Scenario of the concert of the choir of veterans of the House of Culture. In the hands of the able and skilled



Anniversary concert of the School of Arts

2013-2014 academic year year

At the closed curtain in readiness ORNI "Rhapsody"

Festive fanfare sounds. On the screen is a festive screensaver.

On the stage Orchestra of Russian folk instruments.The program of the orchestra's performance is on the screen.

words behind the scenes (at the opening of the curtain - me)

Spring is in the sky again

Blooms wildly and beckoning.

Happy Anniversary Dear School

My most favorite!

(The curtain opens. Olga Stepanovna enters)

You give people eternal art,

Lighting up the light in harmony of hearts.

Speak confidently and proudly

We are 30 years old today!

The orchestra plays immediately after the words, plays without announcement.

1. A. Shirokov "Little welcome overture"


Words behind the scenes (Kosov):

- On stage, the winner of the All-Russian competition "Wind Rose" orchestra of Russian folk instruments "Rhapsody". Head Olga Stepanovna Velizhanina

2. A. Shirokov "Round dance"


The curtain closes. Everything is removed from the stage.

3. Film about the old school (2 minutes)

The hosts come together to the middle of the stage.


Good evening, dear friends!


Good evening, dear guests, colleagues and parents!


Today we have a big holiday! We are celebrating the 30th anniversary of the School of Arts!


Let me sincerely congratulate all those present in this hall on this significant event!


30 years is a lot or a little? Is it a moment or an eternity? Is this the end of a journey or the beginning of a new road?


30 years is the joy of victories, these are the years of accomplishments and discoveries. This is memory, this is history, this is a special way of life!



For a welcoming speech, the following are invited to the stage:

  • Head of the Administration of the city of Kogalym Vladimir Ivanovich Stepura


  • Deputy Chairman of the Duma of the city of Kogalym Govorishcheva Alla Yurievna

Kosov hands over his microphone

Speak welcome speech

Chvaida (after welcoming speech)

Thanks for the kind words and wishes. We ask you to remain on stage for the awards ceremony.

The Diploma of the Head of the city of Kogalym is awarded to the director of the "Children's School of Arts" Velizhanin Nikolai Viktorovich!



Diploma of the Head of the city of Kogalym is awarded to the Deputy Director for educational and methodological work Kabilova Svetlana Faizovna



The diploma of the Head of the city of Kogalym is awarded to the teacher of fine arts Singizova Zilya Migranovna


Thank you letterThe head of the city of Kogalym is awarded a teacher of fine arts Kashina Yulia Yuryevna


- Thank you letterThe head of the city of Kogalym is awarded a violin teacher Ivanova Tatyana Vladimirovna


The diploma of the Kogalym City Duma is awarded to the piano teacher Ignatieva Olga Mikhailovna



Dear Vladimir Ivanovich and Alla Yurievna, thank you very much, we ask you to enter the auditorium.

(a short pause, we give the opportunity to leave the stage)


Our school is 30 years old! We have the right to be proud of her success.


30 years are behind us, but we have an even better future ahead of us.(pause)

Microphone for soloist, piano cover


3rd grade student on stageOrudzhova Nazrin,class teacher Zinchenko Emilia Mikhailovna

We put 2 chairs, microphones for the duet of accordionists

Chvaida (offstage):

Winner of school competitions on stageduet of accordionists "Fantasy"class of teacher Lubashcheva Tatyana Petrovna.

5. E. Lauren "Claviette-musette"

Remove 2 chairs

Kosov (offstage):

On the stage, the winner of All-Russian and International competitions, a student of grade 6 Churakov Maxim, class of teacher Ivanova Tatyana Vladimirovna, concertmaster Zinchenko Emilia Mikhailovna

5. Wieniawski "Mazurka"

Both presenters leave


- For a welcoming speech and awards, we invite you to the stageDeputy of the Regional Tyumen Duma Loseva Inna Viniaminovna

Speaks a speech!

(if she herself says about letters, then you miss this moment)


The Diploma of the Tyumen Regional Duma is awarded to the accordion teacher Olga Stepanovna Velizhanina.



- A letter of thanks from the Tyumen Regional Duma is awarded to the librarian of the school Sando Alla Vladimirovna.

handing over


Diploma of the Deputy of the Tyumen Regional Duma is awarded to the piano teacher Anikeeva Tamara Nikolaevna



The Diploma of the Deputy of the Tyumen Regional Duma is awarded to the accordion teacher, tuner of musical instruments Konstantin Kirillovich Moskatov


Thank you Inna Viniaminovna, please come down to the auditorium.

Microphone, piano cover.

Well, we continue. The laureate of district and regional competitions, a student of grade 7, plays for youGizatullina Elina,class of teacher Martynova Anastasia Vladimirovna, concertmaster Romanenkova Larisa Vladimirovna.

5. F. Churchill "When my prince comes"

Applause. Microphones for vocal ensemble

Chvaida (behind the stage) At this time, the vocal ensemble "Kvinta +" enters the stage.

I can't live a day without music!

She is in me. She is around me.

And in the singing of birds, and in the noise of cities,

In the silence of grasses and in a rainbow of flowers,

And in the glow of dawn above the earth ...

She is always and forever my companion.

6. "Yes, Jesus loves me"

Applause. Some of the children leave the stage.

Kosiv:- On the stage, the winner of the international competition "Viva Ferenze!" vocal ensemble in italy Quinta+, leader Fazylova Guzel Gabdulbarovna.

7. "Soul in love"


Both presenters leave


Life is like an intricate pattern woven from a string of days and destinies that are endless like the starry sky. And only some of them are reflected in the soul with the rays of the sun, warming the heart with warmth. The history of the school is life, it is a whole book of stories of the fates of our wonderful teachers.



Grishina Svetlana Gennadievna, Head of the Department of Education of the Administration of the city of Kogalym, and Chairman of the Kogalym organization of the trade union of workers of public education and science of the Russian Federation, Mazur Maria Spiridonovna, are invited to the stage for a welcoming speech.

