Sasha Zvereva: “There are thoughts that I no longer need a man. Sasha Zvereva - biography, information, personal life Group demo soloist Sasha


The biography of Sasha Zvereva is of interest to everyone who likes the work of the Demo group. This talented girl stood at the very origins of the creation of a popular musical group. Sasha left Demo in 2011 when she wanted to start a solo career. As an independent creative unit, she also excelled. What is the history of the star?

Zverev: biography

The ex-soloist of the Demo group was born in Potsdam, it happened in March 1981. The biography of Sasha Zvereva indicates that she was born in a military family. The first years of the girl's life were spent in Germany, the family was in this country in connection with the service of her father. Then they returned to Russia, settled in Staraya Kupavna.

Alexandra fell in love with the magical world of music as a child. She attended a music school, participated in amateur concerts. In 1999, Zvereva entered the Moscow Linguistic University, as her parents dreamed that their daughter would acquire a “serious” profession. However, she did not study there for long.

Group "Demo"

In March 1999, she became the soloist of the Demo group Sasha Zvereva. The biography of the singer indicates that she heard the announcement of the search for a soloist on the radio. Since childhood, singing has been Alexandra's passion; secretly from everyone, she dreamed of becoming a famous singer. It is not surprising that the student went to the audition without much hesitation. During the casting, Zvereva performed with the Choir of Girls from Pushkin's Eugene Onegin. Needless to say that the contract was offered to her.

From the biography of Sasha Zvereva it follows that already in 2000 she became a star. The compositions "Sun" and "2000 years" in her performance took the top lines of the music charts. It was these hits that became a kind of hallmark of the singer for many years. The Demo group and its young star Alexandra Zvereva have thousands of fans.

The group toured extensively. Concerts "Demo" were popular not only in the cities of Russia, but also abroad. Alexandra had a chance to perform in the United States, Germany, Great Britain, Israel and other countries. She gained experience at the largest venues in the country, such as Luzhniki and Olimpiysky. "The Sun", "Above the Sky", "Goodbye, Summer", "Rainbow", "This is show business, baby" - the albums of the creative team came out one after another. Many of the songs included in them became hits.

A crisis

Unfortunately, already in 2003, a decline in the popularity of the Demo group began to be felt. From the biography of Sasha Zvereva it follows that this made her very upset. In 2007, the album "Forbidden Songs" was presented to the public, which did not have much success. The creative team was less and less invited to perform.

Singer Date of birth March 1 (Pisces) 1981 (38) Place of birth Potsdam Instagram @sashazvereva

In 1999, the release of the song "Solnyshko" marked the beginning of the popularity of the Demo group. The ascent of the band to the top of the musical Olympus was swift. Not the last role in this was played by his vocalist Sasha Zvereva. A beautiful girl with a melodious voice, who on principle refused to sing to the phonogram, quickly won the respect of critics and the love of listeners. Her solo career can also be called successful, even if she was not as bright as in the group.

Biography of Sasha Zvereva

Alexandra Valerievna Zvereva was born on March 1, 1981 in the German city of Potsdam. Her father did military service in Germany. The family did not stay abroad for long and soon moved to Staraya Kupavna near Moscow. The girl studied first at a regular school, and then at a gymnasium. In parallel, she attended a music school. The little girl loved to sing since childhood.

After receiving the certificate, the future artist entered the Moscow Linguistic University. In March 1999, even before the end of her first year of study, the girl attended an open casting for the place of a soloist in a new musical group. She pleasantly surprised the commission, the creators of the project immediately offered Alexandra a contract. The assembled team was called "Demo".

The very first creation of the young project "Sunshine" became a hit. Immediately after its release, the group's success was secured by two more compositions "2000 years" and "I don't know ...". The melodiousness of the songs and the special manner of the vocalist's performance ensured the first places in the Russian hit parades for the works. Despite her youth and lack of professional experience, Sasha did an excellent job with the tasks and patiently endured the load. Very soon the team began touring. At first it was Russia and the states of the post-Soviet space. Then "Demo" performed in major cities of the USA, Israel, Germany and a number of other countries.

