Scenario. Cowboy Party: Six Easy Stages


Marina Tsyrulnik
Birthday in cowboy style.

"With day birth, Sheriff___(child's name,

or how to find the gold of the tribe "Apache"

H Action Note

F. Country-sketches sound

Perhaps something from Maricone.

Hall with elements cowboy life. A menu using the names of dishes served in the Wild West 200 years ago ( "Evening Beans", "Bean overeating» , "Bean Pie", "Real coffee"- and a horseshoe is attached to check it - if the horseshoe (from light biscuits) does not sink, real coffee)

Newspapers and leaflets are pasted everywhere on the walls. “Wanted… bottom cash reward with lots of zeros. In the middle of the announcement - a photo of the guests present, taken in advance.

They break into the hall to the guests sitting at the table Cowboy Jolly Joe and Indian Deadeye (option instead of cowboy - girl cowboy Wendy) . They are arguing, cowboy waving his arms, the Indian just shakes his head!

Indian (with dignity)- Hundreds of years old Indians tribe "Apache" kept their legend about the mysterious canyon and the gold hidden in it. But not about the gold that is called a devilish obsession, but about real treasures kept by the guards of a mighty tribe!

Cowboy- it's time to collect real cowboys, and find the gold that belongs to the fearless shepherds of these places!

Indian - Oh! Paleface, stop! You are obsessed! And here the circle of wise people arranged their meeting!

Cowboy - Ba! You're completely blind, Deadeye, if you can't see our sheriff! - (to the birthday boy) This is Anthony (Antosha, Joe (Zhenya, Chris (Kostya) etc. his venerable mother Janet (Jeanne, father Sam (Alexander, esteemed grandmother Mary (Maria, for raising him so prudent! Lovely Miss Lisey, Natalie (lists the girls, asking them for their names right there) etc.

Let me welcome you to the Sheriff of the State of Texas! Ladies and Gentlemen! He has a solid age, as many as ___ years behind him! And I ask all the men present to fire in this finest saloon in the state in honor of our distinguished guest and his day. birth! (Already during the last phrase - he throws into the hands of boys and men from the place where he stands, a weapon, preferably loaded with caps, he also hands a hat and a vest to the birthday man cowboy, which bears the sheriff's badge)

F cheerful country music and soundtrack of shots.

The firing is long enough.

Indian - Cowboy Joe, does our wisest guest decide to mindlessly shoot from your pistols? Let me offer him something else ... On behalf of the indigenous population and with respect to you and your family, Sir Anthony, I present this gift! (gives a headdress made of feathers, a bow and arrows)

Cowboy - Ha! Ha! Ha! Well, who needs the feathers of your wet chicken! A steel blade and a fast bullet - that's what a man needs!

Indian - But let our young respected friend choose for himself in what guise to look for Apache gold! Should he be a wise Indian?

Cowboy - ... or a cheerful cowboy?.

The birthday boy chooses and says his decision.

Indian - if we find a treasure hidden 2 centuries ago in a mysterious canyon, then a special Truth and a special Meaning will be revealed to us! But the search for the treasure is very complicated - we are waiting for trials on the land of Indian tribes, are you ready for them? Is your warrior spirit strong? Is the hand strong? Is it a mark of the eye?

(to all questions cowboy and guys answer"YES!" and shoot into the air with cowboy joe)

Cowboy- Overcoming difficulties cowboys they will make notches with knives on a tree, and the Indians will collect feathers, and whoever has more notches or feathers will be the first to find the way to the treasure!

Go ahead, brave ones! In search of this crappy, but so necessary for all of us, little gold!

(children go to the playroom together with the animators)

F Cheerful country music plays.

Option 1. Children choose a role for themselves, and put on the details of an Indian costume or cowboy(cowboys - hats, neckerchiefs, clothing (vests) with leather inserts and fringe, the Indians - feathers and face painting).

Option 2. By drawing lots, it is determined who will be an Indian and who cowboy.

Birthday at will - Indian, cowboy or sheriff.

After that, everyone receives a sticker on the chest, where the child’s chosen or invented nickname, if he is an Indian, or the name cowboy("Strong Hand", old Billy, etc.) Badge-sized stickers.

Details of Indian costumes and cowboys to every child.

Cowboy- for many centuries there has been a dispute between the tribes and cowboys And today this debate will continue! (shoots up)

Indian - Indians will not shoot in vain in the air! They are wise and dexterous and will find gold faster!

Cowboy - We'll see! It's time to saddle your horses! But first, it's time to catch a couple of wild mustangs!

Indian - What color are horses? (Children answer - bay, in apples, gray, black, etc.)

(all games are based on the competitiveness of the Indians and cowboys. Option 1. After each game, the participants cowboys they put a notch on the tree with a knife (plastic from a children's set, the Indians get feathers by collecting them in a sponge for flowers.

Option 2. - On sheets of paper, one of which depicts cowboy and on the other an Indian, "notches are made for memory" after every game. By the number of notches, the winning team is determined in the final and it gets the right to open the treasure)

The game "Lasso"


On a wooden horse, or a horse on a stick, mounted on a stand, everyone takes turns throwing a lasso (not very heavy rope with loop). Each participant makes several attempts, for each successful one, he receives a feather or a notch.

Cowboy– Wild mustangs curbed cowboys! You can jump further!

Indian - I'm afraid cowboys see the tails of our horses!

Relay race "Jumps"

Two relay teams "jump" on wooden horses to the intended goal. (Required on both legs, due to the short distance). Whose team will cover the distance faster.

Animators comment on the actions of children - "And where did they learn to jump into the saddle"“Two heads, six legs, two backs, one tail! - it's a riddle cowboy"Real cowboys in front of you Feathers and sponge for flowers

A plastic knife from a children's set and a wooden box.

Or two sheets of paper with a picture cowboy and indian on the wall. 2 markers.

1 horse or horse firmly mounted on a stick. Lasso.