Speak up!


Diploma of the Department of Education and Youth Policy is awarded to piano teacher Zinchenko Emilia Mikhailovna



A letter of thanks from the Department of Education and Youth Policy is presented to the teacher of fine arts Karbovskaya Alexandra Viktorovna



Thanks for the kind words. Please go to the auditorium.


A laureate of all-Russian and international competitions, a student of grade 8, plays for you Gareeva Alina , class teacher Zinchenko Emilia Mikhailovna.

8. N. Medtner "Fairy Tale"

Preparing 2 chairs and microphones for the accordion ensemble

Chvaida (offstage):

plays for you accordion duet "Comme il faut"

9. Dorensky "Transcarpathian dance"

Preparing a microphone for a clarinetist


On stage, a teacher in the class of wind instrumentsKosov Boris Vasilievich.

10. A. Gimmer "National Polka"


Microphones for violin ensemble

Immediately without announcement"Consonance" - play 1 piece

11. A. Babajanyan "Nocturne"


Chvaida: (behind the scene with the entrance of the ensemble):

On the stage, the winner of the All-Russian and International competition "Wave of Success" violin ensemble "Consonance". Leader Maltseva Tatyana Gennadievna, concertmaster Leshchenko Olga Alimovna.

12. M. Schnitz "Orange Boogie"


The curtain closes. "Consonance" takes 1 step back stands at the closing of the curtain. Preparing coasters for the choir

13. Film about school today. (2 minutes)

The curtain opens. There is a choir of 3-4 classes "Rainbow"

Kosov (offstage):

On stage, winner of city competitions for choirs and vocal ensembleschoir "Rainbow", leader Chvaida Natalya Alexandrovna

14. music A. Ermolova, words??? "We are together"

The choir descends from the stage and after one they disperse along the hall up the stairs and stand there. The senior choir comes out.

Kabilova S.F.

You have a lot to do with
From the youth of happy days,
Over the years, you have become more beautiful, -
And celebrate your anniversary again!

The warmth of teacher confessions,
And children's classes scent...
Keeper of valuable knowledge
You have grown a priceless garden.

You revived wisdom in the heart
And gave us a dream
Let me warm up at your walls,
Embracing knowledge height.

Beloved, native school!
Shine with the fire of happy eyes
The reward will be our solo
And the loyalty of each of us!

Kosov (immediately after the poem)

On the stage laureate of city competitions of choirs and vocal ensembles choir "Capriccio"

15. music and lyrics by S. Staverov "Hymn to the Music School"

The choir "Rainbow" becomes under the stage, the vocal ensemble "Kvinta +" enters the stage

Happy Anniversary School!
Your students are proud of you!
We heartily congratulate the school
On such a significant and joyful day!

We wish the school great patience,
Students who always strive to grow

Parents, of course, grateful
And many creative years ahead!

The final song sounds (2 choirs, Quinta+)

16. music. A. Ermolova, words??? "Favorite school"

Both leaders leave.


This is the end of our anniversary party. We give the floor to the director of the Children's Art School Nikolai Viktorovich Velizhanin.


Chvaida (with applause):

Our school is 30 years old! Let's all say together: "Happy Anniversary, dear school!" (all children on stage speak with the presenter).


We don't say goodbye to you, we say to you: (together 2 hosts)

"See you again!"

All students of the school wave their hands into the auditorium. Choir "Rainbow" leaves the hall through the main entrance.

The curtain closes.

Screensaver of the Anniversary Concert is on the monitors. Music.

Let's drop all urgent matters

Together with us at this hour

Dear honored guests.

From the bottom of our hearts we welcome you!

Pop song and dance group "Hope" - "For 15 years we have been giving smiles"

  • The musical theme of the hosts is turned on.
  • On the screen is a general splash screen of the holiday.

Ksenia: The calendar opened the page,

Daria: Solemn and personal day:

Dmitry: Fifteen years now in the asset, celebrate a birthday

Leading together: positive!

  • A common greeting song is sung.
  • The exit of the kids to the chorus, the graduates of the team join at the beginning of the last verse.

All together: Hope!

Music accent!

Dmitry: (to background music). Hello friends, parents and guests!

Daria: Good evening, everyone who came to share the joy of a significant event!

Xenia: We are pleased to see your smiles again.

Dmitry: We will try to keep the smiles on your faces throughout the anniversary concert of the anniversary of the creative team -

Together: "Hope"!

Daria: For 15 years we have been giving you our smiles.

Ksenia: A teacher's smile is worth a lot... it's an encouragement, it's an inspiration... it's also pride in your students.

We meet the smiles of the founder of the group, choirmaster - Nadezhda Derevnina,

Daria: head of Elena Golubeva.

Dmitry: Choreographers - Irina Ryakhovskaya, Oksana Pavlyutkina.

Background splash. Exit of team leaders.

Dmitry: The leaders of the city and district came to congratulate the team on the 15th anniversary

Xenia: and editor-in-chief of the regional newspaper.

Congratulation, Presentation of diplomas.

Xenia: We offer to take a group photo.

A photo

Dmitry: Thank you for the kind words and we invite guests to take their places of honor

(children remain on stage, adults leave the stage)

Daria: Our friendly salute -

And a warm hello.

native team

Already fifteen years

Ksenia: Today is a happy day

Day of creative zeal

We celebrate the fifteenth, in a row

TOGETHER: Birthday!

  • A melody from a familiar cartoon turns on
  • Carlson appears, imitating a flight, "lands" in the center.

Carlson: Turn off the engine! Greet, dear children, shouting to me, loud - Hooray! And hello to you!

What if I landed here? This is a good place for an airfield! (sits down on the edge of the stage with the children). Well, how to understand it? Forgot about me again? It's your birthday, and what am I, alone on the roofs to fly? I do not play this way. Are you going to celebrate your birthday without me?