Until 2004, Zvereva worked hard, she had practically no free time. Then, for two years, the performer took a short sabbatical to arrange her personal life and become a mother. During this period, she did not tour, but continued to record songs, the group even released another album. In 2009, the team celebrated its tenth anniversary by giving a concert at the Tochka club. In 2011, Sasha decided to leave the Demo group and pursue her solo career.

Several months of intense work with musicians and producers quickly bore fruit. The debut work of the artist "I'm Going Crazy" was actively promoted on the radio. The video for the song was filmed in the USA. Once on television, he began to rapidly gain popularity. This was followed by the release of several more singles, for some of them Zvereva herself wrote music and words. A solo album called "Thank you" was released by the artist in 2015.

After leaving Demo, Alexandra began to appear frequently on television. She began to be invited to talk shows and music programs as a guest, presenter or expert. She worked on Channel One, NTV, TNT, in the cable broadcast network. In the summer of 2015, the Domashny channel launched a new project "Pregnant". Together with three more mothers of many children, Sasha told the audience about the secrets that can facilitate the process of bearing a child.

All this time, the artist continued to tour the cities of Russia and neighboring countries with a professional concert program. Russian and American producers and other specialists took part in its development.

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There are one-day songs that are released as quickly as they are forgotten. And there are immortal hits that personify eras. One of these is the track "Sun" by the group "Demo". Even today, absolutely everyone knows the simple and memorable chorus, despite the fact that the track is already 18 years old! For all the time, the pop group has undergone changes only once - in 2011, Daria Pobedonostseva replaced the departed Sasha Zvereva. Since then and to this day, Dasha has been the face of the group. And it was with her that we talked about one cool event in the life of the team, namely, the composition "The Sun" became part of the famous dance game Just Dance. Details are in our material.

website: Daria, the song "Sunshine" was included in the track list of the Just Dance 2018 game along with world-famous compositions. What does this mean for you?

D.P.: Of course, this is an important event for our group - for each artist, the recognition of a global audience is valuable. Nobody expected this to happen, and our first reaction was: "Wow!". I'd say rougher, but... (Laughs.)

Of course, in this game, the choreography is most attractive - it was done by French developers and French choreographers, who did everything at a high professional level. I really liked the idea, such a game can be used not only at home, but also at mass events, at the same corporate parties. It's very cool, because you don't need to invent anything - you can just hang a big screen, and the entertainment is ready.

website: Do you like to dance?

D.P.: Yes, I really like to dance. Since childhood, my mother sent me to dance classes for general development, and now I have my own show ballet. Once I choreographed for my own project and for the group. But time is sorely lacking, so a choreographer had to be hired for the show ballet, who creates all the numbers.

D.P.: I have been singing since childhood - my mother and I moved to Moscow, where I went to school with a teacher Larisa Kudryavtseva. When Sasha Zvereva left Demo, the producer of the group began to look for another soloist. He didn't want to waste his time and do a mass casting that would have some freaks come in. Therefore, information was sent to vocal schools in Moscow that they would be auditioning for the place of Sasha Zvereva.

Larisa Kudryavtseva selected about 10 people for audition - in the comfortable atmosphere of the office in which I usually studied, we were selected. There was no pretentious event where the equipment is exhibited and the jury members sit - I just sang a song, answered a couple of questions, and that was the end of the casting. Then they told me they would call back...

website: Did you immediately see talent?

D.P.: That's loud (laughs). When I got into the group and faced the realities of Russian show business, I realized that it was not about talent at all. I was struck by the amount of terrible equipment that is exhibited on the sites. Unfortunately, the rider of the artist is very rarely performed, so the first year was very difficult mentally and physically.

website: What was the most difficult at the beginning of your creative path?

D.P.: At first, some fans of Sasha Zvereva did not want to accept me. People were not too lazy to come to another city to record a boorish video there and boo me. It's good that this is no longer the case. But I still can’t get used to the fact that on the site everyone is responsible for himself. Now it is clear why our stars began to sing live more often.

Sometimes the equipment in restaurants and karaoke clubs is much better than in concert venues. I'm not talking about the philharmonic and the conservatory, where everything is ordered individually for each artist. Clubs that pre-arrange a live performance with artists, put up their equipment, and then say: “Oh, will you sing live?”. This is a frequent occurrence. Sometimes you just physically do not have time to check the equipment. The tour is just a frantic rhythm, and you have to rely on the conscientiousness of the distributors. 10 fingers are enough for me to count where there was a good sound during the entire time of our performances, despite the fact that we traveled almost all of Russia and Europe.

website: Do you often tour Europe?