2 horses on sticks

Or "horned balls" to jump on them

Cowboy - it's about time, as once immigrants from North America, move to the wild west. We crossed the valley of the Lucky Filly, and ahead is the Red (color according to slide) mountain!

Indian - (goes to the bottom of the hill and points up) Look, at the very top something glitters! So, we are on the right track and we need to boldly climb the mountain!

The game "Conquer Red Mountain"

Each team must complete a chain of tasks - climb the hill along the ladder, move down from it, run up the slope, and go down the rope (rope ladder tied to the railing on the side for a while. For excitement, it is advisable to mark the time with a stopwatch. The winner receives a feather or makes a notch.

Rope or rope ladder tied to the side of the slide

Indian - Even my sharp eye sometimes fails me - what kind of grain of sand sparkled on the mountain, attracting attention, I don’t know, but we still haven’t found the treasure!

Cowboy - And I'm a little tired! My horse asks for oats and rest! Are we declaring a truce?

Indian - it's time to light the Peace Pipe!

The light is turned off. Everyone sits down on the floor around "bonfire", hand over the phone (bubble) each other, "light it up"

Cowboy- On a starry night by the fire, when no one has the desire to shoot each other with "colts", Winchesters "Smith and Wesson", it's time to congratulate the birthday man!

Indian - sing your brave cowboy song and we will all sing these words together "Exactly, exactly, Jolly Joe!"

Cowboy - Day very nice today!

Cowboy- Our main birthday!

Indian and children - Exactly, exactly, Jolly Joe!

Cowboy- We congratulate him together!

Indian and children - Exactly, exactly, Jolly Joe!

Cowboy - We wish everything, what do you need!

Indian and children - Exactly, exactly, Jolly Joe!

Cowboy - So that you grow up as a brave cowboy!

The Indian and the Children Exactly, exactly, Jolly Joe!

Cowboy - Strong, dexterous and skillful!

Indian and children - Exactly, exactly, Jolly Joe!

Cowboy- Don't be afraid of obstacles!

Indian and children - Exactly, exactly, Jolly Joe!

Cowboy- Achieved goals in life!

Indian and children - Exactly, exactly, Jolly Joe!

Cowboy- So that even in difficult times!

Indian and children - Exactly, exactly, Jolly Joe!

Cowboy - You, boy (or name, remember us!

Indian and children - Exactly, exactly, Jolly Joe!

Cowboy - Well, now you, Deadeye, share your wisdom!

Indian - I heard from the wise leader of our tribe that not only visual acuity saves us, but also mental acuity! Tell me who will take this or that item with them!

Word Game « cowboy or indian»

The Indian names objects, and cowboys or the Indians must raise their hand forward, shoot or scream with a special cry of the Indians, covering their mouth with their palm in the event that the object belongs to the tribe or cowboys.

The words are called - wigwam, grass, winchester, hat, cowboy, horse, colt, feathers, trail, bow, blanket, shot, cloud, lightning, hare, star, coyote, flatbread, tomahawk, moccasins, moon, water, swamp, boots, horse, leader, Indian, sharpshooter ...

cowboy -

The night is coming to an end...

The dawn is already licking the heels,

I can only guess three riddles for you!

1. Not a blacksmith or a carpenter,

And on the ranch the first worker. (Horse)

2. Tell me, friends, who am I?

There are wide fields

The sun burns them, and the rain drenched more than once.

And those fields are on your heads.

cowboy it's impossible without me.

And therefore, friends, I am not a trifle! (Hat)

3. Lives on a ranch

He tends cows.

dashing rider,

Shooting with an arrow.

brim hat,

He is familiar to us. (Cowboy)

The light comes on.

F Sounds of the river flow.

Soap bubbles -1b.

Artificial bonfire that glows in the dark.

Indian - When I was like these cowboys and indians, the road from the house of my tribe to the neighboring one, ran through a wide river. It was possible to pass through it only by rope crossing. No white man dared to cross it. I think the young Indians will cope, but will this be enough cowboys courage and ability to go through the same crossing and not fall into the river?

Option 1. Teams for speed (stopwatch starts) pass the obstacle.

Option 2. If it is not possible to strengthen the ropes, the task is to wade across the river in a special way, without repeating the movements of the previous player.

Game - Joke "Onion. Shooting" (possible involvement of parents)

Based on a play on words. After some reasoning about archery, about the weapons of real Indians, we get ... onions. The task of the players - who is more - to get into a hat or container - a basin, a bucket (chasm).

The game "Whose cactus pricks more painfully"

He is a big prickly flower,

And shivering from the sun.

You better not touch him

It hurts very badly. (Cactus)

Each team, for 1 minute, while cheerful music is playing, clings clothespins to one of its players. Whoever has more of them won, that cactus is more prickly, and therefore, pricks more painfully.

The game "Necessary thing"

The players of each team, or each participant separately, receive a task on a piece of paper. It consists in using a felt-tip pen to connect all the numbers in turn, written randomly, as quickly as possible. If you do it right, the picture will be visible (hat cowboy, for example). You need to do it at speed. Subjects may be different for each participant.

The game "Indian Trial"

One cowboy leads another(second blindfolded) through the cave, warning of dangers (where to cross, where to bypass). The hand of the second is on the shoulder of the first, it cannot be torn off the shoulder. Obstacles cannot be knocked down or moved (pins, balls, low ropes, bridges).

Attention game "A sticky memory"

Before bedtime cowboys stacked their belongings by the fire. went to bed (turned away). One thing is missing (carried away by coyotes). Which? It needs to be guessed!

One cowboy stands with his back to the others, and they take turns pronouncing a phrase or word. If he guesses correctly, then the speaker takes his place Rope crossing - one rope above the floor, the second at chest level above the first. (strongly fortified).

Cowboy -(takes out a handful of balloons and ties them up a hill or takes out balloons with helium) -Finally - you can shoot plenty!

Indian - and find out the Truth!

The game "Accurate shooter"

Shooting balls with darts. Each ball contains a piece of paper with a letter.

