produce cars faster, better and with lower production costs.

2. One of the most terrible crises experienced by Germany after the defeat in the First World War. It was at this time that the history of the shoemaking workshop of the Dassler family began there. At first they were engaged in the manufacture of orthopedic shoes for the disabled (and after the war there were many of them), then they came up with the production of studded shoes for sports. And it was a breakthrough!

Their enterprise became known all over the world. After the Second World War, when the situation, as you understand, was also not the best, the Dassler shoe factory imported its products to America. At this time, a conflict occurred between the owners of the business, and they decided to split the company into two. Their names are "Puma" and "Adidas" and they are still alive and well!

3. In 1957, during the next American crisis, Burger King rose. How did they manage to build a successful business, and even with such a strong competitor as McDonalds? Again with the help of competent strategy and tactics.

Firstly, the owner of the company chose a good type of business for the crisis period, because the chain of fast food restaurants brings good income.

Secondly, as an innovative approach, visitors were invited to determine the composition of their sandwiches themselves, according to the principle of what they like best. As a result, two birds with one stone were killed at once: both visitors were interested, and a lot of new types of sandwiches were invented in the process of work!

And what about in our country, are there positive examples? Of course have!

4. During the severe crisis of 1998, the mail service began its existence. The period of economic instability did not prevent the developers from developing this service, surviving the crisis of 2008 and eventually turning it into the largest company that owns popular social networks and is a participant in global global projects!

5. A popular domestic brand - Sady Pridonya juices entered the big market during the 2008 crisis. For a breakthrough, the company carried out such measures as optimization of production (reduced costs, expanded and modernized production, carried out promotions) and some reduction in prices for manufactured products. Preservation of business in a crisis and the attractiveness of the product for the consumer allowed the company to take a leading position in the domestic market.

These few examples, we think, will be enough to make sure that the crisis is not a hindrance to business.

And now a few tips on whether to open a business in a crisis, from well-known domestic entrepreneurs.

Vadim Dymov, the owner of the Rubezh sausage production and restaurant chain, believes that now is the time to revive agriculture and produce goods that have become inaccessible to Russians due to sanctions. He himself is going to open furniture production in the current conditions.

Alexander Kravtsov, the founder of the Ruyan company, generally believes that there are no crises as such, and that at any time there are developing companies, but there are outsiders. According to the businessman, all markets can be interesting, and especially those that foreigners have now left. He advises to develop domestic tourism, food production.

Oleg Tinkov, a well-known banker and entrepreneur, is betting on the development of medical topics. In his opinion, the opening of pharmacies and clinics, the production of dietary supplements and medicines are the best areas for investment.

Fedor Ovchinnikov, the owner of Dodo Pizza pizzerias, also says that now is a good time for the development of any business, because the crisis does not stop life, but only changes the rules of the game.

So draw your own conclusions, gentlemen!

In conclusion: do you want to become a businessman? Be it!

In general, having studied a lot of various sources in preparing this material, we came to the conclusion that with a great desire of a businessman, his business will be prosperous and competitive even in the most unfavorable conditions.

If a person does not burn with his work, does not work with full dedication and does not strive to raise his company to a height not reached by competitors, then even in the best of times his business will be in a sluggish state.

To successfully conduct his business, a businessman must have creative thinking, the ability to subtly feel the market situation, be aware of current trends, and be able to come up with non-standard solutions in difficult situations.

How to become such a businessman? Of course, having entrepreneurial talent will make it much easier to build a successful business. But besides this, of course, you need to study a lot, go through business trainings, constantly improve, because there are no limits to perfection.

The team that works with you should be a match for their leader. Only professionals who are interested in their work should work in it.

Deciding to start your own business is not easy at any time. The possibility of any obstacles and risks is always present.

Therefore, enter the field of a businessman not depending on the economic situation in the country, but solely based on your own internal readiness for this. This is the most important factor that will allow you to build a successful business in a crisis!

Sincerely, Anatomy of Business project March 20, 2016 2:43 am

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