D.P.: We do not have any restrictions in terms of touring. Now all the artists are starting to actively travel to the USA, our trip to America is also just around the corner. We often visit Europe. Last year was very eventful - we already rode to Estonia, Riga, Lithuania and Latvia like home, and also traveled all over Russia. Not many artists can boast of touring in the same England. Lately we have been visiting Germany as well. These are the countries in which concerts are most often held. Of course, sometimes we take part in collective performances with other artists, but quite often we perform a solo concert.

website: Do you have many loyal fans in Europe?

D.P.: There are a lot of Russians in Europe - these are independent and solvent people aged 25 to 35 who prefer to go to a nightclub. We are a certain history and nostalgia for them. That's why they come to our performances and have fun.

website: Returning to difficulties: what helped to overcome them?

D.P.: In fact, everything is very banal - my parents and my current husband have become my main support and support. At some point, everything was on the edge. The guys from the band and the producer assured me that it takes time, and sooner or later the fans will get used to me. It rarely happens that everyone is happy with the change of the soloist, remember the same "VIA Gru".

“When someone new comes to the team, there is never an unequivocal positive opinion. But I was on the verge until I met my husband, who made me forget about someone's discontent and said that you just need to work for grateful people, and there are many more of them. And here I am still working (smiles)».

website: Was your husband not against your musical activities, did not limit your freedom?

D.P.: No, he is an actor, director and also a creative person, so he does not limit me at all. Some men are jealous of their wives, but he understands perfectly well that this is just a job.

website: Tell us about your plans for the near future?

D.P.: Of course, we plan to continue to tour and work. Of course, I would like to record new songs and shoot videos, now we are in a creative search.

If we talk about my personal plans, then I continue to promote my show ballet, which I created back in 2012. I have my own costume rental business - for the last year I have been working with the Bulgakov Theater, in which I am in contact with Lisa Arzamasova, Marat Basharov. I also work as an event host. I never have enough of everything, so I try not to stop and explore new areas. So far so good (smiles).

Singer and designer Sasha Zvereva, who became a mother in July of this year, having given birth to her third child, has recently been forced to constantly stumble upon questions about where her husband and father of the baby are now. DJ Dmitry Almazov, known under the pseudonym Bobina, did not react in any way to the fact that he became a father, did not visit Sasha in America and did not want to see the heir. All this only strengthened Zvereva's fans in the opinion that the star parents had finally separated, but Sasha remained silent and stoically ignored the appeals of her fans on Instagram, who demanded clarification of the situation. The artist called the questions tactless and even posted this kind of post on her page: “I would like to stop these endless questions about “agdemuzh”. I am ready to share my strengths: children, life at the Big Water, clothes, dance music, appearance, moto .... But I will never cover topics in which I have not excelled, because this makes no sense. Because I don’t want to and I have every right to do so,” thus preventing any attempts by fans to interfere in their personal lives.

However, in the end, Zvereva still decided on a frank speech. She spoke about how the break with Almazov happened as part of the reality show Pregnant, which is now successfully aired on the Domashny channel. Sasha admitted that she is still married to the father of her youngest son Leo, but in reality, the ex-spouses hardly see each other. The stumbling block was the decision of the singer to move to Los Angeles. Dmitry did not support the decision of his beloved and preferred to stay in Moscow, saying to Sasha in the end: “If you leave, I don’t promise you anything.” Several times during the filming of "Pregnant" Zvereva called Almazov, but ran into either a wall of indifference and misunderstanding, or even long beeps - the star's husband simply did not pick up the phone. According to Sasha Zvereva, her eldest daughter Vasilisa is experiencing the most difficult situation - the girl believes that they need a man in the family. Now this role is successfully performed by Zvereva's father. He communicates with his grandchildren via Skype, deals with them with those subjects that are not taught in an American school, and recently visited Sasha with his children in California, where, by the way, he became the godfather of little Levushka.