When all the letters are extracted from the balls, all together the guys make up the phrase "Happy Day birth, ___(name)»

Balls, darts, notes with letters to compose the phrase "Happy Day birth, ___(birthday name)»

Cowboy - look, what is this? Draws attention to the note pinned on the arrow near the labyrinth.

It has already darkened with time, the letters are barely visible!

Indian - Let me read the message of my ancestors! Reads - "Tribe "Apache" leaves his gold to the most worthy and brave! You will find it in the Cunning Fox Cave. Chieftain of the Sharpclaw Tribe"

This is the cave!

Game action. "Search for Gold".

Children look for one note after another, completing tasks.

It contains a treasure of "gold "Apache"»- Gold bars - chocolate in gold paper and the largest bar with the name of the hero of the occasion, in which not only a chocolate bar is hidden, but also a gift.

Note from the leader of the tribe "Apache"

Map, notes.

Chest, gold bars - chocolate in gold paper, the gift is packed under a gold bar.

Indian - It's time to sing a song to the most fortunate and friendly, because we found the sacred gold of the tribe, and wash our hands with sacred water in honor of the winners!

Cowboy - really, clean the feathers, feed the horses, and go to the saloon to the beautiful Sue, in order to fill mugs of lentil tincture for our sheriff Anthony, because his birthday happily continues!

Children wash their hands, wash off face painting, sit down at the table.

Cake (in the form of a horseshoe with nails according to the number of years and candles in them) take out an Indian and cowboy to upbeat country music.

At the moment when the birthday boy will blow out the candles, the shots of his friends are heard again.

Cowboy - You're Nice Guys but it's time for me to go back to my ranch "Funny cows"

Indian - and it's time for me to communicate with the spirits of the tribes of the old Indians.

Cowboy - let's go old man, because our long-standing dispute was resolved and these nice guys helped us in this! See you soon! You look, we’ll have fun shooting more than once and look for gold!

Indian - farewell our young friends!

Imagination game "Through the sound of the waterfall"

One cowboy stands on the opposite bank of the waterfall and tries to silently depict with gestures what is written in the message, because because of the noise of the waterfall, voices are not heard. If he is not understood, then he is replaced by another, until the others figure it out. "I saw an Indian"

"Indians are chasing me", "I found gold", "They are shooting there, it's dangerous". The Indians do the same.

"Teepee stands here", "I saw the leader of the tribe "Black Swamp"

"I caught a hare".

The game "Who will quickly put the foal on its feet"

Players on command at speed inflate balloons in the form of foals (:) are there any)

Teams who quickly collect their foals in boxes or in a certain pen (inflatable pool)

The game "Help a Friend"

A blindfolded Indian must bypass all obstacles. All the rest in chorus tell him where to go (step right, two steps left, step straight, etc.).

The game "Shootout"

On the cowboys attacked by indians. A shootout ensued. cowboys and the Indians stand each at their own line (they can be marked with ropes on the floor) and throw small balloons at each other. Those who are hit immediately leave. Or they don’t leave, and after the game time is over, they recount the number of balls (bullets). Whoever has less wins.

The game "Prairie Wind"

The host talks about the fact that at the first American money(dollars) there were not only images of presidents, but also an image of an Indian like on this 5 dollar bill, and the dollar used to be mostly black and white. Colored inserts were drawn by hand. All this was very easy to fake, especially when black and white photography appeared. (color appeared much later). Therefore, when, after the civil war, the treasury had to print a lot of money and it was decided to print them in color, they used paint to color the inserts (by then it was green). And so the dollar became green. What are we talking about? About the wind! It is necessary to blow as hard as possible so that the dollar flies further than the opponent's money.

Option 1 - the winner was the one who had the closest dollar, as the rest allowed« money down the drain»

Option 2 was not won by anyone for the same reason.

The game "Collect the cows"

84 cows grazed on our ranch (balls, but they all dispersed. Will the young cowboys quickly collect all the cows? Cows scattered everywhere, not only in open areas. Time to search - while the music is playing.

The game "Who quickly"

Rope ~ 2 m lies on the floor, at its ends become cowboy and the Indian with their backs to each other, legs apart (the end of the rope is between the feet). Then they listen carefully and follow the instructions of the leader (show archery, cow horns, and then, on a signal (colt shot) must quickly pull the rope from under their feet to themselves.

The game is a joke "The horse sometimes kicks")

Good cowboy famous for his ability to stay on a bucking horse. Let's see how long you can last.

A pillow is placed in the middle of the sheet. The pillow is rolled into the sheet in the middle so that the rolled long ends of the sheet can be grasped. Near the pillow, a bridle-reason is tied at one end, which you need to hold on to with your hands.

Two adults grab the twisted ends of the sheet and try to throw the rider off. There must be a mat or ball pool on the floor.

The game "Insidious River"

Bye the cowboys were sleeping, the river overflowed and flooded their camp. It is necessary to quickly transfer all things to a dry place and not to drop into the river (2 balls under the armpits, one between the legs and one held by the chin).

Who is faster - relay race.

The game "Who will collect more gold"

Balloons scattered on the floor gather under the clothes. Whoever collects the most before the end of the music is the most efficient one.

The game "Thin Indian Ear"

A blindfolded Indian is trying to determine the location by ear. cowboy with a bell and hit it with the ball on the leader's clap.

This cowboy scenario is suitable for parties held among children from 6 to 9 years old. Topic « Wild West», « Western», « Cowboys and Indians» is very exciting - it is especially successful if you need boy birthday script for 7 years or 8 years. Start preparing for the holiday by compiling a guest list and selecting or making invitations. original solution for cowboy birthday– invitations in Wanted ad format. The invitation header can be designed in a standard way - with the title “Wanted”, below you can put a picture of any cowboy or a photo of a birthday man in a cowboy hat, and insert something like this under the picture: "You are wanted for a cowboy party" .

On the reverse side you need to place the text with the invitation. For example, like this:

You can make invitations by hand - brown cardboard is suitable for this. But it will be easier, of course, to print invitations on a printer.