Boy from the stage: Tell me, Carlson, did you find out that today is our birthday party?

Carlson: I remember the birthdays of all the children on earth ... After all, I am the most attentive and charming man in the prime of life. By the way, how old were you?

Children: We are 15 years old!

Carlson: Are you 15? Something does not look like (examines the children).

Nastya: Yes. This year marks the 15th anniversary of the Nadezhda Pop Song and Dance Ensemble Carlson: So do you learn to sing and dance?

Ksenia: Shall we show Carlson and the audience what you have learned?

Carlson: Show me, and we'll see ....

  • A potpourri of children's songs is performed.
  • The children leave, Carleson and Ksenia are on stage

Carlson: Wow, how cool. (to the audience) I liked it, how about you? Well well. A mess, but where are the dances and sweets. I'm the biggest sweet tooth in the world.

Ksenia: And here is the dance "Stylish Girls".

A stage dance is being performed.

  • Leaders come out.
  • The musical theme of the presenters.

Daria: Now, Carlson, are you satisfied?

Carlson: Not really... (modestly, downcast eyes)... And sweets, congratulations?

Daria: Oh, Carlson, Carlson. There will be sweets too!

Dmitry: The floor for congratulations is given to the head of the cultural center, the head of the department, sports and youth policy and the head of the GDK.

(The names of congratulators are called, which pass to the microphones to the background music).

Give gifts, cakes.

Daria: Thank you for your kind words.

Carlson: Finally, I found peace! It's time to take off and fly home to your roof. (leaves, pretending to fly)

Dmitry: They sing for you ...

Concert numbers.

(Leaders read the text, slides on the screen, background music).

Daria: Now the team is popular not only in our city, but also outside it.

Dmitry: And the formation of the studio began in 1995 with one group, where only 12 children studied. The teacher Nadezhda Derevnina and the children had to work hard to establish themselves on city sites, to take their rightful place among the best teams in the city! Victories at regional, all-Russian competitions replenished the treasury of achievements.

Ksenia: And now the new millennium has come, in 2000, with the joint efforts of the circle and its friends, work began on the musical "The Snow Queen" by Andrey Morsin.

Daria: In March 2001, the Khimik Palace of Culture premiered at a theater festival. The high performing skills of the vocalists and the dance group were awarded a third degree diploma of the Theater Spring 2001 festival, and Elena Golubeva received a diploma for the best female role.

Dmitry: In June 2001, in the city of Lipetsk, a pop song and dance studio presented the musical "The Snow Queen" for viewing by a competent jury and received the title of "folk amateur group", becoming the ensemble of pop song and dance "Hope".

Concert number.

Dmitry: The team is not born on its own ... it is the tireless work of teachers and children who together create an atmosphere of creativity. Workers are invited to the stage, thanks to whom the team has been pleasing the residents of the city with their performances for 15 years: Lyubov Kostyukhina, Yuri Zhigalin, Denis Karlov, Irina Ryakhovskaya, Alla Fedosova, Alexander Mitin, Oksana Pavlyutkina, Vladimir Zalomov, Elena Golubeva and Nadezhda Derevnina. Low bow to you! And these flowers are for you!

(participants of the dance give flowers to the leaders)

Dmitry: In the team there is always someone they look up to, who they are proud of and admire. And in our team there are such children! These pupils represent at competitions of various levels not only their team, but also their fellow countrymen, who can rightfully be proud of them. They sing for you...

Concert number.

Daria: Today, at the holiday, all the birthday people and guests are cheerful. We meet the guests of our holiday, the director of the Center for Children's Creativity and the director of the Children's Art School.

(The names of congratulators are called, which pass to the microphones to the background music).

Team congratulations.

Ksenia: And now we invite young soloists to the stage. Creative experiment of the leader. Polina Loginova, Anastasia Sokolova, Sofia Neskoromnaya are on stage.

Concert number.

Ksenia: Anniversaries are never celebrated just like that.

Dmitry: Anniversary is when there is something to remember, to tell.

Daria: When there is something to be proud of.

Ksenia: And the Nadezhda team has something to be proud of!

Dmitry: the ensemble is rich in talents and they are becoming more and more.

Xenia: Over the past fifteen years, the school of pop singing has produced more than 100 people, more than 250 soloists and dancers of pop dance. There are those among them who have connected their lives with the stage and creativity.

Daria: Today there are many graduates in the hall who, having already become parents, have brought their kids to learn the basics of pop singing.

Dance number, senior group.

Ksenia: As you can see, the age range of our team members is increasing every year. We can safely assert only one thing from 5 years onwards without restrictions. Daria Rodionova joined the team exactly at the age of 5 and grew into a beautiful girl, a talented vocalist, laureate of the II degree of the All-Russian Phoenix Fest competition in Voronezh, and Dmitry Pechenkin tried his vocal abilities at the age of 11, but given his transitional age, he seriously became study vocals at the age of 17. Laureate of the I degree of the regional competition "Morning Star", III degree "Voices of Youth".

Several numbers of the concert program of the graduates of the group.

Ksenia: The pop song and dance group “Nadezhda” is a large well-coordinated creative and magical mechanism that turns the sparks of talent into a big starry sky of young talents.

Daria: The team breathed into young souls hope for a creative flight, across the endless expanses of the universe, where pop songs sound, and dance rhythms wave the heart.

Dmitry: We are not sad at all and we do not say goodbye to you. We pass on hope to other generations, and we give you, dear viewers, one more, final song.

Final song "One Hundred Friends"

If you are satisfied with the material, then the script for the anniversary of the creative team can be downloaded by clicking on the button below. Good luck, colleagues!

Author-compiler: Gudym Olga Vladimirovna, teacher-organizer of SBEI TsRTDIU "Rainbow", Moscow
A little about the team:

The team accepts everyone without special musical training.
The main goal: the holistic development of musical abilities and personality traits of the child in the process of developmental education, by involving children in exciting and accessible musical activities.
Event duration 1.5 hours

Scenario of the anniversary concert of the children's musical ensemble "Melody"
"In the land of colorful notes" for parents and children from 5 to 10 years old.