Recall that Sasha Zvereva broke up with Dmitry Almazov twice. The first break occurred in the summer of 2012. The star mother was very upset by what had happened, often visited various monasteries, turned to priests for advice, and in the end managed to establish a relationship with her beloved. For the second time, Zvereva gave a hint of discord in the family in the winter of 2015, already pregnant with her third child. While on vacation in Thailand, she wrote a heartfelt post on the network that from now on she hopes only for her own children and is not looking for anyone's loyalty and support. All this allowed fans to assume that the family broke up.

By the way, Sasha Zvereva gave birth to her older children, Vasilisa and Makar, being in a relationship with businessman Ilya Gusev. Officially, the marriage was not registered, and after parting, Zvereva told a lot of unpleasant details about her ex-wife: they say, he lived at her expense, and raised his hand, and applied to the bottle. In that case, Sasha herself initiated the breakup, taking the children and leaving to live in another apartment.

Much more people know Alexandra Valerievna Zvereva under the creative pseudonym Sasha Zvereva. She was the lead singer of the Demo group, which immortalized itself with the hit of the early 2000s, The Sun in Hands. After the breakup of the group, the singer began a solo career. She is also a proud mother of three children. She lives in Los Angeles and regularly delights several hundred thousand of her Instagram followers with sunny photos and self-care tips.

After some decline in her singing career, she returned to the ranks of the most talked about and famous people, expanding her field of activity to the sphere of giving birth and raising babies. Along with conceptually new vocal DJ sets, she began to offer her own perspective on the process of childbearing and childbirth during her training workshops. Many Russian women began to consider her an expert in matters of pregnancy and assigned the status of "motherhood guru".

Childhood and youth

Sasha was born and raised in Potsdam, Germany, where her father served in the Western Group of Forces. The baby's mother was a teacher. There, the girl went to first grade and began to study music. Nature endowed her with excellent vocal abilities, which allowed her to successfully graduate from a music school.

In 1996, the family moved to the Moscow region, settled in the small village of Staraya Kupavna. Sasha had the usual childhood of a Soviet teenager - yard games, spending the night with girlfriends, night walks around the field.

Having received a secondary education, Sasha entered the Moscow Linguistic University. While still a student, she heard an announcement on the radio about the recruitment of soloists in a new youth musical group. Without hesitation for a long time, the girl went to the audition and made an indelible impression on the producers by performing an aria from Eugene Onegin. A contract was immediately signed with her, and from that moment Sasha's quiet measured life changed dramatically.


In March 1999, Sasha signed a contract and became the soloist of the group, where two dancers performed in addition to her, and on April 26 their debut public performance took place on the stage of the Moscow Palace of Youth. In the summer, the first compositions of the musicians - "The Sun" and "2000 Years" - already occupied a leading position in the charts, they were known by heart and the whole country sang: "The sun in the hands and a wreath of stars in the sky ...".

For several years in a row, there was not a single break in the Demo tour schedule. During this time, the group traveled all over the vast expanses of the former CIS and gained wide popularity abroad: they went on tour in the Baltic States, Great Britain, Australia, and Israel. The concerts of the group gathered full halls and stadiums, including the Olympic, Ice Palace and Luzhniki. The audience was captivated by the beautiful voice of the performer, her charisma, spectacular outfits, and the fact that she never performed to the phonogram. Over the eleven years of its existence, the band has released seven albums and won many honorary music awards, including the Golden Gramophone in 1999. In this Zvereva, who won the hearts of millions of listeners with her “live” performance and powerful charisma, was a great success.

Demo - The sun in the hands (1999)

In the fall, a video for the song "The Sun" was shown on television. At the end of the year, for this composition, the musicians became laureates of the Golden Gramophone award, the award ceremony of which was held in the Kremlin. In terms of popularity among domestic stars, the group was second only to Alla Pugacheva and The Time Machine at that time. Then there were shootings on the streets of Prague of a video for the song “I don’t know” and a grandiose tour of the cities of the USA and Germany, where they were inevitably successful.

April 26, 2009 in the Moscow club "Tochka" the singer shone at the anniversary concert in honor of the 10th anniversary of the group. Then, as part of a team, she visited more than 40 cities of the Russian Federation, Europe and America with concerts. In the same period, the compositions “First Kiss”, “Point”, “Don't Be Silent”, which later became hits, saw the light. A video clip was filmed for the last of the named songs in the Northern capital by director Mikhail Lapis, a friend and admirer of Sasha's work. Interestingly, his shooting took place in the scenery of the film "Peter FM" by Oksana Bychkova.