Click invite opens in new window (in new tab) in full size

If you can get plastic sheriff stars from a toy and gift store, attach one star to each invitation.

Other Cowboy Boy Birthday Invitation Options: invitations in the form of a cactus or a horseshoe; , tied with twine and fastened with a sheriff's star; standard two-page invitation with cowboy symbols.

Children's birthday in cowboy style: decoration of the venue for the holiday

If the holiday will be held at home, you can already hang paper signs in the hallway: "Prairie", "Saloon", "Sheriff", "Bank", "Cowboy Ranch Eye" . Accordingly, the sign "Cowboy Ranch ..." should lead to the room where it will be.

To decorate the venue of the holiday, you can use everything related to the cowboy theme: Wanted posters, toy guns, mustang and cowboy posters, paper horseshoes, cowboy hats, scarves, cacti. You can use balloon decoration, in particular balloon figures - balloon cacti are just gorgeous.

Decorate the table with horses of different colors (colors): these can be small soft or rubber toys, souvenir horses or glued paper. You can print images of horses in different colors, cut them out, stick them on cardboard and make a cardboard stand.

You will also need 7 or 8 toy bulls (depending on the age of the birthday person)

American country music is suitable for background sound.

Children's birthday in cowboy style: holding a holiday

For children who come to, you can distribute elements of a cowboy costume - hats and neckerchiefs. At the same time, the presenter can explain why cowboys needed scarves (to protect their faces from hot sand during sandstorms, which are not uncommon on the prairies and desert canyons). It is necessary not only to explain, but also to show how cowboys tied a scarf during a storm. Let the kids practice.

If a creative company has gathered for a cowboy birthday, before starting the holiday, you can invite the guys to “work” on their appearance. For example, make cowboy vests from sand/brown plastic bags or paper bags. You will need several scissors.

First, an adult will show the children how to cut a vest from the bag: first make a slit for the neck, then two slits for the sleeves, then cut the front "back" into two "shelves" and, if necessary, trim the bottom, giving the vest a suitable length. The bottom of the vest can often be cut - you get a fringe. If paper bags are used, after cutting and trying on, you can invite children to decorate their vests with markers, felt-tip pens, stickers, etc.

In addition, you can distribute tattoo stickers, translations or stamp tattoos (horses, cows, hats, guns, cacti, flowers for girls, etc.) to children: let the kids decorate their bodies with temporary tattoos.

After that, it is worth inviting the children to the table, inviting them to choose a place in accordance with the color of the horse they like. By the way, if the chairs are comfortable enough, you can invite the children to sit on them.

Cowboy Birthday Script

When the children are seated at the table, the facilitator makes an introductory speech:

Dear cowboys and cowgirls, welcome to the meeting on the occasion of the birthday of our Sergei, known by the nickname of the Vigilant Eye. How wonderful that we are gathered at this ranch today to have fun at the glory. Our birthday boy turned 7 today, and old cowboy Joe gave him 7 bulls in the morning. What do you think, where are the bulls?

Children reason and, perhaps, with the help of an adult, come to the conclusion that a cowboy is a shepherd (from the English cow - a cow and boy - a guy). The host continues:

Old Joe gave the birthday man 7 bulls, but they fled. Can you help the birthday boy find the bulls and drive them to the ranch? Then saddle your horses. The ones you chose. But first, come up with interesting nicknames for them.

Children come up with original nicknames for their horses. For the most original and unusual nickname, you can give out a prize.


Did you come up with nicknames? Now let's saddle the horses!

Game "Saddle the horse"

The game is played according to the “Musical Chair” type - only you need to sit on a chair not as usual, but “on horseback”. The chairs are placed in a circle, but at some distance (so that you can sit on horseback), and there are 1 fewer chairs than the participants. While the music is playing, the children walk in a circle around the chairs, and as soon as the music stops, they “saddle the horses”. The one who did not get the horse is out. The one who takes the last chair wins. The leader takes out one figurine of a bull to the children.


So, one bull has been found. But we learned that the second steer was taken away by a cunning Indian. Shall we follow him? But he confused the traces, because it is not for nothing that he is called cunning. However, we will not allow ourselves to be confused, right? We will do the opposite! Let's check how attentive and careful you are.

Game "Confusion"

To begin with, the facilitator introduces the children to the commands that need to be performed in reverse: that is, if the facilitator says “Raise your hands”, they need to be lowered, etc.


  • Raise your hands (lower your hands)
  • Put your hands down (Put your hands up)
  • Raise your left leg (raise your right leg)
  • Raise your right leg (raise your left leg)
  • Cross your arms (spread your arms)
  • Spread your arms (cross your arms)
  • Squat (jump)
  • Jump up (crouch)
  • Lower your head (raise your head)
  • Raise your head (lower your head)
  • Turn left (turn right)
  • Turn right (turn left)
  • Clench fists (spread fingers)

Having learned the commands, the children stand in a circle. The music turns on. Everyone is dancing, and the leader, who is in the center of the circle, suddenly pronounces a command and looks to see if all the children have performed it correctly - that is, vice versa.

Whoever makes a mistake is out. The one who remains last wins. The host discreetly hides the second bull in the room and invites the children to find it. When the goby is found, you can move on to the search for the next one.


The third bull was taken away by a gold digger. He was just unlucky - he could not find gold in any way, and then it was time to return home. The gold digger did not want to go home with nothing, so he took our bull. Let's help the gold digger find gold, and in return he will return the bull to us.

Multi-page article: 1

December 24, 2015

Would you like to go back for a day to those times when stern men talked about a matter of honor, women were proud and daring, and the real fun was not nightclubs, but country dances, shooting at tin cans and chasing the most malicious enemy - the Indian?

Why not? Without stereo systems, light music and computer games, people knew how to have fun for real! Now it’s not like that: now pathos, glamor and extended body parts “rule”. Therefore, if your birthday is in the warm season, and you want open heartfelt fun, here is a good option for wild west parties!