(to the team - 25)

20 minutes before the start of the concert, children's melodies sound in the hall
On the screen: the children's musical ensemble "Melody" - "25 years in the country of multi-colored notes." (Notes are scattered across the screen)
Video: classes, performance at concerts ...
The film ends, soundtrack, play of light, words from behind the scenes
Quiet, quiet, sit next to me,
Music enters our house.
In an amazing outfit:
Lives all around.
Steppe paths run into the distance,
Melt in a blue haze.
This music is rushing
And he is calling us.
Phonogram call signs of the holiday.

Leading: This is how our journey through the country of magical music and colorful notes began. Yes Yes. It's multicolored. It turns out that music can be seen.
Moderator: Composers N. Rimsky-Korsakov and A.N. Scriabin saw notes painted in different colors - the colors of the rainbow. Now the youngest musicians of the ensemble will reveal to us the secret of the seven notes.
The presenter addresses the children on stage: What color is the “do” note? ... (children answer)
Leading: The performance of the junior group continues.
On the screen are drawings of children from the younger group
Children of the younger group go down to the hall and take their places on the 1st row.
Leading: It is these kids who have been coming to the Melodiya ensemble for 25 years. They get acquainted with music, learn to play musical instruments themselves, study rhythm. And yet, they, together with their parents, display each piece of music in their drawings that you saw on the screen. Every year, 3-4 people from the ensemble successfully pass the entrance exams to the music school.
Leading: So Zhenya Shishmareva, studying in an ensemble, entered a music studio. Today for you she will perform the play "The Hen" by the composer Lyubarsky.
(Speech by Zhenya Shishmareva)

Leading: Another pupil of the Melodiya musical ensemble, Olya Solovieva, decided to master playing the real flute. And what happened, now you will hear. Yuri Dolzhikov. Polka.
Phonogram. On the screen is a photo sequence of photographs (old black and white, color, from classes, rehearsals, concerts and festivals, just faces of children from the studio.)
Leading: The repertoire of the children's musical ensemble "Melody" is the most diverse: from simple children's songs to classical works by Tchaikovsky, Gaidan, Schubert ...
Leading: In Moscow, this is the only collective of such a plan: the kids, and even the instruments they have are not wind or classical, but special children's ones, which were invented by Carl Orff.
Leading: Since 1986, the Melodiya ensemble has been participating in competitions and festivals of children's creativity every year.
- Laureate of the district competition "Young Talents of Muscovy"
- Laureate of the 1st degree of the open city competition of instrumental performance of children and teachers "Music of the XX century"
- Laureate of the international competition "Friends of Bulgaria"
- Laureate of the 1st degree of the international competition "Planet of Childhood".
Leading: Well, our wonderful teachers help to shine the little "suns".
(music background penetration)
Leading: The founder of the children's musical ensemble "Melody", a teacher of additional education of the highest qualification category, an honorary worker of general education of the Russian Federation Elena Nikolaevna Svitelskaya.
Leading: Concertmaster, teacher of the highest qualification category
Tatyana Makarovna Dedovik
(The teachers of the ensemble come to the fore. The word is given to the head of the ensemble)
LEADER: Today we have a holiday. A holiday of childhood, magical music, multi-colored notes, so I would also like to invite those who have worked in this team and with this team for a long time, those who from year to year also invested a part of themselves in the guys from the Melodiya ensemble. Please take the stage:
Concertmasters ___________________
Bayan teacher __________________
The teacher of the studio "classical guitar" __________________
(children from the ensemble give flowers to teachers)

Leading: The guys from the Classical Guitar Studio give their musical congratulations to the ensemble
Congratulations from the classical guitar studio
On the screen: the name of musical works, the names of composers and performers
Leading: The senior group of the ensemble is preparing its anniversary performance. The age of children is from 7 to 11 years. The children are happy to work in the ensemble, get acquainted with the work of various composers and musical styles. Every year they learn 5-6 pieces of music, such as Grieg's Norwegian dance, Tchaikovsky's Dragee Fairy dance, Strauss' Picecatto polka and many others. In their musical piggy bank there are already several dozen works that they performed themselves.
The guys begin their performance with the most favorite piece of Waltz by J. Strauss "On the Beautiful Blue Danube".

On the screen: the name of musical works and the names of composers
Presentation by the senior group.

Leading: Let's ask the guys what instruments they play. (Suitable for each child.) Dear parents, do you think it is easy to play these instruments? I suggest you try. Let's create a noise orchestra.
The host calls 2 teams of adults, 5 people each, onto the stage. Each parent is given a musical instrument.
Leading: Now I will give you musical instruments - tambourines, spoons, a triangle, rattles. Listening to the beautiful music that the great composer Mozart wrote "Symphony No. 40", we will play along with its sound. And the conductor will be a real musician from the Melodiya ensemble.
The host chooses an older child from the ensemble
(Parents perform a piece of music to the soundtrack)
Leading:(addressing parents): We have a wonderful orchestra. How does it feel? Liked? I think that parents will say warm words of parting words and congratulations to our young musicians and the ensemble.
(Word to parents)
Leading: Over a quarter of a century of the existence of the Melodiya ensemble, more than one and a half thousand people have become graduates. I am pleased to give them the floor.
(Word to graduates.)
Leading: I ask the graduates to stay. And to help Elena Nikolaevna present certificates and souvenirs to the youngest pupils of the ensemble. Invited to the stage: (reads the names and names of the pupils)
(Passage. Children rise to the stage.)

Leading: We congratulate you guys on the honorary title of young musicians and hand over these magical talisman bells that will guide you through the beautiful magical land of multi-colored notes.
(Phonogram. Presentation of diplomas. Transfer of the baton from the older generation to the younger.)