In total, with the participation of Alexandra, the Demo group released 7 studio albums, including "DJ Remix 2000", "Above the Sky", "Goodbye, Summer", "Rainbow", and received many music awards ("Stopudov Hit", "Song of the Year", "Bomb of the Year" In May 2012, she officially announced the end of their joint activities, deciding to pursue a solo career.

In her new capacity, she released the singles “Stay”, “As Before” (ft. El Ray), “Superboy” (ft. Sasha Dith & Steve Modana), “Woman”, “Poisonous”, video clips for the composition “I'm Going Crazy” , "Why", "Maybe".

The fans of the singer were enthusiastically greeted (even in Ulan-Ude in July 2014) and her conceptually new two-hour concert performance "Dj-singer-show", during which her strong live vocals sound among the hit tracks, charging those present with amazing energy and breaking the performance about traditional DJ sets.

In 2015, the artist presented her debut solo album “Thanks” to the public, on the cover of which she appeared with a “belly in a rounded tummy,” as the media jokingly noted.

In parallel with her musical work, Sasha was a guest, an expert, a host of a number of entertainment television programs on the central channels of the country, with her friends - TV presenter Ksenia Borodina and wife of rapper Guf Aiza Dolmatova - she was opening her own clothing store. In 2015, being pregnant with her third child, she took part in the reality show "Pregnant" on the family TV channel "Domashny". Together with two other participants in the project - and Polina Dibrova - she told the audience the secrets of preparing for motherhood.

Sasha Zvereva - Maybe (2015)

Personal life of Sasha Zvereva

The personal history of the singer is full of ups and downs. There is information on the Web that at the age of 17, Alexandra had a lover named Pradesh, who left to study banking in Australia. Allegedly for him, suffering from separation, she then sang "even after two thousand years ...".

And her first common-law husband, the father of her two children (Vasilisa, born in 2003 and Makara, born in 2008), was a bank employee Ilya Gusev. Despite a good education, her companion's career did not work out. While Sasha was earning money on tour, Ilya was sitting at home with the children, making unrealistic plans and jealous of the success of his famous wife. His addiction to alcohol aggravated the situation, scandals began, and the singer, unable to stand it, left.

Ilya took steps towards reconciliation several times, but Sasha was adamant. In addition, she soon got a new admirer - Dmitry Almazov (DJ Bobina), with whom they got married in August 2011 at the Kazantip electronic music festival in all the canons of the event - climbed the 5-story tower and swore eternal love in front of the starry sky. In April 2012, they officially formalized the relationship in one of the capital's registry offices.

A year later, their family broke up. Sasha then turned to the clergy for help, visited monasteries and managed to overcome the crisis of relations. However, in 2015, their final break happened, the main reason for which was Alexandra's move for permanent residence in the United States. Dima did not want to leave and did not even come to meet her with their common son (the boy was named Leo) from the hospital. However, Sasha is very happy to move to the "country of eternal summer", in particular, because of the proximity of the ocean, which has always inspired her.

Sasha is fond of motorcycling, loves to ride a motorcycle on mountain roads, through the forest and along the ocean. During such voyages, she receives cleansing from all negativity.

Sasha Zvereva now

Now the main priority in Sasha's life is her children. She does not forget about the career of the singer, trying to completely ignore the group "Demo" and "The Sun in Hands". She even changed her hairstyle from a short haircut with side bangs to long hair. Her tastes in music have also changed: if earlier she liked the genre of pop, now she sees the future in electronic club music. The singer also often conducts seminars on motherhood.

Living on the Pacific coast in Los Angeles, Alexandra gained an impressive army of followers on Instagram who are interested in the issues of giving birth and raising babies - by the middle of 2017, about 600 thousand. Now she records songs and gathers full houses not only at her solo concerts, but also at motherhood seminars in different cities of the Russian Federation, while simultaneously creating clothes for pregnant women.

On April 1, she posted on Instagram a picture with a positive pregnancy test, the fourth (!), Intriguing her subscribers. Many of them decided that this was an April Fool's joke, but the artist noted that she had a delay of 17 days, and that it was funny for her to see two stripes on the test on such a day.

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