In order not to miss anything important, I suggest the following scenario:

1. Season and meeting time.

The best time of the year for a Cowboy Party is summer. Meeting time - 12-14.00. The costumes must be prepared in advance, so the invitees will only have to put on an outfit and arrive on time. Please note: the most suitable day of the week is Saturday. Surely your party will turn into a daily marathon of entertainment, because Sunday will serve as an excellent healer and “sleeping” before Monday!

2. Invitations.

Be creative, but don't overdo it. Draw holiday attributes (cowboy hats, boots, funny Indian) or print out a coloring book for kids with matching characters.
For the base of the invitation, use scrapbooking paper (in country colors) or plain kraft paper.
Write the text with a linner (capillary pen) or colored felt-tip pens.

Meet the guests, forcing them to introduce themselves “at gunpoint”. You can come up with a password, something like: "I am Walker, Texas Ranger!", And to the Indians: "I am the leader of the Cheyenne tribe!".

3. Take care about costumes!

Naturally, in order for everything to look natural in the spirit of the Wild West, everyone must be ready both externally and internally. That is to be cheerful, loud and always ready to draw a pistol from a holster or an arrow from a quiver.

More about images.

cowboy man: jeans, sew on fringed overlays, wide leather belt, plaid shirt, neckerchief, cowboy hat. Cowboy-style leather boots are desirable. If they are not there, pick up shoes with an elongated toe: what if the boots hid under wide jeans?

Also, you can add characters such as sheriff(how without a servant of the law?)
and bandit(who, of course, is wanted for a hefty reward!).
Cowgirl: almost everything is the same: jeans or denim shorts (skirt), a plaid shirt (or a blouse with a deep neckline and ruffles), cowboy boots, wide leather bracelets, a holster with a weapon or a rough belt, makeup “under natural” (but red is allowed pomade). Hair is loose, or braided in two pigtails. A cowboy hat will also be in place.
If a girl "not a cowboy", replace some elements with a similar country style: a knee-length or floor-length skirt, a thin blouse (light or colorful), you can wear a denim vest or jacket. The hairstyle is the same.
Indians: these costumes are more difficult to construct. The ideal option is to rent it. You can try to make an outfit from scraps of brown fabric (better for suede) and any material at hand (feathers, bright jewelry, paints ...). Perhaps there are sandals with high laces. Pay due attention to makeup! This is half of the image.
In case the invitees suddenly do not find some small but important attributes, stock up and be ready to hand them at the entrance.
To better get used to the role, invite guests to watch several films - classics of the appropriate theme (westerns): "Buffalo Bill and the Indians", "Pancho Villa", "The Long Way", "The Lone Ranger", "Once Upon a Time in the Wild West", "Good bad, evil...

4. Venue and decoration.

The ideal place for a Wild West party is a dacha (in cowboy terms: “family ranch”). Rest will be noisy and loud.

You will have to work hard, since the area that needs to be prepared is very decent. A room in a country house, or an equipped tent should be decorated with red flags, wild flowers, spikelets should be placed in vases from a vine, bright feathers can be added. If you can set up a retro bar style counter - a great party highlight! Hang retro curtains. Cover the furniture with tablecloths in a characteristic color: red and white cage or retro flowers. Bales of hay will look harmonious both in the yard and near the festive table (these are not European-style repairs for you!).

Hang around the territory something like a lasso, cowboy hats, horseshoes, put rows of cans or beer bottles on the fence.
At the entrance to the yard, hang a large Wanted poster with a photo of one of the guests (find out who will choose the role of a bandit). Be sure to indicate the amount of the reward (preferably in kopecks: so many zeros, but real, if the Hero demands the entire amount). Organize a couple of beautiful targets (it's easy to make from Styrofoam and paint it), as well as arrange cacti around the yard (of course, from Styrofoam, draw needles with a marker - it will be very funny!). On the street, conditionally divide the territory into half cowboys and Indians. Cowboys - a haystack and wooden benches. Indians - wigwam and fire. All this can also be easily built according to a simple scheme.
Arrange colorful retro posters.

5. Music.

Entertainment is necessary and important. First of all, it's loud music. Remember how much space is occupied by waving arms and skipping, which they call dance! By the way, it would not hurt to watch a couple of videos before the holiday, it would be great if many people pick up the songs, the dances, and the temper of the scorchers! Suitable tracks will be hits from: Ann Murray, Gene Watson, George Strait, selective songs by Madonna, Pink, as well as tracks from the mentioned films!

6. Entertainment.

Contests are talked about a few hours after the start of the celebration: let the audience adapt and get used to the roles. If we talk about two warring "groups" (cowboys and Indians), who today decided to reconcile for the sake of a common friend (birthday boy), then the contests must be chosen correctly. Cowboys and Indians must compete, otherwise the peculiarity of such an unusual company will be lost. I offer the following options:

Competition "Who is more". Two teams are thrown into tin cans. The team with the most coins in the bank wins.

Competition "In the apple". The cowboys take turns firing five shots with children's pistols, the Indians with a bow (it's possible that the bow will be a problem - stock up on darts!). Each to their own target. The one with the most "wounds" wins. If both teams hit (all five times), then the one who hit closer to the center of the target.

Candle Burning Competition. Two people (one from each team) from the same distance must extinguish three candles with a water pistol.

Contest "Take me, horse." Each team has a horse and a rider (boy and girl respectively). It's simple: run to the fence and back. The faster horse wins. In the second option, two participants must saddle a wooden toy horse. (26-2)

Competition "In search of treasures". Give two teams a poorly drawn map to find the treasure. Whoever thinks faster - takes the treasure. In the role of treasure - a bottle of good alcohol.

The team with the most points gets a gift. Let it be something edible, otherwise it’s hard to please 5-6 people at once. If one person is awarded, it may be a modern cowboy-style hat, a leather belt, or a flask.

Be sure to think about what songs you can sing around the evening fire. Or maybe your company likes scary or just interesting stories...