Leading: Young residents of a magical country are congratulated by the theater studio "Generation"
(Speech by "Generation")
Leading: Now the team will be congratulated by the mother, who 20 years ago brought her daughter to the Melodiya ensemble and this friendship continues to this day. Marina Aleanovna, you have the floor.

Leading: Birthday is a holiday, gifts, friends, surprises. And here's another surprise. A former graduate of the ensemble, and now a young gymnast of the Kaleidoscope studio, Adelina Khromtsova, congratulates the birthday people. In 2011, Adelina performed with the same number to the accompaniment of her native Melodiya ensemble. Meet Adelina Khromtsova.
(Studio of rhythmic gymnastics "Kaleidoscope".)

Leading: How many smiles and congratulations today. But that's not all. Friends of the show-studio "Allegro" are in a hurry to congratulate the birthday people.
Leading: No anniversary is complete without flowers. The choreographic ensemble "Nadezhda" gives the anniversaries a whole meadow of spring flowers.
("Flower meadow". Children remain on stage)

Leading: All pupils of the children's musical ensemble "Melody" are invited to the stage.
(Soundtrack of the passage "Childhood". Children rise to the stage)

Leading: Lyudmila Mikhailovna Bogatyreva, Director of the Raduzhny Center for Children and Youth, Honored Worker of Culture, congratulates her beloved rainbow team on its 25th anniversary.
(Word to the director)

Leading: We invite guests and parents to come up on stage and take pictures with the birthday people.
(Family photo)
Leading: Our anniversary journey through the country of multi-colored notes is coming to an end, and it's always better to end on a cheerful note, isn't it? We wish you before- of good,
o big creative re– results,
o mi- peace,
o F- fantastic performances,
o salt- sunny melodies in the soul,
o la- lyamura, love
o si- strength, radiance, sympathy.
Leading: We wish you, "Melody", bright days, creative success, happiness and kindness! Happy birthday!!
(Sounds a song performed by the studio "Allegro" "Music")

Scenario of the anniversary of a man. And we open with joy a wonderful anniversary 2. . "Hymn of Veterans" words and music by Valery Panin, member of the choir.\.

March 23, 2012. According to in the press service of the administration of Volgograd, currently in the choir "Veteran" under the direction of Olga.

Veterans Council

Anniversary scenario on .. We are celebrating our 50th anniversary

our school. The joy of it. (Song. Spanish teacher choir) "Don't think about

school from above". Director: Allow me to introduce the veterans of the school (2

Victory Day. number of cool scenarios per day. choir, or veterans' choir, or any vocal group.

Veteran - 25 - Anniversary Anniversary - Scenarios of holidays

December 3, 2012 Round dance "White-faced-round-faced".

On the eve of the anniversary of the Victory, the Post gives to all veterans.

Kargasok Cultural and Leisure Center, the choir "Veteran" and the ensemble "

Russian ... The scenario of the main parade is being thought out in detail, which

will pass on the 9th.

Academic Women's Choir

In 2006, the choir “Memory.

Primachenko Zhanna Alexandrovna. Detailed development of the conduct

Veterans of Mayak and city organizations are engaged in the choir - 32

different according to We celebrated our 5th anniversary with a great

concert. women's day, be sure to prepare costumed


The creative group writes the script, determines the performers.. Folk

Choir of War and Labor Veterans. With their numbers performed and

other hip-hop teams who came to congratulate colleagues on their anniversary.

60th anniversary holiday script for veterans

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4 Nov 2012. The choir celebrated the anniversary. 20 years. They write about us - this, one might say, is a historical date. It was she who was recently noted by Yutanovsky.

The script consists of 2 parts: a literary and musical composition about..

He died on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the Victory .... The choir sings a song. one.

10.20 Maalot city veterans choir, leader. New York) Valentine


31 Mar 2012. 40th Anniversary Scenario. 1 episode. We ask to rise - veterans, thanks to them. We are intertwined in a single choir.

And scenarios / scenario of the anniversary

December 22, 2010. SCENARIO OF THE JUBILEE CONCERT of the folk vocal group. To the 30th anniversary of the folk group of the vocal group "Russians" .... And again on the stage the folk choir of veterans (3 songs).

Club formations - People's Choir of War and Labor Veterans. In 2012

celebrated its 25th anniversary with a festive concert. For big.

"Evening of welcome meetings"

May 5, 2009. The screen goes blank, the stage is blacked out, the choir comes out, preferably consisting of veterans, the presenters are highlighted by the beams of the spotlight.

We found a "veterans choir anniversary script" with humor

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Scenario of the anniversary concert program of the folk group [archive] - vkm online


FOLK ENSEMBLE "Indian Summer"

(Curtain. Music sounds. There are two old women near the stage)

1st: It was in the evening,

2nd: There was nothing to do.

1st: We were sitting on a bench

2nd: All passers-by were seen.

1st: Discussed

2nd: Dismantled ...

Together: And a little bored.

(The members of the ensemble pass by the audience and rise one by one to the stage)

1st: Let's go Vali somewhere

important as stolen

2nd: They are a couple of times a week

Run away like now.

1st: Where to? At least find out!

2nd: Why guess here, women ?!

1st: Yes, we fell in love, to know Valyushki ...

2nd: Ugh, ugh, ugh those on the tongue.

Yes, not in their years now

With the young oh yes ah.

1st: Why is it not in theirs?

They are smarter than the young ones!

2nd: What?

1st: Yes, I mean, they look younger.

2nd: And my neighbor Lyuba

Dressed up nicely.

And somewhere straight

It flew by at the same time.

1st: Know left ...

2nd: No, to the right.

1st: Really on a date?

2nd: Yes, not on a special assignment.

1st: Oh, look - Julia with Luda

Following Anyone seems to

Dressed up as madams.

2nd: I told you that they have love. And then?

1st: Look, who is this?

Is it really Baba Valya

And she is there ..., stealing ...

2nd: And there Ivanovna with Leksevna

Two neighbors go...