7. Menu and drinks.

Cowboys, like Indians, are people with an appetite. Save light snacks for a French-style party. Coarsely chopped meat, barbecue, baked chicken thighs, shish kebab, balyki, ham will be relevant here. Stews, pilaf with vegetables in large containers are also suitable.
Do not be afraid to add spice to dishes - today it is appropriate! Drinks also dictate the mandatory availability of choice. Cowboys go great with tequila, whiskey, beer and (yes!) milk! The latter is generally their native drink. But the Indians have their favorite "drink of the gods" from cocoa beans and various spices. In short, cook cocoa for them, not a single feast was held by the Indians without it.

Finally. Don't forget to take lots of photos. They are sure to be exclusive.

Let your friends appreciate your work, and you will have a great time knocking your heels on the wooden floor and shouting out that “if there is no meat in the roast beef, it’s not roast beef” or “The sheriff’s Indians don’t care about problems”!

The cowboy has cool boots, a cool hat, and cool fringed pants. And he has a real Colt! He is brave, very strong, and he rides a horse and throws a lasso so well. It is not surprising that a cowboy party for children is a storm of delight and bright unforgettable emotions! Heading to the Wild West?


Turning a forest clearing or country house yard into a cowboy ranch is easy, so it will be great to organize a holiday in nature. Yes, the kids can enjoy the outdoors too. But if this is not possible, decorating a room or a rented hall will also not be difficult:

  • make a wicker fence out of rods or draw it on sheets of drawing paper. Cut out and color bulls and cows from cardboard. Glue the animals to the walls, and fix the fence on top so that the cows seem to peek out from behind it. The corral is ready!
  • put cacti along the walls and in the corners. They can be made from foam, cardboard or balloons. You can put cowboy accessories on cacti - scarves, hats, holsters with revolvers - it will turn out cute and fun;
  • in one of the free corners of the room, build a “street” of the city from large boxes without a back wall (the box must be reinforced from the inside with tape and put on its side). Outside, cut out windows and doors, paint the "buildings". Write labels: sheriff's station, saloon and tavern, Joe's Inn, etc. Tape the boxes one to the other and glue them to the floor (if possible). It will turn out a great background for memorable photos - children will go behind the boxes, look out of the windows and from behind the doors. On several boxes, you can draw cowboys with a hole instead of a face (as in a tantamaresque);
  • in the play area, put a couple of rocking horses and horses on which you can ride around the hall. They are useful for competitions and just for the active fun of the kids. Horses can be made from a stick and a head sewn from colorful fabric or glued from cardboard. You can tape the head and tail to a gym ball with holders, then jumping will be even more fun!
  • from sand, small pebbles, paper thorns and cacti, you can make compositions to decorate tables and other furniture. It is better to remove real cacti away, children can get hurt. Everything related to the Indians will be appropriate, but do not overdo it, after all, today the main topic is cowboys;
  • Decorate the tops of the walls and ceiling with paper garlands. For garlands, you can use any attributes in the theme - revolvers, hats and scarves, fringed pants, horses, plaid shirts. It is very easy to cut simple shapes out of paper, and if you are too lazy to color, print the pictures;
  • "populate" the room with prairie animals. Bunnies and coyotes, mustangs, snakes and falcons, bison and saigas. These can be soft toys, balloon figures, paper compositions, photos and drawings.


The choice is simply huge, any associative object is suitable for a fun postcard. Simply fold a piece of heavy paper in half so that the card opens and cut out a hat, spurred boot, horse, or holster.

Use the names of cowboys to immediately captivate the kids with the theme of the holiday. It is not difficult to change the names in an American way: Zhenya - John, Kirill - Kit, Masha - Marie.

“Cowboy Billy, I invite you to my ranch. To get to it, ride along Pervomaisky Street to house number 8. I’ll be waiting for you in the afternoon, at 15:00.”

Your faithful friend, cowboy Pat

To prevent children from getting lost during the competition, include information about the exhibition of cowboy drawings in the invitation. Let the children at home, together with their parents, draw pictures with which they can then decorate a pre-prepared stand. In the process of drawing, kids learn a lot from their parents about cowboys, about their work, lifestyle, etc.


Warn parents that it is desirable to dress the kids in accordance with the theme. It's not difficult, so difficulties are unlikely to arise, even if there is nothing cowboy in the wardrobe of the invited guys.

For boys, jeans and long-sleeve shirts are suitable - checkered, blue, brown or dark red. Over the shirt is a vest with a fringe. It can be sewn from any dense fabric. Over jeans - chaps. These are the same "half-pants" with fringe and ties at the waist, they are also easy to sew. You can simply sew on the fringe on the sides of the jeans. A scarf around the neck and a real cowboy hat will complement the outfit. You can wear a straw hat, trimmed with dark brown fabric. Well, every boy probably has a belt with a fashionable buckle and a holster with a pistol. Not? Ask friends for a while.

Cowboys are a popular theme for children's parties. If you live in a large city, suitable costumes can certainly be rented. The only question is the price. But is it worth the effort? By the way, it will be interesting for children to participate in the creation of the image. So it is better to allocate not money, but time.

For cowboy girls, clothing is even simpler. You can wear a loose, colorful sundress in a rustic style. Can be the same jeans and shirt. You can wear a loose skirt to the knees and a blouse with puffy sleeves with ties. A vest won't hurt either. The same hat, scarf, you can grab a holster. It is better to braid your hair in two pigtails and collect them with ribbon-bows in the color of the shirt (sundress). Both boys and girls can come in high cowboy boots. But buying such shoes for the sake of one holiday is expensive, and it will not be very convenient for children if it is hot indoors or outdoors.


No need to experiment: since this is still a children's cowboy party, choose the usual children's dishes without frills and delicacies. Thoughts like "Hurrah, let's eat salads!" more typical of adults. It is better to pay maximum attention to decorating the hall - when it comes to children, the atmosphere is more important than a breaking table. And let the menu be standard-holiday. Firstly, it is safe in terms of gastronomic reactions. Secondly, overfeeding children during active fun ... Then prepare a mountain of napkins, paper bags and basins.

In addition to hearty dishes, there should be a lot of berries and fruits on the table. Do not forget the most important thing - sweets: cookies in the form of hats and shirts, delicious milkshakes from black and white cups (spotted cow), cakes with tiny revolvers instead of cherries, Cactus green ice cream (with apple, kiwi or gooseberries, chocolate chips instead needles). A huge cowboy-style cake made to order will be a chic surprise. Not too cheap, but children's delight and wide-open eyes with joy are worth it!


Last but not least, the stage of preparation is planning the course of events. Toddlers will be passionate and active if you invite them to become part of a certain story. A complex plot is not needed, events should be understandable and easy for children to understand. Any games can be redesigned so that they fit into the theme of the holiday, fantasize! We offer a simple scenario that will be of interest to both toddlers and school-age children.

Leading: Hello fellow cowboys!

Children: Hello!

Leading: Somehow you answer unfriendly.... Are you definitely cowboys? Maybe there's a bandit hiding among us? Let's check!

The facilitator asks the children simple questions with multiple answers, from which you need to choose the correct one. You can divide the guys into two teams or participate in games all together if there are few guests. Questions like this: “Does the cowboy ride an elephant, horse, or log?”, “Does the cowboy herd bison, cows, or donkeys?”. The older the children, the more difficult the questions can be. Are all answers received?

Leading: Now I see that all of you are real cowboys, and the bandits did not make their way to our holiday. Come in, sit down, eat!

While the children are eating, the host tells them a "terrible story":

Coyote Ugly Brown broke into the paddock and stole our herd of bulls (or herd of the birthday cowboy). Luckily, we managed to catch the thief. But he agrees to tell where he hides the bulls only if all his friends pass the difficult cowboy tests. Well, how are you doing? Yes? Well, then eat, gain strength.

When the children satisfy their first hunger, competitions can begin, the reward for which will be one of the bulls of the stolen herd. One competition - one returned bull. Prepare some soft toys or figures cut out of cardboard.

keen eye

Fasten two sheets of paper with tape. Draw a dilapidated barn, cacti, a scorching sun - a piece of prairie. Hang it as a backdrop on the wall. In front of the background, place a bench or a row of stools covered with a brown or green cloth to the floor. From sheets of thin cardboard folded in half, cut out the bandits. Arrange them so that the figures can be knocked down by the ball.

Children take turns throwing balls at the bandits, because real cowboys are very accurate and never miss! For schoolchildren, you can prepare a foam target and darts.

Place a one and a half meter high cactus in the center of the hall. Or a rocking horse “looking” towards the children. You can make a bison or a cow out of plywood. In this game, children throw a lasso from a thick clothesline (nylon is better, it keeps its shape well), trying to lasso the prey. Let the parents help the little ones.

Smart as a fox

This is a questionnaire contest and may be difficult for young children. Therefore, the facilitator should conduct it in the form of a story, helping the kids logically come to the correct answer. Sit the guests at the table, let them rest and have a snack.

1. Guys, do you know why a cowboy wears a hat with such a wide brim? It's hot and sunny on the prairie, the hat protects from the scorching rays and casts a shadow on the eyes - you don't have to squint.

2. Why does a cowboy need such high boots? There are many snakes and thorns on the prairie, boots protect the legs.

3. Why does a cowboy need fancy second pants? By the way, they are sewn from thick rough leather. Chaps protect against thorns, keep your jeans from getting dirty, and are more comfortable to ride in.

faster than the wind

While the children are sitting at the table, listening to the facilitator and answering questions, parents are laying an obstacle course. In the center of the room you can lay out large soft toys, huge ottomans and cubes, gymnastic balls, cones and pyramids. Children compete in horseback riding, galloping from start to finish on makeshift horses.

To make it more fun for children, during the competitions, light, perky music should sound - country music or melodies from children's cartoons and films about cowboys. When all the bulls have been collected, the host announces that Coyote Brown was not so ugly. As a reward for your efforts, he gives you wonderful gifts! Do not offend the guys: let all the gifts be equivalent, regardless of the personal results of the kids.

Both adults and children enjoy such fun holidays, it is not at all difficult to write a party script. And at the same time you can hold one theme party for kids and their parents. It's just that the competitions and the menu will be slightly different.

If the holiday is planned to be held in a private or country house, great opportunities open up. You can make a good noise, dance, fry meat on a fire, which you can’t do in an apartment. An ideal option for any company is a cowboy party! The main thing is to be thoroughly prepared.

Decorating the ranch

If you have a great desire to make the party unforgettable, a little imagination - everything will turn out better than ever! Costumes of cowboys and sheriffs can be built independently. The rest of the scenery is also easy to do with cardboard and paint! Make a stencil in the shape of large cacti and transfer it to cardboard, then paint beautifully with gouache. There must be a barnyard and large poultry. For cattle, boxes from a refrigerator or washing machine are suitable. Place the animals behind a wicker fence, it can be made from twigs. For cool photos, you need to draw a poster with an imitation of a bar counter and strong drinks. Dress up one of the guests as a bartender. The party script needs to be thought out and written down in detail to avoid awkward moments and hitches!

western saloon

If the party takes place in an apartment, then there will be no problems with decorations either. Print posters featuring brutal cowboys, ranches and wild west scenery. Treat your guests to a truly captivating western. Funny competitions and a variety of drinks at the bar in the company of freshly cooked meat are exactly what you need this evening. In front of the entrance to the apartment, attach a piece of wood on which photos of invitees with the heading Wanted are hung.

Complimentary ticket

Now let's move on to the invitations. The easiest way is to print ready-made templates on the printer and enter the names. But you can also make beautiful postcards yourself. You will need rough paper and pieces of leather or substitute. The paper can be slightly aged with a solution of strong tea, after drying it will be yellowish and uneven, make a fringe from the skin and attach it to each invitation along the edge. You can write the time and place where the cowboy-style party will be held with charcoal. It is also unusual to deliver such a treasured ticket. For example, dressed up in a cowboy costume, play the role of a postman and personally hand it into the hands of each guest. Or use the services of real mail and send by registered mail.