1st: Holy, holy, holy

Has your mind gone haywire?..

2nd: Yes, they have a date in the choir.

1st: You are talking nonsense!

Is there such a choir where grannies sing? ..

2nd: Why are they grannies

There are such beauties.

And they sing not for the first year,

The people in the village love them.

1st: I still don't understand

What are they for. Well?

No, to sit with grandchildren

Did you see them? Sing!

2nd: They are singing in this choir

Adds mood.

1st: Mood? It's true…

But who would take away my years?

2nd: So that's the whole point

What sings from the songs of the body!

And it, after all, it happens

Forget the years...

1st: Yes, as long as the soul sings

The person lives.

2nd: Lives? Are you talking about songs?

So why are you sitting here?

1st: Why, let's drop all ambitions

Yes, run to them for a rehearsal.

(The old women rise to the stage.)

1st: We want to sing!

2nd: And just sing!!!

Together with the ensemble: And get younger with every song!!!


HOST: Good afternoon, dear friends, dear guests!

HOST: With these words, we begin each festive performance of the folk amateur ensemble of the Chamerevsky village house of culture "Indian Leto".

HOST: And today we decided not to change our traditions, but rather continue to follow them. And do you know why?

Yes, because today is really very kind, thanks to the fact that you came here, and thanks to the fact that we have an ANNIVERSARY today!

(Your applause!)

"Indian Summer" for a concert

All of you have been invited.

"So that no one is late" -

Very asked.

And here you are, the hall sparkles,

Warm faces.

It's time for the concert to open.

Let's have fun!


HOST: Today, at our holiday, we are glad to welcome and see the native faces of fellow villagers, friends in creativity, as well as guests of honor in the face of:

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _____________________________________________

HOST: The word for greetings and congratulations is given ...

There is a time of nature of a special color

Pouring sun, enticing heat.

It's called Indian Summer

And in charms he argues with spring itself.

The ensemble performs for you a song that has become the hallmark of the group - "Indian Summer".


LEADING: The word for congratulations is given ...

Well, dear friends. Today is a special day. The folk ensemble "Indian Leto" celebrates its 10th anniversary.

HOST: 10 years. Is it a lot or a little? Hard to say. If we talk about a person, then this is not so much. But for the creative team - this is a deadline.

HOST: So what is behind the shoulders of our hero of the day?

Years are running, there is no power to return them ...

But, thank God, bright consciousness

Gives a glimpse into the past

And it brings back memories.

(Slides are projected on the screen. Background music sounds)

HOST: The folk amateur ensemble "Indian Leto" came out of a choir that sang sometime in the late 70s of the last century. At that time, participation in amateur performances was almost a matter - which was mandatory. And the voice... Well, where did you see the voiceless Chamerevskaya resident.

HOST: The case, which began with the "obligation", soon became dear and beloved. All now singing women in "Indian Summer" (and there are 12 of them) now cannot imagine life without an ensemble and a song.

HOST: The founder and first leader of the ensemble was Yuri Kuzmich Anisimov. We can safely say about this amazing and talented person that he is a professional in his field.

HOST: Over the years of his creative activity, Yuri Kuzmich has been repeatedly awarded. In his luggage are certificates of honor from the Ministry of Culture, the regional administration, the department of culture.

HOST: Under his leadership, on December 1, 1999, the ensemble "Indian Leto" was awarded the honorary title People's.

HOST: So let's remember how it was ...

Attention to the screen.

(The performance of the ensemble is shown on the screen)

HOST: Dear friends, now you have listened to an excerpt from the song "The Lost Tower", one of the ten best works of the cycle of the poet and composer Yuri Anisimov.

HOST: Well, dear friends, I think that now is the time to invite Yuri Anisimov, the founder of the Indian Summer ensemble, to this stage.

(A video of the band's performance is shown on the screen)

HOST: In addition to this song, the cycle includes such works as "The Ballad of Lost Love", "It's Hard to Be Young", "Abandoned", "Why I'm Single", "Sineborsky Waltz", "My Blueboarding" and many, many others. These melodic songs pleased not only the inhabitants of the village of Chamerevo, but also the shipowners.

HOST: A graduate of the Vladimir College of Culture, the artistic director of the Chamerevsky rural house of culture from 1996-2007, made a great contribution to the development of the Indian Summer team. Svetlana Sakharova.

HOST: She not only taught performers to sing without musical accompaniment, but also was the author of many interesting theatrical performances of the group.

HOST: Later in 2006, Yury Kuzmich Anisimov retired for a well-deserved rest.

HOST: And in February of the same year he was replaced by a new leader - a graduate of the Vladimir State Pedagogical University, majoring in Music Education - Anastasia Stratonova. Under the guidance of a young, talented, energetic Anastasia, the team felt the breath of youth and enthusiasm.

HOST: With the advent of the young leader, the ensemble's repertoire has been noticeably updated. Although it is necessary to note the fact that in their performances the ensemble "Indian Leto" is not limited to song performance. Theatrical performances for such folk and traditional holidays as Christmas, Maslenitsa, Apple Savior, Victory Day were and are its integral part.

1st presenter: So let's turn over the brightest pages of our speeches together. And remember how it was.


Blog Search Northwest Region News Veterans Choir Anniversary Script

  1. The Northern Choir will give a concert in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior Compliance rate: 58.14%
  2. Fragments of the text of the post: ... The Northern Choir will give a concert in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior Artists of the State Academic Northern Russian Folk chora will present the song art of Pomorye at the X Moscow Easter Festival... ... May 7, 14:00 in the hall of the Church Councils of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the anniversary solo concert of the Northern Russian Folk chora... ... The works prepared for this large-scale musical performance are performed by the Northern chora with a bright feeling of a wonderful Christian holiday ... ... In the program chora Vladimir Petrovsky Jr., a diplomat of the international competition, the master of bell ringing, also participates ... ... Then, under the guidance of Nina Konstantinovna Meshko, performances chora were held at the State Museum of A... Read more:

  3. Home-based sanatorium provided to veterans in Pomorie Compliance rate: 20.93%
  4. Fragments of the text of the post: ... Until the end of the year, it is planned to provide the services of the sanatorium to the majority veterans region - there are four thousand people in the region ... ... It is open to veterans war, as well as prisoners of fascist camps, residents of besieged Leningrad ... ... Previously, the workers of the Victory are invited to fill out a questionnaire, which takes into account most of the wishes and preferences veterans... Read more:

  5. The Northern Russian Folk Choir will become a methodological training center Degree of compliance with the request: 9.3%
  6. Fragments of the text of the post: ... A significant event for the cultural world took place in the house created by Nina Konstantinovna Meshko - in the building of the Northern Russian Folk chora... ... Beginnings in the culture of the Arkhangelsk region were fully supported by a person who is considered the ideologist of folk songs, a people's artist of Russia, Ukraine, Adygea and other republics, the general director and artistic director of the legendary Kuban Cossack chora Victor Zakharchenko, considering them timely and important... More details:

  7. Krasnoborsky district will become the center of cultural life of Pomorye for three days Degree of compliance with the request: 9.3%
  8. Fragments of the text of the post: ... Krasnoborsky district will become the center of cultural life of Pomorye for three days On May 27-29, in the Krasnoborsky district, within the framework of the project of the government of the Arkhangelsk region "Constellation of Northern Festivals-2011", an interregional festival "Smetaninsky Meetings" will be held, events dedicated to anniversary artist Alexander Borisov, the results of the regional competition of museum projects will be held... ... An exhibition of works by Arkhangelsk artists "Inspired by the North", dedicated to anniversary talented painter... Read more:

  9. The Song Festival of Russia will be held in Pskov on May 21-22. Compliance rate: 2.33%
  10. Fragment of the text of the post: ... It is assumed that within the framework of the gala concert there will be a performance of a consolidated chora with the participation of 1.3 thousand people... More details:

History of external searches

Veteran - 25th anniversary

1. Good afternoon and good hour

Who came to listen to us

At the same time and see

The folk choir is here to congratulate

After all, "Veteran - 25!"

We warmly welcome guests

And we open with joy a wonderful anniversary

2. Being a member of the team is honorable and responsible, it is no secret that singing is not entertainment, but work that brings joy to oneself and people.

Veteran - 25!

Friends came to congratulate us

So let's get started

Please meet the folk choir!

1. Take it well


25 years later

This child was born!

Welcome to the n / x "Veteran" Hood. hands - spruce Toyloshev V. Ya.

"Hymn of Veterans" words and music by Valery Panin, member of the choir.\

25 is a great age.

And not a lot, and not a little,

For and for labor

Only the very beginning...

The path of life is difficult or simple -

Not given to measure it.

So meet fate in growth,

Not kneeling.

2007 Ust - Cox. Holiday "Springs of Altai!". For the first time sounds "Oh, Katun - my river" to the words of N. Volodina, music. V. Toyloshev.

"Ongudai - the core of Altai" words by A. Usov, music. V. Toylosheva

A few words about the famous poet - A. G. Usov, who composes for the choir, and V. Ya. Toyloshev writes music.

In 1985 Shchetinin Dmitry Ivanovich organized the club "Veteran", which was later transformed into the choir "Veteran".

From the very beginning, the team chose the patriotic and moral education of the younger generation as the main and defining goal of its activity. The members of the choir were veterans of the Great Patriotic War and labor veterans.

Those who stood at the origins of the creation of the n / choir "Veteran" their work, love of life will forever remain in our hearts.

(participants, lists)

And in the hall we have those who stood at the origins of the creation of the team (we call)

Let's greet them and say words of gratitude for their contribution to the development of the "Veteran" n/s, and participation in the public life of the village and region of the Republic of Armenia.

The word is provided by __________________________________

(a thank-you note is given to members of the choir)

With special pride today we are talking about a man without whom the folk choir would not have taken place.

We present the very first head of the n / x "Veteran" - Sergey Nikitich Nikiforov - a creative, talented person who is in love with his work! The social significance of the choir was so great that in 1990 it was awarded the title of "People's Exemplary Collective". And this is the merit of the head of the choir, who during his work paid great attention to the quality of the performance of choral and solo songs, the selection of the repertoire.

Twenty-five is a lot and a little!

Twenty-five is your heart's warmth!

Twenty-five - they ran too fast

Too much water has leaked.

Years passed by with deeds and worries.

Soul harmony. anniversary concert script. yutanovka. female choir

Good afternoon my dears!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your anniversary. 30 years is not enough. I wish that Anniversaries do not end for you, and there were 40, and 50 and ...

Health to you, my dear girls, good luck to you, creative success, simple female happiness. Persistent and loving songs remain in the choir, because this is a second family. I was with you in the choir for 16 years and I have the most wonderful memories. Our trips to Kharkov, Bryansk, Belgorod, etc.

In difficult times, you supported me.

Vladimir Dmitrievich and Olga Mikhailovna, please accept my congratulations. You are great leaders who love what you do. Creative success to you, new victories and achievements. With your songs you please and support the culture of the village.

A wonderful scenario, I mentally imagined everything, and it seems I was there with you, sorry I could not come.

Happiness, health, success, new victories!

Anniversary of folk songs, dances, offers to celebrate Scenario of the theatrical concert program within the framework of the anniversary of the folk song and dance ensemble. Excellent performances by various groups, the plan consists of songs, dances, round dances.

Scenario of the theatrical concert program - beginning

As part of the 60th anniversary of the creative activity of the folk group - the ensemble of Russian song and dance "Native land of beauty" "" (The curtain opens. On the stage, the scenery of a village hut, a mound. The light is bright red (dawn) smoothly turns into full (filler). Noise sounds phonogram "Village life" (lowing of cows, barking of a dog, cry of a rooster, passage of a wagon, etc.)