Start letting your family know about the party a week or two in advance, because they will need to prepare costumes! The invitation to the party should look intriguing to make your friends want to quickly plunge into the life of the Wild West. Make it in the form of a cactus, a cowboy hat or a bottle of whiskey from a saloon. Print invitation cards on the printer, paint with acrylics and stick on cardboard. If all this is done a little sloppy and rude - it does not matter. A cowboy-style party involves a bit of sloppiness.

Music has tied us

Cowboys love good music. Therefore, musical instruments will come in handy. Harmonicas, piano, mandolin, guitar will complement the interior and add color to the atmosphere. A country-style cardboard ensemble will delight guests, but if this is not possible, cut musicians out of cardboard and place them on stage. Makes a great backdrop for a keepsake photo. But what will sound throughout the evening is already a matter of taste of the host and guests. You can include several cowboy motifs in the playlist, but you should not get carried away with this genre. Choose incendiary, dance tracks so that not a single invitee gets bored! After all, a cowboy party is undying fun, laughter and moving contests.

Costumes and paraphernalia

All accessories for the party can be made by yourself. But it is better to indicate in the invitation card what form of clothing each visitor should have. Worn old jeans, checkered shirts, scarves and hats, leather jackets and high boots - at least something can be found in any wardrobe. Maybe one of the guests has a wide belt with a huge badge. For girls, you can create a more elegant look: denim shorts, skirts with fringe to the heels, a shirt tied with a knot at the waist. At the entrance to the house, give each guest a bright bandanna or hat, you can prepare a sheriff's badge for each. Be sure to come up with new cowboy names for your guests, so it will be even more interesting to plunge into this world full of adventures and dangers!

The host of the holiday must have a real cowboy costume. For him, you can buy a ready-made outfit. It can be an Indian, a sheriff, and even a cowboy's faithful horse! The more comical the host's outfit, the better. After all, he will always be in the spotlight and set the tone for the party. Do not forget about small gifts for guests who will begin to actively participate in competitions.


So that guests do not get bored from eating meat and strong drinks, give them a good shake. Party contests need to be thought out in advance and paraphernalia prepared.

Let's check which of the guests has every chance of becoming an oligarch. To do this, we collect water in a large basin and throw into it a lot of pieces of gold foil folded into a ball. Now everyone can feel like a gold digger. With eyes closed, the participant must use a sieve to catch as many nuggets as possible! After the calculations, give the winner a chocolate gold medal.

Agility and Endurance

A cowboy party is not a place where people sit quietly and make small talk. This is where real adventures begin, in which you can show your skills and strength.

Arrange a horse race for your guests. Glue the mane and muzzle of the horse onto two huge inflated balls - these will be the faithful horses of the cowboys! Gymnastic balls with a handle or lugs that you can easily move around on are best. Now divide the guests into two teams and those who finish the relay will be the first to receive a prize!


What cowboy doesn't know how to use a lasso? It is necessary to check how accurate and dexterous your city representatives are. Tie a tight rope and make a ring. You can lasso anything: a magnificent beauty, a cow, and even a chair. With each stage, the target moves further and further, reveal the most accurate winner!

Party contests need to be selected both moving and calm so that guests can relax a bit. A quiz with tricky questions will also come in handy.

Try to check the reaction of all the invitees. The leader says the word and shows what movement needs to be done, everyone repeats after him. With every word he tries to confuse the participants. At the word "sheriff", you need to grab a pistol from the holster, the word "storm" - cover your face with a handkerchief. Come up with some interesting movements and repeat them one by one, inattentive participants will get confused and quickly leave the game. The most attentive of the guests will remain!

Bull by the horns

Parties for adults are usually very fun and lively. Arrange a real rodeo for your friends. To do this, you need to make an angry bull. Lay a log or thick board on the chairs along the edges. In the middle lay a blanket in the form of a seat. Divide the players into two teams. The first sits on a log and holds on to it with all parts of the body as tightly as possible. But the second team begins to swing the log, trying to throw off the rivals! It will turn out to be a very fun competition, but such actions are best done outdoors. Then the teams change places, and the fun begins again.

Water procedures

If a cowboy party takes place outside during the hot season, you can arrange water fights. Get some water toy guns and prepare large, clean containers. Type buckets or tanks with clean water and you can start shelling. The players will be divided into two teams and will remember their childhood, having fun frolic in the fresh air. The driest team wins.

If the guests do not like dousing, you can shoot cans with water weapons. Make decorations for a real cowboy shooting range, you can stick photos of criminals on the cans, and the shooter will pretend to be a formidable sheriff.

Like it or not

At a party where close friends are present, you can hold an interesting contest - "like - dislike." The host asks each guest in a circle what he likes about his table neighbor. When everyone has expressed their views, the host offers to kiss the place that the neighbor likes. And then vice versa, bite what you don't like! It will turn out to be very fun, but it is better to carry out such an action at the very end of the feast, when the guests have lost all embarrassment and the team has rallied.

fun milking

Cowboys are noble breeders of cattle. Offer them to milk a cow, let them show their abilities in dealing with horned friends. Take three rubber gloves and poke holes in each finger. Pour water into a glove and distribute to participants. The one who milks the most water is the winner. You can give him a liter of milk as a present! The more participants, the more interesting it is to watch them. Especially if the milkers are men. For comic relief, tie bright headscarves on them and put on aprons. Such a competition can be held both in the house and on the street.

Have fun from the heart! And to make the party memorable and bright, just make a little effort. Pick up costumes and paraphernalia in advance, send invitations to friends. Prepare presents for the winners, even if the budget does not allow you to buy something worthwhile, lollipops and chocolate medals will do! Contests, quizzes, delicious meat on the fire and a lot of positive - this is the motto of the cowboy party! Enjoy the holidays like children and create a playful atmosphere at your celebration.

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