3 presenters (members of the ensemble) enter the stage. Addressing the audience in the hall)

1st: Good afternoon, dear guests!

2nd: Hello, small and large!

3rd: What day, today, what?! Festive!

2nd: Dear guests! We have been waiting for you for a long time. we have a place for everyone on the mound, and a word, and we have in store for fun for every taste! A guest in the house is a joy to the owner!

1st: Is it visible to everyone? Does everyone hear? Is there enough space for everyone?

3rd: And at the holiday today, an honest people gathered, So that, as it has long been done, To sing, to lead a round dance for everyone.

2nd: Let's be honest that today a joyful holiday awaits you, I see to amuse you, People come here to us.

Ensemble exit.

1. Vocal-choreographic composition “Will I go, will I go out” After the performance of the number, the members of the ensemble move around the stage, communicate - What a good day ... - Oh, babonki, listen! And how the birds sing ... .. Also, however, they rejoice at the holiday - How good, girls! Let's have a dance tonight. - And that's true! Did you bring a gramophone? - Yes, what is he to us?

We can sing and dance without him. - Let's arrange a holiday for ourselves. Yes, such that the soul will rejoice! - Have you noticed that many have forgotten how to rejoice - the bright sun, warm autumn, snowy winter. - You definitely noticed.

What happened then? Where did that feeling of joy go? Anyone answer these questions? - It's too early to answer them, to discover the secret of the elixir of youth, to find rejuvenating apples, to wash yourself at the source of living water. Probably, the one who knows how to enjoy life never gets old. - (referring to the previous interlocutor by name) Oh, _____________, why are you talking about sad things? Look at the faces of fellow countrymen. Enlightened, happy.

Yes, and our village, like a bride dressed up. It's worth seeing! A village, a sweet village, A wave of accordion, a wave of rye. Through hopes and disbelief You are going to rebirth. And so it has been since ancient times Through the centuries and years. Always with the energy of the countryside, our cities have thrived. Let our villages be crushed, All the same, there is no closer and dearer than the depths of your sleepless skies.

And the width of the plowed fields. Gray mists over the houses, The fire of the morning dawn, Since we all come from here, whatever you say. From this unforgettable distance, To which it draws more and more, All of us, caressed by the village, Nurtured and warmed by it.

2. The choir sings the song “My Village” After the performance of the number, the next group of participants in the conversation approaches the microphones. - Yes, Mother Russia is strong with such villages. Wherever you look, there is space on all four sides. There is already a reason, Rosseyushka, to love you, to call you a mother ... It’s from these white-trunked birches, vast fields and talkative rivers that the Russian silushka comes. - Wow, you said beautifully (a). I already caught my breath.

I just want to speak in verse. - Well, what's stopping you. After all, you are a verse weaver (poet). Well, let's write poems about Mother Russia. - I'll tell you. Oh, our strength is mighty, Our fields are wide! Abundant, dear, be glorified, Russian land! (The participants in the conversation disperse, making room for the dance.)

3. Women's dance group performs the round dance "Mother Russia" After the performance of the number, the next group of participants in the conversation approaches the microphones. A little later, the performer of the next concert number comes up to them. - Oh-oh-oh, so Natalya came to us! Natasha, why is she so “wound up”? Natalya: Well, how could she not be.

Yesterday I sang a song - a teaser to my friend, and he was offended ... - Well, you are our famous soloist, you perform just like an artist! - What kind of song is this? Natalia: Cheerful, mischievous ... - Well, sing it to us, and we'll tell you - make peace or not ... Natalia: I've been ready to sing for a long time ... - Announce! You and the word! Natalia: "It was along the grass." Performed by me - Zakharenko Natalia.

4. The song "It was along the grass." Performed by Natalya Zakharenko. - Don't be upset, Natalyushka, the song is harmless. Here your brave friend will come to the holiday, you will smile at him, as you know how, and the ice will melt in his soul, and everything will work out for you. Natalia: Calm down. I will now wait for my beloved. (Natalia goes to the group of participants to the side) - Fathers - lights!

And what kind of "peas" came to the holiday. - So after all, this is Alevtina's "brood". - Why are they all with spoons? - So it's Grandpa Ignat who cut out spoons for all of them for the holiday. I spent the whole week planing and tinkering. - Hey, girls, mischievous curls, you hit the spoons, ringing palms. You came to dance with us! Start performing!

5. "Dance with spoons" performed by the children's dance group "Naughty curls" - Oh, yes, girls, nimble skirts! Well! Lost your nose?! - We know, we know! Yes, after all, in their family all the characters and habits are laid out on the shelves. -Where are they placed? - Yes, even in dances, even in songs! -In songs? So it's THAT good.

Now few people sing songs, more and more songs are listened to. How is it ... (refers to another). What word did they come up with? .. Ah, ball-de-yut! - But he speaks the truth! After all, they got to the point that bored people went for a walk around towns and villages ... - Yes, not everyone is “bad”, some people can sing songs .. - Oh, is it? - Here are those and lu-li! And if you don't believe it, then sit down and listen!

6. The song "Near the River" After the performance of the number, two groups of participants in the holiday come up to the microphones. - Well, what - heard? - Heard, but not heard, behind the big roofs. - And can you distort in ditties? - Try, but there are so many of us! (Pointing to all the spectators).

Oh, and you will go deaf! -And we dance, dance. - Yes, dancers have long been extinct in our land. - No matter how it is ... While we are brainstorming over ditties here, the dancers themselves will come out in a circle. The groups move apart to make room for the dance group.

7. Dance "Varenka" A group of women comes out. - Oh, yes, the holiday cleared up, the sun warms hot, Let's stand - on the edge, women, we'll talk about something. Oh, where, where are you going, deep river, No holiday for us, women, is good without a peasant. We, of course, are happier, calmer with him, One hundred percent something, babonki, you will not find in the daytime with fire.

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